Exeter Times, 1902-1-9, Page 1ttrItt.r4t 44: TwENTY-NINTR YEAB-:-NO. 24 . During the next two weeks on Oast and Steel Ranges, Cooking and Heata,g Stoves for Coat ior Wood. Skates, Hockey Lamp Goods; During stock -taking we will give you BARGAINS - for CASH. Come and "see our stock and get our PRICES. nraereeen , 044 .44.,NU.10','"*444 Wine IS ,,yaugt„, eiln'aletreireen=litelenneeinereeleeeteeMa • Is your time to get:a nice pair • or slippers for your friends. We have them in different lines for men, women tma children froth. 85c. a pair up- ward. 10h-ike Feet Shelves Foie Wileas ern d Worneri. We have a tew lines of over. shoes for men and claildren to be cleared out at half • their regular value, A Fine assorttnent of CUTTER 13_613ES, WHIPS and HARNESS. 1 Bayfield Beiguns:aeEd,, Pech,yeho -War honae spendiug Xisete,leeiidays returned to Toronto where he has a good position in the carpet department in T. Eaton's big store.-aMiss Susie Parke arrived home on Saturday from Detroit for a few week's vacation. Miss Parke is engaged in the dressmaking business there. -Mrs. Win, Brandon and fam- ily who have beep visiting relative's at Belgrave, arrived home on Monday night. - Mise Maggie Falconer, of Goderich, is vieiting under the paren- tal roof here this week. -Mrs. Robert and Sam Eagleson and daeghter, of Milton, N. D., are visiting friends here at presents-rtobert Blair ga,ve a party on Friday evenieg last, when a large crowd Assembled and tripped the light fantaetic in their heart's content, St -Marys • • ,•• Beemns.-Eaucational sermons Were preeche4 in, the Methodist church an Sanday last by Rev. Dr. Potts.-jarcies e Page, of Arizona, is visiting, friends end relatives in and around St. Marys. It is 27 years since Mr. Page left Wel- burn; West Nissouri, to seek his for- tune in the West, ancl this is his fleet visit- te his old ` noon on Claristmas Theye,fames 0. Mitchell, of the well *known iirm of Dymond & furniture dealers, St. Marys, was married to Miss 5. E. Whetstone, daughter of Mr. and lees. Wm. Whet- • stone of Lakeside;-Oarl Herman and and J. 0. Vine. late sergeant cif the South African Canadian Scouts have bought out the oeyeemeese at Mount Forest from Ed. Hanham, fornaerlv of St, Marys. Mr. Benham will remove front Mount rest to St. Marys ehort- 1y.-On Christ:etas Day Miss Georgina Sutherliend, daughter of Mrs. Suther- land, Burn Brae, Blanshard, was unit- ed in marriage to Alfred Perker, of Guelph„ The ceremony was perform- ed by the Rev. Dr. Craw, 13. A., of Thoratile, in the presence of only relaeives of the contracting parties. C4r flP •te rerUND inr nand A. liver pill that, is omen and ue°, that, as ts genw tty, Quickly Dad thoroughly, thee denot eseete laza-liver Plus possess” themes ceia tigrtedatirolia;110T euro or "IP tat." t' " • " • • IC eeeeeenee 7,,,,--Hsneagrae flaying had fifteen years sex- perience in the * furniture and un- dertaking feueiness, we claim we understand Our business thorough - y • -,a are no green -horns, We Made ,rtst4tid buying goods For best cash prices/ and we give tile pub- lic the bcS tfit of it. We keep Up to date )ods in alt lines and • • , trge asso -tment to choose from. i Wt.:. invite every ono to inspect Our stOck and be cortvinded that ,wIIat we say is correct- , ROWE.' 14.-442 Alf STOP THEOOU •, AND WORK OFP THE GOLD. Laxatiye Bromn-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one ay. No cure, No pay. Price 25 cents rAtltr-to. BRIEFS.-Satnuel Andrew, of Ilam - iota, Man., arrived here on Friday last to visit his mother and sister, it is six years since he last visited Orttario.i, Rumor says he is looking for a house- keeper to take back with him, We hope this is true; for a bachelor's life on the prairie cannot -be a very desir- able one.