HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-1-9, Page 4olsonLa
ta up Capital- - $2,0119,000
Ft el-N.1nd §2,VM000
, Head 00tee,IWQ streal.
3 AMES 141141,1101.',
Onnnixat NTAn.AOrlIt.
MoneF advanced ICI good farmers an their
tient, per annum,
MA no ri with. one or more endorser at 7 Per
• Elveter Branch
Open everY lawful day from 10 a. m, to 3 p.
5.A.TURD.S., 10 a, to 1 p,
sOntermes, mereatene
Calendar fOr arillarYa 1992.
Wiudeor is keepine tip it$ marriage Star that eould afford to buy 811(43
cord For the lea $ix mor,th ot I etory. We feel bound to Say that th
Weekly Stae have m etore foe there
tet bey olla their inaagination. We
ariderStand this superb -We
ss,y marvellously iritereSting-- story,
"The Man from Glengarry," will be
conaMenced in the Family Herald and
Vie'eekly Star almost immediaeely.
,Evitithae:y(letrYaidP7aas. Grip
sometime and every-
body. k I:lows that
Quinine is the best
remedy for it, But it
1901 the eumber of marriages was
Rev. james Liviogstoee, of the Wind-
sor Avemee Methodist Church, wee
the charapiee knet tier, with 135 to
his credit. rile reolaiuiPg xuarrlages
were distributed among the °tiler
clergymen. There were 132 tbs
and 91 deaths for the year jviet
urrontrates of interest allowed on, deposits.
5 12 19 26
6 13 20, 27
7 14 21 28
8 15 22 29
Tertnisnea., . „ 2 9 16 23 30
8 10 17 21 31
SATURDAY. -4 11 18 25
tit 11 %I* eg3
B Fs
readers of the voolny 0,134
The Spirit of "Winter is with us,
making its presenee known in many
different way0.sometinies by cheery
sunslaine and glistening snovvs, and
soniet,imes by driving wiuds and blind-
ing stornaa To many people it seems
to take a delight in making had things
worse, TOr rb.ennlatiSM twistS harder,
tevinge,s sharper, catarrh becomee Inore
anaoyeng, aud the many sympteens of
scrofula are developed and aggravat-
ed, There is not much pOetry in this,
but there is truth, arid, it, is a Wonder
thet, more people don't get, rid of these
ailments. The medicine that cures
thera-Bood's Sarsaparilla -is easily
obtained and there is abundant proof
that dits cures are radical anPernla
Z Ii11,111
The total reduction. of Great Brit-
ain's military force in South Africa,
feem the beginning of the war to the
•end of December, includiog death
from disease men reported missing,
etc., amoruat to 24,239 men. Of this
member 19,4.00 were actually killed or
died. A total of 64,330 were invalided
home, the majority of whom recover-
ed their commands.
-7.-The name of Hon. David Mills bas
been conueeted with the vacancy in
the Supreme Court caused bythe
death of justice Gwynne. If Mr. Mills
, accepts, then Hon, Mr.. Muloek could
be made Minister of Jastice and Mr.
Satherland would get the Post Office
Department. This wouldpermit of
the position vacated by Sir Louis
Davies gain°. to British Columbia in
all probability Senator Templeman.•la
la is
Taking the Goyeriiment erop report
as a basis on which to figure, it is esti-
value of Mani-
. .
1111 tlio Nutsot interest to
Times Readers itancffina
in 'Mose Gountios
idd I esex
Married at Toronto, on Jan, 1st,
1902, at the residence of the bride
father, W. K. Butler, by Rev. J. A.
Raeakin, Miss C. A. Butler, to S. A.
Doupe, general merchant of Taman.
Traduces unpleasant
, effects, GRIP-QUIN-
11 Tablets are more effectual, easier to
take and, devoid of bad: results. alle•y
relieve in a dose mid care in a day. They
cure La Grippe, Colds, Coughs, Sore -
throat, liettralgla, Aches and Pains. "A
dose at eight makes you,aliright." Sold
• by druggists at eep or by meal from the
Canade Grip:Sauiume toe Brockville, Ont,
• -
Ilirthrlay of a Nation.
