HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-1-9, Page 8T
down go prices on winter goods. Coiisider
vair yourself lucky if you are M time for some of
thess snaps. We are going to boom the fur business for a fow
$1,30 for child's Grey Persian Lamb
Far Cap. Yon eave just 1.11 on this
nap, Ono, e
$12.5u for meo's ..:.itstralien coon fur
-coats, all made trorn No. 1 dark, whole
hides. A :owe money :saver. ()owe
cenick if yoa want one.
$7,75 for largest size, choicest qual-
ity, dark brown SaSkatobewqm robes,
purewool tweed or curl lining, and
best rub ber inter) in bag, If youwant
a robe now'e• your chance.
$32, . for tuell's price e dark Ctina.•
d.iten Caeon Coat, this coon coat bar-
gain will tickle the strings of your
money bags.
. $15.00 for ladies' choicest Electric
Seal Coats, Sable or Mink, collar end
revers. Thee are the elioiceet itna
most stvash ladies. coats yea)]. find,
Sat/0 tisid np tO '$85.00 :for a swell
rouge of watee fun caperines. We
will save you Money on your caperine
ii you have not alread.y l• eight.
$1.25, $3.50, $3,75 aud *nen tile pair
for xnen's far driving genutletS, •cotn-
fait, style and quality. Cornu and sen
J. fi 8TEWfART
the, COod
is what tbe. business man owes him
It te this bueiness policy of ours
which Ind.:lees us to clairn to hs
oftese the cheeepeesst and con-
sequently sseeksisays the het.
We have in stock everything iti the
;Stationery Line—newest in Note
Cortelezone Line of
ganglish and German Decorated
French Chinal
Limoge ancl.Japa,nese Ware.
J 1-1 Tel 9
3, r
VARY, oZ TOT011tO: also for the Pact= FIRE
erstatesenvi COMPANY, of Loudon, England ;
The copy foe changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Fel' Marriage License%
Wedding Rirsg
Wetcheess, Clocks,
0,1.1.L ON
Watch Itspahing a Specialty-.
This looks a. little like a Ianuary
Miss Mende Lloyd is visiting Mren
Tilos, Elliott
Miss Elliott, of Wing -bate, ie the
guest of Miss Nettie Walters.
Me Sweet, of Mich., spent New
Years the guest of Miss Louisa Eacrett.
Miss McKay, Of London, who bas
been yielting Miss Ethel Farmer has
returned home.
Messrs. Melville und. Alex Marti n
have returned. to Toronto to return e
their studies, .
Mi ee Cora, Fowell lef 1 on'Tueeday for
a more h's visit. with friends in Wood-
stock and London.
• Noronna Bissett who spent the pest
two weeks at his home here left' Tues-
day for Richmond, Mich.
• MrseEllicitt, returned. to Mitch ell on
Monday, accompanied by her gevand-
datight-er, little Miss Muriel Anderson,"
. The. electric light transformer on
John street which was burned out two
.weeks ago, is being replaced this
wee k.
The Masons bank is offeringefor sale
"theold buildings on the property re-
cently purchased for a new bank build-
ing. ..-
.Mr. R. Seidon, and the _Misses Sel -
don. of Ingersoll, have been the guests
.of Mr. and Mrs, George Samwell the
:past week.
Mr. 'ffm. Da,ynnin, of Whitewood
N.W.T.', arrived in town lint Thurs.
day, and is the guest of his brother-in-
law, John,T. Westcott.
We are pleased to state that ItIre,
De) Will Browning, of Caledonia,
Mimi., who was so serioasly 111, is now
in a fair way to recovery.
