Clinton News-Record, 1981-11-11, Page 4PAGE 4 —CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1981
The Clinton Novas -Record la published each
Thursday at p.0. 8os 29, Clinton. Ontario,
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SHELLEY McPHEE - News Editor
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Date Cord No. 12 effective Oct. 1,
Remembrance for all times
It's disappointing when you hear
Some people saying, "So what?
What did it have to do with me?"
They were willing to give up their lives
In order that ours bettered.
They fought to save their country
And for what they believed in.
Their bloodshed and tears fell to the ground
Only God really knows what they went through
They should be remembered,
They shall be remembered,
For their courageous deeds.
More and more people are being enlightened
By these overwhelming acts and can feel sorrow.
These men should have respect and honour
Shown to them throughout the land
For a veteran deserves our thanks and praise
By Richard Bouzane
Springdale, Newfoundland
--Senior Poem Winner 1981
For a veteran deserves to be remembered for all time. CanadiOn Legion contest
Better use for leaves
Every fall, as the golden leaves of our deciduous trees pile up on lawns and
streets we are conscious of the sad fate which awaits them. They will either go up
in smoke (contrary to local bylaws) or, they will be laboriouslypacked into plastic
bags and carted off to the municipal dump, says the Wingham Advance -Times:
We wonder how many people ever pause in the realization that the very
building blocks of our fields and forests are being consigned to the limbo of
uselessness? There would be no forests on our planet were it not for the decaying
carpet of dead leaves which add to the life-giving nutrients of the woodland floor
each year. At one time, there was no plant life whatsoever on the bare rocks of
mother' earth. Only through endless millions of years did decaying moss provide
a bed for microscopic plants. These in turn, made a thin soil in which ever larger
forms of life could gain sustenance.
The millions of tons of leaves which are burned or buried amid tin cans each
year, could provide a tremendously valuable source of compost. Nor would it be
a difficult or expensive process. How much would it cost any municipality to con-
struct a large composting bin, perhaps near the town dump? Nature looks after
the change from leaf to rich soil. All that is needed is time. With a few chemical
additives the transformation could be achieved over the ensuing winter months,
says the Advance -Times.
So what to do with the compost? Almost any gardener could tell you that he
would gladly pay a fair price for the material with which to enrich his flower beds
and vegetable plots.
Truth of the matter is that we have become a wasteful society, almost unaware
of Nature's beautiful sysl{em by which death and decay produce life and beauty.
We have been educated to rely upon the throw -away cigarette lighter, flashlight,
pop con — whatever. We aren't very smart when we take the natural bounties
around us with the same haphazard indifference:
[sugarand spice
Storm windows
For years or more, we got along fine
with ordinary storm windows.
Oh, I'll admit they caused a certain
amount of domestic hassle, chiefly
because they were put on too late in the
fall, or taken off too early in the spring, ac-
cording to the old lady.
But she's always in a rush to "get things
done." I get them done, eventually. Never
once did I fail to find someone who would
put them on before Christmas.
And they were kind of ugly. And they did
warp. And they did have to be painted. And
it was costing more money every year to
get someone to do the job.
But, ah, what a good feeling I had every
fall when I'd conned some guy with a
strong back to do the job. 1 wouldn't touch
them with a six-foot pole.
It's a big house and there were 14 of the
brutes, weighing about 70 pounds each. I
don't mind heights, as long as I'm not at-
tached to the ground. I've been up to 32,000
feet, all by myself, in a Spitfire, and higher
than that in passenger jets.
But it takes all my nerve to climb a step
ladder and change a bulb in the kitchen,
with my wife holding the ladder.
There was no way I was going to climb 30
feet up a ladder, carrying a 70 pound storm
window, and punch and hammer it into
I always had a vision of a wind catching
the storm broadside when I was halfway
up, and taking me off for a hang-gliding
That actually happened to one chap who
was doing the job one fall. A gust caught
him and he sailed off the ladder, landed on
his feet like a cat, still clutching the win-
dow, and nothing was damaged. He just
That was Jim Fletcher, a young fellow
who was completely unafraid of work.
