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Clinton News-Record, 1981-11-11, Page 18
PAGE 18—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1981 Although the crowds were hectic at the bargain tables, things were also hectic in the kitchen in the Wesley -Willis last Saturday as the ladies raced to keep up with their busy tea room. Here Mildred McAdam gets some whip- ping cream, while washing dishes are Phyllis Harland, Beulah Keys and Marg Coventry. (James Fitzgerald photo) Hensall ladies groups meet By Bertha MacGregor The WMS and Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church. were entertained at the home of Mrs. Rochus Faber in Kippen on Monday evening. The president Mrs. Robert Bell presided for the opening of the WMS with a reading. Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau was in charge of the worship, talking about the Year of the Disabled and she gave a readirig. Mrs. Mousseau gave an interesting paper from Dr: Allison and Mrs. Faber gave a reading. Mrs. `Mousseau gave a reading as did Mrs. P. Campbell, and Gloria closed with prayer. Mrs. Bell presided for the meeting and led in prayer after a period of silence after a moment's silence in memory of the late Mrs. Mabel Munn. The treasurer's report iwas given by Mrs. W. Bell: Mrs. H. Hyde gave a report of the Rally at Belgrave;'the president called for a nominating committee and after same, discussion, the. officers were nominated for the ensuing term. The December meeting will be potluck dinner at the home of Mrs. Al Hoggarth on December 7th at 12 noon. Mrs. Bell closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Al Hoggarth presided for the meeting of the Ladies' Aid and opened with a poem. A thank you note was received from, Mrs. Gooding. Final arrangements were made for the Bake Sale and Tea on Saturday, November 7th. Mrs. ` Hyde gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. Bell reported for the treats committee; Mrs. Moir for the quilting; Mrs. Thompson for the kitchen committee. A nominating committee was called for and a suggestion made that the Officers be installed for the corning year. Mrs. Hoggarth closed the meeting with the benediction. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Skea, Mrs. W. Bell and Mrs. Faber. Amber Lodge meets Noble Grand Mrs. Bertha MacGregor presided for the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday evening assisted by Vice - Grand Mrs. Gladys -Coleman. Thank you notes were received from Elgin Thompson and Mrs. Flynn. Arrangements were made for the initiation of several candidates and an invitation was accepted to Pride of Huron Lodge in Exeter on November 18th at which time the initiation will take place. The Christmas Party was discussed and was decided to hold it on December 16th. Mrs. Edith Bell and Mrs. Bertha MacGregor , had completed the canvass for the blind. Mrs. Wes Richardson who was visiting in the area was welcomed to the meeting. A progressive Euchre party was planned for January 29th following the IOOF Lodge meeting. Lodge closed and a social hour was enjoyed with Mrs. Rogerson, Mrs. Rile and Mrs. Lemmon in charge. UCW Meet The regular meeting of Hensall UCW was held in the Fellowship Hall on November 5th. Mrs. Britton read a hymn and Mrs. Hazel Luther led the devotions. Mrs. Britton read a poem. The UCW bale is being packed on November 17. The officers for 1982 were elected as follows: president, Mrs. C. Britton; ass't. president, Mrs. E. Luther; secretaries; Mrs. W. Rogerson, Mrs. L. Mickle, Mrs. J. Flynn; treasurer; Mrs. T. Sherritt, ass't. treasurer, Mrs. G. Arm- strong; pianists, Mrs. L. Mickle, Mrs. T. Sherritt, Mrs. W. Rogerson; social functions, Mrs. C. Parke; Mrs. J. Flynn, Mrs. H. Caldwell. Mrs. Britton introduced the 1982 Study Book Faith and Justice stressing stewardship and the Laws of Love, Faith and Justice. The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction. Mrs. T. Sherritt assisted by Mrs. Mickle and Mrs. Rogerson served lunch Veteran Attends Reunion Mr, Harry Horton in company with Dr. J.C. Goddard attended the Canadian Corps Cylists , Battalion Association in Toronto on Saturday at the Military Institution Mr. Horton enjoyed meeting many comrades of former years and really had a very happy time. The Bugler of the 49th Highlanders played the call to the Cook House and a Toast was proposed to the Queen. Following the dinner the usual business was transacted after which a period of silence was ob- served in memory of departed comrades with the Bugler, playing The Last Post. Mr. Horton recited the poem "In Flanders Fields". In closing a toast was proposed to the last two cylists whoever they may be. They returned home on Saturday evening tired, but with most pleasant memories of the day. Presbyterian news Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted worship