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Clinton News-Record, 1981-11-04, Page 9
CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 ,1 t 1 -PAGE 9 Middleton news ;� a .... '---•�.,,�,, o �L Il. Jr t . /'1' � i 1111 \ -\\V1V%\\ Cash in on A&P's Great Getaway -Giveaways on`your next holiday getaway. Collect up to $500 _,and m90,111 A&P gitt ,certificates • wJhen.y,ou..;book, your ktar vel 'arrange'menfs throuYgh- T°LA- wl SUPER BUY. First Grade WILDMERE BUTTER ._���N11111tlllllp�i/i, 1 pound SAVE 1:70 tsSAME 80? Ib Instant Coffee MAXWELL HOUSE Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef First 5 Ribs Only PRIME RIB ROAST "King of Roasts" Ib 9 000llll►ulllllll''_ BuY 6. WEAR A POPSY CARRY THE TORCH. 10 oz. jar Country Kitchen WHIPPED „:g159 BUTTER tb (Our Regular Price 1.99) JANE PARKER ANGEL CAKE 14 -oz cake (Our Regular Price 6.69) Instant Creamer 500 g. Jar CARNATION 99 COFFEE -MATE. SAVE 30c 01111"4"4/, 1 JANE PARKER,HAMBURG BUNS OR Wiener Rolls JANE PARKER Apple Pie McCORMICK'S pkg of 1279,i 624 g size 1.39 You'll do better will! FROZEN FOODS from A&P! SWANSON, FROZEN, ASSORTED VARIETIES 4.5-02 PKG Breakfast Entrees 99 FROZEN, FANCY, ASSORTED VARIETIES 11 -OZ PKG A&P Vegetables 2for89/1 FROZEN, LAYER, 400 g PKG LEMON, VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE 12-02 CAKE Social Tea Cookies 1.29 Sara Lee Cakes 1.29 ARCTIC GARDENS, FROZEN, COUNTRY, ECONOMY ORIENTAL OR POLYNESIAN - STIR 'N FRY Vegetables 10ozpkg 1.19 A&P Tea Bags pkgof1001.79 Swift Holiday LUNCHEON MEAT 340tin1 29 Sealtest Assorted Flavours ALL NATURAL ICE CREAM 2 Titre carton 289 d (Our Regular Price 3.79) (Our Regular Price 1.39) Minute Maid, Concentrated FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 011111111//04 SAVE 904 tail* (Our Regular Price 73e each) Swiss Spun, Assorted Flavour Buy 2, SAVE 47c DELISLE 175. YOGOURT tubfor PROCESS CHEESE SLICES Kraft Singles McCONNELLS, ORANGE PEKOE Tea Bags DESSERT TOPPING Dream Whip POST "SUGAR SWEET" CEREAL Alphabits GENERAL MILLS CEREAL Cheerios 500gpkg 2.29 pkg of 1203.99 85gpkg895e 450 g pkg 1 X89 425 g pkg1.69 Aasaarted Flsvaura JELLO POWDERS 3 -oz © 0 pkg for 1 (Our Regular Price 47c each) Buy 3 SAVE 41c SAVE 40e 125 99 fl -oz tin 111 (Masba with 100% pure vegetable shortening) Jane Parker, Sliced 60WHOLE WHEAT OR/CRACKED WHEAT BREAD 24 -oz loaf (Our Regular Price Sag) SAVE 34( FROZEN MEATS & SEAFOOD Dressed, Headless FROZEN WHOLE � COHOE SALMON in BLUE WATER, FROZEN Fish & Chips SEA BUOY, FROZEN Cod Portions HIGH LINER, FROZEN 32 -oz pkg 2.49 161.89 Haddock Fillets SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN, %4dn PLUS Beef Burgers 5009 SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN, CHICKEN OR BEEF 16.02 PKG 2.29 pkg 1.79 Meat Pies 400gpkg 1.99 A&P Stenas d, Piee®s MUSHR001�1'�S 6 9 10 oz. tin (Our Regular Price 3.29 Ib) (Our Regular Price 3.79 Ib.) PRIME RIB STEAKS Ib • SAVE .90 Ib 89 1� witch( with Supermarket prices PORK FROASTS Shankless Picnic Shoulder Ib Boneless Ib 1,29 SAVE 20,1 Ib (Our Regular Price 1.59 lb.) Shoulder Butt Roast Ib129 Boneless \ Ib1.39 SAVE 30' Ib. (Our Regular Price 1.59 Ib.) (Our Regular Price 5.79 Ib.) SAVE S0' Ib. CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF Rib Eye Steaks Ib 4.99 (Our Regular Price 2.39) SAVE 40e A&P, SLICED 500 g VAC PAC Side Bacon 1.99 (Our Regular Price 1.39 Ib.) PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SLICED Beef Liver PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, PORK SIDE Spare Ribs SAVE S0' Ib. lb 89¢ 161.69 PRIDE OF CANADA, GRADE "A", (Our Reg. Price 1.59 Ib) FROZEN, BASTED, Pop-up Timer, Roasting SAVE 10e Ib Chickens 5to7-Ibavg 161.49 BREAKFAST Burns Sausagelb 1.39 MAPLE LEAF, REGULAR OR ALL BEEF Wieners 1 l Vac pac 1.69 MAPLE LEAF, GOLDEN FRY OR SKINLESS Sausages 500 g pkg 2.39 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED 17S g VAC PAC Cooked Ham 1./9 MAPLE LEAF Ham Steaks 175g pkg 1®89 MAPLE LEAF, COIL Polish Sausage 161.99 In stores wit Collect a Complete Set Hand Painted Dinnerware FEATURE OF THE WEEK. Saucer -y99? with each $5.00 purchase Fresh, Approximately 50% Medium Ground Beef & 50% Ground Pork GROUND IATION Ib Picnic Shoulder or Shoulder Butt PORK CHOPS 49 Ib --- (Our Regular Price 1.89 lb.) SAVE 404 Ib. (SHANK PORTION Ib 2.39) , (Our Reg. Price 2.49 Ib) FROZEN, NEW ZEALAND, Whole or Butt Half SAVE 20c b