HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-10-14, Page 8p40E8—cUN.NNEV S- 0*D,.WEDNESDAY, =mat 14,1981 we 9 richt to ii0nit qua to normal family 'retguir!ornl tel c�_ . �s� the news By filauche Deeves Last Sunday morning, flolmesviile United Church was beautifully decorated with the bounties of Auttunn. The entrance to the church Was decorated with corn Stalks, pumpkins, oak leaves and Bowers. Baskets of flowers also an antique bread bowl containing • numerous vegetables, reminding the congregation that we are richly blessed. Rev. Bechtel talked tq the children about making a pro- mise and told them Christ's promise to us is under the cloth.. on the communion table "and they then went to the lower level. to their Gasses. The minister spoke about the last 'supper, members of session passed the elements' and Holy Com- munion was observed. Bill Crawford addAlvin Betties received the 'offering. This Thursday Ott. 15 at 8:30 p.m. the'choir'will_practise. Socials • The bus trip Mystery Tour October PA stall has three 'seats ;,left of Monday. Please send Our money in • forthisarip, thank You. Please remember the special evening in the Com- •rnunity ,Centre October 15 When' Mr. Dawson will show a flim on'Dungannon's 125th Anniversary. Sehool'news • A Special thanks to air the ,parents Who, attended Open House on September 30th. It ' was extremely>rewarding to :see so many parents come out forthis event. - The' "Holmesvilie School Soccerteams, had 'a suc- "cessful day at the tourna • Ment ont October 5th. The teams competed •against Roaettson, ; Victoria(junior only~); Brookside and Col borne., The senior.;;, girls were the Meet su ul, wing all of their games and walking away with the championship pennant. Tie junior girls also cid a good day winging. . three :offtheic four. games: This etitltletl:them tethe'con- solation pen %ant i'T`he juni<br i oys , did not win, but they were' the only ones to give the: strong Robertson- ;team .• a good game, holding thepli to' ore_, goal. The senior.bo0 also missed. out,:=outplayed i M1 especially. in the final and deciding game, losing 3-1 to Robertsono • They -were the only ones toscore•;on Robert- son obertson. .throughout the tourna- ment. Congratulations to all players and coaches - Mr. Scholl, Mr. Spittal, Mr. Sygrove and Ms. McCauley. Student Council After a sessionof cam- paigning, ampaigning, elections were held for the Student Council with the following results: president, Gary Stephenson; vice-president, Steven Bugler; secretary, Lisa DePutter; treasurer, Lisa Forbes. Class representatives are grade 4, Jennifer Flynn and Randy Szusz; grade 5, Ian Koetsier; grade 6, Julia Trick and Michael Bush; grade 7, Roseanne Gowanlock and Rod Nurse; grade 7 and 8, Sharon Gloor and Ron Jantzi; grade 8, Heather Harris and Scott Pearson. We have decided not to purchase shorts and T-shirts at this time because the response was very poor. We only had 40 pupils who were interested out of a possible 280. In order for us to get a lower price from the sports companies we need at least 100 orders. We will try again in the spring and if the response is Turn to page 9 • Prices effective thru Saturday, October 17th, 1981. SAVE 1.90 Powdered 12 litre box (Our Regular Price 8.89) Fabric (Pkg of 20 1.79) 1 ,pkg ER04'9 NEED To KWOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW cOMMuNITY? Cali , , irekorneltillok. Phone 452-7389 Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings. along with helpful community information SAVE 50? You'll da better at our great Fall ... Chunk Light STARKIST •TUN'k 6.5 -oz tin (Our Regular Price 1.49) Bojac SALAD -fl-oz DRESSING jar 'COME- VISIT for Freshness. &l Savings Seo 0 Product of Florida, White SeedlessGRAPEFRUIT - e1• CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF ONTARIO, CRISP, JUICY, THE PRIDE OF ONTARIO GROWERS McIntosh Apples 5 -Ib `egg 99 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA OR ONTARIO, • GREAT WITH CHEESE SAUCE Fresh Broccoli bunch PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, THE NATURAL