HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-1-2, Page 1NVENTY-NINTH YEAR No. 2
During the next two weeks on
.Cast and Steel Rauges,
Cooking, and/ Heat ng.
Stoves forCoal. ior
Wood. Skatile'' a Hockey
'Sticks. Limp Goods.
During lock:taking we will
give t you.... BARGAINS for
CASII. Come and see our
stock and get our PR1C,E.S.
• • .
•.•• • •
0.1 musunegatarostrmemu.se.....somosimforr
Is your time to get a nice pair
of slippers for Xmas presents
for your friends.
X • • 1_
We have them in different
lines Mr men, women and
atte. children !from 35c. a pair tip-
". rovaid.
Felt SI -stases
oiea,lviete ersci Womeita.
Wtithave a tew lines of over-
shoe for men and caildreo to
be cleared out at half 'their
reedier 4lue.
. All keys belougi4 to the Par-
lor "-Suite to be teturned on
Dec, 2, eet p. ere
R H.Sweet
NOMINATIONS -The following are the
naminatioas for the municipality of
Hay. Reeve, Peter Lemont, Aag. G.
es. Councillors,Wm, Stelck,
tonSit, Alex. -Thomson, Woe B. Bat-
tler, Benson Philips, John K., Goetz.
Poljiee Trustees, Zurich, John Weses
1014 John F. Rickbeil, Charles Greta
Charles Hartleib .
Klrkton ,
Barnes -Mrs. D. Hazlewood spent
park of last week the guest of her si s-
' ter Mrs. Walter Hazlewood -Mr. an d• •
Mrs, Wesley Mills of Woodham spen t
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, R. Fletcher.
,--Misses L'Orde and Sarah Doupe are
visiting frtendsen Grorrie and Clinton
this week. -David Clark spent Sunday
in the village -Wes Hodgins spent
Clirisbnias at his hotne in Exeter. -
Mies ReChel Kirk returned home from
.Ktehryville on Moody last. - The
.:Kirkton Epworth League went over
to.atea,.derson,on Thursday evening,and
spent tee enjoyable time. A large pep-
-i graninte was given, consisting of rece-
, tationseaolos and readings. Miss‘Liz.
zie ShierIeave an excellent topic on.
"Our gifts to -'our King," after which
hitch was proteaded by the 'Anderson
leagtie.-Goldie Miller spent Sunday
WIthEtta Eletch r. -Quite a numbers
e from here attended the social held at
Weradhain on FeeitiaP, evening of last
re* and repoils having a, good. time.
-Mess Lottire Doupe lett on Tuesday
'fortToronictto attend trate wedding of
- her broekter, Samuel,
laxative Bono -Quinine Tablets cure a 'cold
in one • ay, t No cure, No pay. Pride 25 cents
A Contented Mind is a
Continual Feast.
Pleased customers and satisfied
buyers are those who deal here.
. ,
Santa Claus has been :his trounds
and many a heart has been made
tad by the, useful presents he
urchased from us, ,
We still have a lot of good
-Plenty of fancy dishes left.
A variety of handkerchiefs..
Good serviceable underwear at
fght „prices.
:7.1rry a pair, of our horse Nan-
ts'from $1,50 to $4.00.
Always a ,select line of fresh
ry us foe tCRS
select grade. of perfumes in
y packages.
Large stock of WI:ober-pine and hemlock,
170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns, etc.,
also shingles, laths and cedar posts. Prices
reasonable. -JAS WILLIS, Yard: East side of
Main st.
BRIEFS. ° Bert Passmore, of the
GodericleModel school, is home for
vacation. He has securecl a sehool
near Belgrave. We wish him suc-
cess.-- Mr. Noah Horton; wife and. fam-
ily, who have been in Dakota for the
past few years, are spending the win-
ter here. -Mr. James and Miss Meggie
Glenn attended the •wedding of Miss
Harvey, Of Kip en, to Mr. R. Beatty,
of Varna, on Wednesday last.-Wrn.
Earl. wife and facially, also Mr. and
Mrs. James Anderson and Miss triag-
gie, were the guests at the marriage
of Miss Earl, Elimville, Christmas day.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, also Mr.
and Mrs. 'Matthew Miller, and Miss L.
Williams were the guests at the mar-
riage of Miss Maggie Miller, of the
boundary, to Mr. John Harris, °Mun-
roe. The marriage took place at the
residence of the bride's brother, Mr.
