HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-1-16, Page 4Olt° T RED In' P.1‘ k , Bwrik tk ista lie Capital,. ve'Vena e' • •-- 4)50,000 Read Office Me ttreal • $ EleDlOT, Sete, , • • Geneitee MeNeeltit eae.y advaeced.te (teed fanners pe 'their time with One Or, 1110re eridertee•ea 7 per .per annum. ,Exeter Biome •,• en every lawful dey frcire 10 to 3 le sATtraDAYs, m. to ireeettates of ipterest- allOwed on deposite. •MESON te CARLING', ' D. RUEDON; ' seziorroas, HE1/4NAOXII . . %atom, Dee. tIth.'05,',",:t.' -• N•v lendar for January, 1 90.?„ • 12 1.9' 26 . . . 6 13 20 27 meat 7 14 21 28 VE'ratEsnater... . 1 8 15 22 ,2D ... 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 31. •rtrnDae" ... . • 4 11 18 25 -. itutO VANI7XittY. 16aH, 1902 NOTES • AND COMMERTS;a- The la,test gerin to be discoVeried is 'bat of fatigue: erA,.treenechte-,15-4Ytielai a,"Ys that some,of tieaidtbarn"!•etvithtit n the system.; whichlexPlaite: Why o many people eonStanittradeoplaftrot atigite even wheir they: havedpne nothing to make Athem tired:- ,La4y-, DeopleMt.seems, caunot helpetti.theit ttit-ffrpen;p41n 'the possession of •the true, the staternent that: seilie; RAPP 4'• ieWly-diecetiyeligcltbaetgria,'' I„fattkijell: -e "bora, EiraViritTlet 'explained. . , Hay growt in Cansiefheeik aeberditig d the Canadian Gettaereelhet best fo& er receizredlIn South Africa.'- The • oW Zealandeleafia like straw, and is ci only to oxen andnatiles, Te bay ern Argentine, is rell from ;Alfalfa rass, and tlijVhbrsese will„akot eat it. elhe same Itteed-of hay -capes from the . "-hated States: On kccount of all this, • ispredicted fiiitt. the British Govern- • entVill la.laaetit bring all their' bay at'erulied-for: Stuth Africa., friem the Dorninion. . • •••••.- -4:ferskis an illustration of the -success ,af Municipal ownership: -"Net' Mahe has had upwards of a Yeae'd".•ex- perience in the ownership and dPera- gen of a lighting plant and telephone Service by' th,e munieip_alitye It has - • 1,400-hicandescent lights installed and .150 street lights, and'h as 129teephones. The cost oft operation for " someWhat more than. a, year has been $5,776.36, and the receipts have amounted to ' 1,025i80. The service b be ex-, ae,041„73-, showing a Aotelkttgain., of tient as well as chear.taraletofitable„ - • ". - , I; is It 3.1tift-"Rieberteoneforwarded . to the government the details of the scheme .; of Sir Wm. MacDonald for the impro- velifent a cducwou in _the rural Schtiols Of 6ntAtier toward wiaich Sir William is prepared to give generous aid. The intention is • to consolidate #te,or ehe rwl,sphools at convenient 'tPoints,-changuig them into one grid- ect school, with a school garden and a manual training room as .part of the equipment. One experiment will be eendaited at Sir William's expense in .ftch of the prov*ces, and a thorough "tst given to to the idea. Garden and tatuseastndies Witlebe promoted by atits-afeatra.-welitig instructera who, in give lefesons the, teathers in nal schools. • .A.mong the subjects will be dairying, poultry keeping, bee keeping, fruit grewingatgreteAl gar- denirig, and for girle; rpreparatTen and 3ervIng of foodsi,:. d'reseteaking ,and einaple forms?of hotisehold' art and decoration and-the.dare and 'cleansing of 1.00HIS. •In brief, Sir William • would introduce technical educatien !for farm life into, the rural schools. _ e I The World has the, f gvir $0..;111. Sunday edition :="Etee Welt-dit his colleagues baset QeOlgd, 'kpoli&Y ut eegard to prob bettorat IP .s0, „,$ey will pass a law'.alicrIfshie Al arilifuor lihaterioeasaid law, e ever, not to'g.144itUtforce Until it is.a.p, proved by half the total VotOrs en'the lists in Ontario. That is; of the half - million voters in Ontario, tivb and fif,y-one.thousand must gobitt and vote foe. theolaVa.tt:"Some, kinel'ef compensating olanee nil] go with the Jaw. Whether thid"compensaticin to* the hotelmen will be paid by the eminicipalities or hy the p;rovnface hi not yet known. Nor item. known , whether the reference to the people will be on the same day as the general electiott or nth'. "Bulethe genreraf elec- tion is tear at hand: long before the ..24th of May. As fol? the law itself, ill be good and •ttrong, even • more s agent thaii the Manitoba law. It will be Dragonien in et,s•rigor and is so , inteeded, in order ()Vete' forever, to sicken the neeple.oft thiepreeviece with -Ev'eryone but, the el•ear-euittprobiqeitionist will go one and smite ft an'aire." tr, A'.