- P. Ross will to -day (Thursday)
THURSDAY JANUARY 2ND., 19)2. offer for sale his stock of merchandise
and the buildings and lands in connece-
STOvE1 Port SALE.-- Parlor heater;
• wood, good as new. Apply at TferEs
Bo's' W._NTED.—A good, smart boy
with tear eclueation, wanted to learn
the printing beeiness. Apply at
TIMES office. •
0 isreo FAtesenso Pumice—If you,
keep cows for mills, butter or cheese,
• and are fattening calves,cattle Or hogs
or poultry fee market or for eggs, ti
pays to fed English Stock Food, It is
• the cheapeet food on the market.
Sold by 0. Ltrrz, Exeter.
Mr. Jas. Abbott, of London, was in
town on Monday.
Mr. it. S. Ling is in Brighted this
week on litisiness.
ML's. (Rev.) Graceof Ganenoque
is here on a visit to Mrs. Geo.Sarnwell.
*Absollitelsr pure bitkingpo wder sold
by 0, Lutz, Exeter.
Mies Gussie Holland has returned
home from Wallacehorg.
• Ordered work and repairing done
mptiy at It. N. Rowe's,
Mrs. Sherry's arid daughter, 1VIrs.
,Cook, of Hemet% yisited in town,
on Monday,
Good Friday this year will came on
" Meech 2it,11 eAS,A Easter Sunday on
Mareh 30ili.
Miss 15rqithert, Who has been mil-
liner with ,J, A. Stewart for a nue:thee
e.tf yeafe, left on Saturds,Yfor her horns
zn m onto.
Mr. ami Mr3... WM. 1)11(11100y, have
turned home after spending a te'ntple
of Weeks with friends in Sarnia, Wyo..
g and /40,Giliivray.
Ecketein, formerly Of Exeter,
and Who IS now in ilespeler taking a
course in electricity, was in town
Wednesday calling on friends.
A young man battled Reichert was
before Squire 8nellt on Tuesday
charged With assaulting Sergt-Major,
3, T. IVesteott, and assessed
Mr. 0, W. Sanders, of Stephen., who
is studying for the Itnglish Church
Nvberc he Win, assume charge rif the
Ministe,y, left last week for Orunclini
thin. Mr. and 13Irs. RO6S and family
intend inoving to Chatham,
On Friday evening last the choir of
Ontario 51. church, Clinton, of which
both had been members, surprised Mr.
end 5Is. W. J. Ross by presenting
them with a handsome silver cande-
Miss Jean McLennan, third daugh-
ter of the late David McLennan, of
Stratford, formerly of Exeter, was
married on Dec. 31s1, to W. Arthur
Perks, B,A., 13.D., of the University
of Toronto.
Thos. Catnpbell, son of Mrs. ()amp-
Willin,m et,., who went, to London,
recently to work in a box factory,
there had the misfortune some two
weeks ago to have some of the fingers
severed front the right hand while at
work. He .is now improving undee
medical attendance.
Wm. Callfas, of the ard concession
of Stephen, received the s'ad
gance of the death of his lather,
Phillip °Mlles, who died in Plymouth
County, Iowa, on December 12111 at
the advanced age of 81 years 1 month
and 14 days. Infirmities of old age
was the cause of death.'
Mr. John Bouton, of Winnipeg a
former resident inerchant here of
some years ago, Was in town on Tues-
day calling on many old friends. Mr.
Renton has many friends here who
were glad to extend the right band
of good fello*ship to hin once more
and pleased to know that he has been
so successful lathe Ptairie Province.
The Huron Old Boys' Assoeiation
held its annual meeting Friday night,
in Toronto. J. S. WillisOn presided. in
the absence of the president, Hugh
MeMath, who is confined to his resi-
dence through illness. The yearly res
port by the secretary, V. Floody,
showed that there ate now M mete.
hers, The following officers were
elected for 1002; Hon. presidents, COI.
W, D. Otber,,,, J. Willison, Hugh Md -
Math ; President, re, Moody; `tice-
resident, Dr. W. Sloan ; Secretary-,
, A. Walker I Val/atter, (.+, A.
Smith ; ,Executive Cloneraittee, J", A.
