HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-09-30, Page 18PAGE 18-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,1981 'P ass Dei 1.5243 1; 1,�!• 411 , 1 1 iNP I, PCa - awn Pm 621 S It70' • AU 4► .n, wdiots See '61.1400 lawn 1. Articles for sale SICK ROOM Supplies, patient aids, support garments, convalescent products, etc, See Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-ltf • OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. See Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241,-ltf . MASTECTOMY SERVICES now available, contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shopper's Square, Goderich, 524 7241.--,22tf , NEW HONEY FOR SALE in your container or•.ours. Honeymead Apiaries, Alec Ostrom, 2 miles North of Varna. Phone 4827287,-35.40 BREAST Prothesis Services - Custom fitt%ng in the newest styles. All sizes in stock. Price $150.00 with 3 year guarantee. Located in Bayfield area or Can be fitted in your home. Couturiere, Eileen Chalut 236- 4222, If no answer, leave message236-4740.--38,39x , APPLES - Macintosh ready. Pick your own. Snows, Sweets, Greenings, Delicious starting Sat. Oct. 3. Spies and Russets Sat. 'Oct. 10. Picking days Monday, Wednesday and Saturdays. Cider apples. Bring Containers. McClymorit Orchards 1 mile south of Varna. Phone 482.3214.-38,39 OVEN READY DUCKS, 4-7 pounds. Phone Gerald Mar - bane 527-15.7.- ar-1ene527-150T.- 38,39 GIRL'S SUE ' 14 brown, plaid winter clot with hood, ex- cellent condition. Phone 482- 7683.-39x EXERCISING BICYCLE - excellent condition. Phone 482- 7825.--39x QUANTITY OF Good Dry Hardwood. Contact Lloyd Walden. Phone 523- 9287.-39,40x LOVE GARDENING? New guild for Ontario gardening enthusiasts. , Enjoy lovelier gardens. Free seeds. Send name and address to: Gar- deners Guild; Box 200, Georgetown, Ontario.--39bc EXTEND growing season three months with nationally advertised Greenery Season Extender 44" x 44" x 49". Regularly $99.99 now only $49.99. Order C.O.D. Haliburton Machine & Manufacturing Ltd., Box 2, Haliburton, Ontario KOM ISO (705) 457-2062,-39bc DECORATIVE Indian Corn in wide range of colours, 1 mile east of Clinton on Highway No. 8, after 5 p.m. Dick Roorda 482- 9662,-39 TRY C & E USED FUR- NI1'URE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. -4)ff TWO WESTERN Saddles, 1 black, •1 brown. $100.00 each. Phone 482-9142.-38,39 APPROXIMATELY 4 sq. of white John Mansville Siding and one 33" combination aluminum door, Phone 482- 9100 after 5 o'c lock .-39nx APPLES - Whitehall Farm has your favourite apples again. Macintosh and Wolfriver. Phone 482-9838.-38,.39 APPLES - Macintosh, Cor- tland, fresh cider, red and white potatoes, onions and honey. Phone 52441037, Art Bell"s Fruit Fa =arm - FIREWOOD FOR SALE Stove & Comp Ph. 482-3294 482-3509 TOMATOES pick your oxen or ready 'POTATOES l reef of 1.44** CABBAGE BRUSSEL SPROUTS AND OTHER VEGETABLES APPLES FRESH APPLE CIDER evetlable on weekends. HURON RIDGE ACRES R.R. 2 ZURICH 565-2122 II114.4rp.... .. \004 erten unit 40.,1 rh„ Ott rR 6e mu1 Nf U% 1 , 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising .. Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sole 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sole 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 12. Real estate for sole 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room & board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent PHONE 24. Wanted to rent 25, Wanted to buy 26. Help wonted 27. Wonted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam 47. Card of thanks 4$2-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY .1:00 a.m. to S p.m. 1. Articles for sale YOU PICK apples; Macs, Cortlands, $8.00 bu. your container. Delicious. Ray Deyman, 5 miles north of Kimberley, 2 miles east from Union Church. Follow signs from Redwing. 