A fiamly Bcliveratice PToul TkAgotios
of Ilhouleatisub
Paine'..s Celery ,,ompotzla
Sydney, Jen. 7. --The Federal Gov-
ernment is appoiating a Common-
wealtb. Day on the lines of the Cana-
dian. Dominion Day. •
It is now engaged in weighing the
claims of July 1, when Queen. Victor-
ia assented to the constitutioni Sept.
so, the date of the proclamation, and
May 0, the date of the Duke of Corn -
Pairs °peeing • Id the first Federal
3.1r. O'Brien in Australia.
Mrs. W, D. Hodgins, of St. Patrick's
church, Biddulph, presented a very
fine sofa pillow to 'Pars. (Rev.) Stout,of
Tlirkton, as a Christmas gift, '
Before ells Honor Judge Barron
Thursday. morning, George Johnston
'was convicted of burning the barn of
Mr. 13arthell, near Mitchell, and sen -
mated. that the cash
tenced to two years, less one clay, in
the Centralenr
toba's products of the farm is in ekee.e- '
• hborhood of $40;000,000. ' Theee., Huron
fi ures are obtained by „ _takiqg- the Miss A. Murray, Tt tPl?Ye'
total yields of difterene varieties o
grain askael neotatoei together with the
----kV-a-Mies of poultry and dairy pro-
ducts, and. figuring out the -value at
tiee price estimated. to have been mid
the farmer.• -
ta--- ea
Prof, E. Stone Wiggins has again
been heard from. He says be will
take legal action te upset - Mr. Mar-
,eoni's patents on wireless telegraphy.
The professor alleges that Marconi has
stolen his ideas. Wiggins says he au-
nt/timed in a Brooklyn newspaper in
18,84 that the vvorld. is enveloped in
electricity, and he planned to use the
---eetlifFehtof electricity, which he says
runs east to West, to telegraph round
the Rockies as &sending station.
taughtschool sou
Years will attend the Norma -1 next
Mq.chiordie Hensall, left last
week in company with Mr. Doyle, for
,Florida on & business trip, intending
to be away for four mouths.
* *
The Dominion Alliance members of
the prohibition deputation which
waited on the Ontario Government
Friday morning, rnetefor consultation.
• during the afternoon and decided to
ask prohibitionists throughout the
Province to 'petition the Legielature.
The general trend of opinion seemed
• to be that the Government woeld eaery
out its pledges, but that the passage
of an Act in the present Legislature
would be difficult, and , it was hoped
petitions to strengthen the
bands of the Cabinet.
Effects a Cure After Failurs
We taxa uelinaited private 'bleat ear inve$V
nient -anon farm or village pronert,rat lowest
1.4ates of interest.
• Exeter.
hsvo a laege amount of private. fonds
loan op farm and vil/agesprepasties Tat'• '
,• of interest. . • ,
Barrieterlemea St.n• 'Exeter,.
Tn '
ineeeeere., • ea*.e.4.-...
he Wonderful Victory Over a
rile Disease Voutihee for by •alianaL
One of our Prominent
• Druggiets..
• If you are a suffeeer 'from rheuma-
tism in any of its tereible forms-ein as-
cular, inflammatory or sciatic, be es -
Pa '
'W .1.10V .
d of the glorione truth thatinee
TERSITI. • 1 • %ty alve
sit,y , I
ee a P. 13, Graduate Vatted:.•,iiiversity
ee easteave a M
Dem 'on Debora -
Celery Compound will work tor you a \ tan -Exeter.
permanent and happy cure, The
thousands 'of letters. received, from
LEG te
people who have thrown off their bur : le
dens and agonies prove conclusively
that Paine's- Celery Compound is one
great specifio for this andel disease.
The follovviug letter from J. Levering -
ton, of Virden, Man., and endorsed. by
J. W. Bigginhothene Droggist of the
same toevne shoolel convince ell suffer-
ers that the...ilainkliete use of Paine's
Celery Compoued is their only hope,
Mr. Leverirgton says:
"For more than a year] was suffer-
ing from the agonizing pains of sciati-
ca, and after trying all that medical
skill could devise, and -using many
remedies, patent and otherwise, con-
cluded to try the Hot Springs at Benff
under the superintendence of a medi-
cal man. I took the treettnent thor-
onghly and carefully for six, weeks,and
came at the end -of that thee racked
with pain and weighing 43 pounds less. At this juncture, when hope hadal-
most fied, I heard of Faille's Celery
Compound, It seemed suited to my
case, and I sent to my druggist, 3. W.