McLaren, E. Jo a Duncan, Georp.m
Deacon, J,14, Lyons, 'W., Pendergast,
W. Scott, S.- S. lifellninett, S. T.
Church, 0. 0. Roes, Thos, M601111-
tutlayi Et, 0. Lucas, 0, McDonald, 0.
It Cooper, Thos. Soak, and, T. W.
Gibson, •1
k;Nalara jn SPe"It tbe,
Medical Oialete, Toronto. elA Teesdi:V.
Thaniet -Read aneiversary eetwieee
and tea will be beltion the 19bh wad
20th January,
Mr, and , Mrs. Jeeeph 13awde;r7tif
Loudon, Yii•ited Mr. Bawden's parents
here last week.
Tnu'Xrelms 00,rtier 13oys hereby ten,
der theie etianks to the public for their
kindly retuetnigances.
W illis Powell has jest returned from
it business trip to Wixigham, Luck.
now and other places notth,
Dix Kidney Pills—a sure tenet for
lame back, lumbago and all kidney
and urinary derangements. Sold by
i.'n'4 Baird has accepted the posi
Wm of carrying the mail' between
Shipka and Klive, for the :next three
months, instead ot F, fleiteman.
Fritts—About 8 o'cleek Saturday eve,
zi ing fire WAS discovered in the frame
dwelling of Critic Stanlake, 2 con. of
Stephen, about two nines from Exeter.
The house was totally destroyed.
Most of the contents was saveC1 by the
timely assistance of neighbors, hie' ad-
ing 150 bushels of potatoes from the
eel rar, and a large quantity of cut weed
in the woodshed. The fire originated
from a defective chinmey, and the loss
sustained is fully covered by insur-
ance. '
—It was stated last week that Messrs.
'Harvey Bros. -would take possession
of the 'Exeter Millet once, instaeid of
March let. In the meantime they Nxill
dispose of their property and prepare
for the change, Mr. Joseph Harvey,
in another column offers his fine
farms in Usborne township, for i sale-
, This is as line a property . as ceuld he
found in tbe township and anyone,
wishing to secure a well -improved
farm should consultMr. Harvey.
I. O. F. ELECT Oppecpas.----At the
regular meeting- of Court 123 I. O. F.,
held on Friday night, thefollowing
officers were elected for 1902, viz.
ft. N. Ito we. C.D., H2O.R,i J. A. Rol-
lins, physicfan; Ames Ardah Rollins,
jr., P. C. Ito 'Wm. Belkwell, U. R.
Martin Salter, V.0,1t.; Geo. E. Ander-
son„ R. Sec.; A. G. Dyer, F. Sec.;
Samuel Martin, Treas.; Jas. Weekes,
S. W.; E. Maguire, S. W.• Nelson G.
Kedcly, S. B.-, David Mill, J. ,B.
OliTICERs INSTALLnp.—At the last -
regular meeting of Lebanon 'Forest
.Ie dge. N. 133, A. F. and 4, .M.„ held
on St. Johnis mete. the following
oilicers were duly inetaned for the en -
'iii g year viz —I. R. ()arling„ W: Me
Rom, Jen:left, S.W.; L. II. Dickson, J.
G. A. K. McLeod, Chaos 13. 5,
O'Neil, Treas..'U. II. Sanders; gEN.C, U.
N. elendetsoo,S. D.; Dr. ' Amos, J. D.,
W. C. Iltistoo, 1. G,; T. B. Carling, sr,
steward; T, Fisher, jr., steward; E.
Christie. and N. D, Hanlon, finance
committee: Dr. Sweet, director cere-
ivonisee -: Sweat, tyler.
now transpires that the peculiar re-
ligious sect in Stephen township, who
have smallpox in their midst and who
have bothered the Provincial Board of
Health with their aversion to physi-
clam:, are Do ‘vieites, followers of the
notorioue Chicago apostle. One of
their number, fuetherwore, has caused
more trouble for the department. By
swine meaee oe other she got out of
one of the quarantine houses in Ste-
phen and made for Jordan Beach.
