HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-10-21, Page 2129. Tenders 31. Service 29. Tenders " Twp. Hullett " 6 60 acres hay 15 7 30 acres hay The Terms, and Conditions of the Tender Will be es Follows: General: 1) The term of the lease will be from January 1, 1962 to 1982-83-84 LAND TENDERS for the, HULLETT WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA Lot Conc. Area and Designated Use 7 3 33 acres corn 9EYa 3 11 17E1/4 ,20 S 20 N'/4 21 20 W'/2 10 3 3 4 4 4 5 22 acres 40 acres 17 obeli 30 acres 16 acres 20 acres 25 acres corn hay corn hay hay hay corn December 3L 1982. However, the leasee can renew the lease for 1983 and again for 1964 0 a new application is submitted on or before September 1, of the current year 2) Any cash payments are to be in the form of a cer- tified cheque payable to the "Treasurer of Ontario" and must be received before a loose will be Issued or renewed. 3) Subleasing will not be permitted. 4) There will be no compensation or adlustment for damage to crops as a result of use by wildlife, hunters and/or construction. 5) The Ministry of Natural Resources reserves the right to enter upon the properties and carry out any necessary activities. 6) Persons using property of the Ministry of Natural Resources will do so at their own risk. 7) Leasee will be responsible to ensure that tree and shrub plantings remain undamaged by his activities. Specific site locations are available at the Hullett W.M.A. Office. Corn Land: 1) Tender bids shall be in the form, of a percentage of the crop to be left standing In the field. The Ministry of Natural Resources will have the option of exchanging this percentage or a portion thereof to the leasee for an • equivalent value of dried, shelled corn to be delivered to the Hullett Wildlife Management office for storage. 2) The location of the portion of the crop to remain standing will be selected by M.N.R. staff in September of each growing season. 3) Corn is the only crop which may be grown. 4) Corn crops may not be ploughed down until the following spring (March 21). 5) Residual herbicides are not to be used during the third year of the lease. Hay Land: 1) Tender bids shall be in the form of a cash offer pet acre plus 2 percent of the 'grain crop to be delivered to the Hullett Wildlife Management Areq office 'feral` storage. 2) The leasee must In the first and second year* sow spring grains (barley, wheat, oats) and ,oleo in the second year underseed with a grass and legume mix of 8 Ib./acre Timothy; 4 Ib/acre Alfalfa and 4 Ib./acre clover. *Except lot 20 NW'/. concession IV and lot 10 con- cession 6 where o nurse crop is to be planted and the hay mix sown only In the first year of the tender. 3) Seed harvests or first cut hay harvests are not to ex- ceed 50% of the total acreage and are to be cut in a minimum of four equal strips alternated with an equal number of uncut strips. Second cut hay harvests are not to exceed 25% of the total acreage. 4) The cutting direction of hay. and seed harvests shall be altered 90° each year. 5) No cutting is to be done prior to June 15 or after Sep- tember lst. For complete tender documents or more information. contact the Ministry of Natural Resources, Hwy. No. 4, South, R.R. 5, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 — 1-800-265- 3003. Tenders will be received until 9:00 a.m. November 13, 1961. Tenders will be opened for public review at 9:15 a.m., November 13, 1981. 31. Service directory CL 1 NTWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS *Custom built homes *Additions *Drywall *Roofing *Siding, Soffit d, Fascia TIM BYLSMA 482-3873 DOUG BYLSMA 482-7334 INTERIOR PAINTING Eavestroughing and Storm Windows Installed Also odd jobs 482-3014 AFTER 6:30 P.M. 31. Service directory WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE:SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527.0828 _AM: 127-0775 STUCCO MOST LIVINGROOM CEILINGS FROM '75. --ALSO— DRYWALL TAPING —PHONE - 482 -3696 M.J.B. Painting and Contracting *interior *Exterior Decorating After Hour Service for: Stores *Restaurants * Businesses of all types Als.'