HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-10-21, Page 22• wait:for their sailing craft to be removed from the water for another year, s and Briaa• Jones of Kitchener" llne a chat on the pier at the Bayfield at allay. In the'backgronnd, a couple of fishermen try their luck. (James 'orrises more e nories e"ot" mo items tb orr auctioned luiingthe evening. ,• GalaEvening, climax.. Weekend which neyto help pay for 'renova ions made "last yee>afio Blyth Memorial Hall, will not' ii in lfide enter- taentb. toP performers like' CT"V's" Cal Dodd, but an auction of more than 40 , items dons w . ind•i *ill YVaU.I rr tan • e Home quality ar,twork, by sotlne of Canada's best ar- tby a J01saitthng4. vhich'Would:sell ,for $250 in a gallery Other artists contributing their work tiOild4getE Jackson. of London, Veda McAllister; of Bayfield, Jack McLaren of Benmiifer, Ron Walker and :Bev •Katzelp of Blyth and photographer Brian Cere of St. Helens. is • Yoh might want to sit and enjoy those p tinge from a rocker donated by Conestoga Chair of Wingham. ' Other items for the include a ha-nd'throw'n I, vase • by Michael Ward Pottery, prat= tan'' table from Middleton l'iWater vii honey jarand . • ' If you:. need' a :weekend away from it ` all, auction lien* include a weekend for two at, the' Conestoga Inn, Kitchener and another'at the Ramada' lun, Toronto, a family` weekend; at the Holi- 'day Inn, London, a three-day ski package; at Huntsville's randview ,Lode . „and. lama, w Garrett's guest home near Auburn where;the guests can learn some of herYrecipies for cooking • with herbs " and things natural, ' Speaking of food, there are meals at the Benmiller Inn, Turnberry Tavern, Bartliff's Restaurant, Maitland Restaurant, -Albion Hotel and E.A.T.s in Bayfield to be auctioned by auctioneer Richard Gethke. Also on the block are .a dinner for 10 at • ASSIFIED 43. Births FRASER a Hi everyone, my name is Adam David Charles: My surprise arrival was Oct. 9 at tClinton Hospital at 12:24 .• weighing 7 Ib. 6 oz. and 22 g inches long.' My anxious ' parents are Dave and Kim and w my sister is Dawn Fraser. My grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraser of Brucefield, and Mrs. Ruby Fulcher of Vanastra. I am the l4th great-grandchild for Rita and David Dales of Clinton. Special thanks to Dr. Watts, Baker, Steed and Dr. Harrett and all the nurses that helped t. take care of me and my mom. -42 a 44. Engagements McDOUGA LL -HERO N t Mrs. JoAnn Heron of Clinton is pleased to announce the for- thcoming Marriage of her daughter, Suzette Jeanette to et. Tony .lames McDougall, stepson of Mr. Norman Helmuth of Goderich. The wedding will take place ,t November 5, 1981 at 7 p.m. at the New Apostolic Church. Due it to the church not being com- pleted, the wedding.will take place at the Victoria Street United Church in Goderich,-42c - tt 46. In memoriam J ENKINS In loving memory of Gina Jenkins 1Horbanuiki, who passed away October 22, 1978. Just when your life was brightest, .lust when your years were best. You were called from this world Toa home of eternal rest. Lovingly remembered by mother ' Vicki, sisters, Patricia. Leila, Connie and brother. Leo.. -42 47. Cord of. thanks STECKLE I wish to say thank you to all who visited me while in Clinton Public Hospital and since returning home, for cards, treats and flowers. To Pastor Shead for his visits and prayers, to Dr. Watts and Dr. Newland and nurses on first floor for their care. - Oliver Steckle.-42x DATEMA We wish to thank all our friends and neighbours who have helped us in any way since our fire. Also thanks to those who attended the dance and to those who organized it. R is greatly,appr*ciated and your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. - Ralph and Pat Datema -42 BARRY 1 would like to thank neigh - hours. friends and Clinton Housewives who sent cards and flowers. Special thanks to Sharon White in recent death of my mother. Marion Barry and Scott Stevens. -42 DOUC F:TTE We wish to express our sincere thanks to friends and neigh - hours for cards and donations in sympathy shown us in the loss of our father and grand- father .-42 McDOUG.AL.I We would like to thank our friends, neighbours and relatives for remembering us on our •611th wedding an- niversary. • Eva and Murray McDougall.