--Ohas, Miners has accepttd a situation with R. Sweet, harness - maker of Exeter, and will learn the trade of harness making. -Miss Mabel Johns and Miss May- Hawkins spent the past week visiting relatives in Lon- don. -Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Woods gave an oyster supper to a large number of their friends on Thursday evening last when a• very enjoyable time was spent and many oysters pat oat of sight. -- Will Stnallacornbe, of ganitoba, is visiting his uncle and aunt, IVir. and Mrs, T. Harris. Ib is over 20 years since be left for the West and he will no doubt find a great many changes in the past decade. ---The C. O. 0. F, in- tend holding an oyster supper and con- cert about the last of January. More particulars later, Centralia • - • Wanneeee 13unns-Another of those happy events, which causes a flutter of excitement took place at ths resi- dence of Mr. Thos. Mitchell, on Wed- nesday evening, Jan. 8th, when their fourth daughter, Wilhelnaine was joined in matrimony to Mr. Wm. 0. Webster, general merchant. of Udora, north of Toronto, Rev. Hutton, of • Centralia, tied the nuptial knot in the Presence of about forty gaests, The bride was charmingly attired in a gown of white organdie draped with chiffon and carried a boquet of roses and maiden hair fern. Miss Esther, sister of the bride acted in the capa- city of bridesmaid., and was deemed in • white linen lawn and carried a boquet of earnetions. Mr. William Humph- rey, cousin of the groozn, acted as groomsman. Miss Mabel Sceli, of Damn, neice of the bride was maid., of honor. The bride received a large number of useful and valuable pre- sents showing the high esteem in which she was held. Guests were present from Toronto, Byron, Ilder- ton, -Mora, Hensall and Exeter, The happy couple go to • Coiling wood on ,their wedding tour. Her many friends,of Centralia extend to the bride congratulations and wish for her a long and happily wedded life. Dashwood BusEys.- Christmas holidays pass- ed oil very quietly in our villaze, the chnrches being closed oveing to the ontbreek of smallpox in the village bob owing to the prompt ection of the Board of Health tbe disease was pre- vented from spreading and services will be held next Sabbath as rieual,-- The school was also closed for a week owing to the prevalence of snaall-pox but will open next week. -At the an- nual echool meeting last week Mr, Geo. Kellerman. vvas re-elected trustee foe another term.-- At the annual sneeting for police trustees lest week, two of the old trustees, Mr. .7. E. Hoff - tea an a Wm. Zimmer were re-elected while Mr. L. Moser was elected to fill f;be place of Mr. Geo, Kellerinan, who resigneel.-At the Miinibipal election en Monday, Mt,. FL 'Willett,of this village was elected. reeve of Stephen, while Mr. J. K. Goetz was eleetc-d to the council of Hay. We congratulate ant townsmen on their success.-Obize. Morlocle, of Hamilton, is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Rev. Morlock.- Louis Kleinstiven of Sarnia, returned Inane last week to spend a few days. -- g, ()Alfas, of Harvieton, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs, D. Sacks. -0. W. Snell, who has been attending the eon- servatory of musie at Boston, TJ. Se is spending a tow weeks at home.-- Miss Floseie Snell, who has been spending her Xmas. holidays at home returned to Alma College on Monday.- 1?. Mc- leaac, who has been confined to In bed for about a mouth, is able to be out. again. -A. Stelk,of Disuphie,Man.. formerly of this place, was renewing ace want:Imes in the villa 0 Islet Wr,ros. -11(lwarcl 1\i'adingor, i Irornite, the harness making with Me ' e, fattish 'Nom 011. Liniment is without extpic flon the most effective retocitY, for Out,4 vVolma.