HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-1-16, Page 5e
ers ,
stamped on. tike,a14,
$340, .000,foltv
in eyerpQf
Goetlyeat wile&
E SPACKMA;,\T. CO Local .Agent
• - :
• .
t01,B fruit 6
3.,[13fR !Miff INK
LOrldOri ASS0oiatiarl
Hostile to the 2+4*-Pferiftlet':4'
514 Beare nampbe11-114aner,nitatt Clearly
Indieeted Ttlat ieertt Rocebery
••turned, ea the Liberal .truld AIttat
()erne ner.ecervedly and th Von Atteeril
With the Presenb.1"011hy of the niberal
rorry-Ovatiou to Miss it tibitootte,
LOndein Jan. 14.$.„ ----The. inaugural
et „, ee '... ,, „... _. , , ,, , ,
nipeeink• or tem aecenteen eeiveret aesSo-
"ci&tiOn, " at St, .$3 awes'. lilall, lest,
night, has kbei aiVaittid eVith great
intereete PritibipallY becanse it ifas
P`ferbleble that lighti: would be thrown
Lertl' Rosebery id the Liberal par- ehe. thee machwho
, and the le of the. iejlistice , which limits drvorce
14Pon - the future eelatlims between trengtns sto
dl‘ges‘ti...1f7sy_se,..„...te .___._,_......,rti?" Bie.!...nr.lto get Efoodia- in this "ecenit-ry to the jiirisdiction, of
tei, Taken, as a whole, the demon- Parliament„ a tribunal which nine-
eathusiastrO welcome to Lord liOsee ecV,,"a"ev. ()ea" of tile nurses to accona- afford -10 eipin-aftvele to speere the can -
Cameron, .WhO has been Coneineision- ,tepths of -Cearedte's. eitizens . „cannot
stratieei could haedly be token as an .
br3".:t. xe0ibe'P1 a0ce. in .9111)4 life' . pany". tile-11141'dt contingent to South collet:lent& an, eeritePPY 'marriage,
Lora Rosebery wits neeepreseee at•
AlriCa ° il"•'•ii, dittikhigr ,Of ''e'e. Mr. -- lInder'.'41Mecireenestances., 110 eve -
ieeeauleg had coo,k,
bite eotee rather to eignify loi olontoolo l',to,
09 most cetenion eattoe of tbe illSeette is a
pred1141aCising *.iYalit a ygor: end tone M
- fifreo: !a; makes life zner-rniserable,
lee eilfferles certainly do lie!, 'gee to eet;
they 'ebmetimee wonder it: -they- shOuld
....e 1' t reseeted bet eou s 1 eve lie i 1
cot to _We, • ' • ' ri ' . n e -. d "`
troublid with it for yearsrand Peter R iarY niasirmcli es there was no evi-
nip.41.51Y ciese !,11!..t,titits
Jocepli (forts Vine Zi 1", Peng ill 4,,
ing to Ohlo ?d'art, shir.
Teeento, Jan. -Id ,--In lite 'Assizes
Y0Sterday JOshis a W. e hirts, was t.reed
and. acquitt,ed of 0 cherge Of 1..1:'*"111Y.
lie Was aecitsed it marrying tie
neirOl'irbeit„ reepleieieenet.„4 t
hTs' IVVetteeev.i.fpe„
Featices Colliet"'Cities. • 1143'„Witei"
W1.1.44.3iugerajiellville, On., -svti greatly •thateetheeta Wk1,49 ll0 04.1.0 ;t0 ,W,l tp Q.
Gehee.,, Eau 0Ia deliceetlfat OurtSeeitent to the United
afflicted with it t
lee ., ,,andeactual
o 0,41.. -no relle, trona medieines proles-
litO 'akli rescribell. .
re, Wis., who ,was sO
at he was nervous, sleep-
siek most of the time,
Tht ere completely cured, as othees
have beeneby
116 0 Of r$apa r 41 la -
amoialog" CM'll statement vol.,.
Untarny, made,' "lThle great mediciee
StatpS for the eXpreSS .1:Or:Pose of
inarvieg while his first .wefe .weee
Ohre, Chief Justice Meredith, in inJ•
structing the „jury, to britig M vet,
diet of no ll glailty, sold: eel de not
.thiek there is evideece to prove that,
the prisoner wished to evade •the
criminal ':Iamt by going to Ohio. to
get a, diyorce, „tie went to eeet ricl
the ineeting, at w.hich Sir Heavy / John Ca "erent, Mitch.' of The Lon- donee. week Metered an the case a Me-
CamPfiell-D annerin an , U bth at loadoi. donAdveaiser" '" ,• - 4 leulettegily " Abbott, also , that ged 'ls ii h
• 0 ,,,,I -in. "the House of Commons', .and Earl
4! I Spencer, were the principal speakers.