-- 42x NO Limit t o Urgains in the WANT ADS next year's Country Supper at the Blyth• . Summer Festival catered by the Board of Directors and two intimate dinners: a German dinner for four. catered by Rhea Hamilton and a dinner cruise for four aboard Bruce Sully's yacht, the Segwum on Lake Muskoka. There are many other uni- que nique items such as a tour of a foreign freighter in Goderich harbour and a chance to meet the captain, arranged by Goderich Elevator and Transit, 100 personally printed Christmas cards from Blyth Printing and a p ' show a • child's Marian Doucette. .• Tickets for the Gala Even- ing which will be M.C.'d by . CFPL-TV's Jim Swan are only $10 and will also give a chance to win one of the fabulous prizes even without bidding, A weekend for two. at the Chelsea Inn, Toronto, a fox fur hat from Bainton Limited and a $100 Canada Savings Bond are among the many prizes - that will be given away. The Gala Evening follows a Medieval Feast held downstairs in Memorial Hall at.6 p.m. The meal, complete with entertainment costs $15 per person or may be bought in combination with the Gala Evening for $20 while sup- plies last. A concert by the Blyth Festival Singers will be held Saturday 'afternoon at Memorial Hall. Tickets are $3 for adults, $1.50 for children. A Casino Night and Dance will be. held Friday evening for $15 per couple. The whole weekend package can be purchased /or $50 per couple. Ticket information and reservations at 523-4331 or 523-9300. • In Hensall Learn about bee keeping By Bertha MacGregor Mrs. William. Ferguson was guest speaker at the Agriculture and Canadian Industries meeting. of the Hensel' Women's Institute held iii the United Church on October. 14. She spoke on raising bees, for money and followed the life of the bee from the time the egg was laid until - the death of the bee. Later she showed pic- tures of the Apiary the fami- ly run west of Hensall. Also on the program were readings by Mrs. Elizabeth Riley and piano selections by Mrs. Joyce Pepper. Mrs. Pearl Koehler conducted the program opening with a poem and a sing song. Courtesy remarks were given . by Ms. Myrtle Sher- ritt. Program convener was Mrs. Elsie Carlile and was conducted Iv Mrs. Pearl Koehler, The evening was chaired by, president Mrs. Joyce Pepper, • who welcomed everyone and opened with a poem. Several items of cot - respondence were read: a resolution regarding an Adelaide Hoodiess Postage Stamp and three suggested changes to be made in the London Area I3y-law; A Thaiik-You note from Mrs. Wendy Hines and an appeal from the C.N.I.B. for a dona- tion and canvassers; an in- vitation to visit Hurondale Women's Institute on November 25 at Usborne Central School was also received. Final ar- rangements were made for the Dessert Euchre to be held in the Legion Hall Oc- tober 21st at 1:30 p.m. and members were reminded that a craft article, around $3 was to be sent to London Area Convention in St. Marys November 5 and 6. Mrs. Kilda Payne is to be the voting delegate at the con- vention. She also gave a report of the Huron County Rally held at Belgrave on October 5. Hostesses Mrs. Annie Reid and Mrs. Hilda Payne and their committee served lunch and an exchange of Agriculture took place. Eleven members and two . visitors were present. Uniteds welcome babies Rev. Garnet Husser, Beamsville, officiated at the. Baptism of his grand- daughter _ at the United Church on Sunday morning. Baptized was Kimberly Ann Scotchmer, daughter of Bill and Pam Scotchmer. During the very impressive service Wayne' Scotchmer, brother of Kimberly sang "Jesus Loves,You" and Thomas Scotcher, also a brother of Kimberly presented a pink carnation. to his sister. Gail Shaw sang the very lovely "All Through The Night". During the .service the choir sang an anthem 'based on Psalm 18 and arranged .by Winnifred Sim, Director . of the C.B.C. Hymn Sing Chorus. The service wascon- ducted by Rev. McDonald who spoke on the theme of Love That Is New. He said 'that one of the difficulties to- day is that in English wen,* the word or term.love for, so many kinds of love that are not really love at all in the New Testament• sense. The ushers for the 'service were Randy Parker; John Rowcliffe, Wayne Corbett gearm I : tor:: - e r,r church were placed in loving with their beginnings and