HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-1-2, Page 7arte Little Liver Vilest Seger SientatUr* See PaceShone Wrapper Below. Very small awl as semi ta talLe as suaar. ' CARTS ITTLE . I VER PILL q, CONSTiPATION FOR,SALLOW SKIL FOR TilEGOMPLIEIlell pea 1_ , seeeira__ • eetaseinewe ton.7.7. e • ee con tree -ern Vegetable. eneweete.e.6 CURE SICIK HEADAGI4E. ran nattikelic, elielINESF FFm OR ulanunte KIDNEY DISEASE FOR nil YEARS. 4. Glen Miller Man's Terrible tie Found a Cure atLast in Dean's Kidney Pills. SC RE And Hundreds and Thousands and Every One Will be Kept tnntoree sear:etre to ere et the l'oliontent ot arid foolaardiness talcen the place areeto. le tee year One Thousand Nino aus. dreti sod Ooe. MAIM hal/r, of Toronto et 01 revereuee I . at tilt ee-quartei eut nreetteeet eteloutene. Warne 1 A deePatch from Washiegeon eteys: Dr.• Talmage preachea from tee, following text: J ()One iiI 4» "Ye have nee -passed this way beretorove" ,Ju 'December, 1880,1 weded the $ever 1 ordate and, although the cur - 'eat wen strong, e teas able to bear ! against it, but in the thrieheof 'keg freshet, when thesneWS On LUball011 melt, nething but a ace) would enaele auy one to (roes the river, it Wall at the dan- proles • epr lutetium that 3 osbutt and the officers of his, army -uttered the words of my text to the people who were ia infew hour e to cross the ,.1 ordan. About that crossing we say but little, becaose on a Pre- vians occasion we discoursed con- cerning that piling up of the waters i1tLerystal barricede. We ouirl spear. of the march to the brink of the river. No atranger thing has ever occurree in all Watery. . .What was truthfully seid of the ancient Israelites may be truthfully staid of tin We are nialteite our first and . last journey through this *world. It is possible, as some of my good friende believe, that this world yell eoereeted. and improved. and pare- it pose:Able to be placed insech flecl.andflorelizee and empera tensed eircurnstence,s." • lied . when You aS to clanate und soil and aeon:ate' `see all that you are crily trans - until it shall become a heasien for Iatieg the words of the text into the ransomed, but I do not think De yo ur owri phraseology. If you had 1 have an idea. that !heaven ie al- suffere&r something like this before, ready built somewhere. Oar de- you would have known winit to do. patted friends could not wait until but here is a flank movement for this world is fixed ttp for 'saintly and winch you are not manv. angelic residence. 1-Taving oriee We talk about the great diecover- gone out of the worm, 1 do not- ios of the age, the electric power, the think we will come beat, exeept as steam power, the telescopic and lei - ministering spirits to help those who croscopic power, but do not say remain in the earthly struggle or anything about the discoveries we en perhaps to look La the wondrous make veer by year, and day by day, spectacle or Mr. P. M. Burk, who is is well-known resident of Glen Miller, Hastings Do, Ont., was afilietedevith kidney trouble for ten, yeses. SO plettsed is he at having found in Doan's Bedney Pills it arse for his al- iments, which he had begun to think were ir ineureble, that he wrote the fcillowing statement of hie ease so that othets simi- larly afflicted may profit byhis experience: '' I have been ainic tea with kidney trouble for On all about ten years and bavetried.several a mite between the chest or acacia eovered withgold and mounted with wiligs-a symbol of the divine pres- ence -and the marehing regiments or Joshua suggeee a revereaee that le weefellY lacklog ia. :mewl lire, in legislathei h41 en4 religious asseme binge. , Due though Joshua's host °reserv- ed the three-quarters of a mile eximmand, they followed the ark aud you will do well to follow the di- vine leading, en the pathyou tread new has not yee been trodden "Ye hents not passed this way efore." Many of you are suffering front just such annoyenees 115 bave net oecure- rcd in your history. There hove been meaneesses practised tmon, you er you have received slights or Yoii> are the subject of misinterpretetioas or