HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-12-23, Page 5411 • di Middleton news By. Blanche beeves Service of Carols The Morning Prayer ser vice at St. James' Anglicar Church in Middleton war well attended for the Carol and Lesson Service. Rev. G. Youmatoff read the oPening sentence -followed by the call to Worship. Reading the firs) lesson was Lois Wise. The se- cond lesson was read by Blanche Deeves. Two verses of Away in a Manger were sung prior to the baptism of Jacqueline Eileen Newell, infant daughter of Janice and John Newell, by Rev. G. Youmatoff. The godparents were Bruce and Dianne Miller. Reading the third lesson was John Newell, reading the fourth was Doreen Welsh and reading the fifth and sixth were James Storey and Lisa Storey. The Altar was beautifully decorated with flowers in memory of Mr. Fred Mid- dleton by Mrs. Fred Mid- dleton and family. The Ad- vent Candles were lit by Bill Storey. The offering was received by Jim Middleton and Ray Wise. On December 24th at 7:30pm Holy Communion will be celebrated. On December 27 at 11:15 am Morning Prayer will be held and at the Sunday mor- ning service on the 27th Bill and Lisa Storey have prepared a vocal offering as the contribution to the Christmas festivities. From Rev. G. Youmatoff, "We wish all our good friends God's richest bless- ings in the Christmastide and nothing but good in the year,that lies ahead." +++ In writing the executive notes for the A.C.W. last week I left Audrey Mid- dleton's name out as a leader. Sorry Audrey. Get well wishes go out to Canon Paull, and birthday wishes too. Jim Middleton is home from -near Calgary for the Christmas holiday with his parents and family Mr. and Mrs. Don Middleton. There will be a benefit dance for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Potter on Saturday, December 26th at the Fish and Game Club. Congratulations to Janice and John Newell on their marriage on Saturday. May we wish them a long and happy life together. On Saturday Vera and Keith Miller held a family dinner with 35 present in honour of Janice and John Newell's marriage on Saturday. in Bayfield by Rev. G. Youmatoff. I Blanche Deeves would like to wish all the readers of the Clinton News Record a very Happy Christmas. I also thank everyone who has helped this past year phon- ing and let me know of the news in the area. Also to those miles away when in the area tell me how much they enjoy reading our local paper. Merry Christmas Everyone. Blanche Deeves would like to wish each and everyone who travelled with her in 1981 on her bus trips a Very Happy Christmas and look for more trips this coming spring as The Happy Travellers. Varna news and notes y Mary Chessell Marvin Johnston is in Clinton Hospital, having suffered a heart attack Thursday evening. On 'Sunday he was still in critical condition_ Several women from Varna who belong to the Bayfield weight -watching club and their friends en- joyed a shopping trip to Kit- chener on Tuesday, travell- ing by bus. A combired Conununion and Christmas service was held in Varna church on Sunday, reminding tics for- cefully orcefully that the baby received with such joy was the same person who was later crucified that all believers might have new life. The lovely flowers were a Christmas gift from the Nguyen family. Please remember the carol service ori Christmas Eve at 7:30. 1'd Like to thank all who contributed news items for this column during the past year, and wish a Merry Christmas to all who readit, and a happy New Year. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1961 -PAGE 5 SAVINGS FROM ALL MERCHANDISE 100'. SATISrACTION GUARANTEED PRODUCT REPL ACED OR TOUR motir, REFJNDE.7 Chapman's Ice Cream 16 flavours 5 6 2 L. Soft Drinks 750 ml. bottles 24 oz. - Sliced IGA Bread Whole Wheat -Cracked Wheat or Enriched White Sunrise Dairy Partly Skimmed 2% Milk Kraft Miracle Whip 1 L. 1.9 0 Allens From Concentrate Apple Juice Season's Greetings from all of us at Kuenzig IGA! 59 1 8 9 3 quart Bagged Maxwell House Vacuum Pack Regular Grind, Automatic or Filter Drip Coffee Canadian Queen Half or Quarter Boneless or Top Valu Dinner Hams Canada -Utility Grade 8-10 lb. - Frozen Capons lb 750 mL Mountain Dew, Diet or