*4 o re f you try• CT1 "`;• tion rn • fic, strong we Lie a cure or reeled 1„.0 antoney, alerted. tend .erou lrtaren, 'eoui f,',„,i.eenis a Eid Vitt cum Con- e it you write for it. eumption,,irtii ainl, all, i.usg Troubles, ..:4,Virt#14f-c a cough cle dold in. a day, end uhi-ol‘ziviiillf4serious msultS. It has Veen tbdisc things for so yars. S. tt. ,Ep.; 'Toronto, Can. RootTea Corrects the SiOnlacit • litatre G1ei"0 hildren STOR IA A• 1111110,t1 1111 Vie liqws illtorest: to 'MIRO ltoadors ilappenill0 thoso Gounties Middlesex The people of Olandeboye are talk- ing of building a new Methodist church there next spring. Geo: Westrnan, of Granton, was elected Reeve of Bidclulph by a ma- jority- a fifty over S. Hcidgixes who was Reeve last year. " Miss Ella,Campbell lata been engaged as teacher °fake peimary ,department of the Ailsa Craig pnblic school In the stead of Miss Stewart, who has resign- ed. . Reit, Mr Farney, of Cterrie. Ines been,apPeintedtapreach in Granton, parish, which-inckudes Granton, Clan- deDoye and, Prospect 'Hill churches. ;He kook charge.lastSand:1,y I A very pretty rWedding took -pla at the homektif41`e.hateRebertRacteli Granton, oesbleVeeirearkdaya when hie daughter. Rea•betelyeale'iniited in Mar- riage to lipla S'itenley'ebf Gran - SLOWLY , DYt11,•Tqltitp.i.X CATOV:I' N••••• , sands. arelin'thieterrible tio ffirat Slowiy dyinkfetane C4Iterrho doio realize their datiger. I have- the enghtest taint of Catarrh, would lb .aot be wise to -Cora:mine Catarrhoeone treatment.. nave ,and be perfectly cured in a shore time? Tide pleasant remedy eures witboat t df drugs, atainiZers or snuffs. „WO; hale ' the 'medteated vaporee Whi Spneads,teiall parts of the breat orgithatitills the germs and healeatife- infialit'ect surfaces. Catarrhozoliet Cleans the thkoat and nose instantly; and jah.:ver fatis to cure the inost.;ob- ithalitet catarthid, And•ethioat tadtaleles... A."• tribal Will deffienisitra,tei the'vTitue of patarrhozong,'fkisthlriells for $1.00,:sdiall size 25cts., atdruggists or Polson 80, -Co' Kingston, Ont. . e _a- • ' • Perth . „ „Messrs. Robert and John Steele,' of St. Marys, left Tuesday for _Seattle, Where they intend staynie • Thealieept of l‘elitchell will this year be goyeariet1 by the Ministers of the, town or their followers in municipal matters. • • . and. Mrs. C. 0, Switzer, of Tea- cenabe Alberta. are spending a few weeks' visiting friends at • Eden aticit Kirkton.• •taee -The -sad news reached Kir Thiirsd" last of the 'suddend Mrs. F. McLaren, nee Maithrt- near Detroit. - eta' •4-e.e.''e- , Mrs. Jase-apearm, of St.:Marys, un- fortutiately sliPped...on-tthe ,mi•alk-: near TiAd.§,y1; morning and beregelienaim. t • : "The' Catholic church, St: Marys, pur- chased it Cathedral double bank organ with band blower and 19, sets of reeds. The price of this organ is 31200. • Robert A. Bugg, formerly of t3lan- shard, but now Of Burks Falls, mar - Tied •an 'estimable youug lady; Miss' Bertha Bill, of Burks Falls last week. , Patrick O'Brien, of Kirkton, died very suddenly on Wednesclayanorning of last week, a,t theage• of.65years, 11 Months and 16 days. His wife pre- deceased hint about three viieeltsa.oric: Mr. Riddell, son, of the.iae6 -NV0114121 Riddell, of-PetisnenrIlillt was dttited in matrimony* Tueeday, eveniog,'4an.' 7th, to Miss Maggie:4..4411e eif-‘44fftet place. ; tte Palpitation df pie ness,, teemblitags, ritee4reelieddache, cold hande and feet, pain-111,pr- 6ie and other ferias of greakzig'ssii.-te'r lieved by Oarter's leon. Pine, made' specially fob til3e bio -F1 nerves and com- plexion. , , „ While !Stewart Flunk, youngest son of Jas. Finnie, St. Marys, was coasting sl8wn Park street, sidewalk. ,his. sled struck aetree and thee -w, him up against one ofellie Street °maniere- tal trees and caused him serious inter nal ii -jury. American firm of capitalists Ontes St. Marys people, saying, that itsStellnarys can furnish $2504100 stealea "they: Wilk' furnish the balancP:TO 014 build it five -or six hunclredk,th dollaDbeet sugar plant in Hattig•Milissa Pearsonte'velfeAtiSid- ney Conic; passed..3egaitt on -.SUP'41437; Dec. 29th; in her" 300 year. She „wee born ha 'IltatesharelitealeeOlest,clitrgh. tt r of Mr. • end ' Ifl'eaeer..'"Pearson, now •residents ofiSt, 11411c.fve.e.: She haslived, in St. Marys either life. tea., :•-etee• Mr ..-' R." B. .Moir, forint' Zizif Si;. i telarf.g,:14.1. eceived the ap •).ttructel. of paynefeter in the seeenela itogian eiOnli ted ' Rifles. The p6i4iti5e carries with it t.h0 r•an k of 114;j-tone:let, Mr. OS EVERY,. BoX: ne Tabietg (• 7°4%in' d.ri'CO.LIGI-IS, COLDS nd GRIPPE: in one day. , ViteW`e4 .,4`; • .L.The ReiMItfOatliolic congregation at .