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6.317;XQUIME47 muernu,ve,ouperuar.,
gilaolu'irecreiy aregetzeneeegeonenatt
A Terrible Cougho
In': All Ages God Has Uonored Good
• i...A.Lathorhood • •
(Entered women to act or tne enetement
' Catutsiec to the yaw 000 Thousand Nine nun.
deed an Oue, by weiten anis, of Toronto,
the Deeereueut otAgricuituro, ottawat
the Federal forces etorted to meet
thole' opponents at Gettysburg. And
to day the cbild is to decide all the
A despateh• froamWashington says a great battles, make all the lawa,
-Rey, Dr, rir etee' preached - from settle all the destinies and usher
the following text : Luke ii, 16, tie the world's salyatidn, or destruc-
"And they came with, thaste and tion. Men, women, nations, au
feltnd Miry and Joseph and the babe earth and all Heaven,
lYing in a manger."
The black wiattow shutters of a 3tee Notice also that in this Bible night
comber eight were throwa open, and scene: God honored ecience. - Who are
some of the best singers of a world the three wise men kneeling before
where they all sing stood there and, the Divine Infant?. Not boors, not
putting back the dvapery 01 cloud, ignoremuees, but Caspar, Belthasar
chanted a peace anthem until all tho and Melchior, men who knew all that
echoes of hill and valley applauded was to be known. They wove the
and encored the hallentiah enoeus• Isaac Newtons and Herchels and
scene as though, st•e had never befere ebony was the forerunner ot our sue
Their al-
d'ome, let us go into, that Christmas eearadays of unite time,
worshipped at the manger, Here is blime chemietry, their astrology the
mother _eel our magnificent astronomy
and when I see these seleetiets bow-
ing before the beautiful babe I see
tho prophecy of the time when all
the telescopes' and microscopes, and
a :Medonna wortht looking. _C
wonder not that the most le equent
mune in all land a and tin all Chris-
tian centuries is ,Mary. And there are
Marys in palace§ tead Marys' in cab -
Me, and, though German and :branch all the Leyden jars, and all the elec-
,and Italian and Spanish and English
pronounce it differently, they are, all trio batteries anti all the observe:-
, tories, and all the universities shall
namesakes of the one whom we finct bow to Jesus. It is much that tenter
on a. bed .of straw, with her pale telready. ' Where le the college that
face against the soft atee of Christ sloes not have morning prayers tints
in the night of the nativity. A.11 the bowing at the manger? Who hate°
great . pe inters have tried, on canvas, ee„ f . h ,
to present Mary and her child and -- -....._ greatest - physecians?
Omitting. the naMes of the living
elle incidents ' of that most fainotie
Ra- lest we should be invidious, , have we
night of the world's history, a not had aniong them Christian men
',sheet, in three different nmeteepieces
celebrated them, Tinteret to and like james tit Siintison and Rush
and Valentine Mott and Abercrombie
Ghirlandajo surpassed themselves in and Abernethy? Who have been
the adoration of the nteen• c'err'iggio greatest scientists'? .1 osePh
needed to do no ntore than. his Ma- °ur
Henry, who lived and died in the
donna, to become immoktal. The. faith of the gospels, and.. Agassiz,
"Madonna of the Lily," by Leonardo struiding with his students
da Vinci, will kindle the admiration who'
among the hills took oft his hat
of all ages.. But all the gal Ieems of
and said, "Yoting gentlemen, before
Dresclen are forgotten when I think
WO study these rocks let us pray
of the small room of that gallery
containing the "Sistine Madonna." fc'r wisq°155 to the (110d who made
st. the reeks." Ail geology will yet
Yet all of them are copies of
bow before the Rock. or Ages. All
Matthew's Madonna and Luke's. Ma -
botany will yet worship the Rose
donna, the inspired Madonna ol the
%\'' old book Which we had put into our of Sharon, All astronomy will yet
If people would allay treat conghs and hands when = we were infants and reco,gnize the star ot Bethlehem.
Behold also in thae first Christmas
colds in time with Dr. Weed's Norway that we hope to have under our
, night that Gad honored the fields.
