HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-1-2, Page 3;el Ces. of Grain, Cattle, In Tra,,cle Centres. ,:Dee. 81.-IVheat-The de - for wheat, was limited to -day, 1 rims unchanged. White "and red r quoted at '76ee middle freights No. 2 goose at • 68c middle Maintoba wheat firm; No. ;rd sold at Ress all rail, vie. Sol - No. 1 Northern at 85o, and No. e'cschehern at 81o, all rail, via Sap ". Prices are le lower via North • 'lets -The market is quiet, WW1 elm unchanged. There were sales Oly at 41:lic, but for export No, 'o quoted at 48c low freight,. eas--The market is enchanged 'e demand good. No. 2 quoted Meddle freights, and at 84c west, markee is queoe with tr. sCeleieeateiVerellow sold --Market is steady. No. a t 57e, anil No. 2 53 to 54e; -tra at52e, and No, 3 at 51c selefrolght. eephe market is steady et 56 , Middle freights,. ......-setetWtheat-Market quiet, with pri- ces stea,dy at nee middle freight. Fiotir-The market is steady. Nine- ty-4-ies cents., ie. buyers' bags, quoted at $2.96 middle freights. 1.ocally and for Lower Proelnce trade choice straight rollers in wood, are $8.89 to Manitoba flours- steady, with Hilligarians $4.10 to $4.1.31),. and strong bakers', at $3.80, Toronto • freight. ee • '? Oatmeal-MaAset unchanged. Car lots on track', $5.35 in bags, ene , $5.50 in wood. Broken tots, 25c per bbl extra. Millfeed--Bran very scarce, and pie- ces firm- at 319 to $19.50. Shorts, Cel to $22 outside. Manitoba bran, $20, and shorts, 322, Toronto geights, including sacks., 85ic; winter', No. 2 red, 90-k to 01e. Oorn easier; No. 2 yellow, 71!k0 to 71-40; No. 3 do, 71c; No. 2 eOrn, 70 -tee; No, 3 do, 6911e. Cate, fairly iirm; No. 2 white, 5lec; No, 3 do, 51.to 51e; No. 2 Mixed, 49e0; No. 3 4811,6o ' Barley, 67 to 700, Rye, No, 21"•794.0. DEATH ONLY FOUR WERE 't EFT , :Boe 'S Gained Konle Firet But k, Were Driven„,Off.„ • ' A dbsePateea from Lendon says : - Lord Kiechener, in a despatch from Johanneixburg, sends reports of Sharp lighting An the Orange River Colony and Trasnsvaal Colony, The engage- / occurred at points widely ments , enter . The casualties, so far as lei,e/Wn, aggregate about 150, equally C folded; but, heaver Dritish losses, the totals of which have not yet been reported, heve occurred in -bile Transvaal. In this last-mentioned fighthig, two hundred mounted in- fantry,, iu the neighborhood of Beg•-• inderyn, were divided into perties, and were searching farms when they were attackee by throe hundred Boers- PROI)UCE. Potatoes -The market is 'steady. Cars are quoted tat •70c' per bag, on track here, and the jobbing price, 85e. • Dried Apples -Market is steady, with demand slow. Prices aro de to 5c per lb. Evaporated sell at 0 to 10c. • a Iheps--13u5iness quiet, with prices steady 'at 13c; -yearlings, 8e. Roney -The 'market is unchanged at 10 to 10.1c for • .strained. Combs, $1.50 to $2.50 per doz. 13cans--The market is steady; un- picked are jobbing at $1.10 to $1.45, stncl handpicked set $1.55 to 31.00• Cranberries -- Market unchanged, with Cape Cod at 38 to $9 per bbl. Canadian, $6.50 to 37. Hay, baled -The market is firth, wiLli good demand. Timothy sold .at 9.50 to $10 on track for No. 1, and vt $8.50 to $.9 for No. 2. • Strews -The market is quiet and firm. Car lots on track sold at $6. Poultry -Market is firm, with good demand. Turkeys, 0 to 10e per tb; frozen, scalded and half -fatted stock sold from 7 to 8c. Geese -Dry pick- ed, 6 to 70. Ducks -50 to 75c. Chickens, yoong, 5o to 05e; old, 85 to 4.0c. Rabbits, 25e per pair. 01 and forty armed natives, under Com- Too Boors deemed went on the witnesd s stansobbingly, omndant Dietz. determinedly in overwhelmingarid Protested that' her father was in- nocent, and begged the court to re- bers, The Isaitish casualties were severe, birt no details have been re- store hiM to her. • AN calved. - • KT :SAO RDINARY eT3DGID Lord Kitchener also reports that during General Do Wet's attack 01. This is the first time a man. ha,S the British force commanded by Gen -1' been, tried ill Franc° for illurdering orals Dartnell and Oampbell, hiS frvc1littlchildren, beginulog with the eldest, by suecessively cut- Langberg, the Boers charged bravely tirig thole/elm:Its wn while sleeping, i and T n Oitrskt,1 PR",EINOPI PEAS-isiT MURDERED HIS CHILD111V, His Only Surviving Daughter Pro- tested His Innocence and. Begged. /or His Life. Alter a week's trial at. Chartres, • which bas attracted the attention of the whole of France, Iiriere, the far- mer of that viethity, who, April 21, murderod four of hiS daughter's, aged respectively, 14, 11, 5,„ and 4, and his son, 7 years of age, stabbing, and beating thera to deeth while they, were in bed, was found guilty on Monday and was condemned to bo decapitated by the guillotine. 