-1, Ulcers, Open Soros, TtnenelttIstu St.ingl: of 'broads, ote. A large bottle 26 colt14. HURON" & MIDDLESEX GAZIA !pm. T •••••"" EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNTht, JANUARY 9), 1902. feen8all • re4 Sellcry h 0 ., Dna, Seletenor Gradu- '• late of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth eXtracted without_pain or bad effects. Office in petty% mock, Henson.. At Zurich over Monday,eommenoing IVIay30th. euteeriaud, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, COmmissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, said Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal comments carefully drawn at reasonablerates. Money to loan on reel estate at low rates of interest, Mae at the Post °Moe, Ilensall nue hundred tons of feed, to dispose of at the lionsall Oatmeal Mills the Wining week. Il Uaqt7nAarr. BRIEES.-Rev. W. S. Doberty• B, A., who was recently offered and accepted the position of rector at Thornciale, has been strongly urged by the -eon- gregation at Hensair and Stab, to continue with them as incumbent of bhat parish, and a deputation from bath vestries have waited upon the bishop to preseut their request. The bisnop having left the decision with Mr, Doherty, he decided to accede to their wishee and resumedeeervices at Hensall and Staff), on Sunday last. "One of the Vestry" writing from Thoredale, says :--"It is wiLla deepest regret I have to announce the resigna- tion of the Rev, J, W Doherby as rec- tor of St. George's,' Thorndale, and Grace church, Evelyn, to which posi- tion be was appointed about two months ago, after ReveR, S. Howard's removal to Mitchell, Rev. tkir. Do- ----- 1931, but soon • filter landing her mother died leaving live children she being the eldest the responsaillity which developed the finest principals was laid upon her. After her mar- riage in 1844 they settled in Dalhonsie, Lanark County, but after three years cameto Huron and at length made their hones on lot Id, con. 8, 13:ay, where she remained until her death on Thursday last. Her children all survive her, John, of Bence Co., Peter, Alex., and Mrs, O'Beien, of Ilay, Mrs, Hyslop and titre. Hetinilintiss, of Michigan, Mee. Lieshinan, of the Sault, and Robert, and Thomas, of Manitoba. They were all present at her funeral on Saturday the 281h ex- cepting. Robert and Thomas, Robert being unable on account of the train being blocked to reach home in time, being very anxious, leaving Ailsa Craig at 8 o'cleels Sunday walked a distance of 28 miles reaching here at 10 o'clock, The family have not been milted for 29 yeat s, and though in sad- ness they have met yet are pleased to be united at the old home where each may share the allele sympathy. There are 37 grand -children and 14 great -grand -children. Crediton. nerty is a young man, who during his ExEreEn LIMIER YARD. short stay amongst us gained the .highest esteem and leaped of all, and .his abrupt departure from here to re- turn to Hensel], his former parish, is a source of regret and disappoint- ment to Thorndale vestry, but speaks ,well for him as a popular clergyman, being called back to his first charge. -- Wm. Craig returned home last Week from his trip to Moosejaw.-James Beverly, of Exeter, was in the village the past week renewing acquaintances. -Miss Vera Murdock was in Clinton Just week visiting friends. - James Redmond, of Leeds, N. D,, accompan- ied by his little daughter and sister, iVirs..Kinley, are visiting their broth- er, Chas. Redmond, of the township of Hay, -Miss Hatton, of Owen Sound, was in the village during the past week renewing acquaintances.