Pine. Syrup, there would be fewer homes heads 1 Corne in, shepherd boys, to 13ethle-
aesolate. WHEN WE ME. t
hem and ' eee the child. "No, they
The severest coughs and colds, bronchitis Behold, in the first place, that on
-arid croup, and the first stages of consump- the first Mght of Christ'S life Clod I'll:Y; "we are net dressed good
s enough to come in.'' yea You
ton yield reitelily to this powerful, lung. honored the brute creation. a ou can- _
healing remedy. : not get into that Bethlehent u'ren c°1110 ill''' Sure enough, the
Read whet Mrs. Thos. Carter, Northport, barn without • i
go ng past the camels, the night dew and the
Ont , says: "I caught a. severe cold, which •10=lbsleeanIcilave made rough work
settled on my throat andiungs, so that I
could scarcely speak above a whisper. I
also had a terrible cough which my friends
thought would send me to my grave. 1
tried different remedies but all failed to do
me any good until 1 took.Dr. Wood's Nor.
way Pine Syrup, and the contents of one
'bottle completely cured me."
peace aad perity and light? AO
What a ecd day that wee, When we
came home arid sIn't could greet us
not, for her line ever° forever still!
gone back, Mother, in these Christ -
Ines times and take your old place,
and, as ten or twenty or fitty yeare
age, come and open, the eld 13ible
as you used to; t'sad and lineel
the sante piece wbere yo tt used to
Pray and loek upon ite, as of old,
wben, you Wiehed us a merry Christ -
Inas or a nappy new year! But, no!
That. would not be fair to cull 'Stott
back, ,, "tf Ou had troubleenough
and bereavements enottgh while you
were Imre. Tarry by the throne,
Mother, :till we join you there, your
prayers all answered, and in the eter-
nal hotnestead of our God we shall
again keep Christmas jubilee to-
gether. 13 ut speak from your
thrones, all you glorified mothers,
and sae to all these, yonr sons and
daughters, words of love, words el
earning, words el cheer. They need
your voice, for they -have travelled
far and with many a• heartbree
since yon left them, and you will
do well to call feom the heights of
Heaven to the valleysof earth.
Ilan, enthroned aucestryl We aye
comieg! .L(cap,0o.'Place right beside
you at the banquet
the mules, the dogs, the oxefl. lite h. , .
brutes of thet stable heard the first eith their apparel, but none hes a
' ` Father they continued in prayer and
cry of the infant Lord. Some ei the „
better right to come in. They were
, supplication (Acts i, 4, 14), but
old painters represent the oxen and tae first to hear t.13.0 music of that whether the election of Mattbias to
camels kneeling that night bolero the Christmas night., The eirst an- fill the place of Judas was of the
newborn babe. And well might they no uncement of a, artvior-s birth was Loyd or of Peter is a question. Some
kneel I Rave you ever LhougIrt thee made ' to those men in the fields. disciples still find it difficult to pray
Christ came, among other things, to 'Phone were wiseacres that night in and wait without the transaction of
alleviate the sufferings of the emu, Bethlehem told .3 1111111.10 snoring i
II some other business. We may pose
erea,tion ? Was it aot appeopeone deep 'sleep, and there were ectlariede sit,. ,,
me find :Paul and not Matthias as
that. he should, during the first few °facers 01 government 'l 0
Yh' ' licaril1g 1 the twelfth.. See the one accord of
• .
days and niglits of his life on earth, of it afterward; may nave enought I
, 1 the Lord's people in i, 14; ii, 1, 4fn
, -
e be surrounded by Inc dumb beasts, that they ought, to have hed the iv,24; v, 12; viii, 6; xv; e5; just sovea
whose moan land. pleint and bellow- -firS1' r`eWS °r Stich a great event:. times; the one accord of Satan's foi-
A Chatham MOtherIellsliciii Her 1111, have ser age& been a prayer, to some 'one dismounting from a SW in. nowers in via 57; xii, 20; xviii, 12 ;
God for 'the arresting of 11 ,u ,t or- eaniel at their door and knocking lee en just four times, Inc world -
Daughter, who was Troubled tures mid the righting of their till at some sentinel's question, • ' '
wide /limber, suggesting. 'Lae whole
with Weak Heart Action wrongs ? Not a kennel in all the I ' "IV ITO COMES THERE?" wored in the wieked one Initing God
(Rev. vii, 1 ; I. John v, 39, la V.;
John xv, 18, 19). The word is piny
used once elsewhere (Rom. xy, 6),
and teaches 128 with one 131111(1 'and.
one mouth to glorify GO.
2-4. "They were all filled with the
Holy Ghost." When_ the Holy Spirit
came upon Christ at Ets bantism,
He came in the form of ti, dove, for
there was 110 need of ;I.:purifying or
consuming fire, but a, Saved earners ; little parcel, I suppose. by the a ay,
need the Spirit as a nee The saying 1 John, how did you like that nice,
}levet and Nerve Pills at the Central Dimg Infant Christ on the one side and the • in lea. lxiv, 2, "The fiie causeth the 1 warm vest I sent you last year?"