you are in the midst of sore- ills- aPPointmeuts or there are deramels made upon your strength ane time more titan you cea meet or soine physical Ailment is laying siege to your castle of health or yea are 1111- (1(1 emtharresemente that you cennot mention even to nearest friends. Neu say : "Well, I haver SIINV arietineft like this. nevercepected sueh treatment as tans. 1 retver thought A, ides there are griefs that BURNING PLANET. . . The fact iti, I blame no one for making lifetime mistakes. I pity which we hmeed at in the opening - them instead of blainites them. There that we men not pass this weer am ,re so any evrong reacts, but only again. Thin is our only opportunity one right one. You cannot in mid- for doing certain things that We draw upon your youthful ex- OUGHT TO BE DONE. , periments for wiedom, tor nuellife is s reteedies but never received "7 reel I so entirely differeae from. youth. b 0 n e fit until • I started taking Doenes I you cannot in old age draw upon we ought to solace, hunger we me . Kidney Pills, My back used to constantly etheige experiences for the ewe to feedeolen,thet we ought to warm, ache end my table was high colored andstages of existnce so diverse kind words that we ought to speak, milky looking at times. Since I have What is wisdom for one man to do I eare . generous deeds that we ought to and my perform, All that you and I do to- inished the third box °fee/earns Kidney Pills I am happy to state that 1 am liet NV_ „.0111d bioll e. y for anuther to uuder- wars world better and bothered with backache at all Le4t-e- A man of nerve and pluck d making thi . happier we must do very soon or urine is dear as crystal. I -feel confident tbat these pills are the best kidney Lig &rine in the country.", There are surprises -all the time. it is a, new road we are travelling. "Ye have not passed this way before." But closely alliedis the other fact .L.14 Cres to Cure lay The most chronic diseases of the Stomach, Liver, bowels and Blood. - Thousands of testimonials from neen . nenne- Entn SURPRISE ED BB AN a.lizio-Citro TRAIN NRAII. EDEN/31.1HG.. the, geoery of Golot31 aireida jesus" (Act& ° ° passage is the one we leave quoted, ). and we Mlle, not for g moment con- sider the C0111114 of the Spirit at Pentecost, nor the deseruction of rusalem, se or any other event, nor death as the comieg of Christ. When Il -lo comes, Ile will be "the same Jesus" and Ile will. come "in like manner," and Zech, ,iv, 4, sans lie will come to the same lefount or On N TIE LiES'S(IT1 g t truth in this S IN.TERNATIONAL LESSON, *TAN. 5, Text of the Lesson, Acts i., Golden Text, Acts i., 1 2, "All teat, jesus began both • E KIN THE QU THE DU OF DE.VONSHIR ernarkable 4,* Here is the best offer ever merle lo this community. By it very exeelleut ea re rengement made with the Family Herald and Weekly Star a mow real we are • enareed to oiler Tien lieneeft Therm end that great Verney Peeler, the Family ;heal(' end Wei:title Star. for one Year for the enntil snril of eldle mei In - elude to cull neneriber three Deauttrul premium pictures, of winch the follow- ing is a Mier aescripnee XING EDWARD Va.-True to Wei beautiful portrele size P3 it TPV: ei inebee, onemantifel eeevy white satin finiebed paper tor framing, Tide portrait 01 lies neon taken since las epees:sloe to the throae, end is the very 1333 (33.t 5114 beet 4'obtaineb1e. It menet be had except, through the 10„&"?,III,Y IIIMALD AND WEIMIN STalio, owe picture bears the King's autograph. This *tare has the grove 'merit of being the Min taken after the Kingei aceresion, and has Uteri -seers hi t I able that no other picture can possess, 0 QUE'leN ALMA es10111,-An exquisitely beautifel pleture of the ren,arke ably beentiful and gee i Queen Alexandra, awl taken slece the Kerees accestiou to the throne. It Is the stone size as that of the King, the two forming a head - some pair of pieteres that alone would sell for many tlinee the subscriptien price of paper mui. plenums. .e. No portrait of the Kink and Conseet taken at the second er succeerlieg sit., tin s can have (sec fraction 01 100 vett% of the fernT . hdown LO e go dowto history. • to dp and teach." Thus Luke spea.es ives 011 tile east, of Jerusalem. On • of the things winch he, by tee lIis is His saints will meet 2112112 in 3 Spirit, had writeem in his gospel. 