. industrial and residential —For mare Information Contact Murray Bolger CLINTON (519) 482®.3023 directory HANDYMAN WITH TRUCK. Odd jobs, clean-ups, reasonable rates. Phone 482- 7584.- -37tf FURNITURE STRIPPING and refinishing done. Phone 482-3508.-42 INSULATE NOW - Chip could 'pays up to $500.00 of the cost - Free estimates. Adamson Insulation, Lucknow. Phone 528-2113 - 528-2526. Fully in- sured and bond. Clinton Rep. phone 482-9006.-21tfar HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair Snowmobiles and Snowblowers and other Small Engine Equipment +@ecorcfhnc� tc� 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 1L0 482-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE -CONSULTING CUSTOM CIDER - PRESSING Call to make an appointment HURON RIDGE ACRES RR 2 ZURICH 565-2122 31. Service directory CONCRETE FORMING Walls & Floors For a complete lob coil SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing in: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS •ADDITIONS •KITCHENS •ALUMINUM . SIDING PHONE 482-9506 EVENINGS GEO. A. BAIRD BRUCEFIELD BACKHOE SERVICE *EXCAVATING •SEPTIC BEDS *TRENCHING PHONE: 482-7479 —OR - 482 -3390 34. Personal PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT London (collect) 432-7197 or 514-2913, 357-1769 or 524-2023. —3-52 ARE YOU TIRED of being alone? Are you unattached, separated, single or divorced? ° Meet that special. person. Apply P.O. Box • 104, Owen Sound, N4K 5P1. Please state age. -4o -42x •SEPTIC TANKS •SEWERS •BULLDOZING •BACKHOE WORK *GRAVEL •TOPSOIL For a complete lab call!" SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 Screened Top -Soil Backhoe Work Gravel LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 EVENINGS JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING *Farm Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE 4823063 RON 482-9239 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF MAR- THA OTTILIE ROW DEN, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased. ALL persons -having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 17th day of September, 4981, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the un- dersigned on or before the 13th day of November, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 13th day of October, 1981 . MENZIES, RI )SS, Box 68, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor. -42,43,44 In the estate of NORMAN FOSTER WRIGHT, late of the Township of Hullett, in the County of Huron, Farmer. deceased. - All persons having claims against the above estate are required to file full particulars with the undersigned on or before November 12th, 1981, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. MONTREAL TRUST COM- PANY and iDA LOUiSE WRIGHT, Executors, 15 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1 B4 42,43,44 Electrical Problems? CaII ED'S ELECTRIC Licenced Electrician INDUSTRIAL / COMMERCIAL FARM / RESIDENTIAL 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE ED ROOSEBOOM 482-7441 ALSO...SEE US FOR ELECTRIC and ELECTRIC FURNACES HEATING UNDER THE CANADIAN OIL SUBSTITUTION DRAM ' — FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 4E2-7441 -- 1 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF ALICE CORNISH, late of the Town- ship" of Tuckersmith -in the County of Huron, housewife, deceased. I ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 18th day of September, 1981, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the un- dersigned on or before the 13th day off November, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario this 13th day of October, 1981. MENZIES, ROSS', Box 68, Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. -42,43,44 38. Auction sole'', 38. Auction sale GIGANTIC Farm Equipment clearance auction Friday October 23rd, 1k91 10 a.m. Sharp of New and Used Equipment including tractors, skid -steer loader, trucks, cars, combines, all types of farm equipment snow blowers, snowmobiles plus assortment of new tools and much much more. Terms: Cash or cheque day of sale. Not responsible for accidents on property day of sale.. Trucking and lunch available. Auctioneer Cliff Gilbert, Wiarton. Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Hwy. No: 16 Wiarton. (519) 534-1638 or (519) 534-2980.-41bC 1.Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAL, OCT. 24 - 10 A.M. Furniture, appliances, some antiques, etc. at Richard Lobb's Barn Clin- ton, Ont. GALA AUCTION SALE Blyth Memorial Holl, Blyth, SATURDAY, October 24, 1981 8:00 p.m. In Aid of the Building Fund A large variety of donated articles, including works of art by Jo Manning, Ken Jackson, Leda McAllister, Ron Walker, Jock McLaren, Ben Katzln, Dina Radmea, Brian Coro; Michael Ward; weekend packages at the Conestoga Inn, Kitchener, Holiday Inn, London, Ramada inn, Toronto, a three-day ski holiday Gradview Lodge, Huntsville; a family trout fishing outing, children's birthday puppet show, theatre treasures. "tomorrow box", tour of a foreign freighter, tickets for a Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey game, and -the Rolfe!' Win- ter Fair Hone Show, theatre vouchers for Stratford, Hamilton Place, Orchestra London and Theatre London, boat cruise on theSegwum (Lake Muskoka), dinners out - courtesy of many local restaurants, hand made crib quilt, children's wooden hand crafted summer chair, wash board mirror, man's and lady's watches, Royal Wedding Book, Belden Huron County Atlas, Waterford crystal honey jar, garden items, Meat Specialities for the freezer, wardrobe Items for My Fair Lady and the Man of the House, even something for the family pets, plus many other Items of interest and collectables. Evening includes live entertainment. Plan to attend this auction with a difference. ADMISSIbN: •10.00 per person, Door prizes are a lady's fox fur hat, weekend accommodation Chelsea Inn, Toronto, '100 Canada Savings Bond and hand crafted wine carafe sot. Additional draws during auction. Items can be viewed from 5:30 until 7:30 p.m. Saturday prior to sale. Ticketsavailable from Theatre Box Office, Blyth, 523- 9300. Blyth Sago 523-4331, Board Members or at the door. RON GETHKE AUCTIONEER tqatiffeeir V(SVIJoceleJ REPOSSESSED AND BANKRUPTCY EQUIPMENT AUCTION We have been Instructed by the Trustees and Secured Parties to sell by Public Auction to the highest bidder, without reserve, all equipment as listed. Sale to be held at Vanastra, 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway 4, on Saturday, October 31 at 10:30 A.M. VEHICLES: 1974 Monte Carlo/1975 Chev, Caprice/197,1 Ford Pickup truck/1975 Chev. pickup truck/1971 Dodge Fargo window van. Vehicles will be sold as Is. MACHINES: 5 new Scorpion snowmobiles, various H.P./1 used Massey Ferguson snowmobile / 1972 Bombardier 640 ER snowmobile/9 new Erin Snowblowers, walk behind style with various H.P. FARM EQUIPMENT: John Deere pull type combine with Wisconsin motor/2 custom made wagons/6 ft. snow blower P.T.O./6 ft. pull type snow blower/CB 3 PTO snow blower/side delivery rake/3 furrow Alias plow/15 rung seed drill (int.). MISCELLANEOUS: New built In fireplace with all at- tachments/300 amp. Dialarc welder/180 amp. welder/welding cables/work benches/Sadilein tor- ches/chain falls/2 canoe molds . 14 and 16 ft./6 ft, anymotruck snow blade/tools/office furrilfure/pfus many— more re items. TERMS:CASH For further Information , please contact: Bruce Rothwell - Manager Dick Robinson - Sales Manager 527-1458 f e_ladeveGG �� e ,1 or//l'<P,1 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. . SEA FORTH• ONTARIO NOK 1 W (519) 527-1458 CLINTON NEWS RI CORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2i,, 1901—PAGE..f!,✓A, 4c*:*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * y AUCTIOII 5*LE Saturday. Oct 31 10:30 AM ,* . SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICII ,* *Furniture, Appliances, ,Filing* * Cabinets, etc., etc. Full Listing