• . •
Store f.or my daeghter, • who is now Pd speechless creatures of God on the prairie about a2,000.000 swam, and w a el e et oi o mate iy name
t • - i b '1 1; 1; TI "Ah, your iloyal Highness 1re-
-3,11 their keepers ounht to follow , known." taken in cennection with spectrully rtplied John, with consid-
erable feel lug. ''That vest were
grand, it were I l'in a -wearing of it
now, y0111' Royal Highness. 1 pit it
on last Christmas day and I ain't
taken it off eince!"
The Prince of Wales , or, as his,
Royal Highness humorously styles
hiniself to his friends, the •'Prince of
number of sailors at the various
the old
Wales Junior," never forgets
sailors at Christmas time. It is
well known there are always rt. great
13r1t1sh 'ports on vessels far away
from home; from all parts of the
World, 111 feet.
Owing to the great kindness of a
certain lady, these sailors are pro-
vided every Christmas day with
what is called a. "Christmas Boat."
The boat is placed inside a large
room, and the 1101c1 of the vessel is
laden with warm coats, vests, muf-
flers, socks, pipes, tobacco, • etc.
Now, „ the Prime ot Wales has for
years sent hundreds et pipes and
dozens ot pounds of tobacco as
Christmas presents for these sailors,
and, as might be imagined, muck
coveted indeed are these gifts. •
plain it by getting that thee Men
were full of note Wine, alealet as ilJr
an exPlanation an is given by eozao
Of the eViee and preleeeedier devout
men of, our day of seine of the
wonderful works of God. The na-
teleal man, however educated or reit-
gigue Ile maer be, cannot keettive the
tillage of the Spirit or God, for they
things of the Spirit of Cod, for they
ere toolislineee unto Him (I. Car,
14),. and these devout, religious ,1 ewe
aoedecl test what Nicodemus' needed,
a new birtla the gitt of God, which
many of them a little later received.
That the wisdom of this world can-
not emnpreliend or 'explain tha a,
thing a of God, is repeatedly shown in *
the book of Daniel, a book whicit
some of the wise men seem to wish te
out of the Bible, perhaps becadse ,•
therein is shown the utter inability
01 thee wisdem of Egypt to explain la
the things of (iod. Tile wise of this ea
world are drunken, but not with tat
wine (lea. xxix, 9). Consider also ;
lenh. v. 18, and some similarity be- 40
tweet' a man tiled with wino and OC
filled with tile Spirit,.
16-21. Peter dues not say that this 4
was the fulfillmeet of that part. of tt,
oel's prophecy welch he quotes, •
but that it teas a sample of it or, if •
you prefer, a fulfillment, for one has
truly said that prophacy may have a -0
govannartt accomplishment while the 11:
complete fulfillment is yet in the fu- , I;
-Lure. That Joel's prophecy nas not *
yet had its fulfillment (If you will
suffer the word) or it.s anal 1141111 •
melte is seen 111 contex-t, tor le- dtet
rae1 is still. ashamed ana laminated ;
Text of Lesson, Acts 1-21.
Golden Text, Acts
1. " A.Ad when the day of Pente-
cost was fully come they Were all
‘-*.'ft THEQU
i Remarkable Offer.
Here is the best offer ever made in tide cornmunitY, By a very exeellent art
ranger -tient made with the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreel we are
ene,,,ted to ewer Tam ExprEtt TIlms aed tbet gteat Plisse; the
lranmlly itzeata end Weekly Star. for one yaw Or tile 81131111 Stlf11 of $1.7ite atel in-
clude to each tit itecriber three eee,utifel premium pleteree, of widen the follow.
ing is a brief descriietne
KING EDwAI-ID VIT.-Tree to life, a beautifel Pertralt sire JO X
inchee, on beautiful heavy white satin finished paper for framing. This portrait •
4E-8 been taken since las eccesition to the throne, and is the very latest nod best
obtainable. It cannot be had except through the FAMILY FiltAALT/ AND •
W1818KLY Sean; eaeh pieture bears the Kings autograph, Tbis picture has ake *
greet 'merit of being the first taken after the King's acetssion, end has therefore te,
en historical vidue that no other picture can possess. et.
QDEEN ALEKANDRA.-An exquisitely beautiful picture of the renterlei
Daly beautiful and goc (etteen Alexandra, MISO taken shme the Kings acceseion
to the throne, It is the same size as tbat of the King, the two forming a band.
some id" of picturee that alone would sell for many times the subscripeion priee
of piNtenerpnaintcrlapitcntstutabse, King
and Consort taken at the secorel or succeetliag Sit-
tings can heve ene fraction of tne value of the first. Tbe e go clown to history.
