HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-12-16, Page 201r LET IT SNOW! a I • LET IT SNOW! a I LET IT SNOW! 1 TB 1 KNIT ARAN or FAI �Et sEY • dllA- You'll ou it Oall 12. comfy nod 21 MAT F�ASCARF • MATCHING CIOCHIE E IEAT M • EEAUT1F1L SHACKS c1 1. A MED NATURAL ARAM. E Santa Chins males one last desperate appeal to Its sMldng elves during one of the plays staged last Tuesday night at Clinton Public school. They later ended their boycott and resumedtoy making. (James Fitzgerald photo) biardfinishes year The Militant C.ommimity Memorial Hall Board met last Wednesday evening in the hall to finish up some of the buss before .the end of the year:. Chairman Tom Cumnimghamwasine. meeting were, accepted as read of the . last read<bq the secretary, Mrs Dinah' - Warner Andrews discuss- ed the iscuss:edthe drains that were fixed lastfall arnamdthe halL It was announced that stormwindows have been in- stalled in the upstairs room and that the oil furnace has been fixed and is running Campbell and Bob Worsell attended on behalf of the Auburn and District Liosis Aub and asked per- mission to hook onto the hall water supply to flood an out door rink for the children near the hall on the athletic field. This permissionwas granted and if weather is suitable, the children of the comniumity will enjoy out- . door skating this winter. ft was announced that Bill Robertson bad been con- tracted to remove the snow from the hall this winter. Siiov.niobilers set to go The.. Auburn- Snowmobr'le Chub will, againoperate in this [may, it was decided at a meeting held in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall on December 13. The election of officers took place and theyare as follows: president, Bob Powell; first Rob Rodgers, secretary, Mrs. Keith Rodger; treasurer, Mulmel Andrew; trail co-ordinator, Bill Spey and, .-delegates to Lake Hu= Tram Assodn- iwnKeith Bill Empey and Kei Rodger. Ken Wilson of the Colborne Snowmobile Club spoke on the necessity of a club and how one should be operated. He was introduced by Bob Powell. It was decided to have a poker rally on January 24 with an alternate date of January 31. Plans are being made by Bud Chatnney's contract renewed The December meeting of the Auburn Trustee Board was held last Saturday even- ing in the town hall. Warner Andrews, chairman, presid- ed over the meeting. The minutes were ac- cepted as read by the village clerk, Mrs. Ross Dobie. The trustees will attend the West Wawanosh meeting on January 5 to further discuss the renovations to the town hall and library room. The caretaker, Mrs. Lillian Letherland, the club members to build a groomer for the trails. A Christmas party is being planned for December 20 in the Auburn Hall at 2 p.m. and Santa Clans is also com- ing. The next meeting will be held January 3 when plans will be made for trail rides and cook -outs., The executive wishes - everyone to have a safe and happy, year. United choirs present Cantata Knack United ChlirCh Choir and Donnybrook United antrchChoirjoinedtogether last Sunday to monad a Mishit= nolrndad eta "God in a Star" directed by the minister, Richard Hawley and the orgindat, The pmorr car, under the direction of Mrs. Richard Hawley and with Mrs. Barry Millian as Wit, presented "Mary Had a Guild" and "Advent Candle". Mrs. Oliver Anderson was the narrator for the Christmas Cantata which was directed by Ricaiwrd Hawley. Soloists were Mrs. Greg Park, Mrs. Emerson Rodger and Richard presented her bill for caretaking and this was voted to be paid. Bud Chimney was present to renew the contract with Chamney Sanitation for gar- bage disposal for the Village of Auburn and the contract was signed at $3,600 for the 1982 year. Dumping for January to April will take place at the Hallett disposal site; May and June at the East Wawanoeh site and Ju- ly to December at the West Wawanoeh site. WMS hear speaker The Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society met for its December meeting last Wednesday afternon at the home of Mrs. Frances Clark. The call to worship was given by Mrs. Eleanor Brad - nock. After welcoming, the guests and members, she led in the Christmas service published in the Glad Tidings entitled "The Gifts of Christmas". The scripture lesson, I .Corinthians, 12th chapter, verses 4 to 11; was read by Mrs. Lillian Letherland. Mrs. Frances °ark took part in the responsive readings and many Asristmas carols were read- The Reverend G. L Royal of Goderich Knox Presbyterian Clnrrcb was the guest speaker of the afternoon,redrnoc k thanked Mr. Royal and presented him with agift. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Lillian Letherland. Business _ was discussed and a letter was _ read from Mrs. Duncan MacKay of Goderich. It was decided to give Christmas boxes of treats to Hawley. A double trio was sung by Mrs. Greg Park, Mrs. Bob Worsell, Mrs. Emerson Rodger, Mrs. Richard Hawley, Mian Kim McDowell and Mrs. Joan Following the service, the Auburn Young People's group served a lunch et soup and Kippen news and notes By Rena Caldwell St. Andrew's United Munch seams was held on December 13. The Greatness of the Day" was the therne of the service preached by Rev. McMullen. The choir selection was "I believe this is Jesus" aid the solo part was taken by Rev. Robert McMullen. The Sunday School Christmas Concert was held at Huron Centennial School on Sunday afternoon December 13. Nelson Hood is a patient in Canton Hospital Junior Show and Sale was held in Toronto, December 12, Beth Corin and Mark McGregor each showed a calf. MI! Nett With a three point lead the whiners of .the atter cutest of Kippen U.C.:";; were entertained by the betas side on December 8 to dinner. Worship was taken by Mrs. Keith Lovell. -Unto you this day was bom a Saviour". Four carols Imre sung and a poem "Behold a Star", was read The Business % was conducted by Mrs.. Robert Kimwn, who read a poem. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Bert Faber, • and Mrs. Kinsman Clunked the ladies who had htdped her during her term of office and reported that the proceeds from the turkey Quo 1 app& were irk graThe hg. budget for neat year was presented and will be ratified at the next meeting. Sunshine boxes were prepared and delivered to the shut-in's by Frances }Unman, Susan Faber, and. Mrs. McMullen. The social committee will bring in a budget for January, and a proposal was male for a bale to be packed to Dr. Betty Bridgeman in Zaire consisting of pencils, seriibblers and pens as well as pod Mrs. David Turner and aaar rt r,.TT..e. demonstration of crafts. There were testa door prises won by Mrs. Lairdlinlayson and Mrs. BillBailey. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Bert Faber. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Bill Conant and Mas. Lloyd Maw Yonne Kitchen can be contacted at Crannrunty if any organization is desiring a speaker CO alcohol and drug abuse in Baron County. a a °itffrot •,raly to go t•o sheSod stores or osrtatoors donee -ny ThiaV MOHAVE £ attu'SaeEta Ilf001. TARTAN TAPAS i MUMS • ti CLAM TARTAN, StiltitAAO s MOHAIR GAIMZS - MA " TO FACASIaea . GIFT CFITTTFICATES row MOM Tffr TREE 0 CAW BRIO "O° ROUSE 344. St. looms Sxazikat, tandem 612-4241 Miss Minnie Wagner and Wilfred Sanderson. Mrs. Frances Clark, Mrs. Lillian Letherland and Mrs.. Frank Raithby will be in charge of this. Mrs. Frances Clark gave the financial statement and she received the offering. Mr. Royal dedicated it with Prayer - Plans were made for the January meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Clark with Mrs. Roy Deer in charge of devotional period and Mrs. Bradnock in charge of Mission Study. Reports for the year were filled out and the new of- ficers are as follows: past president, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson; president, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock; secretary, Mrs. Lillian Letherland and treasurer, Mrs. Frances Clark. After the benediction, a Clnisb flan lunch was served by