HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-11-18, Page 22PAGE 22—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1961 corning events HURON FISH & GAME BINGO every Sunday at 1 3t p.m. First regular card $1 00 restricted to 16 years and over Jackpot $100 must go eact week l 5 regular games of $10 $5leastonsplit - 43tfar TUESDAY, NOV. 24, 8 - 10 p.m. Wesley -Willis United Church. "Life as a Whole". In this concluding session of this year's Lay School of Theology, questions raised by par- ticipants will be answered. Special presentation will be by Don Groff or Larry Kelly of Kitchener. How our social issues fit into our whole life experience will be featured. Everybody welcome Admission 83.00.-45.46 () 'DESBORU LIONS MY.ERI' CAR and Poker Rall ' at Londesboro Hall on Sat , Nov. 28. Registration time 1 1 p.m. $5 per car. Prizes fo best poker hands, refreshments in the hall. --45,46ar --- ANNUAL MEETING of the Huron Central Agricultural Society will be held at the Blue Fountain Restaurant on Thursday, November 26 at 8 p m. Everyone's welcom.e.-•45-47 — THE HAPPY TRA.VELLERS CLUB TOURS - The Kitchener Market, Dec. 5: the Simcoe Lights. Dec: 9; Frankenmuth, Dec. 12, 13 and 14. For further information call Blanche Deeves 482;1383. -- 15-47 rix STANLEY TOWNSHIP AN- NUAL Seniors' Christmas Party, November.25 at Varna Hall 2-4 p.m. -46 • • The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic held at the Health Unit Office, Huronview Building, Clinton on Friday,, November 20, 1981 from 9:30 - '1:30a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Fluoride.-46ar "MAGGIE AND PIERRE" by Theatre Passe Muraille, starring Patricia Oatman at Blyth Memorial Hall, November 28 at 8 p.m., November 29 at 2 p.m. Tickets $7 50 and $6. Call 523-9300 or 523 4:131 - 45-47ar - ---- - -- — The ladies u1 the Christiar Reformed Church, Clinton wil hold their annual bazaar Friday, November 20 in tht gymnasium of the Clintor Christian District School from 2 to 9 p.m. Craft and bake( goods for sale. Coffee and te( will be served. Supper from to8p.m.—l3-t5 \'ANASTRA AND DISTRICT LIONS CLUB CHRISTMAS DANCE Friday, Dec. 4 at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Music by "Shannon": Lunch provided, hip of beef. Dancing from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. $12 a couple. ProceedstotheClinton Hospital Building Eland.-45- 47ar 'November 29, 1981 is CHRISTMAS SEAL SUNDAY in Canada. The seals support the work of the Lung Association across Canada. The Canadian Lung Association was the first non- profit voluntary health organization in Canada founded in 1900 to fight • tuberculosis. Today Lung Associations are working against alllung diseases in- cluding asthma, . bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer and pneumonia. Thousands of volunteers help in the vital work of Lung Associations. Would you please ask your congregation to support this work by answering their Christmas Seal • letter? Program blanks are available at: Huron Perth Lung Association, 653 West Gore Street, Stratford, Ont., N5A 1L4, phone 271-7500. Use Christmas Sealk - It's a matter of lifeand breath. -46 *******\************* * * PLAYING * . ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Highway No. 8 1F/est,Clinton * FRIDAY & SATURDAY NOVEMBER 20 & 21 * "Harvest" ******************* FAMILY PARADISE R.R. 4 ALTON 527-0629 See us at Family Paradise for your AAS HERE WE P•r ARM 12 CONC. WINTHRO *CHRISTMAS PARTIES *BANQUETS *RECEPTIONS .OR ANY OCCASION! ('Large Hardwood Dance Floor 'Over 200 Capacity 'Kitchen Facilities 'We can assist you with arrangements for any size of group For an enjoyable time come to FAMILY PARADISE OPEN HOUSE of Fine Quality -Handmade HOME FURNISHINGS Made from OAK-PINE-IJALN( T Saturday, November 21 10 am tb 8 pm Sunday, November 1 pm to 6 pm Come to LARRY MA YBERRY CONSTRUCTION londeshoro Onf W.f. LW-EFL— THE TRUCK FROM GOODWILL INDUSTRIES of London will be at the Wesley - Willis United Church on Nov. 24 at lua.m.-45,46 FESTIVAL SINGLES DAN- CE, Friday, November 20, Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans. -46 BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Centre, R.R. 5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission is restricted to 16 years and over.-3otfar CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8 p.m. First regular card $1. Six cards for $1. Fifteen regular games, three share -the -wealth. Early bird game 7:45 p.m. Jackpot $2.00 must go each. week ..