THE DUCHESS Olt DEVONSHIRE. --The Renowned Gaineborouglt Pic -
lure, Sold at 'auction sale in Lando)), ttventy-tive years leen for .Z10,300, 46
stolen by Weyer thieves, hidden for over twenty-four years aud delivered to its
owner on payment of $:33,000 reevard and since sold to IL J. Pierpont Morgau for •
thu among the aations, arid Jerusalem. is 6 clevei stroke,
' of ,enter mise the publishers 01 11<6 1 annly Herald have secured for et,
not holy, for strangers still possess ubscribers. The pieture is 22x2i in ten colours, mid is reproduced line for 0
aimed to dwoll in Zion (J oel iii, 17, ,a-. la New Yerlt City, Montreal and Toronto for Sla each, and this is the picture 41`
ti'llinee,ircsolour for colour with the original, Ccipies of the reproduction are now sold IP
bele and the Lord has not yet re- Ie.
23 a The judgment of nations (Joel Family alereld subscribers are going to get absolutely free together with the to'
13.1111 11L2t t.) ..
. 1. pictures of the Rine and Queen. -
.0,...treN,whicit.3 : o,ur I:7d uP°1'e '8' I Ibat t b' lue? Call at Teta Trues Office and See sIMPIOS
with one accord in one place, 311 s * of these beeutifu pm ere- .
S 9.• ao tg vd,
taker. place, for He has not eet come
' • 1 • f 's tbe histnry of one of the rernium pieturee, which, by a to
day, called Pentecost, or "fiftieth in Hie glory, When He thus conies, tia great paper the Family Herald for ,es el pattes of general news alld family
Cs You want'Tne ExEnErt, Trefeett for the loacie news, and you went that
day," is mentioneet again in entapter
to, be remembered and observed and
xx, 16, and 1 dor. vi, 8, as a day
Lev. xxiii, 15, 16, et1-28)
WO will come with Him to be associ- 0 reeding. Its agriculteral pages alone are worth many times the subscription
ated with Him in judging the nations
(Col. iii, nt'''. flor. ei, 2; Rev. ii i Price. ett
is foreshadowed in Lei us be filled with ten . .tt3nri•ag or eerel your subscription to
, pint and be His faithful witnesses .s,
fruits fifty days after the sheaf of toe Ile come. egleatt*Ittatsttleasast_leeeet44,11.*_***04140e4na
\ 44.8*44e*******0.4ientit...41.4
first fruits, the fernier representing ee -
the resurrection of Christ on the day .. • ' i
. e - id el le
the event of our lesson ill connection -
with the beginning of the gathering TEE KING OF ENG-LANWS BIG
01 11)0 body of Christ from all na- tatlaART.
' dons, The, leaven in the fiftieth day ---
offering sets forth the sin even in the His Majesty Always Rememners
His Tenants at Merry Christ -
believer, for leavcn is always a type
mas Time.
of evil, but it is met by the blood of -
tile sacrifice (Lev. xsteu, 17-2'l). ms Majesty King Edward VII.
Christ is the first fruits; we are a gives every Cbristmas some useful
kind, of first fruits (r Cor, xv, 28 ; present to the poor mid needy on his
Jas. i, 18). While the disciples oi various estates, and to those who.
. it d for the roinise of 'the . time conneeted
in the new . meal offerieg, cef. first s •
after the Passover Sabbath and Lhe 111.17 fi L GIFTS TO Tilv P011
latter, fifty days later, suggesting
Chi ist wa e e been at one
with his estates. • Several weeks be-
fore Christmas the King has sent to
him at Sandringham a huge parcel in
which are scores of useful articles,,
has etviocollen vests, needless, socks
athese articles have been purchased
by this Majesty front a well-kuown
north el England firm, and are of
the best quality. The gifts are judi-
ciously distributed about a Week be-
fore Christmas Day, and in each par-
cel is placed not only the various
garments, but also two half-crowns.
A few years ago -the King (then, of
course, tit& Itrince of Wales) chanced
to meet about Christmas time, on
his Sandringham estate, ono or the
old men to whom he had sent for
mane- yeare one of the "royal pal -
as they are called,
and run Down System
was Restored to .
centuries, not a bird's nest, not a the great once ef the palace might
lamd .freeziag -a 1 1114.