'Brier° persisted inseefeclaring himself inno- cent, and defended himself with the habitual cunning of the French. peas- a.nt. But the circumstantial evidence wae overwhelming. A. pathetic incident of the trial oc- curred when Briere's surviving. daughter, who, the police declare, only °seeped the fate of the other children by not responding to Briere's tatime' to go to see him, THE DAIRY MARECETS. „ Butter -The market is quiet, with 1/!! prices unchanged. The supply of )-poor Stufi is too liberal, and :talcs are difficalt to make. We create: - Selected dairy tubs, 10 to 17'c; choicelarge rolls, 10e to 17c; finest 1-0) :mile, 18 to 19c; packages show- ing fetol,..1 to 2c less , then above quotations; cremnery prints, 21 to 22e; solids, 19e tie 21e. Eggs -The market is firmer, with receipts light. Strictly fresh scarce, soiling at 25 to 26c; cola storage, 19 to 20e, as to quality; .limed, 17 to 18e. Cheese -Market firm, , We quottees--- lei/lest Septembers, .10e. to se - corals, 9-e- to 510.. nous .AND PROVISIONS. , orderas the judge himself. proclaims, FOUGHT DESPERATELY • ' . • .. to marry his mistress, a woman 01 for several hours. Do Wet ,was cl.eite reputed wealth, who did not want to en off with a loss of twenty men. s•eed.a , man Vith a Vamily. :Brier°, There. were twelve casualties on the the eceesed, is a hard-heaciedi retie side of the British. . cent peasant; the owner of a small M. Bothe, with eight ' hundred farm near• the picLuresque vile:Igo of Doers, surprised Colonel Damant's se oortuseez. -He, emphatically declares advance gettrd at Tarfel Kop, Orange hie "innocence,. stating that he is tho River Colony. The Boers rushed a victim kopje commanding the • main body of the hatred of hie towns- folk, who., at the instigation of an - and the guns, but Dement rallied ., his men and drove the Boers from osaer peasant, one Lubin, che father of the woman he 'wanted. to usarry--, the kopje. The British, casualties th-o ma.a„.isrhom Lo accuses of. !Dojos. were heavy. Daxnant was dangevous- ly wounded, two officers and twenty tile real' niurderei 'of his .ehildven - e killed. 'd thro ee fficers stained blade cealed in his stable the blood- Menweb an and several inen were wounded. , ' ! .of a tuber with which the crime Was committeci,•and Placed. The `Boers left six deadson the feeld• and dispersed. The British pursued ot.her! bloodstained objects, on the the enemy and captured a nuniber""of IA onuses, thereby providing 0. chain. of circumstantial evidence. " hiding 'Cofnmanclant . ' . s. pIe.-relysotenie-7,Latielii•e, the -Boers,- waferaThe judge refused to aleow the jure. flag of . truce, asked persnissiten to reds ors to examine'Sbe premises where move their dead. They admitte the crime was conmiitted and con - having 'buried twenty-seven men. ductedthe trial -as. if !he were 3,1, p10- scouting TO THE DEATH. scouting attorney, wol king tooth and, nail to bring home to the Deceased In the fight at Tarfel Kos) etho one of the - most inhuman crimes Boers, dressed as 33ritieh Yeomanry, heard of -since Medea . of Colchis engaged in a splendid race with the slaugleteued the children she bore to British in an. attempt to be first in jzison, gaining the kopje. nihe Boers gained ' This -extraordinai-Sy judge, ' whose the sununit first, and opened • et hea- method would' under almost any oth- vy fire on the single troop of Da,- et judicial, procedure' than that of insult's Horse NV hich took part in the France furnish groin -ids,. for a new race for the kepje. These troopers tlial, broke forth in angry eXpletieres, took advantage of all the small am- sayinge-ThiS is how' that enurderca• ount of cover available ininledinftelY entered the room; this is the wa.y he below the Boere, end fought until cut. his children's throats. Ifs Yon all but four' of them were killecl . or don't believe it,' why 1 do; and that woundedBy that time reinforce - le enough for you to convia him." ments of Damant's Horse came up Oh! Oh! Your pretended and charged, and capturedesthe kopje. And again: " robberseonly wounded you, and did . . o not kill yoU3. Well, had lebeen in 13 WErS SWOOP. Boers Clinab'ec--1, Precipice aic Caught 'British Napping. the1(13(alstPt4let'elolf-1)!Z'°elleliereePi.611°,31 WsallXiesh:-Ait uow Mous, was fovght early on Ohriatinas Morning, the British, suf- fered a, severo defeat. Thismuch, is, made gieito clear by the information contained ,in Lord Kitchener'e long despatch from Johannesburg, plebe rishou on Sunday. 