HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-10-07, Page 10IP PAGE 10—C'..INTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 ,1981 Fever'srunning high as manual Trout derby starts in Bayfield The fever'srunning high, lines are being strung and tested, weights are being added, lures are being polished and the casts are being perfected along the banks of the Bayfield River in preparation for the Bayfield Lions Club third annual Rainbow Trout Derby: According to Lions Joe Brancbn and Eric Earl, co- ordinators of the event, tickets to, enter the Derby are selling. very well; but there is 'still room along the river bank for many more entrants. The Derby takes place on Friday, Saturday and ;Sunday, October 16, 17 and 18. To be eligible to par- ticipate your ticket must be purchased by 12 noon on Saturday, October 17. The Derby ends at noon Sunday, Oct. 18 and all rainbow must legally be caught in the Bayfield "River during the contest. Cash prizes, trophies and consolation prizes courtesy of Molson's Breweries and local merchants will be awarded. First prize for the heaviest rainbow will net the lucky fisherman $300 cash plus the coveted Cup; second is $200 cash for the next heaviest rainbow and the third place winner will walk away with $100 cash for thethird heaviest rainbow. There is also a prize for the heaviest non -rainbow caught during the Derby weekend. Lady "Fisherwomen" and young people are also welcome and encouraged to participate, this is not just a "fisher- man's weekend". • As an added bonus, -your registration fee of $20 will entitle you to three days free camping (if you desire), courtesy of Rainbow Valley Camp. Also another bonus includes FREE mounting of the prize winning rainbow trout, courtesy of the Ausable Taxidermy of Exeter. Kay McLeod of McLeod's Drawing apples, and knowing that they are red on tlie,ouutslde•andwhjite oathe faS de is an important part learning about apple sauce. Keri; and\ Jerrie colored theif apples while special apple sauce was being made by their kindergarten desalinates. (Shelley McPhee photo) "We like apple sauce" The kindergarten class at Huron Centennial , School near Brucefield had a busy morning last week making apple sauce. The children learned that apple sauce comes from apples and it tastes good. Apple sauce smells like apples, tastes likes apples, but it doesn't look like ap- ples. Students watched as teacher Mrs. N. Gemmell boiled the apples in.a big pot andadded some sugar. While they were still hot, the children each had a chance to stir the apples, turning the red fruits into a the delicious dessert. And that's what apple sauce is all about! Group gets Horizon grant A group of retired people from Bayfield will receive a New Horizons grant for $5,861, Health and Welfare Minister Monique Begin announced today. Bayfield Pottery Club will establish a pottery workshop. New Horizons is a federal government program that offers grants to groups of retired citizens to encourage community participation. The program allows seniors an opportunity to develop interests of their own choosing and at the same time meet local needs. Optimist club underway Bryan Newington, Dave Renner, Sly Kennedy and Chuck Chambers. The new executive has a long list of events for the up- coming year including spon- soring a dance at the Goderich Township Hall on Nov. 21 at $12 per couple. ''Proceeds will go towards the Hospital Building Fund. Some other events incluot sponsoring the Bantam Hockey Tournament and the Clinton Winter Carnival. The Clinton Optimist Club , got underway for the upcom- ing 1981-82 year when the new executive was installed by Lt. Governor Bill Magrath at a dinner meeting on September 30th at Lie Huron Fish and Game Club. The new executive is: president, Greg Burns; vice- president, Don Bartliff; se- cond vice-president, Jack Armstrong; secretary, Doug Mills; treasurer, Steve Tyn- dall.; six directors, Doug Bylsma, Len Strickle - Huronview news Mabel Scott and Margaret McQueen sang a duet at Huronview's Sunday morn- ing worship service. The choir sang the anthem, I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say. The Exeter Young Peoples held a service on Sunday afternoon and Sun- day evening hymn sing was held. The Huron Strings enter- tained at Old Time Music on Monday afternoon. Marie Flynn was accompanied by Lorne Lawson, Warren Whit- more, Stan Hillen and Wilson McCartney. Also accompa- nying the musicians was Huronview's own Jim Rud- dock playing his accord's'. A very successful Fall Bazaar was held on Wednes- day afternoon and all would like to thank all those who support Huronview and the Huronview Auxiliary by at- tending. Bible Study was held in the chapel on Thursday afternoon. Huronview would like to welcome Charles Wilson from Goderich, Miss Verna McLaughlin from Wingham, and Dominique Hendricks from Clinton. Fisheries, North Side of ,the. Bayfield River will be the Official Weigher of the fish caught and her decision will be final. Proceeds from this event will go towards 'Community Betterment. Come out and enjoy a fishing weekend and support the Lions Club in their efforts to assist the Village in their endeavours.. Or, come out, cast a line and even if you don't win, you are apt to be in the right place to hear a good fishing tale to relay to your friends by the fireside during the long winter months. Either way you are bound to enjoy your weekend. See you there. Garden club to have plant exchange The Bayfield Garden Club will hold its annual ` plant exchange