1- 133 This book gives an !account of Um 51117 agire; gresTrersills!dbiv,°ti1Ciaels.8(Or 74env •L' )I'ancIt:11t thiags which Jesus coetinued tonflo and tee.ch by Hie Spirit tbroureb His 1(ngdelt,°beteien,leerieettee trn; 4 1!,1 getv \Vithi 221101 l'3:Y. diseiples, and ere le still doinganci, fleet). 4P Leechine. by the Slane Spirit through 2.2-14-. They returned to Jerusalem 0, His wining ones. We could scarcely r10111 Olivet with great joy and were 4:k continually preesieg• and blessiefe 01', lino() a. more appropriate or helpful lesson with which to begin the lesson 00e (Leete xxie, 52, 531. reeey also I. fer to -day, for le it, we base the contintred .with one accord in. prayer ee. tee eatec power which wreugtht. in and eupplication. Ineat tt contrast ; secret of power in His tervice, . even to their ' feelings after Ills death * Him in an Ills words mid works and p when tiM", not loaking for His re- ete coacerning wb.ich Paul wrote, "Ire surreetiou, were filled with sorrow, ; that wrought effectually in Peter, and Ile had to rebuke there for their 0 the same was mighty in me" (Gal, ii, 8).. unbelief: It is His resurrection and eie . 0 His. coming again that gives joy find et, 0 ,,q),4,,,.,. seen of them 40 days and peace. Tine is the last mention, 1 4e the kingdom of God." At least 10 think, f His mother, Mary, aad Wei 4:0004)-eneeeerleen.*14.4e$4004"......,004.0,0,0,000,0004 o speaking on the things pertaining tO line her with those who iire eneaged ! . :eve* Tan 01.1011BSS Oir DEVONSFURF.--The Renowned Gainsborough Pie. tare. Sold at Auction eele in London twentyelve years atm for 410,300, etoten by clever taleves, hidden for over tweuty-feur years ad delivered to its owner on payment or $2:3,000 reward and siace sold. to el. j.inerpont Morgon Cr Wee/W. lens, in brief, is the history of one of the premium pit:three, white!, by a clevee stroke of enterprise, the publisbers of the Family Herald have eeeured for f their subecribers. The pieture is neetee in ten colours, and is reproduced fine for +i 1 lin, colour for coloar with the original. Copies et the reproduction are new ((old eet ln New Yore. City, Montreal and ',Commie for $12 each, and this is the picture -* Family Herald subscribers are going to get absolutely. free together with the One Pictures of the King and Queen. '41' IS that not bin' valuel Call et Tun Tness Office and see sampjee of the% begtutiful Indere% You. wane Tus Ifixerna Trues for the local news, and you want that ee great paper the Family Herald for it's el pages of generel news end family a, rperiaedeing. Its agricultural pages e.bone are worth many times the subscription 4. ,, T H E T I NI E S 4, 4 kirtent or send your subscription to • !. ; OFFICE. 44-44+A from the dead and His visible ascen- in prayer. How geed to find' leis brethren! also at this gathering for siert He appeared to individuals or for inane was a time when comPenieS of His disciples, and it rAra7er, they did- not belie:de-in Itiml (John would seem. that He Wile always speaking about the things of the yin 5.) May we go on lift13.-the year kingdoin ed 'God. Since this was the if He etill tarry, and continuentee in great topic of his preaching and con- these mortal 'bodies, filled with Illi versation, . can there be anything Spirit, Xis faithfui witnesses, ready more important for us than to be for any manner or service' and wait - mere of an entrance into the kingdom; in' for His return, praying without to wain worthy of it white here and i ceasing. to live to hasten it ? • (John in, 8, OI 12 times between Iris resurreetien, 5; Thesis. ii, 12; Math. vi, 88). BRITAIN'S NAVAL ?HER 4, 5.. "Ye shell be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence." Although they had been OPINION OF A. UN/TED STATES with Him almost constantly for two or three years, the greatest and.best COIRATANDER. teacher that ever lived for -"who Equal to Any Three Continental Powers,* and Was. Never Peore Efftcient. teatheth like Hira ?"