P° 011Y built have been told of the celestial early-
cowpetime bringleg the beeves to market tae shepherds heard the first
ia, not a freight car in sunnrier. al. Net
two bars of the =Sic, the first in
miles cif agony, not fl, surgeoe's 10(3•111 the major key, and the last in the
wornout horse on towpath, not a
subdued_ minor, "Glary to God in
: Every mother who has a daughter droopa 'witnessing the struggles of fax or the highest aed on earth neacee good
-h)g and fading -pale, weak andaletless- rabbit oe pigeon or cog in the bar- win to mcny, Ah, yes, the fields
whose health is riot -what et ought to be,
shoulcaread the followi»g statement made
by Mrs. J. S. Heath, 39 Richmond Street,
Chatham, Ont:
"Some time ago Igot a b ox of afilburn'e
rors of vivisection but has an inter- were honored!,
rest in the fact that Christ 1Ve5 1,0111 I The old shepherds with plaid ana
in a steble surrounded by brutes- , crook haye for the most part van -
Standing then, as I iina.gine now 1 ished, but we have grazing on our
do, in that Bethlehem night, with an American . pasture fields ancl
"Weil, John," cheerfully said the
Prince to the old man, "Chrietmas
has ,once again come around. You
will now be looking- forward to your
years of Age, and haa been alaietetl with other, I cry : Look out how you .
Weak action of the heart for a considerable strike Um rowel into that horse's Lhe shepher( s ol my text, and all
tenet!) of tim0. sid.e; take off that, curbed bit 1 tom th'ose who toil in -the fields, all vine
41" - all orchardists, all hu s --
These pills heve done her a world of that bleecling moutie remove tha,t dr°880r8,
good, restoring stromg, healthy action of saddle Irom, that raw beck ; shoot bandneen. Not only that Christmas
her heart, improving her 013C1 -11 health not for fun that bird that is too night, but all up and down the
worid's history. God has been hone
Fetid giving her physical strength beyond small for food ; forget not to put .
males of reform and 1111 1. and Spirit came as the Lord jeaus said
watei m o ie nig 1 •
throw out some crumbs ' to these He would. and took posseesion of
law and benevolence
birds caught too far north in the el talnenee and redeemed ones, Els temples,
33.0TVO la ouble I °or ia, y 1C, . whiter's inclemencY; arrest that 1111111 have C0111.0 from :the fields. eneeasin theem
and at oace they began to speak, or -
them," ', Who is making that one horse draw ington fr0111. the fields. Jefferson from
the Spirit who filled thene bo-
a load heavy enough for three ; rush the fields. 'The presidential inar- rather
aft Pernat's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50e. .
gate to seealc throligh them. . See in
Garfield and Lincoln and Mc -
&box 01.:3 for $1.25. at 311 deuggists. in upon that scene where boys are tiers,
elite Kinley. from the fields. Henry clay Acts nv, 81, how when they , were
,Iesus had told them, "It is not ye
ill t , . . ,
''''n''''''''''''''''''''''''" torturing. e, cat or transfixing
, f c, on anothet occaseon they spoke
e THOUGHT HE WAS MAD. -Levity and grasslectriper; drie-e, not off from the fields. Dauiel Webster from
the word of God with boldness. 'While
, . that old roltin, for lier nest is (i, the fields. Mar ein Luther. sietm
The late Count de Lesseps, famous mother's cradle, and under hem Nving the fields. nefore this tvorld is etet with ehein in lais mortel body
at the pronioter ,ot the Suez Canal, there may be Ulna or four musicians right the overflowing populaeions ol ,
that speak, but the Spirit of your
wee travelling on one occasion in a of the sky lei traiding," in your item- our crowded cities will have to take
Father thatt speaketh in you" (Matt.
Freneh railway trails in a compart- tiles and in your schools teach 1 13e to the fields. Instead of 1 en meta
x, 20). Neither the thoug,ht,e' nor
raent with two commercial travel- coining genenetion more mercy than chants in the rivalry as to who
oring the fields. Nearly la• I the mos -
the water as the word aleph. v, 2e
and the Spirit as fire helps 1.18
understand why some people 'w
enow much of the word of God see
to have no power or go la the
The watme is not boiling; they ne
the flee ,of the Holy Spirit. T
6<11' expectations.
"They are a splendid remedy, and to any
ono snffeeing from weakness, or heart and
"I beg your pardon, sir," said one
of theth, . fancying he belcinged . to
their fraternity, "are you not a
traveller. ?"
"Certainty I aria" said the count.
,ttlVethought ect ! Whit is your
,Vi 13
? ,
"Whewh-what," asked the puzzled
comatercial--"what are they ?"
"I am introdttcing Ship canals,"
aid .1/e Letntepg, gravely.
Th0. cornmercial travellers feared
t,13at they had fallen in with a tuna-
,ic, and were making preparations to
'came when the Count handed them
is ettrca,nd put theta at their -ettee.