Made nis living at cleaning floors, win-
dows, etc. and built up a nice little business
scrubbing out banks and stores and such at
You don't see too many merchants Qr
bank managers in there scrubbing their
Everlasting peace
by James Fitzgerald
our past
a look through
the news -record files
November 18, 1976
Ruby Haddy was chosen as this year's
Woman of the Year by the Sarah Hale
Chapter of the IODE. Mrs. Haddy is very
active in church work at Wesley -Willis
United Church and is a member of the
Easter Star, the Hospital Auxiliary and the
Canadian Legion. Mrs. Haddy is also the
oldest living graduate nurse from the
Clinton Public Hospital.
The Clinton Community Credit Union
continues to show phenomenal growth
again, and at their 25th annual meeting
last Wednesday night, November 10th in
Clinton, shareholders voted to pay a
record 11 per cent dividend this year to all
share holders.
floors after they've closed, do you? Might
do them good.
Jim used to charge $14 to put on the
storms, which included washing them, and
washing the outside of the regular win-
dows, and storing the screens. It took him
a couple of hours. In the spring, he'd take
them off, wash everything again, and store
them, for $10.
The price went up steadily after he went
to greener pastures, and the quality of the
workmen went steadily downhill. Some of
the young guys I hired took twice as long
and charged twice as much. Sometimes
the window would stick and they'd leave it
with a one -inch gap around half of it. One
bird put his fist through a storm and bled
all over the place. Another dropped one
and glassed half my front lawn.
Last year, I had a young fellow, newly
started in the cleaning -up of properties,
raking leaves, that sort , of thing. I gave
him the job of doing the estate, provided
he'd do the storms.
He looked pretty dubious, but agreed.
Brought his wife around on her day off to
hold the ladder. Well, he got them all, but
he was pea-green and his legs were rub=
ber, when he'd finished. He swore he'd
never do them again.
By this time it was costing me almost
$100 a year to get the brutes on and off. Not
to mention a great deal of harassment
from the distaff side, and a frantic search
for a putter-onner. Nobody on unemploy-
ment insurance was vaguely interested. ,
All this, combined with the energy crisis,
propaganda, made me cave in, and we had
aluminum storms put on. 1 could have paid
$100 a year for the next 13 years if I'd stuck
with the old wooden ones.
"But look what you'll save on fuel", you
say. That's what they all say. Probably 50
bucks a year. ' • It will increase the value of
your house", someone else says. Maybe.
By a few hundred.
But it's not the money that bothers rrie.
You can't take it with you. Seems to me
you can't take a house with you either.
No, it's not the money; it's the stress. My
wife thinks godliness is second to
cleanliness. Those windows have to be
washed spring and fall, and maybe a few
times between.
According to the brochure, and the
dealer, there's nothing to it. You just tear
off the wooden inside frame, hoist your in-
side window, push this, pull that, and the
storm comes in.
You wash it. Then you get out on the
ledge, hanging on by one hand and one
foot, 30 feet off the ground, and clean the
outside. After which, if you get back in,
you just zip, whip, slide, lower your inside
window, and hammer back on your now
splintered wooden frame.
My wife and a girl who comes to help her
have wrestled with those things, got them
stuck, got them in but not on the rails, and
generally found the whole process like rop-
ing a steer.
I don't blame them. I've always had an
aluminum door on my back door, and spr-
ing and fall I nearly rupture" myself, swear
like a sailor, threaten to smash the thing
with an axe, and take an hour just to slide
the screen up and let the storm down, or
vice versa.
One of these days I expect to come home
and find two women, each clutching an
aluminum window, unconscious on my
lawn. Or hanging by one foot from an up-
per window, screaming for help.
November 18, 1971
The Canadian Forces Base near Minton
has been sold, that much we know. John
Van Gastel, the Kitchener man who heads
Rodoma Investment and Development
Ltd., of Galt, announced last week that his
company has purchased the base. The
announcement has not been, officially
made yet, however, by Crown Assets
Disposal, the government agency in
charge of negotiations and details on the
use of the base are sketchy. ' -.
A decision was reached at Monday
evening's meeting of the Huron County
Board of Education to look into the
possibility of securing board office ac-
commodation at the former CFB Clinton.
