HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-1-9, Page 3to:004
•NVEALT1T • ••x•
40— •-• • • ••
Tho Untimely
End of
Joseph Devoe.
enoneeennoneennenninotenenenne One. eeetenneffeeeneetennaiteneeneeninfenefeeenOden
CHAPTER XXXII'. Daunt thanked the great personage
6.1LpbctWrItgaeraaA inhettitledre•°43nouloaapepaopier9d Victoria, and took the first traia to
and withdrew, Then he luesteladi to
Convict from Chatham" tole also of I let aue.
hie reeapticre. "You bring good news," said
Wing•gite saw it in. The Tiraes at JosePhifle, dieectly she sow him. Re
breaktest, .had gone striught, to tter.
He bad reason to be very dejected,- 'nine very best. Your father will
ad be. debt, dodo toot morning to nen be released within a raonth ; I can
bank, and the aewo which greened. almost prorabo you that. Nothing
taw on arrivnj did not serve to re- ewe be seetied finally, till after Men -
assure dud., . !giet's trial. Meanwhile, Josephine,
Directly he entered the parlor the Yoe eauet ee preparing to welcome
mehier come in. -him hore.e,"
‘..E tun glad.to see you sir ; in fact, "where am I to go ?"
E wso waiting for you anxiously: "Back to. the old home, o: course.
Something very unpleasant has or,.. r have arranged it all, The tenant
current. Two or our bills for large will vacate at once, and you must
amounts havo been protested by go. and keep house for -Bob until
Itoddooldedoo, . . your father returns, and then—we
"I will etep round to Inew Court will be married from there,"
airfoil, and see what this moons," i Josephine could . not speak—her
Enid Meggitt easily. , .heart was too full ; but she found a
But Meggitt'e assurance was only few Words at last, spoken, in a soft
altio-deep ; he had but too good rea- low whisper as her head lay against
eon to loune that this was only the h breast.
dirst of many similar bills. The ere- "Yes, Richard, if you will take me,
dit of tho bank had been already im- But.' am not worthy. You are too
Cl h
iougned, . and its reao connitiori was , good, too---._."
feeemning known to the great leaders , Baunt silenced her in the readiest
of the finandal world. The crowd way a lover can.
would soon take up the cry, and it After many fond adieus Daunt tore
Would probably be impossible to himself away. Snatching a hurried
make head against the storm. dinner ho travelled on to Dover, and
What should he do ? was the Bret took the night mall to Paris.
,thought. To go ore altogether ? "No, Daunt paid an early, visit to the
at is premature,' he said. "By Wait- Prefecture need day, and explained to
bag a day or twee Imoy be able to M. Acme the lag service he required.
lay my hande, on a geed round sum, "Fanchette ? Yes, she is here, we
aufncient, perhape, to last me till I have kept our eye on her as you
can make a new start at tho other wished,- and now you want hen to
ond of the world." speak out ? Is that it, mo u cher
Cupidity got the 'Potter of ca.utioa, Sir Daunt ? we may persuade her,
. and .Meggitt deciclea to go ineck to I think," and he touched.. hand -bell.
dbo bozo. , "Have this mandat taken to the Rue
klei had been away fully haef-an- du Bac," he said to his huissier. "1
hour, but in the interval a creme wish to see the person named, in it
had Gollectod round its doors. • at once—here."
"What is it ?" asked 311eggitt, as .Presently- leEtnchette, smart and
he pushed his way excitedly through coquettish as over, was ushered
tale throng. 1 She started at seeing Daunt seated
"A run on the bank," said some there., and looked from: him to the
Cifile• as he passed out. chef. •
leleggitt took in the situation at a "There is nothing to fear, Ma -
glance, and passed on into ithe par-. dame,"—__the chief consulted a paper
ion where the cashier again. joined.in front of him--"Poirat, yes,
km. , Poirot. Your assistance is needed in
"Ffow Long will It last ?" asked a case which will be heard in Lon-
fleggitt. don shortly. The prisoners are
",Certainly not beyond the day," Percy Meggitt and Joseph Doves,
answered the cashier. alias Leon Lantimeche.