In Next Week's Paper ' * - LAMB'S AUCTION -SERVICE Auctioneer Harold Lamb 524-9657 ***** -Or ************** ESTATE AUCTION same antiques, furniture,.uppllances, etc, to be hold at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton. Ont. for the Estate of Henry Adkins and contents of Clinton home. Saturday,.October 24 at 10 A.M. Small portable colour TV nearly new; power skate sharPener; Kelvinator chest freezer; Admiral fridge w/cross top freezer; Harwich gas' stove; Clothes dryer; wringer washer; dehumidifier; humidifier: card table; Mason nisch upright piano; buffet w/mirror; bedroom ' suite; china cabinet; upholstered chairs; couch; Plano banchi; cattail desk; cedar chest; chesterfield and chalr: small china cabinet; double bed; vanity, dresser; dressers w/mirrors; chest of drawers; drop leaf table; library table; rollaway bed; pressbadc rods; chrome table and four chairs; continental single bed; artificial fireplace screen and tools; footstool; TV trays; 2 old oil heaters; floor lamps; wicker clothes basket; brass candle ,stick holders; smallappliances; dishes and glassware; pictures; fruit (ars; bodice; patio um- brella table; self propelled • lawn mower; gds push lawn mower; patio swing couch: 20 H. aluminum ex- tension ladder; picnic table; small wheelbarrow; hand lawn roller; hand and garden tools plus many Items not mentioned. TERMS CASH Richard Lobb -Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7148 ' AUCTION SAL • VANASTRA, CLINTON .SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th 1:30 P.M. Commencing at Property No. 1. and offered F•r•Sale in the following sequence: PROPERTY NO. 1: 29 and 31 Victoria SIvd.. Vanastro. 2' semi-detached homes in one parcel (may be split). Each side has separate furnace and basement, 100, Amp. Hydro. Market rent '105.00 per unit (net). PROPERTY No. 2: 31 Regina Rd., Vanastra, 3 bedroom 1'/s storey stucco home. Surveyed lot 52.5 ft. x 07:14 ft. Full concrete basement, hardwood floors, 100 Amp. iervice. F.A. ell heat. PROPERTY NO. 3: 33 Regina Rd., Vanestra. Similar to No. 31 except with aluminum siding. PROPERTY NO 4i-1 storiy building 40' x 72', recently used for pine furniture manufacturing. 2,000 sq. ft. shop area, plus paint room; storage; washroom. Heated by woodstove; recently updated wiring; 0.6 acres land. PROPERTY NO. 5: 1 storey steel 'quonset' building. recently used for auto body repair. 32 ft. x 167 ft.' (5,344 sq. ft.) building with concrete floor, forced air heat, large access door, parking area. 0.57 okras zones In. dustrial. Properties may be viewed on morning of sale, or by arrangement with the Agent. TERMS: Cash, sublect to low reserve bids, sold "as Is". Bidden should have '500.00 cash or certified cheque payable to John L. Duddy Real Estate Ltd., In Trust. Agreements of Purchase and Sale drawn subsequent to Sale. AGENT: John L. Duddy Real Estate Ltd. 482-3766 AUCTIONEER: Jake' Thelon Jr. 482-7922 CLINTON HOME BY AUCTION Saturday, October 31 10 GLIB. ii We have received instructions to offer for sale by auction the' property known as 279 High Street Plan 28 Lot 9 Clinton, Ont. Prope-ty consists of a modern two bedroom brick house with full basement, gas furnace, single car garage, paved driveway located on a large lot approx. 75' x 120'. For viewing or in- formation phone Richard Lobb Auctioneer at 412- 7891. Terms on property 10% down at time of sale balance payable in full in 30 days. Being offered sub lett to a reasonable reserve bid. Richard Lobb -Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 Contact us for good clean consignments, 'complete households and estates, liquidations, cars and truths. Juke Thaler Jr® 482-7922 40 Lost & Found LOST Brown and white Brittany Spaniel dog in Hullett area Sat . Sept. 26 Phone B Cook. 271 6094 in Stratford or 4112 :34.58. —42x LOST: Oki round post house key. mended, in vicinity of Bartliff's or Red and White store on Friday. October 9. Reward Apply to drawer No 1. co Clinton News Record, Clinton NOM 11.0 • -42x FOUND near