599-6724.-39bc DO YOU WANT a quality, attractively priced, Canadian built organ with guaranteed after sales service? We also repair all makes of electronic organs in your area. Contact Don's Organ and Hi-Fi Ser- vice, 724 Queen St., Kincardine - 396.3546 Your Hammond Organ sales and service centre. -1 leow FOUR DOOR Legal Size Filing Cabinets, office desks ' and tables, office chairs, hall trees, steel shelving, post office bins, drafting machines, surveying levels, drafting table, all types off tools, Drill Presses 16 speed - 10 free HS drills with each press. Post Office scales 10 Ib. 25 Ib. 200 lb., electric typewriters, adding machines. Exterior Paint for metal or wood, black, green, orange. Phone 524-8602 N. Hamilton, 27 Picton St. Goderich.-39 RAINBOW TROUT Fishing at its best. No closed season or daily limits, guaranteed catches. Rainbow Trout Hatchery and Fish -out Ponds. Phone Wingham 357-2329. Three Concessions north of Blyth three side roads west. Clip this ad and save $2,-39-43 CUSTOM KILLING, all types of poultry and water fowl, in any quantity; oven ready year old hens and roasters for sale, $3.50 and $5.00each. Phone 529- 7373.-39-41 TWO BOYS SUITS size 14 and 16 - 18, new condition, brown tones, reasonable. Phone 482- 3262.-39 ADMIRAL ALMOND Coloured fridge and 30" self clean range with black glass front, two years old. Phone 523-4456.-39 DRYER for sale, like new condition. Phone 482-3566.-39 PORTABLE HAND grinder with stand; 12 volt electric winch, 1500 lbs.; two sections of light scaffolding and planks. New floor model, 6 inch belt sanding machine and ac- cessories. Phone 482- 9793.-39nx DRESSED TURKEY for sale ranging from 15-20 lb. $1.00 per Ib. Will be ready for Thanksgiving.. Pho1e 52-3-9609 anytime. -38,39x SILVER TiP Norwegian fox fur detachable collar • new; Coldspot 18 cu. ft. chest freezer, McClary 500 Heavy Duty washer and dryer; 30" Kelvinator range; Frigidaire refrigerator ; fireplace tools and grate. Phone 4829592. -39 45 FT. TV Tower colour head antenna and rotor. Phone 242- 5585 evenings. -39 1. Articles for sale DOWN -DRAUGHT wood stove, like new. Phone 482- 3737,-39 TWO SOFA BEDS and one single bed. Phone 565-2813.-39 PRE AUCTION Clearing Sale is underway at Counter Building Supplies, Clinton, until Wed., Oct, 7 at 5:30 p.m. It includes: doors, windows, patio doors, colorlok and aluminum siding, panelling, plywood, insulation, paint, hardware, tools, etc. The remaining inventory will be sold at a clearing Auction on Oct. 10 at 10 a.m. at Counter Bldg, Supplies, Princess St., West, Clinton. -39x NEW RED Chieftan Potatoes 15c per lb. 50 lb. for $7, also cucumbers for pickling. Phone 482.3460.-37tf 5. Cars for sale 11 PONTiAC VENTURA, good running order, as is $200. Phone 482-3715.-39x . USED ECONOMY CARS '76 BUICK SKYLARK Two door coupe, V6, automatic, power steering, power brakes, landau roof, fully reconditioned. Llc. No. KIIW 776. '78 AMC CONCORDE DL Four door, 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, individual seats, landau roof. Lie. No. KEY 463. '78 CHEVY NOVA Four door, 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, radio, accent stripe, low mileage. Lis. No. NCA 121. '78 FORD PINTO PONY 4 cylinder, 4 speed tran- smis4lorl, radio, only 36,000 Km. Lady driven. Lic. No.. NFK 013. '79 PLYMOUTH HORIZON Four door, hatchback, 4 cylinder, 4 speed tran- smission, radio, rear window wiper, beige. Llc. No. PVR 361. '80 CHEVROLET MALIBU Four door. lust 14,600 Km. Still under factory warranty, power steering, power bakes, small 26? VI engine, accent stripe absolutely like now. LIe- No, IIKX 497. McGEE .