'rho liret offielai list of cesualtles eleiws Six ()Moore and Slily men killed, eight officers wounded, Lour 'officere Missing, and the Iona& of wounded and captive ,non-commissioned officers and men not yet known, but it is feared that the cot:epic:Le casualty Bet will be a, very long one. 'Lord Kitchelme stet - es that about halt the men of Fir - maxi's column aro prisoners; so it is evident that De Wet ecored a bigger euccess than the officiels,or the War .Department had at first- irnagisied. The Boer victory was due to De Wet's daring -plan of attack. The British coluinn, oecepied an excep- tionally stroke Position oe the slope of a solitary kopje. The southern side was almost precipitous, and Ma- jor Williams, who was in charge oe ,Lhe column in the absence of Colonel Firma, apparently never dreamed ot the possibility ot the Boers climbing the eopje from that sicBet this is exactly what. they .succeeded hi clo- the. The picket on outpost duty was taken completely by surprise, and before the men in camp could got clear of -their tents the Boers rushed through, shooting- thein down as they came out. There was no panic and a resolute defence was offered, but the attacking force, which wee esti- mated to number a thousand men, Proved too strong, and soon had the Breese(' hogs unehanged at $8 in car lots,' with offerings fair, Hog products steady. We .quote:-1303c0n,, long clear, sells at 10e.e in ton and case lots; mos perla e20 to e90.50; do, dhort ctit, $21.50 to $22. Snaoked meats-Hams,18c; break - BOER SCOUTS. their Place, „I would not have missed killing you; you inay fee1 sui•o of that Strange to say, the conduct Doing Excellent Work Capturing . • d'sep • of the mclge cause • great igat Irrecon.cilables. among the townsfolk of the accused, A despatch from Pretoria says:- and when counsel for the defence 9b - Tho burgher corps of National Scouts jected to the ruling 'oi the bench and raided a berm on TuefrielaY, capturing observed that his client had a right two 13oas and a quantity of stock. to 'express his Andignatioe., and that This is a striking indication of bow 110 • 'wept each time that his •deed the enemy can beeroduced by aseniall. children Wore spoken of, theeandience but 'alert mobile force without trans- in the court -room began to yell:with por b. fury at the prisoner, shouting: "'Kill -Among the burghers en camp a hinie kil1. him!"" and n venerable, numberare offering themselves fer mild-maienerod 'gentleman with. White service in the field against tie • irre- moustache called out: 'le:lough! concila.bles, • who they consider are enough! Let him be guillotined pravineo, themselves to be enemies -of right away!" ,Itedge Belat smiled, the country, rang his bell, ad finally restored or - Nine burghers have left Brugspruit der, .and the, trial Was, -continued in to • take the oath of .allegiance, to too' stogy little court...house within a Groat Britain, steme"s throw of Ohatres Cathedral. "..Gen. Colin Mackenzie has captured A GII.A.STLY SCBN1D., severs Boers Sehaap Kraal.• at 'Major Jenninge Bramley, the new A brief visit to Chartres, which is commander of the Second ScoLtish only, two hours by rail from Paris, Horse, was killed December 20, showed one of the mostgrueeome Lieut Dow, of the same reahneOt wile and tragic features of 'French erimine e • also Wiled.. •Ineececlure, •Briere, the prisoner ac - The formation of a new burgher cused of murdering nie live children; corps, to be known as "National was led from the court -room and Scouts,",,, has aroused great interest stripped; in an anteroom they • re - among the surrendereu burghers. In dottier him wita all the garol,07145 view of the numerous meetings and which he wore when found lying help - applications Glen. Kitchener has au- less in his farmyard the day after tho crime, Tho Wretched- man was brought, with tears' in his eyes, be- fore the bench in blouse, shirt and trousers all besmeared with dried. and crystallized blood, svialle Dr. Duderoy and ,other clu3mical. experts raised his arms, bared his sleeves, and disclos- ed his bloodstainea undershirt. At last the judge himself walked down from the bench, got on his knees be- fore the DO:senor, and begall t1gOr- ing him all oyer and pointing oat, to the jury What stains wore, in tho -opinion of experts, those caused by the blood of hie -deed childrense