HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-10-14, Page 19Having persuaded husband Aylmer to come out of the Barn, Rose Clark will help him
start a new life when he plays the King to her Queen at the Medieval Feast planned by the
Blyth Centre for the Arts October 24. Proceeds of the dinner will go to help pay off the
debt from expansion and improvements to Memorial Hall. Aylmer and Rose (sometimes
known as Ted Johns and Janet Amos) are already making their plans for the big event.
Medieval feast planned
for 150 guests at Blyth
The phrase "being treated
royally" will have real
meaning for the lucky 150
guests at the Medieval Feast
being sponsored by the
Directors of the Blyth Centre
for the Arts at Blyth
Memorial Hall, Saturday,
October 24.
The King and Queen will
preside over thisfeast, set in
the style of medieval times
with bountiful amounts of
food and beverage served by
costumed waiters, members
of the board of directors and
friends. The King. and Queen
will be played by that well-
known farm couple Aylmer
and Rose " Clarke from He
Won't Come in from the
Barn ( sometimes mistaken
for Ted Johns and Janet
To keep the royal couple
and their guests entertained,
the court jester will be devis-
ing all kinds of diversions.
Wandering minstrels will
serenade the diners.
As befits a royal feast, the
fare will be plentiful and
varied. After soup served
from wooden bowls, the
royal guests will be able to
sample Octoberfest sausage,
chicken legs, spareribs, bak-
ed potatoes and much more.
A special contest will be
held with a prize for the
diner with the best decorated
bib, since bibs are of necessi-
ty in the medieval style of
dining. Those who don't wish
to bring their own bib will be
provided with one.
Cost of this unique event is
just $15 per person. If the
diners, however, want to at-
tend the Gala Evening enter-
tainment and auction
upstairs in Memorial Hall
afterward they can purchase
a package ticket for only $20
per person for both, a saving
of $5. That' evening of enter-
tainment will have CFPL
TV's Jim Swan as master of
ceremonies. As well as plen-
ty of entertainment, there
will be an auction of more
than $3,000 worth of donated
articles such as a ski
weekend at Huntsville's
Grandview Lodge, a
weekend for two at the
Ramada Inn, Toronto, a
piece of Waterford crystal
and Much' more, more than
40 packages in all.
Even without bidding on
these valuable articles,
those in attendance can
come away with wonderful
door prizes: a fox fur hat
from Bainton Limited, a
weekend for two at the
Chelsea Inn, Toronto, a $100
Canada Savings Bond or- a
carafe and wine goblets
from Beechwood Pottery,
These events are part of
the Gala Weekend, spon-
sored by the Centre for the
Arts to help retire the re-
mainder of the debt from
renovation and expansion of
Blyth Memorial Hall. Things
will get started Friday night
with a Casino Night and
Dance to the music of
Whiskey Jack for $15 per
couple. Saturday afternoon,
the Blyth Festival Singers
will present a pops concert
at Memorial Hall. Tickets
are just $3 for adults, $1.50
for children.
A package price for all
Friday and Saturday events
is just $50 per couple and is
available from any board
member or by calling 523-
4331 or 523-9300.
cert"tral huron chronicle
Exotic journey to Yukon
Darryl Fox, editor
secondary school news
Hello, me again! If you
notice, I wasn't in the paper
last week because I was off
on an exotic journey to the
Yukon. Me, Conrad, Ethel
.and Sumpy tore on up to
Beaver Creek to visit of
Murray, Carl, Walt and
Harold up at the Far West
Chevron gas station.
Well, we took off from the
Toronto airport on a big 147.
It was a dandy big plane. We
got set down right up near
the kitchen and after a while,
they plugged in a movie and
started serving dinner. I'll
tell you, I never saw steaks
like this ever before! They
were about seven inches
thick and just dripping with
juices. We all piled into some
steak and those
stewardesses kept bringing
out various liquors until I
thought Ethel and Conrad
had had enough, so Sumpy
and I had to take care of
their share.
Before I knew it, we were
in Vancouver to board our
other plane to take us tb
Whitehorse. Some lady there
started checking through our
luggage for bombs and such
but we left them at home.
After a little plane ride, we
were in Whitehorse and
ready to get on the bus to
Beaver Creek. Ethel packed
our things in the bus just
before the driver had last
call for passengers. Conrad
and I got to sit right behind
the driver. "What's your
name?" I asked him,
Sam didn't tall rnuch but
he handled that bus like a
Maserati. He drove down
that old gravel road at an
easy 75 mph and when he
cornered, the back of the bus
spun around like anything! I
don't know how many times
Conrad was sick, but I'll tell
you, I was glad to get to
Beaver Creek!
