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Clinton News-Record, 1981-09-30, Page 19
25. Wanted to buy WANTED: Good used fur- niture: Phone 482-7922.-8tfar ONE MEN'S standard bicycle. Phone 41r2-3628 before 12 noon or on weekends. -38,39 WANTED: Renfrew farm grain scale. Two wheels on front, curved handles on back. Willing to pay$100. cash. (705) 939-6753 or (705) 939- 6404.-39bc WANTED TO BUY - Harness or saddle horses or ponies, reasonably priced. Phone 526- 7509.-39 26. Help wanted COULD YOU spare two or three evenings a week to earn $200.00 and up commission a week? Would you like to have $700.00 worth of fashion jewellery to wear and display? Call Heather Plumsteel 482- 3795.-38-41 CIRCULATION: supervise our circulation department. Newspaper experience necessary. Company benefits. Apply to The Manager, The Gazette; Box 263, St. Albert, Alta, TBN 1N3 (403) 458- 2240,-39bc CAREER IN Heavy Trucking - Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A License. For interview and application contact Mery Orrs, Transport Driver Training, London Branch (519) 432-1726.-39-42 WANTED NIGHT PORTER One full-time 10:00 pm to 6:00 am and one part-time 2 nights per week. DUTIES: Security, some housekeeping and general factotum to night staff. Applications to: MRS, THELMA ELLERBY Personnel Officer, Clinton Public Hospital DUTIES TO COMMENCE IMMEDIATELY 26. Help wanted OFFSET pressman required for commercial plant in northern Ontario. Enjoy clean air, fishing, hunting, sports. Call John Byles, Beatty Printing, North Bay, (705) 474- 3330.-39bc 27. Wanted (general) WANTED - used pianos, not necessarily in good condition. Phone 48.2-7024.-37,38,39x 28. Business opportunity EARN MONEY! Save Money! Learn Income Tax Preparation at home. For Free brochure, no obligation, write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Rox- borough Drive, Toronto, Ontario,M4W 1X4,-39bc WOOD STOVES dealer required for this area for our "Settlers" and "Starline" certified air tight wood stoves. Call or write our factory now!! Dynastar Fabricators Ltd., 1770 Albion Rd., Rexdale, Ont. M9V 1C2 (416)749-0977, Inquire about our new coal stoves.-39bc 30. Employment wonted NANNY - Mature and fond of children would like to care for preschoolers in my home. References available. Close to playground. Phone 482- 7204.-36-39 EXPERIENCED PERSON willing to care for elderly lady and do light housekeeping. Please phone 482-9791.-39,40 EXPERIENCED PERSON requires bookkeeping or ac- counting position, full time, available immediately. Phone collect 1 -433-7729.-39,40x WORK WANTED - Wall papering and painting, $6 per hour. Phone 482-7220.-39 31. Service directory BYERS UPHOLSTERY - We offer complete rebuilding. Large selection of quality fabrics. Free pick-up and delivery. 71 Princess St. W. Phone 482-7939.-31tf LICENSED BRICK LAYER - brick houses; cement blocks laid: chimneys and chimney repair. Also chimney,cleaning. Reasonable rates. Jim Bell. Phone 482-3026.-30tf RESTAURANT FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders may be submitted to the below men- tioned address until 4:30 p.m., October 14th. 19111, for the purchase of the assets of The Galley, Goderich, Ontario. Tenders are to be submitted for the assets en bloc, which consist of equipment and furnishings required for the operation of a sub- marine restaurant such as: table and chair. units (28 seats); walk-in refrigerator, refrigerated steel make-up table with trays, Berke) slicer, Tec Elec- tronic leatronic cash register, Toshiba microwave. Bun.O- Matic coffee machine, pop dispenser, refrigerator, freezer, counters and more. The facility is set up and ready for business for the right purchaser. An attractive lease for the premises Including a second floor apartment Is available from the Landlord. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Financing will be considered If required. Sealed Menders with 10% desposit by certified cheque should be addressed to R.J. Bogdon or R.D. McClinchey, 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario, NSA 6Z3. Appointments for inspection and Information on terms and conditions of sale may be obtained by calling (519)-271.5650. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING FIRM REQUIRES LICENCED ELECTRICIAN and SECOND & FOURTH TERM APPRENTICES Please contact: J. Rosenberg J.M.R. ELECTRIC LTD. Exeter 235-1516 Sales Person Required Mature sales person required. Applicant should possess good public relations knowledge, neat appearance, a willingness to learn, and chance to grow. Ex- perience Is not a prerequisite. Apply In writing to: ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. P.O. BOX 849 CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM 11.0 1 TOWN OF SEAFORTH, Vanastra Arena Requires One Part -throe Maintenance Man. Three Part-time Booth. Staff. MUST HAVE OWN TRANSPORTATION. APPLICATION FORMS AVAILABLE AT THE SEAFORTH ARENA AND SEAFORTH TOWN HALL CLERK'S OFFICE. DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1981. FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES Offers Opportunities for OLUNTEERS *TYPING *DRIVING *WORKING WITH FAMILiES, CHILDREN *ASSISTING IN CHRISTMAS BUREAU *ORGANIZING CHRISTMAS BUREAU *RECEPTIONIST Day and Evening Work Available Volunteers are Needed -Use Your Spare Time in a Worthwhile Way CONTACT: MRS. PEGGY RIVERS *ALL COLLECT: 5 2 4- 7 3 56 46 GLOUCESTER TERRACE, GODERICH 31. Service directory 31. Service directory KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676. Ken McNairn.--8tfar INSULATE NOW - Chip could pays up to $500.00 of the cost - Free estimates. Adamson Insulation, Lucknow. Phone 528-2113 - 528-2526. Fully in- sured and bond. Clinton Rep. phone 482.9006.-2ltfar HANDYMAN WITH TRUCK. Odd jobs, clean-ups, reasonable rates. Phone 482- 7584.-37tf I4ecora±ln9 Eta 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 1L0 482-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE CONSULTING ;: ... 1 , Y :• rr.... DOG GROOMING ALL BREEDS BRENDA WHYTE R.R. 2 SF.AFORTH 527-11613 FURNITURE STRIPPING I DONE PHONE 482-3508 Complete Custom Framing i for needlepoint. crewel. photographs. oil pain- tings. etc. Regular or non -glare glass. Ready to hang, 41 hour service. ? Harold Tyndall 482-7409 CLINTON cow CALL: HURON PROFESSIONAL CHIMNEY SWEEP FOR: FIRE SAFETY FUEL CONSUMPTION CLEANLINESS DAY EVENINGS 524-7300 524-8678 give yourself a lift! 31. Service directory All 'reeds DOG CLIPPING and GROOMING Gail Vanderwal 482-7246 1/2 mile south of Varna Please Call Evenings PIANO TUNING . 'Repairs -*Rebuilding •Keys. Recovered •Dompp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 341-9223 Mitchell WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE:SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0820 JIM: 527-0775 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 *LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT *REPAIRS `NEW LAWNMOWERS AND TILLERS IN STOCK DRYWALL knowct for high quality PETER BAKOS DRYWALL 4AA ,!III.•\' V,.. hove complete drywall service Phone 527-1398 527-0606 Screened Top -Soil Backhoe Work Gravel LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 • EVENINGS Custom Slaughtering and Processing hill flay S'X rwlnt...thLI, -DASH:W-C,JODU 237 3677 PRICES START AT $22.95 Including FREE 100 KM weekend 6 weekly Rake- Available holiday rent -a -car system 524-8411 f?ZICKLAN®2 -221 HU/tObilta., 00021I1C4 Electrical Problems? Call ED'S ELECTRIC Licenced Electrician INDUSTRIAL / COMMERCIAL FARM / RESIDENTIAL 24 H •:UR EMERGENCY SERVICE ED !O0SESOOM 482-7441 ALSO...SEE US FOR ELECTRIC FURNACES and ELECTRIC HEATING UNDER THE CAIdADIAId OiL SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM — FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 482-7441 — JACK GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. *Farm • *Cammericial *Residential *Buildings *Additions *Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTOM SHEET METAL *Fascia *Soffits *Door and Window Jambs and Sills *Metal covered Doors 482-7290 31. Service directory CLINTWOOD CUSTOM *BUILCustom DERS *Additions *Drywall *Ruben' *Skiing, Soffit & Fascia TIM BYISMA 4334373 DOUG OTLSMA 432-733A JOHN KASSIES GENERAL -CONTRACTING *Farm Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE 482-3063 RON 402-9239 CUSTOM CIDER PRESSING Call to make an appointment HURON RIDGE ACRES RR 2 ZURICH 565-2122 34. Personal PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married . or single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769or 524-2023.-3-52 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF HEN- DRIX SNIEDER, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Merchant, deceased. ALL persons having ,claims against the Estate of the above. named who died on the 21st day of July, 1981, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th of October, 1981, •after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 10th day of September. 