and those while were supposed to have been made by hie own blood in de- fending Ian:self from hie alleged as - sessile, ' The scene wag see appalling that en eminent Parisian eirame tic critic roe marleed:---"Good heavens! this is too frightful! Tf sech a scene were -put on the stage of the theatre to Da4S- Zan atalienee:sveuld. stand 'it." 1SULT41 NEARING HIS END coluann at 348 mercy. . Lord KiLehener, in hie first ineseage mentioned that the colunm had two guns. In his detailed accouut he on- ly speaks of a 15 -pounder, which fir- ed two rounds and .then jammed. It is noteworthy that the British coin- mancleioin-chief specially refers to the some yeers ago. • good behavior of the victorious Boers to the British wounded. NECESSITY 01' UNITY. , There has never. been the least , question. that the powers could • France and Russia are the leaders 01 thie latest; attempt to sot the Eu- ropean steam roller in. metiers to make smooth the rough placee Turkey. What they aro tryleg to reaCh as is the bis of "aer n undstaad- ing for making representation$ to the Porte and for eventuelly taking actioe in order to oblige the Sultan (101 only to carry out the elauses of the Treaty ol 1 11 relating to both Macedonia and Armenia, but to give ,guarantees for the execution of these and further reforms and for the set- tlement of the numerous questions pending." So. run the terms of what is undoubtedly a semi-officilel cora- munleation from Paris. Russia, it is said, is discuesing the question witli Germany, the co-oper- ation of Austria-Hungary, atid Italy can be taken for granted. and there FRANCE AND RUSSIA I1TT'EN"D TO FORCE REPQRMS.. Conditions in, Armenia and Mace- donia Are Regarded as a Menace to Peace. There Inc increasing eigies that th6 great poweve of Europe are coneen- tratiess, clotheite plans foe action to- wards, Turkey. • , liiarly tine week the Russian Am- bassador in Oonstantiapple latorniecl Said Pasha, the new Grand. Vizier, that tile condition ot Armenia arid Afacedonia was regarded by Europe as a clisgraee to the Ottoman Gov- ernment and peril, to universal peace. This sigaificant announcemeot. Was followed almost immediately by a presentation of. notes by ail elle Am- bassadors wieti reference to the anat azieg attitude adopted by the. Porte in the matter of the mining regula- tions. "UNDERSTANDING IS- SOUGHT. is no doubt that Lord Lansciesslyne, the British Foreign. Secretary, will combine in any genuine scheme to effect the objects which Lord Salis- bury vainly endeavored to obtain fast beano., thorized the creation of a fresh wing Islcs rolls, 11c; backs, to operate in the Northern and East - 14c, and :shoulders, 10ec. with ern Transvaal, under prominent Boer Lard--Markee is unchanged, fair demand. leaders, clouted by the burghers them - 11c; tubs, Ieel.e.Wo quoto:-Tierces, ; pails, llec to 1.1.11e, s'elvest • It; is fleeted that much of the iteent • - success of the British is clue,•to. the BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. , co-operietion• of Ceelier's and Cronje s cominan.ds, acting tinder Genet:II Montreal, Dec. 31, - Grain-NowBr uee anai 1 v .crop No. 2 oats, 'locally at 48e; INC. • 2 barley, 50e to 57e; NO. 8 -extra peas,. 82c, high freights. sorleye 5gio; buckwheat, 53e east WOMEN FARMERS. Flour -Manitoba, patents, eajo te The Ressler. Government Will, Ed: - s '1.20; strong bakers', $5; straight ucate Them. rollers, $8.d5 to $8.60; in bags, A despatch from St. Petersburg $1.80; Ontario patents, says:-:-X.ong continued agitation has 3776 -Lo-14$1. reect-Atanitobn bran, induced tho Government to authorize Lo $21; •shorts, $22 to $28, bags the Moscow Polytechnic Museum to eluded; Ontario bran. in bulk, open a course in agriculture for wo- ,0,50 to $21,50: shorts, btilk, men., This step is regarded'ae a Vic - O2.50 to $25.50.' Rolled oate-Mil- tory for women ie their struggle for tors' prices to jobbers, $2.75 in begs, higher sciente Se edUCati on.. J t has and $5.50 to 65.05 per bbl. Cheese.-- beer: won largely by the capaciey svo- Onlearib Septembers and Octobers, 10 Men have hOwn in the medical pro - to 10ee; Eastern &entities, Oe to 10e; feSeion end i(1 cortaia clopaetenents of Qiiebee 9tec, Butter -Choice crown- oilielaidoins especially LIS famine izt ery, ctereat receipts 20ec; seconds, spectors.. 19 to 101c; Weeteril clairy, 10 to Tho frequent famines of the lust 1e1 - 161e; , rolls, 100. Eggs.--Selectecl toen years have impressed the Gov - cold etovage, 1.7e; 31fontreal limed, 17 ereenetit With the neceseit,y for rale - to se; best seleeted candled,' 22, to Ing thkincitional stand at,.