MichaerMiller, of Vallarton, on Christ-
mas day. '
Sodern •
IdenSal I
se, Seam., le D. S., D,D, S.,Efonor radu-
*ate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth
extracted witheutpain or had effects. Office
in Petty's Block, Hensall. At Zurich every
BleCdaY,commencing Mar 30t1.
0.J Sutherland, Notary Public, Conveyan-
cer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and
Issurer of llorriage Licenses. Legal doeuments
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money
to loan on real estate at low rates et interest,
Office at the Post Mice, Densan
nt)e hundred tons of feed to dispose of at the
Hansen Oatmeal Mills the coining week.
D, UnQuirAnr.
BRIEFS. -A sleial load of Sodomites
drove to Manchester on Friday,return-
g the followia:g eve ain g. -Miss Hazel
Prouty and Miss Dolly Alward are
visiting their former teacher, Miss
Ferguson, of Auburn, -As Mr. James
Howard was driving homeward from
his fame on Hay, the bit broke, The
bo eat -kin advantage of the siena-
on ea:treed at a lively pees, hut was
captured befoge getting very lar.Mr.
Howard had his men slightly injured
by being thrown off.- The Christmas
tree entertainment which took place
on Monday evenind was a euccess,each
part belog well rendered which speaks
well for Miss Kinsman, who spared no
pains in training the puptls for the
occasion. -Mie and Mrs. Shan Sand-
ers, of Manitoba, are yisitieg fele:ids
in and around Sodom. -Miss Ellen
Ford has -gone to Detroia-Mr. Silas
Stenlake sr., has been suffering from
an attack of blood poisoning, is recov-
eri ng. 7 -airs. Sutton and family are
visiting at Mr. John 'Ford's. •
Our 1.110ti.
!ways the Best'
Beazas,-The annual,Xinas tree en-
tertainment in Methodist church
Xmas night was a decided" success.
Mies Laura Thibeadeau, Miss Mae
Wilson anelVIrs. W. T. Ulens deserve
great credit Ma training the ehildren
in the exercises. Proceeds $40.00. -
Mrs. Robert English and Selbourne
are visiting in Port Huron. - Miss
Alice Wilson spent Sabbath with Miss
Della Baird in Parkhill. -Miss Rose
Carts, of London, spent Xmas under
the parents roof. -Mr. and Mrs,
Weir, of Brown's Corners, are visiting
relatives here.- Miss Lizzie Pollock
/eft for Port Huron last week where
she intends to remain for some time,
Her services in the choir here will be
greatly naissed.-Mies. Lillie M. prop
hey, of Toronto, visited her sister,
Mrs, W. T. Ulens, last week. -Mr, A,
M. Wilson sold his driver, to be shipped
to Smith Africa. --Grace church choir
of Parkhill, attended service here Sab-
bath and rendered some excellent
music. The chlirell Was beautifully
decorated with evergreens,
many friends of the fraeily will hear
with deep regret of the death of Re-
Geeca Taylor, belnyed Wife of George
Heywood, who passed to her reward
on Saturday last at ' the age of
65 years, 10 month and 16 days. The
deceased bad been in her usual health
op to within a few weeks of her de-
mise, when, suffering froni the effects
of etlaagement of the neck. it event-
nallyarfected the hearb, and growing
daily and despite the beet medical
skill and attention she gradually sank
until death put an end to her suffer -
Inge. Deceased was a tnative of Eng-
land, and came to Canada when about
thirteen years of age and settling in
Usborne has made that her residing
place ever since, Mrs, [ley Wond was
oe a kindly disposition, a good wife
arid mother arid as a neighbor she had
few &teals, By her friends as well as
lay the sorrowing husband and 11'1
son, by whom She is survirea, 1e
titled is deeply moraine& tier rein ti (IS
Were interred i 110 Exeter cenketooy
011 TueSda;t. , the etraemi being largely
a abraded. The liereeved husband end
n have the sarnpathV of e large
e tale e deride,
Meiniclatal Norninattons.
Auburn -Auburn police village trus-
tees elected by acclamation are Alteed
Aslewith, George Yungblat, A. 0,
Blyth- Reeve, Slum. Councillors,
McNally, Milne, Sloan, Stothers, accla-
mation. School trustees, Slater, Wet-
laufer, McCommins, Potter, Bradurn.