There IS not now living a eingle
, descendant in tile rnale, lineeeof
1Chaucer, Shakespeare, Spitneer, Milt-
on, Cowley, Butler, Dryden, Pope,
Cowper, Goldsmith, Byron, -or Moore;
17 not One of Sir Philip Sideey, non of
Sir . Walter !, Raleigh ; not ohe ol
Drake, Crontwell, Hampden,
:Marlborough. Peterborough, or Net -
00i1 ; not orit of Bolingbroke, Wale
pale; Chatting), Pitt, Fox; Burke,
Gra.t,tart Or Canning ; hot one of
Bacon,' Leekt, Nevetora or. Davy ;
net one 0! Heine, Gibbon, or
lvtacaulay ; no) one Of Hogarth, Sir
gestate, 'Rcyn1dg, or Sir Thonme
Lawrence e tiea One' of David Garrick
Jelin Keinblee.or EclWard Xenia
Isabele-''I'vk a, toyetn,
tor you, Irrettn
Irreite--"Oh, ;I•tiat is it?
1etthe1-!14eleneette itaid
' loots like settift( i•
o iplitrient
th. t
3113 1941
the present ('01101 '3t1011 has ever shall Stil 0111Pt
shown and in thin meavelotis Bible at least eight oi them to go oiit and
picture of the nu Livity, while you raise apples. In, stead of ten mer -
point put to them the angel, Shotv chants desirieg to sell that one bush -
them also the career, and whIle they el of wheet, we want at least eight
hem.. the aeleetial chant let them also
hear •
Behold, also, in this Bible scene
how on that Christie:1e night Goa
honoredehildhood, Childhood was to
be honored by tent, advent. ale must,
have a child's lits,111. limbs and a
child's beaming, eye arid a child's
flaxen hair, and babyhood was to be
honorecl for all time to come, and a
cradle WaS to mean more thn ,
grave, Mighty God I :May the refine -
tion of that one child's face be teen
in all infantile faces !
it was a n'1cin Nannette.; iti L-
011011 that told the graat Syleari wet --
riot' where Ite might go and get cur-
ed of the leproey which at his
seventh plunge in the Jordan :was
lift <tt the thettom of the river. It
was to` the cradle of letteme fee welch
a child was laid, rocked, by the
Nile, that God called the attention
of Watery. It was a sick- child that
evoked Christ's curative sympathice.
It was a. ehild that Christ itet in
the midet of the • equabbtrnes dis-
eipies to teach, the lesson el Inman;
ity. A child deeided -Waterloo,
showieg the, army of 33Iucher how
e could talte a short" cut through
the tields when, if the old road had
been f011otved, elle Pressinn general
Would have mete up too late to eteVe
the deetihies of Europe: It wete. A
child that deekled Gettysburg, be
the, words were theirs; but, as in the
case of :the sweet psalmist of Israel,
the Spit -it of the Lord spike by
them, end His word was in their
tongue (II Sam. xxiii, 27.).
of them to go out tend raise wheat. 5-11. Jews from all nations Were
The. world punts ' more hard gathered at Jerusalem, and quickly
hands, more bronzed cheeks, triore they came together and heard these
muscular arms, To the fields! God unlearned Ctalileeans tatting ia Ibe
honored there when 13-e. evoke up the langtia,ges of all lands coacerning the
!thepherds by tile eat &tight anthem, wonderful works of God. 'Phe IIoly
and Ile will. vanle the vatrld lasts, Spirit had taken full control Of, these
continue. to honor the Itelds: When men a,nri WaS telling through them
the 0003)1 01(1 crook was that fain- the -things of God nita of 0h1 151 05
ous feign!. stood egainst the wall of Jesus said Ile 'Would (John xvi, 13-
tho Bethlehem khan,' it watt a pro- 16): Ho who first CI(1,VC different
Okay of the time wIten thresher's langtniges to people (Gent xi, 7), can,
flail and • farmer'a plow soul wood- ae easily (Muse othere to speak these
man's ax nrid ox's yoke and ,§heat ianguages when seee tit,' and 'al -
binder's rake ellen. suri.entia'r, to the "th011gt. we dot not hear of missionar-
God .who mule the coutittna as num ies in our day acquiring. a foreign
=tele the town, - ni•ttiguage in that way, , 'tot I am at-
' FIRF3T WORD quainted with Missionaries vvho, in
rem:var.:0 - vtpon Crab X:etrvi, 4, Were
a chine ultras la apt te be "Mother," ttblet to speak iu a foreign, tongue in
