HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-1-2, Page 54 HE LTURS "INCr4 a porous teath 'Permits your ' to breathe. 'Mows perspiratkk, otscape. Keeps your stocking dry, your feet cool, clean and hardy. To be had °aria— "The Slater Shoe" ffeagYOr WOW E. J, SPACKMA.N. o 11,ossal gent AIM:10Se 1 1001. fie Were 11.0e3 in Number, leyolving se13,e9e,3/e in !Debts. New York, Jan, 2.e-1(eports to R. G. Dun & Co, show that, fail -urea for the year 1901 were 11,002 in number. and $113,092,876 in amount of liabilities, -while, of bankiag, 4.34(1 t her fiduciary ins ti La tions, there were 74 inaolvencies, involving $18,- 018,774, a total of 11,076 defaults and $131,111,150 liabilities, These figures compare very lavorablY with the s, 10,833 eailures in 1900, with liabilities of $174,118,2,36, of which 59 were banks, for $85,617,563, k Manufacturing disasters in 1901 tnumbered- 2,441, with an indebted- ness of $44,960,988, compared with 2,400 in the previous year, owing $51,702,142; while there were 7,- 965 susPenSHns oE tradere; for $52,- 060,640, agnarist 7,844 in. 1900,with liabilities of $5.9,415,592. The de- faulted liabilities W01.0 96 cents to each $1,000 of bank eXchangee. A ratio to the e umber of firms in business shows that the entire amount of defaulted indebtedness averaged $94.83 for each coacern. This amount compared with 8119.- 63; in 1900; ivhiie, going back to 1893 the a-verage -was 8290.65 , • In many ways the prosperous con- )10.04/....001110000 0000' 040 srsqVT.IlytiesvIv 0 ., :, ubbing 0 so ••• 0, Rates -is0 o o .0 0 O t 0 0 2 We have completed clubbing 0 O arraugeinents for 1901 with sey- 0 2 eral of the leading newspapers. g Ovvine. to the high prices or 0 O *, , 0 paper and payment or postage 2 2 by newspapers the rates in some 3 .5 cases slightly in advance of pre- G O vious years. All of the follow- 0 ES with the exception of the dailies, 2 O will be sent to any address from 0 0 O now until January 1st, 1903, for 0 O amount named. The rates will e e les only, rt nyono to sell omiso that it ever- peg,. • The Times and Daily Globe,$4,25 0 The Times and Weekly Globe 0 ^ for. .....$1.60 The above includes two hand - ;'.0, some pictures -one an eeccellent ' picture of the Duke and Duchess 2 TS -of Cornwall in medalliori settings oe with the Royal' Standard as a 0 O background, the other a fine pic- ture of two farm horses, called G "The Farm Bets." ' The, Times and 'Weekly Mai1. and Empire, ...... ....$1.75 do The above includes two hand- 10, some pictures sby Innes, in colors, size 14 x 25 inches, entit- ed "On .the edge of the herd," * • and "The Miner's Farewells", • . The Times and Daily Mail e and Empire (evening edi- i7) tion) ......................$3,25 The Times and Daily Mail • and Empire (morning el'a edition) . $4.25 g The Times and Weekly Sun $1.75 The Times and Family Her - 0 aid and Weekly Star.. .$1.75 The above includes handsoihe •see pictures of the King and Queen .".0 and a copy of GainsbOreugh's fa- a@ mous pietirre "The Duchess of -3 1.‘ Devonshire:" .. The Times and Montreal (.9 Herald (daily) The Times and London Daily Advertiser ...... Tbe - Times ' and London Weekly Advertiser. $1.50 The Times and Toronto Daily Star , ...... $2.50 • The above includes a picture of King Edward. el The Tinies and Toronto ' .1•-• Daily News $2,50 The Trines and Farming World, 81.80 The .4;1'„lnies and Montreal Weekly Witness $1,05: * The Times and mon treal Daily Witness $3,25 :The Times and Farming. $1.75 !so The Times and Christian Guar filen .. $2.00 IA.ny other pa per desired can nbe bad at cobbling 'rates. he Times and Free 1ress s morning edit lop $3,25 e and 11(i(111 or ever.). ' -VA edit ion:, . Ve,75 Time and edi- 49 • be as follows : CS eerae is es - ,:a! evera. enePPete Man* )ps. Id be •oes atest- •tent low )lack tent ,d or and wifl you Lppy [S a • side 17 ov'e- cel -the ctita Wt. 