Her object seems to have been two -fold
--to escape quarantine and to preach
the gospel of Dowieisot _to blind. sin-
ners. Now she has srnallpox. And
as she has exposed xnany persons to
the contagion in her enthusiasm to
Preach since coming to jordan, the
health authorities are 'apprehensive.'
The local officers are said co be alive
to the possibilites, and are takine, all
HuR.ON POTJLTRY Serow.—The Hur-
on Poultry show was held in Goderich
last week. The exhibits were numer-
ous and the quality of the birds, first-
class, 'Messrs, Carling Bros. and .T.
Moore, of Exeter, werearnong the sue-
cessful exhibitors. Carling Rees. Ob-
tained, the following prises—lst for
Andalusian male, 1st for light Brahrha
male, 1st, for hen and lst for breeding
pen in same class, 2ncl for Barred Ply-
mouth Rock cceiste*el and 3rd forhen
in same class, 1 .i, for male and -female
game bantam. John Moore ist and
2,m1 for black spanisli cockerel and /et
for game bantam co- Lerel. A largely
attended meeting n te held on Thurs-
day evening last, when it was decided.
without a dissenting voice, to hold the
seventh annual show in Goderich, com-
petition to be open to the world, Of-
ficers were elected as follows—Piesi-
dent, A. M. Todd, vice -President. Colin
NOampbell ; 2nd • vice-president, 0,
Knight; 3rd vice-president, John
HOweie; secretary, Colin Campbell, jr,;
treasurer, F. E. Bingham. Directors,
Wm. Carter, Constance; D. A. Lowry,
Alf. Baeker, Brussels; W. -Taylor,
NVinghain; Dr. Scott, John Daly, Sea -
forth; A, .J. Grigg, J. A. King, James
Howson, Clinton; I.Vm, Carling, John
Moore, Exeter.
Fonece,sTs Fon Ltreclell'ee—Rev. Ira
Hicks, of St. Louis, ,gives the follow-
ing forecast for January;—A Vulean
storm periocl'coverg the hest six days
of -Tannery, being central on the 8rd.
Winter storms will develop and pass
from west to east, followed by celder
weather. From the Oth to' 1211i there
will be a return to sterna conditions:,
with mote rain and snow, again 'fol.
rowed.by. colder and cleat weather,
The n1001.1 being at smith declination
during the disturbanees of 9th to 12th,
the cold attending these storms will
be general and ' seVere., A IVIercury
disturbante extends front 12th to 23rd,
central on 181b, daring: the first, half
of this' a Videen storm period else pre -
Veils, central on 15th. Softie of • the
heaviest StOrMS of the month are prob-
able, ftm-e, Tuesday, .14th, to Friday, '
lith. Moon on the equator on • llth
will intensify electric conditions, ett'llS.
hag In southern parts thancler and
lightning. Rain will turn to Sleet and
SnOW, ending hi blizzards to north and
West, with sweepiug Cold wave ' bring—
ing up the rear. . About the 20th colcl.
Will abate, and rain Steenes•may be ex-
pected from west to °net; these will
turn CO sleet and ettoWy and during
20bh to 21th waiter storms and bliz,
sards May be expecbed,, Thelast storm
period is central On 26th, devoting'
ireill 211h to 20th. -After 27th, n. high
barometer and cold wave will cloSe- ho
During this mcnth we will'olear the balance of Our
whiter stock at greatly reduced prices, in fact ev'Aerything
this line must, be sold, Ov()oorlts,„ Fars, Ladies' Mantles,
Ladies' and Alenls 'Underclothing, Felt Boots, Loggias:gorse
Blankets, Bed Blankets, Winter Suits, Etc., Etc.
Nate These Prices Carefully •
They Will Inter st You.
' exetacrauanceigluclrguawax.