Exeter -Reeve, W, 11. Levett, 1.
Arrestrong,end A. Q. Bolaier. Claims
eillors, J. Muir, J. Evans, W. H. Lev-
ett, I, Armstrong, John Wood, L.
Reedy, Jos. Davis, L. MeTeggavb, W.
Harding and Jos. Senior.
Goderich-Mayor, M. G. .0arneron
(acelamatiop), Councillors, Jas. A.
McIntosh, N. B. Smith, Geo. Porter,
W. S. nurney, W. A. ISIcifKino Robert
Thompson, W. ,T, R, Holmes, M. Nich-
olson, David Cantelon, Geo, M. Elliott,
0. A. Humber, John C. Martin, John
Knox, Thos. C. Nafte3, J. W. Smith,
W. 0, Goode, J. Kidd.
Mitchell- Mayor, Fred Davis, Hugh
Campbell. Councillors, T. S. Ford,
Win. Ryan, Wm. Martyn, A. Koenig,
Fred Dufton, Jas. Dougherty, Isaac
Hord, sr., Stuart A. J. Blo wee, James
Boyd, S. M. Ldwards.
Stratford -James Marne) was to -dap
re-elected mayor by acclamation.
St, Marys -Mayor, F. E. Butcher
(a-eclen). Councillors, J. L Webster,
C.E. Wheliho,n, R. 0. Hunter, R. S.
Graham, G. D. Lowrie, J. G. Consta-
ble, W. A. Fisher, J. A. Humphries,
W. T. alcGorman, R. T. Gilpin, C.
Richardson, D. Currie, H. F. Sharpe,
W. Weir, 3. Speaein, S. 3. Dunseith,
E, H. Brown, T. Sparks, O. Horsman,
R. Sturgeon. Fable.: School Trustees,
North ward. A. H. Laffte South ward,
D. Maxwell, west t• ward, J. Long-
thorne. .
Seaforbh--Mityor, Sohn H. Bvoad-
Wingham -- Mayor, Richard Van -
stone Caeca), Councillors, Thos. Bell,
Wm. Holmes, Robb. McIndoo, 3.
Irwin, S. Elliott, W. F. Vanstone and
J. Swartz. •
Rowick-Reeve, J. J. Gregg and W,
A. Irwin. Counciir J A. Strong.
Henry Schurter, Joh ea, Thos.
McKee, Jolla Gowdy,
Hullett-Reeve, Alea. eitch.
.cillors. Robt. Ferris, Wm, efoone
Patterson, Henry Warren, reeurn ea
by acclamation.
Stephen --- Reeve, Sam S weitzer,,
Henry 'V'irillert. Councillors, Fred
Wuerth, Sas, McKeever. WM. Ander-
sop, Stephen Webb, Win. Yearley,
George Kellerman.
Usborne-Reeve, Wm. Delbridge.
Councillors, R, gamin, Jos, Hawk "s,
John Moir and Jas. Ballentyne. Old
council by acclamation. • e,
West Wo,wanosh-eReeve, WM. 'Mc-
Quillan (aCcl) Councillors Pal rink
O'Connor, Chas. Taylor, Wins °tuner-
oreand F. A. Mallongh (by acclm).
BLANsaa.ati -Reeve Fotheringham,
by acclamation. e Cotenancies, D. Bon -
is, E. McDonald, 0. W. Robinson, S.
Doupe, :Santee *Morrie' and Joseph
FooLearrares-Reeve, Jae L. Russell,'
(acc.) Councillors, Luther Turner,
Oliver Harris, Clonrad Ratz, Peter La-
bach, E. J. Oolquhoun.,
BRIEFS -Christmas passed off quiet-
ly here: -'---The shooting match on Fri-
day last was attended by alarge-num-
ber of shooters. -Mr. Thos Speare
arrived here front the West last week
to spend the winter silth his brothers.
-Mr, °nettle, a student from Knox
College. Toronto, preached here Sun
day last, iu the intereet of the students'
missionary society, and gave a very
interesting address on the work and
times of the seciety.-There will be ao
municipal election this yeer, the old
council being re -elected, --At the an-
imal meeting of the ratepayers of S. S.