tetuniiL14,0,AololettlineiTiltottihleigr,,tiyiitneind4atatlei;i a. very sheet time, ,,, one whom /
knote passed an exernination in 81X
not Whether she was brought up in monthe that Would ordinarily requite
the eUrrouadings of a city and in at-
flunet horde teed \YRS dressed appro- tterk?aorf °1,111estw"(01Yrks lo;fhrr°..tSozPi. iirtiotr ddooessnIleL
priately with referenee to alio tle- honor , man, but No loves to honor
mantis of Itiodern life or Whether she em
d Like -the serlaut of Alerabere
w'ore the old time cap and great, `'''' '
When, he went 'to obtain a vtire 1 or
round Spectaeles and apron of her Tenn ete eene et 4.,,,, n,,,,,, ,,,,.,
OWD. make Gad knit y -Our Socks with ''''''''`"" '`'`'`' '"'''''" '' "":" n"""' --- and
13m. own aeedles settiod by the broad hoW "%he ,Ii.'ath...er had given all things
fireplace svith 'great baeklog ablaze., lilt° 4:.-15.3 "11' The .Trie9sellger of 41°
non many tertrattee eroated and. rot hie message and tell the people his
Reed lier face rea hOW 11111011 bet tIteuglitse btth 55° 58 °X.P°°t°d t° r°''
ere the Lord and' deliver it
shoulders t;tooped with the loredene t.°1-17° it '1°111
Of a long' life, If you peentee tts the Letrate metteage (Ex. iv, 12:
Joie 1, 7) Jolla Xii, 40; I, Pet , iv,
on Et witter night. It mattorb not Lorcl is ndt expeetect , to think out
Overheard tents' Confederate a titialidlltitte licre 150111<1 be the -face,
„„,„ „
generals in El, eoriveestet,ion Neitic,11 mutt a igentio nalla she had Wlieh
they decided to Itinrelt foe Gettyse 0711 Were eiek Mid WIttet a, voitte te
burg ineteatt ot. Inarriebtirg, arid adothe the' hill, 'and Wae there any
thte reported , 10 tetoyerear Lenten Otte <300 uo4t 80 'fill 1.11) ce rOeM With
12-3.5, This stmernattiral oettreyet,me
was to theee' devellt aewe Wholly at-
comptelieusible, and thee!' 'tried to eX''
Seamen of all nationalities are pre-
sent at the distribution of gifts, and
as one old Yankee "salt" once re-
marked, "The Duke o' York's -Winkel.
co is smoked all over the world. God
bless Ilimi
The Princess of Wales is one of the
most domesticated of all the mem-
bers of our -royal family, and could
cook a dinner or make a dress, did
occasion require it, with any one.
Every Christmas there are ttn•ned
outfrom. her Royal Highness' kitch-
en stores of good -Sized, deliciously
flavored plum - puddings, which the
Princess herself inspects before they
are ,sonty away as presents to her
it oyal Eighaess' many pensioners.
Iii .addition to the plum pickling,
eath ote Of there peer peeple receives
'sone) suitable , and eettsoitable gar-
ment and a Chriettaa8 card, chosen
by the Princess herself.
IIer Royal lIighteette is never tired
'1.of telling the following Very amusing
tale in Connection With a, certain Ote
of these Chtietraae Otte. Visiting
the houee of an Old woriatn, tO Whole'
she had Seat some clothing as a
Christmas prose/it, the Prineese ol
Wales asked the dame hate she liked
the entail beadle of seeks she had re-
"Yoe ere qUite faVored, 3. can ae-
sure yOu, ilett,y," Fetid her Royal
IIighnese With a, happy lettigla 'I
/Madethose fieteitt MYSeitt no 1 kitIOW
laBiZgx-AMM rVa
No other disease is so prevalent among Inen as Varicocele. As it interferes with
the nutrition of the sexual organs it produces emissions, loss of semen through the
mine, decay of the organs, pains in the loins, aching in the back, nervousness, des-
pondency, bashfulness, palpitation of the heart, constipation, and a comb nation (-
these resnits in complete II.oeo of 1:dantbood. Thousands of young ad.' middle.
aged men are troubled with. 11r1oture. If you have reason to believ.r. on are
aftl,cted with it, don't negle,:t it. It will ruin you. Don't let doctors exp..ri lent
on you by cutting-, stretching or tearing it. Our New Method Treatment
dissolves the stricture tissue hence it disappears a.nd. can never return VQ.
Varicocele and Stricture without operation or loss of time. The treatmen ma,. be
takena.t home privately. Send for our Free Illustrated Book on Varleoeele.