.. • The temper of the meeting was,-- dis-
• ...e. le
-• . :., h1 4, einrer, '
bigatuy. •• . •
I. tinctly , °stile toe-1.le ex e .
• The 1 speech of Sir eiienry Creeipbell-
• '
e Bannerman eltarly. inelicated- that if
O Lord Rdeebniyereterbed to the Lib-
o • ( eral fold' he eueit Ce'die unreservedly
We have completed clubbing a
• arrangdments for 1901 With sev-
• eral ot the leading newspapei:s, e
O vizing to the high prices df
• paper, ,and payment of postage',1
2 hy newspapers the rates in some 0
• .asee slightly in advance of pre-• G '
e vious years. All of the follow- 3
with the exCeption of the dailies, e
wIll be sent to any address from la
Amp now until:January 1st, 1903, fdr
amount nanfied. The rates jes'
a be as follows • • 110
The.,TiMee,and Daily Gle1lea4..,25
O ThikTimes and Weekly Gkeye •
•• fcitt.-= -Q. N:10.41,4:6,0,17t7
• The tab01443-elidt"e6-tw6.*cV
* some piF,turese an excellent
e picture:of the,..IZuKe and P,Iisehess
" sOking's
tOte ar‘,:d as a I
• of Cornwell in me
• with the Royar:,-,
• background, the
• fare of two farm•,
• "Tir4 Farm Pets- 2
TherVirbes'ancl,WeelilS,Atiair/' .• 3
X ' alhd Einprie
• The aboverigaludee two hand-
• Solite picta4,0*-43ohnInnes, in Z.
12. colors, Size 11-xegkinehes, entit-
• gd "On the edge -Of the herd,"
• and "The Miner's Farewell." ' 5
* ▪ The 'Timesand Daily. Mail
d E • di 0
an relive evening e
e tion)...... . . ... . .. e
,• The Times and Daily Mall -
and Empire (morning
4 edition) .. •
The Times and Weekly Sem $1.75
• • Tke Times alt' 'Fibmily_ per- 9
• . .4•"aid arid Weekly..Stef. .$5
• • The above includes handsome e•
• pictures of the King and' Qbeen
• and a copy of Gainsborough'S fa- 8
2 =dap pictpre "The Duckess of -0
Devopsh-ree." -^. • • '
• kt3intrea
• .11:750
Tizi4i=d„ London Daily-,
• A0eatiser. 4;59
2 pie.• Times an.di LoTKI.r4,11," 0
Advertiqer.. srm,
II • .
• Tile„ ..tTline,s •and -.TbrODt0
• The ,
• bf A•riv-E'4,*iqa
• Te -A ItettN,440TorC;n1.:(P tta
DiftekVe4514.4,,V,),:. .. . $150
• Ti- Tircesf
•-- orld......-.
'X The Times 'and- Monti eal
•, • -Weekly Witness— — $1.651
2 Tho Times and Montreal
Dttily Witiieas •' $3,25 0
• ,The Tittles and Farming .... $1.15; 2
• The 'Pintes and Christian • • 5
n di= ... .... . . .$2.00 0
51 G -
Any. other paper desired cam, be had at cobbling rates. 5 2.
The Tittles and IN ee Press
• • 3norning edition ... ..... .$3.25 8
• Timeand noon ot• even- • 0
O in g ecli . . ..... $2.75
fk 'Tile Tit aud weelciv: V-,
and in full eaccerdanceith the pees;
Polleet, of,the Liberal party.
'Ellie' halt was ero*de,c1„ Sir IlencY
Campboll-paimerman and Earl Spe4'ee
'cer were grcieted vociferously. MisS
Hobhouse,' who Wilettlee first person
toagetate,rege,r5,1nag the condition of
• the conceriteration 'atiniPg in. South
Africa' Aira0,711133d to' stre platform
and reeetveCyalion
In the ineaVtilie pamphlets de-
notinging„Lord:Rosebery as a traitor
• to the': imrty ,5vege thrown.broadcast
from elie:galletids.". The reading • of
Lord Illipkibsry.',keAttere of regret was
received fftli cheers; hoOts
and hisses, the *latter predominating.
• In his letter, Lord Resebery -said
belioped that,. the .meeting W01-114 (1•421
to • sectire,..tye unity of
sense Liberalist -4e" toolviejah- the writ-
er hope -i COntlibuted in his
recent speech. at Chesterfield,
Major Woolinaraus and r,;rty,one Other
Boers' captured
London ' Jan. 14,--Beneral,
thener repOrts to ',the War Office
rtliat Col.: Wing sifrprised a ' laager
at 13oschian's ICrab.1, tenty miles
fkom Ermeko,r at. detelei SaturdaY,Eind
cal:attired. t„2 Botre, inclnding Major
Wolnaaranld two -officers of the
Staats'lloirtillerY. • - • .