' io'only men's heavy double breasted suits, well lined,
well maderegular price ws $8.50, clearing price .... 5 00
.6 only youths fine quality heavy tweed suits, farmer sa•
tin lined, well made, regular price $7.50, clearing price. .5
5 only men's all wool fine quality frieze overcoats, made
up in new style, farmer sa.tin lined, regular $10.50 line for.. 7.00
• 8 only boys good quality, tweed suits, well ma.cle
lined! regular $2.75, clearing price' .
• • i75
10 only men's extra heavy, all wool, frieze -ulsterS, regu-
lar prices ranging from $10 00to$14.00, your choice, clear- ,
ing price , . 7,50
Blankets ,Ladies' linderolothlug
Extra fine quality 10/4
flannelette blankets in white,
-grey and fawn, the regular
$1.00 kind, clearingptioe • • 7c)
• Heavy kersey horse blank,'
ets, well lined, bound all
around, regular price $1.75
each, for • .- 1.45
Men's lined mitts and gloves,
specialtAo clear at 45c, 75c, 89c,
$1.38i, et -
3 dozen ladies' fleece lined
vests, splendid Warm gar-
ments, regular 6oc kind, spec-
ial clearing price ........... ag0
Ladies' fine quality vests,
special clearing at . . . . . . 26..0
Men's ildderclothint special
lines to clear at 47c 69c - and 89c,
Ladies' nanties
• 25 ladies' mantles, not this year's styles, but warm •and
coMfOrtable and everyone of thew. a great bargain for. .... 1.00
6rladies' new stylish mantles, silk lined,,fawns and blacks,
beautiful goods, this year's goods, regular prices $12.00,
$13.00, $14.00 and $15,00, special clearing at • . • • • • • lag
All accounts due
to ladies' new stylish mantles, very natty goods, specially settled on or before
red lined and made, pilcds range from $9.00 to $1,1.50,. spec-
ial clearing at .... . . .1.85
Ws carry a large, well assorted stockof up-to-date fur-
niture; good 'values, your money's Werth, and guarantee
satisfaction, both as to price and quality.
riGturc Framinu and all Reoairinci
rroiiiinlu 11!)t6lidJd to
10 iadies.new style jadkets, all •well lined and Made, reg-
ularpi-ice would be $5.50_ to $8.50; to, clear for . ..'. ..... ...
. . . ,
This will be a great Opportunity to get new fashionable
for little money..
• 3 lbs, cream soda •biscuits
3 lbs fancy • sweet :biscuit
for . . • • • 256
'gall° of white Nxine vrn
egarfor .....................25,6
• 4 lbs washing' soda for ....05c
, 8 lbs choice figs for. . .. 25C
26 lbs. yellow sugar for
23 lbs Red.paths, grai,ulat-
ed sugar for' . . • • • . • • • te
2 cans bestesalmon for 25c
8 lbs good rice .for. 256 Good four string brooms. • 23o
4 lbs choice cleaned cur- ro lbs finest green rio cof-
rants for .... .25t [fee for
12 Yards Extra Heavy Flannelette for SLOB.
Lam sand Iinner etts
We have the most beautiful lot of lainps.and dinner setts
ever brought into Exeter. We bought them clir.4ect from the
manufacturers in England and United States and .can -SAVo.
you middleman's profits. This is the way we are selling
them :
New shape 97 piece , dinner setts/ beautifully tinted and
gf1tled in bluc, .green, light blue and sairno-il, regular 'pribe
• • • • • • • • •
97 piece hand decorated dinner setts in varioi,is shades,
riew shape and beautiful are, regular price $13.50 for CO
Beautiful hnd dCorated extra largd size gliOloe and bowl
rnp, braes retnovable founts, 'regular $6, 5
A lovely lot of hand decorated Iain.ps with brass feet at 'L25,
St -50) $1'750 '12'00, 5, $2'50) 113'00' •
We pa.y bigliest prices for 411
rectImi)or er
wensena—tu Exeter North, 00 Friday, Jan.