Regular Pepsi-Cola (plus 301t deposit per btl.) .39 Kraft 500 g Processed 1 oz. 16 Single Cheese 2• 49 Slices Del Monte 48 11. oz. Fancy Tomato Juice .99 Del Monte 14 11 oz. Assorted Vegeytables 2/.99 Vege Ocean Spray 40 fl. oz. Cranberry or Cranapple Cocktail 1.79 Royal Chinet pkg. Paper 83/4 Inch Luncheon Plates Bicks 1 L Sweet Mixed or Yum Yum Pickles of 20 Kellogg's 400 g Bran Flakes Cereal 1.39 1.89 .99 Bicks 375 mL Party Pack Sweet Onions, Manzanilla Olives, Sweet Gherkins or Maraschino Cherries Club House 375 mL Stuffed Manzanilla Olives 1.69 1.59 Robin. Hood 5 kg All Purpose Flour 4.99 Red Oval and McCom1)cks 250-350 g Assorted Varieties Snack Crackers .99 Dream Whip 3 oz. Dessert Topping .89 Jell-O 3 oz. Assorted Flavours Jelly Powders 3/$1 Rowntree 1 Ib Dairy Box Chocolates 4.25 Old South. Frozen From Concentrate. 100q Pure Florida Orange or Grapefruit Juice 121/2 11. oz. •99 IGA 1st Grade Creamery Butter 1 Ib 1.0 Del Monte Unsweetened Pineapple Juice 48 f I . oz. 1 • 09 Sacco 10 (I. oz. Mandarin Oranges .79 Saico 105 g Smoked Oysters Snow Crab Meat Club House 375 mL Salad Olives 1.19 Maple Leaf 24 oz. 1.19 Rum & Brandy Mincemeat 2:79 Regular or 3. 9 Gainesburger 2 ko Elcaf C; C13^^t, Moist Dog Food Ocean Spray Whole or Jellied Cranberries 14 fl. oz. 9 Rowntree 1 Ib Black Magic Chocolates 4.69 Weston pkg. of 12 Brown'N Serve Rolls Hostess 200 9 rS_3S'ced 1�3re2tiag Potato Chips Granulated Extra Fine . 69 . 99 HOLIDAY STORE HOURS Tuesday. Der. 22 8:.10 am -9:00 pm W ednegday. Drc. 23 8:.30 ata -9:00 pm Thursday. Dec. 24 8:.10 am -6:00 pm Friday. Der. 24 CI CASED Saturday. Der. 26 41.ORrn Monday. Dec. 28. ' Tuesday. Der. 29 Wednesday. net. 30 Thursday. Der. 31 Friday. January 2 Saturday. Januar 2 Fully Cooked 6 Ib avg. Partly Skinned Shank Portion Smoked Ham Ib 1.28 Bum Pride of Canada 5 Ib up Golden Basted Chickens Ib 1.09 Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beef Loin T -Bone Steaks Ib 2.98 Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beef Rib Cap Oft Rib - Steaks Ib 2.68 Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beef Chuck Cross Rib Roast Ib 1.88 Pride of Canada 1 Ib pkg. Skinless Wieners 1.28 Pride of Canada 500 g pkg. Sliced Side Bacon 1.88 Pride of Canada Store Packed Farm Style or Small Link Breakfast Sausage Pride of Canada 500 g pkg. Sliced Bologna Ib 1.28 1.48 Ib .89 Pride of Canada By The Piece Bologna lb. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Bums Campfire 375 g pkg. For Turkey Stuffing Sausage Meat By The Piece Sweet Pickled Back Bacon .99 Ib 1.99 Pride of Canada 175 g pkg. Sliced Ham Cooked 1.18 Bums By The Piece Salami or Posh Sausage Ib 1.58 Taillefer Store Sliced At Participating Stores Chicken Loaf C r oked Ham Ib 1..49 Fearmans Store Wrapped Smoked Picnic Shoulders 1b1.09 Burns 2-3 Ib Pride of Canada Vintage Hams 2 .88 Canada Grade "A 6-16 Ib Frozen Young Turkeys 1.08 Burns Pride of Canada Golden Baste 6-16 Ib Frozen Young Turkeys 161.18 Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beef Hip, Eye Removed, Boneless Round Steak Ib 2.48 Pride of Canada 500 g p 8 Varieties Party Sticks kg. 1.99 Claussens 750 mL Whole or Halves Refrigerated Dill Pickles 1.68 Item Monne 14 fl. w Sliced. Dessert Bus Maxwell House 10 oz. or ( rushed In nun .lune Instant Coffee Pineawle . 6IJh �` i� i Red Rose pkg. of 60 Orange Pekoe Paper Tea Bags 1 • • d Canada No. 1 California Red Emperor Grapes Ib .79 Four Bloom 6 inch pot Poinsettias ea. 4.49 California Sunkist size 113's Navel Oranges doz. 1 .79 Canada No- 1 3 Ib pkg. Ontario Carrots .68 Product of Japan Mandarine Oranges box 7.99 Canada Extra Fancy B.C. Anjou Pears Ib.69 Canada No. 1 Ontario Rutabagas 3/$1 PRODUCT OF (: a N A DA ONT. NO. 1 POTATOES 101.8. RAG 1.17 PROW (:T OF 1-.S. a. FLORIDA ZIPPER SKIN TANGERINES SIZE I76.S 8.30 nm -6 pm 8.30 am -6 pn, 8.30 am -9 pm 8-30 am -6 pm CLOSED 14 30 am -6 pm PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1981. WE RESERVE: THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. PHOTOGRAPHS 1' THIS 1D%ERT(SE%W\T IRF: FOR H.1.1 STR%TIO\ 1"11 OR TRADE MARK 1DF'`TIF1( {TIOti DMI. THE WRITTEN 10Pt WIl 1 PRI% 1tl 1T 31.1. TIMES. FIGHT THE LUNG I CRIPPLERS Use Christmas Seals . . , ',. 9_ ".t"d