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Clinton News-Record, 1981-11-11, Page 17
31 . Service directory KEN'S CA ENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, wincbws, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676, Ken McNairn.—Btfar INSULATE NOW - ('hip could pays up to $500.00 of the cost - Free estimates. Adamson Insulation, Lucknow. Phone 528-2113 - 528-2526. Fully in- sured and bond. Clinton Rep. phone 482-9006. -.21 tfar DO YOU NEED A chair or couch reupholstered? Upholstery' students require projects for their class. High quality work at bargain prices. F'or information phone 482- 7928.-45x WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 JACK GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. *Farm *Commercial *Residential *Buildings *Additions *Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTOM SHEET METAL *Fascia *Soffits *Door and Window Jams and Sills • *Metal covered Doors 482-7290 C�D CGSB Listed insulation Contractor ADAMSON 'INSULATION CONTRACTORS Lucknow Clinton 528-2113 482-9006 CHIPcould pay up to 5500.00 of the cost of your insulation Free Estimates 31. Service directory JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING *Farm Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE 482-3063 RON 482-1231 All Breeds DOG CLIPPING and GROOMING Gail Vendome' 482-7246 '/a mile south of Varna Please Call Evenings Screened Top -Soil Backhoe Work Gravel LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 EVENINGS CLINTWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS *Custom built homes *Additions *Drywall *Roofing *Siding, Soffit & Fascia TIM 8YLSMA 482-3873 DOUG 8YLSMA 482-7334 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair Snowmobiles and Snowblowers and 'other Small Engine Equipment I<POra±enc, Ltd 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 1L0 482-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Intortor 4. Exterior Contracting FREE CONSULTING Electrical Problems? Call ED'S ELECTRIC Licenced Electrician INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL FARM/RESIDENTIAL 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE ED ROOSEBOOM 482-7441 ALSO....SEE US FOR ELECTRIC FURNACES and ELECTRIC HEATING UNDER THE CANADIAN OIL SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 482-9441 • HAROLD WISE LIMITED Bayfield Rood Clinton, Ontario 482-7062 AND • Electrical Contracting ' Pole Line Construction ' Heat Pumps ' Oil . Gas - Electric Heating Refrigeration b Air conditioning • Sheet Metal Fabricating Appliances 31. Service directory ,0839816911 Custom. Slaughtering and Processing Kill Day Wednesday - L ERNER'S DASHWOOD 237-3677 JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing in: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS •ADDITIONS •KITCHENS *ALUMINUM SIDING PHONE 482-9506 EVENINGS CUSTOM CIDER PRESSING- CaII to make an appointment HURON RIDGE ACRES RR 2 ZURICH 565-2122 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF EDITH MARGARET LOUDEN. late of the Township of Tucker - smith in the County of Huron-. Housewife, deceased. • ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the lath day •of September, 1981, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the un- dersigned on or before the 29th day of November. 1981, after which date the assets will '.be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned ,shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 29th day of October, 1981. E BEECHER MENZiE, Q.C. (lintotl, Ontario, Solicitor far the Executors -- 44.45.46 IN THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER KNOWLES, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Factor. deceased ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 3rd day of September. 1981. are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 5th day of i)ecember. 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at Clinton, Ontario. this 5th day of November. 1981: E R MF:NzIES, Q.0 Box 68, Clinton. Ontario Solicitor for the Executor - 45.46.47 iN THE ESTATE OF' BER • THA iSABELLE MacLEN- NAN, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron. Clerk. deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above•named who died on the 17th day of March. 