Clinton News-Record, 1981-11-25, Page 8PAGE 4 CLoINTON NEWS&REO1f(D, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1981 W* di* right to IlmIt quantities to n®rmel family requitnuamlrl Roesville folk learn about joy By Blanche Deeves A large congregation at- tended Hohnesville United Church last Sunday morn- ing. Rev. James Bechtel talked to the children about fun in the- snow, when you have fun you think of the word joy put Jesus.first as in j -o -y, others second and yourself last. In this way of life you will always ex- perience zperience the meaning of the word joy. Mrs. Elaine Bechtel favored with a solo and the minister's sermon was the Circle Expands. Murray Lobb and Doug Yeo received the offering. November 26 choir prac- tice for all ages and on December 1 a meeting of the board of stewards is plann- ed. +++ Congratulations to Barb Betties on her winning recipes in the Goderich and Clinton paper. Recreation news The Goderich. Township Recreation Christmas dance will be held on December 5 with dancing from 9 to 1 to Mystery Train. Lunch pro- vided, tickets available from Donna Martin 482.9524. The Goderich Township curling season has started every Sunday at 8 p.m. at the Vanastra. Curling' Club. Pay as you play. This is a great way to learn to curl. Come and bring a friend. The Karate course at the Community Centre in Holmesvllle is a great suc- cess. New members are welcome any time Mondays and Wednesday at 7 p.m. The Goderich . Township W.I. card party will be held. • Seniors meet The Enterprising Seniors of Goderich Township met last Thursday in the Com- munity Centre in Hoimesville. Everett McI1- wain president in charge, held the opening exercises with Charlotte Norman at the piano. Mrs. Irene Cudmore read the minutes of the last meeting aid'they were ap- proved an 'read. ' Mr: Fran Powell presented the finan- cial statement and a motion made to pay bills. Mrs. Deeves reported on sick and cards. On December 3rd the Meeting will be aChristmas pot luck lunch. Alice Porter adjourned the meeting. Mrs. Alice Porter and Mrs. Berniece Mcllwain presented their slides on their trip to Alaska this past. summer which the seniors enjoyed very much. Hazel Mcllwain thanked the ladies for showing their slides. Lunch was served and a social time was enjoyed by all. +++ Join the Happy Travellers with Blanche Deeves to Kit- chener Market and Angie's Kitchen for dinner on Dec. 5; Dec. 9, Simcoe Lights and Coyle's Store. Also a special bus on Dec. 19 to Simcoe Lights. Pre -Christmas in Frankenmuth December 12, 13, 14. Please call Blanche Deeves in Clinton. Grey Cup draw winners Bernice Moore of RR 4, Goderich won the $1,000 grand prize in the Clinton Lions Club annual Grey Cup draw last Sunday. Her winn- ing ticket was 23 East, 26 West. Taking home the third- quarter prize of $300 was Col- leen Phillips of Clinton, while Wayne Layton of the Clinton area won the half- time prize of $200, and John Harkes of Toronto won the first-quarter prize of $100. "Red" Garon of the club sold the top three tickets and took home $225 for his ef- forts, while Gord Harkes was given $25 fur selling the fourth place prize. The club sold all their tickets this year and would like to thank all the buyers who made it such a suc- cessful project. Smile Fill your water bed with beer and get a foam mat- tress. +++ The man that stole the car parked in the cemetery said he had a good excuse. He thought the owner was dead. You'II do better with • PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1981. REASONS WHY YOU'LL DO BEiiER AT A6P! 1. 2. 3. No charge for bags to pack your order. We bag your order for you. Weekly "Super Buys" plus low everyday prices. SAVE 30? 