- Then Mr. Waldo arrived, and do- "I know ncithing .; I shall say no-
wideft to draw open reserves. Meg- thing," replied Faure:tette, dogged-
swtf... went, and en his return from ly.
tho Beek of England eiln Waldo ask- "Pardon me. On-furtner considera-
• edin so manywords, • tion I think you 'will."
moat amount have you, brought? "I will pay you anything In roa-
n fIhould be ono hundred and fifty .son to appoa.r," put in Daunt,
tiniusa.nd pounds." • , , hastily. •
Meggitt flushed crimson, and ' "A momorit, Monsieur, Justice is
st,anamered out : 'not to be bought, Madame Poirot
°Met so much, sir. Tho reserve is will conic forward out of pure good
only seventy-nine, thousana pounds." feeling, I think."
"Impossible ! It cannot have been leanchette did not look much like it
itttdUCed. I shall requero exputnation: just then, -
MO VarY fullest," said the old .bank- e, "At least, if Madame Polrat won't.
oeddegebeeny. Leonie Fanchette Jocasses, Lilt La
The rtniesiall conianoen. Folluse, dit Caramel, dit Potato,
ell% roust 'aiontal to our frieods, will do so, I feel euro."
r had many : sineley soiree -Win -help Fanchette turned very pate-
ns now to our 'sere 'aetifesso said There was little doubt after that
old Mr. Waldo. ' of her appearance as a . witness' at
tut, Mr. Waldo found little en- the trial,
oouragement and less support. Al- ---
ready it was forced itt on him, by neowpe mew www-ew,
Ute unanswerable logic of hard facts,
that leleggitt was a scoutdrel, a ..1Weggitt's trial caused groat ex-
casoal '• a dishonest rogue, who had citement in the city. Tbe case waa
played fast and loose with the bank, etrong against him, and lookocl very
"I should like to see him directly black from tho fleet. It was skilful-
ZI:. rebinds," said. Mr. Waite°, short- ly and pertinently stated by the at-
' toraey-genera.1, who prosecuted on
But ho asked in vain. Three, four, , behalf of the Crown. This attorney -
five o'clock came, but no Meggitt, general was no .other than Sir silas
.'What did arrive. was far more damn.- Standaloft, who had defended Mr.
frig evidence against the absent in'an. Surtees, and who had since entered
Tho run ou the bank had not been Parliament and eisen to a high oflicet
confined to specie payments. Sen. under the newly appointed Ministry,
mil old clients had called or sent for 1 Sir SilEts licked his lips and went
comities deposited in the strong- at Moggitt tooth and nail.
mono • ', "I ehall slimy and prove in evi-
They wore not to be found. flence," said Sir Silas, having freely
Once more . Mr. Waldo sent post- Itibrice.ted his lips, proparaeory to a
haste to Mr. Fiske, and put the af- groat en'ort, "1shall show howthe
• far in his hands. From Faske he Prisoner, making use of information
learnt everything : the truth- about he had received; procured the apa
.foon "Lantialeche *the' false 'Marquis, • pointment within. -the preclude; of.
Menet:tee treachery, , and above all Mr. Waldo's house of, a creature de -
the wrongful sentence passed •upon • voted to his own interests; who was
fete old cashier. !employed as personal attendant to
itinggitt, raeanwhile,- . had hurried 1312rs. Waldo, and .having the run of
intro laid hands on all property, I the private apartments. Thee person
le•Wele, bonds, and so forth, con- was found -for hira by the other prise
Vertebie ibto caeh, and made ''uP his tenor; Devasobetween whom and Meg -
mind to start that. night for Havre gitt a clese alliance had been forme.
via Southampton, intending to take ' ed, ley the instrumentality of this
the Saturday steruner of the French ; wainan—a clever 'and unscrupulous
te:aatoris,-Allantic •Compard eor NW FrOnCiiNVOnlan't fai .
But Itei lingered just to have one
bee dinner ot hie club. He had no
idea that arrest was •so near at
hand. Ho, left the .club, fully ' con-
fident that he had stolen a march
upon hie enemies!, and that within a
few how's he would leo safc front
pureait, .
rtwas a terrible shock to blue to
meet loaske face no foce as ho came
ilown iho marblo steps of tho club, .
'X Want you," said the police
gene ; "I have a warrant." -
"Where. are. you goieg to teke me
?" asked Meggitt, , surrender; rig
t tho epoi, and in 'a complete 'state
'.collonee. .
INeinee,,Sneeneelook-up for Le -night,
fennetennonrew the Idaneleit 'Hewn
deeellerkenevell." •
. The day after Meggiet's arrest was
busy One for Daunt. Followieg
elelecee ad -vice he went firet -to Se-
ville, lIow and had a long talk with
Iter, leilfearth. Thence Ito weal: to
the Home Office, mid saw the same
bigfr, perSortage that the bee .inter-
videed. before!, .
