HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-10-21, Page 13• • •£ CLINTON.NEWS-RECORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1 1—PAGE 13 Here's what the new C INTO PUBLIC HQSPITA ill do for It' your Hospital! We need your help now! some answers how and why we're expanding\ the Hospital, and why we're doing it now. Here ar 0 • o 0. 0. Why are ou expanding the Hospital? As you ha read in the brochures we sent out, the emerg cy and physiotherapy departments are being 4panded to meet our real needs. Ad- mitting atI X -Ray are also being relocated to centralize hese services and make them more efficient. What if hey close the Hospital like they tried to & everal years ago? The gover nient has announced that no more hospitals ill be closed. The attempted closure was also sted in court and declared to be an unconstit ional move. What if ou don't get enough money for the addi n? Is there some way we'll get our mo y back if it is cancelled? Unfortun ely, we do not have the luxury of that •option. e HAVE to build this addition, whether i takes one year to raise the money or five. The onger it takes, however, the more it will cost. , the addition plans were shelved, our hospital ould die a slow natural death over the next 10 6 15 years. Without up-to-date efficient services»t will be impossible to attract or keep medical ;I rofessionals on staft. This naturally would r .ult in decreasing usage of the hospital with th end product being an obsolete un- derused acility that cannot support itself. As you see4ve don't have any choice but to get it done as uickly as possible. • Will thi addition give us any more beds? No. Oneof our problems is that pasi expansions i have lea ed towards increased bed space with the result that all "other services" have suf- fered. Our floor space ratio of "other services" to "bedi' IS well below the Provincial average and has to be increased. This was one of the major c siderations taken into account when the Min try of Health initiated their province wide ho ital bed cut back a couple of years ago, an e suffeged greatly because of it. 0. 0 Yes, we are taking someone's word for it. The Doctors and staff who have to work under these 0 present conditions know what must be done to maintain even a bare minimum standard, and they don't hesitate to tell us. As for actual proof, just the fad that the Ministry of Health is finan- cing this project to the tune of s303,000.00 is ample evidence that it is a much needed project. Why the big rush all of a sudden to get this done? The original plans for this addition were actually drawn up in 1975. The completed plans we are: now, using are just revisions of the originals. Un- fortunately, we were unable to use the plans before hand due to Ministry of Health cutbacks, so in actual fact, we are not jumping the gun, but rather running about 5 years behind. • What about my OHIP? Doesn't that help pay for renovations? No, it doesn't pay for renovations or equipment. Your OHIP pays -for basic operation of the hospital and for the services received there. Un- fortunately, there is no excess left for capital programs. What proof is there that we really do need this addition? Are we just taking someone's word for it? 0. Why start it now when economically times are so tough? As we've said, we can't wait 'any longer. Sure, times are tough. They always are "at the 0 present". It's only when hindsight -is used can we say, "Those were pretty good years", and there's no guarantee that things will get better in the near future. We're not asking for your life's savings, but I'm sure that if you take an HON EST look at your position, you'll be able to come up with a substantial contribution. THIS ADVERTISi ENT SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING COMMUNITY -MINDED BUSINESSES: VAL'S FA HION FARE Ladies' W r and Fabrics BLYTH ONT. 523-4351 HERMAN' MEN'S WEAR 32 Al rt Street CLINTON ONT. 482-9351 WUERTH'S SHOES 28 Albert Street CLINTON ONT. 482-9692 K. C. COOKE FLORIST 61 Orange Street CLINTON ONT. 482-7012 Just how much do you expect from me or What are other people giving? person should contribute. It may interest you to It's difficult for anyone to assess what another 0 know, however, that the majority of individual 'donations have been ranging between $100," and $1,000.. Perhaps the best thing to do is put a figure on a cheque and keep adding zeros until it really hurts. Your contribution is up to you. How much do you value your health? 0. Are you doing a door to door campaign? Yes, and that's one of the main reasons for this ad. Over the course of the next two to three weeks, someone will call at Our door to pick up your cheque or pledge. Be sure your name and address accompany this item so an official tax deductible receipt can be issued from the Hospital. Cash donations from your pocket will be accepted, but we're hoping that you will put more thought into this matter than just what you can afford at 'the moment, We sincerely hope you will take the time to fill out a pledge card, or make out a cheque payable to the Clinton Hospital Building Fund, and have it ready when our volunteer calls on you. We need your help any way you can. Anything from a lump sum donation to a pledge of small payments over a couple of years is fine, but please try to do something for us. We know where we're going, but we're still waiting for the people of this area and communities to tell us WHEN we can get rolling. That's up to YOU, and we just want you to know it's you R HOSPITAL. 40t gad elst4ttitit4 INO4t ad 9444 fpeeaiia44. kit ij lieu is amok," e14e dolt oteeld cawevue ra. Aleade due t kuuratz As call Dau9 earAualw at 4,2-5447 aft Steve &tat at 46"2-30,84 ("Yet az) to elea4 ufr ao# dozdtz yau ‘ave. `74aak rut ja,2 vow: catoetattast. aaaiataaee. ad doweetha, Z:k4.ee9 (,exuesery. 2.6d,e.ral 41"..ouarmte, BANK OF MONTREAL 4 Victoria Street CLINTON ONT. 482-3905 BEATTIE FURNITURE LTD. BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME IS Albert St. CLINTON 482-9521 Sreoe 6,044 74t.ael P.4.4161.9 efietztortaa CLINTON HOME HARDWARE 24 Albert Street CLINTON ONT. 482-7023 CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. 70 Ontario Street CLINTON 482-3466 EXETER 235-0640 CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL We know you care! We need your pledge! gi is ma Om am vim= am En ma ea an in in NI UP man won mum ma awn am swig an an am mm am ma VS . =I NO UPI I PLEDGE N I support the Clinton Public Hospital Capital Extension M 111 ONTHLY QUARTERLY a 1 1 Please mail this coupon to: CLINTON HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND Clinton, Ontario or call STEVE COOKE Chairman, Fund-Roising Committee, at 482-7012 Receipt for Income Tax purposes will be issued. 411/0 win NS NI M. imam mom my mum am lin 111111 aim so OM WI COMMENCING _ DATE PAYMENTS *1 NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE YEARLY TOTAL $ 14 ten sum ma. 1 •