Clinton News-Record, 1981-12-30, Page 12PAGE 12—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30,1981 • The kids at Trinty Angican church all had a chance to meet Santa after the annual Christmas concert held recently. Santa gave everyone a present. -(George Chap- man photo) Christmas Eve service at St. James well attended by Blanche Deeves The Christmas Eve ser- vice in St. James' Anglican Church in Middleton was well attended with Holy Communion being celebrated. Lisa Stacey was the server for Rev. Wm. Bennett. Lisa Storey lit the Advent candles and the Christ Candle. Reading the Epistle was Lois Wise. The -Rector's sermon theme was Angels and Shepherds. Don Middleton and Edward Deeves received the offer- ing. The flowers on the altar at. St. James were given to the Glory of God in memory of the late Fred Middleton, by his wife and family. Morning prayer was'' held in St. James last Sunday at 11:15 a.m. Reading the lesson was Audrey Mid- dleton. Lisa and Billy Storey favoured the congregation by siflgng Do You Hear What I Hear. The rector chose for his sermon One Solitary Life. Receiving the offering was James Storey and Ed- ward Deeves. The congregation of St. James Middleton wishes to extend their good wishes to Rev. Bennett on his retire- ment. May he and his good wife Jeanne enjoy many ye- ars of happiness and health together. The Bishop has announced that Rev. Douglas Pitts will be in charge until a replace- ment for Rev. Bennett is ap- pointed. We of Middleton Church were saddened at the news of the death of our dear friend Canon Paull on Sunday. Lay delegates of the Synod of the Diocese of Huron will SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER SO YEARS CLINTON SEAFORTH Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street CLINTON 4a2-9441 GODERICH AREA Representative ROBERT MICA LLUM '11 Cambria Rood GODERICH 524-7345 meet at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in London on Saturday, January 16. Registration will be at 8:30 a.m. with celebration of the Holy Eucharist by the Lord Bishop at 10:00 a.m. Pur- pose: To elect a Suffragan Bishop for the Diocese . of Huron. Please, note both Boards of Management will meet with Archdeacon Townshend on Tuesday, January 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the Trinity Parish Hall. Please. mark this date now. From Rev. Wm: Bennett, "Jeanne and I wish you the very best in the New Year. May we all work together for our branch in Christ's Chur- ch, with all its traditions and teachings. We are not the on- ly Christians, but may we continue to follow Christ's teachings in all we do. A Happy New Year to you all.'" The benefit dance on Saturday at the Fish and Game Clubhouse for Joe and June Potter was well attend- ed. Everyone enjoyed the dancing to the good music of Will Hawk. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies of the Fish and Game Club. Most families were together for the festive season and I'm sure everyone had a happy time. May I wish you all a Very Happy New Year in 1982. Ed and Blanche Deeves were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith on Sunday. Welsh Superstitions Many of the superstitions of the Welsh peasants with regard to New Year's day take the form of omens or auguries, foretelling joy or sorrow, prosperity or disaster, during the coming year. Thus it is a popular belief among this most in- teresting people that if a lamp or candle be taken out of a house New Year's day some member of the family will die before the new year - ushered in that day - is out. It is also a popular belief among them that to throw out ashes -or dirty water, or, indeed, anything else, is certain to bring misfortune to the entire household during the whole of that twelve-month. Huron plowmen hold meeting Allen Campbell of RR 1, Seaforth was returned as president of the Huron Plowmen's Association for his third term. At the association's recent annual meeting most members of the • 1981 executive were returned, except for the Ontario Plowmen's Association director. Neil McGavin of R.R. 4, Walton, formerly the assistant director was named director. Bill Learning of R.R. 1, Sea forth was named assistant OPA director. The past OPA director was Jim Armstrong of Wingharn. Other members of the executive are first vice- president Ken Duncan of Kirkton, second vice- president Ross Eedy of Dungannon, secretary - treasurer Graeme Craig of RR. 1, Walton. While no' decisions were made, there was discussion at the meeting