19Bi. MENZiES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix. -37.38,39 iN THE ESTATE OF AMY ALICE HEARD, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron. Housewife, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate. of the above-named who died on the 17th day of August, 1981, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of October, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario, this 16th day of September. 1981. MENZiES. ROSS Clinton. Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. -38,39.40 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of LILLIAN ELiZA GRUMM,ETT, Widow. late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or 'about the 4th day of September. 1981, are required to file the same with full particulars with the un- dersigned by the 24th day of October, 1981, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich. Ontario, this 22nd day of September, 1981. PREST AND EGENER, Barristers. etc., 33 Montreal Street. :GODERiCH, Ontario. ;Solicitors for the Estate.— 39,40, 41 38. Auction sole ONTARIO'S Largest Farm Machinery Consignment Sale. Norwich, Ontario, Friday. October 9, 1981, 10 a m (Sales conducted second Friday each month). Approximately 150 - 175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Con- signments welcome. For more information call (5191 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Harriblecki &Sons.-- 39bc CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY; SEPTEMBER 30,1961 -PAGE 17 37. Mortgages MORTGAGE HOLDERS you hold a 1st or 2nd mortgage and would like to cash in on your investment call 482-3096 after 6 p.m. -38,39 40. Lost & Found LOST: Liver and white Brittany Spaniel dog in Hullett area, Sat., Sept. 26. Phone B. Cook 271-5094 in Stratford or 482-3458.-39 Richard Lobb AUCTIOt4EER Clinton 412-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT. OCT. 3 -10 A.M. Antiques. furniture. etc. for Varna Church manse. plus good additions at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton. SAT. OCT. 10 - 10 A.M. Building supplies for Counter Lumber, Clin- ton, Ont, AUCTION.SALE WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE Next to LLC.B.O. JACK ALEXANDER - AUCTIONEER for the estate of the late William Blake, Brussels, with added additions. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 '81 11:00 A.M. 9 pc. Period dining -room suite, excellent condition; 6 - Period & antique dressers, 1 has shelf. another Serpen- tine front; 3 drawer chest, mustache pulls; 2 bedroom suites, 2 & 3 pe.; 2 wash stands with top towel bar; organ stool; 2 parlor wood stoves; several iron rod beds, some with brass; stripped oak buffet with mirror; 2 pc. Sklar chesterfield; 3 pc. Colonial living -room suite; 1 coloured T.V„ 2 T.V. B.W.; oak arm chair; oak dining - room table & five leaves; G.E. frost -free frig. like new; heavy old oak plank desk; Kenmore washer, 2 library tables; drop leaf table; 2 step-up ,tables; 2 coffee tables; antique parlor table; rollaway bed; kitchen table, 4 chairs; 2 old rockers; bathroom sink in unit, like new; antique metal churn; pr. laundry tubs; 25 sap buckets; playpen; lantern; cistern pump; electric broom; bathroom cabinet; adjustable hand pipe threader; new Coleman lantern In case; 2 large suit cases; pictures and frames; 2 ink lugs; 2 lugs; 1 crock; 2 Disston hand saws; new Chrome blender; canister set; Fondue set; 2 Hudson Bay blankets; spreads; bedding; cushions, etc.; quantity pts. & qt. sealers; variety glassware & dishes, some of interest. MOBILE LUNCH PREVIEW: Fri., OCT. 2, 2-5 & 7-9; SAT. morn. 10 A.M. till sale time. TEL. 357-1011 & 357-1442 /% elcz�ii�eilSLocea ei FURNITURE & ANTIQUE AUCTION We are pleased to offer by public auction Furniture, glass and collectibles from three area homes. Wednesday, October 14 at 7 P.M. - At the Rathwell Building, 77 Main Street, Seaforth. Consisting of: furniture and appliances, 9 -place dining room suite. curved back upholstered chester- field, 4 -piece walnut bedroom suite, upholstered chesterfield and chair, walnut sideboard with car- ved poles and burled Inlay, heavily carved ladies parlour chair with matching foot stool, cherry chest of drawers, oak double pedestal office desk. drop front secretary's desk, upholstered wing back chair, walnut apartment sized dining room table, oak buf- fet, double gate leg table, 24" cabinet model television, two wicker rockers, 4 matching gun stodc choirs, 2 chest of drawers, 3 dressers and mirrors, blanket boxes, Seth Thomas mantel clock, roll away bed, Axminlster rug, hall trees, Remington typewriter. lamps, pictures, chaise lounge chair. Tappin Gurney 24" stove, small appliances. stem- ware, glass and china. Plus many more items. dal/tele/if J4�.s.socc�z�es AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS . 77 MAIN ST • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO (519) 527-1458 AUCTION SALE Wednesday October 7' 6:30 P.M. Sharp BRINDLEY SALES YARD DUNGANNON Special equipment to be sold at 7:30 P.M. for L©ugheed Pawing Ltd. consisting of: 1975 GM Tandem Dump Truck, 1974 Dodge 1 Ton Stake Truck, 1977 % Ton 4 -wheel drive complete with snowplow, 1 Ton Roller, Martin single axle trailer. 50 Arctic Cat snowmobile sults and lockets, large amount of horse harnesses and har- ness trunks. Large amount of shop tools, household effects. Hobart portable electric plant. CONSIGNMENTS STILL NEEDED 41. To give away TO GOOD HOME - Persian kittens. Phone482-33& .-39 42. Death notice COOK In the Pinecrest Manor Nursing Nome, Lucknow, lint-, on Sunday, Sep bar 2'7th, 1981, Leonard Cook, of Lucknow, .. and formerly of Blyth, in his 96th ear. Beloved husband of Ethel Finlay Ford. Dear father of Mansel, Harold and .Russell, Mrs. Gladys Johnson and Mrs. Mabel Riley, all of Blyth. Dear brother of Mrs. Ivy Cook of Belgrave, Ont. Predeceased by son Orville. Also survived by thirty grandchildren. Rested at the Tasker Funeral Home, Queens Street, Blyth, Ont., where the funeral service was .held on Wednesday, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Blyth Union Cemetery.-39nx FINLAY Harold Nelson Finlay at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Wednesday, . September 23, 1981, in his 71st year. Beloved husband of Emily (Cartier) Finlay. Dear father of Mrs. Harold Hendrick (Elizabeth) of Dashwood, Mrs. John McBride (Mary) of Zurich, Mrs. Ken Wildfong (Jane) of Clinton and Margaret Finlay of London, John and Jim Finlay, both of Zurich; two stepchildren, Mrs. Floyd Blanchard (Alice) of Lohdon and Jim Carter of New York. Mr. Finlay was predeceased by, his first wife Annie Jarrott in 1958, two grandchildren, one brother and one sister. Also surviving are 18 grandchildren and . one great-grandchild. Friends may call at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, William Street, Exeter where funeral service was held on Friday, September 25, 1981 at 2 p.m. with Pastor Shields and Pastor Lowrie officiating. Interment in Exeter Cemetery. Donations 'to the Cancer Society or the charity, of your choice would be ap- preciated by thefamily.-39nx HART William M. of 63 Side St., Seaforth on Sept. 25, 1981 at Seaforth Community Hospital. Bill Hart, beloved husband of the former Mary Matthews and dear brother of Sadie (Mrs. Harold 'Murrey) of Bayfield, Pat (Mrs. Richard Oldfield) of Blaine, Washington and Joseph of Clinton. Predeceased by two brothers, John and James and one sister, Margaret. Friends called at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, 87 GoderichSt. W., Seaforth until Monday, when mass of the Christian Burial was held at St. James Roman Catholic Church at 11 a.m. Interment St. James Cemetery, Seaforth.-39nx ARMSTRONG Alan.. Suddenly at Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton, on September 22, 1981, Alan Archibald Armstrong of Brampton, in his 32 year. Beloved husband of Shirley (nee Wattle). Dear father of Charlene. Dear son of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Armstrong of RR 3, Bayfield. Dear brother of Douglas and James Arm- strong: Mrs'. Winnie Darn- brough. all of Bayfield, and Mrs. Julia Archambault of London. Funeral arraogemetlts by the Ward Funeral Home, 52 Main Street, South, Brampton. For further information please call 416 451- 2124.-39nx DECKER At South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Tuesday. September 22. 1981, ` William Theodore Decker of the Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich in his 88th year. Husband of the late Violet Gaiser 0970). Father of Karl. of RR 1. Nipissing. Predeceased by one son Orville.. one brother and one sister. Also survived by six grandchildren and five great- grandchildren. Visitation was at the Westlake Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Homes. 49 Goshen St. N., Zurich until Thursday, Sep- tember 24 at 1 15 p.m.. thence to St Peter's Lutheran Church. Zurich for funeral service at 1.30 p.m. with Pastor Jack Dressler of- ficiating Interment followed in St Peter's Lutheran ('emetery, Zurich. —39nx VANASTRA AUCTION MARKET 2 MILES SOUTH. F CLIf�1T®lel Contact us for good clean consignments, complete households and estates. liquidations, cars and trucks. 1