HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-09-23, Page 20A �e''C�rt .1 :. ha PAGE 20-CLINTON NEWS-EECORll, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1981 R -.04243 04243 .r TIC _1114/1 t• Nal;' tmm,, 1(71,4,) - +0100 1100 ..a• . 5 D+w Au Mn„ sE EE o▪ w QrrmwL aDA !• • Av. IMS 'Ideate Occ 961-1200 •Iles 6 Iwo.m •0l 'kg?74 1. Articles for sale SICK ROOM Supplies, patient aids, support garments, convalescent products, etc.. See Rieck Pharinacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-1tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. See Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-ltf MASTECTOMY SERVICES now available, contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shopper's Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-22tf NEW HONEY FOR SALE in your container or ours. Honeymead Apiaries, Alec Ostrom, 2 miles North of VaraVarna. Phone482-7287.-35-40 a. Prothesis Services - Custom fitting in the newest styles. All sizes in stock. Price $150.00 with 3 year guarantee. Located in Bayfield area or can be fitted in your home. Couturiere, Eileen Chalet 236- 4222- If no answer, leave message 236-4740.-38,39x HUMANE Live Traps for mice, rats, squirrels, coon, rabbits, etc.- Also wood and cedar kindling. Phone 482- 3842.- 30tfeow CUSTOM WOOD splitting - $25. a day! 482.9169 - Dave or Joe. -38x GLASS - BLACK and Brass Fireplace Door's 27" high x 34" wide, outside measurement; fireplace basket style grate 13" high x 23" wide;brass fireplace screen 27" high x 33" wide; bird cage on stand. Phone 482-9517.-38 DgCORATIVE Indian Corn in wide range of colours, 1 mile east of Clinton on Highway No. 8, after 5 p.m. Dick Roorda 482- 9862.-38x APPLES - Maclntosh and Cortland now ready. Pick your own Snows, Sweets; Greenings, Delicious starting Sat. Oct. 3. Spies and Russets Sat. Oct 10. Picking days Monday, Wednesday and Saturdays. Cider apples, Bring containers. McClymont Orchards 1 mile south of Varna. Phone 482-3214. -38,39 OVEN READY DUCKS, 4-7 pounds. Phone Gerald Mar- tene 527-1507.-38,39 TRY C & E USED FUR- NITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231.-40tf ROASTING CHICKENS oven ready 8 - 9 lbs. available now. Robert Coleman 527-1645.-36- 38 WOOD FOR SALE - Call 482- :1162.-36-39 82- :1162: 36-39 FRIDGE; chest drawers; students desk; floor model radio; boxoldbottles; vibrator recliner chair; Richards 24 volume encyclopedia; Countries of the World set; treadle sewing machine; antique arm chair; pair folding doors; $25. each item. Phone 482-3301.-38x GIRL'S new condition size 8, winter coat and girl's new condition size 14 winter coat. Phone 482-9139.-38 FiLL YOUR freezer with bushels of broccoli, squash,. peppers, cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and beets. TE -EM FARM, RR 1, Bayfield, 482-0040.-38 HEAVY BREED of Hens - laying well $1.50 each. Phone 565-5319.-38 DRIED SHEEP Manure for fail fertilization. 25 Ib. bag $2. Phone 482-7896.-38x TV RCA black and white, 21", and wooden stand, good condition $59. Phone 482- 7608.-38x • r(111CCT 41" c' 40..e M•„ outgo. St .24 7•Ie GA4ue 43 Hs 1r 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ........ Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1- Articles for sale 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive - 10. Pets for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room 8 board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent PHONE 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Wanted to rent Wanted to buy Help wanted Wanted (general) Business opportunity Tenders Employment wanted Service directory Personal Notice to creditors Announcements Mortgages Auction sale Educational Lost & Found To give away Death notice Births Engagements Marriages In memoriam Card of thanks 484-3445 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:OO a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sole TWO WESTERN Saddles, 1 black, 1 brown. $100.00 each. Phone 482-9142.