(1. of ,ftgrialt- 24.e. peovisions -Heavy Canada: teret" The nelneber.of"Itileedati men of sitOrt sut pork, $2:1-501 Seleeted, fairly liigia,oclucation is eonipatative- $2.2450; OM/mound relined lard, Elee to 1Se Sinatle, 001 Plel Can:adieu lard. :1,1 to 12eo; Aegrieultine has no brilitalit future finest !lard, 12e, to'133e; heals, 13 to in stdee for such as theee, foul most 14.e; !gore 121 to 150. Poultryet't Tot k431 freeh killed, 10e; feozeno.7o Lo fles excise, 8a to 9o; e1150, 35 to chtim; Mbuons, 6 Lo 70; old foWle; 4 tto riole Ib for dvy-pieked birds, 'and 'aldOt Itock from 1, ke 2o lees. LO (1116 EN TARICETS. - ,o,,,.., ,Xnevernene st.afaccl 'Stole:lit siromera. Pl.eoes Of ‘73'aPPillg Paber and oilier leogth been oridtwseci. by tile elteVeria- ttr".?" orl/no, • • ' moee, „ • • 'tete, 'oRpert eVIden.0O3.1aS ,UStlal eves • . , , Oilie•eigee ,are tleeeviletxd in rivate lettere 'cis being•-pet!'esettestest se.,:ietteeltsta S: eitisteeS; of/. ,1\13,i CLEA1013Elt OF HORRORS. To /nuke matters stilt More high- briove, a !liege table stood itt the court -room, upon which were dis- played as in a chember ot horrote of seine dinee Museum, the. b1,ulc of a pLow, with which the- judge deela,res the pvisonor cut his ehiltireti's thioate, told the lauge mete bit with which he ist charged With having beaten out their "braine, Both weve splattered syn.!). bioed and hair. Al - Of there naturally prefer Al- LOSS BY STORMS. speedily solve the problem of the • Near East if they *teould speak with Canneries Danaaged and Demolish- : 0.4 • in British Columbia. A despatch from Vancouver, B: C., says:et-it is, estiniated that ,sioarly •a independent course at Mitylene. Pe - million clonal's' worth of -damage pers now ase7erc in Paris; that Frensile has been dime by storms alor.g the action /was not more dramatic sim- Fraser River: Sea and Lulu Islands ply because the whole faiiiic of °t- aro geclaimed farne lancles, and are 'Wiliam administration is so rotten bordered by. canneries. 9.110 violence that a heavy blow Might pulverize of 1110 Wind and waves broke .the it. If this" be so, all the snore credit dykes, and thei water' rushed over the is duo to M. Deleasse for forbear - islands,. covering •them with four feet ance. tTlie T'urlsish flag waves over of water. Houses werc. swept; into many millions of human beings, and. the, raging flood, and those that re- the horrors that would follow the mained standing were flooded to the overthrow of the reginie of -Abdul tore Window's in many cases Boats nanteia until such time as an effici- have to be Used entirely. ent substitete svas re.ady can be s The North Aem, Alliance, and La- brador Canneries were demolished, and every cannery on the River Fras- er was more, or less damaged. . Stacked crops were destroyed over a, lum no room to question their earn.- wicle area, and the Cleve. Canning estness ? No one can pcedict with Company's sLation, a very large con- !certainty the course of this most remarkable and- miserable of poten- cern, with a cold storage plant ad- joining, was swept away. All wires being down the news is coining in meagrely, but the total loss by the storm on the Canadian Pacifin ebast to shipping, buildines, crope1/4 and dykes is eitici to 'be fully a million dollars. NEWS ITEMS. Telegrapilic Briefs From All Over the Globe. WillniPefe Pox. " The now direetory in Ieonden On- tario, makes the population 45,937, Osear Taylor of East Hamilton was firied $25 and costs for ruentng turkey raffle. • , The 31,IcOlarey Mfg. co„ of London, have eecured control of the Copp Co's Stove Works at Hamilton, Montreal. Harbor " Commissioners are laYing Plaes ifer ,the erection of millioo-buebel Wire -proof elevator. The new contrivance for prevepting the etusal tock.s beirig earried away by the boats was tested with great satisfaction on Timeclay, . at Port Dalhousie, on the Woliana Oonal. Recorder Weir of Montreal was on Tueeday presented. with a. pair of white gloves, in memory of the firet day in eighteen yew's in which tliet'e were -no prisoners for him to try, Mr. George Daweon, Inspector of Penitentiaries, reports. that. the num- ber of prisoners confined in St. Vin- eent de Paul Peaitentlary hes drop- ped from 416 to 393, and the skilled mechanic is so rare that there is it difficulty in, carrying on certain de- Pertments of the work, CAN'ADA. has eight. cases of small - GR.EAT BRITA.IN. A great newspaper trust may be formed in England: The Englizia Government