the memory of Mr. Peter advancement of their work 'McNaughton by -his family through ARC Industries. , and M. Mable Munn by her Following the slide presenta- family. tion an active, open discus - Mr. McDonald announced sion took place, with the con - the Anniversary would be tagion of Harry's dedication held on 'Sunday, November and enthusiasm spreading lst with Rev. Harley Moore throughout the group. The of Grand Bend as guest . Stuarts also brought along minister at the 11 a.m. ser- an excellent display of the vice and Rev. Dr: George work of the persons at ARC Goth of London as the guest which added greatly to the minister at the 7:30 p.m. ser- evening. vice. He encouraged The evening closed with everyone to invite their refreshments served by friends to share in these An- members of the communica- niversaryServices. tion.committee, Dana Bozat- +•+ + to and Starr Jesney. An outstanding presenta- • , + + + tion on the . mentally han- The weekly . Bible Study dicapped was made on Sun Group at' the United con - day evening at the October tinned to study the Psalms Fellowship Evening in • the • with an excellent atten- United • Church. Harry dance. This week the group Stuart, a member of the con- studied Psalm 90 with the gregation and with ARC In- study ; being led by Rev. dustries, made the presenta- McDonald. .The Bible Study tion assisted - by - his wife Group meets every Tuesday Carol. -The evening opened' morning at 10 a.m. with singing led by Rev. + + + McDonald assisted by Joyce The Chiselhurst Ladies' Pepper at the piano. Follow- are holding their Bazaar on ing the opening worship Mr. Thursday, November 19 in Stuart • spoke on Mental the Fellowship Hall at Hen- Remotion. Work of call United„Chureh not on atiol 1Redesda as;ot} erye s. ' Despite a downpourof rain, the ribbon cutting ceremony night to officially open Clinton's Business Improvement Area (BIA ). Left to right are a sodden Mayor Chester Archibald, BIA Chairman Gerry Hiltz and ministry of housing's George Lyslyenko. (Tom McMahon photo ) was still held last Thursday Peter McNaughton dies. at Queensway Home Peter Lindon McNaughton passed away at Queensway Nursing Manor in Hensall on Thursday, October 15th 1981 in his 77th year. Beloved hus- band of Mildred (Scruton) McNaughton, dear father of Mrs. Dorothy Corbett, Hen- sall and Robert McNaughton, Seaforth. Also survived by three grand- children and one great grandchild. Mr. McNaughton was a member of the Canadian Legion. The Hensall branch held a service at the Bon- thron Funeral Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor on Fri- day evening. Funeral ser- vice and committal was held on Saturday, October 17th and was conducted by the Rev. Stanley McDonald, followed by interment in Hensall Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Ron Mock, John Heal, Ken Parker, Lorne Archer, Ross Veal and Dave Kyle. Baptism ceremony held on Sunday Rev. Kenneth Knight. con- ducted baptism service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday and Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided at the , organ. 'The following children were presented for baptism: Johnathon Homer James Campbell son of Mr. and Mrs-. Greggor Camp- bell; Jeffrey William Herbert Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp- bell; Jennifer Danielle Masse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Masse. There will be no service in Carmel Church next Sunday owing to anniversary service in Caven Church in Exeter on Sunday, October 25th at 11 a.m. Standard time. Service on November 1st at Carmel Church at 10:00 a.m. The An- nual Church Bazaar will be held November 7 at 3 p.m. Plan to attend The Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary will serve tea. ZI 0 w �s M 0 EE Of � �- 20 c ro(b 3UP) awlC3 mva o • mo co 6 42- k ' .0 ACN 1, Z roc 00 0 0 a2am i m u-r'CCelf c M v E t7 c°f.(o � NGc-cc0 mQ2 U .