"Well, 1 don't *deity that you bave
a etraeg caee, Sir reechatel, bee. fain,.
utailY Of Your teeth haVe got tohd
gond !, what do .yett want lee to
do ?" „ .., •
"T think Mr, ,Ourtees ought to ho
retoo80a eoeditionally.',
"That's Out of the (mention ; a
etacrith tie Penal servititcle eaunot be
.el ssitle le that easy fashion. But
f telt Yoe' '100'1 Will cio • 'nee man
shell iie breugild up to letillit'ank, I -Te
ought to be nein; to, Ilene, it e e" fee O.L1:-.,1,011e0 or which he had, ttlifar-,
you Wgsa4, LI.), coneul L itilin" • t ciao tely forgo t t eh. " Ily this sited*
y t e
etrong room was obtrentied,. She b
hero, end she will tell herself how it
was done."
At this. etcttement a gleam of bale -
LUL light flashed from "Levine dark
"HaVing thus obtained access, at
will and seerctely, to the strong
rbota, it was easy to abstract any -
number al securities and vatunblea.
But at this peint simple robbery
was not their objeet, They were
Playing a far deeper game: they wero
conspiring' to bring' • tho whole re-
sources of the book ituder their con-
trol. For this purpose it was esseu-
tial to get the 'cashier out of the
way,' the -honest and unsuspecting su-
perior, who could hove soon cletectod
and put an end to any foul play.
This they accompliohed ia a cruel
and unscruouldia manner, with are -
stilt well known! to your lordship and
to others in title
"I aball 150 able to show you how
they mutinied into MO. Suets peg-
sessioa tionee of tlie stolen, bonds, end
thine gave strength and oolor to the
grievous e.cousation envier which the
Pool: man slid:imbed I will prove
to you nhot, Meggitt had encese
Will „ to the cashidea drawees aild
boxee, that he had falee key e eo all
. Seneation in court,
• "That he ant:teat:tee' from one ni
-them an old conteaet for the Pere
chase Of eertain-Portugimeci stock, a.
(genetic% which Mr..Stieteee 1141;02.411y
401,21(i nOt PrOrItte,o at is ^' tr , Lied
Mr, Surteee Wag prevented &QM
proving that he had Jong POWWOW
tieetiriti08-11itill1ar to those otel,eo—^
of Ines own., i wl1 be proved te
your satisfaetioo tilt those tioncle
were ease abstracted, and a pailt of
tho stolen bonds—those stolen front
the Strong room—were substituted
for tilde, In support of this I shall
Produce the contract of which 1 have
spoicen; the bonds which, were eer,
Surtees'a property, and--mork this
well—the balance of the Stolen eoncis.
The whole cei these nantnatory and
corivincinn proofs were feund in the
posseseion of one or other of the
Sir Silas hero paused to give full
elneet to his words. .
Then amidst breathleas elleetee he
"After these fe.eta hove been fully
eetablishod, and I have not the
slightest doubt that I ohall do so,
au act of tardy justice will, I trust,
leo done to the first, and, I think the
chief, victim of these vile machina-
tions: An innocent man, my lord
and gentienaen of the jury—an inno-
cent, a. much -wronged arid deeply -suf-
fering man—cries aloul from the
clopths of the gloomy prison -cell to
which the crafty knavery of these yin
lains consigned him—he cries aloud,
I say, for restitution,erevindication,
rehabilitatior . and redress. Mercy,
and justiee—pardon, apology and
compensation ---must he dealt out
promptly' and without stint to that
grievously ill-use.d
• "It is not difficult to trace the far-
ther proceedings of thia precious
pair. Fortune,- or rather misfortune,
them. A very lax coutroi seems to
have been exercised over the new
cashier; one partner, now deceased,
was o dilettante and a virtuoso, who
had practically withdrawn from al -
fairs..., The -other, through sickness,
was unable to keep this Monett in
his place; arid it is impossible to
withhold some syrapathy from Mr.
Waldo, whose neglect and over -con-
fidence dated only from his own ina-
bility to attend closely to business.
Thus Meogitt soon got his hegd. One
of his first act e was to introduce to
the bank, as a most eligible and val-
uable client, this friend and coialeder-
ate; the Man who, clothed in the
garb of shame, stands there by kb
side, the man who, assuming a ficti-
tious title and all the airs of a'
noblenaan, was at that very moment
a convict on ticket -of -leave.
