HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-12-23, Page 28PAGE 4A—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1981 All 1, ut Christmas from Vanastra t. C is for Christ born on Christmas morn, 11 is for the hay that he laid on, R is for the riches that were brought, I is for the icicles that hang, S is for the stable he was born in, T is for the turkey we eat at Christmas, M is for Mary the child's mother, A is for the singing angels, S is for the star that shone brightly- - Shelly Bonte Gelok, Gr. 5, Vanastra Public School. What Is Christmas? Christmas is the true meaning that the birth of Jesus Christ who was born to make people believe in God.' But, in another way it is San- ta Claus and the elves work- ing to make gifts perfect for all of the children of the world. It's gift giving to aunts, uncles and parents, brothers, sisters, and grand- parents and friends. That's what Christmas means to me. - Eric Saur, Gr. 6, Vanastra Public. The Day Before Christmas 'Twas the day before Christmas up at the North Pole. Santa Claus and his helpers were very very busy making toys for every good boy and girl. Mrs. Claus was making all kinds of goodies for Christmas Day. Every little boy and girl was busy writing letters for Santa Claus. Christmas trees and oven lights were on day and night. The . mistle toe was hung on the roof so high par- ty dancers stopped to kiss in the dance. Children couldn't wait so they played outside all day long. Christmas shoppers were smiling with bright red cheeks. They wrapped their gifts in bright colourful rib- bons. Christmas stores were mak to scaalmg tisidewalk watching wonderfidthings. Back at the Mirth ' Pole. Santa was loading his sleigh for it was Christmas Eve. His elves were busy putting the reindeers on .the sled. They were done and off they went. After Santa was done he yelled out "Merry Christmas to all and to all a Goodnight!" - Bill Rhtiynard, Gr. 6, Vanastra Public. Christmas Fun! On the day after we got our Christmas tree we decorated it and that was fun. After a few days it ,was Christmas Eve, I think that is the rot - finest night I ever had because I could not sleep! I tossed and rolled. My dad heard my brother and I and told us to calm down. I asked if we could listen to the tape recorder and that calmed me down a little bit. I never slept all night! Then it was Christmas morning. I got up, got my brother, Mom and Dad and we went downstairs. Wow! What a sight to see! Presents all over! That's what I like about Christmas! - Colin Thomas, Gr. 5, Vanastra Public. The Best Tree In The World On the 25th of December Christmas Day we went downstairs and saw the Best Tree in the World...in the corner of the living room. We asked Dad were it came from. He said he didn't know. We went over to it and there was a card in the bran- ches. Dad got it and read it. It was from Santa. He said that it was the best he had on his property in the North Pole and he also said his elves chopped and decorated it with their best decorations they had iri stock. The angel on the top was made by Mrs. Claus herself and so was the candy and gingerbread cookies on the plate. The car- rots were from the reindeer. So mom and dad wrote a let- ter to Santa with $50.00 in- side. Two weeks later the let- ter carne back with another card attached. It was from Santa saying the tree and the rest was free but he liked the letter. It also said, P.S. "See you next Christmas!" - John Haskett, Gr. 6, Vanastra Public. YOU'LL DO 3 Prices effective thru Thursday, December 24th, 1981. tk We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements! FIGHT THE LUNG CRIPPLERS USE CHRISTMAS SEALS It's a matter of life and breath. LLESS THA 1/2 PRICE! SAVE 70?' Product of California, Sweet, Seedless NAVEL ORANGES Size 138'sCase of 24 — 1041-oi tins 6 pack — 750 ml bottles Tab — Sprite or COCA-COLA 111 AYLMER TOMATO JUICE 4841 -oz tin I EXTRA LARGE5cou 