- (Job xxxvi, is not qualified ta Led's, Ise a man never do at all. Joshua and . his they were not qualified to go timid and shrinking. An achili,:ve- troops never came back over the way 3'2) meat that would be easy foie you. they were marching totelerd the itorth as His witnesses till specially might be impossible for nee litunan endued, as it is written in Luke crossing of the 3010012. The impress OT the sandal or the bare feet of each xxivi 49' • "Behold, I send Oa. e pro - advice is ordinarily of -little value. failures and thee tell us what is best was going, bet never did the impress .American Embassy in London, People review their OWil F.,ucces..ch 0 soldier showed in -what direction he ! tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem un - Since our Lord Jesus rim_ declared to the New York Sun corm - is in. Washington on ice ye of absence, ior us to do, not realizing that our or the sandal of tiny one of them tit ye be endued with power from on circumstauces are difievent, enr tem- show that he had returned. We are high." self clid not befein ITis publite minis- spondeut that 'Llte naval forces of peraments different our . physical try till the Holy Spixit came special- Great Britain are in a far mane ea , all facing eternity to conic. There is and. mental mul moral ettpacinee ne reteeat. Alertness and fidelity different. elost of the great =tee would not be so important if _ .5% fective and efficient condition than ly -anon Him (Math. iii, 16, 17; Acts could not go forth without a special , the Continental powers believe, and tahes that /lee e Wed made have been could truthfully say : '1 will be back K, 88) and these privileged men made under eceent advisement- here again. The things I neglect that never in bor naval development enw PalliwaY. - It may be swinging I will be reincarnated, and I will re- tbink we cam serve Hire without be- seas. Recent torpedo boat accidents d been stronger on the rid is on- a now 1 trill do the next time 1 come. we has Englan enduement, are WO not wrong if Yee., our enure ' wo in the same old orbit as wnen by sumo my eerthly obligations. Have have made little impression in 13rit-- the hand of the Almighty immensity ing then more knowledge than 1 have was spriukled with worlds, but it 1am,, e will eiseeeeg0 .,iny earthly has beeu rocked with ea -ether -lakes duties better thau 1 can now dis- end -smirched with voleame nrce told charge them. 1 do not give solemn wrought UpOn by climatic changes-- farewell to these obligations and op - lies sunk, Lind islands lifted, and God being - the author of it and mountains avalaxieted lute vt-illoys. good-bye until 1 sea them again." heaven the character of it and there. ain is capable of exerting is equal to- porttinitlea, but a smiling 'and cheery So it is another ivorld than that day to that of any three Continental No, we cannot say that. There will are called in the gospels both the be no new and corrected edition of 'kingdom of 0 od and the kingdom of Powers and was never in a more ef- t -tench was tirst started in um sotto make exit from the stage at the close whole etutle (Dan. vii, 27), with The British ser - time the voltam) of earthly life. After we heaven, will be a kingdom. under the ficient con.dition. system. Yet it is all the t 1 , e ‘. ga, a. 3 it I til the hour of its demolition. Of of the fifth act we cannot re-enter. Israel as a righteous nation in their ,vice has been severely criticised, but 1 fee h 41. ye beer, -ermanent_ eau/aging and will keep Changing U13.- tyQured by the use of Burdock iti ., beauLiftil. world, this lustrous 1 At this point I- ask You to tiotice own land as the center and the I _ !much of this criticism as 1.0 its ell- B100r1„131-ttel'S spealvof its -unfaili 1 cientv s due to a polieer of the Na- V- t; ificacSrinDyspepsia, Bilious 11. -_,SS, Sick Headache, Liver Com- laint, 'Ecz(7: p., Brysiperas,,Scro. .ula,,Sores; Ulcers, Beds, Pimples, . ;Hives, Illingwormai' and all Wed hornors. .. If you want to beretteed to stay zured, use onir B.B.B. In an. iriterview,' Commander Rich- ardson Clover, naval attache at the nose y e pen y who ing filled with the Spirit ? (Eph, v, 18.) 