service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning speaking on the subject Personals Mrs. Vivan Cooper returned from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cooper in Detroit, Michigan. Miss Lynn Alderdice returned from a vacation in the Bahamas. Farmers in the area have taken advantage of the fine weather to complete t he co m harvest. Christian Stewardship Mrs. Taylor presided at the organ. The Ladies' of the church held a most successful Bake Sale and Tea on Saturday afternoon. A Men's Sunday is being planned and an evening is being planned by the choir for November 29th when Mr. Harry Stuart of ARC Industries will present the program. Please keep these dates in mind. Turn to page 19 • Community news and notes The photographer will be at the Day Nursery and Special Nursery on Thur- sday, November 12. This week the children are learning about Remem- brance Day and musical instruments. There are three new children at Day Nursery: Annette Picket, Tili Nguyen and Ti Long Nguyen. We are still in need of items for our table in the Christmas Bazaar. If you have anything to donate please drop it off at Day Nursery anytime. Personal Glimpses Paul Jeacock celebrated her 8th birthday on November 7. Kerri White celebrated her 5th birthday on November 9. On Wednesday, November 11 it is Remembrance Day. On this day we remember all those who fought and died during the First and Second World Wars. During our period of silence let us also pray that this world may never have to endure the pain, suffering and mental and emotional anguish that it endured in the First and Second World Wars. Cubs We would like to thank all the people who helped to make our Apple Day a success. Lioness The Vanastra and District Lioness Club will be holding their Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, November 21st from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. This year again the Lioness will be putting in their Kiddie's Corner where the children can do their Christmas Shopping unaccompanied by Mom and Dad. All gifts will be $1.50 and under and Christmas wrappings and gift tags will be provided free. The crafts at this year's bazaar promise to be many and varied from homemade quilts, wood -carvings, beadwork, macrame, knitting and sewing as well as bake tables and food booths. Admission to this year's bazaar will be adults - 50 cents, children - 25 cents and pre-schoolers free. Your admission charge will also be your chance on the door prize. So come on out for a day of browsing and maybe pick up some bargains for Christ- mas. Proceeds from this year's bazaar will go towards the Clinton Hospital Building Fund. Lions, On November 4 the Lions Club held a successful Farmers Night. After a roast beef dinner served by the Lioness, the Lions and their guests heard guest speaker Don Pullen of the Clinton Agricultural Office talk on his recent trip to Europe. Don was one of two Canadians attending a convention on Farm ex- tension held in Paris. He also had a slide show on Holland, Scotland and England. The guest speaker in October was Deputy District Governor, Pat McMahon who presented 100 per cent attendance pins to Don McLean, Wayne Riley, Tony Jeacock and Web Stone. Also receiving pins were Ken Mcllveen and Wayne Ferguson. On December 4 the Lions Club will be holding their annual Christmas Dance, with music supplied by Shannon. Dancing will be from 9 p.m. -1 a.m. at $12 per couple. Lunch will be Murry Hohner's hip of beef. All proceeds will go to the Clinton Hospital Building Fund. Kippen UCW pick new officers By Rena Caldwell Kippen East W.I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Jack Sinclair Seaford' on Nov. 18 at 8:30 p.m. when the speaker will be William Strong. Grace Pepper has a contest and Mona Alderdice will give the Motto. Kippen UCW The Kippen U.C.W. met Nov. 2 in the Sunday School room with 19 members present. Mrs. John Sinclair conducted the worship, which opened with a hymn, followed by scripture. The theme "Hearing Joy and Gladness" written by Amy Bolding was timely and inspirational. A verse on "Happiness" was read and the offering received by Mrs. Lloyd Cooper. The roll call was "Little things that make life beautiful", and the topic was conducted by Mrs. Emerson Kyle and was presented as a skit, "The little yellow ticket". Mrs. Keith Lovell and Mrs. Gerald Moffatt assisted in the presentation which vividly portrayed the moral of the story, "An approach to sharing" Mrs. Robert Kinsman, president, opened the business portion with a cathedral prayer and Mrs. Bert Faber gave the treasurer's report, while Mrs. David Cooper gave the nominating committee report. Officers for 1982 are past pres., Mrs. Robt. Kinsman; pres., Mrs. David Turner; recording . and press secretary, Mrs. David Cooper; corresponding sec., Mrs. Harold Jones; treasurer, Mrs. Egbert Faber; group leaders, Mrs. Lloyd Cooper and