Stricetsra awl ettect. Wo guarantee, to Cure or No Pay.
tAtal la
All sexual complaints rtEect these (agate, hence the kidneys are a great source
of disease. Have you aching or weakness over the small of tee back, tendency to
urinate freementiy, deposit tu urine, cotaness of hands or fret, a drowsy- feetteg in
t neyg Idiseaseeyotiorf iues
arldeopay.wll.1ethod 'Treatment
this effenler0artitieceg-ci toDon't an
j* -No Names Used Withont Written Consent.
o. W. Rowe, of Jackson, Mich., says: -I had
varicocele in the secondary stage and two
strictures of 8 years standine. I was operated
01 on twice, undergoing great suffering, but only
1, got temporary relief. I was finally advised to
try the New Method Treatment of Drs.
11. & IC. The enlarged veins disappeared El
six weeks. the stricture ti=stte was removed iu
eight weeks and my sexual energy ancl vitality
returned so I was a man 411 every- respect.
•t<<J,107/3 • recommend you doctors 'with my whole heart."
Li -fore Treatment. te
After Treatment.
We treat and cure Nervous Debility. Lust Manhood, Varicocele, Stricture, Syph-
ilis, Gleet, Weak Parts, Govorrlicea and Lain:aural Discharges. Consultation Free,
Books Vrec. Write tor Question List for Borne reattu en t,
Ea Koonody & {Organ •
they are good and strong."
"Ah! All blessings on you!" re-
plied the old 11703318,31 devoutly.
'They are, indeed, strong. Your
Royal Highness is married yourself,
and you know what 'oles these hus-
bands do make in their socks to be
sere. 'Orrible."-London Express.
An amesing incident of force of
habit 18 reported in England. A
lady walking in the country With a
brother lately returned from the
fi-ont was greatly Alarmed, not at
the sound of blasting from a neigh-
bouring quarry, but at her brother's
n flat to the ground at the in-
stant. She, of course, assumed that
he had been. injured, Mitt it turned
out that he had been in the habit,
for months, by order, of prostrating
himself on the veldt at tha sound of
a gem. Mechanical obedience of this
kind has been effectively utilized in
•the case of suspected deserters, An
abrupt Shout of 'Malt" bringe tiny
man who was lately in the ranks to
a sudden standetill, '
Mr, Stephen Wescott, Freeport,
N.S., gives the following experience
with Burdock Blood Bitthrs.
"1 was very-, much run clown in
health and employed our local physi-
cian who attended Inc three months;
finally my leg broke Out in running
sores with fearful burning. I had
thirteen running Sores at One time
from my knee to the top of my foot.
All the medicine I took did me no
good) so 1 threw it aside and tned
13.13 13. When one-half the bottle
was gone I noticed
a change for the
better and by the
time I had finished
Iwo bottles my leg
was perfectly heel-
ed and my, health
greatly leTroved,
Men's acticso
Too mach rush ana
bustle, work sza atom - fell
to the lob of the average
business man. Kidney
can't stand it ; they fail to
filter the poisons frotu the
blood properly. -Urinary
peen in the back are the
natreal results. A teen
can't attend to busMats
properly if his back ache%
-110 11S3 trying. I
Only one sure remedy that never fails...,
Take a hint from business men Who he,VII
used them:
"I have taken Dottn'e Kidney Pine, which
I procured at the hiedical Hall here foe
iheumatiens and penes in the small of' my
back, with which / beve been aftlicted foe
the past six years. They did me se rattelt
good. that I hestaily recommend them at
an excellentmedieine for rhetimetio tr cniblee
and bookitche." CILUIMO C. Pirenar, steele2
in agrioultural implements, Orilla Ont.
Doman; Kidney Pills cure backache, laine
or week back, Bright's clisease, diebetea,
drove., gravel, soda:neat he the urine, too
frequent tesinge at night, rheumatism, ana
woeknese of the kidneys in, children and
old people. Remember tlite neele,Destatee,
end refuee all othere. The Dean Kidney '
Pill Co., Toronto, Ont.
LAXA. wori while Y951 850,11? 351111012,11a getpe or 1)010, cunag Wattles
1 ng C. ns tioss, coraaiptetion, intik head.
Pm! i6 I6i n neho end. dyepepsietand Meant
. .
ra s ti g at. yon feelliettot in the 'morning.
r D .8,,s* Pritte Sale, at all atuggiete,
---- tatteeesettsestoteinetet.0-01
Elephants in the British army in.
India aro fed tivice a day. When
`meal time arri-vett they aro drnevn up
before plies Of food. Eat% Melnialhe
breakfast includes tea peends of rant,
t•iee aoee up in two-pCiend pat:karma,
The ran is wrtAllptd ill INIVON" Med
then tied With grass. Al, the nienete
Mend "Attention tt% each elephant
raises its trains anti a, paekeget he
thronte. into lie eariacione motitht
Ry this MACAO eil tataltete not a eine
ale grain of riev, in ttetotede