'ord ' LietOWdl, •neapaste4 , mat in tad • ntsed was " tbe past. Serildw go0r4 1.1S are e con4 '« CSrlesS, /Se, k tit e) T eel ES GiFFICE. ditiens in the United States were shared 'across the border, for com- mercial failures in the Dominion of Canada Were fewer in number and amount of liabilities than in five of the preceding seven years. As to banking insolvencies, the statement was even more favorable, no one of the earlier years making as good an. exhibit. All commercial defaults numbered 1,341, with liabilities of $10,811,671, which compares with 1,355 in 1900, owing $11,613,208. In manufacturing, there were 289 failures, for $3,595,095, against 308 in the previous year, With liabilities of $3,201,665. Trading failures numbered 1,029, with ti, total in- debtedness of $6,845,329, compared with 1,010 in the previous year, for $7,252,340. TWO CENTS All Roads in Michigan Compelled tio Roduce-Their Rates. • our .7Vose IV m e r.D Toronto, AlnIttreni and 413t.:4WA. That Is What you should breathe through -enot your moatb. Birt there -may be times when year ca- tarrh is po bad you can't 'breathe through it. 13,reacliing, through the mouth Is always ,bad for the lungs, And It Is especially 'SO When their delieate tissues have been weak- ened by the scrofulous condition of the bleed. on Which catarrh depends. Alfred E. Yingse, Botrnerstown, Pe;; suffered from catarrh for ears, Xis tead felt bad, there was a ringune in his ears. mid he ceuld not breathe throuele oue of his nnetrils nor clear his head. Atter trying, eeverni catarrh speeifles from which_ he in ed no benefit, he was completely cui eil, apeording to. his st:Ltement, 1)7 1:Kood's Sarsaparilla ' Buffalo, Jan. 2.-Al1 of the lines of Michigan became subject yesterday to the two -cent a mile fare bill • which was passed by the legislature of that State last spring. This provides that all of the rates shall be two cents a mile, and that all basing. rates shall be constructed upon that basis to the Michigaa gateways. The Michigan Central Monday surrender- ed its old charter and took out a nCW one under .the new conditions, lhereley becoming voluntarily subject to the new order of things a number of years in advance of what it would have had to do under the old order, It saw, however, that with the other roads charging two cents a mile it could get no business at a higher rate. The capital of the new com- pany is $18,038,000. The road will, • sue the State of Michigan shortly,for damages because of the loss of rev- enue thi-ough the loss of the old charter. MARRIAGE OF AltiVIT OFFICERS. -- Stringent Rules Issued by the Spanish Minister of War, Madrid, Jan. 2,r--Tne Minister of War has issued a royal decree, es- tablishine- rules for the -marriage* of array -Officers. It is provided that rofal licenses are necessary for marriages, an that the minimum age at which. ernor-General; and later in the nay marriages is allowed is 25. A sub-: called upon hie distinguished altern on active service -must prove 1 countryman, Mgr. Pal conio, the that he posseSses private means papal delegate. Last evening he sulfficient to resa.ke his total income • dined at Stadacona Hail, as the equivalent to a captain's pay; or be guest of the hospitable Minister of , . . . at least 30 years • of age, and ' have MilitiaHonPWBorden. seen 12 years' service. . President Roosevelt's New Tear's. The decree is much discussed, es- pecially a clause requiring the mili- Washington, Jan. 2 .