HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-09-23, Page 51 ,., Report t m your tutee By Joan Van den Broeck Trustee for Goderich -Colborne Twps. Huron Board of Education 'Back to school days' are exciting buries for families and the initial enthusiasm is as heartening for parents as it is contagious as we parents anticipate the return to some degree of normalcy in• our lives. Getting into harness again, rather than seeming onerous, appears as an enviable state of being. Alas, • euphoric beginnings cannot last - but isn't it great! It gives me great pleasure to greet you and your family and to let you know that I sincerely hope that your children will achieve a measure of success and satisfaction this school year. I am pleased to report that over the summer the hallways and the exterior entrance way at Holmesville and two classrooms and the kindergarten room at Colborne Central were painted. The Board has hired two full-time painters who will be responsible for en- suring that all our schools will receive attention through a comprehensive painting program. I am very pleased with this decision as the maintenance of our schools cannot be ignored without a resulting deterioration of our facilities. The Board is considering minimum instruction times and early winter dismissal policy for our elementary schools. There is some doubt that the early dismissal arrangements (as were in place last year) are in the best interest of aur children as the rural child, in par- ticular, needs the extended lunch hour to socialize with his peers and enjoy a well- rounded extra -curricular program. Your comments on this would be appreciated. A machine shop credit course for Grade 12 and an instrumental music credit course will be run through ttie night school program at Clinton. We hope that this arrangement, though not ideal, will prove viable. Because of continued declining enrollment, the feasibility of course selec- tions must come under close scrutiny. However, to insure that there is an opportunity for full dialogue, any request for additions or of courses must come before the Board for approval. There will be at least four weeks between the presentation of the proposed change and a decision by the Board to allow for com- munity input. Hopefully, this action will make the decision making process more open. The Board has prepared its comments regarding the Secondary Education Review Project for the consideration of the Ministry. One of the major components \of general in- terest is the proposed deletion of Grade 13, the implementation of which - though phased in - could have a major financial impact on our small Board. Also, a strengthening of the link between the work place and the secondary school is locked upon with favour, though, as a rural -based community our limitations are apparent. Hopefully, the Ministry will recognize our needy in this regard and make provisions which will allow us to -participate fully in the' Linkage' program. A major Special Education Bill was passed by the Province which is referred to as `Bill 82". This Bill will ensure that all the children in the Province are provided with the special help they may need to meet their potential. Fortunately, the Huron County Board has long recognized the im- portance of special education and we already meet most of the Provincial requirements. Further staffing requirements will be phased in over the next three years. If you, as a parent, feel that your child is having undue difficulties, may I urge you to discuss his program with his -her teacher. You will be pleased to learn that support and guidance systems are in place for the benefit of your child. If I can be of any help, or you wish to discuss any concern you may have, please do not hesitate to give me a call. I would , like to hear from you. • ANNUAL25TH BEEF ILO STORE HOURS Monday. 8:30 a.m.-6:.0.0 p.m. Thursday ..:. 8:30 a.m.-9:OU p.m. Tuesday 0 8.30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Friday 8.30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. j Wednesday .. 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday .... 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Store Packed acon Ends. 9 Canada Grade 4A" Large Eggs Sunrise - Partly Skimmed Fresh L 2% Milk 78 3 Quart Bags Aylmer Fancy dozen CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1981 -PAGE 5 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1981. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES: 1 Canada Fancy Ontario MacIntosh Apples 185 51b. bag L Tomato Juice. Nescafe Instant Cof0 fee Cut from Canada Grade "A" beef Rib Steaks 2 28 ib. -11 Catelli Macaroni & Cheese Dinner 225 g McCain 25 oz. Frozen Strawberry Shortcake 1.99 Pampers Pkg. of 24 Disposable Toddler Size Diapers 4.49 Milk Mate 20 B. oz. Instant Chocolate, Strawberry or Banana Syrup 1.69 Rowntree 4 reg. Assorted Candy Bars 1.39 Christie's Premium Plus Salted or Unsalted Crackers 450 g Monarch Cake & Pastry or All Purpose Flour 2.5 kg 1.99 Old Dutch Liquid Bleach 3.6 L 1.09 Swanson 5-9 oz. Frozen Assorted Varieties Entree's .99 IGA 24 oz. Sliced. Enriched Bread 2/$1.09 Aylmer 19 fl. oz. Choice Assorted Vegetables . 49 Aylmer 32 fl. oz. Tomato Ketchup 1.59 Kellogg's 675 g Corn Flakes Cereal 1.39 Slokety a 19 O. oz., Dark Red or New Orleans Style Kidney Beane or Van Camp Pork In Tomato Sauce Beans . 69 Hunt's , 14 fl. oz. Tomato Sauce . 59 Stuart House Pkg. of 10 Giant Garbage Bags 1.19 Love My Carpet 400 g Regular, Citrus or Floral Rug & Room Deodorizer 1.99 Salada Pkg. of 60 Orange Pekoe Paper Tea Bags Bicks 1.5 L Garlic, No Garlic or Polskie Dill Pickles 1.99 1.99 Fantastik 24 fl. oz. Uncle Bens 2 kg Spray Converted Cleaner 1.99 R1Ce 3.88 Melitta 1 Ib Premium Ground Coffee 3.99 Rise'N Shine 4 x 31/4 oz. Orange Flavolured Drink Cr stats 1.19 Product of U.S.A. Sweet Sunkist Valencia Oranges do. 1.39 Canada No. 1 12 oz. pkg. Ocean Spray Fresh Cranberries Canada No. 1 Ontario 2 Ib pkg. Cello Parsnips . 88 . 98 Golden Bellow -Tropical Dole Bananas Ib. • Canada Fancy -Ontario McIntosh Apples .99 Canada No. 1 Ontario Waxed Rutabagas Product of Ontario 12 oz. tray Snovifhite Mushrooms, J.B. Country Style 64 fl. oz. Jar Apple Cider 3/.89 1.69 1.3 Canada No. 1 California Iceberg Head Lettuce Kellogg's 800g Raisin Bran Cereal 2.49 Quaker 550 g Life Cereal 1.29 Ken -L -Ration 2 kg, Regular, Liver and Bacon, Cheeseburger Moist ' Dog Food 3.69 Aylmer 10 fl. oz. Tomato or Vegetable Soup 3/s1 Dr. ballard's 14 - 14.5 oz. Specially Assorted Varieties Dog Food . 49 McCormick's 200-300 g Assorted Varieties Snack Crackers . 99 Miss Mew 6 oz. Assorted Varieties Cat Food 3/1 Voortmdn 450 g Chocolate Chip Cookies 1.49 Chef Boy Ar Dee 28 oz. Two Cheese Pizza 1.88 Mix Lays 200 g Astiorted Flavours or Regular Potato Chips 1.09 IGA Pkg. of 8 Wiener or Hamburg Rolls . 59 Noiison's 2 L Famous Ice Cream Gourmet Deluxe Can Opener 2.49 ea.1.99 Colgate 150 ml Regular or Winterfresh Toothpaste 2.19 Flex 550 ml Normal/Dry or 011y Shampoo or Regular or Extra Body Conditioner 2.79 McCain 12'h fl. oz., Frozen Revive Citrus Concentrate Beverage . 79 High Liner 14 oz. Frozen In Batter Haddock or Sole 2.49 Schneiders 1 Ib Soft' Margarine . 69 Schneiders 365 - 375 g Cheddar, Mild, Medium or Old White Cheese Wedges 2.49 Schneiders 1 Ib Crispy Flake Shortening or Crispy Crust Lard . 79 Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls 3/4 Quart 11/2 Quart 3 Ouart 4 Quart 5 Quart 8 Quart 12 Quart each 1.49 2.29 3,49 4.49 4.99 6.99 7.99 ALL MERCHANDISE 100•. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PRODUCT REPLACED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED Cut From Canada Grade "A" beef Chuck S.hort....Rib or Blade Roasts ,61.5 8 Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beef, Hip Full Cut, Boneless Round Steak ,b2.48 Cut from Canada Grade "A"Beef Hips Cube Steak LB. 2.88 Cut from Canada Grade "A" Beef Stewing 1Q Q Beef LB� .00 Mary Miles Wieners 375 gram pkg. 1.08 Cut From Canada Grade "A" beef Rib Roasts lb 2.28 Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beef Loin Sirloin Steaks 1b3.18 GROUND BEEF SALE Regular lb 1.48 Medium Ib 1.78 Lean Ib 2.08 Maple Leaf 1 ib pkg. Skinless Wieners Maple Leaf 500 g pkg. 3 Varieties, Sliced Side Bacon Maple Leaf Store Packed Breakfast Sausage Ib Maple Leaf By the Piece Bologna Ib 1.48 2.18 1.38 1.18 Maple Leaf 3-4 lbs Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls Maple Leaf 375 g pkg. 5 Varieties Sliced Bologna Ib 1.7i3 1.48 Maple Leaf 500 g pkg. Bavarian Sausage 1.78 Maple Leaf By the Piece Polish Sausage Ib 1.68 Maple Leaf 175 g pkg. Sliced Cooked Ham 1.48 1 (11 R I(; 1 11E Al 11A\ %GE:R WOCI.D LIKE TO \1E; 1T 1111 It FREEZER WITH: BEEF FREEZER BUYS Beef Hinds Beef Sides Beef Fronts beef Loins Beef Ribs avg. wt, 120 Ibs wt9 240 lbs avg.. 120 lbs wt. avg. 45 lbs wt. Ib Ib Ib Ib wt30 lbs . Ib 1.85 1.55 1.35 2.45 1.85 111E utt1\1 I'ltl( 1 I\ 11 1)E 11 TII\t.. '.R11'PI\(. .li(t\E 1 11 \\l) (.11(11.\I) ItE E E