�.�w NTIAC-S�ICI� CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS Hamilton E0., Goderich 5241391 ,r \ Aae'N,rnN 5; Cars for sale SHARP . LOOKING 1972 Pontiac Laurentian, good body, good running condition, air shocks, 1981 plates, cer- tified. $950. Phone482-7181.-39 1972 DODGE DART, 6 cyl., automatic, $1,025. Certified; 1977 Chev. Caprice Station - wagon, 350 auto, $2,900. Cer- tified; 1977 Gremlin, 6 cyl. standard $1,850, certified. Phone 565-2824.-39 10. Pets for sole PUREBRED Doberman pinscher, male, eight weeks old. $150. Phone482-3489.-39 SHETLAND SHEEPDOG (miniature collie) female puppy. Trained and C.K.C. registered, champion stock. $200. firm. Phone 482-3827 or 4132-9333. -39ar 11. Livestock for sale FOUR SANEN GOATS, yearlings, bred in mid August. High productive stock. Phone 524-7081.-39x LAUCKNER REALTY INC. ®AYFIELD: Two bedroom lakefront cottage. .Com- bined . kitchen, ilvingroem & dining arca, 3 pc. both. stone deck, wooded lot and guest house. Just North of Ioyfleld. Priced right. B AYFIELD • One of Reyflold's most attrac- tive lots. Handyman's special. Reduced price. / AYFIELD - 2 summer t well. over River. B AYFIELD . 2 yr. old ran- ch brick bungalow, com- pletely winterised on 100 ft. lakefront lot. Year round access, water supply and elec- tric heat. ZURICH - Ono floor bungalow, 3 bedroom, modern kitchen, full basement, electric hoot, garage, 66' x 110' lan- dscaped lot, town water and sower. room Illed lot oyfield CALL ADAM FLOWERS lox 41. Rayfield 565-2813 A. For sale PIONEER PARTNER ' & Poulan Chainsaws, complete parts and service for what we sell. Discount prices for some models in effect for a limited time. Call Robert Glen Saws 482-9292, Clinton, -37-40 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WI INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Weer Hargreaves ellnton4$2.7511 lorry Millar reefer.224 2117 KIHon-220.4209 Douglas Carruthers -231.9724 Gregory Hergreaves-242-21114 B. Custom Work CUSTOM BIG round baling; plowing and also chisel plowing and silo filling. Phone Co Zondag 565-5308.-35-40 CUSTOM COMBINING of Corn - Wagons and auger available. Phone 482-7192.-36- 39 CUSTOM SiLO FiLLING • Phone Hank Reinink 5 23- 9202 .-38tfar B. Custom Work CUSTOM CORN combining wide or narrow rows. Call Bill Smith 482-3349.-39-41 D. Livestock REGISTERED polled Hereford bulls. Halter -broken. Ready to work. Ed Powell, RR 1, Wingham. Phone 335- 3893.-38,39 35- 3893.-38,39 E. Farm service SHIPPING CATTLE to Toronto Union Stockyards every Monday. Campbell McK in ley 262-5430.-48t1 LIQUID MANURE PUMPING AND HAULING now available. Call Fred Lobb for rats at t /4 AND SONS LTD. CLINTON 482-3409 For Rent APPROXIMATELY 40 acres to rent near Holmesville. Phone 578-6548.-39x FARMERS For all your farm buildIngo BIC; OR SMALL Give Ray Lumbers Construction a call 482-3305 STOCKER SALE 900 MEAD AT HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER is 1 P.M. Ceesistiy.fa Steers, Heifers fel Calmat VICTOR 61ARGREAVES (411) 4E2-7511 (CLINTON) BARRY MILLER (311) 235-2717 (EXETER) OR 221-6265 (K'iIIKTON) DOUG CARRUTHERS (514) 237-3794 (DASI4W< GING HARGREAVES (311) 262-1614 (HENSALL) (311) 262-2931(HINSALL) AUCTIONEER: LARRY GARDINER and RICHARD LOBS 12. Real estate for sale WHITE FRAME house on Queen St. two bedrooms with gas furnace in good condition, black top driveway, closeto up town, first mortgage can be arranged. Priced for quick sale. Phone 482-3274.-38,39x ONE HALF ACRE in Kinburn; driveway, garage foundation and septic tank, Possible mobile home permit. Asking $8,500. No agents 482-7143.