HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-10-28, Page 18PA,
MiSilAYi =omit 29,,
:Dessert euchre held
The Heschl Woinen's hx
siitate held a moat Sole-
CostseFt- Pugin onf
Iden with
f ountiful
n tole&
�; rlpy, els:. F� e ter,
caution, .Miry. orence
*Alert Oas u+ lone
(Faulder) . Flynn, Pear
father of Ge ald, Hensalb,
Shirley (Mrs. Donald
• Avery), Florida; Joyce
(Mrs.. Wiliam O'Brien),
Brigden and dear brother of
Clayton, Centralia. Also
surviving are siX grand-
Visitation at the Bonthron `
Chapel. of Michael P, O'Con-
nor'Fimer°al. Homes in Hen-
saIl where funeral service
will be conducted on October
28th with 1tev , Stanley
McDonald, officiating: Inter.
milt to follow m St Mary's
Church Cemetery, Brinsley.
i rte birth- Lodge honors •
Grace , chat/SAO, Centennial •
The Centennial of Hensen
Lodge No,. 223 Independent'
Order of Oddfellows of On-
s eharGsr tario, Hensall; Ontario 1
Grand: Bertha 1981 and the official visit of
Irestded at .the the' Grand 'Master ':to Huron
gon District NO; 8 was celebrated
a�et .the H Community
Centre S! Y evening
with a large representation
present'Tfie Chairman was
Ivies•D. ` Hay
Q 1d' Bra. Rev.
v. Leing•
team.GrandBro.bybeef' Hodgert and the pork ticket
was drawn.
United news
The worship service at
Hensel' United Church was
held on October 25 with Rev.
Barbera Laing of Zurich of-
ficiating. Rev. Laing had.
recently returned from a
tour to Israel and showed the
children how 'a shepherd
there was dressed. She told
them how the shepherd
guards the doorway while
the sheep are in the fold, just
as Jesus guards us through
In tett sermon Rev. Laing
spoke Of . the contrast
`between the Christian life
and that of the, unbeliever.
Mr. Ralph Topp, choir
.director,:was at the organ
and the senior choir sang
with Mrs, , Donna St. John,
Mrs. Carol Stuart and Don
McCaffrey, taking the solo
and duet parts.. Ushers were
John and David Rowcliffe,
Charles Doxtator and Rich
Laing. Bill Scotchmer
'andantes, Rogerson : at the piano. welcomed. ,worshippers at
Mics. B''essie Garland of St. Veteran Members over 50 the door. The 'flowers
Joint's, Newfoundland years were Bre: Earl Camp decorating the sanctuary
returned "'ter= hee home; on .-bell=P.DIDiG :;=.Bib.- Berri =: were ..placed : by the Riley.
Saturday after spending the
twos weeks with her
3" Hazel Luther.
NCP:"and '.`Urs. `mss Cor-
- bett, Jeff -Corbett; i Sheila
Riley, Mr. and Mrs Marvin
Taylor and ° Mr " and Mrs.
Allan Taylor ' attended the
Pojington-Taylor wedding at
Kilworthy on Saturday. •
Church service will be held
at 10 a.m.. on Sunday,
November 1 conducted by
Rev. Kenneth Knight. The
ladies are holding . their an-
nual bazaar on Saturday,
November. 7 at 3 p.m. PIease
keep this date in mind.
orated with the birthday'.
cal a and baskets of flowers,
which were drawn for and
he first basket °was won'by
s. Pail "Neilands and: the
second by Mrs Harold Con-
raforth�B+eeve Pial' •
Tuesdayeven- eilarids of ifensall bronht
pi�esr"j greetingst from 'the •village
t r 1, ,y Mrs plana den o#`,aron Co yf Frets' Halerer of Zurich
were presented spoke, for the' • County Jack
mAappreciation of Riddell, MPP;spoke bring
iees4President, ingmite-Of greetings and
ilasids, spoke Murray Cardiff, MP,
try cion h�lrs: Iva "Reid Brussels brought con-
made'the' :Ypresentation' gratulation •
Church service swill be on Mrs. Donna St John sang
,Novetrrber$:r' 'two' beautiful solos aceom
q parried by `Mrs. William
Apple Drive
Despite the cold weather
and snow the Hensall Cubs
and Scouts had a very suc-
cessful apple day last Friday
and Saturday and total sales
were $311.25. Thanks boys -
,you did a good job, and
thanks to the drivers and all
those who supported the
pack and troop.
Flynn death
Mr. Joseph Flynn of 103
King Street, Hensall, and a
Hensall barber for many
years, died at Victoria
Hospital, London°on October
25th in his 73rd year. Beloved
Horton, P.G. 54' years; Bro. family hi memory of Ray -
Stanley ,Trove, P.G. 57 years;: mond Riley and his grand-
Bro''Archie Parsons, P.G. 57 father Bert Riley.
years Bro.`Tari Campbell A special assembly was
wile presented with his 60 held in the Sunday School
year Jewel by District Depu- with Miss Elaine Townshend
ty Grand:1Viaster Bro, Alex of Clinton as guest speaker.
