HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-10-14, Page 9• *441,011 vi' rot. w ftjt:t of(p, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14,19111 -PACE 9 ATTENTION A&P SHOPPERS! flohnesvide . frolaa page 8 better we will order shorts and T-shirts then.. o- ._,, School survey results You will recall that .on September 25th, we sent home a surveying early schooldismissal regardfor the waiter terns. Here are the results of this survey: number of Surveys distributed, 166; number of Surveys returned, 121; number preferring early dismissal, 90.; number disliking early dismissal, 11; number having no preference.2o. We wish to thank you for taking the tkne to complete this survey and rest assured that it will be given proper consideration. Excursions On October 1, grade 2 (Mrs. Heslinga's and Mrs. Lockwood's classes) enjoyed a trip to the, Goderich Pioneer Muse urn. They are presently studying about pioneers and this fitted right in. A special thanks goes to Mrs. soak, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Hiles, Mrs. Lobb and Mrs. Potter for their help. Mrs. Chishohn's grade 3 class visited the Goderich Jail. They were shown how prisoners and others were treated in the past. Special thanks from Grade 3 goes to Mrs. Ott, Mrs. Mcllwain and Mrs. Powell for their help. Class notes On Tuesday, October 6th, Mrs. Keller visited the Grade 3 class to tell us about publishing a newspaper. She showed slides about the changes in newspaper publishing over the years. She also told us about the dif- ferent jobs involved. We learned much about the newspaper business and will be using some of the ideas in classroom activities. Mrs. Latulippe's Grade 4 class has beenlearning about their community under the following headings: food, agriculture, climate, transportation, oc- cupations, resources and shelter. Through this study 'we hope we can become more aware of I' our com-- munity's needs and ac- tivities. On Wednesday, October 14 (Raindate October 15) ap- proximately 50 pupils . from the school will traveitoPoint Farms Conservation Area to compete against four other schools in Cross Country. The other schools are Vic- toria, Robertson, Brookside, and Colborne. This will be an all day event. Good luck to all of those involved. Any parents who wish to be marshals along the route please call the school - 482- 7751. Your help would be ap- preciated. We are continuing our pro- gram of Parent Volunteers in the school. At present, we have several volunteers and are always looking for more. This has proven to be quite beneficial to the students. For further information, please contact the school. Remember - Friday, Oc- tober 30 - P.A. Day, so there is no school. N you have completed an A&P Getaways & Giveaways brochure requesting travel information, this informa- tion is now ready to be picked up at your local A&P Store. WAYS. 111AVE ROUGH SAVE 80 0131111111/0 SMALL PORTION MEAT PACKAGING To provide you with convenience and service our meat department has small portion packaging. Great for one or two people. Select from an assortment of steaks, stewing meat, chops, ground meats, chicken, sausages and small roasts...) II1IIi1�ll�llll ,.: ,�Iu�Ilhul��Ul��111uul111) Ild; ,, �Ill�iiillplll,,`��I�IIIIUIp1111111 i_ ;t, SAVE 57c SAVE 801 Ib Collect up to $500 and more in A&P Great Getaway Giveaway gift certificates when you book a holiday or travel through TCA - World Travel Service. Save up to 30% on Hertz car rental. too. Get free maps and travel information. Pick up brochure at your A&P store. Regular, Fine or Extra Fine NABOB TRADITION COFFEE ON/1 ulnar 1 -Ib bag Heinz KEGO- KETCIIUP 32-fl-oz bottle Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef, BONELESS ROUND ROAST Outside Cut, Eye Removed 69 9 lb (Our Regular Price 3.49) (Our Regular Price 2.26) (Our Regular Price 3.39 Ib) Orange Mee MOTHER PARKER 1743 TEA BAGS 0715 HEINZ (OurRegular Pric. 1.09) Jane Parker, Hamburger Buns or SAVE 20c WIENER ROLLS pkg 12 In Tomato Sauce, SAVE With Pork, With Pork in Molasses ', 24? (Our Regular Pric. 2.69 