-39- 41nx 16. For Rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd. )-14tfar PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls, wheelbarows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J.' Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4954.-16tfar 12. Real estate for sale • CuSTATElligan COUNTRY PROPERTY - Five bedroom, two bathroom, . bar, basement entrance, barn, workshop. On two lots near Bayfield, two minutes from Marino. '79,900. HOWARD STREET B AYFIEL + • he Ik to ch. Qu lacetlon. -gully decorated, excellent value. •41,900. HEART OF THE VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD- Three be - g fie we - • onor, TV tower, Super valuel Was •59,500. !AKEFRO Cess Si ^'" x op- 11- ue. 925,000. CIRCA -1$60 older 4 bedroom ce r 11 plan�� r on Hwy .01R PIGS 132' x 364' running to Lake Huron. *89,500. LAKEFRONT HOME - Executive type. Right on Lake. 4 miles north of h ayfield. All extras In- cluded In this custom built home. Reduced to $78,500. CLINTON - 111 Queen St. Modern 3 bedroom bungalow. Many extras In this attractive brick home. Excellent location $59,500. IAYFIELD - 3 bedroom brick bungalows - Throe to choose from. Two with excellent finan- cing. Try your offer today. WILLY BUNN Bayfield 565-5055 '53,900. H .'+ • , E E ,' • el 00 + 47.0 16. For Rent RINSENVAC Carpet Cleaner rent for $12. day; also wallpaper remover $2. day - free if you purchase wallpaper from us. Langford Lumber Home Centre, 482-3995.-37- 40a r 17, Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment, $200. a month, at 103 James St. References required. Available Oct. 1. Phone 833- 9021 :-35tf APARTMENT and semi- detached units to rent in Clinton and Vanastra. Call 482- 3096 after 6 p.m. -38,39 GROUND FLOOR, one bedroom apt., heated, stove and 'fridge supplied. Adults only, no pets and newly decorated. $175. a month. Phone 482-7894.-39 ONE BEpROOM, living room, kitchen and bathroom, fridge and stove and all utilities in- cluded. $175. per month. Phone 482.7716 after 5 p.m. -39,40 12. Real estate for sale JOHN l DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR N ACRE FARM - Contains. like\ now 4 bedroom brick and aluminum home and farrow to finish building. Features. rolling land, some bush and trout stream. First Mortgage at 10.5 per- cent East of Clinton on No. $ Hwy. CASH CROP LAND - New Listing. 102 acres in Ash- field Twp. at '2,250 per acre; 36.6 acres on No. 4 Hwy. 3 miles N. of Clin- ton '2,300 per acre. 1.4 ACRES - Near Ban- nockburn Conservation area. Superb, remodelled 3 bedroom home with rich natural woodwork; spacious, modern kitchen and family room with energy-saving stove. Sundeck, fruit trees, tranquil setting. '65,000. COUNTRY MARKET VARIETY, Vanastra - 1,000 sq. ft. presently leased until January, additional 7,000 sq. ft. In building. Mortgage sole, sonod commerclal. '59,000. 221 HURON ST. - 66' x 132' Highway Commerical lot containing a 4 bedroom 11/4 storey home which could b. rented. Many commercial uses, priced al '16,900 or best offer for quick sale. 176 ONTARIO ST. - At- tractive Cope Cod style home with 3 bedrooms, hot water hooting, at- tached garage. Very appealing property with 10.23 percent mortgage until 1103. List price '43:100. CALL JOHN DUDDY 432-302 RUSS ARCHER $27+-1371 JOHN THOMPSONS27-1233 OFFICE 432-3766' alar en 41 fem r 7,00 + e81 v ea•, N.A. acv M 18. Houses for rent NOW RENTING St. Charles Square Vanastra, three bedroom town houses, water and heat supplied $250. month. Phone 482-7614.-36-47x FARM HOUSE in Kippen area, three bedroom, available now. Phone 262-6609. -38,39x FOR RENT - Three bedroom house close to downtown - available Oct. 1. $200. month. Phone 482-7724.