§te..Augnstine hare decided to erect a Pew chureh next summer. They are elteadf making preparations. Mr. Philip, of Dromorei:,last week received from' Toronto's -k. (Imp' epedernan. W. Rennie, cheq a 'tor. 1Aft iu return for,fivd kftge-12t alstke ' clover, leed. This is elmee the farmer who Viepse "en -to -date dakes'ni. oney. The re)ndence orT;167'..-V§.7,7-trOv'Tn-.. send,- of Pert Stanley,. late „Of 'Dicker - wedding on Christ s 'day, • when his wae the scg;of a"pfetty home ,eldest claughter,`‘Misc Minnie was ;unit- ed in the hely bontla.•••#antatrintony to G. A. HaneYe eeftlthe Cllergue Weeks SitTitta••• Ste Marta. ' ;• :t,A Londtii.. cOrreenocidinta preptasel that duty ..pf ogle or vaiikkikitige a quarter should"be rev!: -ed on inip'Sir,tSd wheaf,is disq,ussed itt many quin,As.The Se tqaday Review says the tax would'havetio' be iropos- &bin foreign eorn,and not on colonial. •Sectitktax would, it si•tys, afford the •IGineernmenteaptnyipottlipity of effect, jag „riarej 'reciprocity With ,Oanada. !kw it Came About.. - • ' Many ladies liairia in distant rural districts. and regular users of Dia - "monde finding it impossible to. procure fronitheir general dealer patterns for the maletinaup mat and rugs;. ask - in ti e" fact rers of Dietinond • Dyes.' to supply there' tcPtp j to Mine as- required. iTheeepeceseitated thelenpoiting froth tnailuffietnereTe- • SCotlend'a the best Repstau, the _ern- ploynienC•ofeartidts, Jarg:b„,plates .to print from "!'sand .the =empytyment ,L)f a large staff4q.:Prin* and eolOneelesigns. Theemanutacturees of 1Diaiiceind Dyes' are nawAti a position to dieleply their .patterng:". hr., mail as well. gee thre ugh ttlie,best Der,Good4apereliants. Stieete .81-..patteges, arid desigiie %let free to ant' addresp•lipore receipt 'Of a Postal. The Wells 4 Richardson CO. teLimited, 200 Mpunteed Se -Montreal • P. Q. Irataliy Hurt. - Thomas, Jan. 7. -John Dare'. and, hotelkeeper at Belmont, and for years license inspector for East Mid- dlesex, met with very serious injury at the Atlantic House, London, Sate urday might. His injuries are 'meetly 'Internal, dud are such as to make his recovery a matter of doubt. • Durand fell through a trap ttiobr •-ta. the cellar, and 'alighted upon his irad• tenedered unconscioue by the fall.. .• • ,,, • t • ' •• 7t- . ••••••i' tete ea:. 1 bit .t.t.a 934'Stooit . ,*".-031 - • vr ,•• • 4 . zir4A 4higaton.„ Jteie. 7.-1'rincipid Grant was 'able_ eo address: the students. of: Queen's evellitigain the Convodae- tion ein ,address ,ths- aimed. his attittideein. tie 'past 40 .yeetri.:•teetlr,t1,49.4.acidian Confedera- , luipcptaletation and the Presby- lIatalaimed to • hew • acted on principal -ancletittatteli.. la Confedera.tien, herglirddrleiWet2„. up- per -against , his •••• mentor, Howe. .Be wanted Canada ,peopled by its own stock. We had already all the peoples of other languages we can' digest. He asked. the Govern- ment to call off its itinalgration agents. He saw Iniperial union 'coming nearer, but he 'took occa- sion to assail -the Government . for litglectiug to. pay its share- of the , cost .of pending nien to the SOuth • Airin • tvar„ . They could give' ' iii - i beauses a,rit14,1orteenblic hilt ,none its best blorid"itrd'treastire to 4 win a goodly: • erietai=s,-•vte, t*The Eirthire;" he held, must ha jilitctically as Well as geminaIly •viiitell. The principal rejofced over the Presbyteelen "l'Ontt, and looked for an cifgardzed church of Cenada eniVracine alt die= nominations. • • • TO curall A COLD I'S DAX • Ta ko Laxative Promo Quinine TabretsfAl droggista.reennd the money it,.•40,:tisraYtire B. W. Grove's sik. nature is en ear,h eek -J. 25e Moir nee:leap, se; vice he 8ori,th Africa, • • havingelTitfeie'aretaryeto Col. Steele. 4.e , ,.. who 'tetitttanabeled tfie"!..St'rathcoria, HoeseetteUe e res,mealdneti by Gener- al Bollei.:ii.fr,eurillpicirebs tira,iery " and 4 ffichiat4etrite.„ iiixr: Aviic, Bolton-, late of,Abe 4Base a - . Line, Bla reshard, died at, the chonty House of Refuge, at Stratford, on Sunday, Jan. 5th. The deceased was Only admitte.d a, few days ago. But had .heeli an inve,114 ,teec • eleis honietil Sialisti;•trd for a lefigeteieariad 14.."-zfent. 1 years ago when he driteietret ' ',,Prarrit•-: ing on the Beattie 'farni,'Ir4k. A'. .con- sidered wealthy., but fortuii,,, -a§.-y,:f den tie n ot . stayed w i to hi rii,e end :,) at, ost, his all • • '; ..', A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad ctigesiion, a bad Mier. Ayer's Pills are liver,pills. They ,cure con- sOitibri; biliousness, dys-• pepsia, sick headache. - 25c. MI druggists. Went your moustache bt hoard a beintifel brown or riell blatir7 Ilion use , • BUCKINGIIM YEWTItIrees 110 OrI, 4:411:41.1t1041%,. 