•-- '
"•... _
1.113,14:11. A" ll0.0,1F,EN MAN.-- •
,* :` •
The-pitt 'erIng
• • Recalled bx-Oesith,
IIalifax, N. S., ,Ian.•24.7;,'1.reoper
MeDiiiiejd of DrinbeAaberi.,.eeceived a
let,ter from. hoine Friday t,elling him
that all at home were Well, and on
Saturday morning he. re'eived a tele-
gram. announcing'. Itis :father's death.
• 1 -Ie r'esigned from the C..
INC:13.., and left fpre home.
• Corps t).r.e.:
• • HttlilaX; , Jan. Field lies7
' qtni3s, , beiOyer 'strongth','
tire raeinkers "were' teuhsferred to
the 0.141.R., yesterdaS". •
Peace Yropitionda.
Vienna, Jan. 1.4. -The late' Jean
esDe %tech, Russian , Coungill or , of
State,' whoe,died at Warsaw', Jan. 6,
has'bequet4hed4 504,0Q9 roubles to
charity. These beeuests 50,-
, - t • ee " .ete
plente .1cist-Ii.eihei::tiekit is -eitide,11.,1,ei1el "ekr,
• lg./inverse-tat
e Quail ateheci; a t.4.4".6..teileia..eltrit,
to., Utrecht, end - hO liteleienee
t:et:view With the exere'epiclInt...
:tenrnalist,..dv,serilzes„.tlie old man,: 'as
worn Out with suffering and fatigue,
' and unkkole „tc„:s,tini.,:di the slighteet
e4erticte:e ...`„,‘Wbran'' the , report,er
entered elie" reoir..1r.e1Cruger , was
leaning „withelpsi.elpow, big
ainiiy pipA., with ',steer- 9laspe.,
heed IV„ecletipely on his 4,,..sheeele
"41,1,44,1S9 'WeAds, rec1;.;
Wore, newt svo14'en., and „mete closed „
than elpfeee 1/is 'month drooped, his
skin* When In cam.e
to .r,;"."• P‘krisA„in4,g_00, ',rand Iiii„ri.*enef,alt,
aie i s ,`..thetieteeileeetteinan fereeepletWeri,
broken doWn-culd•.di:spitrited: „
" ' '
Fec i?vvato*e4seiseicieete
W e have,a'alinlited. private rilua,3 for inyeet-
elelAvopty ft/VM or properl,y at lowost
rates. 'tercet.
I have a large ationint of private tuuds to
lean en term anti leefeceile 14,1%
oi: Interco, . _ 7,
• " W:01.41MAN, te
norileter Main St. Elm
Signor Marconi So Predicts of Wirelese
, • Telegraphy.
N,Q1,v Xork, ,. Tl'an. 11-, - Willitiln-
Marconi, „the inventor of wifolese
telegraphy, . was the guest of honor
last: evenins= at. :the annual diiiner
pf....the Antietioari Institute of ,H, leb-?,
ericit 7MirdihAr's. The 'tsrgl.t. -,fyi.fral.
aciclKessies • rex% ' those by Preadent,-,
Charles 'Protects Steinniatie" Si.`ence.'.
111siAohi,. Prof. 'Elittn. Titoinson and
Dr. E14.13e1 L Pupin.,e ''.,. ,:, ' •••••-',..'
Signor *femora, on,being`,. intro-
duced, first cles.crited/vlat, his sys-
tem had. acanaPlislied. - elle then re--.
ferred t,p5 N1, -).,,e pj*aifinge opinion
that ' when.. a mes sitge' is sent into
000, roubles for the propaganda of Spe:ce any ono of , the neceslary ap-
his pea.ce ideas. ,, t • paratus can intercept that naessage
. .
1 • and reek. it. c,'=4", ..aa, ,
t_T 1 stAl, . , ;
' ' ^ -' • ' — " ''''' ' t, t ,,, • reEite *1161). the-Teceiver ,.and tram,.
. 4,§,xlci.,,-„, Messe,g9S\pan only be
This" -tarred
. `iii lei' IttatIED IN ENGLAND. - ,-cc
Remains of ,the't Late Non. xf. 27.. Dobell natter aile attuned. act ,
' No.:, to Ile li'inught to'Cai.uclu.' system as- perfected is not at pre"-
.... ' sent _deemed necessary that each ship
• Ottawa, Jan. 14.-lnformation has should be ectuipped with apparatus
been received here that the remains t
welch will permit of -their reading a
ef the late .Hon. R- R. Dobell will ' message
Strath- •
sent from any other ...shiP
be buried in England. Lord., because of the p,osaibility. of aid ke-
cone, will repAsent -the Canadian I
1 -ing required in' case of danger."
Government at the funeral.
l'eratet ef Aceidente,.1 Death. • TRICil IN ilrEST. DONNA' )I.r.