-38tf IN BAYFIELD three bedroom house available Oct. 1 1981 for $300. a month plus hydro, water free. Harvey's Place. Phone 565-2899.-39,40 HOUSE FOR RENT or sale, reasonable terms in the Village of Varna; also money to put out on a first mortgage. Phone 482-7152.-39tf TWO FOUR,' BEDROOM homes, semi-detached in Vanastra $265. and $200. monthly. Phone 1 -744- 7809.-39,411 . RETIRED COUPLE wanted to live in country inn' three bedroom home in exchange for very little work. Phone 482- 3191.-39,40 18. Houses for rent WARP ELIZABETH COURT 1 bedrooms available now. Nov. 1 to Dec. 1 •238.50 features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities. Ali utilities included at 176 OXFORD ST. HENSALL, ONT. PHONE: 262-3448 20. Room & board CQMING AVAILABLE for winter: Double and single bedrooms, cable TV, one . bedsitting room with private bath; three meals daily - $13. a day, upstairs 1 only. Mrs. C. VanDamme, Holiday. Home, Clinton 482-3685.-36tfar 12. Real estate for sale Real Estate Ltd-. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338_ 612 ACRES - Hwy No. 8 - 3 miles from Clinton. Elegant stone house all nicely land- scaped. Quonset building suitable for barn or shop. Young orchard starting to bear, Owner selling for 'reasons of health. UNDER $30,000.00. = Nearly new 1 floor brick bungalow. Electric heat. 13 percent mortgage can be assumed. VANASTRA - 112 storey frame: Good condition. Owner will consider low down payment. Try an offer. LONDESBORO - 1172, storey home - aluminum sided - new kitchen, under $30,000.00 BRICK DUPLEX on James Street, Clinton - recently built, low interest mortgage in ef- fect. 2 ACRES - in Clinton. Paved road. 11 storey home in nearly new condition with carport. Swimming pool and many extras. 200 ACRE hog farm in Hullett Twp., 2 sets of buildings. Completely modern capacity for 2,000 hogs. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on corner lot at Orange and Princess Street, Clinton. Presently used as building supply yard. Priced to sell. HIGHWAY RESTAURANT - fully equipped, priced for a quick sale! too ACRES - cash crop land at Hoimesville, all workable. 10 ACRES farrow -to -finish for 80 sows near Auburn. MTacFAR LAN E REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 53 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-0541 KIPPEN Two storey aluminum 1 • sided home. Two bedroom, dining room, kitchen, living room. Sharp condition. Above ground pool and change house. HIGH STREET 2 storey from. horns, 3 bedrooms, dining room, living room, kitchen. 13% mortgage. 126 GORDON ST. Raised Ranch, 3 bedrooms, largo kit- chen, living room, 4 pc. bath, electric heat, full basement. 77 RATTENBURY ST. Frame 2 storey duplex. both units 2 bedrooms. full basement, gas heat. COMMERCIAL Brick 2 storey house zoned commercial, Ideal layout for offices. Two storey 6 unit apar- tment building. corner lot. VANASTRA Two storey, aluminum sided home, 3 bedroom family room, living room and kitchen. Two storey semi- detached units, 4 bedrooms, financing available. Two storey semi- detached unit, 3 bedroom full basement. Two storey single family dwelling, 3 bedroom, basement. 13% mor- tgage. BOB THOMAS - Res. 482-3096 iOf'.KMAN REAL ESTATE LTD.. CLINTON OFFICE - 482-3455 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 AILEEN CRAIG 482-360 '21,940.". Close to schools. Renovated -10% mortgage. New - large of - mortgage considered. 44,004." - Extra lot - try your offer. CALL US - WE NAVE MORE HOUSES AS WELL AS C,g' MMERCIAL PROPERTIES, INCOME PROPERTIES, AND APPROXIMATELY 100 FARMS FOR SALE