on the prize list. Any changes will be made at a directors' meeting to be held in the spring. The Goderich Vacuum Centre S2 West St., Goderich Phane: 524-4112 Direttly Across from Culbert's (Bakery Soles -Service & Supplies NEW AND RE-RUtLT *FILTER QUEEN *ELECTROLUX *HOOVER *KIRBY *ROYAL *REGINA *LEWYT *EUREKA *ELECTRO -HYGIENE Complete Service Centre For Most Appliances "We give you fast and efficient service" site of the 1982 Huron Plowing Match will also be named at that time. The executive was also selected to attend the OPA's annual convention to be held in Toronto in February. NOTABLE QUOTES PROPHECY IS A CLOSED BOOK If the true Iden- tity of the race of the Book 1s not acknowledged. If It Is assumed that the Jews are all of Israel In the world today, and that they are "God's Chosen People", this erroneous concept places an In- surmountable stumbling block In the way of "rightly dividing tiro word of truth," (11 Tim. 2:15). (Destiny. Special Alert No, 21.) Notable Quotes Society 555 Klnlnvle, London. N6G 1P1 NEED To KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Call (W r^ me ion. 4827389 Phone Our hostess will hying gifts and greetings along with helpful community information Institute enjoy turkey dinner Over 30 persons, including Women's Institute members and friends, plus the guest speaker and his escort, en- joyed a delicious turkey din- ner at Debbie's Restaurant on Highway 4 on Wednesday Dec. 16th. A short program followed the dinner when Mrs. Cecil Elliott, the president, welcomed all present, and called upon Mrs. Chas. Nelson to introduce the guest speaker Rev. James Bechtel, minister of the Wesley -Willis and Holmesville charges. Rev. Bechtel chose his remarks from the 2nd., chapter of St. Matthews Gospel referring to the coming of the Messiah in the days of King Herod. He spoke of the difficulties, (Walter McKenzie photo) October ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dolmage Karen Joyce Miller and Richard Edwin Dolmage were united in marriage on October 23, in Cromarty Presbyterian Church, Cromarty. The bride is the daughter of John and Joyce Miller, Staffa, and the groom is the son of Ed and Jean Dolmage, Mitchell. The of- ficiating clergyman was Rev. Kenneth Knight. Organist was Carol Anne Scott and soloists were Diane and Marilyn Gaffney. Sherry Mueller was maid of honour, friend of the bride. Bridesmaids were Pam Wallace, friend of the bride, Shirley Miller sister of the bride, Anne Dolmage sister of the groom, and the flowergirl, Erin Richardson. Best man was Bruce Miller friend of the groom. Ushers were Bruce Dolmage, brother of the groom, Perry Rolph, friend of the groom, Steven Miller brother of the bride, and assisting at the door was David Oliver. A dinner and reception were held at the Mitchell and District Comrnunity Centre. The couple are now residing in Mitchell. encountered by the Wise Men In searching for the Christ Child, and their problem of choosing gifts suitable for a King. The gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh were considered in those days to be the most precious that could be found. Rev. Bechtel asked that each one present should give Jesus Christ as a gift in their hearts at. Christmas. Mrs. Elva -Sanders read a poem, entitled, "Let's think of Christmas", and Mrs. May Gibson read a poem en- titled, "The more Year's". Each member donated $1 in answer to the roll call, which will be donated toward the Adelaide Hoodless Home project, to assist with preparations for the Federated Women's In- stitutes of Canada conven- tion to be held in Vancouver in 1982. Mrs. Chas. Nelson read a poem, entitled, "The Christmas NOT Xmas". A vote of thanks was extended to the President Lois Elliott, for her leadership during 1981, by Mrs. Daisy Holland on behalf of the members. Summerhill ladies hold festive meeting The Summerhill Ladies Club met at the home of Jane Van Spengen on December 9 with 14 ladies present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report was read by Phyllis Tyndall. The thank you notes were read which consisted of a thank you note from Debbie and Adrian Rehorst and a thank you from the Huron Day Care Centre for the Home- bound. Two Christmas cards were signed by all for two former members, Mrs. Far- quhar and Mrs. Cummings both of Goderich. Carnations were sent to three elderly people at Huronview who have lived in the Summerhill Community. tlibi ..11 Pt 02; ite u May the New Year 04 • bring unity and peace. The raffle and