Mia. Clark. Social News The annual Sunday School Christmas concert will be held on Saturday evening, December 19 at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome Mrs. Emma Franken was the winner of PO in a drawof the Bluewater Five -Pin Bowling Association held in Goderich last weekend. advocate Library closes for holidays The Auburn Library will be closed for holidays from December 19 until January 9. Winners at the weekly po n- oredro- s soi p by the Auburn ap Silver Toss last week were: novel- . CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT la , Mld ' hilib loy, y t Munro, low lady, Mrs. Lillian LetheriAnd; high man, Wal° lly�■Mason and low man, Dew Ws �. There were nine tables in play. Everyone is welcome every Tuesday evening in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall at 8 p.m. Congratulations to Mr. and Mo. James Schneider on the birth of a babyl on December 12 in Wfngham district hospital. THE C.I.M. IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO IS OFFERING A CERTIFICATE COURSE IN... - CANADIAN BUSINESS LAW INSTRUCTOR: DAN MURPHY, B.A., Q.C. TUITION FEE $ 185.00 FOR (1 S SESSIONS) CLASSES ARE HELD EACH MONDAY NIGHT FOR 15 WEEKS CLASSES BEGIN MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1982 AT GODERICH ASSESSMENT OFFICE 7:00 - 9:30 P.M. FOR ANYONE IN SMALL BUSINESS, BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OR ANYONE JUST INTERESTED IN LAW PRACTICES THIS COURSE ISA MUST. THIS COURSE IS ONE OF II THE C.I.M. OFFERS TOWARD A CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRA- TION. ANYONE WISHING TO REGISTER MUST DO SO BEFORE JANUARY 14, 1931. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: WAYNE KENNEDY - Training and Development Officer,. Champion Road Machinery. Phone 324.2601. %sone not its; mora -roes -wen. 9 - s r.M: rn tis. s . 9 - 41'.51. SATCIDAT 9 - i P.M. Every weosesoAY IS SEAM QI1ZENS DAY! Sad ouscou n os 011001 O1 FIFE DELWEIT. ROTHvirmir ,qm FOOD .MARKET�.• KNECNTEL SEAFORTH AMIN66, wE IESE*VE IRE RFGfdl 10 LOOT 011611MES CNRISIMA= rrgon emeries arn01 4aionlaf,, rterettrker 1 , 14111 WINNER OF INE FREE TURKEY DRAW 0088372 WINNER OF THE CHEESE TRAY - 0088463 MEAT PIES • . n.. ate* .99 Sded:.e., HAI STEAKS iia as a.. 1.59 iiiDtu 1.59 SAUSAGE ROLLSs....�a; 1 e 9 7 BEEF BURGERS '444 3.99 iiiiiilii b. woeCHICKENS 1.08 , 1elFn,e±.fet. sewn, sae DINNERT. HAMS 3.59. GROUND BEEF 1.39. iiiRE PhrL RE RIBS 1.33. Teak, 'Wee Tairrtmolfr SIRLOIN & WING STEAKS Faaln dIEESE READ .99& Nov a^raedelbd Japanese Mande t C,iran,g :1 91r ORDER ROHR FRESH TURKEY FOK 4ARETTMAS AT TUE MEAT d OENT€H SIM Maxwell Nouse INSTANT COFFEE 10 az. Jar 4.98 Assbrteci ALLEN'S DRINKS 42 ' z Tin .69 Famy W'ho4e Kernel or Cream Style STOKELY'S' CORN Fant,' Assorted STOKELY'S VEGETABLES 14 oz. T i /.89 Dream Whip TOPPING I IX oz. Box C.ns _l's 1s m. On KGroceries TOMATO JUICE .79 OeFn. Ass r1dr 2 d.. JELLY POWDERS 3/100 Ronin Hos® ALL PURPOSE FLOUR i01 k, lag 6.49 1,49 1.69 .69 PIE SHELLS Swett M:vtd i *mr, Vs SICKS PICKLES 90 tis MANDARIN ORANGES 36 cm, Oa maple leaf Regfar 9". lb. ray CANNED HAMS Ma0e teat fretless Y..a. ea+, M MEAT Rd, Hoof farmer Cines? cake, Sferlo ecry & GRAMM 3.99 2.99 1.99 !Ulan Mod at. PW MIX .99 Flh.iera4afe 2-C.Iv TEA BASS . 1.29 0*ts Sas. PLASTIC GLASSES CARTRIDGES SHAVRIO CREAM l ft...r.r MI Nantas. POTATO CHIPS 1.09 1.49 1.89 .99 werews Piro. sr •f4 466 6. PEERLESS CRACKERS .89 ¢nue x16 1.29 BRADLEY POP valYs F,n p FRENCH FRIES , Ify. lag 2/ 1.00 bakery 061 fOta. WHITE BREAD fy.. Fief 2/.99 �IIOWI! & SUEROUS ®65 weMdns Nonfrern i Ckaxntsre SWISS ROLLS arrigrann cy UODUCE 2-5 lektotero 5 Paas PMrtr9 CJ .5 A Ca rs16 Ifs Seetak rs NAVEL NAMES m Pfnd� „5 151 ea czda If9 CALIFORNIA RED GRAPES .77 lih 2.99 .5vd. ,D. Q. P. enmity RT CAMOTS 25. fany 21.89 P. 0.5 A. Canmfs.F LAIC cueutaiss 3/•98' .79 05.64 OA* Catrad.r sr vise IF'ijfenr e TOMATOES .395. Print 0.S,4. Comfy, 15 Ems Fawrp RED DELICIOUS APPLES ®695. Pilo KSS*. Carred.0Y' Erni rarer APES .69 IR, • f