at the regular meeting on Monday, October 12 at 8 pm in the municipal building. Members are invited to bring any plants they may have to exchange with the fellow members. Mr. Harvey McDougall, will show a collection of very interesting slides as welL Euchre results Eight tables took part in the Euchre Club meet on September 30th. Fern Baker was the high lady scorer, and Alex Hogg was the high gent. Jane Bell had the low lady's score and Cliff Utter had the low men's. Bruce Mclinchey -had themostlone hands. The Euchre Club will meet again on Wednesday, October 14th at 8 pm. NOW AT al's fashicn are B. - DAILY BONUS DRAW Win a gift certificate equal to your purchase. One winner every shopping day! Last week's winners: OCT. 1 SHEILA MacPHERSON-BRUSSELS '47." OCT. 2 LIZZIE FEAGAN-GODERICH '32.00 OCT. 3 SHARON WILSON-BLYTH'22.00 OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK CHARGEX WELCOME Goderich Vacuum Centre 52 West St.. Gederich Phone: 524-4112 Directly Across from Culbert's Bakery Sales -Service & Supplies NEW AND RE -BUILT *FILTER QUEEN *ELECTROLUX *HOOVER *KIRBY *ROYAL *REGINA *LEWYT *EUREKA *ELECTRO -HYGIENE Complete Service Centre For Most Appliances "We give you fast and efficient service" MWIKTSFIMIMIIWAS CLINTON RECREATION COMMITTEE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 Junior C Hockey Mustangs vs. Fergus SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 Public Skating ADMISSION: Children 40' Adult 75' Inquiries • please call: 8:30 p.m. 2-3:30 p.m. 482-3997.r 482-7731 This Ad Courtesy of ® ■ • R 11 AND SONS LTD. wIiePd ed C&INVO,. 1.9 7..9 A u__ m _A AND CENTURY SPRAYER lioness hear appeal for local hospital On Monday, .October 5th, the regular meeting of the Bayfield Lioness Club, with guest speaker Dr. Brian Baker, was held. He talked about the addi- tion to the Clinton Public Hospital, pointing out the very great need for the pro- posed addition (a new emergency wing). The financial support of the area is a very important factor to this addition. The club has booked a Hallowe'en Dance for Oc- tober 24 in the Community Centre. Everyone is invited to come out and support this worthwhile cause as the pro- ceeds will go to the Clinton Hospital Building Fund. A swing set has been pur- chased from Cam Reder and donated to the Village of Bayfield for the Clan Gregor Park. Many thanks to Mike Gale and Rick Penhale for erecting it and to Joan Merner and Marg Gale for painting it. Joan Merner presented the efficiency contest plaque to the club for having the most points in the District in .1 81. Joan also presented a 100 per cent president's efficien- cy pin to past president Marilyn Haw. Many thanks to Joan Merner and Dianne Argyle for their help with all the paper work and to the rest of the club for working so hard so that these. awards could be achieved. The executive meeting will be October 19 and next general meeting will be on November 2. For scouting groups Committee needsp arents Let's try again Bayfield area mothers for parents' committee meeting. When? A week from Saturday at 10 a.rn. (Oct.17th). All parents are urged to try to attend and be prepared to fill vacancies on the executive. It will be held in the United Church kit- chen. Last Saturday morning, a very successful Tupperware Party was held in the Municipal Building. Thank you for your support. Grace Dollery and Kathleen Siert- sema won the door prizes. They and the items ordered then will be at the Oct. 17th, meeting. District Commissioner Brady (Goderich) held an organizational meeting with the Guides Monday, welcom- ing as Pathfinder leaders Joan Cluff, Elaine Dunn and ,Grace Dollery. The meeting was held in the latter's home. A special Guide Night is being planned for October 22nd when the parents and the public will be invited, but more details next week. BOILING REPAIRING RE -CORING If your daughter wishes to become a Brownie, Guide or Pathfinder - it is still not too late. More used uniforms are also needed. Please check your closets. CLINTON LIONS CLUB • will be calling et your home on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 13 In the early evening CANVASSING FOR YOUR DONATION TO THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE for the BLIND PROTECT YOUR CAR!! CALL: BAYFIELO GODERICH CLINTON Phone 482-9393 RADIATORS For All Makes of Cars, Trucks and Tractors NEW LOCATION: 46 KING STREET AT CLINTON AUTO PARTS LTD. MING ALL COD 4TH ANNUM/ CHAT'S COOKING AT YOUR PLACE' CONTEST Send us your favourite recipe for publication in our special Fall Cook Book Edition YOU COULD WIN $100.°O CASH Each recipe you send in entitles you to also send along one Official Entry form (see below) for the prize draw. Entries are welcome from groups as well as in- dividuals. Enter as often as you like. As many recipes as possible will be published in our special Fall Cookbook. OFFICIAL entry form ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY FRIDAY, OCT. 23, 1981. • Clip and send along with your favorite recipe to: WHAT'S COOKING AT YOUR PLACE CONTEST COOK BOOK EDITOR SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING P.O. BOX 220 GODERICH, N9A 4B6 NAME ADDRESS PHONE POSTAL CODE PRIZES 1ST®$100 2 Nu ® $60.00 3RD° 8404. 00 Enter as often as you like. Send one Official Entry form with each recipe you submit. (Additional entries do not have to be sub- mitted on an Official Entry Form, but can be photocopied or plainly printe4 in ink or typed on an exact facsimile.) A random draw will he held Nov. 4, 1981 for the Lucky Winners.