- The present sleighing is favorable for busi- ness. -Russell Moir, son of Alexander Moir, of Seney, Iowa, U. S., is here visiting his many relatives in Henn& and vicinity. -Our public school re- opened on Monday. During the holi- days nearly all the scholars were vac- cinated according to the. order of the Board of Health, -J . W. Bell left here for Philadelphia, on Tuesday morning to resume his studies in the Dental • The Exeter Election. • eAL-4K—s The eleetion of Reeve and Council- lors Op Monnay was somewhat exeit. nig, although promos to the uominae- tion little interest rn the seleetion of a Board for I902, An unusual amount of delving, Was done by the various candidates, and the incidental • petty arguments were iedelged in, By the reside of' the vote below given it will be seen thatW. bL Levett ocoupies the reeye'e chair for 1002, wiele Coencil- Mrs John Muir, John Wood, Wm. fla,rcling and 35s. Davis to complete I the board. J. Muir headed the list, I although he was on the ocean. at the I time. The council of 1901 were: Reeve, W. G. Bissett; councillors, J. Muir, J. Evaes, 1. Artnshrong and w. H. Levitt. Following are the figures for the oleo- tion:- • FOR REEVE: Polling Sub,Div, 1 2 3 • 4. Tot"1 W. R. Lovett.... 43 59 70 7,0-248 I. Armstrong, 02 30 88 07-198 • Majority for Lovett.... 50 l'OR COUNCILLORS. 3. Muir..... . . ... 7e 80 75 103-392 X, Wood..., ... 04 80 41 100-315 jeDavis 75 • 04 45 81-205 W. Harding 58 48 47 82-235 1 : L. McTaggart 2e 28 63 50_400 Election Returns • Largo stock of Lumber -pine and hemlock 170,000 feet of hemlook lumber for barns, etc. also shingles, - laths and cedm, posts. • Prices reasonable. -JAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of Mein st' • • Breeze's. -The annual school meeting of our seism' was held last Thursday. Mr. W. Wenzel, who has been trustee the past nine yeare resigned, and Mr. Samuel Brown was appointed trustee in his stead. -Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fohner, of Michigan, are the guests of Mr. and Tobias Fahnen-Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Morlock, Mrs, Jos. Heist and Mrs. Henry Sweitzer bave returned from Aurora, Ill,; after a pleasanb visit with relatives. -Mr. Morris Ehnes of Zurich lectured on Africa in the Evange cherch Friday evening. Th as interesting and lu- st vered in a pleasing st services a,re in de - •'e Moses t3rown ha me., in Elkton, Mic egeant vieit in town. He was L camper:Led by Mr. Christian Heist, who intends visiting his brother for a few weeksee-Messrs, Ohas. Wolf, Alonzo Hodgins and Samuel Eilber were appointed police trustees for the coining year. -H. Either. is at- tending the Legislative Asseitibly ha 1Toronto.--The election passed off with College there. -Miss Hannah Ortwein, of Tharnesville, is home on a visit to some excitement. There is a slight change in the persbnnel. of the board, her parents. --Miss Minnie Sheller left here on Monday for London, where --Write it 1902 now. -Municipal elec- she intends taking a twenty week's "fions were held on Monday last, with the following result: Reeve, H. Wii- Roblyn alt in yocal music, with Miss Eva of lert; councillors, Anders t teacher. -Miss Alcock, Exeter, was in the village last week Yearley and Webb, -',Weurth, • s spending afew days with Airs. Suther, fought on panty; ' s land. -Miss Tena Shirray is visiting one PartY/),V in friends in Goderibb,-Miss Ida Dick electing.A all bas returned tol Durhatn.--Mr. , and On o ow Mrs. R. Wright, were in Gorrie last one week visiting- relatives. -The Misses open Dent, public school teachers of &rat- staff ford, spent the holidays with their 489iS aunt, Mrs. Sutherland.