Higginbotham, of this place, and ask-
ed. about it. He recemtnended it to
me and I took a bottle. I soon began
to feel • better, nd after taking the
second bottle I was a cured man and
threw away my clutches. I have. al-
ways' been a finener, and am as able to
do hard work now as ever I was."
•--dryou are nervous or dyspeptic try
Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia,
makes you nervous, and nervousness
makes you dyspeptic neither one ren-
ders you miserable, and these little
Pills cure both. •
Sydney, Jan. 7. --Mr.
O'Brien, the Irish Nationalist, who
is being feted here, said in the course
of a speech that the 'United Irish
party was dreaded by the House of
Commons, and the Liberal party was
divided on the subject of Lord Rose -
Mr. end Mrs. J. H. McClinton, two
very highly esteemed residents of East
Wawanosh, celebrated their silver
wedding on Christmas Day.
While engagea at work in the foun-
dry at Clinton, Wrce Foster had the
niisfortune to have a laeavy plank fall
On his riglat band bruising it very bad-
Death of J. J. Craig of Irergus.
Fergus, Jan. 7.: -John. James
Craig, publisher' of The News -Record
of this town, and president of the
Canadian Lacrosse Association in
18-97, was buried at Belsyde Ceme-
tery here yesterday. Mr, Craig died
at GraVen.hurst on Friday.
• qe 0 .
Through tba generosity of Sir WU-
- •
• liam Macdonald, the Montrea, m
• ii
are, Ontaro is to have a new and inn- e
portant development in its education- They Will reside in Brucefield.
al system. announcement of which Among the weddings which took
Was. rinede by the Government Mon- place on New Years day was the nup-
tials of Charles Wiltse, to Miss Clara
McGregor, of 1 in. o . Th will re-
side in., Tuckersmith amid. the well
wishes of their numerous friends. .
- In St. Paul's church, Clinton, last
Saturday morning, Dec. 28, at 11 a. re.
11784 solemnized the marriage of Dr.
Egan. of Toronto, and Miss Jemrnia
Holmes, of Clinton.
A quiet -wedding was solemnized
New Year's at the residence of Wm.
Clark, Babylon line, Stanley, when his
daughter, Lucinda, was married to
Chas. Reid, cattle dealer.
Three Burped, to Death,
Norfolk, VEE.; Jan -Three negro
children were burned to death. in the
suburbs of Springfield esterday.,
Their mother, -a, cook, 'locked. them in
a, room fire was burping in
the stove, and went to her Werke
Kicked by His Cow.
• auelPh, Jan. 7. -Dr. Cassidy
Moorefield had a' bad accident hap-
pen here Saturda,y afternoon. His
own cow' kicked him, breaking his
leg in two places.
.' •
If a, child oats ravenouslY, griads Ole feet'll
at night and. picks the nose, you may almost be
certtun it has worms and should administer
without delay Dr. LONV'E Pleasant Worm
Syrup, this remedy contains its own cathartic.
Barristers,Solicitors, Notaries, Convev_anoers,
Commissioners, solicitors for the 114elsons
Bank, Eta
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interef,'„.;;
st, .--;;
r J. Connolly, -representing the House
of Refuge committee, and W. Coats,
Inspe-Ctor, met on Monday night and
a,warded, a contract for anew wind-
mill for the House of Refuge at Clin-
On New Year's day a very pretty
marriage took place at the home o7f
Mr. John Colwell, Tuckersmith, when
his eldest daughter, Mabel, was marri-
L McConnell, of Brucefield.
1. n. OLIILaretn. A. E. DionAon
(Successor to Elliott Sr Madman)
Banister, Solicitor, llotaly
,Goriveyancer, Etc.
Money to loan on Farm and village
properties at Lowest rates of interest
Take Laxative Brame Quinine Tablets. Al -
druggists refund the money -if it fails to cure).