-- '` 0 � � c0r. •=i. ..s 0 - c L- ¢?; a0 CJ °n. a.E:Im You can take a boy out of the country, but you can never take the_country out of a boy, the saying goes, and little Fraser Fitzgerald, a 1980 model, was having a ball last Saturday ' pretending to drive a 1945 model tractor. The restored tractor owned by. Bruceffeld's Le Beaus was part of a display in connection with the town's Harvest Of Savings. (James Fitzgerald photo) 0' communication discussed Two very realistic films were shown by Mrs. Elva Forrest and Rev. McDonald on loneliness and breaking the communication barriers at Thanksgiving, meeting of Unit two of Hensall United Church Women (UCW) on October 12. Interest focused on one's own behaviour and attitude in similar cir- --cmmstances,--when•-life lasts - beyond the three score years and ten. The devotional led by Mrs. Hilda Payne, was' based on the brother of the Prodigal Son. Seeing him we realize how much we take for granted, and how many things we should give thanks for. Business was conducted by Mrs. Joyce Pepper. It was decided to make favours for Nursing Home trays at the November meeting and to provide lunch at the general meeting on December 7. Unit two will also decorate the Church for Christmas and provide flowers for December. A bale will be packed on November 17 and . U.C.W. president Dianne Gerstenkorn would like sug- gestions for banners to be hung around the church buildings. Unit two is respon- sible for a program and bir- thday party at the Blue Water Rest Home November 18 at 7:30 p.m. sharp. The an- nual meeting will be held following church service on 1 December8. During lunch Mrs. Grace Drummond recounted her experiences on a trip to. the Arctic last summer and passed pictures of some of the places visited. Mrs. Wilma Munn and Mrs. Joyce Pepper served lunch to con- clude the evening. Attend fall rally • w - .•.several- itembers- of • the ToIlows T;adie"s'"'-fiI' h, Three Links Senior Citizensg Elizabeth Riley; consola- tion, Irene Davis; men's high, Carl Payne; lone hands, Jessie Armstrong and Anne Reid; lucky cup Irene Davis. The entertain- ment committee wereDick and Pearl Taylor and Anita Bengough.' Social. Dorothy Mickle, Myrtel Sherritt, Ber- tha MacGregor. • Club of •Hensall attended the 6th Fall Rally of Zone 8 USCO, on Wednesday, Oc- tober 14 at the Hohnesville Community Centre. President Mrs. Eileen Raine . presided for the Three Lhiks Senior Citizens meeting on Tuesday evening and opened the program with a minute's silence in memory of former members the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins. Following the roll call and business the treasurer gave the, report and thepresident announced getting a Cook book to raise funds. Mrs. Mabel Shirray gave a report on a trip to the Elgin House at Port Carling which she enjoyed and gave a brochure on it. It was an- nounced that a Dessert Euchre would be held in the Legion Hall at 1:30 p.m Oc- tober 21st sponsored by the - Women's Institute. Pro- gressive euchre was played and prize winners as Queensway personals Queensway Nursing Manor would like to welcome Mrs. Leah Keyes from' Exeter home. • Mrs. Shirley Prouty of Exeter conducted worship Ion Tues- day. The U.C.W. ladies of Hensall United Church entertained the residents with music, bingo and treats on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Westlake visited with Miss. Mary Westlake. ■ & TRUCKLOAD SALE caws at -at . s14 S4' e at prices lOr .Flips to miss. . 6P 6FA 9 Welrnme ,M 2q .iffirpi rice 5L!*/ONS INVENTORY REDUCTION I. C9s3e and bogy Cp`' Br "0,4*. direct from the wholesalers SO N0 ceyou can't afford ADealers a He,nr Ssu TOMATO s 49 or VEGETABLE SOUP (sae of 40 • 10 er linv 12.00 , 5,.s Devon n4's CREAM STYLE`CORN Ca,0 01 24 t 14 or. fins 8.00 Sas SIoNe, l PEAS Case of 24 t 14 or tins 12.00 S, Avlmpr sr ''., TOMATO KETCHUP Case o1 12 • 31 or. bellies 12.00 5,s n ion White Label CANNED POP ( .rar nl 14 . 10 or Tin 4.00 I .F,s n ' label C4 PORK & BEANS (.,ae of 24., 19 o, ting 13.00 S asa Flve Rises r'vt Five ALL PURPOSE FLOUR Bale of S t Shags 15.00 Sys Tide e'dd LAUNDRY DETERGENT Case of At FI. hates 29.00 5, .n 4 OR Bright's TOMATO JUICE ( Ian of 12 t '48 n fins 10.00 `may^ S Bnahf'a 44 APPLE JUICE ( ase 12 s 48 or ling.. 11.00 knerhlel DOG FOOD 10 La Baa 5.00 .. .n 4Bd '- WHITE SUGAR m ba Bag 13.00 i.,, ' 1q (hinooL WIndshleld W a.her ANTIFREEZE ( 5.00 4, n q )„ Ma,arnni A Cheese KRAFT DINNERS have. 20.00 C,sn • 14 Rio (ItS(alioBLEACH a -16.50 While label (,e n Ir,aa 6.00 Mr IaNEc"'�br"F FOOD WE LIKE T e ROTHMlle Sups+ laws.•' 1■1■ J'L1Y Many more items MARKET available so come and SC%FORTH see the savings available to you. ERVE V w U Y ®U A LITTLE BIT FETTER