is prepar- ing a row Irish land bill,/ Lady Lyndhurst, wife o "ermer Lord Chaacellor • of .Engian. is dead. Electric signalling is to be used along the North-western ,Itailway, England. Wm. Waldorf Astor has given 210,- 000 for the National Rifle Associa- tion, England. •"-- - The coronation festivities will in- clude a magnificent naval review at one voice and weees an:metal oy ono Spithead. " fairly disintereSted motive. But right here is theilitchs C '1 Rhodes has "just, bought the .eci France startled the world by her Dalham Hall estate, :near Newsnar- ket, for $500,000. ." • veatiog,t, end os. onset -001,10o too so 011) 1;110 1111110 WON) bloodstained 10 ,engego111. ageseostteso his tea stage peOpevtlee of tides, ektregi'etline ru(glliiVo, 1)11!. till , trealod • cl.mlbt in fjcvtrr Of ethe tte01d611,;•' Whisk in• ;en, F9igl 1349 001131,, the .prlSorlerr'44 eOtinSel: W.t.)tati 1 Ve.1)11032 b1tt 10 t4t't1 41) his ,rttsge. Mot 80, 1wtev (4159 10513151811 341, The, law hitherto itiesanglend, pro- hibiting men with false teeth from joining the regular army, has been repealed. • The North-Eastern Railway Com- pany of Great Britain is about to es- tablish automatic block signaling on its line. The levees at St. James' Palace and the drawing -rooms at Bucking- ham Palace will in future tie held in .the evenings, instead of in the after - more easily imagined than described. noon, as in the Victorian regime. What would be the attitude of the an enderetanding, that would leave Gas in. San. Francisco is to be fur- an STATES. Sultan. should the powere come to • Dished at 38.1e. The Government has decided to use wireless telegraphy in the navy. The Wabash railevay is building a. 13.11i,n0g000,000 bridge over the Ohio at James- Potter, 12 years old, was ,dragged to death by a. cow at Eng- lishtown, N. .T. Wire -rope rigging for Emperor Wile So eerce was the storm that sirst- lionis yacht is being made at Wilkes - hands all the threcids of adlninfstra- burro, Pa. ish. Columbia was cut off from. United States to the south for tin' !don throughout his' vast .domieions. days, and_will be cet 'off from Vice two TwierkSett,sil t lane. Leslie M. Shoes/ .flovernor i Iowa, tiism world, obiuttitohapi;idyes:12!tei!ii;,•-eso'ufccuice'ecla' ,Lroyansa'uainy.Gage as Sacra- ..e • tates, but the opinion in London is that, so long a3. the dread word "partition" reit:allied unspoken, Hamid would offer nothing more than a conventional opposition to the demands of Europe. He is getting on in years. By de- grees he has drawn into bis Own SPECIFIC FOR DYS 'Michigan 1)octore lvtake1)1 Disco very'. A despatch from. Aim Arbor says; Geticral interost has been ed iti the 10 .i011 prolusion bege r.3ports of a discovery of Ittkott iroPortance of the bacteriorogiN boratory of the University or Arl gau. as stated that experinients by 1)1. Frederick Novy and, Pl'oresSor Paul C. _Freer, a chemist, :tiave pro- duced what is believed to be un ^anti. cholera, typhoid fever and tly,,erk- cho,era, typhoid fever and dysext- tory. The preparation has been IriLd with stIecess in experiments cm small aniMals, previously inocultited With inteseinaredieeasefi, and dariiig the past week- five medical students have been utider..,,-oing a course of experi- ments with the preparation, lt is stated that they were, restricted to a diet of sterilized milk, and that re- Peated chemical maalysis during the periods shoeled the utter destruction of the iotestinal poisons. P49 torte. for one weeet, as the cable is tornup at both ends, " A despatch from St. john's, Nfld., says:-Furions gales swept tne coast que is capa.ble of indefinitely sustain- ing tee strain he imposes on both body and mincle • , As a natural result interval:4 of ab- et Newfoundland. Thursday /?ight., solute inertness overtake han, and and wrought"' much destruction . the accumulated work, which he wili among the shipping and fiehing pro- allow no one else to touch, bas fall- perties at flay of Islands, Newfound- en appalliegly into arrea.rS. 1 land, where Several Americen vessels were 'seeking cargoes of herring, ALIENATES IIIS SUBJECTS. At Placentia, on the ,west coast, :Moreover, Abdul -I-Tamid trusts no Lee eseeeg beets sygered great dome ono. Ile has elle/mud 'the whole ageo, and the wharves and water-' 111 ussulinan population of the -capital. frorit buildiugs were destroyed. et individual freed.om no longer exists is feared that the 'seas will inundate in tho • capital, even for tbe faithful. the 'eneire hamlet. Dab. -tad breaks Secret; arrests