HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-09-30, Page 15Mr & Mrs. John Neutel Anglicans observe Harvest Thanksgiving this Sunday Outdoor ceremony Maryann Heykoop and John Neutel were married in a pretty outdoor ceremony on September 4th. The wedding was held at the home of Don and Hilda Gerrits of Brucefield. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Heykoop of Clinton and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harm Neutel of Woodstock. Rev. A. Vandenberg conducted the double ring ceremony and Nancy Heykoop, a sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Walter Neutel, a brother of the groom, was the best man. After the ceremony, the newlyweds left on a trip to through northern Ontario. They are now residing in Van astra. Prior to the wedding, showers for the bride were hosted by Hilda Gerrits for the groom's family and by Gerrie Bos for the bride's family and friends. Beta Sigma Phi finalize plans for Bake Sale The Zeta Omega Chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi met at the home of Shirley Mills on Tuesday, September 22. Nine members answered the roll call and since the cultural program was on hobbies, each girl stated what their hobby is. What followed was a very interesting presentation by Shirley Mills on the art of taxidermy. Shirley explain- ed the process of preparing and mounting the skins of animals with lifelike effect from the time the specimen arrives to the actual finished "'and mounted product. She had several examples off fish and birds at different stages of the process and we found it very informative. This presentation was followed by the reading of the minutes of the last SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS varni CLINTON SEAFORTH Area Represenative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street CLINTON 482-9441, GODERICH AREA Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Road GODERICH 524-7345 meeting and the treasurer's report. Our group put out a recipe book earlier this year and sales have been very good. Fines were then col- lected from a surprise breakfast held on September 12 and hosted by the Xi Ep- silon Chapter. The social committee reported on the Scavenger Hunt planned for October and the Shopping Trip in November to Kitchener. Ways and means finalized plans for the bake table at the Seaforth Ciderfest and service reported on the suc- cess of.:our. -two members, .. Marilyn Parr and Marie Black in the Terry Fox waikathon for Cancer. Plans for the Rush Party were presented by the Vice Presi- dent and the meeting closed with all members reciting the Closing Ritual.. Shirley then served a delicious lun- ch. NOTABLE QUOTES IN OUR MODERN WISDOM we claim that we are too humane to exact the death penalty for premeditated killing, but we do not blink at sending a non- violent offender into prison with a murderer or rapist, where his ultimate fate might well be death, or worse. '(Prophetic Expositor, 11 Sept. 81) Notable Quotes Society 555 KIninvie, London, N6G 1P1 THE HURON CENTRE FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH is pleased to invite you to hear Dr. Paul Patterson CONSULTANT PSYCHIATRIST TO THE CENTRE spooking on "HOW FAMILIES CHANGE CHILDREN'S BEHA VIOUR" At the Annual Meeting of the Centre WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7, 1981 7:30 pan., at the Huron Centre 160 Huron Street, Clinton, Ontari< The Huron Centre for Children & Youth has provided counselling service for hundreds of families since Its in- corporation as a Children's Mental Health Centre in 1977. The Centre is governed by a Board of Directors elected at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation. acEPICEIMIIN On this Sunday, October 4th, many Anglican con- gregations throughout Canada, will be observing several events, all which happen to fall on this par- ticular Sunday. The first observance is the Celebration of the Festival of Harvest Thanksgiving. It is a time when Christians gather in the Churches, to of- fer a special thanks to. Almighty God for the boun- tiful harvest that we enjoy. Many people think of the special day of Thanksgiving, as originating in the Plymouth Colony in the United States, when In 1621, the Governor proclaimed a special day for prayers and for thanksgiving. In the Church of England, however, the festival is very ancient and goes back at least, to the time of Alfred the Great (849 A.D.). It was then called Lammas Day, and was celebrated on the first day of August. It was customary to prepare the bread for the Mass, by using the first ripe corn of the season. The bread was then presented at the altar, and blessed in the Mass. Today, Anglicans will follow a similar custom. At St. Paul's, this Sunday, The Rev. Sylvia Brightwell, recently ordained and an assistant to The Rev. Canon Ray Farrell, at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church in London, will join with The Rev. James Broadfoot and the congregation in . this Festival of Thanksgiving. The congregation is for- tunate in having Sylvia share with them, for she is a woman who has many talents - especially in the area