McBeath and Grand Master All the children received a
Bro. Clifford Seeley, Grand . greater appreciation of the
Master of Ontario pinned the lives of the handicapped and
jewel on Bro. Earl Campbell enjoyed listening to : her.
who made a fitting reply ex- Next Sunday Hensall United
pressing the changesin his`' Church will be celebrating
years of Oddfellowship. Bro. their anniversary with guest
Ross Sararuas thanked the speaker Rev. Harley Moore,
ladies for the delicious meal Grand Bend in the morning
and Mrs. ,Mona Alderdice at 11 a.m. and Rev. Dr.
responded. Bro, Roy Pepper George . Goth, formerly of
gave a toast to the Rebekahs Metropolitan Church, Lon -
to which D.D.P. Sister Grace don at 7:30 p.m. All friends
Fuller of Goderich replied. \of the church are invited to
Bertha MacGregor, Noble both services and the recep-
Grand of Ainber Rebekah tion following.
Lodge No. 349 Hensall,
brought greetings and
nted the Lode with
prese g a
plaque to which Bro. Eric
Mansfield, Noble Grand of
Hensall I.O°O.F. responded.
A toast to the Hensall Lodge
was proposed by Bro. John
Moffatt, D.D.G.W. 'and Bro.
Eric Mansfield, N.G.,
responded. The toast to the
visitors was given by Bra.
Alex .McBeath D.D.G.M. to
which Bro. Garnet Hicks,
P.D.D.G.M. responded. Past.
{, ,y Grand Masters Bro. John
�._._ ... --e l.>l'S.R �# �.AsAI (11.f �.' TLP lti� �t.,Aa•aF.a,AR-�JTr# � !'�taefrA,R
All across Canada, blind
and visually impaired men
and women are contributing
to a better Canada through
their jobs. Some have been
assisted by The Canadian
National Institute for the
Blind Employment Services
Program which provides
educational and vocational
counselling, job evaluation
and placement services. For
further information, contact
your local CNIB office.
Four members of liming Oddfellows Ledge 223 were
honoured Saturday night for their membership of more
than 50 years each, Above, Past District Deputy Grand
Master Charles Hay congratulates Earl Campbell, Bert
Horton, Stanley Love and Archie Parsons. (T - A photo)
Auburn ACW are wor
The October meeting of St.
Mark's Anglican Church
Women was held on
Thursday, October 22 at the
home of Mrs. Florence Deer
in Goderich. The meeting
was opened with the hymn
`Breathe on me Breath of
Mrs.. Daer read the scrip-
ture lesson from I Corin-
thians, verses 1 to 13. Mrs.
Donald. Cartwright read the
Invocation and prayers,
followed by the Lord's
Prayer • in unison. The
meditation, Fruits . of the
Spirit, was read alternately
and, prayers were said from.
the Living Message., The
hymn, For the Beauty of the
Earth, closed the program
part of the meeting.
• The president,, Mrs.
Donald 'Cartwright took •
charge of the meeting for the
business. The, minutes were
approved as read by the
secretary, Mrs.' Jim
Schneider. A letter was read
from a former member,
Mrs. Robert • Meally of
•Ireland. • '
The Reverend William
Craven thanked the ladies
who served coffee to the men
• who were working on the -
has open
A large number of friends.
and.relativesiattended Open
Douse at the Queensway on
Sunday to meet Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Ozimek of Windsor
who have purchased the
home. -
Visitors through the week
were Mr. and Mrs. Horn of
Stratford who visited Ella
Penhale. Mrs. Don Penhale,
Mrs: ,Daryl Morgan and
Tyson, Mrs. Lori Watkins
and Rayann of Sarnia also
visited Mrs. Penhale. Mrs.
A. Finkbeiner, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Rosser, London and G.
Flannigan visited Mrs.
Keyes. Ruth Durand and
Erline Stewart visited Nell
Kendrick. Sadie Hoy visited
Mary Parlmer; Alex Barrett
and Neil Regan. Mr. and
Mrs. Walter • Whilhelm
visited Mrs. Edna Young:
Barb and Harry Dougher-
ty visited the former's
mother Mrs. Irene
Kalbfleisch. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Wilds, Mrs. Alma
Witmer of Zurich, visited
Mrs. Wilds. Don Rozendal
visited his wife Alice. -Mr.