First thing we did when we
got there was to go and meet
the guys at Leslie's bar. Well
we hada grand time in that
bar except for them wild In-
dians that roared in. One of
those big beggars took a hold
of Conrad and started to
pester him. "How 'bout you
buy us a beer, eh Porky?"
I'll tell you, nobody takes
after Connie with old
Grandpa around!
"Get'em, Ethel!" It's a
good thing Ethel was there
because I was so busy play-
ing darts with Walt, I wasn't
able to save Conrad myself.
Ethel scattered those In-
dians like a snake at a bridge
tournament and I'm sure
there would be some sore
Skookums in the morning!
We stayed in that bar 'til
darn near 10:30 listening to
stories about the local
demons and Indian devils!
Well I'd never been up so
late, so I said we better leave
for our trailer. When we got
outside the bar, 1 just about
fell down! You have never
seen a night as dark as this!
I could tell Conrad and Ethel
were afraid so Sumpy and I
guarded the rear while they
led us down the path through
the bush.
Boy, oh boy! Dark forest to
the left of me, dark forest to
the right of me, dark forest
behind me, Ethel in front of
me. I felt better because of
her. Gradually there was a
low moaning coming to my
ears from up ahead of us! In-
dian devils!
Well, I knew right then
that Ethel had too much to
drink 'cause she fell right
down! So did Conrad and
Sumpy! I was left alone to
face the horrible Indian
devils! ...
(to be continued nerit
week) Ha Ha Ha!
lv.,.7§ HOLMESVILLE &_ ;•
; 4)LUNCHEON Weekdays ,.
daily until
Friday & Sunday Evening
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5.95 per person
Reservations requested for Saturday
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OW :tet•
Half Back business is brisk
Brisk business is an-
ticipated for the Hall Back
program this fall, Ontario
Culture and Recreation
Minister Reuben C. Baetz
announced today.
Half •.ck is the Ontario
rebate program which turns
old Wintario tickets into 50 -
cent discount coupons on ad-
missions to live Canadian
performances or purchases
Slaveday, dance raises $
This week at CHSS
Last week during Stu-
dent's Week, student's coun-
cil between the dance on Fri-
day and slave, day On Mon -
is sick
Please take note, that the
Camerata concert planned
for this Saturday at $ p.m. in
Blyth has been cancelled
because the gorilla is sick.
The concert will be
rescheduled at a time soon to
be announced and ticket
holders should hold onto
their tickets as they will be
honored at that time.
day managed to raise over
$900. The dance was ex-
tremely successful with over
200 people attending and
hopefully more will be held
in the future.
Marks are going to be col-
lected Friday for the mid-
term reports. The usual five
period schedule has been ex-
tended to a ten period day so
that all the marks may be
obtained in one day. Classes
will be 35 minutes each.
In sports, the junior foot-
ball team will be playing
Listowel here at CHSS on
Wednesday. Also on Wednes-
day the Volleyball team will
be going to Stratford.
On Tuesday the girls
basketball team played Nor-
thwestern here and on
Thursday the cross country
team is going to their first
Wednesday is a special
day at`CHSS when 17 Univer-
sities and -12 Community Col-
leges will be coming to CHSS.
for College and University
Day. The program will begin
at 1:30 PM when the first of
three half hour presentations
will begin.
The program is aimed at
Grades 11, 12, and 13 and all
such students in Huron Coun-
ty have been invited to this
event. Parents are welcome
and may sit in on the ses-
sions as well.
Periods will run 45
minutes each, finishing at 1
PM. Junior students will also'
be let out early to go to the
football game that day.
of Canadian -authored paper-
back hooka, „
This week, 1.3 million fall
guides will be distributed
through approximately
14,000 outlets across Ontario.
Over 260 performing arts
organizations in 80 different
. towns . and cities across the
province are honouring Half
Back discounts.
The Ministry of Culture
and Recreation's Half Back
program is designed to in-
creasepublic support for
Canadian talent by offering
rebates in exchange for old
Wintario lottery tickets sold
between June 18 and
December 31. The Wintario
ticket costs $1. If it doesn't
win, it becomes a 50 cent dis-
count coupon which can be
used against purchases of
Canadian authored paper-
aperbacks or admissions to Cana-
dian live performances. The
ticket holder 'can save up to
$2.00 on live entertainment
and $1.00 on paperbacks.
Half Back ends. December
ninu.s Street, Clinton
1:30 till 3:30 p.m.
•Conestoga Colleg plus eleven
other community colleges
•University of Guelph and
apprenticeship training branch
For more information call:
3 PCE. 5T
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