No, 6, Mr. S. A. McLaren, retiring
trustee, was re-elected. - Mr. Dan
Briebnell goe his fineerat on one hand
very badly smashed' in the wheels ot
his cutting box, one day last week at
Mr. Jeant Vipores. • '
LA„w Surr SETTEED--A.bOut atnontli
'ago Joseph Speare, a well-to-do, and
highly respected resident of Hibbert‘
instructed his solicitor, J. G. Stan -
bury, of Exeter to ssue writ in the
High Court against Mrs. Ann Stewed-,
and Alex. Stewart, for damages for
slander, it having been reported that
these parties had accused Mr. Spon
of stealing $5,00 which had been sent
by A. Q Behler, a Exeter Creamery,
to the defendants on their milk ac-
count. The parties have 'settled the
matter. An ample reletaetion and
apology being given Mr, Speare, The
gentleman who waS itetink for Mr.
Uoseg-The stage running between
Centralia and Crediton capsized on
Saturday evening last throwing nine
pessengere and a number of kegs and
trunks in a promi
iscuous heap n the
snow in the ditch, Happily no one
was seriously injured.
leensoeteeas --- The holiday season
brought the customary pleasant re,
union of the IIogarth'sat the old
family home, Eleadele, Those from a
distance being Mr. J. W., front Rose-
ville; the Professor, from Hamilton,
and atiss,E, j,, from London.
BRIErs, - Edward Taylor, an old-
timeKippen boy, and son of Mr. Geo, .13Ittrw8-t-Ohristinas itud New Year's
A very iuteeeseing'tand steeled event
°PRICERS -Ube send -annual business
meeting or the Y. P. A. was held in
the Evangelical ohurela lest Tuesday
evening, the 31s1 of December, The
following are the officers elected:-
PreSidente J. II. Holtzman; vicreProsit
delft, Miss Emma Finlebeitier: secre-
tary, Herbert, K. Bilbert cortreeponcl-
ing secrAary, Bernhard 13rown; treas-
urer, Michael Schwartz; choieister.
M.es. J. G. Litt; orgauist, Miss Lizzie
'Wuerth; assistant organist, Herbert
K. Eilber; librarian, Miss :Edith Bee-
vver;iezisetraa t librarian, Miss Lydia
A pretty tvedding took place oa
Wednesday afternoon of last Week at
the eesideatee ot Alex. Rennie, who ie -
side s a little east of Zurich, when his
eldest daughter, Miss Minnie, ttt,,As
united in laerritiae to Edger Broder- ,
ick of the same township, Rev, Mor,
Dashwood, peitfornong the
CereInOny. The bride was assisted by
ehe groomn; sistere while the groom
was sapported be- the beide's bindither,
Will. The bride received a magnifi-
cent ierray of presents, thus testifying
to the esteem in which she is held.
The happy couple vill take up hoese-
keeling m the township and the best
wishes of all are extended.
Taylor, who for shale 10 years has day have come and gone, and we hive
expectedlyat the parental home. -Alex The wedding of Miss Annie Earle and I
farmed in lelanitoba,'etleoppecl in un- that all have had an enjoyable tioae,--
Doig, the past week returned from the Mr. S. Belkwell, of Blanshavd took
Law school, at Detroit, to speed the place on Christmas night, wIten Rev. '
vacation with friends here,- Mrs. Mr. Fletcher, of Thames road church,
Sohn BalMur spent Christmas with performed the ceremony which, made
friends in Torooto. - Mr. and Mrs,
Robert Fisher and daeghter, of North
Dakota, arrived here last week, There
will visit at the home ef Ur. end Mrs,
Malcolm Fisher, of Seanley, and Mrs.
Geo. Thompson, London Road. They
purpose stopping some three ruonths,
-Mr. T. N. Forsyth, teacher of school
No. ‘2, Tuckersmitb, on Friday last,
completed his eleventh year as teach-
er in the one school.- Wm. Butt, of
the 2ed, con,, of Tuckersinith, was in
Clinton this week, having an opera-
tion performed 011 one of his eyes, bY
having a cataract removed, and he
is inaproving.-The heat of the contin-
gent of Manitoba excursionists to .ar-
rive home was Mr. Thomas Workman,
who returned early in week. -Miss
Annie Murray, who for the past three
years has been teaching in Howick,
is now home on holidays. Mieeet
ray and Miss M. McGregor, tpurpose
after YfT2.-, a course in
the Normal 'school.