Folkestone, • Efigla.nd;t• jan. - 1.1."-• • • , --. ... ,--- • -.7•—• • . e
A coroner'S' jury' yesterday returned Now cialimed _That ie. 3. thor4,011 .C€T.-
a. Verdict of eiccideaal death, ha the ,I.- ' trayened the Elect104::.1-,xX„ ”
C„D.O81.„,Of thei1:1=mr. „Rienardelleis.1 o • Bowmanville, Jan. 11;. -An extra
i11 the ,Chliaclianulflinister :without of The Statesana.n.k.WariisVeleetorA of
portof9iio, Who was thrown from. the' -fact. that C': S's.. ta8riiiiin, den -
here 0.11 ser'yative •dgcliite in' „Nhit --- Duni
his lidise" "an* cl' killed near ....., ,
Saturday .1a.st. ' - liefri:'1'3,aird his OWn. dedsit, to 4. the;
at -hire' - -'• '• --, dir-'... ;
Aulg.c.3-C„aoadlog. ,rnIP ' ' ; . . I returning of5eer, an.d i . not empeoy
meetin,g 'of tneCanadian trade see- by analOgy w-ith-the-failiolis Cilieen's,,
tion of the London „ Chamber of 'county case that Mie,e',12horiato-n bas'
• ClOnune,k"Ce, of whiTch Ilf.r. Dobell was 'contravened the Dominion Elections
• th.‘e:«pRiane ine-Vat7.72Taieut.-Col. -tau- Act, section 113, and iii'en if elect -
qr, to 11410.0...
'Vier eve' a light
everywhere, •'
, t 1134iitpxy'st.r:ty?Iliect.ndo floboorilarl:
• CO,
",'"t • • 1
'TO-RONTO,16"-tsi,•.'3' ViSll-t
LondOri, Huron and Sruoo.
qox IQ N'OitTrl-,.. Passenger.
Iiondon. 8.15 A, ht.; 4.40r, X.
Centralia 9,1 650
• '•- 9 3C • 6.0
Brucefield 6,33 '
. Clinton . 10.16 695
• Wiugham; arrive. 11 10 8.00
O ortic. Solyna- Passenger
• Wliugham, 'deport . 6.53 A. M. 345 I'. M.
Cllintch 747 4.25 • ,
Brucefield ...... ' .. • ' 806 449.
• Kitten ..... • . . 8,15 4,57
''•Frensalt „. ..... .22 5 02
Exeter ... . 8:25 .. 5.10
.flontralis; ... 3.46 5,25 • .
.Lhtuimi. arrive... 9.37 6.12.
• Eleniall
1 1
London, Jan,,, 11.•, -At yesterday's an ageftt. -
ie- a4.'esaitioirWasi.:,ed, would lose • ills A'he States:;
passed, ' ponveyl.ng„dop,.rinpa y o man; the mouthpiece o •,•,„ Beith,
BiEs. Dobell• and -fakily.ire'their great Liberal gancliate,7says '-i The
loss, , election. iii 'West Durhain' will 11;d1illi..„
Ot•,•'Jitii.%•••11::-,-"Pliere was a the electars -to ba advised of theie
•„ FOR ovn sixT Y YEA.D.S
'Winslow's Soothing Syrup bac 'leen used for
over 11'''.,57 years by minions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect success,
It sootheo the child, softens. the garesi:efilays al
rill, cures wind colic, and is the hest remedy
Or Inarrhcea. It is pleasant, to the tacte. Sold
7 drugg-ists-in- every part of *the Nvorld.. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalcull.ble. Be
cure and. take Mrs ..Winslow's Soothing
sy: up and ailr tor, nu other kind.
llet0d, but: it is well4i!i!„,„',.
facts befOre they go. to the pens."
Cabinet 'eenicil ;:resAi-day afternoon
at Which - Che 41sters were pre-
seiit. ' A reSalutidii. of con.dolenee.
Let ...kiie-rie-Onfarced7
• Exeter, Jan. 16tn, 901. u
78 to 78
. 38 to 38
.....18 to 18
' . .. L. . . '461:75 ' t. 't,1:o00 7417°88
6 to 6
.' . . ' ' - L. . : '• •:'1765. ' t oro 1756
' ;2-5.00V:85 256
Wheat par bucket
Peas .
•Bur er
witli Mrs. Dobell adopted% Winnil?..eg/
tiy., the Cabinet and fof•warded resolution Was Pa;ased at a Ci;tiien.s.'!„.
England at -once. • ' - naass imeeting• •,latit night in St.'