- Dr.. Sellery We very cleverly captured a runaway please. on the sick is this week with tnnsili- horse attached to a cutter a few days ago. The horse, a spirited one, had tis• -:-.L. J. and VV. D. Hill, of British started from one of the stores, and Oolumbia,spent Sunday feet with their notwithstanding that it secured a de. sister, Mrs. Rivers, They left for To- ronto on Monday and Mrs, Rivers ea- cided advantage on the start. the doe- cornpanied. them to spend the week in tor, nothing daunted, started iu hot pursuit. and succeeded in overtaking the Queen City. The Dr. looks lonely. the horse, springing into the clatter I -Dan Oestricher Moved Itis household and stopping the runaway. It is need- goods to town. on Tuesday and will less to say the doctor was the hero of occupy the residence lately purchased the hour. -john Reith, of Waneta, at from L. Lewis. Mr. Lewis has moved in with his father-in-law, 0. Felber.-- O., and for many years & resident of the township of Hay. is here visiting Miss Kuhn returned to her home on Saturday last after a very pleasant his many relatives and friends, Mr. visit ia London. -There have been no Reith is engaged largely in farnebag ancl has nothing but good words to new cases of emellpox reported to the health authorities since some were say of British CJolumbia. He intends quarantined two weeks ago. All pail - remaining for some weeks and visiting, his friends in Grand Bend, Blake and ents are recovering- nicely, and soon Bayfield.- Kenneth Haskett, ee wee. our township will be free of this dread ford, formerly of Musa, was in the disease. --Rev. Mr. Litt attended the wedding of leis ypeinenst brother in village during the past week. -James E; Troyer and family were in Hills- Stratford on Wednesday and tied the green last week visitingrelatives,- n up tial knot. -Rev. "and Mrs. Crum p - We had no election onionday last, ton, of Carlisle, are again in out midst, our council practically being re-elect- • guests of their daughter, Mrs. Walker. ed by acclamation, G, F. Arnold, who r% 01srrt7.A./3,-Y..- We regret to have to report the sudden and unexpected death of Mrs. 0. Beaver on Thursday evening last. Mrs. Beaver had been ailing for some months past but had .not been bedfast one day. She sud- denly grew worse, and passed peace- fully away as nientionethabove, sur- rounded by the members of her family. She was buried in Crediton cemetery on Sunday afternoon, and her funeral was one of the largest that has been seen here for years, testifying to her 'worth and the heartfelt sympathy of the eptire community. The memorial service was held in the. Ey:Ingenue chuech on Stindzty night. Rev, Me. Knowles preached an impressive ser- mon trona the words., "Let me dio the death Of the righteous, etc." Never has there been such a crowd in this magnificent edifice pence. the openir g day. Revs. Litt and Morloek asiisted. la ;the, e-Jry exereises. The bereaved family betve the sincere sym- pathy of e very one in this their great Mil tioa, (From Alio t fir Souree.) • and Mctalltu an pupils a very r work. -Alf Clark is WAS Reeve during the past year, hay. ing withdrawn, and only one nominee rem_aining itt thefield, for the reeve - ship, namely, W,T. Millar, who was one of the councillors during the past, year, Mr, Millar wee declared Reeve for the present year. The Councillors who were nominated having in like riaannee all withdrawn except James Macarthrue the latter simply takes the placelformerty filled by Mr. Millar ; in this way our village wee spared the expense' and trouble of an election and the gentlemen who now eompose the present coterie% being all pretty well experienced, we hope they will give us a good reign and aceouet of Lhem- selves throughout Um coming year. PASSIM) AWeers-Ilie late Mrs. Stone man departed this life on Friday. leaf, aged 65 yearsa She was born in Corn- wall, range whore she grew up to womanhood aaelewas married to Zes. S Loriem an • ahou t. 1850. They shortly afterward came to Canada and settled in Reach townehip, evheee they resided. 