"What follows is told in the b
of the bank; they will be produc
44 Seesonahle and Profitable t
;le of the SOIL i
e Mite for the Basy #
Tho rube for taking care of the
ceere aro so few elle SiMP10 that VVO
wonder why we should repeat them
each year, ewe each year we see so
xuanY Peonle who do not practice
thexu, that we cannot refrain, hop-
ing that we may reform earne 92
there. One of the nrst requisites is a
warm barn, not only for the comfort
of tho clews, bui for the profit of the
Of couree good food and eneugh of
11; is necesearo, but this is notnall.
The food should ba varied in sucb
proportioas on to make what is cal-
led a balanced ration, Enough
grain so mixed with the rough foci -
der aa to keep the proportions of
protein to carbohyai a.tes et ate out
one to live, but so much depends up-
on the breed, and more upon the ani-
mal and its condition, that there can
be no exact amount. Any farmer
can get from, the experinaent &Lotions
bulletins giving tables of tho value
of feeding. stuffs, and figure out' ra-
tions for his anineels to suit him-
self, watching the results and vary-
ing them as he finds re necessary.
.--After. food naturally comes water.
This should be always mire and
clean, and wo would wish it could
be always warm. There should be
some cbeap device for quickly warm-
ing the water in. the trott t
Vtatter-aerhe post said, Wirt is lone.'"
Cobalt Inew—"Aan should have added, *Artists are •bort • 0..
•••••=••••••••..••••••••••_t_. ...m.•aoo.m•••••••t•••t••••••••••..•••••••••••••'••••••••••i
SeraPS MIX it wen with hot water MORE COAL ell ENGLAND.
ell Coal, '`good bousehold • .0eal,"
cam awitile to get w
scalded. Give a little lees than th.
V seems to have been found in -Kent at
at last, A "core" brought up from the
0, boring in, Shakespoare Cliff showed
th largo fragraents of "good bright
d bituraineus 'household coal," and on
ay another boring a, second seam was
ut discovered, says the London, Speota-
Is tor. The experts are said, to be
cs delighted.- and to believe that they
have struck the deposit which runs
1- down through Wales, wader the Chan-
. nen across France, and into West, -
p a. The pecuniary iatereats in -
a volved in. such nods are so large that
o we always distrust first accounts, but
e in this instance the details given
y read true, and of course, if they are
f true, and if the expense of veorking
d under the sea proves manageable,
y the event is of national inaportance.
g Coal on tho Spot is the grand 'need
f • of the south, and every addition to
; rior supply postpones the day when
0. manufaeturers must either put out
their fires or rely exclusively upon
• [electricity obtained from the river
gorges, or possibly from- the use of
the tides, as a source of power.
man, was oncingiven a large dog
• to take Care of by a friend who wore
teeing abroad. But the dog annoyed
him by always sitting in lees best
arm: chair. • •
One day a splendid idea struck
him- • He came into the room and
found the dog in his usual seat, so
he walked up to the windeve •and
'called :— • •
"Cats! eats!"
Up jumped the dog and rushed to
the window, while the man went and
Sat la kb chair.
A few days later the dof walked
into the room while his =meter was
sitting in his arm -chair. Going up
to the window, he barked loudly.
The man got up .to see what was
the matter, and the dog rushed and
secured the chair.
will oat instead of more. See th
they. bave a warm sleeping glee
dry, clean and well bedded, yet wi
plenty of fresh air. Do not crow
too many in one -pen. These ea
sewn small things to write abo
but it is the atteotion. to dotal
that bads to success in ali the. wall
of life.
What has been said of swine is a
most equally adapted to poultry
Regular feeding is important d
fact we think there has been such ;the pens are well bedded, and th
patented, but have not seen. teem in 'whole grain seettered itmeng it s
use, We have seen , that they have to scratch for it; th
. „
WATER WARMED BY STEAM. exercise wen do them good. The
are better in the house than out o
at a. low pressure conveyed to the doors when the ground is eovere
trough in pipes,. and vvere told that with snow, but if kept shut up -the
for a herd of twenty cows the milk must not bo croWded. Give plenty o
product was increased enough to water, which will be the better 1
make it vetw profitable. After get- warm, three or four times a, day
ting up in the morning and sitting and plenty of grit with which. t
by a war.m fire to take one or two grind their food. ..
cups of hot coffee and warm break -
Ifast, it seemed cruel to turn tb.e COWS TO FEED POULTRY.
out to &talc ice-cold water.
