HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-10-21, Page 124•
Princess Ruth ,Anne. Zielman, 24; of- Zurich was crowned Huron County
iry Princess at a banquet held October 17 at Holmesville. Here, outgoing princess,
*Me Oldfield (right) of the Seaforth area, places a tiara on Miss Zielman. (Stephanie
Leyesgz ikota)
news farm news
make souffle
The fourth meeting of the made the two salad dress- both jars and saw the result
Clinton III"Cliuekers 4H Club ings, one with egg and one that had happened. The
was held o=Wednesday, Oct. without an egg and the last leader discussed the egg
14 at the; f§me:of Mrs.. Pat group made the chef salad. nutrition fa cts. Each
Saunde. rcdck ` Roll call, wnue the souffle was bak- member is to find three
"name the parts of an egg ing, the leaders discussed recipes that use eggs and
from theiutsiide in"; was the separating of the yolk name the country where it
answered b 9 members. and the white using the egg came from and to read over
All went,into the kitchen white as a leavening agent the section entitled party
and one grOupiMade the top and also don't beat up the time I before the next
hat cheese; souffle while one egg whites. too much. They meeting.
demonstrated how to fold the The next meeting is on
eggwhite into the hot sauce. Wednesday, Oct. .21 at the
hotsauce home of Mrs. Pat Saunder-
a e; i r Members looked at . the cock -at 6:45 pm. By: Johanna
GODERncJ The Goderich . -eggs , as an, emulsifier , in. yan:Diepen
Tourist Con'iinittee is looking
for new way ttipromote the
town next Saintlier, and they
are looking for help and
suggestions from .citizens,
service clubs aid interested
Each summer . the com-
mittee sponsors two edente,
June's Canada Week
Celebration; an d"the Festival
of Arts and Crafts' in July. •
The committee would like
to develop another annual
event for the month. of
August to attract potential
visitors. They . are con-
sidering an old-fashioned
summer garden party
Seniors rally...
• fiom page 11
Jack Smith sold tickets 'on
Mrs. Irene Davis spoke of
a resolution they .presented
at Kingston. Whereas there
are more robberies and
rapes - reinstate the lash for
these abominable offences.
Mr. Gandier spoke about
,harsher treatment . for
juvenile delinquents.
A request for an invitation
for the Spring Rally. A
workshop was held last fall
to consider another one. .
Mr. Harry Baker spoke
and read a poem about
Bayfield. Mrs. Tieman and
Mrs. Love sang, accom-
panied at the piano by Mrs.
McCrae. Mr. Kenneth Johns
gave the Courtesy remarks.
The speakers congratulated
the township of Goderich for
having a beautiful Com-
munity Centre.
The Place To
Buy Appliances
Hensalf 262=272$
Closed Mondays
Are chisel piows soil savers?
by Pat Lynch
Sons amt( Crops
I have just read another
article in the farm. press that
is gung-ho on soil sayers. It
rehashes a lot' of the old
points, but my own feeling is
that the chisel plow or soil
saver may have a place. It
isn't for everybody. The
moldboard plow is still. going
to be needed on most farms -
particularly if you are sharp
enough to get forages work-
. ed into your rotation.
Soil conservation involves
many things. The chisel plow
may be important for people
with very erodable 1 and
unstable soils.. Research
generally favours the
moldboard plow on clay
soils. In my opinion, con-
servation tillage on level
clay soils includes the proper
use of a moldboard plow. By
this I mean shallow plowing,
and leaving some trash
Chisel plows tend to get
misused in the same manner
as moldboard plows. People
try to work too much soil.
The Perth and Huron clay
loans, through this area,
have a top soil that is 4 to 8
inches 'deep. The conven-
tional wisdom is that the
depth of plowing should be
one-half the furrow width.
Big tractors and common
furrow widths of 18 to 22 in-
ches are a bad combination.
You can't create 10 inches of
topsoil if you only had 5
originally. That light col-
oured soil that your plow
turns up won't become true
topsoil in your lifetime. It
will dilute the good topsoil. It
may make it more easily
eroded. It will probably
make your soil more suscep-
tible to compaction and
crusting. Sp why plow that
deep? Similarly the chisel
plow should not be set too
deep. There is no
documented, reason for
chisel plowing deeper than 8
The usual reasons for deep
plowing areto bury the trash
or to make a smoother job.
The same thing happens
with chisel plows and soil
savers. Some fields get
chiselled twice - 10 inches
deep both times to make
them look better. It is not un-
common to see chisel plows
or soil savers dropped ' in
even 12 inches deep. The
operator didn't like to see all
those corn stalks sticking out
of the finished job.
The usual goal for good
soil saving,is to leave at least
30 percent of the corn stalks
on the surface. The rough
field surface and trash help
to hold snow and reduce
wind and water erosion. We
often hear of farmers work-
ing the soil deep to get
through that plow pan. I
don't think these farmers
know it, but we don't have a
plow pan. Plow pans are
associated with heavy soils.
