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Clinton News-Record, 1981-10-21, Page 7
• • Clinton's business community has lost another familiar face when Bill Counter, shown with favorite cigar, closed out his business of 35 years recently. He was honored at a special night last week by fellow lumbermen, Royce Macaulay, left, as well as Bob Campbell, and Doug Macaulay. (James Fitzgerald photo) Volunteers needed The October. meeting of the Auxiliary 4o the Clinton Public Hospital was chaired by. Ruth Bond Nine members attended the fall conference in Guelph in late September. Joyce Chilton briefly suinmarized the event. Doctor David James, Radiologist, Guelph General Hospital, spoke or ultra -sound and showed slides of the latest egaip- ment regarding the diagnosis of early stages of cancer and other difficult diagnostic problems. • Note was made of the Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario. Con- vention to be held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto from November 29th to December 2nd. The first ses- sion on Sunday, November 29 ' is to be devoted to the. teen -volunteer. On Tuesday, December 1, Peggy Menzies of Clinton will be in- augurated as president of the association. Ellen Butcher, Convener of the Candy -Striper pro- gram at Clinton Public Hospital, expects to attend the November 29 ..,session with 'a number of teen volunteers. A training pro- gram for Clinton teen - volunteers took place Oc- tober 15, and there is a pro- gram in existence at the pre- sent tiine for recruits to this service (both male and female). The teen -volunteer service at Clinton Public Hospital operates daily from 4 - 7 p.m. and on weekends from 10 am to 1 pm as well. 'This • pro- gram functions all year with four volunteers on duty dai- ly. The auxiliary supplies red . and white striped 'pinafores and volunteers should supply their own white blouses -shirt and shoes. A cap of their own is given after 50 hours of ser- vice and a' red and white teen -volunteer pin after 200 hours of service. Other in-hospital services include the collection and. distribution of current magazines- and paper back books. There .is always a need for these items in waiting rooms, physiotherapy and both solariums. Betty Burch, Bayfield, is convener of this service. TV rental is a service under the guidance of Florence Corrie and is available to all patients. There are seven sets for ren- tal at a rate of $1.75 a day plus $1.10 for earphone pur- chase. Volunteers take turns to go in for a week at a time to collect rental money from patients. We have the in- valuable assistance of the business office staff and the maintenance staff in these endeavours. The hairdressing and geriatric service is directed by Dawna Westlake. Each Tuesday between 9 a.m. and TUCKERSMITH DAY NURSERY at the Vonostra Recreation Centre Invites you to our OPEN HOUSE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 th 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. "Come and bring your:children, see our excellent facilities." Educational toys, music, crafts, active and quiet (playtime, Indoor and outdoor play areas, hot meal. IChlldren fully supervised. Staff have Early Childhood Education diplomas. OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 6:30 a.m. forages 2 - 6 years FEE: $7. PFR DAY INCOME TAX DEDUCTIBLE FOR MORE INFORMATION PHONE 482-7634 Best Interest *19 1/2 ®/O ONE YEAR ANNUAL We represent many Trust Companies. We are often abler to arrange for the highest interest being offered an Guaranteed Invc*stmon4 Cc•r tificates. 