• .karmer makes• xis ,own . the opinion of raYeting any de-
• "o• . • . •
. Itreorge's Churchee':Reeolved tliat in
lay in putting ,the liquor act in op-
Paittaii/,'ralbelf-%,,,4e: • tie ter:Oletnae.bdiiii., eration, such as • would. bo caused by
.age.i.n. referring •the .anistion to the
would Jie un-Britieh
clia.fge"Of irjeest,,lecinamitted gi•d•-: people' Main
'cide eeeleit*thei; and unjust to the injeeity..0f
.falid, qh.f.g.6,eiof,..•.'foivoi tobans who, havewa.ite,a: s9 • really
Viiitst belt
ears for satisfactory legisratiim, and
End 111,1,•lto,el: yi 441, -,, ,, „ , Ulf.' th.si Pnitipolge.'• , ale if titnned' the •
." •-•.e, -„ -. ..f.., - ...,. •:i• - - -•-• , 1 telt. ay.:whet:1 ,?:,-. cris• n0,e.. sh_gbing .„...i have spoken in an eni.P.14fiej..waSe. on
-it, on at leapt 'tWel eece;s3..c.iP-s.. This
'C icaeo elan. -1,..44.,1-.-T.
Ile- - GI'lliagfl. .".414.5..'i .-.1P:ititlilleP'4.:"IiiieleadtTlbiled" the
branch of th.e.,'..fYlrlaitietai 'Ayeansigeal: ••'-'ee:„;.5te ,-.111.i eel' ;it': 71:17„."..4 0 • meeting den:14.44,s „thca.:thlieliquor act,
League' a d9p, t,ef :11-fgr hi lgh ki kn * et e title n.; .req,Z.',.., T),%...,..,.,biti761, ai..,.d „ the proclaaptipn .k;f„;which. was hcid
calling upoif, regiddlitialltresevelt.i.to A tn•rfn‘;'-'"it, s'....t,..„ ,
it IT ' ' ''' J1 '' ''a."*ci: • d Overtuit'ilthe' decision' of the Privy
enfOree ,t,n.b, el.t-tilfir., Tb.wa,-. A large} umpd • . • e. Was 11),TeIV. 0 e) , an
Cditiiiii-"lhould be at once rocl lined
• litemey4. L. at &Mnected"- -witW'some. of the best ..... .,.. - p , a, ,
numbcr ,,,cf.ip--t. ,gps, A rs nd -al ,er- ,,,, , ..,.- . - . . , , to collie into. force ‘Tun.e, l' 1902.?'
, r nilies"in the, county: , -
prOinigenti.nipii-,Siliipeil."il •-rflin atieill.=.: . 11;1,, i ,i, .: ...
Dried Apples-.
Perk hve weight ."-
• 7:7
) t', . -,,,,',.. , I.. ,, . 1 : „ ,
. ,
• ,' ' 10,er Infants and. chirl.dren.- •,,
elle fus.. :,.....".:.:' . ...' ..
-',•,...1..relloNt ., \ _ ,, i4 a
direAs.t0 t. ' " -"" eCery
. Snapper.
acre0 'adifitewanhifietdrz-v, . -„ • ea•by Valling Plank. Reel to onnadi•a,n Vorciplaints.
ori:at :Asets,.,fcp;t41! ,g,‘.if tlre'tatigirikau-+ r r
ee •
N .
re d V 41 0.t.t17
terve and realdei,lpe, on. Labors.
We are giving exeellei0a7
fetietiOn- fidtir iii
„ f I
rat) (1+1111g c)1.11' 11111 1
4 4
13arrikers, Solicifeirst Notaries, Conveyeneers,
Conimissieeera belie/tore fer the reoleons
Bank, Ete. • •
ll-loneY to T.,ocai at lowest rates of intereat.:"
°Prim :-.A1A111 ST1tEET„ . E,XIZTETt.
1. ()AIMING, B. A. ' •••• DICEBON
• (Successor to.E.111ott diadmai?)
Barrister, Solicitor,' Notirf
Conveyancer, Etc':
• Money to loan onyarm and, Villag- e
properties at Lowest rates of interest'
EXETER --,We fee sale. en reasoneble
-termsethat very desirable -residential property
known tie "The Hooper.. Homodteltd" situated
on Lot 86, sonth of Baron Street, Exeter.
Tbere is erectedeeeon the laud, et comfortable
'an d ectrameedfogs derellieg, also the
fiefiessai oinlitrases., -The house is in good re-
Thesiqt contains an acre
df land and is exceltently ad -opted for garden
'ing or fruit growing,. There IS a plentiful sup-
ply be bard and soft wittere The property 18 119
tadoite,and the tetrnseapy-:for particulate
to DIM:SON Cc: C.Acruce bcrristers Exeter,
'ore° A. E. HOOPER. Hew P. 0., Penne, 13.2
A. Proprietor.
Melbourne,. 4n
tatidn .91:- 14.---Itege.rding`. the
, . • .',- -.. . cortiplafat of '."Canad,iin'niathifE7 etur-
u )plies 4horses 1 n 'Y11.91601 I.rertina -,, Toronto ' Jan 11. - The Morse
.A fri .ani ,NiftMST,RAlfc ,eatie 'In N. wrieedv accident •yester-dav mornin.," as a, re-
el 0 rilefiniS viida-, the •Sblith Soap -.Works was the scene of* a fatal
..•,,,o. - 1.1 ' thiat tlie nte41 of tlie;, ;Corn:.