-president tar y authorities to make private Roosevelt held his first New , Year's inquiries regarding the morality or reception at the White House yes- terday, and, surrounded by the Fre- intended wives of . officer's and the This great medicine radically and per - menet'. tly cures catarrh by cleansing the. blood and building up the whole system. ',WOWS PILLS are the favorite cathartic. tbe. 511 Ottawa, Ian. fa. --The Census Be- rean has Plat completed a tabulation of the population Of the three lead- ing eities of Canada by religious de- nominations. According to the census ot 1901, the Chlereit oE England leads la Tor- onto, with -62,107 adherents; Metho- dists ratmla41•' 48,270; I'resbyterians Itoman Catholics 29,004 ; Baptists 1 1 ,9.1..3 , There are 3,079 Jews in Toronto. In Montreai Roman Catholics nurri- ber 202,109; Church of England 23,- 934; Presbyterians 18,919; illettio- dists 8,139*, Baptists 2,013. are in Montreal 6,74 Jesvs. Ottawa has: ilornae Catholics, 81,- 810; Church of leneliend, 10,017; Presbyterian Church, 8,025; Metho- dists 5,788; Baptists, 1,67, and Lutherans, N[W YEAR'S DAY R[g[PTION &idler Rahman. Khan, Anmee Afellaele tan, Oct, 3. .1.`:OTA /AEI ITh1.4.riis Is incr. nesaat, $te Welter, linigliset noeelist najuieem390t.t.rek, Count 'William, 'of Ger.reeny, Boutelle, Charlee A., of Maine, May 21 Buchanan, Robert W.. Englleh poet, Juno 10, Rupee, liear .Atemeral Francis U., ti,S,N., Oct. 19. Betterfiele, General Daniel, New Yule July 17. Crispe,-ex-Pronler et Italy, Aug. 11. Donnelly, Igna.tius, politician and airtime, Jan. 2. *• - Errazuriz, President of Chili, July 12. Hearts, 'William Maxwell, Feb. 28. Lemarees 'Dowager -et Germany, ug. 5. Greenway, Kate, lenestrator, Nee. 7. Rarrlson, Benjamin; ex-Presideut of the United States, March 13. lioteniche, Prince YOU, former Chancellor of Gemini)", July 5. Li Hung Chang. Chinese etatesmen, Noy. McKinley, William, President of the United *Tates, Sept. 14. Meal, ex -King of Servile Feb. 11. eeuret, General Preece Joaphim Napoleee, Oct 24, risk joie, Boron Adolf Eric, Swedish naturalist ana Arctic explorer, Aug. 12. Orleans, Prince Reuel de, Aug. 9. PIngree, Eileen S., ex-Gevernor of Michi- gan, June 18. • Rothschild, Rarer] Wilhelm von, head of Vim famous banking house, Jan. 25. Verde Giuseppe, italiaa composer,Jan. 27. •Vietoria, Queen. of England, Jin. 22. Fu notions Participated in by Many Distinguished People. Some of Those Present at the Eastern Department Building, 0 ttaAra-Chev, slier Marconi Present --Sir Oliver ;new. at, Assisted by Premier Ross, Receive In Toronto-Presicient Roosevelt's Filet .New Year's Reception. Ottawa. Jan. .2., -The levee of 'His Excellency the Governor-Gen.eral, held yesterday morning the East- ern Departmental Building, was the chief social event of New Year's Day in the . capital. -It was it -cheery function, officers of the head- quarters staff. and of the local regi- ments appearing in . uniforms, and the orChestra. of the Governor -Gen- eral's Foot Guards playing • 'lively airs, while, over six hundred cit - zeas paid paid their respects to the King's representative in Canada. Lord Minto was attended by Major Maude, milistary'secretary, and Capt. Bell, A.D.G. The .memsbers of the Cabinet pres- ent •4:eere .Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier,. Sir 'Richard Cartwright, Hon. R. W. Scott, Hon. Sydney FiSher, Hon. F. W. Borden and Ron. Clifford .SiSfton. Among the notables whO had the honor of shaking hands with. the , G overnor-General were Mgr., lealconio, the Paentl Delegate; Archbishop . Du- hamel, • Vicar -G eneral ilouthier, Rev. Dr. lThnery, rector of the University of Ottawa; Archbishop Bbgert and Signor lirlarconi, whose card reads: "Chevalier uiglielmo Marconi," " (Meier de LaCarrone d'Italie." Refreshments *ere served in an ante -room' of the Governor-Generars offices. New Year's DaY Reception. Toronto, Jan. 2, -*--His Honor Sir Oliver Mowat received as usual at Government House _yesterday, Pre-. mier 'Ross, following out the time- honored custom, assisted him, and Commander Law and Capt. Van Straubenzie were in attendance. Miss Mowat, Miss Margery Mowat and Miss Casey also helped to welcome the. guests. marcenns etew Tear. ' Ottawa,- Jan. 2. --Signor Marconi sPent New Year's in the capital, chiefly in fulfilling its social obliga- tions. In the inernieg he attended 1 he levee oI his EXcellency the Gov - social position of their families, eidental and cabinet circles, he greet- ed oifficials in every teranch of the ra- • ' After Forty -Five .Years. . Ardiroffr., 041.0.94/7/4" 14 a , • Don't tie the top of Ivor lolly and preseree jars in she old fashioned way. Seal; teem by tbe-new, quiolei absolutely sere way -by a Vein coating of Pure Refined Pareane. leas no taste or odor. Is air I, ifeht and acid _proof. keielly applied. Usefalln a dozen Other ways about the house. Full direetions witl:t each °eke. Seel everywhere. Matte by IMPElIAL0IL Ce). 'eeeee, • A 31an'sSad Death. Quebec', Jan. 2.-A well-known stevedore named' Charles Murphy, met with a fatal accident, about 4 o'clock Tuesday While engaged in re- moving snow from the yards of -the Canadian • Pa cific Railway. While standing on one of the platform cars with a shovel in his hands, the train started suddenly, and unexpectedly, knocking him oft, a.nd throwing him between the ears, one of which passe ed over his body, cutting one leg off near the hip and tho other eft -below the knee,as well as seVering his right arm. ltd was 40 years old, a widower and the father of a family of seven children. Fears He 1,4 Drowned. Collingwood, Jan. ,2e-Theyoung man, William Green, son. of Mr. Charles Green, Ce.T.R., who wander- ed from home about a -week ago, while suffering from a long illness, has not yet been heard of. ,It was expected that the heavy northwest wind that prevailed Tuesday would, perhaps, bring soine tidings, but, so far, northing has transpired. All the surrounding districts- have been searched for him, and the general opinion, reluctantly come to, by the family, is that the bay has claimee another victim, top the light Loyeclotes experiment in electric lighting at Vietdria Hospital Was snit eevhat of a failure, but there is no doubt but that tbe city could operate id a arii for civic lighting at a, profit, as is the ease at the water Worka. The o t cern e el the Toronto May orality contest will be awaited with interest by Londoners, Milburn's Sterling neadacho Powders give women prompt relief from monthly pains and. etive no bad effects m hatever. Be sure you got Milburn's. Price 10 ate. 25 emits, All ( eaters. John Purser, who left Tlibbert about 25 years ego for the reeielbothooe, of Sarnia, died at his borne on the 29th inst. He was it native of the County of Wicklow, Ireland, and a niernber of the Episcopal eh urch. aritish Troop 00 Liniment, is unsurpas-ed by,any other liniment on the mareet to-day. lt 18 DOMnoSal of healing, soothine and dean - sing vegetable oils and. extracte. It is put up in large bottles for the small priee of 25 cents It is a sad thing to see fine public *life, as well as great co course of people from private liee. fruit trees spoiled by' the- blight. • -•WindSor, Ont., ' Jan. B. D. The scene within flee historic man- P'ee`eieeee.e.Peeefe6Gfeocle"90.009° Rotinii. of Windsor, ethe oldest postal London, Huron and Brupc --- GOING NORTH-- Paseenger. sion -was one of eati ace dmary beau- You can always tell them from ° employe in " Canada," was Ttiesday will outwear two pairs of common rubbers. For thr ee years WO have proved that with kA irltainneyou can s ub lagisfY P. -c -P, your foot but you cannot stub the rubbers. MOO'S genuinc cent4i;, are stamped loon the solo of each rubber 'Oith our copy- im,,,gamp.