1981. are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the un dersigned on or before the 23rd day of November, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to the c la ims of which the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 23rd day of October, 1981. E. BEECHERMENZiES,Q.C. • Barrister, etc • Clinton. Ontario, -44,45,46 38. Auction sale 38. Auction sale DOROTHY PINER AUCTIONEER ALL TYPES BAYFIELD 565-2779 Aldeaeii .4,4OC6a�e 1IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT TOBE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE Rathwell & Associates, Agents, have been instruc- ted by the secured parties to offer by Public Auction to the highest bidder, with no reserve, the following irrigation equipment on Friday, November 13 at SUNRISE EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS, 11 miles south of Woodstock or 4 miles west of Norwich at 1 P.M. 3-D1 110T Irrigation Systems (New) 1 •TS 90 Irrigation System (Used) 2 -WS Machines for Slurry (New) For further information, please contact: Matitoeii .130C/aki AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK 1 W1 (519) 527-1458 OR SUNRISE EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS 519-424-9998 *e9,�r�ri�°P• c'socci AUCTrON CALENDAR W -DAY, NOVEMBER 25 Cowlinb.. Joel Market Liquidation SOUTHAMPTON AT 10:30 A.M. • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Easton Trailers Ltd. CENTRALIA AT 10:30 A.M. AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST • SEAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK 1WO 15191 527-1458 LARGE AUCTION SALE OF TRACTORS, FARM EQUIPMENT AT BRINDLEY SALES YARD DUNGANNON SAT., NOVEMBER 21 10:30 AM SHARP 2 -CMT Cranes, 3 Trucks, 3 Tractor loader backtic es, osier 3© Icarus Truc4Qss, 75 plocos of equipment. 1979 Glendale Motor Home, 2 School Buses. Some snowmobiles. For more information call: 519©529-7625 or 5297970 Auctioneer: Gordon H. Brindley 34. Personal PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT • London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357.1769 or 524-2023. —3-52 ear 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT.,NOV. 21 - 10 A.M. Antique furniture, ap- pliances, household ef- fects at Richard Lobb's barn, Clinton Ont. 40 Lost 8 Found LOST: An Amitron Quartz watch in the vicinity of Clinton Public School or on Rat- tenbury St. • Phone 482- 3709.-45x LOST: Would thelady wearing a ladies all weather coat, beige with self covered back belt, to the 'Eastern Star Dance , please check with Legion or Mary Tyndall as you have the wrong coat. 482-9928.-45 42. Death notice GLAZIER At St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Sunday, November 8, 1981, Clifford T. Glazier of Clinton, in his 77th year. Beloved husband of the late. Mary Evelyn (Johnston ) Glazier. Dear father of Thelma, Mrs. James Wilson of Blyth. Predeceased by one son, Mervin. Dear brother of Alta ( Mrs. Charles Young) of Goderich. Also surviving are threegrandchildren and one great-grandson. Rested at the Beattie Funeral Home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton on Monday, November 9, -1981 after 7 p.rn. Funeral service was held on Wed- nesday,. November 11, 1981 comrnencing at 2 p.m. with Rev. Norman Pick officiating. Interment Clinton Cemetery. -45 • PLUM STEEL At Harriston on Friday, November 6. 1981. Emma M. Plumsteel formerly of Clinton in her 96th. year. Survived by five nieces and one nephew. Rested at the Beattie Funeral Home. 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton on Sunday. November 8 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. A private funeral and committal service was held on Monday. November 9 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Norman Pick of- ficiating. Interment Clinton Cemetery. -45 PALMIER At Goderich, on Monday. November 8. 1981, Steven Girard Palmer, of 87 Quebef: Street, Goderich, in his 24th year. Beloved son of Eileen Palmer, Goderich and Walter Palmer, Kingsville. Dear brother of Janice ( Mrs . James McCormick ), Guelph. Karen (Mrs. Marty Baechler). Toronto. Tama and Sandra Palmer, both of Ottawa and Michael Palmer, Toronto Predeceased by one brother. Mark Rested at the Stiles Funeral Home. Goderich. after 2 p.m Tuesday Funeral mass at St Peter's Roman Catholic Church on Wed nesday. at 2 pm Interment. Colborne Township Family prayers at the funeral home Tuesday at 8 p m Donations to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation would he appreciated by the family. as expressions of sympathy -4' 46 In memoriam CARTER in loving memory of a dear husband. Bob, who passed away four years ago. November 1.1. 