Hoggarth visited his wife
Dora, Mr. and Mrs. Bates,
London visited Louise
The Hensall UCW enter-
tained the residents with
music and tango. Rev. Blaak
held the church service ac-
companied by his wife. High
bowling score was
'ffe ' ftfij4€.`..:._.,.�...._.r_.-
Some Grade 5 students at Clinton Public School were transforined into a group of
hideous, terrifying monsters on Tuesday afternoon - but it was all fun, after"all that's
what Hallowe'en is all about. (Shelley McPhee photo)
new windows in the church.
Thank you not.,will be sent
to all those who helped with
donations and time when the
new stained glass window
was installed.
Mrs. William Craven gave
a report on the Deanery
meeting which was held
recently at Goderich.
It was announced that the
ladies are at present work-
ing on a quilt.
g on a quilt
A discussion took place
regarding the placement of
the Chancel curtain and it
was decided to wait for a
final decision.
Mrs. Cartwright presented
Mrs. Daer with a gift for her
home from St. Mark's
Anglican Church Women.
The next meeting will be
held November 19 at 2 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. Donald
Cartwright. The Reverend
UCW host meeting.....
• from page 15
troduced by Mrs. Ernest
Durnin. Donald is principal
of McQuarrie School for
Disabled Students. He spoke
of their program and told
how to make the public
become aware of the han-
dicapped. He stated that
there . are 2.3 million people
in Canada. ' in -the disabled
class. He asked that the
public please give disabled
persons a chance to prove
themselves. He showed pie -
tures to illustrate what is
Mrs. Robert Arthur thank-
ed Mr. Jardin.
The offering was received
by Mrs. Beth Lansing and
Mrs. Orval McPhee. The
Sunday School teachers sang
several selections.
Mr. Rick Hawley closed
the meeting with • the.
benediction. Lunch was
served and a Social time en-
'lowinen honoied
t annual meeting
BRUSSELS: Numerous
trophies and lots of prize
money was handed out at the
Huron County Plowmen's
banquet held,. here October
Retiring Queen of the Fur-
row, Debbie.. Armstrong . of
the Wingham area, told over
300 in attendance she had en-
joyed her year as gtieen and
mentioned- many activities
attended. She related how
the International Plowing
Match was a highlight of her
year. In 1978, the IPM was
held an the firm of Rabble's
father, Jim. Miss Armstrong
wished incoming queen Deb -
Craven closed the meeting bie Oldfield of Seaforth best
with prayer. Mrs. Doer serv- wishes for the year.
ed a dainty lunch. Winners in categories not
Worried About How You'll
Look With A Hearing Aid?
Toronto—An offer . of special interest to those
who hear but dA not understand words has been
announced by Beltone. A non-operating model
of one of the smallest Beltone aids of its kind will
be given to anyone requesting it.
True, all hearing problems are not alike .. .
and some cannot be helped by a hearing aid. But
audiologists report that many can. So, send for
this modelnow, and wear it in the privacy of
your own home. It is nota real hearing aid, but it
will show you how tiny hearing help con be. It's
yours to keep. The actual ,aid weighs less than a
fourth of an ounce, and it's all at ear level, in
one unit.
We suggest you write for yours now. There is
no obligation. Thousands have already been
moiled, so write today to Dept. 25872, Beltone
Electronics of Canada, Ltd., 124 Connie Crescent,
Unit 4A, Concord, Ontario L4K 1B1.
previously published are
listed in their, order of merit:
ladies' nail driving, Marie
Hicknell, Debbie Armstrong
and Viola Adams; men's nail
driving, Larry Hicknell,
Keith Siemon and Sam Brad-
shaw; log sawing with own
saw, John Pentland and
William McWhinney, Floyd
and Carman Howatt,
William and Keith Siemon;
sawing with other than own
saw, Murray Cardiff and
Murray Elston,. Grant
Seigneur and John McKay
and Allan Walper and Sam
Bradshaw; and women's log
sawing, Jacquie and Sherry
Robertson, Marg Consitt and
William Coleman, Helen
Craig and Ruth Townsend.
Our hostess will bring gifts and
greetings, along with helpful
community information.
•Cross only at corners, never between parked cars,
never diagonally across an intersection.
•Look in all directions before crossing the street.
•Watch for and obey all traffic lights.
•Walk, never run across the street.
•Use sidewalks, not the street, for walking.
• Parents should accom-
pany groups of trick -
or -treaters.
• All treats should be
taken home for inspec-
tion before they are
• Wear short, non-flam- ..
mable costumes which
are light in color.
• Trick -or -treating
should be confined to
young goblins' own
eaten. neighborhood.
• Only young goblins. • Flashlights shouldbe
(13 and below) should carried after dark. HAVE A HAPPY AND
hA I l llfl 11x1(1 MA/V +A MA
All trick -or- treting
should be done • -
tween the hours of 6 -
8 p.m.
This message sponsored by the following community -minded businesses.
•General Insurance
•Real Estate
•Life Insurance
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For the right insurance
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owned and operated by J.A. Relfoi,r Retell Sales Ltd.