-38,39 TWO USED -aluminum storm doors, 1 jam cupboard. Phone 482-3084 after 6 p.m. 38nx FRANKLIN Fireplace- complete with black pipe and 9 ft insulaleil chimney grate, 'grill and cleaning tools. $200.00 or best offer. Phone 482- 3222.-38x APPROXIMATELY 4 sq. of white John Mansville Siding and one 36" combination aluminum door. Phone 482- 9100 after 5 o'clock. -38x LIKE NEW. two cylinder compressor - 80-115 lbs. compression. Two sections of light scaffolding and planks. New floor model 6 -inch belt sanding machine and ac- cessories. Phone 482-9793.-38 NEW BLUE and white marble vanity top. 43" x 22". Phone 482-3568.-38 APPLES - Whitehall Farm has your favourite apples again. Maclntosh and Wolfriver. Phone 482-9838.-38,.39' APPLES - Macintosh, Cor- tland. fresh cider, red and white potatoes, onions and honey. Phone 524-8037. Art Bell's Fruit Farm.-38tfar URINE -ERASE saves car- pets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A., Reidell Chemicals Ltd. Box 7500, London, Ontario N5Y 9X13.-38bc EXTEND growing season three months with nationally advertised Greenery Season Extender 44" x 44" x 49". Regularly $99.99, now only $49.99 order C.O.D. Haliburton Machine & Manufacturing Ltd., Box 2, Haliburton, Ontario KOM ISO (705) 457- 2062 .-38bc FIREWOOD FOR SALE Stove & Camp Ph. 482-3294 482-3509 SCHOLL'S ABATTOIR and Freezer Meats CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING & PROCESSING Monday - Beef :Tuesday - Pork CALL 262-2041 fter H©urs 262 27y2, l RETAIL ORDERSs BEEF OR PORK ®SIDES *HINDS *LOINS Retail Hours- Wed., Fri... 8 a.m. • 5 p.m. Scat. 8 a.m.. 1 p.m. MILL ST,HENSALL7ONT. 262.2041 2 r• 1. Articles for sale INSULATED CHIMNEY, rain cap, clean out and tee, grass trimmer, old school desk, baby crib, highchair, large steel ,spoked wheel. , Phone 482- 3298.-38x DRESSED TURKEY for sale ranging from 15-20lb. .$1.00 per Ib. Will be ready for Thanksgiving: Phone 523-9609 anytime. -38,39x TWO Hospital beds excellent condition. $25. each. Phone 482- 9142.-38 ONE BUILT-IN Westinghouse oven and matching set of built- in counter -top burners, $60.00 each piece or $100.00 for the set. '1969 Thunderbolt 650 B.S.A. in excellent condition. Best offer over $500.00. Two pair of Chinese Golden Pheasants $20.00 a pair.' One McClary Easy refrigerator in good condition $50.00. Phone 524-9175.-37,38nx 9' HAGEDORN Snowblower used 2 seasons. Phone 482- 9801.-37, 38x NEW RED Chieftan Potatoes 15c per lb. 50 lb. for $7, also cucumbers -for pickling. Phone 482-3460.--37tf PIONEER KP 500 Super Tuner cassette FM under dash $175. Phone 482-7183.-37,38 CUCUMBERS for pickling and sweet corn. 5 miles east of Clinton on Hwy. No. 8. Mrs. John Segeren 482-9217,-38 2. Yard Sale FIVE FAMILIES YARD SALE - Saturday, Sept. 26 all day (9-6) across from township sheds in Holmesville. Baby clothes, girls clothes 8 to 14 (jeans, slacks, etc .); household items, stove, boat, a few antiques, much more. -38x 5. Cars for sale 1973 FORD LTD, 2 door har- dtop, low mileage, can be seen at Clinton Chrysler or phone 482-9801.-37,38x 1977 BUICK LeSABRE, 301 engine, two door, Landau top, excellent condition. Price $3000. Phone 482-3210 after 5 p.m. -38x SALE - One Week Only! 1974 Chrysler Newport. Air, Michelins. Parts car only! $300. or best offer! 482- 9169.-38x SHARP LOOKING 1972 �! Pontiac laurentian, good body, good running condition, air shocks, 1981 plates, certified. Phone 482-7181.-38 10. Pets for sale SHELTIES two male pups, five weeks old, can be registered. Hensall 262- 5935. ---38 1. Aae'N', nN 12. Real estate for sale JOHN L RUDDY '1 REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR BUILDINGS FOR SALE - Wartime buildings at Vanostra, some frame, some block with con- crete floors and truck access - doors. Multi- purpose, all sizes from 3;000 sq. ft. to over 30,000 sq. ft. VANASTRA ARENA - Now offered at '115,000.. a fraction of replacement cost. Built 1961 of concrete block construction (insulated). Being sold as en operating ice rink. '80,000. existing finan- cing at 9.5 and 11.5 per- cent. CASH CROP LAND - New listing. 