__Ap righted narne aravIrT5 %IQ not' allow yourself to be de- etived by imitations. in,fti LEATHER TOP the best on the market, .0.fach grid 12-ineh tops with *oiled .p,dgs and Hoes. 'They ,tv*,104troledlii stook, and your ),Ier can order therel for you. 00.0 Limited exch.tAiva itttrOi of MI. ty and brilliancy. President Roose- night Superannuyears he has been in the Dominion ers was extremely gracious and hap- do well atedFor forty- . five veelt's manner of receiving his call- the rest They never Postal Service. . He was mail clerk ns,•-• Mrs. RooseVelt Proved a most afterwards but stay small and on the first Grand Trunk train be- ' charming New Year's -host. P ' J t sickly. tWeen Toronto and Montreal. Later Russia and Vrance, . he was ore the rah trona Windsor to London- depart Oen-China ......... Exeter Hensall 941 6,15 Mine= 9.e0 625 Brumfield 9.58 • am clip ton 10.18 • 655 Wingham, arrive 11.10 8.00 GOING seuen- Passenger Wingham, depart 0.!3.t. M. 3.15 P. m. Olinteu 7.17 4.25 Brucefield 8.05 1.19 Kiepen R.15 4.Z,7 Hansen , 8.22 5 02 Exeter 8.35 5.10 Centralia ...... 846 5.2e London. arrive-- -9.37 6.12 8.15 A.M. 4.4.0P.M. . 550 9 3C 0.0 •Niagar.a Falls; and, recently, between -Paris, an. '2. -The cus omary • It is worse to see a blight Windsor and Loudon. has a . exchange • of New Year's greetings . curred yesterday. The Czar tele- . splendid recor d for efficieney, between St. Petersburg and Paris oc- strike childrenGood health • • Sir oech Jan. 13, '•is the natural riaht of children. n•rapheel as. follows: To President learns that Lord Rosebery and Sir the EmpreSs and myself desire to Bele someof them don't get Oubete " 'Itsaralcoe-Selo, Jan. 1 Liverpool, Jan. 2. -'.Phe Post On the occasional the New Year Henry •Ca,mpbell-Bannerman, thO express to you our best Wishes for their rights. While the rest Libera,1 leader, /lave dined together . rranee and fcir you personally. osiE.Y: TO LOAN We Imre unlinilted pre -Vete fends/or layetite Went aeon farm Or yillage peoperty at loweet rates of interest. ' DICKSON $4 CABLING • theater, FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS As OLD AND WELL-TP.1ED REMEDY.- Mrs VVinsloves Soothing Syrup has 'been med for over efey years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, -with perfect succees. It soothes -the child, softens the gums. allays al pain. cures wind colic. and. is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea. his pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a beetle. Its value is incalculable. Bo sure and take Airs Winslow's Soothing syrup end ask for no other kind. Since the fermer'S sPeech at Chester- Among the most agreeable re- grow bia and strong one stays field,. and that, during the 'meal, the membranceS of the year jus e eloped, two diseussed 14'rd' R°csaebnieprbY'esulePB1snie , that of the few days PasSed- in the ' small and weak. tion in. ,politics. Sir beantiftil -country, friendly and, allied_ . . . nerman's speech, which, he is to te', us, is espeeially dear,: Niche- Scott Emulsionn can stop make in London on Jan. 13, is elle," . • . . looked forward to with the. greatest Gen. Andre, the *Ministbr of War, that blight. There is no interest. ; telegraphed to, the Ru'ssian Minister S126 000 For a ilundin ' of war, Geri. Kourapatkino, - reason why such a child should greetings' of' the -French ariny to tie :at. * • n mall. Scott's Emulsion Toronte jar.. 