SNACK JUICY, PLUMP, RED OR BLACK Sweet Grapes Ib 9 PROD. OF CENTRAL AMERICA, LARGE SIZE, GOLDEN RIPE Dole Bananas 21bs88¢ CANADA NO. 1, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, LARGE SIZE, FIRM, SOLID HEADS Cabbage Green 2 forgg¢ CANADA EXTRA FANCY, PRODUCT OF WASHINGTON, THE PICK OF THE APPLE ORCHARD Apples Golden Delicious Ib 78? CANADA NO. 1 SMALL, PROD: OF ONTARIO, YELLOW On.ions cooking 10-1b bag 1.49 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. OR B.C., SWEET, JUICY Bartlett Pears Ib 59¢ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF ONTARIO, ALL PURPOSE Potatoes 2016 - bag 2■99 PRODUCT Of ONTARIO, EXCELLENT IN SALADS Spinach 10ozbag 79? PRODUCY OF SOUTH AFRICA, SWEET, JUICY Oranges 12for 2.69 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, IDEAL IN CAESAR SALADS, FRESH, GREEN, CRISP Romaine Lettuce each69? CANADA NO. 1, PRODUCT OF U.S.A., FAMILY PACK, RED Tomatoes 11/2-11) 9 tray pack 1 ■6 CANADA NO. 1, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Parsnips 21bbag 99fir CANADA NO. 1, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Celery Stalks each 79¢ CANADA NO. 1, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Carrots 5 Ib bag 99¢ PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, GREAT FOR SNACKS, LUNCHES, HALLOWEEN SHELLOUTS Raisins bag of 14, 1/2 ozpkgs 1,4 REALEMON 4.S.OZ PLASTIC CTNR Lennon Juice 3for1■00 ASSORTED 6 -INCH POT Tropical Plants 4.99 You'll do better with HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE from A&P Regular or mint Flavours CREST 1 fiu® be � I TOOTHPASTE tI 39 S CALGON, BOUQUET Bath Beads 15 oz Pkg1.99 PINK, BLUE OR YELLOW J -Cloths pkg of101.39 SAVE 2.10 Mountain Dew, Regular or Diet SIX PACK OF PEPSI -COLA 750 ml bottles (Pius .bottle 9 9 deposit ) (Our Regular Price 4.09) (Our Rigular Price 1.29) Multipack SAVE 30c MARS x:99¢, Contains Rich Brazilian Coffees 8 O'CLOCK 11ISIANT COFFEE SAVE 445i Country Recipe or Deluxe II, Assorted Varieties DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES 520 g pkg (Our. Regular Price 1.43) Choice Yellow Cling Peach Halves, or Bartlett Pear Halves AYLMER 19-fh= FRUIT tin 99? SAYE t,OU (Our Regular Pric• 4.99) CHAMPION, -RIO OR PANDA Dare Biscuits CEREAL Weetabix 44j0 g pkg 1.39 400 g pkg 1.2 9 QUAKER Life Cereal' • 550gpkg1,59 (Our Regular Price 99e) SAVE 20c SINGLE PROCESS CHEESE SLICES 500 g PKG Black Diamond 2.39 BLACK DIAMOND, GRATED 250 g SHAKER Parmesan Cheese 2.59 IMPERIAL . . Margarine 3 lb pkg 2.39 Premium V-8 tin 79R moa Assorted Colours KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE box of 200 sheets SAVE 28¢ (Our Regular Price 1.07) (Made with 100% Pure Vegetable Shortening) Jane Parker Sliced (Our Reg. Price 83c, SAVE 34c) 100% WHOLE WHAT BREAD 24 -oz loaf -- ,,y a 0\1UIIIIUUr,,,,4 You'll do better with .' sAWj DARED GOODS from AQP! = JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON Cake Donuts Pkg of 8 99¢ JANE PARKER Bran Muffins . Pkgof61.29 JANE PARKER pkg of 5 Cherry Pie Razor Blades 99¢ WILKINSON "SUPER SWORD", STAINLESS DIMPFLMEIER 624 g size 1e 99 Bath and Shower Caddy.. 2.99 Apple Strudel 12-6z Pkg 1.19 RUBBERMAID CHINOOK, WINDSHIELD 4 LITRE CONTAINER Con 031 Margarine Washer Antifreeze 1.49 FLEISCHMANN'S 90W30 , ASSORTED TYPES .200 nit AEROSOL TIN 1"."i§ Vo:5PHair Spray 1■99 Shell Motor Oil ASSORTED FtfG OF 40 ASP, MULTI -PACK, REINFORCED ' Tampax Tampons 3.59 Pantyhose pkg of 3 pairs 2.99 ' Pkg of 2, 8 -oz tubs 119 (Our Regular Priem 1.59) SAVE 40¢ 7.75 -oz tin 159. Bathroom Tissue, Assorted Colours DELSEY TISSUE pkg of 4 rolls 49 SAVE 36? (Our Regular Price 1.85) Liquid, Assorted Varieties A&P 475 ml ba SALAD DRESSINGS 121 KAM Luncheon Meat Flakes of Corned Roof 6.5 -os, 1.79 Flakes of Ham 6.5 oz. Flakes of Chicken 6.5 oz. MAPLE LEAF, Flakes of Turkey 6.5 -Oz TIN MAPLE LEAF Tenderflake Lard 12.AZ TIN 1.49 1.49 1.89 1.6Y 1.4111 PKdii 79? INGERSOL, PROCESS, REGULAR OR SKIM 500 g JAR Cheese Spreads 2.29 CARNATION, INSTANT, RICH MARSHMALLOW OR MILK PKG OF 10-25 g ENV% Hot Chocolate 1.59 SIVE ROSES FLOUR 5 kg bagq,z9 SAVE 1.06