HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-12-30, Page 8J PAGE8 —CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30;1981 Varna notes By Mary Chesseu Varna Church was filled on Christmas Eve for the carol singing and birthday party for Jesus. The children made Christmas cards, and those who celebrated birthdays nearest to Christmas had little cakes of their own. A filmstrip showing how one family, their town and their church celebrated ;Christ- mas was shown. A happy tune was spent around the coffee pot following the celetration. Prayers were offered again on Sunday for Murvin Johnston and Ruth and Shirley. Murvin's condition was still critical following the severe heart attack he suffered on the 17th. Rev. Brown read excerpts from a letter frau Rob Witmer of Hokkaido Island in Japan. It was -18 degrees C. when he wrote in early December, and they have .had snow since the last week of October. He is involved in setting up a halfway house for psychiatric patients returning to the community, along with teaching and other duties. The Japanese are showing considerable alarm about efforts by the United States to have them re -arm. Rob and Keiko were expecting their third child this month. Personals Shelley Stephenson was the lucky winner of the Bayfield Lions' Christmas stocking. Ivan and Margaret McClymont hosted the Christmas gathering of the McClymonts on Sunday. Ivan's parents were unable to come, although his mother was home from hospital for the weekend. The Morrison family gathered at Doug and Mildred McAsh's home on the Sunday previous to Christmas. The McAsh's were. at Murray and Peggy Morrison's .in IIderton on Christmas Day. Bob and June Webster and girls entertained the Web- ster families onBoxing Day. Pat Taylor's mother, Grace Evans, and 87 -year- old grandmother, Mrs. Young, spent Christmas Day with them. Mrs. Young is alert and welk and kept all of them on their toes in the card games. Florence Elliott's soles, Bruce of Aurora and Ross of Wiarton and their families were with Florence and Norman and Walter Smith for Christmas. On Sunday at noon, Bob Webster saw a herd of eight deer on the road just north of Varna. There are frequent reports of deer sightings, and Bill Chessell saw the biggest buck he has ever seen while rabbit hunting a week ago. Remember to save your Christmas tree for the Stanley Recreation Com- mittee's big bonfire at the ball park on Friday, January 8. U.C.W. members are reminded of the need for school supplies, vegetable seeds, knitting and crocheting supplies, layettes, dress materials, good used clothing and medical supplies (complete list is on the church bulletin board) for lir. Betty Bridgman's work in Africa. Donations of these things can be brought' to the meeting on January 7. Kippen news By Rena Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter in Guelph. Mrs. • Ruby Hoggarth, Zurich spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Al Hoggarth and family. . Greg and Paul Hoggarth are spending the holidays with their grandparents and other relatives in London, England. On Dec. 20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kinsrrian entertained Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hord of Strathroy; Mr. Ross Hern of Ailsa Craig; Mrs. Ernest f'erguson of Exeter; and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hern, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hern's 25th wedding an- niversary. Mr. and Mrs. John Kin- .,rrnn entertained the Hern family on Dec. 27. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kinsman spent Christmas with their parent& Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle celebrated Christmas at their home in Kippen with Mrs. Wilmer McClinchey of Varna, Mr. James Kyle and Miss Linda Yules of Kit- chener as gues Wil RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS! a • L ot S skit s, Ile .._...... ...........,- _.._. Price effective thru Saturday, January 2nd, 1982 UM: llappyNew Year from allof us at A&P! OPEN WED. TILL 9:30 PM THURS. 