197 Never more than a thought away. Quiet( rememhered every day No need for words except to say. Loved and remembered in many v.ays Lovingly remembered by your wife. Margaret 45 • VANASTRA AUCTION MARKET 2 MILES SOUTH ;f;F CLINTON Contact us for good clean consignments, complete households and estates, liquidations, cars and trucks. Auctioneer: Juke Thalen Jr. 482-7922 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1981—PAGE 17 Completing their term in Guides, several girls were enrolled in the Clinton Pathfinders group recently. The new members include, left to right, Suzanne Walker, Cindy Cook, Paula Semple and Jacqui Draper. Absent from the photo were Donna Lynn Haugh, Sandra Peck, Lynn Moffatt and Tracy Potter. (Shelley McPhee photo) Holmesville personals • by Blanche beeves Flowers in the Sanctuary of Holmesville United Church were placed in loving memory of Mr. Gerald In- nes. The " Senior Sunday School class formed the choir and sang "Let There Be Peace" accompanied on the guitar by David Lobb. Rev. James Bechtel showed the Sunday School children a red Poppy and talked to them about it saying brave young men fought so that we could live in peace and wor- ship God as we see fit. The minister's sermon referred to Seventy Cent. Douglas Yeo and Harold Jantzi received the offering. November 15 The Ontario Street Bazaar at 2:30 p.m. will be held. The Holmesville United Church ladies would like to thank all whocame out to their bazaar last week and helped to make it such a suc- cess. Mrs. Jean Ginn, president of the Holmesville. UCW opened the bazaar last week 42. Death notice LODGE Al St. Thomas -Elgin General Hospital, Sunday, November8, 1981, Mrs. Alva (Childs! Lodge, a resident of Elgin Manor, RR 1. St. Thomas and formerly of lona and Shedden, Ontario, in her 84th year. Widow of Chester Lodge. Mother of Mrs. Murray (Jane) Pyatt Sheddan• Burton Lodge, B.C. and Clair Lodge, St. Thomas and sister of Mrs. Mabel Garrow. Clinton and Mrs Henry )Blanche) Goodwyn. Windsor. Also survived by four grand- children and several great- grandchildren. Rested at the Sifton Funeral Home. 118 Wellington Street, St. Thomas. on Monday evening and for funeral and committal service Tuesday afternoon at 1 :30p.m. interment in Fairview Dutton, Cemetery, Ontario.- 45 47. Card of thanks SPARKS THANK YOU': We would like to thank all our neighbours and friends from Clinton, Lon deshoro and Sea forth Also Const able Bruce Crew, Goderich, and the two volunteer firemen from Seaforth Special . thanks to l)orifthy and Kee, W iilams and George for their help during our trying ordeal Saturday night Many thanks. Linda and Ed Sparks - 43 JONF;s 1 wish Io thank all m y relatives and friends for their nice gifts of fruit. cards and candy given me while 1 ‘t as In Clinton llospita I Jessie .Jones 43 GR1(:(: we wish to express our sincere thanks to reIant es and friends for the flowers. cards and manyacts of kindness to us •VthiR^ we "ere in hospital Special thanks to the staff of nurses on the first floor. Dr Raker. Dr Steed and Rev Bechtel Edward and Norma Grigg • 43x 11 1R TI.F1' Sincere thanks to my friends and neighbours for t heir cards. gifts and flmeers while 1 was 1n Hospital .Uso thanks to niy many kind nurses and to those super doctors Hatt, Nem land, Flowers and ilarrett Erma Hartley 43x ' SIIEPHF:1111 1 would like to thank friends and relatives for their visit. cards. gifts and hest wishes on the occasion of my 85th lir thday it was very much ap preciated Norman Shepherd ' by welcoming everyone and wishing them a happy time. The community centre was nicely decorated for the bazaar, with a full produce table with most everything in the, vegetable line to buy. The craft table had many beautiful articles for sale. The bake table as always had many pies, tarts, homemade bread, etc. ' The tea room was a popular place to sit and relax over a cup of tea or coffee and goodies. The bazaar was well attended. Seniors meet The Enterprising . Seniors met on November 5 for their first daytime meeting. Everett Mcllwain, presi- dent, opened the meeting by welcoming the members and by having the usual opening exercises. Mr. Cudmore read the minutes of the last meeting and took the roll call. Fran Powell presented the treasurer's report. Blanche Deeves gave the sick and card report and read a thank you from Mr. and Mrs. Heitbohmer for their anniversary card. A discusion was held on a Christmas party and a pot luck supper will be held on December 3. The meeting adjourned. Three lanes of shuffleboard were played and one