3rd; the wife of Thos., Webster of a daughter.
TREVETEICE,—At Brinsley, . on Monday, :Tan.
.0th, the wife of Jobn Trevethick, of a daugh.
ter. • • •
1-10USE - BLOCH.
the firm of Beverley & Huston must be
l'O.th February.
Rev. S. B. Ora,nston of OrtanarGY'
preached in Oaven Presbyterian
church on Sunday -evening, Rev. Mr.
Martintakinghis work there.
Owing to the Rev. R. lanyard being
indisposed, through illness, his pulPit
was very ably filled by the Rev. E. L.
Hatton, of Centralia, who delivered at
bothi morning and evening service.s,
fine discourses. '
On Friday lait .Messts. Beverley &
Huston, furniture dealers and under-
takers, dissolved partnership.' Mr.
Huston will continoe the business at
the old stand. . s.Ve have not learned
what Mr. Beverley's intentions are.
Mrs. P. Frayne ettencled the mar-
riage of her sister, Miss Johnston, in
London, on New Year's day, Ou her
return home She was accompanied by
her father, Mr. Johnston, who remains
her guest for some time,
The Exeter Pbhic Sebool Opened On
Monday with a fall staff of teachers,
as follows : .11 N. Anderson, (late of
Ettrotidale, UsbOrne,) who, sueCeeds
Mr. 5. A. Boyd,. as principal at a
salary of $600, Miss Robertson, fligh
school dept. ; Miss VosPer, Miss Wald-
rond, Miss GM, Miss Pribgle, 'Wise
Irwin, IVIiss Carling.
I you want a Suit Or an
oveTcoa.t, call and see, our *spec- oatihtao,goo,t,h;titxibioLuitrkneeythiwiy,essa6uvvrilvilarivcisisit.:
eto° ansi the ivt3e2rizslileimaltOciablrbt(,elIePbeyeb.ing
63, 0.-
11 hustne. ; 15 xnettee
everything—sure and safe
esivon better salary,
Rut Only 'N good 0 work
0. comes of thorough training.
such as you receive nt
this college ny experance.
ed teachers. Book-keep-
ing, stenography, typemiting, penmanship
and business practice.
Resolve to enter the new Lorna Of 1009, and
make suecess in business yours, '
Forest Gitll B1151116S8 Gollege
Lox:Doer, ONT.
j W,.• WESTERVELT, PriiniPal,
waiter MIR
Only one hind of a business education
given to students, tnenthet "the best.",
Our graduates are chosen by business
firms and business colleges as fast as we
can turn them out. pays to, go it.
thorough proparatitha. Eight applisa•
bons have recently been recewed from
other business colleges who wish to get
our graduates as toaohers, but wo have
not one tossed. Surely this shows the
class of work we do., Ce -et our catalogue
Miss Ballard, milliner with the H. J.
Spackman Co., left for her T101/10 in
Listowel, 1,Vednesclayt to spend the
MI5'S Mahe). Penick left on Tuesday
for St. Limeys where she Cakes a, pogi-
tion in the dental office ether blot.her,
Dr. L. L. Folliek, *.
Miss EISIO MCCallttm left for ()real
ton an SatutclityWhereeeheel%Iemeo
a,pbsitionidone of the cleparttnents o
th:Ctr).11ebilildc s&larbs°. ,Landevehr, left' this
week for their hotrie Itivevelde real,
Blue worsted and serge suits,
worth '$t8,00 for. $r4.,00.
Twoect suits worth 1/7.00 or
Overcoats with yoke worth Bui
$22.00 for $18.00,
Overcoats-- worth $ 18,0o for
'$15.00. ,
Panting made to order for
$3 09) $4:020 and.$5 °0, A gP6c1
fit guarnteed,
It free of
here will he
' xmy,064D 0/COUG
klt few hour%