A few more gonadal rules lnay bo • The proper feeding of laying hens
d I
reedier hour. To stand watching ducted on the. same lines as that of
: .
have beeu ready before is coaducive liu• losses and wastes as are found in
added to these. Always feed at an ot ier pour' A e con-
°eke • aerd waiting for food that should, other farm animate The
colon and they will lay bare the
vast and intricate frauds "conceived
by le eee consummate rogues, the
boldneos with which, they were car-
ih out, and all the clever shifts and
ai tful contrivances by which they
were concealed almost to the last.
It -will be shown you. how the 'chief
eonepiral or misappropriated and
na„ de away with the property of the
bank, with its own funds, and veith
the securities intrusted to Ins care.
Some of these wore found ia his Pos::
session, some in that of his confeder-
ate; others, to a large extent, have
been sold to cover defalcations; and
the brokers, through whom and by
Whom they were sold, will go into
the witnessebox and swear that they
acted under instructions from Nog --
gide It b not strange that the
bank should •break after being thus
pitlaged and plundered right and
lone and that there should be at
this mooaeat sonaewhere, but entire-
ly uneccounted her, a sum of nearly
two hundred thousand pounds, which
has passed °in of the a.esets of the
bank into the keeping of ono or oth-
er or both these prisoners at the
Tt ie not necessary to follow Sir
Si'as Standaloft further, • The
learned counsel was tedious, thou'gh
eloquent, mid his speech lasted sev-
eral hours. But fvhen, he sat don
and his junior began. to call the wit-
nesses, it was felt that. neither of
the prisoners had the ghodt of a
Fauchotee's evidence was especially
damaging, although Leon's evil eye
was upon her throughbut. ShO
Spoke out openly' and confessed all
she lcnew. She had come from Paris
on purpose to take service with Mrs.
Waldo. She had watched her oppor-
tunity, and entered Mr. Waldo's
dressing -room ono morning while he
was at his bath, and had taken the
impression of the ken. Tnis seehad
done more thon once under the pris-
oner Leon, or Doves's, instructions.
Oho judge's stemiaing-up was ,clear
for convicLion, and the verdict of
guilty came as a Matter of course..
In passing sentence he drew a dis-•
Unction between the crinies of the
two prisoners.
"You," he said, addressing' • Meg -
girt, "aro the most culpable.
Through you an innecent man has
been suffering severe but unmerited
puniseniaeat. feel it my duty to
mark. my seas() of the enormity of the
crimes you have cominitted by an
exemplary eeetence; and I do there-
fore direct that -you be kept, in penal
servitude for twenty years."
"AS for e-ou Devils, an habitual
crim Ina I, whoe'knows already the in-
terior of many gaols, iniprisonment
has, T. fear, no terrors. But it wes
you, I believe, who originated .this
va.st scheme of fraud, and it was to
your baleful influence that your lois_e•rablo confederate suecumbed. I
shall' therefore treat you to your de-
•orte, and now sentenee you to penal
servitude for fifteeo Years."
Thus ended the secend great ease
Id which Waldo'a bank was Concern -
But there was a sequel to the trial.
Later that same day a neat
brougham (Wove up to the door of
Aril lb ank prieon, ShL Richard •
begat, alighted from, it; he Wag ad-
mitted, and ushered into tieinereseiace
of the go -Tommie to whom lia handed
a, letter from tho Rome Secretary-.
In•lese then half an hour Mr. Sur -
teen appeared, and, teltieg Sit" Rich-
ard's ono, Wal1ced. out from the pris-
on o free Mae. ,
joeophille, eieho wet in the brougla
am, waitilig, fell into her father's
orlon and the tevo Were drive)i re -
piety home t� Chiswick,
' TO be Centirrueil.
E ,
• nglish peoplo oat, on. an averene,
(Lilco. Weight. of' food ia a year, a
iietal or '7,100,000 toue,
only to worry, and does not melte mammals, and there is the same ne-
milk or put on eat, Feed no more cessity for replacing and replenishing
than, cau be eaten, and if any is loft, the -nestles, fluids, etc., of the body.