'William IVIat- Russian army, arid to . Theirjes-;• P`. -Y s 111.4,1111. MONET' TO' LOAN. I here ale -rice atmenne of private fuzes to loan on farm and village properties atlow rates of interest. F, W. GLADAteee_ e learrietet Mein Se•t Exeter azpicAL Ira R. ‚T1» M.-3, TORONTO VIII IrERSIe Y 1 . ninny Univer sity. Oillec-Creduot Exeter, ran. let, 1901. Baxley. - ... . ......4-8 to ' 18 .0490ttoo '4'3 (WIaltsie.al. pe. r Intehel.... ..... ...,. Butter.- e - - . . . . . . -- 1G5.5 tb oo 1760 Peas .Chickens per le . - e to 6 Eggs .... 17 to 17 Geese P to 8 Turkeys .. ... 78 8500 57 VIDDruoiceokdC. epics.. .. .. .. F to 6 16 to 16 -Pork live weight ..- •- . - - $.15.no to 85 25 donald oi Montreal has placed teee, is a me icine o s of ' d' with 1 t • $125,000 at the Ontario Govern- ' to xi.,y in tteiihn men.t 'cliSpeSal for the erection of . 1, . building at the Guelph Agriellit.urai Berlin, Jan. 2. -The . New *Year's conegQ for Alio pitt.post) of giving in- iestivities 'wei-e. marked by the -omen' gerieY bf the coUrt 'from mourning. 0 -row. for the cstahlishhieut, of a course of re. the ghttpel of the Palace in the- Scott's EMulsion makes and the elements of plant life, abet preseate of the Imperial family, • . • strength in it—the kind of strenath that makes 'things structien to teachers in agrieultere There. Wei a Service in the Morning • o , I Chancellor Von Buelow and Other. Children grow, makes them eat, doineStiee scleece for w °Men . noi,Tiiig to teisir stalls tno s auawas 1 -1.1 -es them sleep makes them t, n Treder Por 114.0411103g. dignitaries; Aftfir the ceremonY of . A T For Infants and Children. •mo fac- simile sigaetete of ir 08 ee,f4e wrapete Berlin, Jan, parth, the free et, several new corpg, -Leo. Emperos. play Give the weak . child a. ,11:atice: Scott's. Ertinlsion. will make. it 'catch tip with .the rest. 'mit picture 'frepresents the Trade Nruk of Stotes Einulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. ' Send for free i4Enple. , SCOTT 8t'liti:tiVNZ%. T�RONTO cAttATjA e al,11440itS, trade editor of tine Nation, and • , a • and 1:Impress .reeerved tile dipiornats. frefluent visitor to tho :United -.- uater in the afternoon the •Vmperor - Staleg, ha fi been eleoted to the Reich- 'returned the tails of the ambagsa- jstag from the Wittenberg district by- dors. The New Year's reception is 601 votes over the number polled bYa, function to which no diplomat of Ilorr vonLeiDeigert a large land" lower rank than. aXI alltInteSadOr14 0W1101'. inVited. His. Majesty, was especial,- ' iy' good-hurnored - yesterday., , Ile ' - ,„ converted with er6b, oV• the eight V Mondives, ve ier.treal, Jan, 2. --Graham Wento . ambassadors in licit Awn language, ,.wan sentenced to five years 'in Alie.. except, in the eats et the Turkish, ponotentiary , Tuesday. Graham ' Vork,." , A,tahassadOr, aad, even to hilt, the 'ten WO found guilty of .the dhoge of 1r,x,ei,65 ottorod 0,, 'tow nappy phra. robWrig $8,000 from thuruilio 1.11 et qtiti„ in' Toi,kjoil„, Outremont, • 1 - eeeee" W. B.ROWNIN M. O., • P. Graduate VIC:Loan n leer:Ale office And resieerme, own iu'on Labora- tory Exeter I,EG AL, DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Conveyeneers, Commissioners, solicitors for the Mole= Bank, Eta Money to Loon at lowest rates of interest, OFFICE :-MAIN STREET, leXETER, n. CARLING, B. A. L. II, DICKSON Fe W. GLADIVIAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) lanistor, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveya.ncer Etc, Money to loan on Farm and village It 1 C properties at Lowest rates of interest u rS y OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER , e II e ATUT1 PREPA. ,fUTILEII f,TAD11,4 011. LOCW, N Apply KeSSel opuivA.v., -,exsoin,ox E A B OSt I FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS. ,. A good Assertme , ALSO HEAVY PANTINGS AT. COST. We wantla dear these Irnesast one , W. JOHNS, • The Tal tor DFaNTAL • H. iTs.riT'ANIMANR D. S. D. D. 5.ellonor Giaduate of Toronto- University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Office Fan. son's block. Weft- side of Main treet, Exeter - DA ANb-D'Eti.gNOTIlsT(9. Honor Grad -mite of the Toronto UniversitY end Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetio Dentistry (with honorable mention Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al. luininum, gold, and vulcanite Plates all. done in the neatest manner possilole. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic esed for peinices extrac. tiootie e one door iouth of Carling Bro's store Exeter, Opt. -MEETING OF Farmers' ifistitute TO BE HELD IN EXETER, Town Hall, on SATURDAY Jan. 1 lth, 1902. The meeting will open at 1,30 o'clock, when addresses will be given in the following or- der : Chairman's address. Address by D. Drum- mond, Beg., of Myrtle P. 0.; Subject, Breeding and care of dairy cattle, follov,-edeby discussion till 2.20 o'clock. Address by G. R. Cottrill, Esq. of Milton P. 0. ; Subject. How to build a poultry. house and keep the poultry healthy; discussion till three o'clock. Address by El- mer Lick. Esq, Oshawa P. 0.; Subject, fruit growing Peon a commercial standpoint; discus. non till I o'clock A paper by A. Innes, of Clinton eThe Draught Reuse "What he was what he is and. what he might be." Short ad- dresses are expected from local gentlemen, question drawer will also be opened when ques- tions on general subjects will be a feature, An evening meeting will be opened at 7.30 o'clock, when interesting and instructive ad- dresses wili be given by the delegates and others suitable to a mixed audience. Choice selections of vocal mid instrumental music will be rendered. A bright and lnstruotive meeting is anticipated. All are cordially wet- comed. A small admission foe will be charged • Dge.n3t101;eNnEsat, evening meeting, to defray ex- penses. Ladies free SAM'L SMILL1E, Secretary. President. A Gu OD INVEbTlIENT. Fanson's brick block and devollingein Exeter, for Bale. The brick block is well situated. on Main street, is 70x55 feet, tbree storeys, and contains four storm_ offices ad halls, all leased. This is the best business stand in town. The dwelling is brick of two storeys and contains 10 rooms, is adMirably adapted. for a boardirig hou,e. The property must be disposed of. Terms easy, apply to R. L. Fanson, Exeter, Out. FOR SALE --BRICK.. RE- = SIDENCE WITH AN ACRE °ELAND IN EXETER -We offer for sale en reasenable terms, tbat very desirable residential property ltnowir as "The Hooper Homestead" situated on Lot No. 86, south of Unroll Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodious briel, we 1 the neeessary outhouses. The bouse lein good re - pelt 'and bas 9 MOMS. The lot contains an acre of land and is excellently adepted for garden. ig Or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and, soft water, The property is up to elate, a.nd the terms easy, for paiticulars ap- ply to Dicxsoie 86 CARL/1/0 barristers Exeter, or to E. Hoormn, Rew P. 0„ Penne, U. S. A., proprietor. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby EiYeli that the 274 - nu al meeting of the members, of RAY TOWN, SIM) FARMER'S MUTUAL ETRE INSUR ANCE CO. will be held in the Town Hall Zurich, on Jan. l4th, A. D. 1902, at one o'clock p. BUSINESS - Rem; ving the Directors' and Secretaryeereasureee annual report, election of directors and the etiscussion of other haat- twee for the good and tvelfare of the company. All members ate Tem. eeted to attend. WILLIAM YnArtner,L. 0.,_ Berme EXeeen. President. • Seeretary-Treaeurer, , I , Cutters Do you Want a gutter? We have the finest, stock in town. All the latest styles, itt. the newest colors. Our prices are low as can be found for first-class material and workman- - -7 BEFORE YOU BUY ORLI- FIND L9_, -PE US. ussei Two Doors South Town, flail, ROI RN NElie Aeucy AelTF,D, Responsible Manager (integrity must be unquestionebio) to take ahem° of dietribation depot and &lice to be Opened in Canada to further businese interests of an old established menufeeturieg eoncern. Salary -e150 per sleuth and extra profite. Applioant roirst hare e1500 to 82000 cash end good stand. ing, Address, Supt., P. 0. Bet 1151, Philedel- pbite Pa EOE SALE OR RENT. Story Ana tt half frame Ileums with nine rooms arid minima kitchen &ea woodshed at - niched. All neceesety mils buildings, s good well, add a betiring orchara Of good fruit ,are on the pltiee Which conelete of sevtle aorta tef wellcultivated bled. Plate is Well Situated on Deice Road, In Exeter North ansi within orssY renth of teiwn. Fob futther partionlate epply 40 Petteere, Zee' Or tavekrobeIN Children Ory for IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm, Buy or Sell Town Property, Borrow or Lend Money,. Collections Made, Your Life Insured, Go to the Old Cuon- try, by th,p Allan gaf. Line,- ON THE UNDERSIGNED, JOHN SPACKMAN Office over H. Spackman's Hardware Exeter. ts. Cash paid for Raw Furs. The Choicest Xmas Cift haAl Full line of Patent Medicines on CREDITO Rol r Mins We are giving excellent sa. bisfaction in flour si.n.\e. re- modelling our mill Dry Soft Wood Warrtede ristinu an(1 61ionDinu Done Fir0111Ptin H. SWE1TZER. BROWNING Headquarters For . Dyspepsia Cure Blood and. Nerve Tonic Stomach and Liver Pills • Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion; Try any :of these preparations and you will be astonished. at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. Would be one of our Pianos and Organs It would be a thing of beauty and a joy for ever. A lasting present that would ever bring the greatest pleasure to the recipient. Meeissolasaqrnmiers Then our .Sewing Machines, Bok and Sheet Music as well as our smaller musical goods. Come in for second place, Buy your children's sleighs, from us, Wishing all a merry Christmas. .MARTIN Milbertes Sterling Ileadatlio Powdets tone teen beither inerplithe nee opium. They' peroaietly aura Siek-Reedeelec, Neuralgia, Readaelte, Readaehe of Grippe, Headache dello:ate ladite end Ileadttebe etein etY ealree WhateVor. Price lOcand 250., .61003)1:1FiSITIA IS IMPOSSIILV Without regular action of the bowels, taxa :Liver Ville regirlete the birleole, Mite oonattep.. tion, tlyepepsla, 1)1110MM-tees, tiek-lieadache and all e er,titenii of the orgsrs or digestion. Irice gsa, natuodske, TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUOPLIES ti s BROWNIN Dominion Laboratorn. Th Western fidvertiscr nio,Apont) A ND .„'eelPROVED. The Leading Weekly In • Western Ontario cr,711 is.ccOMP4nntnbi Farin uid tipme semi-monthlr nublieation--ono of the. best .itt Areetioa-is eta tee an agfiross ' • • in Canada or the United Statett for 5 A YEA orolr11,,g°Crk4'irtu,Intggittabg Atnartgast vVESTetiN AulporylonnT