• Law Offices. Private Funds to Loan. -
The officers elect for 1002 of the C. O.
0.13'. will be installed , on Thursday
night, the 2nd, after which an oyster
lunch will be given. -Mr. Douglas Mc-
Tavish, of Toronto, gave the residents
of this place quite a eurprise by an un-
expected at -rival on Saturday acter an
absence of about 8 years. He former-
ly taught Mt, Pleasant 'public school.
Mac is as jolly and good natured ag
ever. -Mr. Robt. Roy, who sailed for
his native home in Scotland last Octo-
ber, is returning home again, sailing
last Saturday. He affirms there is no
place like Canada -Mr.- Alex Clark;
cheeseraaker of near Woodstock, vis-
ited under the parental roof for two
daYs.-Miss'Eopemia. Clark is visiting
with friends eear Hickson. -Jasper
Pridham was married Da Monday
night to Miss Nettie., eldest, daughter
of Wm. and Fanny Ross, of the 13th
con., Fuller ton.-jarosis Levy was
married on Christmes Day to Miss
Marshall, daughter of Mr, and Mrs,
James Marshall, of Blanshard Tp., the
knot was tied by Rev. Mr. Fletcher. -
Jas Pridhana is making preperations
for raising and enlarging his barns the
coming summer. He is putting cement
walls throughout. Phinnimore,
of letitcbell, oecopied the pulpit at Mt.
Pleasant on Sunday.-Qtrite a large
number took in the Jessie N. MacLach-
lan conceit in Mitchell opera house on
Christmas night. They ell give her
first place as a high-class Scottish
singer. -John Dow, who went to alan•
itohn, some ten or twelve years ago,
'returned for e short visit to his father
Mr. David Dow.
them roan and wife. After the cere-
mony- about 80 guests sat clown to a
splendid. supper, prepared by mine
hostess, Mrs, Berle. The presents to
the bride were nua.erous and costly,
showing. tne high esteem tie which the
bride was held. The evening was
spent ut tripping the light fantastic
till the wee sine hours of the morning,.
The bride and groorn left on the morn-
ing train on their wadding tour to
visit veletas -es in •Michigan. Their
many friends extend to them co regret-
ulations,---ettobt. Welsviele spent the
Christmas holidays with her; sister at
London.-lhos. Veal and son, Wm.,
spent a few days visiting relatives at
London. -Mr. and Mrs. ,A.lberb An-
drews spent the holidays with Mr. A's
parents at Constance. --The many
frientle P.f.tt-vf- ThoS `./..kliareWf3, of
-Clvttanee, regret to learn of the acci-
dent which happened to her over a
week ago while in the act of preparing
some meat for dinner, the knife slip-
ped, cutting the hand very badly,
severing the cords of one finger and
two arteries on the back of the hand
---Rev. Biles spent the holidays ab his
home near Kincardine, his work was
taken by Rev, Mr. Wren, formerly of
Ohiselhurst, but now on tbe circuit at
Bervie.-- Nomination, was held on
•Monday last. The reeve and coaricia
tors of the past yeer were all re-elect-
ed by acclaination, with no one
brought out to oppose them. cer-
tainly speaks well for the council
board for the way the affairs of the
township has beeRnonducted the past
year. . e ,
The Nominations
The meeting on islonday evening for
the nomiaation ot candidates for reeve,
councillors and school trustees, was
very largely atteuded. Tee following.
persons were nominated-
St Marys
BRIEM-Mrs. Percy King. has been
engaged ae organist in the First Pres-
byterieu chnrch uneil the return of
Miss Maxwell from Scotiand.-A.•quiet
home wedding was celebrated on
Christmas day at Maplebra,e, the resi-
dence of J. Fotheringhtun, when his
niece, Miss Catherine Tracey McKay.
was married to II, Wen two rth Gandy,
B. A., of Toronto. The bride's gown
was of white silk entrant With nve,-
dregs of embroidered Seuseels net, and
e veil of Mechlin lace, caught with a
spray of orange blosdoms. 'the cere-
mony was pertnrnaed the Rev. O.
Fletcher. aqsisted by the Rev. W. Gil-
moure-The death occurred last week
of Wm. Beagg, one of the oldest resi-
dents of the County. at his home on
lot 8, 5th eou. of West Oxford. Mr.