rriepwealth - O-PAust,laflia is injuring
. trade :Elie Prime 11,Iini4ter
end. I 4. which. William Corbett. lies
' ' -I succbs_sfuiv-N4.-bt Diarobes. dead at 48 Miinro street..'' Corbett -•PaP.adian „ =
tit,tt....1,1.1.‘ 1.•,..w.,
. of the .Commcinwealth, the Rt..' IlOp..
returned to Ernielo when smite work:mei-170r the sepOnsi.
benefited !:ist 35 years of fir° teation.
that Canada . • . has
E. A:Ire:ton; ays
friliti,.. a ten 'days'. eXPedition on the .floor accidentally drca5peep:-• plank,
He thinks, therbfore, that the Cana: -
Swaziland' bdr der, where, in four
flicting injuries 'from which he died
which struck him cm the" head; in -
diens should appreciate the desire ' of
- nieght ma-ilehes, 105 Bbeis Were at-.
'abbot 5 o'clock 11.st everano• ' A.ustrelia to place her Mehufactures
daunted for. :•• The ehernv has b ' ,______________:,_ •-:,, , o'a, a so -dud basis like that:of ' Ofiti-
ence of -the crib:mil-ill that lie' is' care. ' ' • ' ;N" :S",•‘' "1: 31 i" • . • i — oda. • ' ili.," •'...' .7., '
.... . , .
so thorotIghlY, sca,yed by the ' - z
10;5110 Wa3-engaged on thound floor
tI DR- a. MAN, L.
KIN$MAN',afeleS. ANP
D. 2. D. D. S.,.HOilor Graduate
of 'Toronto ihusersity;:./Dentist.
Teeth extracte,...4 without pain or
had after effect% Offibe in Fan -
Son's blebk. West site ef Main
Ireet. Exeter*
D.A.- ki4.ERSON. D- S. L.11.6
• - •
',How Gradnate of the Toroni,o„
and Hoyal College of Dental Sufgfions of
Olnario; with honors Also Postgraduate of
Chicago' School of Prost/aetic ...Dentistry ..(with
honorable mention.
Eterything known to the Dehbal Profession
• done -in this,office. •Bridge Work; crowns, al-
luniinum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the- .peaeest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless inaosthetic used for painless e*trac-
tioni -
• Office one door south of Carling Elro's store
Exetler, Ont.
A very pretty .evenCtook place on
Christmas evenieg' at tire home of
Richard Miller, of- Hibbeit, the occa-
sion being the marriage of his sister,
Margaret A., to J. E. Harris, of the
• same place.
fill to keeli" 04 of striking distanc'S, Lendon, Ja.nt• • 14,---Wirifig, froth. 1) t3
and 111-0 ...13ritisii. haVc to 'rely More Constantinopfe", the correspondent of ,...-,(iii'dt-oria, 13. C., Jari.,'.3.4.-Tlay:614.
than ever on niiht. marches. • The The Daily Chroiliele, &LYS there is no --dOu'rt Of Initish ColUmbia- luiSaillii).3
strain on the Imo/1 a,ad the horses is, ii,e'ws of Miss Stone, 'the captive Arn.- ed the 1 udgmenLy of litstfee'Vltricke,
• • el
great, litit, the System. adopted by .c.i•ien:: Missionary, ‘o:nd that the dela- s•montoateng:
E1,414t-"13rdisks Ol,403 thAle
Gen.. Hainiltim gives the, maximum.. of gaPpi&Which some" days age left Sa..-
tianVatholic Church. in Z
ntObili,y and rrnintli1u1ut40r;:d109,1.• ICMA, ,101.' thb . interior Lo meet Miss i1011ip[184 in jail for 4:4,6-.5014%. :bile +of
74 to ;0:1),..'6AiSt EAch iii.diil.t61tirile§,,'•Cive Stone's captorb, have not yet met Ws' adherents not to engage, ';'-iloiCtor
, • 'daYs'i'ratieles ancr atiii, litagn darry the bandits. .whell'.' Ms children eVere" suffeeing.'froin
• -•,..'a".a.I0'1," one 044k 1.8401-?..... 4s '1...1113:veldt -at .-,.. „, , - • .. "ViPlirleeria.i.IG.-0 thought. „that, this
presexletrpeitte's gteleiete for," ,'"„"e` "'" A,terapt Succeeded. ' .littiebutuna out of,
, -44 •, the ani4s a force is entlible to • Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 11.-J, lc the province. -
'common rukbe:rs. Far' t h e e 3,-01,19.„1 zt.,;46 ounte's all4 left
Card • aO•ilves Lon Ian 14
years we.haVe!