Mrs. Robert Kinsman; assistants, Mrs. Bill Charters, Mrs. Percy Wright, Mrs. Stephen LeFaire and Mrs. Keith Love; , social committee, Mrs. Laird Finlayson; assistants, Mrs. John Cooper, Mrs. Ray Consitt, Mrs. Robert Turner. Committees include: church in society and U.C.W. Rep., Mrs. Ronald McGregor; christian development, Mrs. Emerson Anderson; leadership and development, Mrs. Keith Lovell; stewardship and finance, Mrs. Edison McLean; communications co-ordinator, Mrs. E. Faber; sunshine, Mrs. Ken McLellan; cards, Mrs. Lloyd Cooper; and world outreach, Mrs. Art McCallum. Mrs\r\Keith Lovell finalized plans for the supper on November 11 at Brucefield Church. Helpers to set table are Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lovell, Lloyd Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Finlayson and Mrs. Bill Bailey. Volunteers to pack candy. bags for the Christmas party for the Sunday School are Mrs. Keith Lovell, Mrs. Bill Bailey and Mrs. Emerson Kyle. Volunteers to pack shut-in boxes are Mrs. Bob McMullen, Mrs. E. Faber and Mrs. Robert Kinsman. The executive will meet to make program's for 1982 at Mrs. Robert Kinsman's before December, while Group I caters to Group II at the Christmas meeting because they lost the at- tendance contest by three points. Mrs. Lloyd Cooper gave courtesy remarks and the meeting closed by singing "Smile". Hostesses, Mrs. Jack Sinclair and Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, served lunch. Daily Bonus Draw Win a Gift Certificate Equal to your Purchase (Winner every shopping day) LAST WEEK'S WINNERS: Nov. 2 - Novi 3 - Nov. 4 - Nov. 5 - Nov. 6 - Nov. 7 - Dianne Wasson - $59.98 Glenyce McClinchey - 512.00 Dulcie Mero, Goderich - $51.00 Florence Johnston, Bluevale - 511.98 Betty Moon, Londesboro - $40.00 Sharon Wilson - $10.80 Val's Fashion Fare Blyth 523-4351 OPEN 6DAYS A WEEK CI"ARGEX WELCOME <ecoraiin to walk through our Winter Wonderland. Brighten your Sunday afternoon, Sunday, November 15 from 1: OO to 5:00 p.m. loin us for a cup of cheer! The sparkle of Christmas suggestions await you in Clinton at... THE ARBOR 43 Albert Street, Clinton BALL AND MUTCH LTD. 71 Albert Street, Clinton BARTLIFF'S BAKERY 46 Albert Street (_Tinton BOARD A N D BATTEN 9 Rattenhury Street East, Clinton • Custom Vf•rtr( al Blinds ' Rnll up Blinds ' Woven Wood Shades • 1'' Mint -Slat RIinris 'still time for you to attend our DRAPERY SEMINAR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 AT 7:30 PM GALBRAITH GIFTS ( orner of Albert and Rattenhury, Clinton RAINTREE INTERIORS 128 Alhert Street, Clinton In the basement of the Wesley Willis United ( hurt h ()mann SI ( On tarso, Hwy. No. 4 south. Reside the Royal Rank Featuring Two guest speakers that r an answer all your questions relahntt to (custom Crafted Window Treatments. Bedspreads bringing wrth them many rlit terent displays for your rnsper tion PRE -REGISTRATION: ( AI 1482-9542 <ecoroLnr] ;fc 13 Huron St.. ( Tinton 482-9542 Bingo's big winners Bingo Results from the Bingo on November 3 are: First Share the Wealth, George Pound of Granton; Second Share the Wealth, Sherry Strong of Clinton; Third Share the Wealth, Gloria Glanville of Egmondville; Jackpot, Gloria Glanville of Egmo ndville. Christian Church There will be a film at the ot Refugee Fellowship Evening on Friday, November 13. Everyone is welcome. Our first Young People's meeting was an enjoyable experience. We welcome anyone interested to come to Bruce and Nancy Linton's home at Apt. C2, Charles Square on Sunday evenings at 8 p.m. • A Perfect time to brighten your spirits with a festive outlook during our oliday Season Perm Special ,i. OFF ALL PERMS! REGULARLY 523. AND UP. MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS 'SEASON APPOINTMENTS NOW! • • Perm Special November 12-25 Pleasing you....pleases us: 72 ALBERT ST.,482.771.1 CLINTO ia-lkoz+pielawata p ixiaNis iii minwo Azo ckiz oigvhi ages ii is Cusf tea r p e 3 DAY S ONLY I Thurs., Friday & Sat. ' Nov. 12, 13, 14 Check your Christmas List then g g Check, our store. •gi 11 ( Mt_ r"i`LIT'S- OUR hi llil�Il_lel _ _ �' 4x/ 2 1ANM g g a g Y 0 g 2 g g g 1 t t ii g g g g g g 9�9 ti g New location . 397 Main St. Exeter Boys and Girls 7 to 14 as well as infants to 6x 20% off all Clothing except hand made articles Special Rack Save up to 50% Girls Sasson Cords 7-14 Reg. 27.00 Now 21.00 4-6x Reg. 22.00 Now 17.00 Matching Velour sweaters 20% off 20%0H Snow suits Infants 4-6x 7-14 Free Draws We now have Stanfield's for Girls Underwear Vests & Panties 20% off, Boys Jeans Levi's & Wranglers 7-14 Reg. 22.98 - 23.98 Now 17.98®1898 mmoaee®mmmCa®mmora0CC, omoomm®©o Ca 0 0 ca Fill this coupon and bring into our Store fora free draw on a 3 3 3 3 3 $20, 00 gift certificate 11 as EXETER 235-1 1 13 ��ncn�ycan rno ONS eft C2(6 C1Pti c2c6 'o a'o Wtzt cor, cad Ca'tl Name: _. Address: __ Phone _. ._ til i3 ®®CIC® 0®®0®0®000®o