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Clinton News-Record, 1981-12-23, Page 29
• • CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23,1; t 1 -PAGE 5A SAVE 36? "In Juice Pack", Crushed, Sliced or Chunks DOLE PINEAPPLE 19 fl oz tin (Our Regular Price 1.05) (Our Regular Prim 1.23) Dole, Fancy SAVE 14c FCSICIKrTAII. 114'2109 ran. Parker MINCE PIE 624 g size ( App). 624 g Site 1.39) (Our Regular Prke 2.09) SAVE 20? SAVE 80? A superb blend, rich In Brazilian coffers. Custom ground in the store when you buy It . not before) 8 O'CLOCK. BEAN COFFEE 1 -lb bag 59 (Our Regular Price 3.39) (3 -Ib bag 7.69 - SAVE 2.40) (Our Regular Price 10.09) (Our Regular Prim 2.19) A&P, Instant SAVO 20c COFFEE 51,1.192,51,1.192CREAM Silverwood or Beatrice, "fresh' WHIPPING CREAM 250 ml carton (ItegOur Prim 1A5) SAVE '26?, *ALTEST, LIGHT 'N UVELY Cottage Cheese L29 pAFT , l Mayonnaise 500 ml jar 1,39 500 g CARTON MARGARINE Blue Bonnet 3 -Ib pkg 2.59 "Super Good", Assorted Flavours BEATRICE ICE (REAM 2 litre carton Aluminum 99. MILD, MEDIUM, OID COLOURED OR MOZZARELLA 21/2 -lb BLOCK Sweetheart Cheese 7.79 NUTRIFIL 500 gr. CONTAINER Whipped Topping 99? (Our Regular Mm 79c) FANCY CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KERNEL SAVE 20c Stokely Corn 1241-0Z tin 59¢ SAVE)90se (Our Regular Price 3.89) ibetveLiktieee A&P FOILWRAP 12 -inch by 25 -foot roll 89 =ARVALR, REGULAR(EXTRA HOT 250 ml JAR 1.29) Horseradish 250 ml jar 1.09 ANION FLAVOUR 3 -OZ PKG Lipton's Soup Mix 89¢ EARLEYS 300 g PKG Feeding Biscuits L69 ATP (Meat or Mushroom 750 ml jar 1.19) PLAIN 750 ml JAR Spaghetti Sauce 1.09 SLP, Pca•URABLE - FRENCH, CHEF STYLE, ITALIAN STYLE OR 1000 ISLAND 475 ml BOTTLE Salad Dressings 99¢ Everfresh, From Concentrate ORANGE JUICE 2 litre bottle You'll do better with FROZEN FOODS from A&P GAINSBOROUGH Pie Shells„, TREASURE ISLE, FROZEN Shrimp Mates 1.79 8 -oz pkg1.99 .99 FROZEN, FANCY, KERNEL CORN OR PEAS 3 -Ib POLY BAG A&P Vegetables 1.79 WONG WNG, FROZEN, MEAT Egg Rolls :21:013k921.59 ►U SEA, FROZEN F ---4.O JARS Shrimp Cocktail 1.79 BLUE WATER, FROZEN Scallop Fries 6-ozpkg 2.99 SMACK CRACKERS 1°9 pkg° One Price, All Available Sizes, No Confusion at A&P! with Supermarket prices Grade "A", Frozen, Oven -Ready, AAP Self -Basting or Swift Deep -Basted TURKEYS BUTTERBALL Ib Jan. Parker, Specially Prepared Loaf 24 -oz loaf STUFFING 87¢ SUPER BUY! BREAD V Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef Outside Cut, Eye Removed BONELESS ROUND ROAST& SAVE 401 Ib. (Our Regular Price $2.99 Ib) Smoked, Cooked, WHOLE HAMS SAVE 805/ ib 16 to 20 -Ib average Shank Portion I121.29 Butt Portion Shank Half 161.39 Butt Half Cuttfrom Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef - BONELESS BEEF ROASTS Sirloin Tip, Rump or Inside Cut Round Ib 79 SAVE UP TO 50C Ib (Our Regular Price up to '3.29 Ib) (Our Regular Price 1.99 lb) lb 1.39 161.49 SUGAR PLuM HAMS WYSS Ib s Quarters Ib 2.79 Dinner Style Ib 2.89 Whole Hams Ib 2.49 Maple Leaf - Ideal for stuffing or slice & fry SAUSAGE MEAT 500 g roll ft' CENTRE CUTS OR Ham Steaks BUTTERBALL Turkey Breasts GRADE "A", FROZEN Ducks 4 to 6-I6 average lb 1.89 lb 3.29 161.49 BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA, GRADE "A", SELF -BASTING, WITH POP-UP TIMER, FROZEN, 5 to 7 -Ib AVERAGE rt" -11. ©rn ke lb ia4 ' FRESH Lean Ground Beef 161.99 CUT PROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF Cube Steaks (Tenderized) Ib 3.29 SCHNEIDERS, 7 VARIETIES INCL. POLISH & PEPPERONI Mini Deli Rolls 250gsize 1.49 OLDE ENGLISH STYLE Schneiders Sausage lb 1.79 SHOPSY - COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad 500 g carton 1,.39 Burns, Ready -to -Serve, Vac Pac DINNER 1 9 HAMS.. Ib �- MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, MAC & CHEESE, CHICKEN, LUNCHEON OR PEPPER LOAF, PICKLE & PIMENTO, ASSORTED, REGULAR & GARLIC BOLOGNA Cooked Meats 375 g vac pac 1.19 SCHNEIDERS (HALVES - Ib 3.99) Hams