table of euchre. Lunch was served and everyone enjoyed a social time. •- News and notes The Happy Travellers Club Tours coming are: Kit- chener Market, December 5; Simcoe Lights, December 9; pre-Chr', tmas Franken- muth, Ddcember 12, 13, 14. For further information call Blanche Deeves 482-3383. . Those going to the Royal Winter Fair on November 12, 13, 14, 19 are to be at the Post Office in Goderich ready to 'leave by '8:30 a.m. and in Clinton by 8:45 a.m. The Goderich Township W.I. card party will be held on November 12 at 8 p.m. in the Community Centre, Holmesville. Ladies bring lunch. - School news Our school put on an ex- cellent performance' on Oc- tober 14 at the Cross Country Meet. It was our best show- ing in a long time. In our midget group Elizabeth Hummel placed 2nd, Derek Bradhsaw, 6th and Joy Mabon, 8th. In juniors Angela Bakker won and received a medallion. ' Shannon Preszcator placed 3rd. Margaret Hummel won. in the intermediate division receiving a medallion. Stephen Bugler placed 4th and Robbie Roosemalen finished 7th. In the senior division we had the best showing ever by senior girls with Tracy Nor- man placing 3rd, Roseanne Gowanlock, 5th and Sandy Bell 7th. Bob Barwick finish- ed 4th and Bruce Bettles 9th for the boys. Everyone is to be con- gratulated on the effort dur- ing the race and also the time they put into training. for the event. A special thanks to all the parents who volunteered to help as mar- shals along the route. On October 16th, Mrs. Heslinga's and Mrs. Lockwood's Grade 2's as well as Mrs. Chisholm's Grade 3 class visited the Ap- ple Orchard. Our special thanks go to Gerry. Adeline and Greg Bell who were so kind and helpful to us when we visited. Students from Kindergarten to Grade 4 dressed up for Hallowe'en and paraded through each of the 'classrooms. Following the parade, the children returned to their classrooms. and selected the best four costumes from their . class. The selected students gathered in the library for final judging of the two best costumes 'from each class. with the following results: kindergarten, Sheldon Hog- gart, Christy Wilson; Grade 1, Ross McPherson, David Smith; Grade 2 (Mrs. Lockwood) Jennifer Dutot,' Cory - Henderson; Grade 2 . (Mrs. Heslingp) Matthew. Langendoen, Dennis Tait; Grade3, Jason McIlwain, Greg Crawford; Grade 4, Adrienne Bartlett, Randy Szusz. ' All winners had their pic- tures taken which they will be able to take home after they have 'been posted for a few days on the bulletin board. All students returned to their • classrooms for games and treats. Roseanne Gowanlock reports that Grade 7 has been studying water and has done several experiments in science class under Mr. Spit- tal's Supervision. Last Thursday, October 29th, the Grade 7 class visited the water treatment plant in Goderich where Mr. Wilkin- son conducted a tour follow- ed by a tour of the 'sewage plant, The Grade 7 class wishes to thank Mr. Spittal for making the ar- rangements for this tour and wishes to assure' him that it was enjoyed by all. . On Friday, October 30 the teachers from Holmesville Public School attended a P.A. Day at Brookside. Teachers selected two ses- sions, one morning, one afternoon from such topics as Math Games, In- dividualized Reading Pro- grams, Making and Using Puppets and Computer Pro- gramming. I am sure that the students at this school will receive direct benefit as teachers pass along what they learned on Friday. As you realize the Students' Council at Holmesville decided to sell spices as their fund-raising project. I want to make it clear that there is absolutely no obligation that parents must buy all or any of a set. It should also be noted that individual bottles can be pur- chased. Perhaps' $3.00 for a usable product, like a bottle of excellent quality pepper i'. not a bad investment. Dates to Remember: Remembrance Day - Wednesday. November 11. 1981- NO SCHOOL. lst Term Reports - The first term report cards will accompany your son or daughter home on Friday. November 20. Return only the envelope with Parent or Guardian's signature and re- tain the report for your ou-i retdtds. On Wednesday. No%e nbe r 25th there will bk. Ni SCHOOL, as this is a 1' :1 Day. This P.A. Da hay been set aside for parent-teae her interviews. A note le ill he sent home with the children for you to request an inter- view. You will he advised -f the time upon receipt of Deur request. Volleyball Tournament • Saturday, November • senior: Saturday, Deccniher 5 - junior.