Bragg, who had reached the age of 8,3
yenta came to Oxford from England
when a were tad. -The name of Henty
D. Speerm, of Si. Marys, appears m
the list of those who passed the junior
test, exa,minations at the Ontario Col-
lege of Pharmacy. -John Pike, a pio-
neer of 'Downie, died very suddenly
Wet Sdturclay Morning. He was in
bis 85th year. -On Friday at the resat
dence of Clove. Mvers, the , children
playing with a lielieed candle set fire
to tcurtains. M r8, Myers was alone
end it Was, only by great exertion and
presence of mind ttott she eased. the
residence from beirig burned down,
Mrs. Myers heel to carry water some I
distance, and to make matters worse,
the fire bell wee nut pf order, and re-
fused to give, the alarm.
Parhaps 1 Don't you run the risk,'
arid Mts. Stewert aleo returned to tliottgh, but always bay the well -test -
Mr. Bobiet the $5,00 In question. The edam" sure -pop dor') cure, Putnam'e
apology Was signed by both Mr. and Peinleee Corn Extractor. Sure, safe
Mrs. Stewart, and contains the follow- and painless. Putneen's removes cores
ing: -- "We never itecused you of painleeely 111 tweety-for hours. If
stealing anything. We r '‘t In'ttr t'Utl 1r,14,4101 1.lee net sell it, send 25e
against Yen- elieitee ea • L'LL: IS ineough toN, C. Poleoo & 111, Kingebon, Cate,
and they will setul it, to yea pest paid
to any address in Canai1 or the U. S,
eatiez !eke eeel'oe done by us you have
,been valked any pain. We aesnre you
that We deeply regret, it mid take this
opPortunity of retracting ituathing
I anti everything evOr sankeu or clone
I by either Of us which might in any
Way be coostaued to do you any harm
or Cause you any pain,1,
ttictot Toot0U tiolnaotois riuiuoei ert
don the mOst effective veriledy for' Outs
Wounds. Ulcers Open SuteS, iltieuthatism
Bites, 'Stings of 'Thseeta, ete. A largelbebtle
25 eento.
r,illt3r of aote
Candidate Mover
W Leven• Jas Beet
J Anneg etrb
W GBissett x Jas Tian
A Q Bebier te Jos Davis
T BOaaliog. x E Ohvietie
• Seconder
G MeLead
G Dyer
• L 'lardy
R Rogre'rs
• R Regees
3no oot.1 THISIOCallurn Jas Weekes
'Jno Muir Jas Weekes E McGuire
L Hardy x T B Carling D Mill
Jos Davis A QBubier S Popplestone
L Melaggart SPopplestone AQ Bailer
Jno Evans x W J Oevling Tilos Bissett
Win Harding J D Atkinson Al Johns
D A.Ross x NB Cobbledick 1 B Carling
V Levett, x J A Rollins 0 -Sanders
Arnistrongx 0 a aanders NDHarden
Jos Senior x J A Rollins 0 a Sande ce
,s000x. ,TnUSTBES .
W 3 Calling Jno Evans `1, Dickson
Il'Huston A.Stewart EISpac,kinan
P Battey ne T. N.McCalluwE Speck man
Trustees elected by acclamation.
• Those marked x have withdrawn.
Al the clogie t,f the tiouduations
public ineeteag was held when' the
nominees expressed their 1,aiewe imoa
questions relating to inuaicip met -
tees -past and. Itraiee. Dv. Lutz also
gave n addressjieuting with the cethe
tery, after which a motion wee caeca
ed directing the council to make an•
()thee liberal vane this pen. for
pruveinea1s A flambe'? el the uotn,;,
limes having-resigaed, the cionteet
bo brbween W 1407011 1111(1 I. Arm-
stroug for reeve. and \V. hording, J.
Male, ML:Tagg.Lvt, Jos. Davis and
Juo Wood, for Councillors.
took piece at the residence of Jas
Ginning, of , , the 1,0tb Concession,
Blanshardf Christmas eveniag,
when theie son,' Francis A., svaeteunit-
ed In the bonds or holy matrimony to
Miss Eloreece Taylor of the same
place: This is the tifeb weadiufs. tletit
hee taken place with in this hotne end
in each ewe. it might be said the beet
was kept for the last, Without doubt
this ope eclipsed all previous eveets of
this 'dude The Gunning' frreternity
haye grown and meitiplied and becoine
very numerous, arid, were on heed
with their friends in full force topther
with the bride's immediate female
from Fullerton which swelled the as-
semblage to over 125. Mr, and Mrs,
Hern, of Exeter, were geests,
General News.