0I! 11; (W., Af010,4,, n. tri• "About a yeqi ago mir hair:Wad cominglouf very fast, so I bought a bottle •of Ayer's jiair Vigor. It stepped the falling aeleMlide my hag' grow very rapidly, nenette is ,45 inches in lerrttla'tleeinfer An. ;,"173CyciStore, Atchtson 'Kama o........ . • 4 iltre S, .a1101,411er. AUPRer, ft -4 ',O4../..:'..ir. , I ...` 0 •4.1_," V .,!. ,th a a ih it OT:i.-...- :::...4.011alcli.. .,,,,g, .1 -lair hung6pr„ oltAtisikti. Hungry hair iie64,45411, , needs hair vigctr---AgOL. . .-. This is why we say that , Ayer's Hair Vigor always itstores- color, and makes the hair ,grow long and ., , • neavy, - $1.00 it buitte. MI druggists. ri your caligels cannot supply yea, send, rtit one dollar and we Win express you Et bath', attrb and give the name of you. earthed exprEsa Ofne0. Addreat, •c.atten COr,Lotroll, Vase. .t.4,921"i61,i,114L_PATA11N 'ut 4 DB liatre:rptglitetTe'dll'•°I;lbeysiv4thbele hig farmersalv rtghuTbe bteing4119eOnIteYrillt:desi°14. _,TiOrproir°t• bacen,and forwardedte-GreeBrititie, aqttheeause of -tbeir,•qualityir,aie•;SOld ,fealtret 4 loss, • Thiti.teresaieuSt ulti- •nutteletlb• hyo,tbe-fari,EiTers„ al:- though the Aawkez:s nt the eTpreeent Yeomen t are being severely ponishecU. A•o an .exaniPle we quOtelbe•;edil- dition of the trade "at the kiA0.,, Mat- thews Company's factory, Ottaft,a, for the months of Novetuber and -04irt- her. 1901, and the first. wee10:6 t•-onol- uary,1002, in November,1901, it total of 8970 pigs were receivaiVat this face --Wry. Of these, 5708 were "Selects," 1602 were "Lights," 1244 were 'night fats,".„36 were "heavy fats," 07 were "sows* 5, were., • is were "cripp and•220'Weite i:Stores,"these qatte Jean pigs, unfit for any ' • Of 5151 hogs,received at the ' in Deoccaber1901, tbe "selects?' •AuniAlkied-2,qM the. 'lights". 1172, the `4,g1N-fiAs" 1204 the, oheavy tih ‘!stagal,'„ 7:2s.,°11 "crTh•*S",: 85, and. the-,‘„‘Storee;'• 217.; -From the 2n1 to theAtla 6f Japeary 1902, 1069 .hogs were receivIttle these. 276 Were "selectret- 508 • v ere 'lights", 156 "light fats": 10 "heavy fats"; 14 "sows" 13 "stags",7 '"cripples" and 92 "stores", This makes a total for the nine weeks of 8854 "selecte,32:32 "lighto4"2120 "light fats". 147 "heavy" fate," 185 ,',"SOW6,7- 13 "stags," 55 "clples„'„'„- end "529 • ''Store," • total 1519 . .1/4 • . • ' • • '• Pigs termed "selects" are Mingle that can bis made into the best class Wiltshire bacon, and are the tli4t have made Canadian bacon:446 oes ethe the English market. In order to keep up the price of hogd, the packers must eeceive the sort of ,hogs that will make the finest Wqehireesides. To, make this thetatinere 'Must have, smooth, deep, -.wall•-•' feed pigs, with a large amdunt 4,efleairMeat in the carcases, in proptirtion to theatimouht of fat: ,They,- dkt:be; !well finished, ' and Rh oxi reaching the ,,packing house from-dbehundred:and eighty ,(180) to two hundred: pounds:- On•.the pigs termed. ,i'llightetethe packers:. lose at le,aetonkdollar'perhead, :The ''light fats't cap; be • cut uli4itall4put into the re ae trade, hut -too lay e a number -of these,pigs, would at any time eat the 'arleett •The: ...Nide:at-elate &kin be -Worked Up when not 4.teoenumertmae butavill een•for at leattitheettalf per•Eurfdrete livetWeight,leseSthan "eeleetp". 'So-Wa.'arand„..Nags'2• • are very ptte,D properti;' and -can' only be nted supplying . a vely„ inferior trade. In ()rider te he •of anyevalae to the packerse"sdiv,s",and 'stags'? should 4teernattla asefett ppssible. "Cripples' are a , little or ' no :value to the' packers,*and are always feed at a loss to the farmers. "Steres" should•never reach the pork packers, Yee thousands of them are sent every 'Week to the market by the fanners. If the farmers continue to market such ft. large niimber of undesirable pigs, it *ill se4ciiisly injure the Cana- dian Bacon Trade in Great Britahaand will: bring • about", greatly redtieed„. prices for.hogs thioegliont Canada,. '••• . W. HoDgi5er. S )Jij OT Olt^ G[RMI1N19 •Satre of Pictorial Venom ,1 pireCted•Aagi,nat Eland, ThuA..ir,teirteid;O;l:vill,l'ilenii:u:';,ineat•itye.a .4,:;:tetzbui; r. Eireo.,Tite :kJ., of Eug4,,„4 . and ' te't y Late Queell 111(1toria Not Lxempt rrom AI:tit:ye Elltb. Eag_erly 1)eug.nt, :by , Fastkii,nalile Pe 1)1;10 • . 49,0li; 13 ailk..; .'..; a4.-7-4„ roma:rhea:de artieleittleVietiefed tpaYeeterdWs Times, unclePtItheeeetetjoreetate`•tiAteattalire ,.of Getman' •iAfiglotkhobls,„..';'..,,,,,:rwounting the character; .ot ,thik,at :,t,i7Bis,4011 eap,.., Vines sa...,.,'"iii;oarsenefk !obset.47, t tool's *which ateea•rappeneaaee in , o Germen .. aetespaperseeettaith • id ity clad Venom: are . without Et. perige.,•'k-: Iel . in modem tinies.''