Business seems to be booming in Clin-
ton. This week a new boutique is opening
up on Beech Street to be known as the
Spinning Wheel. The expanded facilities of
Smith's Hardware Store are also ready for
opening. If would seem the tough economic
conditions are not hitting Clinton too
November 22, 1956
When present plans mature, the Clinton
Community Credit Union will be housed in
a modern budding on the lot at the corner
of William and Ontario Streets, with plenty
of parking space for its customers. It is
estimated that the cost to construct the
new building will be $60,000 and plans
include air-conditioning and modern ar-
The :1156-57 Intermediate hockey season
will start in Clinton on Wednesday evening
with the Lucan Irish opposing Clinton Colts
at the Lions Arena.
Facing the powerful Irish will be the
youngest group of players to wear the
"Hue and white" in many a season, and it
is expected that what they lack in ex-
perience they will more than make up in
Rev. D.J. Lane received a pulpit Bible
and fall, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. M.J.
Agnew, to St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church at a special re -dedication service
held in the church last Sunday. At the right
is a bronze plaque listing names of one-
time members of the church in whose
name more than a dozen beautiful
cathedral lights have been installed in the
spacious church. Other gifts 'accepted at
the service were books of praise and
hymnaries, given by Mrs. M.D.
November 12, 1931
A number of business places were
decorated with patriotic colors in honor of
Remembrance Day. In the Hydro shop is
shown a collection of the cap and
shoulders, decorations of the several
Canadian Army Units.
Horseshoe pitching has been indulged in
this week in Clinton, the game going
merrily on on Monday night with spec-
tators sitting in comfort on the benches,
watching in. Not bad for the second week
in November.
November 16, 1906
The last returns from the sales of butter
from the creamery here have been
received, and the patrons are being paid
this week 25 cents per pound of butter fat
which is the highest on record since the
factory started to manufacture Butter,
and speaks well for the quality of our
butter maker.
Among The Ill - The three children of
Mr. Lucas, who have been ill for some
time, are nearly out of danger. Mrs. R.
Graham and son Melvin are progressing
favorably. Mrs. Neilans and ,daughter,
whose condition was exceedingly critical
Turn to page 7
Do you have an opinion? Why not
write us a letter to the editor, and
let everyone know. All letters erlr
published, providing they can be
authenticated, and pseudony'itt
arc allowed. All letters, however,
are- subject to- editing for length
or libel.
odds 'n' ends
elarne towns
Some advice
People have given me some valuable ad-
vice through the years, but in all honesty,
they've given a few bloopers, too.
Finding my way around a strange city
often causes me problems. I've learned to
plot my course, if at all possible, before I
leave. This has proved successful several
times. Then along comes a helpful soul
with the remark, "Oh, I know that city like
the back of my hand."
He or she then proceeds to give me the
most direct route to my destination. The
words, "It's a cinch" or "You can't miss
it" are a dead giveaway that I'm headed
for confusion.
The other directional aid I've learned to
avoid, thanks to some friendly advice, is
the short cut.
How will I ever learn to bake if cooks
keep giving me instructions like: '`Oh, you
don't need a measuring cup. Throw in a
cup or so of flour, add a pinch of salt, pour
in a little milk, stir until it feels right"?
Sometimes I ask the dumb question:
"How should it feel when it's right?" The
baker replies, "Oh, you'll just know."
The person with a green thumb advises
me to buy a certain hardy plant. "Not even
you could kill it," she says. "Just don't let
it get too dry, but don't water it too much.
It shouldn't get too muich light, but it
needs some light."
If I was a betting person, I'd give the
hardy plant about two weeks to live.
Speaking of betting, I've become wary of
the horse expert who assures me: "This
baby can't lose ! "
Somewhere I read that you should talk tc
your mechanic the way you talk to your
doctor. Describe the characteristics of
your car's problems in terms similar to
those you would use to discuss the symp-
toms of a human illness - coughing, wheez-
ing, stiffness, slowness to,react. You can
try it if you want, but I guarantee your
friendly neighbourhood mechanic will
Stare at you as though you've really flip-
Not only have I been the recipient of
some bad advice, but I've also handed out
some tips that were less than the best. For
example, I headed one poor lost lady to a
lake rather than the town she was looking
for. I do hope she stopped in time.