E, Grove's signature is on each box, 25e
day. Sir William bas placed nt t
disposal of the Province $125,000 to he
need for the erectiou of buildings, etc.,
itt eonnection with tbe Ontario Agri-
cultural. College at, Guelpb for the pur-
pose of giving instructions to teachers
in the elemetts of nature study and
domeetic science, the latter for women,
and especially as it relates to agricul-
General News.
Col. Dent, explains the scarcity of
horses offerieg just now, though the
demand through him is practically un -
lilted. "I could take 5,000a month,"
he said. The colonel will remain in
Ontario until May, when he will again
-visit Western Canada, to make pur-
"I was given tip to die with
quiok elmsurnption, Men began,
to usc Ayer's Cherry Pectoral..
iinproved once, and am now in
perfect bealth."--Chas. E. Hart -
Man, Gibbstown, IN. Y.
It's too .risky, playing 1
with yotir edugh.
The first thing you
know it will be down
deep in your lungs and
the play will Ise over. Be-
gin, early with Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral and stop
ThYp4 eof Ze., olio .for oh orals:mil
Old; 404„. feet rigikt to rotWbittis, lioarott-
WWI', hard colitis. 0, . IQ, Ulowt depuomicol
Qt ourenio lassos a oltoOp on bans. -
$. 0, 4.1c OG., Lovell IsPissi
A Famous t...ase closect.
Pittsburg, Jan. 7.-A case fam-
ous in international diplomacy was
closed yesterday by the Payment by
the State Departraent at Washing-
ton of $7,500 damages to 'Mrs.
Lenz, tbe mother of Frank G. Lenz,
an Americafl wheelraan, who was
'killed by Turkish officials.
Rich. Luker, brother of Mrs. Jas.
Wanless, •Varna, is renewing old ac-
quaintances after an absence of 22
years • in the Prairie province ; he
-speaks in gloeving terms of the weet
and bad over 9060 bushels of grein
this year. e
The new Presbyterian church of
Bayfield will be of brick. 31x52, with
stone basement for S. S. purposes to
be erected on the new site purchased
on Clan Gregor square. The esiimated
cost of the new building will be •aboul,
$3000, towards which. nearly $2000 is
already subscribed.
The wardenship of the county of
Huron, will this year fall to the lot of
Mr, Donald Patterson, of East Waw-
a.nosh, in accoldence with the ander-
standing that one year the 'position
shell be filled by a Liberal and the
next by a _Conservative. Mr. Patter-
son is the senior member of the Coun-
ty Council, and will fill the position to
the entire setisfection of all parties.
cons? NoiiecessitY for that,
Patna TVS Painlees Corn Extractor re.
moves all corns, large or small in
abont, twenty-four hours. This is re-
liable information, your druggiet will
substantiate it if you aalt him. lie
sure and get Putnaniee it causes no
One Way Shortly.
T.3" KINSMAN, L. 1).S. AND
4-".44 DR. A. R. K1NSIVIAN,. L.
D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate
fakof Toronto 'University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
• bad after effects. Office in• Fan.
son's block. West, side of , Main
treet, Exeter'
D.ft: ANDEISON. (0. D. S. L,D.3.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of
Chicago School cif Prosthet•M Dentistry (with
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession
done in this aloe. Bridge work., crowns, al-
luminum, gold and. vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A perfectlY
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac-
Office one door south ot Carling gro's store
Exeter, Ont.
a thin coating of
teem neadateie wawa ima
aca of. ktbIgneflaedPatteellas seise
nsehi. Wit doisge other ways about the
house;lEftll directions In eset. package.
' Bald everywhere.
1 IIPM1411AL 011. CO.
Beingcorepbsed of lot 20,S. 'T. It , 'Osborne,
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria Is a
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine 'nor other' `Narcotic substance. It is .Fleasant.
Its guarantee-- is thirty years" use by 11/111lions
Mothers; Castoria destroys Worms and. allayi Feverish.
ness. Clastoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. CaStoria
relieves' Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Ca,storia assimilates the Food, regulatos
the Stomach. and Bowels of'IL,fants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Childreres
Panacea -The IVIother.•'s Friend.
containing 100 acres, and lot 5123, con, 3, Us -
borne. On lot 20 there is erected a first class
brick dwelling, kitchen and, woodshed com-
plete ; bank barns, L-shaned,• 35x85' toad 35x50
finished up to date for horses, cattle and hogs
with power wind crusher, iyulper, and
water process cemplete ; cement silo attached;
also drive and implement house. This is a
first class. property, in •a, high state of
vation, well fenced and watered, and plough -
1 ing done, within one and a half miles of the
1 town of Exeter, one =tile from schoo), Lot Si
• 23 is also iu a high state ot cultivation, well
" watered, 25 acres under grass, and well suited
for either farming or grazing, and win be sold
separately or together to suit purchaser. 1E
not sold. privately on or before the 1st. Folay.,
. 1902, it win be sold by public anction on the
• lith Foley. For terms and particulars apply
on the premises to 3. S. llo.rvey. Exeter, P. 0.,
• or to Thomas Cameron, auce, Faeeuluer..
'The aminal meeting of the' Osborne & Hib-
hart Fire Insurance Company will beheld. in
the. Public Hall. Farquhar, on Feb. 3rd, at one
&clock P. M. Iiusiness, receiving the direc-
tor's, seeretary.treasurer's and auditors' report,
the election of two directors and two auditors
and. any other business in the interesb of the
3.EaBSTIT, Taos. CAzilmoN,
• President. Secretary -Tres.
"Dastoria is an excellent riediciue fo,
Children. Mallets have 'repeatedly teld me•
Id its good effect upon their children."
Da, G. C. Osoocuo, Lowell, Ms.
Mexico City, Jan, 7.- It is
thought now that the asbitretioa
question in the Pan-American con-
ference will be deterroincd ope way
or another, either to -day ciA33 Wed-
British Troop Oil Liniment, is unsurridsaed
by any other liniment on the -market re y.
It is composed of healing, soothing and clean-
sing vegetable oilsand extracts. It is put up
in lane bott lee f or the small isrice of 25 cents
The World Talking About it.
• ging linights Ito.
London, Jan. 7.-Ining Edward has
conferred the Order of the ICrtifght
Grand Cross of the Bath upon Mar-
quis Ito, the Jatipanese statesman.
"The Man from Glerigarty" by
Raloh Connor, is the strongest, book
of are present t Imo, a book thee, peoale
•are simply pc:rambling to get, sod
what do you think has .happened?
The serial rights to this wry, which
is creating a annual ion throughout
Groat iivitAin and thA tInited Settee,
I101 e been mild to the publishers of the
Fain y Itera1d and weody Star,
• Mont 1 cal, Weeders will never geese.
Tho price most have been eirornionA'
And on this cor Uncut it is only a pa-
r iilw Ow 14'.ou,17 itoraid .ind Wcekly
Children Cry for
The Use of Strong Soap Wilt
Hot Wash out Diamond
Dye Colors.
Diamond Dye colors ale absolutely
fast and tinfading. Washing with
strong so -p or exposure in sunlight
cannot, slant ot: fade these inipetish-
able colors. No other dyes in the
world have Mich a reputation for
strengtle brill' n pry, parity an kbeauty
of Colors. Diltniond Oyes ara the
m Os t Peon can i cal dyes; one -paelt age
will color as ruuch material as Ore
package= of any, other dye. • .
If you have not yet seen .the new
and attractive Diamond Dye end Rog
Patterns, send your address to The
Wells tir Richardson Co., iiniited. 200
-Mountain St,, Monti P, Q, and
you will he immediately supplied.
Winnipeg, Man., Jan. • 7. --An even-
ing paper says a rumor is current
to -day that Hon. Dr. McFadden,
Provincial Secretary, is about to
retire from the Cabinet to take the
atiCe of Provincial Veterinary In-
spector. It is stated that in the
event of Mr, McFadden's retirement
tOil be succeeded by Mr, Hugh
Miltarn,t. irsterlit g 11 eadache Powders con
tain neither morphine nor opium. TbeY
-remedy ,taire Sick -Headache, Neuralgia.
eadriche, Heady ehe of ,Grippe,- 1.1,eadnehOfe
dein:atolls-dies a,itd Headache from any cause
whatever. Price 1000110 15c, "
001) I S 3 51POSSIBLE'
i(attthe1lluiO1ir11(uie ow els, taxa
Li rev Pills regulnia, 1 ho l•ftfrela. tufo constipa
tInn, eir.. 013-0, SICIC130C00011n
an Sara:U(31'1S of the orgarg of digestion.: Pelee.