Beattie Funeral Home, locket with two por- Iraits. Phone 482.7824.,- 42x 41. To give away AWAYY'BI puplile5, S eteb co11ie wind ed breed, *in . Auglillt D. Pi*one ' 780(-:442 _80 An 42, peath'ihotice BOYD John Thomas Anthony of 130'. James Street, Seaforth on Monday, October. .19;.190/41.t Seaforth Conumtmity hospital in his 79th: year. John Boyd beloved husband,' the former Jessie Miller. Dear f0er of Margaret (Mrs. G. Dale) it Clinton, Marjorie (Mrs. L. Hamilton) of Exeter:, Edith' (Mrs. L. Taylor) of Lon- desboro and Joan (Mrs. , Oke) of of Exeter and Dewier; . of London. Also survived by One brother, William of Seaforth and 14 grandchildren• P4_04called :at the Whitney-Ribeyy Funeral Home, Cr Goderfeh Street West, Seaforth, where the ftineral'service w sheld on Wednesday at 2 p.m. ; later- meat Maitlandbank Cry. Memorial` donations 'tgay be, made to the North Side United . Church as expressions of sympathy. McCLURE' At Alexandra Marine and ,General Hospital,-Goderich, on Monday, October 12, 1981, Forest Russell McClure, Of Goderich and forplerlyt : of ' Goderich Township, inhis .90th year. Bebved husband of Gladys Warner: AlsO'stuivived by one stepson anti; daUght;er- in-law, Lloyd afldr Jelin Sowerby, of HolmenVille.and- . their children, Randy., David, .and Debra and. ;Randy's son Daniel: One sister Ilene 4(Mrs. Howard Blanchard) - of Uxbridge. One brother`teslie, • of Seaforth and two nieces. Predeceased by his`first wife Myrtle Johnstonandofiesister Floss (Mrs. Dave Lamb). Rested' at the McCallum Funeral Home; -1 Cambria Road, at East , Street, Goderich, after •-2 p.m. Wed- - nesday. Funeral? ; 'itemize. 2 o'clock Thui day afternoon- Interment Bayfiel Cemetery 4- Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, would be appreciated ,as espies siona of sympathy, At Huronview Horne; Clinton; on Friday, October 16th, 1981, Edward (Cantor) Grigg, formerly .of Dashwood, in his 86th year. Dear father of (Almeda) Mrs. Bill Addley of, Dashwood, Marie Grigg of London. Brother of Oliver Staubus of Exeter. Loved by three grandchildren. Predeceased • by two sisters, Mrs. Alice Haycock and Mrs. Louise Kenney. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood. Funeral service on Monday, October 19th at 2 p.m. Inter- ment in Exeter Cemetery. Rev. Barbara Laing officiated. GRATTON At the Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich, on Saturday, October 17, 1981, Caroline (Carrie Wolfe) widow of the late Frederick Gratton (1978) of Grand Bend, in her 94th year. Dear mother of Gerald of Florida, Arnold of Grand Bend, (Trellis) Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, of Grand Bend, loved by 17 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren, one sister (Irene) Mrs. Jack Moir, of Detroit, Michigan. Predeceased by daughter Phyllis Kember (1979): Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home, Dash- wood, until noon Tuesday. October 20, then at the Gospel Hall, Grand Bend, where the service took place at 2 p.m. interment Grand Bend Cemetery. Mr. Norman Crawford of Jackson, Michigan. officiated. ATKEY • At Huronview, Clinton, on Wednesday, October 14th, t981, Richmond S. Atkey, formerly of Clinton, in his 78th year. Beloved husband of Margaret G. Atkey (Baines). Dear brother of Marie (Mrs. Raymond W. Hughes) of Goderich. Predeceased by two brothers. Osburn L. and J. Maxwell Atkey. Also surviving are three nieces and four nephews. Rested at the Beattie Funeral Home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton. on Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral service was held on Saturday, October 17. 1981 commencing at 1 p.m. with Rev. James Bechtel officiating. Interment Wiarton Cemetery. 43 Births s.ANDE1 S Bert and Maty Sanders of RR4 Brussels are pleased to an- nounce the safe arrival of their son. Brian Jonathan, born Sept. 30. 1981 at Wingham and District Hospital., weighing 7 Ib 12 oz. A brother for Michael and grandson for Mr. and Mrs Cornelius Brand and Mr and Mrs. Frank Sanders---42nx