I also sent a friend to a movie that I
thought sounded like a real winner. It was
a loser. But, in the true spirit of friendship,
she let me find out for Myself that my ad-
vice was wrong.
4-H awards night
Dear Friends:
The 34th annual Huron County 9-H
Awards Night will .be held in the Central
Huron Secondary School in Clinton, on
Friday, November 27, commencing at 8
p.m. sharp. All Huron County 4-H
Agricultural Club members who com-
pleted their project by showing at the
Achievement Day will receive their
awards on this occasion.
4-H clubmembers who are 12 years of
age as of January 1, 1961 and are in 4-H for
the first time will receive an inscribed 4-H
plaque, while 4-H members who are over
12 years of age as of January 1, 1981 and
have received a plaque last year will
receive a mounted plaque with the year
inscribed on it to attach to last year's
As outlined at the beginning of the 4-H
year, pre 4-H members (club members
who had not reached their 12th birthday by
January 1, 1981) will not receive a plaque
because they are recognized as county 4-H
club members and not as provincial
members. Pre 4-H members will receive a
certificate from the Huron County 4-H
Club Leaders' Association, recognizing
them as completing their project.
Len MacGregor, Extension Assistant for
Huron County for the past 11 years,
transferred effective October 1, 1981, to the
Agronomy Division, Kemptville College of
Agricultural Technology but we are
looking forward to having Len return for
the program.
A committee of representatives of the 4-
H Youth Council, 4-H Club leaders and
Junior Farmers are busy organizing a
presentation for Len at that time. This will
be your opportunity to thank Len for all his
work and wish him success in his new job.
Anyone with an interest is invited to at-
tend. Light refreshments will be served at
the conclusion.
Don Pullen
Agricultural Representative
for Huron County.
Remembering 1885
Dear Editor:
We would like to inform your readers
that we will soon be marking the 100th
aniversary of Canada's last rebellion, and
we need their help. In 1885, Louis Riel and
his Metis and Indian supporters arose on
the Saskatchewan prairies, protesting
their treatment at the hands of the govern-
ment. Militia units from Ontario, Quebec
and the Maritimes were called up to quell
the rebellion.
To mark this, centennial, the Glenbow
Museum in Calgary is organizing a major
exhibition on the rebellion which we plan
to circulate across Canada. However, we
need the help of anyone whose relatives
were involved in the militia at that time
who might have souvenirs, parts of
uniforms, Indian relics, photographs, let-
ters, or anything relating to the rebellion
which might have been brought back: We
are also trying to find anything dealing
with the militia units themselves -colours;
accoutrements, weapons, etc.
We are prepared to buy, borrow or ac-
cept donations of such items for our exhibi-
tion. If you have anything or can put us in
touch with anyone who does, we would cer-
tainly like you to write or phone us collect
The year 1885 was important in Cana-
dian history. You can help us to com-
memorate it.
Hugh A. Dempsey
Chief Curator, Glenbow Museum,
130 - 9 Avenue S.E.,
Calgary, Alberta T2G OP3
Better communication
Dear Editor:
I would like to extend my thanks to your
paper for the inclusion of information
regarding .our Special Education
meetings, and our Bill 82 planning process.
Liaison with the Clinton News -Record is
a new venture for the Student Services
department. It is our sincere hope that
through continued contact with the news
media and with community organizations
we can further develop cooperation and
communication between school and com-
Thank you again for your interest.
Yours truly,
Sheila Clarke
Student Services
Veterans meeting
Dear Editor:
May I call upon you for assistance in
publicizing the following meeting, through
your 'letters to the Editor' or 'Public
Forum' column.
An invitation is extended to all W. W.2
Veterans, who served with the Canadian
1st Infantry Division, the 5th Canadian- Ar-
moured Division, the British 1st and 8th
Armies, in North Africa, Sicily and Italy.
(We extend this invitation to the wives as
well) to attend a meeting of the 8th Army
Veterans' Association on Sunday, Nov.
15th, 1981 at 2:00 pm. in the Memorial Hall,
Wolseley Barracks, London, Ont.
For further information please contact
Ernie Huntley at 58 Langton Road, Lon-
don, Tele., 455-373.3.
E.(Ernie) W.R. Huntley CD
National President,
C.C. 8th A.V.A.