• 1.,-„A7-'xiiiiii,s. wisdeto, OitestIoned, .. ... • 21.1:e• NV i$Slip,;,Rfi,t :sO!.,../ydigida.tipti of. 4,11e• article at .ttitattalittuPee • :much. ierieetionede The Star says: , '••• - "'"The Tintee yesterday, of all days, begins a series of articles on the Of- ' fen'sive Gorham catioatures. :! The Times ought to hesitate before ' it • deliberately 'flogs the passion of people. Are •:our publicists • matlf, .Can they not 'ea: the abyss toteardp which they are htiending this •,;ng - suffering aatione" • eee,..;':' '' ,. t .. , . Ai hat tII:S111.1101.8? t14..:Ai'. - , .. ‘-,;' ' ' • • 2: The Tiinee' atitcle, Whielt"eis tvf o columns are not gueteit-eligats', but are sold . everywhere ae the. Stations', • of- the state railroads, even at Potsdam sta- • time where the Erapereeeis •eonfsterit- ly traveling. • He 'was"'fleally obliged to personally order their "removal."a ...Neither are these 'Papers ; atiOnY".; moue.' One of the "most infamous .' of an, entitled 'The Beer 'War,' b":bears on the tibia, pages the nal:nes of per - pens didthelaislied in thtt- literary and -nettiptic2•*:.0*- ef Gerinany: ap.roneeD. ' Vel -Y• "te*chnicalestifittlaiiit ,the• a pa- per -is -an art prorifietiolittebtit. it difficult to find NvOrit fo,,c15gyeY,...,-..a• tiotion, of the filth which it'Venitered ' • . artists. and Writers 'venture. 't6 • latt ' ' •••11. ' , • before its culiiired Getirian, " ' readers. : • • '..:Ftet.'"'7'''‘''',Fr•""'"':------s----- . -Batik soldiers are reeiteseatecie ' as : . ,• eibleing the dead., tiltei-t."*M-embere :1'1, Ian's state coiccli' is 'depicted ' as a :BERE8foRmilt.1 'dart ladrinewitli -skeletans, and King ' . ........... . , '' ite. .Edwerd ep shoivii deed drunk in his " ' .. . . "e. 't London, Jan. 7.-A special state- • qiedroone reeeiving the neteri Of Cron- • anent 'Irone LOrdditchener specipenge • le' -e gefitei'air'• But, the - 'erowliInk ' Fie4LOcirnet Ore.tprii.is and ten several .cribef -shobting of natlire* pliCe'.`t is it Sartqen entitled ..,.. 'Hero . 13i, th.,,e, Boers was issued from the ,liVOkship.' ....;Ttak, then, "Prindess Of M.en Killed. r .War Office last night. Wales; Queen Vi4oria; andlie Prince . . • . • • of Waled standipg,,, with the " Young et ' • .... On Monday,. Oct. 15, 1900, party princesses by her side, Is ' decorating -leatetteetee nneeeees Cap,tured,7.,-„includ- viir ''' ..„,of Boexy came to IloutkoP.,about.. six: . .it Youthful soldier, The legend . one‘ ,.. . iag 2.1f41.: co-mei:It. e,r.,04.14.4.tatsnins '. talof letsheinnoirth.. aweisattraofevVwereerlinfninogw.nOta9.e. - • -' dernea.th roads •tektually: ' ,.., .An gnglia414'PrinCess decorating , . ..7-Iteport That Viers * _Tresieherousiy. the natives in the kraal, fired at...,.,...; the youngest gOldier in the British Shot intenlipai4oeacers Untrue...4n- and' • killed a native called Jacob, Whana.' he accused of supplying ,eat- . ..:!. my , with the ;Victoria CioSs, ' be: ' 'I" - "-..T,°'-",, 0-f.fl'.,;'? t./'zii" '..14:tito Yr.e. rDe.`.'.."-••• . tle4to the ..British. forage. ei . use esiyal,ot4hIeern4h0:7,:exil4ytt• tpinrfgnwt.otinie ihast.! ;I... if; ein6.7133.%,,orni.ettet.u117;•,.hipAratagonnt on Hrktain. • ..., A . at "the same timiteanothee ''.Boer,...' :',It-tnitt2/3sc,,TAY' 0144 •'in' r°sPe°t- Jan. 6.e-Beresford'dfgo'el.:11c-eiN;oirC'Co;n°ei°t-nat: cape '.. •±ii -11o•Ventler or Deceenelee, r.,.• 1,90e0,aa. ..':.t,Pia.h:'ne,,.ie...C.r..°n. IP PY .0.441;roceededeto • 4 a- leaatketerprigiV nee ive, Joli.innes,. .4b1e 4hops;:e„ 74, eageylltateeught by War y encountered a' foree Of • ,totra• ' iyWhIPI le: shot *delid an the presence . hepte,- e„, aif5iligar,th fashionable,. ke •dilieiWe o o ni.-t abl es . ,f- -.„. -:.- ,t- . ,..' • ,7•,..5g...:,t,e,71',;.*,illitcilfiqtr;:#07%.!'")..•%45iii17-• ' %,. --'4.4t Preleritia‘49-'74.:10 - then and ..; n. 4 in the centeca aekt Of -the Or-- •Pf :15"6.113:':'•his ethIP e;''''lle'e,e•Ilie. - • ' "ts- lat"- g4-431"ver Oolen4nalibil Field Co -r-.. sid6,i.',---*. "•'•••,*•'--• '--"4" 1-•'-'-'•'-''''-''''4-''''''".:-.*.--4.-3,'" ' .e aktOTAMOMMat (''''111111„'„1„„illti,illItiOlt(011111111.1/11111t011111111111011',I11111/1111,..,1. .. ., ; 4 (4)0 R°}15 1,11n.upi...ohoutinitiiiintotmlahtklo nii,hini.1.111111.111,9migiii = _ _ r..- g E.. B - - =.- — 7, 'Age tabiePreparationforAs- imitating lltrodclaadRe la, I " 1,9m,vhs apOovre or,* iNtANIS/CIIILDF;EN • , pi 4 ficdt, &. erful- 1115 neither fl V 4 ..• . , gritMorpbine nor gineral. ' QT NAB C OTIC. .1.