13 years. , They moved to Hi bbert and took up the farm on whieh they spent their remaining years. Mrs, Stone - =u was a Methodist., :to which church, she was meich attached. She died at' the residence of bee son-in-law, Mr, Steck. She leaves to mourn her .loss, Harry, of 01iise1hursi-4 Mrs, Hatay, Staff,, and Mrs. Jas. Stark. aeound Oreditore-The young men's OBITUARY. --At the residence of Mr, senior „Bible class very favorably sue. Alex. Munn, on the 20t1i of December, onirlieseattlirthir ItaesitteIlvieitthja. wIle,,allfirgetzarnpa,unrdpte, there passed away anothe.e "pioneer, end a very kindly werded address.-- Margaret Bare, relice of the Is mann, offlfl ttu,‘„t, Comity has Miss Sophia Brown returned horns nee tow ea equal, le teessgsess parse. Sattakiv last from Ann Arbor, whey° voronoo and unselfish industry, 13s - iii g left a widow with nine children 111 eirownstances that only the StrOng- est personal efforts filled . with the brightest, hope and trust eould taue mount. She was horn itt Givin itt 1822, Cane tO OfInaIla with het parents in Bar E Wean and Wire Hoff, man, or Zneleb, !mid our village a fly- ,ing visit on Surahty Itit, - Henry Beaver, Albert Morlock and 'in 1W4 May Maetin have rettirned from theft, vis -it to 'Hamilton ind Guelph.-ifrPeman Haist is renewing acquaintances in and she Ines been engaged zee nurse. Ohlidren Ory,l,for TO I A• stammn.-The council was elected by acclamation, ,tts follows:- Reev Morgan Dalton; Councillors, McIntyre, John Barkley Hunter, Thos. Stothers Biciteulph-Ree CirohoounecTll, iors, B r • BLYTIE, clamation. s lsE - T. Ross, •oeve s v , on, Robert Henderson, John Donaldson and N. F. Gerry, councillors. • B.S.TPIELD, - Reeve, R. • Sbanbary, council by acclamation ; Richard Bail- ey, George Levin, Thomas Elliott, James Thomson. • Clinton - The following were all elected by acclainatiom-Mayor, Th,os. Jackson, sea. Coancillors, A. McKen- zie, Thos. McKenzie, J, Porde, H. Combe, 0. Overbury, 0. Stevenson. Trustees, (Thee. Hale. bAST -Reeve, John Carrie ; Councillors, Alfred B. Carr, .Ti toohn. nE. Ellis, Wm. Dobie and Wm. Beecroft; council of MR by acciama- GODERICII TOWNSHIP. - The old council were re-elected by accla- mation. Seafoeth-Mayor joha 11. Broad. foot (ansi) 0otucjhJors, 111 Y, Mc- Leau, B. B. Gunn, Edward Ilamilto John Weir, J. M. Best, 3. A. Stewa Sehool trustees, W. Sclater, A. W. Stable. A, by-law to expend $90 for drainage purpoees was carried. Teeswater--Council by acclamation, Reeve, S. It Britt, Conneillors, R. J. Evens: Wien Reedy, 0, Kadin, A, Nelson, , Gsborne-Reeve, WYn. Delbridge, Councillore, R, Comm, jos. Hawkins, John Moir and Jas. Ballantyne. council by acclamation. West Wawanosh-'-Reeye, Wee. Mc- Quillan (aced.) • Councillors, Ifatriek O'Connor, Ohae. Taylor, WM. Camer- on and B' 4. Mallough (by acolm.) QreenWay jG. eTetiefritritY, B. A., EZATBR. ONT • Law Offices, Privs.te Funds to Loan. BrtrEese.-George Wilson, who has been away frona home for about three years, returned home from Winnipeg last week. -Simon Kemp and family of Widder, and his son-in-law, of Port Huron, spent New Year's with Thos, Bullock. -Mr. W. Mollard and wife of Regina, N, W. T., visited his brother-in-law, Ed. McPherson, last! week. -J. McWilliams, of Obiselhar visited friends here a few days ago as Cigle„boye BRIEFS. -Mr. Levi Carter, of Da- • hmer; visiting yen, of Mexico, visiting her sister, Mrs. Is, -Mr, A. Cunnine.haen, of Ored- ena few days in the village.- er, of Stronmess, spent a, ays in the village calling on his feeends.