anniversary money was collected and Vera Gibbings won the raf- fle. The program consisted of a get acquainted contest by Tyna Nykamp and was won by Phyllis Tyndall and Donna Gibbings. Tyna also hada poem. Gladys Van Egmond entertained with her accor- dion and all sang Christmas carols. The roll call was an exchange of Christmas gifts between members. The next meeting is on January 13 at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Sandra Westerhout. Those on lunch and program are Jean Vod- den, Hazel Watkins and San- dra Westerhout. The roll call is your favorite winter sport. Our. hearts are with you at this • joyous time. THE BAHA°I COMMUNITY MONUMENTS MARKERS - CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING & REPAIR DON DENOMME AREA REPRESENTATIVE FOR AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME Phone 524-6621 T. PRYDE & SON LTD. BUSINESS EST. 1920 Mrs. Elliott thanked Miss Marion Hohner and her staff for serving such an excellent meal. DIRECT FACTORY TO YOU SALES Walnut or Oak All Wood Furniture Specials for Christmas CEDAR CHESTS Large size, 6" deeper than most. Walnut or oak, Aromatic Cedar Lined, Piano Hinge Top. DOUBLE PEDESTAL DESKS 9 Drawers, Large Size, Walnut or Oak Backs and drawers feature our exclusive U -Bend construction ABIAN FURNITURE MFG. CO. LTD. Victoria St., Clinton at the R.R. tracks 482-7961 Don't Blame Your Age For Poor Hearing Toronto—An offer of "special interest to those who hear but do not understand words has been announced by Beltone. A non-operating model of one of the smallest Beltone aids of its kind will be given to anyone requesting it. True, all hearing problems are not alike. . . and some cannot be helped by a hearing aid. But audiologists report that many can. So, send for this model now, and wear it in the privacy -of your own home. It is not a real hearing aid, but it will show you how tiny hearing help can be. It's yours to keep. The actual aid weighs less than a fourth of an ounce, and it's all at ear level, in one unit. We suggest you write for yours now. There is no obligation. Thousands have already been mailed, so write today to Dept. 26302, Beltone Electronics of Canada, Ltd., 124 Connie Crescent, Unit 4A, Concord, Ontario L4K 161. With last year ending on a happy note, we're tooting the horn in anticipation of a harmonious 1982. Christmas is the time for a drawing—together of the family circle...for a remembrance of old friends and long associations....for thoughts and wishes of peace on earth and good will to all mankind. We of Campbell's Men's Wear extend warm and friendly greetings in the spirit of the Christmas Season and a sincere wish that the New Year will bring abundant blessings to you and yours. Bob Campbell Main Corner, CLINT N 482-7922 United Church Services ntario Street United Church 105 Ontario St. Clinton MINISTER ORGANIST REV. R. NORMAN PICK LOUISE McGREGOR 2nd Sunday After Christmas SUNDAY, JANUARY 3, 1982 11 a.m. ChurchSchool 11 a.m. Holy Comenejnion Christian Reformed Christian Reformed Church 243 Princess St. E. Clinton REV. ARIE VANDEN BERG B.D., Th. M. NEW YEAR'S EVE. DEC. 31 8 p.m. Prayer Service New Year's Day, Jon. 1 10 :m0:3. a.mWorship Service. Worship Service SUNDA, JANUARY 3, 1982 0 Rev. H. Vrlend of Goderich 3 p.m. Worship Service Sermon "More Gift§ For You" All visitors welcome Watch "FAITH 20" at 9:30 A.M. on Global T.V. Fellowship Bible Chapel 162 Maple Street Clinton SPEAKER - SUNDAY 9:45 A.M. Worship Service 11:00 A.M. Family Bible Hour 8 Sunday School TUESDAY 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting St. Paul's Anglican Church THE REV. JAMES R. BROADFOOT B.A. M. Div. SUNDAY, JANUARY 3, 1982 Second Sunday after Christmas 11:30 a.m. Holy Communion 8 Sermon Sermon "At The Name of Jesus" A HAPPY & BLESSED NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE SUNDAY SCHOOL & NURSERY AVAILABLE DURING MORNING WORSHIP Pentecostal p Calvary Pentecostal Church 166 Vittoria St. Clinton 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship 7:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service ALL WELCOME United [�eslej'Willis United Church PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE MINISTER - REV. JAMES BECHTEL B.A., B.D. Organist - Miss Catharine Potter Choir Director - Mrs. Wm. Hearn JANUARY 3, 1982 11 A.M. - Worship Service SERMON: "Hope in a New Year" Nursery 8 Sunday School HOLMESVILLE SERMON: "Hope In a New Year" 9:45 A.M. - Worship Service and Sunday School 'EASTERN STANDARD TIME"