182 acres in Ash- field Twp, at '2,250 per acre; 86.6 acres on No. 4 Hwy., 3 miles N. of Clin- ton, '2,300. per acre. "LIKE NEW" BUILDINGS - 88 acres, highway location, contains a 9 yr - old' 2 storey 4 bedroom brick and aluminum home plus farrow to finish barn. Built 1978. Features rolling land with some bush and trout stream. First mor- tgage at 10.5 percent. 40 acres workable.' 225,000. R.R. 1, ZURICH - 2.27 acres 'containing a 4 bedroom farm home with large garden area. Offen invited on list price of '39,500. 200 ONTARIO ST., CLIN- TON - 3 bedroom, 2 storey home with beautiful interior decor. Modern kitchen, 2 new bathrooms, family room with woodstove, large garage. Competitively priced '43,900. B EAT HIGH INTEREST RATES - Several homes listed in Clinton, B rucefield, Blyth and Rural locations with mortgages at much lower than current rates. Drop in and see our office display. Members - Huron Real Estate Board, Multiple Listing Service, featuring your property in monthly com- puterised -print-out catalogue. CALL JOHN DUDDY 482-3652 RUSS ARCHER 527-1871 JOHN THOMPSON 527-1238 OFFICE 482=3766_1 12. Real estate for sale WHITE FRAME , house on Queen St. two bedrooms with gas furnace in good condition, black top driveway, close to up town, first mortgage can be arranged. Priced for quick sale. Phone 482-3274.-38,39x MUFAR LAN E REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 53 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-0541 CLINTON KIPPEN Two storey aluminum sided home. Two bedroom, dining room, kitchen, living room. Sharp condition. Above ground pool and change ' house. HIGH STREET 2 storey frame home, 3 bedrooms, dining room, living room, kitchen. Vendor to consider new mortgage. 126 GORDON ST. Raised Ranch, 3 bedrooms, large kit. then, living room, 4 pc. both, electric heat, full basement. 77.RATTENBURY ST. Frame 2 storey duplex, both units 2 bedrooms, full basement, gas heat. COMMERCIAL Brick 2. storey house zoned commercial, Ideal.. layout for offices. Two storey 6 unit apar- tment building, corner lot. VANASTRL Two story„ aluminum sided Koine,droom family room. living room and kitchen. .Two s•orey semi- detached units, 4 bedrooms, financing avolloble. Two storey semi- detached unit. 3 bedroom full basement. Two storey single family dwelling, 3 bedroom, kitchen, living room, full basement. BOB THOMAS Office 235-0541 Res. 482-3096 A. For sale PIONEER PARTNER & Poulan Chainsaws, complete parts and service for what we sell. Discount prices for some models in effect for a limited time. Call Robert Glen Saws 482-9292, Clinton-- 37-411 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Canton -482.7511 Barry Millar Exeter -236.2717 Kirton -229.6203 Douglas Carruthors-237.3734 Gregory Hargreaves -282-2619 B. Custom Work CUSTOM BiG round baling: plowing and also • chisel plowing and silo filling. Phone Co Zonda g 565-5308. -35-40 CUSTOM COMBINING of Corn • Wagons and auger available Phone 482-7192.-36- :39 CUSTOM SiLO FILLING - Phone Hank Reinink 523- 9202-38tfar D. Livestock REGISTERED polled Hereford bulls. Halter -broken. Ready to work. Ed Powell, RR 1, Wingham. Phone 335- :189:3. _ 38,39 BROOD MARE - Ferrica Baker sire Ferric Hanover - dam Melita Biker bred to Scram Phone 524-7081. -38x E. Farm service SHIPPING CATTLE to Toronto t:nion Stockyards every Monday. Campbell McKinley 262-54:30.-48tf FARMERS For all your farm buildings BIG :9 R SMALL Give Ray Umbers Construction a call 482-3305 12. Real estate for sale Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 402-9371 Residence: 523-9338 NEW LISTING - 61.2 acres - Hwy. No. 8 - 3 miles from Clinton - elegant stone house all nicely landscaped - quonset building >-suitable for barn or shop - young orchard starting to bear - owner selling for reasons of health. NEW LISTING - Under $30,000 - nearly new 1 floor brick bungalow - electric heat - 13 percent mortgage can be assumed. LONDESBORO - 11/2 storey home - aluminum sided - new kitchen, under $30,000.00 BRICK DUPLEX on James Street, Clinton - recently built, low interest mortgage in ef- fect. 2 ACRES - edge of Clinton, paved road, 11,2 storey home in nearly new condition with carport - swimming pool and many extras. 