-3otf a r RENT YOUR SANTA SUIT from Clinton Kinettes $5. Phone Rhea Jones at 482-7121 Monday -Friday after 6 p.m., Saturday, 12 - 6 p.m. -46,47 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, Trinity Ladies Guild Bazaar, 2- 4 p.m. in the parish hall, Bayfield. -46 CITIZENS ACTION GROUP for. Education (C,A.G.E.). meeting Friday, November 20 at 8 p.m. in the Department of Agriculture downstairs. Everyone welcome. -46x MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY,, Huron Unit General Meeting, November 25th, 8 p.m. at' Vanastra Community Centre. Anyone with M.S., family or friends are welcome to attend and find out what we've been doing. All in- terested persons please attend. No charge. -46 JANOME SEWING MACHINE in store demon- stration, no obligation, Friday, Novemer 27 from 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. Hopper -Hockey Fur- niture, Exeter. For further information 235.1990,-46,47 CRAFT AND HOME BAKE SALE. The Ladies' Auxiliary to Branch 180, Royal Canadian Legion, Wingham, is spon- soring'a craft'and bake sale at the Legion Hall, Victoria St., Wingham, November 21, 11:00 a.m. to 9 p.m. Many area crafters will be present. Door prizes and draws. Admission 25 cents. Everyone welcome. -46 EUCHRE PARTY r Huron Fish - and Game Club, Sat., Nov. 28 at 8 p.m. $1.50 per person with prizes and light lunch .-46 ,47ar GODERICH, LITTLE THEATRE psents "In- the Court of the Emerald King" ( a fairy tale for all ages) : written and directed by Warren Robinson at MacKay Centre for Seniors on Friday, Nov. 27 at 7 p.m.: Saturday, November 28 at 4 pm. and Sunday. November 29 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $2.00 per person and are available in advance from G.L.T. members or at the door. -46-47 Ontaori NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario will be held at THE ROYAL CANADIAN LE- GION. 48 ONTARIO STREET NORTH. KITCHENER, ONTAR- IO on THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3rd. 1981. at the hour of 10 00 o'clock in -the forenoon. at which time the Board will hear appli- cations for new licences in ac- cordance with The Liquor Li cence Act. and Regulations thereunder The following establishment has applied for a licence of the class indicated. and the application will be entertained at the afore- mentioned location and time Glasgow Restaurant Tuckersmith Township (MA: 7th Avenue West. Vanastra Park, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1LO1 Dining Lounge Licence Applicant: Clair Haskett ANO FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is rest dent in the municipality and who wishes t0 make represen- tation relative t0 the applica• t.on shall make their submis• sine to the Board in writing prior to the date of the hear ung or in person at the time and place of the hearing (Cap 'Rs of written submissions will he forwarded to the applicant) 1 ,auOr 1 ,cence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO Ontario MSE IA4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE 1 IQIJOR LICENCE ACT At the Legion Dart team on to districtfinals By John Scott As can be seen from the details of last weeks mixed darts results, the horseshoes that Steve mentioned, have lost their influence. The high couple were Phyllis Butler and John Gredanus, low couple were Brenda Atklnsonl and Neil Elliott. The ladies high score was taken by Rosemary Arm- strong with 100 and Brian Atkinson took men's high with 144. Nary a mention of the name Scott there. Last Saturday, our ladies entered a team in the Ladies Aux ill ary Zone Darts Tournament. The team consisted of Rosemary Armstrong, Karen Gredanus, Brenda Atkinson and Joyce Scott. And, would you believe it, they finished fourth and qualified for district competition in Leamington in April, 1982. At last weeks men's euchre, Bert • Garrett was high with 11 while Walt Webster was low with 47, and Blyth Singers present Christmas in song The Blyth Festival Singers will present two concerts of Christmas music on Sunday, December 6 at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. in Myth Memorial Hall. This mixed, community choir of 80 voices came together in September 1981 under the auspices of the Blyth Centre for the Arts. It represented a new direction in the growth of the Centre and the subsequent sell-out concerts throughout the season have attested to the popularity of choral music in the Huron -Perth area. The choir is under the professional direction of Laurie Rowbotham of Listowel. Mr. Rowbotham says that he is enjoying the opportunity to mould a choir from the beginning and feels that the choir is "at least a THE HOME OF Technics The science of sound Rivett's Lirnited 34 Shoppers Square - Goderleh Phone 524-9432 Local doctors take to stage for hospital Area residents will have a chance to watch a group of local doctors performing "live" in a different type of theatre, next Wednesday, November 25. They will be singing in a variety concert staged at Blyth Memorial Hall in aid of the . Clinton Public Hospital Building Fund. A varietyof talented area performers will present a program of music and dan- cing. The evening will include the Craig Allan singers, the Scottish Irish Blackthorns, the Country Companions, soloists Kathy Madill and Darlene Vander Veen, and dancers Jayne Snell, Angie Alcock, Pat Stackhouse, Kim Craig and Karen Yeo, with a variety