clean" tne troughs or =agars as We must of necessity know the cora-
soon as they seem to have had .potition of the body of the fowl and
enough. In the short days of winter
two good feeds a day liave been found hrtivteltotoeggnetabiceutnafewter ltahwast woerdfoourinotit
better than. three. Doenot feed be- new Prieleli'leeP but have merely to
fore daylight or after ' dark, and do adapt the knowledge° we have gained
not die -tulle them during the night front the investigations made for oth-
unless the barn is on tire. When we ep animals to the hen, modifying •rul-
say regular hours tre do not mean by es and rations to suit the case in
the clock, for the cow e have no question. The scientific research cal -
lock, and measure the day bee the led 'for,' and urgently, too, is that of
amount of daylight. They want the adeirreeeirteaenat ennfood
hours of dorknessefor ,sleer or rest. theibi 1 iiitee; i . o f Fort li e
They will be the better for a cording the cow, sheep, horse and swine, we
and brushing every day, not only for they° the digestive coefficient for at -
cleanliness'' eake, but it puts the most any food consumed, while for
blood in circulation and invigorates •the hen wo have very few reliable
them. Always treat them iciudly and 1data with which to work; and in
gently because kindness is a, good in- a view of eho great value of the
vestraertt. ' Follow these rubs, add rioult-ry industry it should receive
more scientific attentloa than is at
there win be but little nee tor veer"
/nations or ; present allotted to it.
When fe,eding growing chickens the
' cow Dourons.
Main object is to supply sufficient
. If sheep aro loss oxa.cting than the, pourishment to insure harcly'•growth.
cows in, their demands upon the time In the case of th.e mature hen it is a I
, y
i a more complicated propose., REDUCING Tkihi COAL BILL,
and pleuty of it every day is needed; the fact that eggs are almost the
shoulin not be neglected. Good food tion. The feoder must Nor tn. mind ' Ffere is a simple method of making
and if they are, as they should be, transformation or assignlation of The plan is to place a quantity of
1Ciewt. of coal go as far as .1.5cwd
turned out every pleasant danf for food eaten, The yolk and whit con- chalk in the grates; once heated. this
exercise an.d fresh air, do not expect tain water, protein, fat, and a small is practically inexhaustible from
bitten grass that they may find, as the shell consists almost entirely of
them to got a living from the frost- percentage of mineral matter,
while combustion and gives out great heat
a little of it may not hurt them. and mineral matter of which carbonate of 1
may do them some good, but it can- limo constitutes 94. per cent. of the PUBLIC - ROUSE "BOUNCER "
not be a. very nourishing food: A !entire weight of the egg. That is, in ' A novel invention is now used in
feW oats, little bran, and if there is one dozen good-sized oggs there are the north of England. It is a sort
roughago of inferior quality a. little !fully 2.5 ounces of carleonate of of atttoraatic "bouncer" for use in
cornmeal every day will do them lime, familiar to all under the . name public -houses, Punctually at closing
good, helping them to bring better :of marble. We thus have preyed to time the legend, "Time, please, gen-
they please, for when on dry feed hen. One of tho best materials that
larabs• and grow more wool. Plenty us the absolute necessity of a gener- tlemen," appears on a, glass face,
of water which they can go to as ous supply of limo in the diet of the laionclgi
ntgheawithaneuchelectararicazguoir s• ptoawretsr
and they want it often and. clean, A a poultryman can use for stir pl3ring: that it becomes quite impossible for
sneer) will go long, without water r a^ any other 'variety of shells. An ox-
nad they want it oftea and clean. A the requisite lime is oyStor shell, or even the most enthusiastie toper to
occupy the bar for another instant.
there -than drink that which is not periment in this direction was made j 4.
clean. Give them bedding enough to at the New York Experiment Sta- 1 At a party one evening a lady was.
keep their sheds dry ana clean, and tion, and the result Was Such that entertaining the assembled company
plenty of pure air. Gold does not the use of oyster shells during the with an account of their first color -
hurt them when they, got on their laying season, where they can bo rel, and hone aftor making it up
wintor coats, but keep thera ciry, with cheaply obtained, was strongly re- with one another, her husband had
the fleece free from rain or snow. If commended. It was found that one planted a tree in romeMbrance of it.
there are any weakly -ones separate pound of oyster shells contained suf- , "If we had only clone that," whis-
narrow gatea or doors. i .
them and give better feed for a, ncient ume for the shells of about pered the minister's' wife to her hue -
time. .Allove no crowcihig tlu:ouget seven dozert eggs. band, "what a epleadid avenue we,
Might have had I"
and .ottention of the farmer tb.0 somewh t •
' oNE opmamt
'What a sour individual 1 What's
he growling about, anyway ?"