25c. Aildritgaisls
1e'ou Could Look
into the future and see the condition
to which your cough, if neglected,
Win belie eat. yeti would seek relief at
once ---and that naturally votild be through,
"hiloh• s
trio k Ottaranteed to cure Con.
- 1113°1''Br.0„hiu.,
cci, and ati Lung
Troubles. Civics Caught; and Colds in a day..
06 dents. ,Write to S. C. Wurti•-s ey. Co.,
"Toronto, Cam, for -free trial bottle,
Clever Root Tea purlflos the aloe
Story and a half frame house with nine
roorns and summer kitchen and woodshed at-
tached. All necessary out buildings, a good
wen. and a bearing orchard. of good fruit are
on the place 'which tonsiste of seven acres of
.well cultivated land. Place is well situated on
Lake Road, in Exeter North and within easy
reach of town. Forfurther particulars apply
to •E.
MUM., ...aetor
EXETER -We offer for sale en reasonable
terms, that very desirable residentialproperty
known as "The Elooper Elcmestead" situated
on Lot Nn. 86, south of 'Huron Street, Exeter.
d o the land a eaniforiable
-castoria, is so well adapted to children,
that I recommend it as superior to any -pre.
seription known to Inc."
H. A...Aaciaxa, 1t. D. Brooklvn,
Tkt . qE.1111,1.1 cW,Ipni,u
v, TY mroan..• ffltVtl TIVV, 0- *V P •!,
'''g'Fr.';',V2.1 V.:10 ,4igf.Ard..c-tiVFXRtlrsrj'n::r":ri'.
N Gil ICE is lu rely &Ion that tho 271-
n nal roseting of thou -Knitters of HAY TOWN,
ANCE CO. will he held in tile Town Ball
Zurich, on Jan. 34th, A. D. 1902, at one o'clock
BOS1-L-.b - rteociVing the Directors' and
SeeretarytTreasurer's annual report, election
of directors and the dismission of other bust-
ne,a for the geed and welfare of, tbo company.
All members are requested to attend,
Secretary -Treasurer,
here i.
and eonanociirais briek dwelling, ttlso the 4 et •
pair and has 9 rooms. The lot con rains an acre farmers, ifistitiltc
necessary outhouses. The ltouse is in good. Le-
af land walls excellently adapted for, garden.
sup- •
ing or fruit growing. Tix • is a, p1 entiful
ply of hard andsoft water. The propertY is up
to date, and the terms easy. for particulars ap-
lAY to DIC1ZSON rk Cantina barristers Exeter,
or to A. E. floorEn, lieu, Q„ Penn°, U. 5
A., nroprietor. • • '
The 'Choicest
ift ” Frien
Would be one of our
PialIOS and Organs
• It would be a thing' of beamty
and a joy foi ever. A. lasting
present that would ever bring the
greatest pleasure to the recipIent.,
Then wit Sewing Machines,
, Book and Sheet Music as well as
our smaller rriusical goods. Come
in for second place,
Buy you Children'S
• from US,
• , TO liE ELD IN
• EXETER, Town II all, on
SAT.URDAY Jan. 1 1 th, 1902,
The meeting will open at 1,30 o'clock,„wbon
addresses will be given in the followilig or
address. Address by D. Drtioa-
mood, Esq., of 1V1yrt1e P.O. ; Subject. Breeding
and Cara of dairy cattle, followed lox discussion
till 2.20 o'clock. Address by G. u,,,,.pnter4,Esci,
Id Milton. P. 0, -, Subject, _ How Toil"-lijinti
poultry hoilse and keep thelibultii linalthy;
discusaion till three o'clock,,. Addreeelie El-
mer Link, Haft, Oshawa P. 0.; Subject, fruit
growing frorn aconiereial st'andpoin3disens-
sem tet 4 o'clock- .A.naper bv A. of
,Olintori4.The Draught 'Earse-,.."W hat he
questiolf drawer will also be opened when pos.
so col:, :el:leer:mini isolirbej6eItci:14-Waixidl Peinastrfliefiet:iivree.