-Mr. Peter Riley, of this as quite an int -el -Ilion 00hand tft is something. like the ss emptier. He can kick a telleallgple post and talk to Hamilton. He will not tellwhat signal he uses. -Mr. Wm, Williams has his zieve house complet- ed. It is one of the finest in the coun- try. The dimensions are about 40 by • JOHN WHITE ge SON ADDITIONAL LOORLS The jolly Pulls 0owill give 3 Week's entertainment in the Opera House, onoinencing Monday jan lath. Miss Mabel Hersey, foninorly o Exeter, brit for sortie time cashier for Messrs. 3%H, Chapman, •34 0o., London left last week for Montreal. She intends taking a three years' course aspurse in the hospital. Ex -Mayor lturnball, of London, was yesterday married at Walkerton, to is Perdue, or that town. Mrt,.. l'er- doe was well known in Exeter, having far a considerable time resided mtla her sister, Mrs. D, Dyer, when they lived here. Edward nleigher, of Port Austin, Mich., spent Tuesday visiting his cousin, Mrs. M. 3. White. Mr. and Mrs, Meigher have been visiting 1 d •itt Lpndou, Lucan and118'd dulpb the past two weeks. • Pie was much impressed with the appearance of Exeter, and was surprised that we styled ourselves a village Miss Collins, of London, who spent New Year's day with Miss Fanny Hatter, of Exeter, met with a very t the home of FnaissstYliaac open yentrap ialoa0v1-1. liar. SUStaaning rely i ed ankle and was other se badly shaken up. She was Able to r irn home an Wednesday night - O. Muir, sr., arriv-ed borne on nesday evening from an extended visit in Scotland; the land of his birth, He attended the Glasgow fair and visited his relatives in Scotland. Mr. Muir left Liverpool on the 21st Dec., and experienced some very rough weather oa the home voyage, having been near Ffalifax harbor for several days. He was xnet at the depot` by the Exeter municipal council elect, and the bells of the Trivitt Memorial chtilett-,i. 005 ,1 peal of welcome. Goderich-lVlay or, M. G. Cameron (aced). Councillors, Elliott, MaKini, Knox. Hunter, Thompson and Mur - neer. GSEY.-James Turnbull, reeve ; Jas. McDonald, Robert Livingstone, Wm. Fraser and Aden). Turnbull, council- lors, by acclamation. Stout, expressive of apprecietion for 50, and it is three stories high. KIrkton ' ---- : BRIEPS,-1\liss Alice Miller who has spenb the past two weeks visiting fteends in the 'Flange returned to her home in Tinchelsea, on. Sunday. -- Miss Etta Fletchex is visiting friends in Winchelsea.-Rechel Kirk left on 1 Monday -ear Toronto. On Monday evening, Dec. 80th, the. young people of the choir of St. Paul's church and about twenty of the con- gregation assembled et the Rectory, Kirkton, and enjoyed themselves in plea,sent amusement and interesting pastime for a few hours. just before re sitting clown to a dainty collection of e refreshments, provided from the well - laden baskets of the visitors. Mrs. Geo. Easson, of Winchelsea, called on Miss Stout, the organist of the church, to come forward, when Miss Maggie Davis arose and rend a, beautiful and delicately werded address to Miss Hallett -Reeve, Alex. Leitch. Corm- her servicee accompanied b th d calms, Robt, Ferris. Wm, Moon, Wm, some silver tea service, with the Patterson, Henry "Warren, returned initials of the recipient, neatly en - by acclamation. Howick-Reeve, J. S. Gregg. Cloun- - cillors, J. A. Steong, Thos. McKee and John Spence. Trustees for Gorrie, Sas. Armstrong, J. R. • Williams and Wei. Bennett. , HAY. lgraved. . The Wholesale vaceination of the citizens of Exeter has- ca,Used. many • sore arms and much sickness, The s-mellpokis being stamped mit in Ste- phen to wash i s, ease, ee, • Crornarty Barerse-Neve Years clay passed off„ very quietly here. -Rev. Mr. Oranstoma arrived home on Tharscleey.