•..7.............., I" ' . . .Ifterecor074?.71nrairliareabTa , jifinphin ...az:um, 4.4 Rocheffs Sob ...: . Ain Sed24 .1. ,:.. . ?Id &oh:Cerra& * • , ila , I, . i &fel - • ;,- ^ rigntioof Slap?... -;, „ frogrinak.Figrox yr 1 , A, perfect Reiriedy hir Cons tipa-: Opp, Spur !,12IRdeb,Diar.rlibea, •Worins,ConytiKi0,FixdriMi-, 'twos an4Lfiss'ov stkEp. . -,, , -- - 3Fac Simile 'Signature .df .EW . YbRIC. ".A:t tie in o'ketlis:' ,94,1cIlte . . 'NT 35 Th.E.'' '-'35 -- -'• T'' - EXACT ,OPYoy WRAPPER. TrIAT PITIE '11 FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE 0 F* Is ON viz or EVERY BOTTLE Citi C•••=4.0..4044=1.01414...44=414,44.4.4.,i146.......1 - • . . Onstoije is put up in one -size bottioteonlya is not bulk. Don't•allow hiyoub to.„11,01, , yon anyl4hiSelse on the plea or promise' tliteeit is "just asgRalteeed ftwill'auswer every per,. • Post,f,'•1 '4Stri7tlialt you get p,..ks-T-0-31-I-A. tilc'; sigititte:t • ,d,,41,-,4,„ unity • IS on • wrapper.. • • •, • . et • PIIInDERS or* NATITES• . Farmer SliZots quo Whom ile ACC.1180sfI• • London,-, :a.,04•-14.-xarp• crliiirt.: :cir- ' ttired • 35 berilieis, including, Field certain , numbet. of wagons belong-ae e P Ite,"s•' Cel,§146mpo.und !Von ZendeneStiltren • chief :of .the lia-,••• miler annaltil 0se.‘. that Adfaiiiall3aron t 'limpets Leroitx and Erasmus. .. . • • • nepeet • .on e .. . Pretoria to Rustenburg were cap- - , ing •to a corriroY proceeding front ea v- . real Cabinet Itat Viii.„..15ereir'AV...41fiiext,4-8 •-,,,: d ' tat 4•1.-a- -a -axes' , tured by the enemata . A.' native dri-. „e , .' . Is the B.ist Mict•Wniter'. . . .......,,....,.. ' : The Times suggeateeiat efie letter telt' rom tho Geienan -Eteperoa. • „, i.--, • . , ,.• • ,,s• In. . aetr,ep,oe. raphed .from pretpTiaVai ..., , d Jan •VaietS3,eWb."Prie bks ' t' of • • , Strengthening. and Health-Qiving been ecataltteten aildiefieetabeit,. Kinit Lon on, Jan. 7.-rehe 'War ' Officee int the authority Of .1.4`di'd• letiteleen.er, „ver of one a the wagons' appears to.: li,' ,;: „,,, liaVe been rOiledeup in e. buek' Sail; ' „d' and. ' that' he „delivered a lett 1 - atele -a ..•. . .... .e! I.A.,::, • ‘ ;7. e et by two meii eit.11e4 tWillein a.„,a, , : .' „ ig'Intended to aisuina[th.e:, present P.-64"2."oati,' 'W, tfflicl. en the t-op:::e141....,..atirede. „..i.. • . tviotdffiders of the:•Inetelligerece ib'l - that '' • '• eJle: ..L,..1_.-k...t.--.:.,.-7-..• •• . --,... .--,.._.., .....? 3i0.e.Y. 4mirMailiiiims•••••••• ,,, ..e.Z.:,;...• ...1‘,111i011:c. ili.!: ,.., : , ': ' .preeent ,polltical estrkngeneent. • - .• Give Ample •Aiipiiriall.:". es•re o surr,en er, with , paraffin, and, thcteeeltale7 04.:;00o. - : a , pititinerita., Who werO tent to parleys .: 3 .... hes.e• ,...44veke tea.,a. a eplagapv„. TleiN• le the BeSt Sisson When the Ss •London, Jah..14.-The. morning .pae .... . - - --,•• aaersearteteee • . ' ' aear Warinpatetheee see reacnerously i fli.e....- The witnesses in this', case -fare, : shot- by . cOn.cealed Boers. t. • • _ , .. . . . , al •• natives froin Kiiiibeieley. •': . ... ' • 1'' 'eat tem Should be Feetifiedarideen pees, commenting eoa Chamberlam s . Paniouis SetitiArilys:"'. - 1 The :total nuratee it•."'ip•ftegatiVes ‘r -e -;T:' , - the Blood tiade:Pnket. ' • latte4 utterance rt tuntee approval. pertecleinin.dered is thiette.:SetTen. 1)&4, .; .. e tt -et.' •,•-,.:t''.'sat'• • , • ' Leaden, :Jan. 7, -t -The Royal Scots.' .cenfined for hours eachttitty and night • GNIPan in.,,..hadly ventilated homes, „offices At this thee when :thousands are „,,,,, win na.Siaetern.. a ay., - a ae „the .custom. of mounting* the re • t , - ee4 ....c#0.„,..„...p...7 -..4. . ••• • '01 , .0 Chan cela.r... Rnys .No Deilatitni ..s4=, ,.:leir. .,... , , the Second ;Dragoons, acquired freall t 1,,ose by. the 'Bodil, is the popular .naine'ef . t-a-11.,;:l!tldt::::tton`lirad.ali.d/il."6.7IT:'.7.1.;`,11."-."'-: ' ...... . • . gixaen . . . 9‘,.-, in ape Tema M 1903, to 'b' • hold • C Jen. 7.; --•An exhibition: is4•„•, , . a. .. ' ...... .t':.' .e.' .4714-4:7.:.'.....", - . . i . lotto ii.9. rieeetep,akiiesex AMOK", Greys, who were recently ' ambiTilied: stores a.nd workshops, .. the ,.systern ' 'Berlin, Jan. ,•14.-e-, Yeeterday in the. r ,4,gray ttoop •hoisee.. The battle says it . despatch ft Ogee ihat. city to should be Torti feed oughly cleansed 4sao ntdhatht e, dbidloeaepde thpeera- aRliesitcahaaltinaagti - Oahlal'elagteetstierr e veoozselig,fit . thee, •..haiiers .1)Orrie b,y the regimeat. 'Ingle:., TfriOtoni ETnhgalwitsf/i. d, aaIntdewi iiltls a'm3ae.,,ld,tieegeotb4jeldiarl'et• tee".""'"a it served .with . - lie successfully eesistel. ea.', 4. .019a119OAkilliCrthe .,,,,...9.0 .efairt: tile -Duke of Marlborough: At Water- •wile, .be! the Prothiteltitip.