6-8. "Lord, wilt Thou at this time restore again the kbagdom. to Is- rael ?" The kingdom, which the God 'of heaven will set up (Dan. ii, 44). ish naval circles, he declares, and their programme calls for the cone tinned advance of the highest class of boats of the swifLest possible speed.. Conunander Clover added: "The- naval foree that Great Brit- - foss to depre- be said: • 'Ye have not passed this attention to -the crossing of the Jor- the Lord (Tea. lx, L, world., this glorious world, it may :the fact then inY text does not call whole earth fined with the glory Of i lnd tdan, but to the way leading thereto. 6; Ram. xi, 15). The Saviour did 21; xi, 9; xlieehi-, !Mate in the mind of the public Eng - the hearts of men, but Ile simply I The policy in England seems to be th-C14, and tell way Wore," strergth, in order that large kingdom were all wrong and lhat that of the combined strength at expanding the navy end to contintie the policy of maintaining it ,equal subiec.tt? Ineteen - of. putting so teethe Jordaie when the march Of out. earthly-, as many tl tl tl ITER I -WARLESS GENERAL. ,When Queen Willielmina was quite a tittle child, her Mejesty was not al - Wined ,1.0 share dinner with the elder Members of the Royal household, but WaS permitted to melte ber a,ppear- !ince at dessert and place herself be- $itle some particultte favorite. One day she sat beside a courtly old gen- eral, and after eatieug some fruit the tle girl turxiednand gazed -up at Presentee- she exclaimed: el: wonder you're not. afraict to sit . next to me." heCee the contrary, I am but too pleesed and honored. to sit next tto future .Queere" replied the old el. "13 et why should I be 1?" &seeming a Woebegone expression, the little Queen replied: -Because all My 001h, ha1e. the measies-they're all ,of them antsin with it f" ,e 1-1 PROPOSAL Cele MARteInGIe. le had Ns little speecb all written reit for several daye beforchend, end ii, ran like this: teee(illea. /dr, Weal Ottertail to :till you -efrankler teat I love your aufehter, and that ;neve her as. eieence that nry affectien ie returned, ind hope yell will give your. con- tent let ber to become nly :wife. I ' tett liet a rich man, but sve are 1 et rig" end strong and are willing to tie battle of life together. and ei i" ,Was geeat deal more of it, Iteteduld tato it an glibly before elnne. Bet when etood in at lid he , of etti. earthly ettler, thus showing 1,1:e4e"tIe)t (Ice , ()" ISLIPR teiore respbet "'for a, Mao than Le; the t Ki 10. R.' °. t eyealteeneenee 1 e e mos. Wt. ask itot for- eirettrailexions or etd3. erne frankly Uuttennateet--your 8e1111 nexiej* 01. ,t,t1 1;0, 30101 3.110, 0,06._ozita, /lava prostrationse,bilt when prayer ie or- osk you to f.cr6d ets either bow the head cie .-t0.-e eafe-teee reeenewereee „„oeri....,(1,.,1,114,e,,,,14.tilee or lot 118 in S0111.0 3'. 1)3 willieg to fi'l.tilt,---that iS , nrc young Ittni can Pght---or WI' Aitie NOrl" INDIFF1ellieNT san inn it ie you and ers1 a»cl -nae." appropriations may be secured •for What is the practical use of this etVe all thiek nnich of our crossieg not call their expectation carnal or 1.0 much stress upon mantle advice and life is ended, but put too little em- . instead or aseing of the past tvhat phaele on the way that we ought to do, follow the divine LEADS TO '111E CROSSING . - leading as the, men of Joshua. tele What you and I need nuost to care it was to be a epirituel kingdom ine! ANY TWO WORLD POWERS, toed them that it was not for theme to impress:the pubeie with the week - lowed the ereiden lidded chest ef adad about is the direction of the road cia, windy' was the symbol of we ere travelling: . eye need Ilene ee, to know the time and their pr eSent, n.ass rather than the streugth' of the Tine' DIVINE PRESENCE!. feer af the eroseing if eve come to business was to be filled with the :British service, with a view to sea it, in the right Ivey. In other words, Spirit and in His power to be His curing additional ships through pais - Not lilmeane but divine leadel.ship, Joshua not consulting Willi bin Col- we need not mere about death if our His unto the ends of the earth. apprehension in the public mind that life has been. what it ought to be. -His message to us is in this in- the force is not keeping pace with its 011 Is and lieutenants, but, consulting ttel Goti-the God of indiedduals, 'Sc will die right if we live right. spect the same as to ISI (301 "Fear importance to the nation! 