and sudden disappear - water ' and • the railroad pier have Deices iacrease, I'Vithin a fortnight to Ilarkharapstead, Conn. prominent filen, have been dehounced of Isigini, Ohio, Stied on r.Puesday of In Chicago Alex. Sullivan was fin- ed $2,000 for trying to keep an het dieted jury-bribet away -from the city. „ _ The rural free delivery eereer.e. 41 the most popular feature of the pos- tal service. , Mrs. Clara Boss of Bernardsville, N. is, dead from hydrophobia, the result of a bite from steenge dog „she • ehel toted. W. 5, Carter, a Brooklyn lawyer, has given a plot of land for a cemee tory, and ..37,000 lei improvements -been partly demolished. seventy Turks, including several Jane es -Hicks, steel mentifaeturer, by spies a.nd banished to Arabia. blood poisoning from a cut on -the NEW MICROBE IN CANCESR The trooPs are UnPaid. "1"2 an Arabi lip received 'while sealing an efevel- appeared to -morrow the Yildiz would apes be sacrificed. e' 'The Governor -elect ,or Iovra propos' Discoveeer That May Lead' te a All 131115 is known and fully appreel- • , Cure.' ated by the Sultan, 14 all e es a commission of three men to ee. .1 4. r 1 41 • • /Ids A despatch from, Paris essys:-Dr., es him to yield to the powers. Ti --)r-disP°se form a• non-Partisaa commission to oeteimine tee -cams. 01 see. sal 1 question reeolvte• iteelf into f 00Yen, a leading surgeon., hes an- • • •••••' - I on° 0 method, and the plan wbich finds nounced in. a lecture that lie obs,erv- most favor among the advocates of cd in cancerous tumors a now axle - Turkish reforms is the opening of robe which he calls micrococcus neoe ago as the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus formans. Dr. Doyen es long ! to 1.0 the fleets of 1 110 world. Truly 1887 noticed in caneerous juices car- simple remedy, but its vevy elm- -Ulla cliplococci and small chaise: that la plieity iS the most formidable obsta- Weise ti11i difficul ty dist trigul shed 1 ole to its- adoption. from cellular granulations. When examined at the elle of tivb or three Menthe, ho found these as actic,e 05 tyleen in tho tumor. lexpevimenting with the new mic- robe, Dr, Doycae found -thee he. wiee able eo reproduce eaneer, Later by subcetaneous ineeption of a s,terilized solution 'of .toxines derived from the neW luicrolse sacceecied in repro- ducing in cancerous patients a. reac- tion resembling tile offeets produced 111 tuberculoeis debieets by Prof. Koeit's tubercuiosiee, that is, tending to preveet returre of the eaneerotis gt1°)11-V.(111e'eyen. do‘es not assort that Iri'D experiments a.re COnelttsiVe. bUt 80.315 that the results' of trials carried on for six months heti been ineee satis- factory. Ile proposes. to coat -time his experiments, TO'CIIIi,CK THE 015pAsE. O onlpulgokse Vo,tdiu&tiou. By-itvot Passed., in -Montreal. ' A .slosmatels sfroin Monti:eel eaves- tiorapttleory Settleiliatieen, Wilt seer: be vaeeleated ie. Mention'. be order to: stliy , the ,r4Vag0,5 02 sinalip6,x, • My :A. tiesCing of the city Cotincil 'this 411,- cer,rioco,k.;•4•by4aW 'cVas ilierodueeci. 910- viding ftit: tho. •tro or alL.L 0 fthoi.$0: And 66 rY eot: 0. 214.113 SMALLPDX IN LONDON. Spread of the Disease Raises Ap- prehension. A d OSP a Leh from London 315 Tho epidemic of, 51011.11 P05 Loral.on is increasing steadily, and there, are 110W 687 cases under treatment. Tho latest cases reported inglude two in' ibe Probtste Dsipartment in Somerset PIonse.. Those ere attraeting conside erable attention, oaring 13) Ibe &see ger involved' to offieera evho handle Wills and Ahem 'Who exanaine them, as these documents are Olen" gigned In sick -rooms. ' ROYAL VisIT To IRELAND,. toryS That it Had- Reese A•baieden,.. 'ed Is 11100)22004 • 6.Vi.‘Stattd1. froiu DdltaSt; Meyore hos tete:toed th;t.i.er trent •Tilarlt 'Lard 'Lleittertient. ',Ii10lich(13304ivihg thrtt IIO SS, .04hio •• to, pr•isiii,iVo. 00 • ptC•011S.C':341463..071 0.0 ": etey,al. he: give • 3' ..•.:fUlitet,',•:•::31,441.C1t3y,:•,tiO 171)ec1O808•'••'0Cit.pg,oherki30..,"•,..taightr...0ti • • in the etote svitlt a vieW to taxation. GENEleAle "The Canary Islands are overrun with a plague of lecuses. Ai; afire in Zacateeee. .Mexieo, 45 pereone lost their lives. Gernotny had a decline of export te axle beet month iiinoupting to 60,- 1180 toes. FOUR HUNDRED KILLED. Six 3.