"0 1 he complains that he hasa't
got what he deserved In this world."
should think he'd have cause to
rejoice on that account."
need'but little atteaticni. More than It has been dednitelYpd that' . arrul efrs. Worryton—ne wish 1 ^ could
1 g fathom something whereby I could
to see that they are fdd regularly, ten British sergeants axe to Join the keep my husband ae home at
twice a day in winter being; enough army of the Sultan. of Morocco as oieboso, Men Soothersoage`Get him
day being good for them, or a bittle there aro at present ia Gibraltar, would
Lor them, A few raw roots evere• military instructors, Several of a n oieddeto Ned dreeryooddenritat
take 11h -n out • 'more than
clover hay. We think it is of little and are wearieg tho Moorish wile ever." Mew. Soothereenee"Ola no, it
use to cook foo' for them, but form. It is also reported that an
when they are given a mash of bran Englishman IS -Go be put in charge of 1 el.
wouldn't. My husband ,ifyt one the
and meal with a handful of beef tho custom house at Tangier, won't be out for a Mtrith."
other day, and the doetter says ho
-me. •
:Ohotte...07 Fr
'The Peeference shown by Thinking Peopio for Or. OhaSers Syrup oll Linseed 6.1,4 Turolorl-
tine—ReoOrd Sales This Season.
eo Coresidering 1 the large ,ntabber or remedies for coughs and Colds that ere now ()tiered to the publiedidee in
view of the bet thee; nearly every druggist has a prepaidtioa of hb °wit which he makes an einut teeenbeti-
tute for the medicine asked for, it seems truly relnarkable that the demand far Dr: Chase's Syrup of Lieseed
and Turpeutino should increase by- suck leaps and bounds,
During October the sato of Dr. Chese's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine 'exceeded by several hundred. bot -
MS theoneerd of any,proviteits, inertia, in its bistory, Whoa It ia temembered that tins preparation rectined
very little aowspaper advertislene the evinenoe seems to be eenclusive that it makes its war by sheer force of
Thinking people recogetize the lieneatitaese 1 1. , "• ' using.s lone lugs Which. are said, tee mire a cold
in a few liourn They prefee to cling to Dr. Clinolees tiorup of .fibbeed and neirpentene, ivitieh. they koove be- `e
' I
yond a doubt to bei a thorough and eleetive treatment; foe eougite, canto, etemp, beenehitin 'whooping cietigh, 0
throat irritation, asthma, and, eeon eoaeurnption itself. • .. ' ' t
Tile' combinotion of Limited and. Turpentine, With bell it dozen oilior legrodidits Of egaill i'alue for treating u
Colds, ih such proportions as they are found in Da Clialitee Syrup ef Linseed and Turpentine has proeco to be e
&perfect protectiee. against eticit deVolopMents as pneumeettia., eoestneeptipenand edrious iting troubles. Yeti i
•can, With dertainty rely on thee preparet lon' to aHordt,korapt relief and Perfeet cure, ,, ti,
Do you suppotAl that the sale ot 1)r. Chas'sSythp of reirieeed And turpentine would be more than, three• ti
pales that Of any simile,r preparat'ion it it was not the most orfeetive eentedy -Wet money can buy? It has- u.
Stood the tent arid peewit) itself worthy of the confidenee that 'is placed in. iG. People recommend It tome to ata w
other, end erothe good renve eprerias. Be sure you get the gentline, With Ten •Clianne peetealt, and iiiinnethre p
on the moped"; 115 cetz,ts.a bottle., Varelly size, three timee as Inech, deteuts. At, all deahrs, or VAlinansoig, kt/
Dates 45 oo,, /Detente;
rit0111 11311r3 Olt Eli
GoxaG 047 IN TM;
;AND OP TEE Slineleree0C1t,
o Personal and Notae.
That. Will fatereet /risen
Waterford, with •three tiraop
liree licenses, has three timea ite
Laws have been passe( land.
so that X19 greyhounds eas,-*be ex-
ported from that e,-elAtri any
The County Atfeath perimPs ho
Wealthiest in Ireland,' lit'Utre
tie or no real poVerty there.; 4
Extensive renoyations and ',repairs
are being made 912' Az$ Duke Of lee-
vonshire's Irish seat, Liamore Oaa-
Noarly trNiTenty: Per Cent. eki 1,116
population .: of Irelatici .die of • old
age. To -day there are 213 oenten-
• 4,A.n. Irish egg merehant charged,
liwasitnentuheed• ahmisrisiliainonytertatnha.is,94ywchife,
41Tnehe arst- portion. of tho big scheme:
for supplying Belfast wait water
from the Mourne Mow:It:tins hes been
ShiPblincling is being revived oO a
large scale in Dublin, many;
years ago was a goat centre of thin
Lord Dunlea.th, an extensive pro-
perty owner in East Down, is about •
to establbh an hotel in Balierwater
on the Gothenburg system. '
The real strengtn ef the Duke of
Connaught's popularity can best be
proved by tixe fact that tho sorvanta
in his household simply adore him.