0 hearer, stop bothering about sped. the same as to Israel: "Fear 1 "Here our policy seems to be to your exit from sublenary scenes 1 33y have railed thee by thy name. Thou over estimate rather than under esti- the grace of God get your heart art Aline, Therefore. ye are My wit- mate our naval strength, whieb. is right, and. then go ahead. If the messes saith the Lord, that I am not right. The 'people here seem 3111 - Lot (1 takes mire of Yoll %Oar on to God. This people have I formed for pressed with the strength of , the the bank on this side. oi the river, Myself., Tlie7 shall show! forth MY navy, especially since the Spanish - 1 ethink you can trust Him to take Praise" (Ma, xliii,1, 10, 12, 21). American. War, when, actually better you from bank to bank, from the 9. And when He had spoken these results might 13e obtained berate Con - God .of nations, the ft od,of worlds. That three-quarters of a mile dis- taace between the ark or sacred box and the front eolunm of Joshua's troops Mightily Impresses me. It, was a loreeful wiry of Le:aching re- verence for the Almighty:. They Aced- wiLlows on this side the stream to ed to learn that leseson of reearence the palme on the other side, from as we all need to learn it. Irrever- the last kiss of somonving ones on once has cursed (ill nations, and none eke) to the welcome, saintly more than oer own. Irreverence ie. iltds Tenn you cnerithie, seraphic., deifiC On the allot' the use of (o4 11 nala5. Sid..3. Keep yoer eyes on tbe aria it not, on the streets and in social .0 through all right. sometimes thought necessary eh° marsh:el of France, appeared with sderilelefrea, the phritecology of 18,060 aented Dien On the heights Bible often introducea int o the most above the town. of reiclkirch. 'There frivolcrus conversation and made were no arrne 1 defend the town, mirth provoking. Irreverenee for or meter, and the itiliabitants were with the oath le courtroom old dean of the house or legislative lien by, the co'n-- tmer' Th511 the church cried out, : "My brothers, this ventioual and meenanical 11.10(10 Of 18 To,f/ster Day I no have boon dee 11. adiainistration. Ireeverenee 101.• Pending ett our owa strength and the, 110)37 Sabbath -new 1,11 e • way it Is that fails. Let us tura to God, Ririe broken In pleasure excursion • and of childree for their parents, inso- '11{1011 ilyth0 ibroelttlis ilrlengeeouiletetosNveceewi-leYrsalelde 1' 2150 being sabstituted foe obeclieace. lel" , told the people thronged nnetneenee tor rulers, whieh induces the 11011E;cs of prayer for worsitip, V110 cartoons mid assassination. Ir. ie sound ef the bolls made 'the en- reverenee cherch inning prayer. any think that 1 he Austrian army 11350.3,1.31 nig oft song ' and sermon by had come in to save the piece, and cold, artistic, or literctry eriticisla, et tssier(lia rd. /ids 18,000 eoldiers re - thee headenor bending the knee uor stc%Ptpeed riii,greiefew t4111101111/41e twil"Lbneloits and in prayer time neither bowing r had standing as one does in the presence soldiet. in eight. So put year, truet in ,God, and \\emu hosts of trembles and teMptetions march' for your overthretv ring all the bells of hope mid faith and Christian triamph end the 'threatening perils of yoUr life evill fall back end your deliverance vein be celebrated all tip aed down the skies. The God who led you througli the way you wryer peseet) beton) will be with you at the crese- and, whatever betides, you will go lereaPs, and is not a proinne W'Ord poin t. Joe,si V? Irreverence f or the Ono 111 aster morning Massena, the the 130118 und have service me usual,' eareenal. lrrevereuce on the pelt Ie. Ilene