I have seen a plow pan but it
was in . heavy soil in
Michigan. I have never seen
or heard of a true plow pan
on Perth or Huron clay loam
A reasonable goal with a
moldboard, plow is to leave
10 -15 percent of the trash on
top. To get this result, you
may have to remove the
trash boards or skimmers
and plow no more than 5-6 in-
ches deep. New plows can be
equipped with moldboards
that do a good job at shallow
working depths.
Ship your livestock with
Shipper for United
Co-operatives of Ontario
Livestock Marketing Division
Ontario Stockyards, Toronto ..
by 8:00 a.m.' Monday
Stockers and Feeders
=Also -Available
‘Aiti NZkk.,4,vt told d/
Lt.'11‘*4„ /st. #
Buyers of • CORN • SOYA • GRAIN to
Sellers of •FERTILIZER
We're ready for the harvest
and looking forward to
serving farmers in the
A bather point is con-
nected to what we are trying
to do with chisel plows. The
theory behind such pieces of
equipment as the Glencoe
Soil Saver Is related to the
foot or shank. It is twisted to
resemble a miniature
moldboard. This foot shears
and lifts the soil. The area
between the shanks is shat-
tered by,:. the force of
machine passing through the
soil. When the soil is as wet
as it is now, it's like trying to
shatter soft butter, The soil
saver and chisel plow are
designed for dry soil condi-
tions. Wet clay just smears
making it harder for water
to move through the soil. Wet
clay soils can be more safely
handled with a moldboard
plow than a soil saver or
chisel plow.
Shallow plowing
Power required to pull a
plow is directly related to
plowing depth and may in-
crease dramatically when
plowing up subsoil. Shallow
plowing may let you pull
another furrow or move
faster without a change of
tractors. Fuel consumption
per acre will improve.
If you do plow shallower
and reduce load on your
tractor, you will get other
bonuses. Some studies show
tractors will last longer and
need less repairs.
Everything from the engine
to the tires will run better
and last longer. If you plow
faster you may find that the
furrows are being thrown too
far as they come off the
moldboard. The plow share
that cuts a couple of inches
past the full furrow width
will help. The uncut soil at
the edge of the furrow will
act as a hinge and prevent
the furrow slice from being
thrown too far.
The depth and speed of
plowing are closely related
to plow design and the shape
of the moldboard. If you are
buying a . new plow or
rebuilding an old one, get
your dealer to help you
design your plow for better
conservation tillage. Con-
servation tillage done right
is savings in both fuel and
repair dollars as you im-
prove your soil. The type of
implements that you use is
not as critical as the way you
use them.
Corn trials
Dave Brock from Perth
County has sent in the
results of the first silage
corn trials. The test was
planted and harvested by the
Gardiners on Highway No.
83. It was initiated by Pfizer
and Pioneer. The top five
hybrids in order of maturity,
earliest . to latest were
Pioneer 3925, Pioneer 3965A,
Pioneer 3901, Trojan T950,
Warwick W966. The exact
ranking of these plus other
hybrids in the test will be in
the Soil and Crop Improve-
ment Annual Report. We will
have protein and dry matter
yields as well.
Silo gas can be fatal. It can
kill just as quickly as a fall
from a silo. Do not enter
your silo for at least three
weeks after filling. Always
turn on theblower to proper-
ly ventilate your silo before
entering. If, for any reason,
you have to enter the silo
before the three week period
is up, wear a self-contained
breathing apparatus, and
always use a life rope. Never
enter a silo under these con-
ditions without another per-
son present. Remember, silo
gas can be fatal.
1, 0n Hesston Tractors!
nd any other new Hesston
machine purchased at the
'same time!
— Prime Program
tt;24 mo. financing, -153/4% A.P.R.*
36 mo. financing 173/4% A. P R.*
48 mo.
Uefinanc l Percentage financing — 181/4% A. P. R *
up to $1,440!
Ai R... Finance Charge ‘ Waivers
to May 1, 1982!
Choose any one of three: Prime Program, Waiver of Finance
Charges or Cash Rebate. .
''Hurry! Limited -Time Offer.
See this Hesston dealer for `details.
482-9221 523-4519
A Sels 15
This weekend
you can save two ways
Insulation. The first way
you can save is just by
installing FIBERGLAS Pink in
your home. It'll keep your
house warmer so you'll use
less heating fuel.
The second way
you'll save is on the actual
price of FIBERGLAS Pink during
the FIBERGLAS Pink Insulation
Truckload Sale.
los 13
OCTOBER 22-23-24
(6ormorty Erod J. Hudio 14d.)
LUCAN 227-4416 PARKHILL 294-6755
X QuAilly PfObuCT5.