of Polish folk ballet, highland and step dancing. Ted Johns will give a monologue from his exten- sive repertoire. • Tickets will be on sale both inside the main and ramp en- trances at adults $4, seniors $3, children $2. The show starts at 8 p.m. 4111111111111111111111..111 year ahead" of where he expected it would be at this time in its development. The choir is accompanied by Arlene Darnbrough of Goderich. The intermediate choir of the Exeter Public School will share the program with the Blyth Festival Singers. This excellent children's choir under the direction 'of Mrs. Joan Perrie won the hearts of the audience at last year's concert and the Singers are pleased to have them on the program again this year. They will perform works by themselves and with the adult choir. Bring the whole family to enjoy an afternoon or evening of sacred Christmas Music ;I join in the carol sing a -long during the concert, and meet the choir, director, and accompanist downstairs following the performance while sampling the traditional hot cider and goodies which have been part of the Blyth Centre for the Arts Christmas concerts. Tickets, are $3 for adults and $1.50 'forchildren and are available from choir members or by phoning 523- 4331 or 482-3635. No reserved seats. Ray Flynn took the most lone hands with five. At the ladies mixed euchre on Friday, Gladys Reid and George Rumball were high, while Bob Cooke and Vera Colquhoun took low and Milvert Reid took the lone hands. Remembrance Day was a perfect day for the Legion, and many people are to be thanked. Firstly the Lord for such a beautiful day; secondly Gord Tait, Branch Poppy Chairman, for having everything so well organized and thirdly, everyone who turned out. We would also like to thank all the merchants who closed for all or part of the day to allow their employees to participate. There is still time to pay your membership dues to enable the branch to qualify for the Early Bird Award. Christmas draw tickets are still available at the bar. They only cost 25 cents and you could win one of the many good prizes at our party which will be held on December 119,1981. The more you buy, the more you can win. Our addition is progressing very well with the kitchen 99 percent completed. We would like to thank everyone who has helped in any way. The ladies have already used the kitchen and, from all ac- counts, they are quite pleased. The special this week on inatest'la i5 shaets of ch'ywlail at $10.00. Upcoming seminars for the month of December are Veterans and Community Services in Brussels on December3, and Leadership in Kincardine on December 5. For further information, contact President George Rum ball. You're invited to join family 8 friends in a celebration dance for the 50 th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Goldsworthy SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 CLINTON LEGION HALL - DANCING 9 P.M. -1 A.M. Everyone Welcome - Best Wishes Only Please Vanastra 8 District ' LIONESS CLUB Annual Christmas Bazaar SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 10 AMto2PM AT THE VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE ADULTS: 50° CHILDREN: 25° PRE-SCHOOLERS FREE *Door Prizes Proceedsto the Clinton Public Hospital Building Fund. .ry,,..�WHITE CARNATION gift` • N.r/ Holmesville €�� '* { ` \ ' `'` STAR TREX t°'' , ,; ' J - Presents - 2 .•.t rSATURDAY, NOV. 21 /81' Dancing 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. �go • 00 per person acY LATE NIGHT BUFFET INCLUDED 482-9228 After hours: 524-4133 1 LAST NICHT THURS. NOV. 19TH H4.L.L.4 WEE STARTS FRIDAY, 'NOV. 20TH TO 26TH SHOW'TIMtIS: FRI. & SAT. 7 & 9 SUN.-THURS. I P.M. \VA:S,JUST AN INNOCENT GAMI: 1.11N 'NTH, A 'MI N(i GIRL \TANIS'TED)••. E'()I .FH KIN YEARS. SAT. & SUN. MATINEE 1:30 P.M. NOV.21ST&22ND PLUS room THE MOB COME HELP US CELEBRATE OUR 75TH ANNIVERSARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH REDUCED ADMISSION ADULTS - 75` STUDENTS - 50` CHILDREN - 25` PARK GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524.7811 AIR CONDITIONED oe favourite o fth 1,cg1) •t tit: •'n '' ' r <. r • ; e y�:.w HASH Denim Ref,' price '9.00 MAKE THE BEST PLAY... Pick up a bucket, 15 pieces of the best tasting chicken there Is.... Sweet Baby Jane Long Sleeve Blouses 99 Reg pri(rw in '.5 00 Quantities are limited. Sale ends November 21. rSaindy's' is Santa's helper. 25% Off Saturday. & Sunday NOV. 21St & 22nd only eta*, Hospitals, 14 DISh ���` w4 y;;"� • v Mucky' -p Regular Price Merchandise With this coupon any morning until 11:00 a.m. Money hack guarantee with prtxlf of purch.isc St N(.()•AS-T 14�f;il.I-, (rOf)I RIC.F1 Fashion chnpi ndvS 1 HAP(, !hoover • Walkerton • Pon Elgin • Kincardine • <milt -rub • Ircrrtwrl 111111111111111 Fermat • Orangeville *Stratford 0 Wnnrfsrock • Sr T1fnm:ra 10ittiik9 rieChieken n (ANArIIAo r'l1no, The Colonels Taste Is Best. 94 Elgin Ave., East GODERICH 227 Main Street EXETER