9:00 AM -6:00 PM SAT. 8:00 AM -9:30 PM litTPER BUY! Partly Skimmed 1 FRESH 2% MILK 3 qt bag 59 Come visit 4•FatFAfkPokif Canada No. 1 Grade, Product of California, Snow White, Delicious Raw or Cooked A&P PARTY PLATTERS .. we make it nice & easy, The A&P Dell has all kinds of party platters and tasty accompaniments. Beautifully put together to please even the class gourmets, For party time or any time people get together. Ask about A&P party trays. And enjoy! (Available in stores with Dell only) CAULIFLOWER each CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, FRESH, CRISP Celery Hearts bunchgg¢ PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, THE NATURAL SNACK, SWEET, JUICY Red Grapes ib 99ce CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF U.S.A., FIRM, RIPE, FAMILY PACK Tomatoes 1.5 Ib pkg 995i PRODUCT Of ONTARIO, DELICIOUS RAW OR COOKED, SNOW WHITE, FRESH Mushrooms 1499 PRODUCT OF U.S.A., FRESH, MILD — BUNCH GREEN ONIONS OR Radishes 8-ozpkg3 for 1,00 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, GREAT FOR CABBAGE ROLLS Green Cabbage each 59ie e e 2 litre Ctn SAVE 90,i Beatrice "Super Good" ICE CREAM Assorted Flavours 99 ( Our Regular Price 3.89) Silverwood or Beatrice WHIPPING CREAM 250 ml carton BUPE YS ft,min 79¢ Light 'N Lively SEALTEST a rto 29 COTTAGE CHEESE Powdered Detergent OXYDOL or BOLD 3 6 litre box 389 . Extra Absorbent, pkg of 60 or Toddler Size pkg of 4t PAMPERS 8.4 pig 9 DIAPERS SAVE 805 A superb blend, rich in Brazilian coffees. Custom ground in the store when you buy 11 .. not before) 8 O'CLOCK BEAN COFFEE 1 -Ib bag 59 (3 -Ib bag 7.69 ) (Our Regular Price 10.09 SAVE 2.40) ( Our Regular Price 3.39) UPER, riBUYSP SUPER BUY! SAVE 1 Fancy AYLMER TOMATO JUICE (LIMIT 3 PER FAMILY PURCHASE) 48 -fl -oz tin (Our Regular Price 1.39) UPEI ,BUYS *ammo Grade "A", Frozen, ARP Self -Basting or Swift's Deep -Basted Turkeys BUTTERBALLS with Supermarket Prices lb 18 One Price — All Available Sizes No Confusion at A&PI CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF Outside Cut, Eye Removed BONELESS 259 ROUND ROAST' Regular or Thick Sliced A&P 5� g SIDE BACON Vac Pac 17 9 MAPLE LEAF WIENERS VacPac13939 SAVE 4.85 Sugar Free Tab, Sprite or 10 -FL -OZ COCA-COLA Case of 24 -10 -fl -oz tins 6pack of 300 ml btls 2.09, plus deposit 111/441 (Our Regular Price. 9.69) j ismismn r 16 oz. pkg. PEELED AND DEVEINED SHRIMP Q 95 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF Sirloin Tip, Rump or Inside Cut Round BONELESS 279 BEEF ROASTS '" Maple Leaf — Ideal for stuffing or dice & fry SAUSAGE 500 g MEAT Roll Gainers (Swift) Old Milt BREAKFAST .b149 ,SAUSAGES-- Hi hliner ISH in 700 gr. 299 BATTER IN STORES WITH DELI Maple Leaf — Smoked Sausage, COCKTAIL SAUSAGES or Maple Leaf, 250 g pkg 16199 COCKTAIL WIENERS Ready -to -Serve, Vac Pac BURNS �' 9 DINNER HAMS'" URE - _ SAVE 36 SAVE®34 BUYS "In Juice Pack", Crushed, Sliced or Chunks Jane Parker, Sliced DOLE PINEAPPLE 1 100%1TZ BREAD 1 1941 oz tin (Our Regular Price 1.05) Dole PINEAPPLE JUICE Apollinaris MINERAL WATER 48 -fl -oz tin 119 1 litre btl 991/ Pourable, French, Chef Style, Italian Style A&P SALAD DRESSINGS 475 ml btl or 1000 Island 1/ Aluminum A&P FOILWRAP 12 inch by 89, 25 foot r••.11 (made with 100% pure vegetable shortening) 24 -oz loaf 4 (Our Regular Price 83c each) Jane Parker SNOWFLAKE or TWIN ROLLS � 89� AU JANE PARKER MINCE PIE 624 g 8 9 size Jane Parker (Made with 100% pure vegetable (hartaning) PUMPERNICKEL BREAD 24.oz loaf Over 2/J Fruits & Nuts 3 -lb ring JANE PARKER 9 8 49 FRUIT CAKE 4. ring SAVE 2.15 COCA-COLA 6 pack of 750 ml bottles Plus btl deposit Less than 1/3 Price 1/41 (Our Regular Price 4.14) j Assorted Varieties HOSTESS 2:99 19 POTATO CHIPS Frozen, _100% Pure Florida, Concentrated Orange or Grapefruit OLD SOUTH 12.5 -f1 -oz 1 9 JUICES tin Fancy Cream Style or Whole Kernel STOKELY CORN 12 -fl -oz tin A&P MANDARIN ORANGES 1041 -oz 9, tqn h.