Lamb Legs 1b2.29 (Our Regular Price 2.19 Ib) SAVE 30c 6 TOWN CLUB OR MAPLE LEAF, SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls lb 1 .89 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, REGULAR, HINT OF MAPLE OR THICK 500 g VAC PAC Side Bacon - 2.39 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, 11 VARIETIES INCLUDING LUNCHEON, MACARONI & CHEESE •175 g VAC PAC Cooked Meats 99¢ SHOPSY, SWEET PICKLED, FLAT, BRISKETS Corned Beef ib2.39 SHOPSY, ALL BEEF Sausages 500 g pkg 2.39 SHOPSY - OLD VIENNA Salami 500gpkg2.79 SHOPSY, CORNED BEEF OR PKG OF 4-50 g POUCHES Pastrami 2.29 PRIDE OF CANADA, VAC PAC Bologna Chunks 161.29 PRIDE OF CANADA, HALVES, VAC PAC Vintage Hams 163.69 PRIDE OF CANADA SLICED, TRIPLE PACK 500 g VAC PAC Cooked Meats 2.19 h Deli Shop! -BRANDT - Mix & Match, Beerwurst, Jagdwurst BRANDT - ARDENNER LYONER Vienna Salami Ib 2.99 Sausage 1b 1.99 by Blanche Deeves Communion was celebrated in St. .James' Anglican Church last Sunday and the reader was Edward Wise. The text of the Rev. William Bennett's sermon was Revelation 7:9 James Storey and Edward Deeves received the offering. This Sunday there will be no service at St. James Anglican Church but a Remembrance Day service at St. Andrew's United Church will be held. A com- munity service will follow with the placing of wreaths at the Cenotaph. All are welcome. At 3 p.m. Trinity Church, Bayfield, Service of Confir- mation and the Holy Eucharist for candidates from the Bayfield -Middleton Parish Celebrant and Preacher The Right Reverend Morse C. Robin- son, Bishop Suffragan of Huron. A. reception will follow in the Parish Hall. I, Blanche Deeves, would like to thank the 46 passengers who were on the Mystery Trip last week and also to Robert Sherwood for his excellent surprise and the extras he gave to us. The next three trips coming up are filling in quickly and they are: November 24, Poinsettia Festival which in- cludes a trip to Tender Toot- sies where you can purchase shoes at half price and less, on to Swain's Nursery for lunch and tour and to Shar- ral Winery and dinner in Sar- nia. The next trip, December 5 will be to the Kitchener Market and dinner at night at Angie's Kitchen; December 9 to Simcoe lights, a stop at Coyle's Outlet store, a beef dinner at United Church and a night view. of the lights. Please phone soon for a seat on all these trips 482-3383. November 12 penny savers supper at the home of Vera Miller. Holmesvifle news and notes By Blanche peeves Elaine Blair, the \ Patient services chairperson of the Clinton branch of the Canadian Cancer Society attended a conference recently in Toronto. The theme was Caring and Sharing. Elaine found this a very satisfying experience. I, Blanche Deeves would like to , thank the 46 passengers who were on the Mystery Trip last weekend and also to Robert Sherwood for his excellent surprise and extras he gave us. The next three trips coming up, and filling in quickly are: November, 24 Poinsettia Festival, which includes a trip to Tender Tootsies where you can purchase shoes at half price and less - over to Swains Nursery for lunch and tour - down to Charral Winery, and on to dinner at Sarnia. The next trip on December 5 is to the Kitchener Market with dinner at Angie's Kitchen on December 9 to the Simcoe Lights with a stop at Coyles Outlet store and a beef dinner in the United Church and a view of the lights. Please phone soon for a seat on all these trips a t 482-3383. The Enterprising Seniors will meet this Thursday at 2 p.m. in the Community Centre, Holmesville. -We were sorry to hear on the weekend that Dorothy Storey (Bender) formerly of Goderich Township, had an accident this past August when her Woodstock trailer home blew up. Her husband Ellwood was released from hospital some six weeks ago, but Dorothy is still in the burn unit of Victoria Hospital, London. spent the weekend in Barne with The Sellwoods, while Sean spent the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Per- due. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Broadbent of Delta, B.C. spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Norman. The community wishes to express their sympathy to Mrs. Innes a nd family on the loss of her husband Gerald. Susie Some folks play a fair game of golf - that is, if you watch them closely. It's better to give than to Tend, and it costs about the same.