At Hamilton tweuty-tfier oap-
tared ariatiit6rratteWere lined $1. '
The latest complications of the pro-
vincial board of health show 433 cases '
of small pox in Ontario.
Benjamin Bowman, who dropped
dead in St. Thomas, last, week, had
34,000accidental insurance on his
life. '
The death is announeed from Cape
Town, from ,eateric fever, of Samuel
Elliott, near Bloemfontein, Elliott,
went front Porter's Hill Ont.
Orangeville is likely to have a telepliblie system of its own at an early
date. It is proposedo fix the rate for
business phones at $15, and for resi-
dential phones at $10 a year. The Bell
Company charges $20 a yearhere now.
The new system will he a* independ-
ent, and purety _local for the present.
A RtdieeteAln eorrespona.ent writes:
On Thursday evening the Members of
the Methodist choir, accompanied by
Rev. Jasper Wilson and Mrs. Wilson
and other friends to the number in all
of thir,tyikekve, surprised -11r and Mrs.
W. E, GlIndy, at their home, it being
the sixth anniversary of their wed-
ding. ,
City Clerk McCIelIand, of St Cath-
arines, a disciple of the Rat earth
theory, in en interview; argues that if
Marconi has received 11, message from
Oorn wall, England, at his receiving
station in Newfoundland, the fact
proves the fallacy of the generally ac-
cepted theory that the earth is globu-
lar in shape.
$ One 01
Will buy more goods axi
greater value at the
Market Dep
Than elsewhere, whether expert
va pay you higheS
Farm Produc
J Ross!
For Cut --t, Wounds, Chilblains, Chapped
Hands, ithoommism, Stiff .Thintse Burns,
Scalds, BUN of iti4ecst0,0r0itn, Coughs, Colds,
Haggard's Yellow Oil will be f bund an excel-
lentremedy. Ptioe 25 cents. Alt dealers.
The essentiallung-healing principal of the
pitie tree has finally lLseen successfully separat-
ed and reflood into a perfect cough medicine.
Dr Wood's earnvay pine Syrup. sad hr all
dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price
5 cents.
Saint Bradt, of Exeter North, re-
ceived word on Monday of the 'death
of his brothee 111 Parkhill, who died of
\ brain fever. Mr. and Mee. Beach at-
tended the funeral.
I. P. Ross i utends moving his family
to Chatham in a few weeks,_ which is
Itis headquarters as general agent for
the Confederation Life Assuratice 0o.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross and. family will be
greatly missed in Exeter in church
and social circles, and while we regreb
their departure we wish them, pleas -
relations in their new ho10.
Having juet opened up business we
are prepared to supply all kinds
We pay special attention to all kinds
We dc;anythip-g—iii-the fine of Woocl-
Work, and REPAIRING of any des-
cription. •
Chariton & Keddy.
North Town Hall, Exeter
Children Ory for
it 511541- e •
rtites.. s
New Year's Oreetings To All
EttiCK9-S IFIAPPle gr1101..j01-11r
This most distressing and COU'Im On
malady doataless has its origin in
some unbalenced condition of the ner-
vous System, Prole tie y th li,implest
safest and most efficieal, zemedy is
Poison's Nerviline. Twenty' drops 111
sweetened wateiegives immediate re-
lief, and this treatment ehoull be
supplemented by bathing the regions
of pain with Nerviline. TO say it acts
geickly fails to express the results'
Sold everywhere in large 25 cent
Aiirer pill that iS innall and sore, that albs
die,eiokle arid thoroughly, that, does not
gape. etetliver nine posseides these n aa 11
ties,.au Aran, sere onto for Liver Complaint
:Cone Mon, 'Wok Headache, eta,
.,, . .
Whai evt.tr 1rn
mot 01,4 he in ad°.
The Honor Bright Wood Cook, the best wood cook
the market. Buck's stoves wear the lohgost „ancl burh
least fuel.
Haman 's- Stove
uls il111lbt i.i.c»1 of Ow
1 1110-ll'pa 'to'
,1•141Q 1)6 or