401111111►q/*, J.B., Frozen, Concentrated ORANGE JUICE 12.541 -oz tin SAVE 30? PLUS A&P's LOW SAVE 1.00 ...011111111►r►i�i�i� Regular or Sugar Free Ginger Ale, Club Soda or Tonic Water CANADA DRY BEVERAGES 750 mi bottle Contains Rich Brazilian Coffees SAVE 30? Jane Parker, Sliced (Made with 100% pure vegetable shortening) 8 O'CLOCK 100% WHOLE INSTANT COFFEE 10 -oz jar 99 WHEAT BREAD 24 -oz loaf 1 Compare to AaP's reg. pries on Sun Pae at 99e (Our Regular Price 69c) (Our Regular Price 4.99) Blanched or Spanish BEAVER PEANUTS 1 -Ib pkg Partly if Skim FRES 2% MILK 3 -quart 189 bag lOur Regular Price 79c) (Our Regular Price 2.25) Orange Pekoe RED ROSE TEA BAGS SAVE 46c 419 COME VISIT IEFA ;, et Aww.. -}; i for freshness & Savings! Product of California, Sweet, Juicy Seedless Navels RANGES each Canada No. 1 Grade, Prod. of California, Fresh, Crisp, Ideal in Salads HEAD LETTUCE 9¢ Product of Florida, Great in Salads or Dips LARGE AVOCADOS 2AA¢ for Product of California, Great with Cheese Sauce FRESH BROCCOLI bunch CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, SWEET, NUTRITIOUS 5-1.8 BAG Fresh Carrots 99¢ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OP US.A., «REEN SLICERS, GREAT IN SALADS Cucumbers 3 kr99¢ CANADA NO. 1.GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, . SNOW WHITE, DELICIOUS RAW OR COOKED each i 69 s Cauiifi�wer CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, TENDER, GOLDEN, FRESH, SWEET Corn -on -the -Cob 5 for 1.49 CANADA FANCY, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, ALL PURPOSE 3 -LB BAG McIntosh Apples 1.79 PROD. OF MOROCCO, SWEET, EASY TO PEEL, SEEDLESS Clementines 2 l pkg 1.99 PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, 'WHITE, SEEDLESS, SIZE 48's PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, THE NATURAL SNACK Red Grapes 1b99? PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, GREAT FOR PARTIES, FRESH Cole Slaw 8 oz pkg 2 for 99i CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, FAMILY PACK, FRESH Tomatoes 1.5 -Ib tray 1.69 "ROASTING CHESTNUTS BY AN OPEN FIRE", PRODUCT OF ITALY, LARGE SIZE Chestnuts Roasting 161.49 PROD. OF U.S.A., WITH SEAFOOD, SALADS, VEGETAELES RECONSTITUTED, REALEMON 4.5-FL•OZ PLASTIC CTNR Lemon Juice 3 for 1.00 PROD. OF U.S.A., GREAT ON THESE COOL EVENINGS, REDENBACHER'S GOURMET 15-0Z PKO Popping Corn 1.29 PRODUCT OF U.S.S., IN SHELL, FRESH ROASTED grapefruit 10for1.99 Peanuts 16o,ba4.69 Tropical Mixed Pans 7inchpot 5,99 XESSICT You'II do better with HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE from A&P You'II do better with l .4►'r ' - BAKED GOODS from A&P! 2.04 kg Ring (4.5 -Ib) 11.99 Bonus Pack 50 mi Plus 50 ml 'FREE' Why Bake Your Own? 680 g Piece (1.5 -Ib) 4.59 AIM, JANE PARKER 1 ring gR49 TOOTHPASTE t°� FRUIT CAKE (3-1b) ANTI-PERSPIRANT - Bonua Pack, 200 ml Plus SO ml "FREE" STONEMILL FARMS, SLICED (a good source of natural fibre) Right Guard aerosolntin 2.19 Bran Bread . 24 -oz loaf 69¢ APPLE VALLEY JANE PARKER, HAMBURG BUNS OR Shampoo 225 ml. Bt1. 261.49 Wiener Rolls pkg of 8 63¢ ASSORTED TYPES = Bonus Pack, 200 mi Plus 50 ml "FREE" JANE PARKER Adorn Hair Spray aerosolmtin 1.99 Angel Cake 14 -oz cake 1 69 ATRA (TRAC 11 PKG OF 10 2.99) SILVERWOOD, ASSORTED FLAVOURS, CANADIAN SUPREME Razor Blades pkg of 51.99 Ice Cream I litre carton 1,39 A&P SHEER TO WAIST FLEISCHMANN'S, SOFT CORN OIL Pantyhose PKG 1.09 Margarine pkg of 2 - 8 tubs 1,39 r Regular, Filter or Automatic Drip Coffee MAXWELL HOUSE 1 -Ib vac pac bag 99 ®{ SAVE Il 5011 (Our Regular Price 3.49) HEINZ CONDENSE®(Tomato 29') Vegetable 10-fl-oz3for tin 99? BATHROOM TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS PKG OF 4 ROLLS NESTLE'S, INSTANT, WITH CHICORY SOUP Chefmaster, 100°/ Vegetable Oil SOFT MA GARINE 1 -lb tub (Our Regular Price 79c) (Our Regular Price 1.39) Monarch, Assorted Varieties QUICK LOAF MIXES SAVE 3Q' J SAVE 20c 425 g 1 8 pkg White Swan Tissue 1.39 Encore Coffee 8 oz jar 4.59 PRINTED GOLD, GREEN OR ORANGE PKG OF 2 ROLLS NEWBORN PKG OF 30 White Swan Towels 1.39 Pampers Diapers 3.39 FACIAL TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS REGULAR OR MALT 1.1r14 Quaker Muffets Kleenex box of 200 sheets 69¢ WITH THIS COUPON - SAVE 20c Chicken Noodle Supreme LIPTON kk SOUP MIX 90 g pkg envs. (Feature Price 79c without coupon) Limit one pkg per family purchase Valid until Saturday, November 28th, 1981. 049KE ISE IEL ZEN WITH THIS COUPON Assorted Varieties DERBY DOG FOOD 14 -oz tin (Feature price 45c without coupon) Limit one per fantify.purchase Valid until Saturday, November 23th, 1981. V.C. M WITH THIS COUPON - SAVE 22c Assorted Varieties LANCIA PASTAS (Feature price 99e without coupon) Limit one pkg per faMily purchase Valid until Saturday, November 1CJU5S?5 28th, 1981 V.0 5L'U2S9L1bs A,