• itingt5 will OtitV/ear ,ppeFgte, ',three 331 the Enbckly, an Ameriean, aged 21,
two,,,paira of. nicaft•U .wheeled, ansport follows cided y sterde.y at Arcola,. To took acbo. cau,eat. •
yOrcds" ;of Abe
* d th with tir"" ,/ r„.....,i,s2i:,,,iezsage in a magazine; "Adviso..‘
' • ' ' • v,11,ebres15,e,,.,.of my
slog's WI
1.4itYe a
t.1(.1.., X a !
hut you Cannot
you cati c ape Town,, deat4.1:" .?„ glvalt 291. t
llet}r 1C 0 .711,,, 11,
your f0,0t•the blockhoUses . in Qape act, whA. till, seeond. attempt state of Zi111):01.'at 1.-tti.E0VSIC3;„‘
stub the r bb lost.;evs a moinber TiRei„ twO Nt,1S MI))) stOr pf Wareilie.feermer
genu 1 e- • 7: 3741, 1Kinib6eley o
" don' Says Ilia; antinels 'aire „ant '.f.on. Lynchburg, "Va.. J an,, .14;77 ose 4
. • , . . . cfp° Lam.°
E SL "Apra() "Pernkk)cY,...3iliclied
,Deer 19141 Y. hist Presi,dent`fi•- 06stro,
co o parliament, who travele...,W;by
• 'Colored Janitor Troll d -
, .
are 410311 • 'St amp° d . ,*,
{_be qtrength'!.. of the 'blockhouci&4 but 3Tigginbothani,'tlie,-.1.tegrO-jailitor-'6,1 - .
upo the sow f each rubber ore kept he. pet's.-- 9;liet, soldiers), with the Floyd Schoo ehedeng,, lia eei , , g A
with our copy- for ;dogs., .GoIlect;, arrested on. suspicion.<4e,beAng ,the • ii Lc net?.
rig n am
tile" , • ri,:thel .• Clive n eittiree„ pelkori, wi eren . Ited and
Is o' ' • • " I '1
Ta IV 1 Tir\niet,, gett,in off.
DO wnianVil,fe Police
compeinfone • These doge are .attenept,qd vto f • • • . • • . . Et.
do tacit allow •yourself to be 'de. - ' • ' tram „yes tpr day, fell, and -brolce,-; his
, , .4.,+ probably ...usefttle " hoWeveee Jour- Webbee, wp'e. ,a cbtton... milt,N.0 el I,
ceivea by tations
• ,• f(intcd '
Intend/ult. . • iq S. an 'nje. y
. u. .
- • - • ' d - '
— • s consi ore, sclious,
" ' ". ' ' • —
;1'° .1i11 'Alf, 444:vt"8,4"; , •SI/44.1 -41 , D.4".!14 st, , "cct rum. ,
King''s LEATHER Top zwigio onclop, tie Ai+ A
• ^. • *S$11114,'}- "1131');.TO-cici:y fd d• a .trUe
the best.on the market 6.4noh •
is all right if you are too tat;
andall WI:9ns; if: 06 thin already.
nough ibrYour habit, is
alittle more, or less, is
no great:haird.'; Too fat, consult
dOcto4 'too thin; persistently
.thiri; no matter what a;11.se; take
c a L.
Fanulsion of o Liver
'1". -
There areiiiany causes of get-
.t'foo .'iMri;'--,:they all come
und.a. the'sd'irAWd. - ever -
work and ,uncter1.-dige.%tion.
' 'Stop dirsr,-W-Orl. if: -.1(0,v. can;
but, '''Cant;2a: not,
take ScotZ,tg;';i.lsilon of Cod
Ltsie'r, -,bakince yourself
with-fotti4ork, YOU can't live
'on.' it-Lt,itie.--but, by it, you
,can. There's a limit, however;
yOu'll pay for it. ,
'Scott' CC)d Liver
, Oil is the readie'st cure for
?„. c 'Or, 1<tause, the forins3r -deg out of, 'hifp' rig after mak, .• „.
1<ifell dead last night Vtlifie"-.' 14., -At the prohib,
" here organized fer
-nth and 12 -inch with og joh"4nAgsburg, on the charge ,
, "toned, Edre auaVeeie. They the waS! Vetepinv':!' an-ipargri,;,..vesolictions favoring
2•14140aVite'd stook, andyour piosecutiir of '41Ohianfies- rind rt one•time 'was P"r"of60,-.0 (114). L-ru'i; not Li • 1,0a ded one,
.31ect on 'February 00,
•"„cialiebirver, B. 0., Jan. 14.
Columbia Legialature
• Meet on tebt 20,
dealer .G0;11 oraer'ithein for you lat to burg (who Wets .executed 80 of ariaton y in Toronto Veter:ifia."*.•livire%Vagetl,
D. igd cO t- antri. John ;Voticel, an College, was 4,5, and raarrial• '
e . E limited miglish.40,ryer who WM attkelib'd
halre tiltata biVe g (hoe pro; tatoes Domcutor.,,,
"" P.koiMrif..Pdborts' staff.
0011001 of all.
• .$
phildren Or'y for
DOH FrOfillatl"
.Do you Want a„cuttort
' We have the finest stock in town.