of church music. The second observance on. this Sunday, is World Wide Communion Sunday. It is a time when Christians from different denominations will gather together to express their unity and their com- ' mon allegiance to Jesus Christ, through the Sacra- ment of Holy Communion. This meal, of which Chris- tians partake, is first a reminder of the first meal in which Jesus shared with his disciples and is also a reminder of his sacrifice upon the cross for our salva- tion. Secondly, the meal points to the future meal, in which all Christians will share, in the Kingdom of God. The third observance comes from the Greek Or- thodox Church, who have in- vited all Christians to observe with them, 1600th Anniversary of the Second Great Ecumenical Council, which was held in Con- stantinople, in 381 A.D. This Second . Council was impor- tant to the Church for it af- firmed the Divinity of,,the Holy Spirit and incorported this belief into what is called the Nicene Creed. This creed is a statement of belief which has widely been accepted by the Christian Church,as the profession of faith, and also, what the Church believes concerning the Holy Trinity. - by Rev. James Broadfoot. Local obituary Reginald Clifford A Clinton resident for more than three decades, Reginald C. Clifford of 412 Matilda Street, died at his home on September 20th He was 71 years old. Mr. Clifford was born in Bath, England on March 19, 1910 to Albert and Louise Clifford. He moved. to Canada in 1929 and farmed in the Seaforth area until 1942. Moving to Clinton at that time, Mr. Clifford was employed as a stationary engineer with the Depart- ment of National Defence at the Canadian Forces Base in Clinton, retiring when the base closed in 1971. He was also a member of the First Baptist Church in Clinton. Mr. Clifford had been ill for the past several years and through St. Joseph's Hospital in London was on pertoneal dialysis for neatly three years. Mr.. Clifford was married to Hazel McMichael in 1938 and he is survived by his wife. He is also survived by two sons, Bert of Stratford and Ron of Orleans. Gran- dchildren Bill and Brenda Clifford of Orleans also survive Mr. Clifford: Also surviving are three brothers Albert Clifford of Bristol, England; Frank Clifford of Heathfield, England and Bill Champ of Bristol, England. Four sisters, Mrs. Ted (Doris) Williams of Bath, England; , Mrs. May Mason .of Brad- ford, England; Mrs. Kathleen Pye of Bradford, England; Mrs. Malcolm ( Edith) Russell of Bristol, England, also survive their brother. Mr. Clifford was predeceased by one brother Stanley, and one grandson Michael Clifford, along with his parents. Funeral services were held at the Beattie Funeral Horne in Clinton on Sep- tember 22nd. Pastor Edward Anderson officiated and interment followed in the Clinton Cemetery. The pallbearers included two grandsons, Dave and Bill Clifford, and three nephews, Brian and Bob McMichael, and John Suth erla nd. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Scott were married on September 4th at Clinton's Wesley Willis United Church. The groom is the son of Ken Scott of RR 3, Auburn and ;!ie late Mildred Scott. Nancy, the bride, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Len Fawcett of Clinton. The newlyweds are making their new home at the groom's RR 3, Auburn farm. (James Fitzgerald photo ) Former resident dies ALAN ARMSTRONG Alan Archibald Arm- strong, • 31, formerly of Bayfield, passed away sud- denly, at Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton on Tues- day, September 22. He was born in Clinton on August 17, 1950 and spent his early years in Stanley Township where he attended Public School at SS No. 4 E. After completing high school at Central Huron Secondary School and the University of Waterloo, where he received a degree of B. Sc., in honour physics. He spent some time work- ing at the National Research Centre, Ottawa' before conti- nuing his education at Carleton University, Ottawa where he graduated in 1977 with a B. Eng. degree. He had been engaged in research and development with Northern Telecom Canada Ltd. in Bramalea since 1977. In 1976 he was married to Shirley Wattle of Ottawa who survives him. Besides his wife he is survived by one daughter, Charlene Elizabeth; his parents, William and Maude (Mac - Math) Armstrong; two brothers, Doug and James, all of RR3 Bayfield; and two sisters, Mrs. Gary (Winnie) Darnbrough, Bayfield and Mrs. Chris (Julia) Archam- bault, London: He was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfield. The funeral service was held on September 24th at the Ward Funeral Home in Brampton with Rev. Stephen Farris of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Amherstview and Mr. Colin Harris of Bayfield Presbyterian Church con- PRYDE MONUMENTS war, The Pryde Name Represents Over 60 Years Of Service To Huron & Surrounding Counties May we have the privilege of serving you with your memorial needs ORDER NOW! — Over 150 monuments on display and ready for installation this fall. — All priced well below regular 1981 prices. — Compare before you buy — We have the most fully equipped shop right here in Exeter to give you the finest quality and service possible. — The only service and product we sell is cemetery memorials. — All work fully guaranteed. mrmoikiks Ai sw Pryde Monuments 293 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-0620 Area Representative Don Denomme Bus. 482-9505 Res. 524-6621 ducting the service. The funeral was largely at- tended by friends, relatives and co-workers who paid warm tribute to Alan for his outstanding qualities of con- scientiousness, kindness and understanding. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,1901 --PAGE 13 Rev.Renner passes Peter Home ee The Rev. Peter Renner of Wiarton died in Owen Sound General Hospital on Sep- tember 19th. He was in his 81st year. Mr. Renner itesurvived by his wife Clara of Wiarton, and his children Percy of Bayfield, Mrs. Glenn (Delores) Brandon of RR 1, Varna . and step -daughter Mrs. Ken (Shirley) Greig of Mississauga. Thirteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren also survive Mr. Renner, along .with two sisters, Pearl and Olive, and four brothers, George, Arthur, Lawrence and Wilfred. Several nieces and nephews also survive. Mr. Renner was predeceased by his parents, his first wife the former Leona Gibson, a brother 11 Winghom Memorials *Guaranteed Granite *Cemetery Lettering *Buy Direct and save Commissions BUS. PHONE 347-1910 RES. 357-1015 Clinton Hospital Auxiliary The Clinton Public Hospital Auxiliary President Ruth Bond and her Executive WISH TO THANK THE GENERAL PUBLIC FOR THEIR TREMENDOUS SUP- PORT AT THE 27TH ANNUAL PENNY SALE. We acknowledge also. the Business and Professional people of Clinton and surroun- ding areas for donations of merchandise and Cash, the Town Hall, Pete's TV for set- ting up and use of P.A. System and also the Clinton Police Department. Percy and two grandsons. Funeral services were held at St. John's. United Church in Wiarton on Sep- tember 21 and interment followed at the Bayfield Cemetery. MONUMENTS MARKERS - CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANIN: REPAIR DON DENOMME . i. AREA REPRESENTATIVE FOR AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME Phone 524-6621 T. PRYDE & SON LTD. BUSINESS EST. 1920 you are invited to join with the congregation of ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH for the Festival of Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday, October 14, 1981 11:30 a.m. with the Celebration of Holy Communion GUEST SPEAKER The Rev. Sylvia Brightwell Deacon at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, London. "O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good." You are invited to the Annual Conference of Joseph St. Gospel Hall Held at Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton on Saturday and Sunday, October 3 & 4 /'81 Order of Meetings Sat. Oct. 3 MINISTRY OF THE WORD 10:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M. -7:30 P.M. Sun. Oct. 4 BREAKING OF BREAD 10:00 A.M. MINISTRY OF THE WORD 2:30 P.M. GOSPEL 7:30 P.M. E 4•9 No Collections r L St. -Paul's Anglican Church THE REV. JAMES R. BROADFOOT B.A. M. Div. SUNDAY, OCT. 4, 1981 16th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11 30 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon. Guest Speaker: Rev. Sylvia Brightwell from St. John The Evangelist, London. SUNDAY SCHOOL 8 NURSERY AVAILABLE DURING MORNING WORSHIP Christian Reformed 1 Christian Reformed Church 243 Princess St. E., Clinton REV. ARIE VANDEN BERG B.D., Th. M. SUNDAY, OCT. 4 i0 A.M. Worship Service SERMON: "Prayer for Revival"' 1 3 P.M. Worship Service SERMON: "God's Plan Of Redemption" All visitors welcome Watch "FAITH 20" at 9:30 A.M. on Global T.V. Pentecostal ( Calvary Pentecostal Church 166 Victoria St Clinton Pastor: Paul Shevchuk 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship 7:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service r LL WELCOME Church Services Fellowship Bible Chapel 162 Maple Street Clinton , SPEAKER: JERRY RITSKES, WINGHAM SUNDAY TUESDAY WED., OCT. 7 • THURS, 9:45 A.M. Worship Service 11:00 A.M. Family Bible Hour & Sunday School 7:00 P.M. Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting 10 n.m. Coffee Hour 7 p.m. Awana Clubs Presbyterian St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church THE REV. THOMAS A.A. DUKE CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST SUNDAY, OCT. 4, 1981 DEDICATION SERVICE NEW CHURCH DOORS 10 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL ALL WELCOME United Wesley -Willis United Church PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE MINISTER REV. JAMES BECHTEL B.A. B.D. Organist - Miss Catharine Potter Choir Director - Mrs Wm. Hearn SUNDAY, OCT. 4, 1981 11 A.M. Worship Service SERMON: "THE LAST SUPPER Nursery 8 Sunday School HOLMESV11LE 9 45 A M. Worship Service and Sunday School { "THE LAST SUPPER' J United Ontario Street United Church 105 Ontario S' Clinton MINISTER REV R NORMAN PICK ORGANIST ' LOUISE McGREGOR 17TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST OCTOBER 4, 1981 11 A M Chur-h School ` 11 A.M Holy Communion *Note: "ALL TIMES DAYLIGHT SA VIN S TIME"