Mr. Carnegie has offered to give
nen.000 to Limerick for a free War -
any, on condition, that the city will
contribute 6350 a year 2or its sup-
Never in Ireland has so much ,at,-.
tention been. eoncentraeed on educe.-
. .
tion as now, and' whatever the result
may be the educational life of
the -
country has been quiekaaed the
An agitation is on foot in leelfasb
to obtain the -release of Private Cro-
zier, Royai Irish Rifles, undergoing
eighteen raonthe' inaprie.onmene the
sleeping at his post n•ear Bloemeone
tein. e,..
t7-0,prge. Tough, formerly of the
Great ?Zonate- eeof Scotland Rail-
way, has been '''tipZ....:.N.inted genera
manager of the Grand Oen:erne-
pally of Ireland, vacant through tlia
death of Dlr. Kiridand.
As it ia estimated that Great Brit-
ain imports annually n8,000,000
worth or butter from Ireland and
n18,000,000 worth front foreign.
countries, it is evident that a large
field still awaits Ireland's energies.
Recently the Belfast police found
a woman named Kearns lying dead
in the kitchen of her reaidence with
marks of foul • play on the face,
throat and arms, Her husband, Jos-
epheleearns, stonecutter, was ar-
rested on a charge of, wife murder.
The oxperiments in tobacco cede
lure conducted by the, Department a
Agriculture for Ireland have pro-
gressed so far that it is aow offering
for sale 100 pounds of Irish growa
roll tobacco, beeides mailer quan-
tities ol plug, twist; cut Cavendish,
bird's eye, cigar. and cigarette to -
There were disorderly scenes re-
cently in the Belfast Emoire theatre.
A principal artiste, after Selma songs,
declined to reappear. The house woe
Paeked, and the gollery occupants re-
fused to hear the next turn. The
curtain was rung down, and the
rowdie.e started to evreek the gallery.
The pence cleared the place.
With the large number of centea-
arians that have been. discovered •• in
Ireland this year, a man of only a
few xi:maths over 'the century riot
considered anything wonderful. afr.
Edward Black, of Searva, County
Down, who died recently, was just a
few month.s over the hundred years,
lie was an elder in the Presbyterian
church for over seventy years.
The venerable' Earl leitzeedillant,
-who was eighty-sovert years-. of age
recently, makes his cross - channel
trips in great state and styM.
charters the rain' steamer, paybig a,
fee close on four jwadred pounds for
her, and has special traino from his
seat in County Wieltiow to Kings-
town, Enad from Holyhead to Went-
worth, his Yorkshire estieen The
heir to. the Fitzwilliant property
the only Son of the present Earl, who
is known, as Viseount Milton.
•-' Noy= istritGroAL FEAT.
A surgical operation of a pecutineler
interestmg and audacious character,'
Was performed at the Maritime nfos-
pital, Cherbourg. An. artilleryntazi
named 'Robert had the misforleine to
meet with an accident in tho areeirolo
by which he forty fingere of itis r 1 t
(Secohand wore comptetelY sovered at the
although the patient Slittered °Kern -
nd joint. The hoepital surgeon
rejoined the severed members, and
elating agerl3r, he rehteed to be chlo-
roformed, Tito operation ia probably
walla u 15 peecodent , and the doe tore
have the greatest hope of the cer-
Lille &Orman ',regaining the complete use
t his hand.
Sir 3,1; Anderson says :-;-,,Spcelcing
seriously and eoltbeeately, 'if tree
70,opo 131,1t, 'SO:Verity knowle erimincelie
wereeptee nut or the way, thin- whole
Orgettnieatiort of tonne againSt th‘o,
ier*: ill England...would be
we ,should, not' tri ken:rs
ion ce tamed ajoy ea.
motint of iraleorni le- from utinit;
ixis kind that it might to -day styou
toplan lo exenet, opiedon ii
asad00deriatfik• lotts anti a know -
tilts° osr tho novsoimot oi4 criio
1 roat;pvnity. ,Kno. 1 say with con -
deuce -that nein metitedo of dOttl
ith these men—melbet,i9 emeh ite
outa ceill:nand the 00111ovii oc
vo,lriith# 1,110 0 111111tt a 1 0 (1 1 (1
. t put au on lo oT.,..„rani,„,;r4
itaesagniitst propert".itt