An evening. meeting Will• be Opened at 7.70
areSses Wilf to given by the delegates and.
others suitable to a mixed audieace. Choice
selections of vocal and instrumental mitsie
will bfi rendered. inight and instructive
meeting is anticipated, Ail are ec1rdia11ywr4.`
coined. '
A Small admission fee will be charged
geotionien at ovenieg meeting, to -defray ex-
penses, Ladiea free
D,111oXisiN ' SAM% SMILLiE,
President. SocretarY.
A G: ()IY 114;171
wek (11)0 dwelling-, in Exeter,
for sale. The brink hioetc fs well situated, tni
aud ne
contains four ate,rest:,oltioes and hulls, ali leased.,
This botit inistness stairo., in town, Too
Terms eas.. spidy to R. L. PansiOn, "31xeter,
street, ie I0X55 feet, three siereee, end
roorns, tin inirably Adapted for a" boarding
dwelling is iiriels of two storeys' at:eine IO
home. Tee Teeeerty meet be diepoeee of.
Walking Shoes.
"Sovereigri" shoes for ladies'
walking wear are good shoes.
Made with heavy flexible welt
soles_easy as a glove, beautiful in
design and perfect in fit.
World famous Puritan Kid uppers,
patent leather tips, double thick welt
soles, $3.00, $3.5Q.;.,Fubber
$3.5o, $4..00.
Also made in Empire Calf.
Uppers sewn with silk, soles with
pare linen.
Men's and women's $3.00, $3.5o
and $4.o0 per pair.
See that they are stamped
" Sovereign Shoe."
The nine of Ranges, "Duch's Happy- Thought"
A Range•
with a Good
for :my
That's what you get when
you buy a )3fappy Thought.
TheHappy Thought Range
was one of the first Ranges
manufactured .in Canada.
More -Happy Thought
Ranges are ma.nufactured
and sold each year than all
other Canadian makes comb.ined-1,50,000 being now in use. gor
When buying buy Canada's Favorite, "The Happy Thought,"
not an experiment. • : : .; : :
• Manstfaettirea by
The Wm. Buck Stove Co., Limited Brantford
; . Write the MantifacturerS for Illustrated. Catalogue. PIC
.r. A F
ig15:17,,,,s :;.)tib.ArpeS141 ;1,1 v Tyt
e - v,.0111,0Ini)ria
r'(,n11.,11;(t.r.-1011.i(egf Itivet,,m,,,-11,,fr.igioDPOWtl,thiy,dpearisnsg,511V0
, . ,
11 3i5 10 1 the sons, or 114,:hArcl, Hal.i"er, of tr" it,:',(t.`,6?!.11;it,kg,,(41.1'4'`•'-',.,..;`,.;!'' .,,''1",',',`,i 'A.0,(49,..„-0,....... i
Porne, not 2 ii 11 atoctv ar-i stated in' eiders, • "•.--' •
'''' '
0111' 14'1110
Sick lleadac!le?
Food doesn't digest
Appetite poor? Bov.„
constipated? Tongue coated?
It's your liver! Ayer's Pills
are liver pills; they cure dys-
pepsia, biliousness.
26.. All artiggists.
WaSt yea aionstactio;tIon beard 5 beatinfit
brown et 'rich black? Theron*
se tres.,er Orrupowto, on R. 0. 1401t. arnonin, a.a.
To 1 veDDREtlei Hite lotvessvai:s
Anyone sending tic 4Itet0h and degeitfltion ran'
quickly ascertain our opinionsree_wnetlier58
InventIOn IS pinbably notootsbie. coalmines.
-rArtat 07 ' for sactiringllatents.
ts,ipoeionstait:trioettilgye,c Oh
soot coo. otost Patents,
Patents tauten tnroutlii mann Ce.'reeetve
5010, ftttho
A Iinxidsoines, IllestratedWeekly. l'avreeft ets.
otilation of any 5110011511iortrust. • Terris, $3 a
Ylar 1 four menthe ere heel Teetotalers.
MUNI & COL8(6181' NowYork
/,„th, moo, ,,;;$ 3t„,"„T4411.,1eutou.)j, p,,