'Subject to change 4iNoK Gainer®KneaIe %lb, Insurance Brokers Inc® EXETER 235-2420 CLINTON 482-9747 noon three or four volunteers, many of whom are qualified hairdressers, give their time to the geriatric patients on the se- cond floor. They cut, wash and set hair for a fee of $2 and perms are given at a cost of $6. Volunteers also Help with tea • parties and entertain- ment for these patients marking birthdays, Easter, Christmas, etc., and a tuck cart of articles from the Gift Shop, also a patients' ser- vice, is provided on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. The Gift Shop is open daily from 2 = 4 p.m. with many items made by volunteers with sowe materials provid- ed by the shop, while other items are simply donated. As the Christmas season ap- proaches, more knitted items are required and volunteers are needed. Staff- ing .the shop is done on a volunteer basis, so anyone wishing to help should con- tact Bep Greydanus at 482- 3047. Volunteers who wish to assist with the TV rentals, should contact Florence Cor- rie, 482-7758 or with the geriatric -hairdressing ser- vice, Dawna Westlake, 565- 2462. Seaforth curlers ready to start The ice is just about ready at the curling club and a new season will be underway at the beginning of November. Once again the club is on the look -out for new members so, for those of you who may be new to the community, here are a few details. Men's curling is scheduled for Monday evenings at 7pm and 9pm; ladies - Tuesday afternoons or evenings; competitive (either mixed or 4 of a kind teams) 8pm Wednesdays; mixed curling is scheduled for both Thursday and Friday even- ings at 7pm and 9pm. There are lots of good bonspiels - both one and two day - held throughout the season on Wednesdays or weekends, as well as play-off and elimina- tion rounds of Divisional competition. The whole pro- gram spells lots of fun and activity for both new and seasoned curler. The 1981-2 fee structure is as follows: men -$110 and ladies $90; both of these fees are subject to a discount of $5 if paid before December 15, 1981; novice men - $85 ($30 to be paid initially and the balance prior -to the se- cond draw); novice ladies, $65 ($25 payable initially and the balance prior to the se- cond draw). 'There will be three draws - one before Christmas and two after. The first draw starts Nov. 2nd. There is instruction of- fered for beginner curlers. This will be held' next week• at the club on two con- secutive evenings. For fur- ther information on this in- struction clinic contact the membership committee - 527-0508 or 482-9594. Old and new members are invited to ' • the opening breakfast on Sunday, November lst. The first breakfast is scheduled for loam with curling at Ilam, the second at 12 noon with curling at 1pm. This is always a fun event, a good chance for new members to become acquainted with the rest of the members and for those people to catch up on summer gossip. This is usually the morning when curlers find all. those VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE -2 miles South of Clinton - MEMBERSHIP SPECIALS a) TAKE OUT A 3 MONTH MEMBERSHIP (full or pool only) AND GET ONE MONTH FREE b) Yearly memberships: 2 for the price of 1 ('120.00) Shared with a friend. cut your cbst in half. *Valid only until OCTOBER 31. 1961 * Come and see our FITNESS ROOM with GLOBAL GYM UNIT - TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED POOL - FINNISH ROCK SAUNA. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 482-3544 REFEREE'S CLINIC LEVEL I AT THE CLINTON ARENA WEDNESDAY: NOVEMBER 11, 1981 7PMto1OPM First 40 pre -registration forms and fees accepted FEES: $8.50 PER PERSON CONTACT: GEORGE TOWNSEND OR BARRY TAYLOR 527-1629 482-7230 cc 10 Call 524-9381 or 524 muscles get into shape! ! Anyone planning to attend the opening breakfast should call Steve and Roxanne Brown at 482-7745 or John and Isabel Moore at 348-9067. This will give them an idea of how many they need to cater for. By the way - the aforementioned people are slier cooks and the breakfast will only be out- done by their hospitality that goes along with it! Hope to see you there! The annual pot luck supper will be held at the club on Saturday, November 7th beginning at 7pm. Dancing will follow the dinner and a short annual meeting. Everyone invited. We are looking for a new reporter for the weekly paper write-up. Any offers? It's lots of fun - especially if you like being on the phone! A great way to get to know lots of members and about everything that's going on all season. Anyone in- terested should call club president, Doug Rowcliffe, at 527-1328 or the ladies president, Millie Lobb, at 482-3263. Ramblings from the races • fim page 6 14, Randy Henry was fifth with trotter Marclif Mike for Margaret Walsh of Brussels in the fifth, while Frank MacDonald also had a fifth withpacer Wee Devil that he trains for Albert•De Block of Lucan. Hugh Ames, a three -year - Old Ames Hanover -Iona Miss colt, owned by Rex Duckworth of Goderich, was third With Randy Henry up in the fourth, while Jack- Duckworth ackDuckworth finished fourth driving Charlie Windsor for Charles, Allan and Ken Shelton of Goderich. 