200 ACRE hog farm in Hullett Twp., 2 sets of buildings. Completely modern capacity for 2 ,000 hogs. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on corner lot at Orange and Princess Street, • Clinton. 'Presently used as building supply yard. Priced to sell. HIGHWAY RESTAURANT - fully equipped, priced for a quick sale! 100 ACRES - cash crop land at Holrriesville, all workable. 10 ACRES farrow -to -finish for 80 sows near Auburn. gut '4KEEi 611 DG 07.0 1'3: Mobile homes' FOR SALE - 12' x 68' mobile home, two bedroom, large kitchen 12' x 20', carpet throughout and drapes in- cluded, trailer unfurnished, large shed included. Phone 482-7220 or 482-7479. -37,38 12. Real estate for sale HOBBY FARM near Mark - dale, Talisman and Beaver Valley Ski Lifts. 52 acres, 35 clear, 15 maple bush. House, 2 barns, springs, good terms. Asking $44,000. (416) 247- 1395.-38bc s• s• LAUCKNER REALTY INC. BAYFIELD - One of Bayfield's most attrac- tive lots. Handyman's special. Reduced price. BAYFIELD - 2 bedroom summer cottage, drilled well, beautiful treed lot overlooking Bayfield River. BAYFIELD - 2 yr. old ran- ch brick bungalow, com- pletely winterized on 100 ft. lakefront lot. Year round access, Water supply and elec- tric heat. ZURICH - One floor bungalow, 3 bedroom, modern kitchen, full basement, electric heat, garage, 66' x 180' lan- dscaped lot, town water and sewer. CALL ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield 565-2813 16. For hent oo Nss 11 sA� y `19ev Am ' 778411474/ N A 040 l r. 4„fr, .,. FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd .)-l4tfar PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trawls,_, wheelbarows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich .36- 4954.-16tfar RINSENVAC Carpet Cleaner rent for $12. day; also wallpaper remover $2. day - free if you purchase wallpaper from us. Langford Lumber Home Centre, 482-3995.-37- 40ar 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment, $200. a month, at 103 James St. References required. Available Oct. 1. Phone 833- .0,9021.-35tf WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINTON OFFICE - 482-3455 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETER DAMSMA , 482-9849 AILEEN CRAIG 482-3669 Vendor will consider a mortgage on this new 3 bedroom well built side split home on a large lot. z TOWNSEND ST. - Zr, bedroom, 1 floor' home, finished basement, pool, garage. ONTARIO ST. - 3.or 4 bedroom home, family room, attached garage, '36,500.00. ONTARIO ST. - 4 bedroom home, lot size 118 x 132 • asking '34,900.00. - HOLMESVILLE - 3 bedroom home on '/, acre nicely lan- dscaped. RATTENBURY ST. W. - 2 bedroom home, garage, lot 82 x 132 - asking '20,000.00. DELIGHTFULLY decorated brick home with family room ad- dition. HURON ST. - 3 bedroom home, 1 bedroom apt., lot 821/, x 132, asking '30,000.00. HIGHWAY COMMERICAL PROPERTY with modern I buildings, plenty of land for parking or expansion. BRUCEFIELD - 1425 sq. ft. brick home, 3 bedrooms, heat pump, lot 73 x 147 asking '79,000.00. COUNTRY HOME, brick, good condition, barn & shed on 2 acres, CLINTON OUTSKIRTS, bungalow with garage, rec. room, 3 bedrooms on a quiet street. RANCH STYLE ANGELSTONE bungalow with garage, sun - deck, nicely landscaped lot. EXECUTIVE STYLE SIDESPLIT offering 3,000 sq. ft. of living space on a double lot. WARTIME HOME, 3 bedrooms, '20,000,00. 2.3 ACRES with magnificent brick home in Clinton. BUNGALOW OFFERING, 3 bedrooms, finished basement, carport, '44,900.00. BARGAIN - 4 bedroom aluminum clod home. Only '25,000.". 10'//% MORTGAGE, 2 or 4 bedroom, 1 floor home small down payment. T0% MORTGAGE.- '7,500." down, 4 bedroom brick home, excellent condition. 10% MORTGAGE on this well kept 4 bedroom, 1 floor home. Asking '35,000.00 LARGE HEATED WORKSHOP, double lot, 3 bedroom home, INCOME PROPERTY - 5 units, recent renovations, large lot, expansion potential. '/a ACRE - 3 bedroom 1 floor home, treed lot, close to Clinton. WELL BUILT 3 BEDROOM - ranch style brick bungalow close to downtown. 3 BEDROOM HOME -Close to school. '21,900.