HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-11-18, Page 1741 Christmas shop this Sad. The Lioness Club will be holding their Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 21st from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. This year again they will be putting in their Kid- dies Corner where the children can do their Christmas shopping unac- companied by Mom and Dad. All gifts will be $1.50 and under and Christmas wrapping and gifts tags will be provided free. The crafts at this year's bazaar promise to be many and varied from homemade guilts, woodcarvings, bead- work, macrame, knitting and sewing as well as bake Some thoughts Look before you leap - BUT - He who hesitates is lost. +++ Many hands make light work - BUT - Too many cooks spoil the broth. •+++ Discretion is the better part of valor - BUT - Faint heart never won fair lady. tables and food booths. Ad- misi3ion to this year's bazaar will be adults -50c, children 25c and pre-schoolers free. Your admission charge will also be your chance on the door prize. So come on out for day of browsing acid maybe pick up some bargains for Christmas. Pro- ceeds from this year's bazaar will go towards the Clinton Hospital Building Fund. Learn about music Last week the children made shakers, drums and guitars. This week they are still learning about musical instruments. There are two birthdays this week; on November 20 Brandon Thibeault and on November 21 Paul Brideau. Anyone who is donating baked goods for the table in the bazaar please bring it to Day Nursery on Friday evening or Saturday morn- ing. What's new this week Results from Bingo on November 10 are: first share the wealth, Marlene Glavin of Crediton; second share the wealth, Mrs. Bill Kerr of Clinton and Cora Smith of Exeter; third share the wealth, Evelyn Francis of Bayfield and Jackpot, Fred Seers of Goderich. Angus and Rose Hummel are celebrating their an- niversary on November 22. Evelyn Rhyhard celebrated her 17th birthday on November 5. Dorothy Rhyhard held a bridal shower for Dianne • Fidon (Rhyhard) on November 16. Laurence Perry and Ines Flaro were united in mar- riage on Sunday, November 15 at Heather Gardens. Rev. Peter Mantel of St. Thomas performed the ceremony. NASTRA th e ( by Nancy Linton voice Babysining course offered The Lioness are sponsor- ing a babysitting course for girls and boys aged 11 years and up. The course will run from Monday, November 23 to Thursday, November 26 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Some of the subjects Swimming is popular A popular recreational ac- tivity for people in the area has become swimming. Swimming is no longer just a summer activity but can be enjoyed all year round at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Swim times are as follows: Adults Only - Monday to Fri- day from 12 noon to 1:15 p.m.; and Wednesday from 9:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Open Rec. Swim - Monday, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m; Tuesday, 8:30 to 10:00 p.m., Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 8:30 to 10:00 p.m.; Friday, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.; and Family Only on Sunday 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Smile Did you ever realize what a strange thing a match is? The heavy end is the light end. +++ Life is a catching proposi- tion. The spider catches the fly, the bass catches the min- . now, the fox catches the rab- bit, the dog catches the flea and man catches h—. covered in the course will be bathing and dressing in- fants, general child care, first aid, how to handle emergencies, with a written test on the last evening of the course. Certificates will be presented to those passing the test. Juice and donuts will be served each evening. Cost of the course is $3.00. If you would like to sign up for the coarse there are form at the Recreation Cera- tre and Mini Mart or phone Diane Ryan at 482-3886 or June Jeacock 482-3881 by Friday. Lions dance set On December 4th the Lions Club will be holding their an- nual Christmas Dance with music supplied by Shannon. Dancing will be from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at $12.00 per couple and lunch will be Murray Hohner's hip of beef. All pro- ceeds will go to the Clinton Hospital Building Fund. SPRITE, TAB OR COCA-COLA 750mI BOTTLES COTTONELLE BATHROOM TISSUE LIBBYS BEANS DEEP BROWN, WITH PORK OR WITH PORK & MOLASSES 5 COLOURS 14 FL. OZ. TINS PLUS DEPOSIT 4 ROLL PKGS. WHITE -W. WHEAT -CR. WHEAT ZEHRS BREAD 24 oz. LOAVES FINE' GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR 2 Kg. PKG. NO. 1. FRESH ZEHRS BUTTER 1 Ib. PRINT QUALITY DOLE OR CH IQUITA BANANAS PLUS DEP. ON JUG TOOTHPASTE CHEESE SLICES #1.19 MAPLE LEAF INDIV. WRAPPED 500 gr. 1/2 PRICE SALE COLOUR ENLARGEMENTS (with lustre finish) 55"x7" Reg 8260 8 x 10 Reg $525 GREEN GIANT F.CV GREEN OR wax •BEAN5 $UMMERSw�FT , PEA$ CREAM CORN OR NIBLEIS CORN 12 OR 14 oz. TINS MOTHER PARKERS BAG $ 59• COFFEE I • 1 LB. SPECIAL $1.30 SPECIAL $2.62 From any colour negative size 110, 126 or 135. Offer in effect until Dec. 1 1981, Please allow up to 3 weeks for delivery. Clover Leaf ChunkKent Frozen 12 5 oz. LIGHT TUNA1�#1.Z9 ORANGE JUICE 89' 9-13 oz. PKG. Creamed Regular #% 09 NORe DIeese CA 50 0 Ready to Serve QUAKER OATMEAL Dole Chunk, Crushed or Sliced Bluewater Boston Blue 14 oz. PINEAPPLEsY- Pack-P oz. 29 FISH STICKS it 09 LIBBYS SPAGHETTI CRACKERS Mazola Pure CORN OIL Green Giant -with I.�9LASAGNA 9 Oz $1.49 Frozen Beatrice 500 mi WITH CHEESE IN TOMATO SAUCE OR WESTONS 5 VARIETIES 19 oz. TIN TOTINO PIZZAS PAMPERS Stafford d Cherry PIEFILLINGi11,39 CHEDDAR 227 g 51.49 Cherry Hill Farmers 99'MIOZZARELLA $1.49 Stafford Apple PIEFILLING NEW-Parkay Soft 3 LB FACIAL TISSUE 89' MARGARINEStyle #2.59 Scotties -4 colours 200 8 Mother Parkers Instant Vachon Snacks PKG OF 6 COFFEE 1O 0= JAR 4.6 9 JOS & LOUIS 11.49 TODDLER SIZE DIAPERS BOX OF 48 DURACELL BATTERIES C AA AAA CARD OF 2 "D T.� P CARD OF '1 9 VOLT NEILSONS - 5 FLAVOURS FRUITPLUS YOGURT 125g CUPS THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: HIGHWAY #8 GODERICH MONDAY & TUESDAY 9-6 P.M. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9-9 P.M. SATURDAY 8:30-6 P.M. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1981—PAGE 17 There was something for everyone at the Ontario Street United Church bazaar and a favorite spot for the younger set was the Sweets and Treats display. Jigsaw puzzles and adventure books proved to be best sellers here. (Shelley McPhee photo) Nursery named Lady Di's Tuckersmith Township council officially named the special day nursery for han- dicapped children in Vanastra the Lady Diana Nursery School at its regular meeting Nov. 3. Council is applying for a All about colors The colors the children are learning about are blue and yellow. They are also learn- ing about circles, squares and triangles. They are lear- ning how to put their coats on and how to take them off. Last week • they learned how to wash their faces and hands and how to brush their teeth. grant, and : endorsed a recreation centre proposal. that might result in the crea- tion of a day care centre for handicapped adults . at Vanastra. By-laws were ' passed restricting the load limit to five tonnes of three area bridges, which the Ministry of Transportation has deter= mined are unsafe for greater loads. , Council 'withheld a deci- sion until its next meeting Nov. 17 on a request from Seaforth that Tuckersmith become involved in an area arena board. Councillor Alf Ross and clerk Jim Crocker of Seaforth presented the proposal. Swim-a-thon planned The Vanastra Recreation Centre is holding its annual swimathon on Saturday, November 28 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Swimmers will be collecting pledges from the .community based on the number of lengths they can Swim without stopping. Pro Construction fault SEAFORTH - The Depar- . tment of Public Works at Ottawa has admitted "a construction fault" with the new ramp for the disabled at Seaforth's post office to .Huron -Bruce MP Murray Cardiff. • The department told Mr. Cardiff that they are willing to fix the ramp as soon as possible and will be in- specting other ramps for the disabled at post officesin the area to ensure they don't contain similar construction faults. Wheelchairs can't negoitate the ramp at Seaforth since it •was built under • old width. specifications, smaller than the present size regulations. The ramp cost about $12.000 to construct. ceeds from this swimathon will be used towards the pur- chase of pool equipment and a film projector. Prizes will' be awarded for the most money collected and to par- ticipants for swimming the most laps. Each participant will receive refreshments for . their. part in the swimathon. Thank you for your support. Church news There will be a film for the older children at Come Alive on Tuesday evening. We would like to thank the children of the Seaforth Public School for all the stamps they collected. On Wednesday Nov. 25 the Ladies Bible Study will meet at 10 a.m. ...and get our extra service: i n•••,. .1 . 1 \\F' hate .1' ,• Ow( am: t .r.... 4 1.,nrnsler;Lt1.', r