All tbe, latest „styles, in the ne.West
pribes .are leW as earl. be found
.for, first-alatis. lea 1 ("lial QT1C1'
Oft LI.: .Cf5,10 E E
Lis sei
Alis,41 FOR SALE. .
Being„composed of lot 20,S. T, Ueborne,
containing 100 acres, and lot S23, con. 3, Us.
borne. ,On lot 20 1,Ince la erected a first class.
brick dwelliegekitelieneedul woodshed coin -
plate,: bank hartie4...gthhajnOd, 35i85; and,3.5x60 •
finished up to-do-tee:it herses,-bettle and hogs'
with power wind crasher, ..etem'er, and
water process complete; cenienteito attached;
also drive. and implement house. This is a
first Oban property, in a high, state of culti-
vation., well fenced and watered, and plough-
ing done. within, one and. a. half, miles of the
town of Exeter, one mile from school: Lot Si
23 is also in a high state of cultivation, wed
watered 25 acres under grass and welt suited
for either farming or grazing, and will- be sold
separately or together to suit „purchaser. If
not sold privately oil or before the lat. Feby.,
1902,12 will be sold by public auction on the
14th Feby. For terms and particulars apply
on the premises to J. S. Harvey, Exeter, P. 0.,
or to Thomas Cameron, encl., Farquhar.
Two Doors
.§0titt TOWD Han:,
. Story. and a half frame house with nine
rooms and summer kitchen and woodshed at-
• tached.= All necessary oult buildings, a good
well, and a bearing orchard of good fruit are
n.i.the, place which consists of seven acres of
well.cultivated land. Place is well situated on
Lake Road, in Exeter Northland within easY
reach of town. For further particulars apply
: E. Fomicac. Exeter
,• •
Fansob's.brick block 8.nd dwelling„in Exeter,
for sale. •,The brick block is well situated, on
Main str6et, is 70x55feet, three storeys, and
contains fent. stores,. offices tied halls, all leased.
This is tbe.best business stand. in town. The
dwelling 18 brick of two storeys and contains 10
'rooms, admirably adapted for a boarding
hous,e. The property must be disposed of.
Terms easy, apply to It. L. Fanson, Exeter,
.. A good. Assortment
to clear mese...lines at once -
W., '"JOH.N5.;
The Tetilor
• Theannual Meeting of the Usborne
bert 'Fire Insurance Company will be held tite
tieV.Publie Ball. Farquhar, on Feb'. 3rd. 81 on'a.
o'clock P.M. Business, reeeiv.ing the dive-
tor's, secretarrtreasurer's and auditors! report,
the election 02 two directors and.'Ewb audttors
and any other business in the interbst of the
• J. Essnior, Taros. CANInaorr, -
' President. • Secretary:Tres_
1,dan't eat," unless it cOines of
your doing tioWO' rk--fou can't
long be well and strolig, without
sorne sort of "activity.
The igenuine'ha.s
this pieturo bri 1t 7-1-.N.„..„
take no other. • --,f1v-,:!,
if you have not
tried it, send for• i
free sample, its a-
greeable taste will
surprise you.
500. and $1.00; all drUggietee
Dyspepsia Cure
Blood- and NervegTonic-‘1
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron iilgod
Liver and Kidney Pills
Kidney Mixture
Sciatica Remedy
Cough Mixture ,
• Cholera and 'Diarrhoea Mix,
Chilblain Lotion,
Try any *of these preparations and
you will be astonished at their wonder-
ful healing and Curing properties.
A'. Full line of Patent Medicines On
The Qholoest:
'Would be One of our
Pianos and Organs .
It would be a thing ofbeauty
and a joy for ever. A lasting
present that would ever bring the
greatest pleasure to the recipient.
Then our Sewing Mablkines,,
Book and Sheet Music as well -as -
our smaller musical goods „Come
in for second place, , 1'1
Buy ybur children's „sleig s,
from us,
Illtheriand Ines LimiTED
Dominion Laoratoru.
Apply tn
E.-04 kessel,
Buy or.S.4"0:
Buy- or • Sell Town
Borrow or Lend
,Co1:11eidncitile,crx:'s Made,
Go to the Old Cuon-
Your Life Insured,
try, b3.7 the Allan
Orice over Spackinah's Hardware
kn: Clash paid for Raw Furs.
WANT1110, Iteseolisible Manager (Integrit
" • must be unquestionable) to takeelterge Of
rUsLrihtllaOli doob mid. odic° to be e Ataa it ..
'Almada to Ittrt ter btisiness iritereptv a
ecitabushea inanufact.uring nOnbtit .,,.-tartIat'Y
4130 per month and extra urefills AfIgidqt
Inust ltaVan
e $1500 to 82000 cash d 00 ''.e.titha-
ing. Address, StiptP
,, . (7, ilex 11.63, Alsifilitct '
phis,, ra., r