nide-Fashioned Whole -Ib 3.89 SCHNEIDERS, HALVES, VAC PAC Harvest Tyme Hams lb 2.69 MAPLE LEAF, VAC PAC (QUARTERS - Ib 2.79) Half Hams Ib 2.69 MAPLE LEAF, READY -TO -SERVE, PICNIC STYLE L, Pork Shoulders lb 1.59 AAP, REGULAR OR THICK SLICED Side Bacon MAPLE LEAF Wieners SWIFT PREMIUM, SLICED Side Bacon SHOPSY, BRISKETS, FLAT, VAC Corned Beef 500gvacpac 1.79 1 -Ib vac pac 1.39 500 g vac pac L99 PAC 16 2.39 Gainers (Swift) (Old Mill Sh®pry Deli Fresh BREAKFAST lb 49 ALL BEEF SAUSAGES ® WIENERS 1 -Ib vac pac 159 Approximately 50% Medium Ground Beef & 50% Ground Pork GROUND MEAT COMBINATION ib 1.49 In stores with Deli shops MAPLE LEAF - SMOKED SAUSAGE OR Cocktail Sausages TAILLEFER SLICED Cooked Ham PARTY TIME ... we make it nice & easy Th. AAP Deli has all kinds of party plettsra and tasty accompaniments. These beautiful trays will compliment any party. For party time, any time people gat together. Ask about AAP party trays. And enjoy! Ib 1499 (Available in stores with Deli only) UKRAINIAN, ITALIAN, VIENNA OR DUTCH LUNCH Ib 239 Swift Salami lb L99 Christmas means to me Christmas mean's giving gifs and singing earls. And christamas morning I get out of bed and get my staking. I always like what Santa clas gives me. And I like the way santa clas levs one present open. I always leve santa clas cookies and milk and I leve the reindeer some carets. by Lori Hiles, Gr. 2, Holmesville Public giving presents. Being joyful. And Santa clans, corn- eing. Singing Christmas caros. Seeing. Christmas stockings. Tanya Banter, Gr. 2 Holmesville Public Christmas means to me having fun singing carols, getting exieded, taking about when crist was born, buying gifts, counting the days till Christmas, deackorating the Christmas tree. Christmas is a time of giving. Kathy Johnson Gr. 2 Holmesville Pubic Christ was born on Christmas. singing carols on christmas. Sharing things. having fun. having a turkey. Santa claus brings you toys on Christmas eve. Granmas come over; giving, playing with each other, waiting pa- tient, and one more thing I love Christmas. Colleen Audrey McAdam Gr. 2 Holmesville Public Christ was born on Christmas eve. and injoying Christmas party's. that San- ta come's becorating Christmas trees. Jackie Gilder, Gr. 2 Holmesville Public That Christmas means that Santa Claus comes down chimny and fills your stocking with candy and lit- tle cars and little trucks and Christmas maens giving to people. Matthew Langendoen Gr. 2 Holmesville Public Christmas means to me that Christ was born on Christmas. I wish that i was there on Christmas to see him for myself. I now he is true and i love him. Merry N. Potter, Gr. 2 Holmesville Public Christmas is for Everyone! I think Christmas is lots of fun, exciting and a mean- ingful experience for everyone! My Mom is always singing, laughing, and just doing special things to light up the days of December! The stores get more business from more happy customers. I really think that without Christmas it would just be another year gone by! But the best part of Christmas is being able to see the look on your friends, parents, and ,relatives faces when they see what they got. Christmas Eve is a special part of Christmas for everyone too! On Christmas Eve most parents allow their children to open one small gift so that they will be able to sleep! When Christmas morning finally comes most kids wake up and say Mommy, Daddy! Wake up! it's Christmas! Everyone gets up and goes downstairs. There's the beautiful sight of Christmas. Oh, it's so beautiful! The children say, "Can we start!" "Can we start?" "Oh, please ! " "O.K., but let's eat first." "Oh, but Mom!" So we final- ly finish eating. We all rush to the tree! After we have opened all our gifts we say a prayer to God. And I don't think we are the only ones that do either. But I don't care what anyone says I still think that Christmas is for Everyone! - Cindy Pierson, ,Gr. 5, Vanastca I Ublic.