• of , ' trade:' •• - , 4"-•-eldo it -made a famoup chaigeeas, aleo ''I`liere will be no eppete 'Paine's Celery Compound is the best mid -winter medicine fop all ailing, weak and eandovre men and wen:len. policyawas neiillei• 'Peotes t ' • ." hor Catholic; . just es. hisi13,,,,..,, Y a ir-• at Balaclava The Eniferor atticlidlas flinde...':, • a ri,p., is tte eolottel„in chief.t,•!•., • . ' Contrtcts • -,or 5200,000. 1,-f or colOnica:• It is the world's greatest disease ban- neither Liberal ear Coneetvative. "I nastl.t03 and the War. isher and system builder. - It quickly , know," added tne .0ha 11 ' "• . -• , ace. ore _ only - , • • . Pietermaritzburg, ' Jan. " 6••••-•-; "Sir ' , - -,.: '. t ita-e-New ,Ydrk, Jara .7.-eThe. De,. Beers. CenselidsttedDiamond-Mines„- ''sLimit- able durnishesenatriment for the:, int:miter- . one policy, just as I know only Olte ' gees, Godfrey Lagden, British resident in. ed; of ICimberley, 'Septa Africa, have nerve Hetes . ; it aroidep the or- single individual natien. The Zululand, is here discussing' thet na- jest awarded contracts to Ameriean. _ . , gems of digeetion to brisket. actiop ;,it tions at issue .'inietlie eastern pre- • tive labor qeestion with the •Govern- • . • concerns for structifral material - ande , t ,enables the Wasted body to, bend up vincee are not religious, but are meat, . with particular reference' ' to complete electrical eeeinmeata len 411. ” ,...e."."'"? -14-..• flesh -and muscle, and dissipates the naeioiaal. ' -.New that these national the excessive wages paid by the mile - seeds, of deadly disease.. To .all who -oigtiito are .fereed on ,ue, Only two -dry in the Transvaal and ' e, . else- I &eke plant, •reil it; a .-,,.' ; ba7-....wi-wz.ect;:...„ have i:allow. faces, hollow cheeke • and possible enueses are . opeireeither to i.54s- 1 . , .Lo•4•;'" . e. "•• '' •7••'•.i• ` is: for general pc,••••••: „ . ; , • a, et.f. . Tifett' sunken eyee, betokerting,ill-health, we ' allow ourselves • to be VeltereThe Baeuteeseys ph God-.gfiraltf? trey, have ,watclied the latter ,st7cit w "es 5 .ftt011t elle neat...ea at e.4."teet eer. ate ea.,: • :,, tion of belt/0'19p the emelt* ,spi ing .ence New blood, fresh. vine .energY Say use Paine's Celery Carap.ouncl and you will find a new•ancl banpieg exist.. and activity ' kilned in January and FebrUary.Willgate you a sofictfounda- time. 'Mrs,.i.12.0pper, Thornhill, On t„ _ , .• 4•1.. . , atere, of bur. ratherfaad." " ' - e ' Skins. The . Polish"; queStent ' is a the most important before the ,f, -"ii, a.tiori, and on its settlement . depends' the . development of the immediate: . fu-• without a sting -die bfettrt iertiteci'ente The • °Hance -nor :Concluded With ad- • , , air .., ....1 ' .; • . whelfiling potakef 'Great .Britaiti;4re viin h 1- t" " t 1 ' -decoct- as tlaey now 'era Of the giver-. • - a.:43 -R. ''I''.... ' .---C.I. ...'e le . . 9f ,tbe war' Wet inatueer, and,' • con- •'""••. 'test •ertiir*.tAatf:testid Palate:44e - "-• rega"rding.A1Z ht.rnv.tle:..b.eing ,fotight ' a ' • "te •-• •• al. ' diternner' atteili.?;"*The "" ' `t" out asea. test" of air endurance and leeeer eFtieetetraaetaate AT'l eal ' . .''' • ' ' 1. • • • ' ceeepaign„ which has teen: ft 4.•.• ,.. , • • w inorameffect of t Grkiat' Britain ,entertained „kbrottdtand g axe. as await ' - oseph Cham- e • 21.•-•021, '3,...7.7.:: '" 7. pest irig at ,Bir- „ eetaajea ous.y of t d d ' 1 .0i1e a y,. ic-- • . :Says': , : -,7•,,,,,.••,--.t • . •• ,-4-.- suring - the Germans. of East PruSsia, tule a; . , ceeeteileeia"meder . ,..in, ey.e.s.., ,7,114.. h •*.: ....'uertied that this t Wes. due to 'the ex - "With Veek, ' kpleasure bald satite that the Governineat would not de- abitepititit rinlYat. i•.• they aateetieeliesradetedt - eiti, a -eaaietenceet ,9f,.. -a. particularly ..wleked, . • • gait...4 OpiiiiitAt4 *Any testimony t,,, what Me alreed etie,en said irentvor (')I laid out by the "greateet Geeman," viate in• the, alighetSt from. ' 'the traela, ^Bata conenictigee rae" froth the" te. jaef'ere ne he „said, 'fiend. we must. mast- . enm. . "This is no new °thing 'held: .••.4-",;• . 1.7aine'llEOttier. olifOotrnd. Fi-ir.S:ytti,..‘,:, i,talt l•f•0 PVAl-c.6.WP4i-P1?-' ' ' • ',',4t. •••-•• - 4' niaintain our e 1 d solation sur - are. -a . , e P.9.PA .1.. . , ,. • long tiAte'V.suffeieci from gehetle..-ilta;e . - ,: . , • b WtS"..0.1:<. '. . . • t''... . .... " . • •A bility and ;:rue-ctewn systen.i. -1•1;90.1;:s-:',• I. .. '$.1.Iept Op '371$1:i.is l'Ivelltlit.i.'. ,, . NillipirOUNBLA.24D,'S HOBS,. ,'.