1sus ass so ea � vea 1 1 • • yF 1 1 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21,1981--PAG.F 7 ONfAMlO GRASS DRAG CHAMPIONSIUPS This is The final Grass Drag of 1981 SPECIAL ATTRACTION Radio personalities from 8X93, CKNX and CKJD will coni- pete in a special snowmobile rodeo on grass. SUNDAY OCT. 25 Starts at 12:30 p.m. Registration • 10:00 a.m. Featuring high powered modified sleds from across the province, plus stock classes for.. you and your friends. COME EARLY Free pancake breakfast with general admission from 9-11 a.m. STAY LATE And be sure you see all the action. Races Sanctioned by Ontario Snowmobile Racing Federation Drag Association • Stock classes • Open modified * Modified stock • W.S.R.F. Racing Rules For more information phone 0L& VARNA, ONT. JUST OFF HWY4 BETWEEN HENSALL AND BRUCE of ELS ye OM rid CULI$ r 262-3318 or 262-5809 1"assigegi • „,„ • ®Say e ow on all new furniture SHtwduring V�TMHome e, o Furnishings �i�sB.SA LE 11111110101 J It's Final Clearance Time at Sandy's! Check-out these Manufacturer Hash Hash Rainbow Rainbow Rainbow Rainbow Style Michel M Denim Men's and Ladies' Garage Pant West. Style Cord Price $2900 SALE PRICE 1160 $3200 12" 1400 140° 1400 1440 999 525°° 1000 622°°- 88°- $34°0 136° 622°°- 88°- 535°° 140° 622°0- 53500 i4°° 5220° 880 520°°- 8"- $45" .1.800 O$O 000 S3500 West. Style Denims3500 Slouch Pant 53500 Sneaker Pant 53600 Rainbow Stonewash Denim $3000 Road- runner Str. Leg Cords Clothes Ladies. To You Sweaters Lung Sleeved Shirtmate Blouses Sweet Long Sleeved Baby Jane Blouses Coloured Perma Press Dales Shirts Men's Dales Sweaters Dress and Dales Flannel Shirts Ladies Pante) Tweed Blazers 880- 52700 ;1 S65°° Door Crashers THURSDAY ONLY 10 - 11 AM 50 only! Assorted Men's and Ladies' Tops, Short Sleeved Sweaters, Long �� Sleeved Sweaters and Blouses FRIDAY ONLY 10 - 11 ,AM 50 only! Assorted Men's and Ladies' `jeans and Dress'Pants SATURDAY ONLY 9 - 10 AM 50 only! Assorted Men's and Ladies' Jeans and Dress Pants Plus many unadvertised items. Shop while quantities last. (All items not available in all stores.) Suncoast Mall GODERICH lH VI A 499 fashion shops Hanonr • Walkerton • Port Erin • Kino1dine • Godendi • lotawel Fergus • Orangeville • Stratford • Woodrtodn • St. Thoma • London ),e�• -1r; � . !'y;,-, , ,. . rye ,••. --i♦ P' --suesIliN!-�ONs�IN��IN1 a 1111 — including fel it *CHESTERFIELD SUITES *SOFA BEDS *RECLINERS *DINING ROOM SUITES *BEDROOM SUITES *RUSTIC CEDAR FURNITURE *MATTRESSES 15 DAYS ONLY! FOR 15 DAYS THESE COUPONS ARE CASH TO YOU, WITH A PURCHASE AT VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS (ONE COUPON FOR EACH PURCHASE) GCM1 $100.OFF PRESENT THIS COUPON FOR ANY CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIRe tt' 31°- ; 010 000 MO .01 MI OM II .g,FF fig^ tl ' S ®/ In stock 1 .Aa, �'` any $ 40 . ` DISCOUNT 1 COUPON E➢fPIRES a. on any plane of 1 1 16 -!.-- BOX SPRING �� SAY., d SOLI® CEDAR RUSTIC FURNITURE 1 ... i� ▪ ' AND MATYRESS SET COUPON EXPIRES SAT ., NOV. 9 ck 7 m ® ` ' "" COUPON ExvD sAr.. NOV. 7 1 i^s�FSg&T..N�'®0*f's ® ernvan Ma OM eil, ®®®g 6�'®®®®®om®®® ®®®e, " ®" "I You Save Dollars and Make Cents -When You Buy Oft era CM Vall3 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 vg ge , $30.OFF 1 a�YREciAtio COUp®�E®P�s®a®® :1 ■ 3 3 \S 3 1 3 3 1 1 a:Q9 fs O solt 9s $5 0. OFF any SOFA BED in stoat COUPON EXPIRES ®cmc+ t'®®® 111 II 3 r1DC �V® 4 c 130 i 4 S�^g ar!• �O� mn mm en couv®te�' .0ce1'®© y Irt st S OUB® EXPIRES SAT.• :lore V. oft where Selection and Prices are at their best - V HOME FURNISHINGS 2 MILES SOUTH OF CLINTON ON HWY. 4 482-7922 - OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK