HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-12-23, Page 12PAGE t2 -C INION NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DE ER 23,11Jd1 NOTICE 1982 DOG LICENSES for the Town of Ciintop are due and payable January 4, 1182. Dog tags are now on sale at the Town Hall. Ail dog owners are required to have their dogs licen- sed. C.C. Proctor Clerk Mayall. things that warm the bonne and heart be yours this • holiday... along with our sincere "hearth" -reit gratitude to youand yours. KEN'S CARPENTRY Ken, Bert and Kevin Hensall people r By Bertha Mayor Mr. Kenneth Parker who underwent surgery in Victoria Hospital in London last week returned to his home. The December meeting of Unit two of Herman UCW was held on Monday evening December 14, with Mrs. Joyce Pepper in the chair, She opened the meeting by reading a poem and Mrs. Sadie Hoy led the Devotional with a story. Joyce read legends about Shrubs and Rowers associated with for the study and con- ducted the oneduc edthe business. The Huron -Perth Presbyterial meeting will be held in Hensall on January 25 at 12:45 pan. One voting delegate from each Unit and two representatives to attend. Next year will be the year of the Senior Citizens` Unit two will again canvass the village for the March of Dimes in February. A report of the Fellowship Committee was given by Mrs. Ann Brock, and secret pals were revealed and new ones chosen for 1982. All adjourned to finish favours for the trays at Queensway on Christmas day. Heasall School Concert A large crowd attended the Hensall Public School Con- cert on Thursday evening December 17th. The program featured all the grades with Kindergarten performing recitations and. the song "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" at the beginning. Following this Grades 5-6 demonstrated some commercials before Grades 1-2 presented their Santa Claus Acrostic. The Grade 5 class participated in a French Play "Chez Les Le Blane" and Grades 3-4 took part in a play "The Bionic Kid". The Senior Grades 7 and 8, presented skits "The Day After The Night before Christmas" and "Can You Imagine This?" respectively. Between these numbers, the audience par- ticipated in carol singing. Dianne Stebbins did several dance numbers and the school choir concluded the pro- gram with Christmas numbers. After the successful program, fellowship was enjoyed by those attending as Grade 7 and 8 pupils served a lunch to those attending. Rebekahs Aarlstmas Party The Amber Rebekah Lodge members held their Christmas Party on December 16th and following the business Noble Grand Bertha MacGregor chaired the meeting assisted by Vice Grand Gladys Coleman, who also gave the report for the visiting committee. The Treasurer, Mrs. Dorothy Corbett gave the financial report and a donation was voted to the Family Service ° organization. Several cards from the District Lodges were read by the Secretary Mrs. Ruby Bell, also an invitation to meet with the Goderich Lodge on February 2nd that being the visit of the Vice -President Bernice Hall and a request for Amber members to "Drape the Charter". Also an in- vitation to attend the 49th Rally in St. Thomas on Good Friday, following the business an exchange of gifts and "Secret Pals" revealed and also chosen for 1982. , Evelyn McBeath played several Christmas numbers and Dorothy Parker gave a reading "Christmas Years Long Ago". Gifts were exchanged and a delicious lunch served by the social committee Dorothy Corbett, Margaret Consitt, Elizabeth Rilay and Vera Lemmon. The I 0 0 F Lodge Members held their Christmas Party on Thursday evening and finalized the plans to distribute boxes to Shut-ins on Sunday, December 20th by the C.P.T. committee of the lodges. Representatives of the Ladies' Auxiliary and Legion members visited the residents at Queensway Nursing Home on Thursday evening and gave out Christmas treats. Mrs. Alice Neilands, President of the Ladies' Legion Auxilia> C, MralIva'Reidand Mrs. Colleen Ferris motored dyor Cj to London on Wednesday to visit the veterans in Westmhadster Hospital and present thefts with the season's treats. They were received Mrs. Marion Walker R.N. formerly of The C.P.T. committee of the I 0 0 F and Rebekah Lodges delivered their y Ch treats to shut-ins on Sunday, 201h. i I Mrs. Iva Reid on behali of the Ladies' Legion Auxiliary delivered treats to Life Members and shut-ins. United Church The service at Hensall United Church was conducted by Rev. Stanley McDonald on Sunday, December 20, who preached on "A Time To Be Generous". From the time of the first Christmas gift giving and generosity have taken a first place. The Wide Men ;t: ve gifts tit for a King. but God gave His Son unsparingly, unconditionally, and generously. Life is only fulfilled if it is generous and giv- ing. God Teaches us how to give and accept our gifts, however humble. When life is given in love, life gives back to us. The service started with Carol singing and the lighting of the fourth Advent candle by Mrs. Dianne Gerstenkorhwho represented the women of the congrega- tion. The choir sang with solo parts taken by Mrs. Donna St. John, Mrs. Gail. Shaw and Doug Mock. The children's thought was to remember whose birth- day they were celebrating. Randy Parker welcomed everybody at the door and ushers were David Rowdiffe, George Beer, Ken McLean and Bob Drysdale. A special Christmas Eve Service will be held in Hensall United Church Thursday December 24th at 7:30 p.m. Plan to attend. Young People Conduct Service The Young People of Carmel Presbyterian conducted the service on Sunday, December 20th under the direction of Miss Maty Thompson with lifts. Dorothy Taylor presiding at the organ. Was Kathy Love opened the service and gave the mean- ing of the Advent. A skit on Advent was presented by Misses Donna Taylor, Janet Hoggarth and Paul Hoggar- th. The Meaning of the Wreath was given by Miss Kathy Love. Miss Mary Thompson gave the story of the Christmas Tree. Several young people decorated the tree namely: Kathy' Troyer, Kathy and Elaine Love, Murray Taylor, Greg and Paul Hoggarth, Bruce Thompson, Janet Hoggarth and Miss Mary Thompson. Miss Elaine Love lit the candle of Hope and Peace, Miss Kathy Troyer lit the candle of Love and Jcy. The Junior choir sang "Away In A Manger" and the Senior Choir sang "Christ The Lord Is Born". Miss Jane Pollock guest soloist sang "It Came Upon The Midnight Clear" and "What Child Is This" accompanying herself on the guitar. Bruce Thompson read the Announcements and dedicated the Offering. The President of the Ladies' Mrs. Al Hoggarth called Rev. and Wks. 'Knight to the front and presented them with a Christmas gift. They made a fitting reply of thanks. All I want Dear Santa: For Christm is this year I would like a hockey game, and a Tonka Jeep Road Set, also a stomper 4 x 4 car. I. would' like a Hot Wheels Steering Rig and Dukes of Hazzard Cars. I am Th years; i ld and we 1'0471'4. 'x._ t 1 ALBERT ST. 82-3443 CLINTON We Wish You, A Merry Christmas The Spirit of Christmas has always been a joyous bond that brings family. friends and strangers closer together during this festive season. Our wish for you at this holiday time is to hove this spirit of Christmas live in , your heart in the coming year. will leave you a snack Christmas Eve. Love Mark King The kindergarten Bass put on a march of the wooden soldiers at Varna Sunday School concert held recently. There was an excellent turnout. ( photo byMary Chessell) May every happiness be yours at this Holiday Season and throughout the new year! Bob and Kay Campbell CO Dave Hanley and Rosamond Garrett *HOLIDAYS HOURS: CLOSED: FRI. 8 SAT., DEC. 25 8 26 OPEN: MON. TO THURS.. DEC. 31 CLOSED: FRI., JANUARY 1 Sandra Balfour, Tina Balfour, Sherry Balfour, Mary Sutter. SACK ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Ernie Wales, John Balfour, Alden Crich We've enjoyed serving you this year - and look forward to 'next! CLINTON HOME HARDWARE J.A. Balfour Retail Sales Ltd. 24 ALBERT ST. 482-7023 41 0 •