- !•::: •,.- -'''''-'2, 7.17.7,' • ' -,rotuidadadied supported. b Shea, col- • • 6 • • , ..2`, 01?n s . Nfld., Jan. 141. -The coe ,, aa _ .4... , '..• ,. • . •• 14,4 %r''' aiiiiirtifliifOlk." . ' 4'1'*'.. . •. i.L.r.k... ,lieard of: rattna"aa 0.4PY •Cotql.lotle-4 • ,' • deteereatedaree ittaie a trialaandenteta leia That 'Britain Done Not Expetut a Hefic:*"..4 -4:' •. I 'V% happy t',„ *Rai t haettolie fOree•tittei,e4, a:. ae, . tlegylettere Wile, Meet., • , lab,: . ,• a- Of ModU'U'Vivendi. ''‘.0.; 'IN tetia eaNice aeintet C. 7' pililai I . Q. .ti•11;i6-;.:t o 1 °Ili al taeverninent hes' z' St, John's, Nfld„ Jan. 7.e- ' eche ,•it •• • Prance, , Jan., 1.4.-alt12. ood 4 e I can expreee . 1 or 1 vt. u :SI 'the...trl'esent; time, receiVed no.. a. . • earsX.d . • , ' a . '.M.?.i ( 41,6, eedueee. froitatineellritisli Cabinet foe.' Without h.a.Y Rend. i.estrl t it a:I-At:kJ:11.1. 41,13._ A,,j. f'4,•i,•p.Owc&Ot 'the' French • f ehore colonial authorltiei entertain • the . t . , . ,,, A. '0 *ill* Pant el, •„("elei•y , C44ilittetKcitlf :,!eitcii-.4.0Niii.01,:rt, i'vliict). expired pee, hope that the ,Brieiet• ttcivernment a•t" ,bine,„ttelba chief aStronanteell the e' at o'cledit yesterdittte'evening,-. t\ atber•ir. Ohgervittork, 'reports '..gt:ell ,i0,16,...n7i,I,Ji. 1 Pe..11Qt,151',?'oeltred to hairlfatecli 4 04"-. diFIria01. .. It is believed Ia. °Meisel. , , . , • •• . ' • dins not dkpect"e" beaetval of the ' • Aire 4.• •-''. —'' "4-144'-i4 • mooneet the brilltancyeof Yerins•wasem,' r , wdir,'1,1igeSfrion is good, and eey ale, 0, e: 'Si, e erthlti g ou rid .. .A.Itogcl besc,. 1 it in .,,.. France and Clrea':Drite,in are ' cone • circles here 'that. the et:athlete •, • of Prench.• shore modes •vivenda eaticle expired, Dec. Sle 1901e foratnea' cher . , e• a a - . ' .: at, " i T.ii,; a" .,,. .-'-• - , . . ,.... • so intensi4p......cl'iplieskindeltisttan.,,...c4e`,, alitends. ; ' , 1: • • . e ejnonatattepteettle -tee aleteteenciatne . g • .... 'Y. -3 .1 -Pr Un e'441 ; CO er g .• Corti pt-liWc1. • ' tii".",:t ',I e . aerie , „ agetakeaaa .a.ty e oaca a 0 u ' ' ' ' ' " '. "'"' • .- 1°S;h•' . 4, ' ' k 1 .. ' rem:- drawback -Po • ao Avelfare • of ' 11-9, ,.. "••' walls..--- , '1",•••• ''• •'. .-.. '; ,''/. ::.41111„..-`1.:.,,,,.....41--...„, an Ui . LordlYi? gii;rin't.ter Ill. tieW Wciedilil • 1 iti WAS'S, Icek:(411.4,:i.'T!'• suiting .over;stlie .prosPect. of , affect,- yea Year. . TI:lq,k.eq..itqa'. tlillt.'; SA4' .‘ • • . : arra/le-eh:tent tae-‘rovett. • teartceity "., ' .t. ',tate, aerie*....T.' . a 31 (15, e , ilie• celaerta 'and.' iri. if' et •••••1- - - . 4'ttrigrill'anct Ave formerly itearerno? .. ., ,., . ,e, , ., e i„s• . renewal • ...,...,,ae. , , , ; ' ••,a • „-, • .5Q-ey EARS'. • . , .'ille..-.§..,,,,',fiti.,, .51,41!loo,i,sic„,:ipc.'„,„5.1,6111,0 predate th$,:,vexatibeia , p4sei uPlivr,p) ' of "‘elallt•de4 te eqletkei:fee .lip ' ,T,',:il,',;,:! aiv,-6-:,, .-te If.,);enCli st(Orc,. qiie4iOn. fOr a . jet, Clerelabotrte,',hiS reeidence in ,Cotni.:* ".... z a__ _e....",,fA ,X.,-;.- 7 : • • • I Pr,. ... the a a' --. ' • ee te a I elalid, ' ea a born In EXPEellE,NOE , '‘ Mr: •••justite • 0 wynitiM . title' . ,t.7:.' tipiTlyw,tp.,?er Point Ottawa; , !none of a etitegiefeet Le' the !di ( l'it''''..1)61•1/A: Aro •-''1' - ' l';' • ' T . ''” t ' %17. vart taepei.,1 ..1 n, .01. ••, tv >o en .... •,s , . .. Atenet but' ..,.e.tte6; .•cild ,I;;.;,;.'Llip,r0fof et tfirears of ' ^ " • COUR ' Tuts not ycigilinee. 'ilediectiedecleotpllt, EttiO'':,90;1!?Ilt..... .s.,1., tfesat,„ -to 'sten' q. t ;',..'" ; ".4,74'.4t'dt'ereet 'iae.',...'". • • .. ,sin-Lab:NI ...let If a 711431.‘ ,., , 1 , .,, ., . , ,. , . *. i • .. IC Of .".k*I'llM C.§ tlei'' ' renew thi • meateirel4 yeti tett- r .6 •-4' 'e!'!•ta ' , , ,,at::: '-; • ,"' • bV . theaGeverne 't et 1 ,, . • ? a • • e • . . 1 , 1 , • • 111110e ee(a le a • a , ea -: " ,,,'• at a alere As a!, -3.0•613"4 -I al -04:,,;.'„ in e,,,the. ,Droppeci 1)1 (31 he' 1,11.Pjninton. , . 1 • W44 dekil teen. off/eel Uritli.,'4.611f t,',t,'Xiktf, '..t.igt-'°1-'' •4°,uP•e.t ' '':', .1'. le t 101•011,111-16,tije- Braitikeit, 'Jiiii.!"• 11;..aeltle.' r.]: ho thaw • • DeStOrleat. • •.T.,--- f". lei% - 1 ,•••!•••• •-• 71:II@ %.,. • ' .1' - n 0'7a 'Of 'thie;arr:etig-ement erder tia. VI • 'a e' e s • , ' TRADmN'atiiks .leee COPYRIG.HTS.It '1' tb,. Op. 1 t. „ e Otto!. oft( , el.;11 s:iiolicip, , . , . , . r .1. 1 XIV. 4,..i. O. , . gi a ra nie 013 ,i 0.. a drop. igni.'$.,, leti011Teiffiebe digiuetierf* "..lert-ttl'et..w.W.ell. • 4. Of)bgAd Vo7litlie t• re rbster , heed -shiPeer for . ' W•.•• . 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