°° Call us - we have more listings. BACHELOR Apartment ground floor, garden, off street parking, Hensall 262-2939 evenings or weekends. -37,38 APARTMENT and semi- detached units to rent in Clinton and Vanastra. Call 482- 3096 after 6 p.m. -38,39 Culligan COUNTRY PROPERTY - Five bedroom, two bathroom, bar, basement entrance, barn, workshop. On two. lots near Bayfitild, two minutes from Marina. '79,900. STREET' • o he o Ik r ch. HOWARD BAYFIEL lak to Qufi'i location.. Fully, decorated. ex'eellent value. '41,900. HEART OF THE VILLAGE OF BAYFiELD- Three be fie wot - ener, TV tower, Super value! Was '59,500. LAK EMI) Cu. Ne vA*Excep- tio luo. '125,000. CIRCA -1860 older 4 '53.900. bedroom co plan ho n r on Hwy. Pli 152' x 864' running to Lake Huron. '89,500. TRY YOUR OFFER TODAY - Vendor will consider holding mortgage to qualified purchasers. WILLY BUNN Bayfield 565-5055 18. Houses for rent THREE BEDROOM House for rent on Ontario St., available Oct. 1 phone 482-9678.-35tf NOW RENTING St. Charles Square Vanastra, three bedroom town houses, water and heat supplied $250. month. Phone 482-7614.-36-47x RETIRED COUPLE wanted to live in country in three bedroom home in exchange for very little work. Phone 482- 3191.-37,38 TWO BEDROOM semi- detached home good location, $185.00 per month. Available Oct. 1. Phone Don McCauley after 6 p.m. 524-4220.-38x TWO BEDROOM - all on one floor available a pprox. Oct. 15. References required. Phone 887-9024.-38x FARM HOUSE in Kippen area, three bedroom, available now. Phone 262-6609, 38,39x IN BAYFIELD - Three bedroom house available Oct. 1, 1981. $300. a month plus hydro - water free. Harvey's Place. Phone 565-2899. -38 FOR RENT - Three bedroom house close to downtown - available Oct. 1. $200. month. Phone 482-7724.-38tf TWO FOUR Bedroom homes, semi-detached in Vanastra. $265.00 and $200.00 monthly Phone 1-744-7809.-38 ELIZABETH COURT 1 bedrooms available now. Nov. 1 to Dec. 1 '238.50 features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilites. All utilities Included at 176 OXFORD ST. HENSALL, ONT. PHONE: 262-3448 19. Rooms for rent ONE ROOM for. rent 4 miles N.W. of Clinton. $150.00 per month. All utilities paid. Phone after 6 p.rn. 482-9805.-38 20. Room & board COMING AVAILABLE for winter: Double and single bedrooms. cable TV, one bedsitting room with private bath: three meals daily - $13. a day, upstairs 1 only. Mrs. C. VanDamme, Holiday Horne, Clinton 482.3685,-36tfar 12. Real estate for sale GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK 0 G 0 Sit 0 0 0 0 0 CIS c HAL HARTLEY 482-3693 GK REALTY & Insurance Inc. 14 Isaac Street, Clinton 482-9747 CLARE SAGER 524-8995 NEW LISTING - Vanastra, 3 bedroom, 1'/ storey, CMHC., 6 Regina. '17,500. SOLSTH OF CLINTON - 1 mile on Hwy. 4, 3 bedrooms, aluminum with garage and fireplace, Low taxes, lot 70 ft. x 239 ft. Priced right, town water. COMMERCIAL BUILDING - in downtown Clinton Contains 2 offices and a large work area. One of- fice is currently leased. Financing considered for qualified purchaser. Price reduced. 86 King St. NEW LISTING- 1 storey, 3 bedroom with extra lot, gas heat, well landscaped. This gracious home called "TINTERN" is priced to sell at '29,900. 189 Huron St. NEW LISTINGS - Vonastra - like new - built 1976. Three bedroom brick CMHC homes with electric heat at '26,500. NEW LISTING - Clinton, 2 bedroom, 1 storey with garage workshop 29' x 13', recreation room 21' x 10'. 1 year's gas heat '377. Priced reasonably. 137 Joseph St. CLINTON - 4 bedroom, i'/, storey older brick, cen- tral location, well maintained, 2 fireplaces, garage, re -insulated, nice grounds. 56 Gibbings St. 4 ACRES- '/. mile south of Clinton on Hwy. 4, with 2 bedroom brick home. Property goes right back to n Bayfield River. Beautiful location. Must be seen. CLINTON - 3 bedroom, 1 storey brick built 1973. Area 1,018 sq, ft., 2 baths, gas heat, well in- sulated, large lot, must be seen. 47 Walker St, LISTINGS WANTED 0 you are thinking of Buying or Selling your property, contact O.K. Realty 482-9747 :mem- ber Huron Real Estate Bogard and Multiple Listlrt.•, Serelee. GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK 0 G 0 0 Ci 0 7C