enang placce have preeemp Von. le re things, while they beheld. He was grass were the impression , conveyed taken up, and tt. cloud received I-lim that 3113 3318 not so strong. Abroad out of their sight " le 1 T -1 -"ndn e xxiv. the United States is reckoed as the . them out as far as to Bethany and 50, 51, it is written, "And He led seventh naval power, being outrank - blessed ihein " He wee parted from them, and it came to pass while He accepted' in the UmLed Stietes, end cd ley all the Coninientee navies in - He lifted up His hands and 'blessed eluding Italy. But this view is not now assurance, that all power was given figures or ships building and tonnage them and carried tip into Ileaven." indicate that the United States is Among His parting words were the either fifth or tied with Ger- many for fourth place, being out- wit() Him 111 heaven, and in earth, ranked by Great Britain, France and that Teo would be teith them all the llussia. Germany, 11 ()waver, has a days 21311.11 the end, of the age that mere they whe lucrce ere to go into all tworld of extensive programme mission of sins in His name (Math, so than U the nit - and preach the gospel to every erea- ed States Lind \tall probably lead tura, proclaiming repentance and re- us in a few years at her pr1)111(4(2114 rata or building' unless aiberal appropria- xxviii, 18-20, Mark xvi, 1'5; Luke tions are made her(2efor naval devel- xxiv, 47), Ile was the first risen opulent. Ship for slain the new yes - from the dead to be received up into sets of our navy equal ia every re- heaven, and by virtue of Itis death spece those of foreign eervices, and reserreetion all His redeemed but 'we have comparativenr few shall take part in the first reserree- . Abroad the United States, tvhile, of (ion (Rev. xx, (,). It is probable course, reiikbned as a. naval power, that those wbo reee none the -dead „cannot be said to be counted ia anY after I -Tis resurrection (Math. xxvii, !combinalions that nations might first fruits pi' the first roStIrrootioll. 52' 51)' aro 5111.11ilhh 11.1 glory' a !Make against others. The Spanish War did, much to enhafice our stand- , , 19" It "This same Jesus shall se lug berate) European naval powers tome in like manner " Tt is Just , - . but we are still regarded as eatitled possible that the two men in white . to 314) 111g1111 rank 'than seventh place, apparel Were the same two who ape which would place tte nearly ' pearled with Ilim on the Mount ot AL,ONGSIDle OF JAPAN'. Transfiguration and epeite ! or lele eti, I 1 ma to.,atty Is stronger thou decease Which Ile wits about to ac- A a 1 i. th most powerful conti- 50ministe The stettritast, lice:Veil- eller two 0 0 , , __a., ,n„e ward look of the disciples makes tie nental . Powereoweeleo su0,11W215.1,intp, think 01 Steptell ttrt,d to cleriol'o that, 01.0S0 NO ‘I1 ciente rellit Tole ,, jeltillultlean., like him, WO rainet be able to "took 8110 has 80,000 M a et I „I Up SLI adfa... , stly into heaVea and see though her naval reeerve is not eo Terv ,,T. 50. 0 0 Thousands of youltir =1 middientred men are annua117 swept to a premature aye through ee"ee.Rfete freDesetereleitill, ZIZCFeetieBee, Arm e:rerEztL.eceapuLoola Ifyou have any of the following syraptores consult us beforeIt le too itt::you nervous and weak, despondent and gloottly, secks Wore the eyeD with ,7ric cirles unirthem'weak bck, hiclueyetietiele, palpitation of the he:ft tatns and losses,sedituent in urine, pimples on the face, sunken eyes, honey eijeekk, avieworn expression. poor memory, lifeless, distrustful) laCk eonurerzeawndmstoretzt:othia, twirlieliftmoracia::Iiireastl.e.euloss .1:1s0:7, changeable snoods, weak man hood, stunted organs, prentat, aet; 7- hone Mins, hair 100ses sere threat, etc.? ..,, EN9S Nothing -can be mere 51430o251111351to young and middle-aged men than emissions at niget er secret drains through the urine. They unfit a matt for business, mar. tied life or social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil habits ,ira ns.tural wealcness, or sexual excesses, our Neve Itlottsed Tee:atm:teat will tively cue yott. .C.1.312ES