99 (Plus btl deposit) (Our Reg. Price 1.39) (Our Regular Price 9.69) L -- (Our Regular Price 4.14) (Limit 3 per family purchase) .199 (Plus butts. deposit) 6 -PACK OF 300 mi COCA-COLA btis (Our Regular Price 1.39) Assorted Varieties SAVE 20c HOSTESS 200 g Pkg 119 POTATO CHIPS 'rFiN soFc MIX COME VISIT EFA sat AVS ON% for Freshness & Savings A&P FRUIT TRAYS Here'sthe gift everyone loves to receive. You can choose the fruits of your choice from op! wide array of fresh produce. AMP Frust Trays come in two sizes. See produce manager for details. Canada No. 1 Grade, Product of Mexico, Green Slicers FRESH CUCUMBERS A fruit cake from ASP Is as festive as it is delicious. It's the pmt seasonal gift, that's as easy to give as It is to enjoy. PARKER FRUIT CAKE 49 3 -Ib ring MARSHMALLOWS 10 oz. pkg. f PRODUCT OF MOROCCO, SWEET, SEEDLESS, THE CANDY FRUIT Clementine Mandarins 2i99 CANADA EXTRA FANCY PRODUCT OF B.C. OR U.S.A. THE PICK OF THE ORCHARD PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, 'GREAT IN SALADS & DIPS Red or Golden Delicious Apples b69f Large Avocados BATH SIZE Zest Soap 15 -Ib piece 4.59 4.5 -Ib ring 11.99 banded pack of 150 g ban SCHWARZBROT OR 24.OZ LOAF 3° 1.89 Sauerbrot Bread 89� DETERGENT FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS 1 4 kg BOX Dishwasher All 3.59 Knuppels DETERGENT 1.5 LITRE PLASTIC BOTTLE JANE PARKER, SNONIFLAKE OR Palmolive Liquid 3.99 Twin Rolls pkg of 6 79¢ pkg of 1289¢ 2 hir 99? CANADA FANCY, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO OR B.C. Lib BAG PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, SWEET, NUTRITIOUS Extra Absorbent pkg of 60 or Toddler Size pkg of 48 PAMPERS DIAPERS Spartan Apples 1.79 Carrots 5-lbbag gg¢ CANADA P40. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF B.C., SWEET, JUICY PRODUCT OF U.S.A., BUNCH GREEN ONIONS OR FRESH Anjou Pears 1679? Radishes 8-ozpkg3 for 1.00 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, GREAT WITH CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, SNOW WHITE, DELICIOUS RAW OR STUFFING & GRAVY, DELICIOUS RAW OR COOKED, FRESH COOKED, LARGE SIZE, FRESH Cauliflower Mushrooms 161.99 each 1.69 PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, THE IDEAL MIXER FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CHEERS, TROPICANA 64 -FL -OZ BOTTLE PROOUCT OF CALIFORNIA, THE NATURAL SMACK Orange juice Red Grapes 1b99¢ernt CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT Of FLORIDA, SWEET, THIN SKIN, JUICY - PRODUCT Of U.S.A., FAMILY PACK, RIPE pkg 49 Sliced (Made with 100% pun vegetable shortening) A&p WHITE BREAD 16 -oz loaf 9° SUPER BUY! Tangelos 18 for1.99 Tomatoes 1'/'-Ibtray gg? FRESH FLOWER DEPARTMENT We have a good variety of Christmas plants for your choice, featuring such items as Poin- settias, Chrysanthemums, Mixed Paris and many others. DANISH BALLET, IMPORTED Butter Cookies 20-0 450 gr. fin Frozen, 100% Pure Florida, Concentrated Orange or Grapefruit Old South Juices 12.5mfi-oz 1 si tin SAVE 20/ (our Rag. Pries 1.39) OPEN TULL MIDNIGHT TUES. &'WEA., DEC. 22nd & 23rd OPEN TILL 6:00 P.M. DEC. 24th CLOSED FRI. & SAT., DEC. 25th & 26th, OPEN MON. 9 AM -9:30 PM You'll do better with HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS from A&P TOOTHPASTE Pepsodent FOR OILY HAIR 100 ml tube 89¢ Halo Shampoo., 1.49 Alka Seltzerbtof48tblats 2.59 APOLLINARIS Mineral Water 1 litre btl 99? BAKING AID - GREASES FLOUR IN ONE STEP 142 g aerosol tin 189 Bakers Joy MONARCH, 100% CORN OIL Soft Margarine PKG OF 2 - $.OZ TUBS L19 r HEINZ TOMATO SOUP itoi 290' SUPER BUY! (Our Regular Price up to 4.95 Powdered Detergent OXYDOL OR BOLD 3 WHITE SWAN Serviettes pkg of 2401.79 ) SAVE up to 1.06 6 litre 389 box FABRIC SOFTENER Clingfree pkg of 24 sheets 2.19 ASSORTED SCENTS Airwick Stick Ups 174§ LIGHT, SPORT OR WHOLE WHEAT 230 g PKG Wasa Crispbread 1.19 DOLE 4LFL.OZ TIN Pineapple Juice 1.19 MANDARIN ORANGES 10 -fl -oz tin