Ib) FRESH LEAD U!OUNDBEEF J (Our Regular Price 83c) 14 -fl -oz tin AYLMER, CHOICE Tomatoes CHOICE WHOLE OR ROSEBUD BEETS, CREAM STYLE CORN OR ASSORTED Aylmer Peas 211or99¢ HEINZ 5.5 -FL -OZ TIN 28-fI-oz tin 89¢ 194L -OZ TIN SAVE 70c Ib 199 Collect a Complete Set Hand Painted Dinnerware FEATURE OF THE WEEK "CEREAL, 99,. BOWL" only with each $5.00 purchase with Supermarket prices Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef tamp, Sirloin Tip or Inside Cut Round SAVE 30a Ib FROZEN, MACARONI & CHEESE, SPINACH SOUFFLE, NOODLES ROMANOFF 12-01 PKG Stouffer's Entrees 1.29 A&P, FROZEN, ASSORTED CUTS French Fries 2 pkg 89¢ GREEN GIANT, FROZEN, WITH CHEESE SAUCE Oa WHITE SAUCE & MUSHROOMS Tomato Paste 2for 79¢ Fillet Entrees 7 -oz Pkg 1.39 Betty Crocker, Assorted Varieties SAVE 20' Lipton, Assorted Varieties HAMBURGER 6 -oz CUP -A -SOUP (Our Regular pkg 109 HELPER Price 1.29) MIXES ..„0010 r' Beatrice, Assorted Varieties BO TOM YOGOURT pkg of 4 envs 79" BONELESS BEEF ROASTS Ib Fresh ---'Picnic-Shoulder BONELESS PORK ROASTS 79 '/1111111111\\ Honeydew, Premium, Frozen, Concentrated ORANGE JUICE 3 Buy 3 175 g SAVE tubs 1.02 (Our Regillar Price 67e each) 12.5 fl -oz tin SAVE UP TO 80c LB ( Our Regular Price up to 3.59 lb) Ib (Our Regular Price 1.69 Ib) Cube Steak 163.29 SHOULDERBUTT PORK PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SLICED, SKINLESS & DEVEINED Beef Liver ,,99f/ ROAST lb CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF TENDERIZED SAVE 501 (Our Regular Price 1.49 (Limit 4 per family purchase) Picnic Shoulder or Shoulder Butt 59 (Our Regular Price 1.79 Ib - SAVE 20c Ib) PORK CHOPS Irish, Beef, Turkey/Chicken CLARK STEWS 24 -fl -oz 149 tin MRS KLEENEX, WHITE OR YELLOW PKG OF 2 ROLLS Boutique Towels 1.29 FACIAL TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS, CHUBBY BOX OF 150 SHEETS OR Kleenex box of 100 sheets 2 for 99? MAXI PADS, REGULAR OR DEODORANT New Freedom Pkg of 3)3 2.99 REGULAR OR DEODORANT PKG OF10 Lightdays Pads 1.79 Tender A, DChunks 44.g 9tRAG KITCHEN CATCHERS o�9 '� 39 r �g r225 g pkg A&P MACARONI 8 CHEESE for DINNER (Our Regular Price 47c each) Ib 49 BLI'; WATER, FROZEN 24-01 PKG Fish Sticks or Fries 2.99 SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN (CHICKEN , BREASTS 900 g PKG 4.99) Chicken Legs 9°° g Pkg 4.49 SCHNEIDERS FROZEN, I/4 LB PLUS Be!f RBEurgers 5.9,k91.79 §"c1;1;Fil;"Batter uozpkg2.29 PREirfoliE 11 container 4 litre 7 9 9 SAVE 40¢ Ib SPARE=� RIBS Ib 6 Athlete drowns (Our Regular Price 1.89 lb) TOWN CLUB, SLICED Side Bacon SAVE 60? Ib ( Our Regular Price 2.29 lb) 500 g VAC PAC MARY MILES 1.99 Wieners vac Pac lb 1.39 TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED EXETER - A popular Lucan a rea athlete, Barry DgGraw, drowned in a freak accident in Usborne Township on October 1st. The 17 -year-old was driving a car with six other young people from the Lucan area when the vehicle went out of control on Concession 6-7 just north of Elimville and rolled over onto its roof in a creek. The other six people managed to get out without injury but Degraw, and a autopsy showed he drowned. No inquest is planned. VAC PAC MARY MILES, SLICED Cottage Rolls 16 1 .9 9 CANADIAN QUEEN, PURE PORK Sausage 161.59 CANADIAN QUEEN, HOT Olt SWEET SaUSage Italian Style 113 1.59 SWIFT PREMIUM, SLICED, MACARONI & CHEESE, MOCK CHICKEN, DUTCH LOAF, BOLOGNA 17S g PKG Cooked Meats 89,i Side Bacon5009pkg2.19 MARY MILES, SLICED Education program 195 g PKG Cooked Ham 1.39 CANADIAN QUEEN, SLICED CHICKEN LOAF, MAC IL CHEESE, BOLOGNA 375 PXO Cooked Meats 1.29 MARY MILES, VAC PAC Chunks b1.19 Bologna In stores with Deli Shop! SWIFT, YOUR CHOICE - DUTCH LUNCH, ifiGii?alCIAnINIANga la RA ib le99 iraA XFAMlie;AloGEgna 161.49 ASSERTIVENESS FOR WOMEN Ineffective9 Learn how assertiveness con help you overcome problems and become that person you want to be Clinton Campus Mondays, 7-10 p.m. Starting October 19. Fee: '39. for slit sessions. For more information or to register contact Edith Torbay at (5191 623,4893 or the Clinton Campus at (519)482-3458 1111 .V1111141',