-rours' Battle in Colombia - Traversed Nine Males. A 'despatch from Coicto, Colombia, via Galveston, Texas, says :---New's was received here on Friday saying, that General Marin, the Colombiaa revolutionary leader, attacked ano- de., on the Magdalena ltiver, Decem- ber 9, with 1)900 men, The garrison consisting of 480 mem fought from 6 a,m. until 12 pan, At e a.m. the garrison received+::_einfor"ements forces were vietoriotis. Four hurt- dbia•ette. men, were killed during tbei numbering 200 men, The , battle chetes were used. The Govetennent started on the outskirts oi the city, from :amide. Bayonets and ma - and ended at Oaraoola, nine miles NEW IRISH LAND BLL. -British Government to Introduce • e New Law. • The London :Daily News SayS it is etated by wellginformed peliticiane in Dellin that the Governmene, ia pre- paring an Irish Land Bill providing an equivalent. compalsory pure ess..., chase, the tenant buying at ,seven:. teea years' purchaso, and the lar.d- lord selling at twsnty years, the State providing , payment for the three years' difference. The prosecu- tion of members or -the United Irish League is regarded as e, sure harbin- gee of remedial legislatiou, which the reeent agitation has rendered a gees - tion of necessity to the Goverament. BOY SHOOTS HIS FATHER, To Protect His Mother .From Be- ing Killed. A. despatch'from Brazil, Ind., says: -:rn, defending -his mother fron1 an as- sault by her drink -crazed husband, Theodore Watkins, 18 years old, shot and killed his father, Rielard Watkins, . on 'Wednesday, at their home heee-, Richard Watkins C3.1110 home aad began abusing his family. Ite seed that ht Was going to kill his wife anct attempted to strike her oa the' head .with a hatchet. Theodore - shot shis father with a revolver, and surr de:dosed himself ea, ." the police, The -pay says he shot ieses father to keep1iihn. from killing his mother. He insiseed that he was justified in thel shooting. REFERRED TO THE KING. Chill and Argentina Agree to Leave Dispute to in despalch from Washington says; --The state Department has been in- formed by' Tie S. Minister Wilson, of Santiago ne Chili, that the differ- ences between A rgenti tut and Chili may be regarded as settled throUgh the signing on Wednesday or a proto- col providing for the submissio11 of the boundary lino and the Esperanza territory disputes 11, the decision of the King of Great Brit- ain. NEW Britain Wants Wooden Clogs From Canada. A despatch from Ottawa says 1-e1 communication to the DePortinent 01 Trade and Commerce shows that tradr is often, swayed by .sentiment. For years Germany has supplied the _ millions -of wooden soles extensively used he the iarge iron andemining d is evict s of Tratgl Ci . Recent; OX- pre:eels:in Germeny of hostility 10 • Jews and Odeseli le-b0rers 111 Soue. England. eolisdect 111), Danatia,'s pat - thorn are Plotting 113 111151 rioele stand for the empire, lige ovi.. the GO ernment, re he :It Or:teal Iluko nal elitess 0 I3' 517 Were divorcee on ties groimde of ineeperieble :eversion, 113e993,121 rro3/1 S tockholtn, prove Chat worklog core improves the arltlitkn'o leive to be 11171 11,)W34. In Liverpool, 1.1 and t Wo 3.3311131)133s vere fulls rslii 31 CO° u II re evideTIlly or birehWoOd, and An, agent, or tin: Tra.ns-Silmmeen annouileils that lsy May next, thie railway WM lave a send -weekly' serViCe betWeen Paris and 1? Olt 111 Mid that lhe titne from Shanghet to 1",011 (lois will be. elAree, 1113 98 dently brought ' about a 11051 (0110331, an1033g,' 1114 importers 01 theee Wooden WareS to buy them in ,Can - ado, 12posKib)e, vutbur 411111 ill Get - malty, • .6 letter to the depar ttnent ga.vo the price at which the •olOgs would • RELIGIONS IN MANITOBA. Stateiteeset Issued by Census DO-. 1)0.3 41110114. 311U11ci of (1 111183)101)5 hue pribitsitt '. A, deepo Loll 1 ro).) 01! awe, en ysi--A. 14031,110 vestil 1g 0/ 134 In,(iniey, Into ilk() ' et:e1m:13,31i. of -elle 1'1111(110115i ()r i110 1.100" ('1)3181'14 (..) r ) )atite:triton, . , :rt.:. fli,eis„, 111 ut, 11(1' ()r 1013111 1.131111 pressurtsci by teux ilea- t eetteees es respoi,,sibro. for, 59 tr, 811S 1(090 11 is tee folle:eVs;--tierise "of tlis3 eeesse. ' a byterinets, 011,822: 3Nter ii()(iistti, 4 3( '.14' , et:n . ts 1l$11 0 (30302 3'' , ..1".1 • lloulwri. Co tlioli(111 r) 1i.12.1,.'3'701'3i •drttrilttrerle, II illeto.rts . I 0.3071; 1.\ ronv,t)ti it,(iA. ' tk11) ti el s, 0 , 1,1 M, l'ilie to .i<1,014 or the- Pie-xviiresx • 9) (2(1! 91111918 89111w cha,t, Lliey coeht quia./1 titles lier' eldil ivy, 3t oost proholely be tnrileil out largo (lIat v.•1)1.313,1 11. good margin, of 4- .3.1,3(•101-10L AND "Iell.TePlilleiSM, flit:v.-two, Per Cant. of Desti.ution ' Due to 11.1.1.M., lespu tele frOW. S te beeline et:este-, 17' s,