fitieReNTZEID. NG CURB, elie PAY. , fegeeNre Nanaes 'Used Without Written Cousetit. W. A. Muir, of Lints., 0, says: -"I was oneof the countless victims of early vice at 15 years of age. The drains on zny system Were weakening my brain ,as as my sea-ind and nervous sys- tem. Yr ten years I tried scores of doctors, electric belts and patent medicines. Borne helplui xne, mem cured. I was giving 313) 131 despair, in 16fact, contOmplating suicide when a friend ad- , sized me as a last resort to give the New Method Treatment of Drs. & N. a fair /- trial, Without confidence I consented and Is three months I was a cured luau. I was cared seven years ago -am married and, happy. I heartily recommend Dra en a. E. to say ifflicted BeforeTrea.tment fellow inert." After Treatment een-We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gieet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Disellarges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Madder Diseases, and 01 diseases of Men and Wenueu. Ja-NO NAMES IISE,D WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. rnivvra. No medicine sent C. 0.32. No names ou boxes or enveuipeas. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of treatment,PREZ. flrKermily terigno Siee SHELBY STREE'en DETTIO137, fer TM: et -731 ir Itr strong Mid perhaps as well drilled as that of Prance, the real strength of ber 'personnel is in the trained, dis- ciplined men afloat, who are being constantly increased. Iler channel fleet is a anagailiceut aggregation of fighting roma constantly kept at sea and ready- for any assignment. The ships are always ie. exeellent condi- tion and relents of weaknesses and rottenness are without the slightest semblance of truth These reports are circulated by the Naval League, eat%n orgariiiteiesahtionNitievyr throughout the British Islands. In fact, the Admiralty will often refuse to officially deny etritements of re- ported defects in the British Navy, and rather encourage a feeling of de- preciation of its strength theta mag- nifying it. "Last year men were employed by the Admiralty to walk the populous thoroughfares of Leaden!, with post- ers decrying the weakuess of the British Navy and containing state- ments of the terrible condition oe the ships and ruin, that would befall the nation if the navy was not strengthened. The postere were de - 11 0 It :will work while you sleep, without a gripe or pain, curing Constipation,* Biliousness, Sick Hca6,- ache and Dy pia and make you feel better 1 he morning% 'WOMEN WILL TALK Can't Blame them for Tel.. ling each other about MO. barn,s Heart and Nene THE GREAT nenErn FOR WEAR ilERVOUS ibelaletaR01.(16.1. It's -only natural that when a woman fintle a remedy which cures her of seem/cue:me:1 and weakness, relieves her pains ane aches, puts color in her cheek a nd vi tali ey in her whole system, she should be enximie to let her stifferieg sisters know of it. Mrs. Hannah Relines St. fatties Street, St. John, N.B., relates her experience with this remedy as follows )._3 For some yeare I have been troubled with fluttering of the heart and dizziness, accompanied hy• mothering feeling which prevented me from restieg. Illy appetite Ives poor and I as much run down and debilitated. , "Since 1 started using Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, the smothering feeling has (/31310,11137heart beat le now regular, the fluttering, has diteppeared, and 1 have been wonderfullybuilt up through the tonic' effect of the pilis. I now feel strongerarid better than for reaty years, and earieet Say 100 2135011 le praise of the remedy Widieh restored Iny long lost health." eigned to create public settirneat ainong tit° people for mote liberal appropriatioes and lied some effect. The Navel Leattue in it; publicatione megaill re purposely any isecideat be- hilling 0 torpedo boat or largo vessel or any repoet of trealeneeit deeeloped in some flan ship, in order to reepre. elate the real strength of the navy in the jetibiie 1111 1111. noliey works epon the feeliugs or the people, wait the result, Hutt lenglaud each yeise votes etiormente :eons for littr iletene-