- Prepara- tory service wa.s held in the Presby- terian church here on Veidey after- noon. The Rev. .11.r. Henderson, of Hensall, was to haee been present to conduct the servece, hue owing to stok- ness, was nob present but got 'Rev. Mr. Jewittto take his place, which he did ver,y acceptably, • The Sabbath Reveevia‘iungr,se,:ltivaricteinw, of neeziciedtle..tedmbrsyt1;. Iloggarth is under the doctoteicer, but at last report WAS IMprOVinp",,- xviinegsi: Gillespie arrived here With his bride Friday eveniag for a short visit before setblingdown in the North NEW STEAM URI? zmer-etraa...,,sm+r-ft-ao Having just opened up bueiness e are preparecl to supply all kinds PUMPS, • FITTLeiGS, WATER TROUGHS, • WATER TANKS, FANNING Atrus,&e, REEVB. Couxerr.Loas PLUMBING , 0 , ,• • / v '1,1. un1t/I1A.1i, mete pod. piWuniebpinagy.speciaI attention to all kinds __......_ ......0. g cn :n qt.ri li, rt4.,1111.;411, -1. Ii. r :tuts, Burns cy,,r-' .... F.,, •P- ...y Scilds, Bites of ins :cts, Croup Cottghs, Colds o Ilagyard's Yellow Oil will be found an excel- We do anytliine in the line of Cirood- r.• § .• g -g3 n. g". o, se teat roniedy. Pdeo 25 cents. Ali dealers -: work ;141d REI)A.IRL.NG of any des- ; The essential lung-hen,ling principal of the CriptIOn. pine tree has iltrilly been successfully separat- Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. •Sold hy all Charitod a ItGaid .-antiret. anod into a perfect cough medicine . dealers one, guarantee of satisfmtion. Price i d.ee en ee Es 02 1 • 32 78 • 25 03 28 55 52 22 2 84 40 12 48 12 47 30 10 3 80 102 • 38 105 83 78 02 111 4 30 50 32 37 41 21 51 48 5 2.8 55 31 37 85 le 44 68 0 91 50 50 40 112 2e 25 50 7 28 36 20 42 22 81 43 33 8 16 74 • 11 10 35 39 45 57 318 491 • 280 418 371 307 301 411 The Owned will therefore be nom - posed of W Lamont, reeve; council, Consit, Stelk, Thompson arid Gaetz. Zurich Police Trustees : (Mae. Grab, 78 • 0. Hartielle 50 ; S. la. Rickbeil, 71 ; J. ?Weseloh 81. Lucien -Reeve, McComb. Connell - lolls, Read, Webb, Barnette Ward (councillors by ace!). Lucknow - Reeve, Wm. Allan Councillors, Geo. Lewreuce, even, Treleaven, D. S'heriff, John BroWn (all by acclamation). Listowel - Mayor, John Watson. i Elected by about • 48 majoriby. For I 0ouncil1oes, Anderson, Pelton, Prue - ter, Woods, Seburger, Maloney. Mitchell.- Mayor, Hugh Campbell. Councillors, Stuert, Blowes, • Hord, Ford, Miami and Wm. Ryan, St, Marys -Mayor, 10, E, Butcher (Reel), Cloanoillors, Carrie, laithee, Graham, lianter, Weir, The good roads by-law for 830,000 was defeated by 17 votes, STEPHEN TP. REEVE,• CoUNCILLO S • p it a) El '4 5, C6 4-1'1tO'141 0.4 0 a ect P-+ 11(3 18 al 78 91 23 • 41 .)8 52 81 26 80 38 L103 50 37 •21 55• 80 10 `fY7 26 53(32 82 :,'"t;25 0 10 111 10 107 38 80 • 7- 43 46 41 10 40" 10 a, 18- 5375 48 08 43 88ae'hi eciS( 1 490 183 834,;802 42N emtil ' Elected, it Wihlettt, Reeve t1e Anderson, VVoltrth, Voar14 bott Webb. '11- 50 77 I 82 ,17 ,). 4- !g7 70 5.7 74 31 5cents' North Tame Hall, Exeter. nuary 1.1,irr1.1ateXk..,lttrn...,r=tf Stock --Ta erials argains weeineseeneee ereenneeneltleallin 1 -Prices cmisantkaw.cer at V Buck's Wood Cooks. Every one guaranteed, 1i2o to g.27.5o. ,occetetramemimer,traiatasamigrowatsveontettaMmesatmter,..... burns Buck's Prize, •Art Garland, Crown Brilliant, 1, Radiant Home1 S ECLAT, PRICES. Heaters Box Stoves, Queen Heaters. AT REDUCED PRICES, Skateti Our • stock of Hockey and Spring Skates at cut prices' to cleer out. rt Happy Thought Ranges, un- equaled for baking and econ omical in fuel. • $32 to $44. Very Speotal Pd6 • in Carpet Sweepers, Cross. cut Saws, Stove Boards, WrirvYers and Axes. .AVIEI RICAN'. COAL Ofl ou PER GALLON. HEA E AND COAL