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Clinton News-Record, 1981-09-16, Page 13
t VANASTRA by Nancy Linton Vice What's happening this week Due to circumstances beyond my control there was no Vanastra Voice last week. Tuckersmith Day Nursery This week, the children learned about insects and spiders. They went out col- lecting insects. They also made insects out of styro foam and colored pictures of insects. Special,nursery Special Nursery just started again this past week. They spent their first week getting settled in: Public School news There are three new teachers at the Vanastra Public School this year: Miss Kruzel will be teaching French here as well as at the Holmesville Public School; Mrs. Pletsch is teaching grade two; Mrs. Strang is teaching grade one and assisting Mrs. Jewitt with the music program. There are also four staff memberswho did not return this year for a variety of reasons: Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Melick and Mr. McConnell. • Christian Church news' A meeting will be held on Sept. 16 in Lucknow to see if the position left vacant by Rev. Mantel should be filled. The worship service will be changed from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. as of Sept. -S0, and Sunday School will also begin at 10: a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 20. The supervisor is Nancy Linton, and teachers are Rose Jlummel, June Jeacock, Kathy Van Dorp, and Nancy Linton. Sub teacheris Betty Low. Lions There will be a business meeting at the Rec. Center on SOL 16 at 7 p.m. Lioness There will be an Activity Night on Friday, Sept. 18 from 7 pm to 10 pm for all children from the age of 8 and up. Admission fee will be $1. There will be a business meeting at the Rec. Center on Sept. 17 at 7:30 p.m. I The second anniversary 50's Dance was held on Sept. 12. All went well and there was a good turnout. There will be more about the Dance next week. Bingo Results from Tuesday, Sept. 8: first share -the - wealth, Lua Reid of Hensall; second share -the -wealth, Dave Jewitt of Lucknow; third share -the -wealth, Mary Siwicki of Goderich; jackpot, A, tutu Livertin of Vanastra. Brownies There will be no Brownies this year due to lack of in- terest on the part of the adults of this community tc? participate as leaders and assistant leaders, Cubs Cubs had registration on Sept,14: Alateen The Alateen group meeting is held every Sun- day evening in the Vanastra Christian Church. Welcome Wagon If you know of anyone moving into the community, call your Welcome Wagon Hostess, Carol Strickland at 482-7389. Community tid-bits John and Rhonda Bjerg have moved to London. We wish them all the best in their new home. Angus and Rose Hummel and son have returned from their vacation in the States. Birthdays - Sept. 9, Benny Bjerg Jr; Sept. 15, Betty McLean. Don and Betty McLean were married 31 years on Sept. 9. Wayne and Debbie Riley will be married 11 years on Sept. 17. Londesboro leader..... • from page 11 Neighborly news On Thursday the students at Hallett Central School attended the play The Music Man at the Huron Country Playhouse in Grand Bend. Ten adults also took ad- vantage of the opportunity to see the performance. Mr. and Mrs. William Scott of Esconito, California visited over the past week with Mrs ,]ran Scott of London spent the weekend with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth. Mrs. Ida Wright moved to her apartment in Clinton on Tuesday. Friends wish her happiness in her new home. Bruce Shillinglaw was admitted to Stratford General Hospital on Mon- day, September 7th, having been hit with a ball. He required surgery to his face. Mrs: one SIttibbeook, Mrs. C1ara,Riley spent the Mrs. Thelma Ellerby, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Vodden and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vodden visited on Sunday at the Kip Funeral Home in Paris with their brother Leonard Vodden and family, following the death of their sister-in-law Margaret. She died at the Paris hospital on September. llth. She was 56 years old. A private funeral service will be held with burial to take place at Ball's Cemetery in Hallett Township. Mrs. Cathy Johnston of London, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Carter of Simcoe and Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter to celebrate their daughter Colleen's birthday on September 9th. Mrs. Annie Wrightson and Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Keys of Glamnils spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns and attended the Thresherman's Reunion in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Warren Special! For your Freezer BEEF SIDES LB. T FRONTS Le. Ililir Le.s 1 .89 PRICES GOOD 'TIL SATURDAY, SEPT. 19 PRICES INCLUDE CUSTOM CUTTING TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS, WRAPPING AND QUICK-FREEZING CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF .59 51.35 ORDER Y®UR I BULK VEGETABLES NOW, MITCHELL'S FAMILY MARKET LONDESuORO 482.9961 d. or 323-4478 .;• holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Remigo and Jennifer in Leamington. Betty Hulley held an Open House on September 13th for her father George Addison at his home in Seaforth, honoring him on his BOth birthday. Many . relations and friends attended. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bell of Prince Rupert spent Wed- nesday to Monday with her aunt Mrs. JoeShaddick. Mrs. Corea Alabas of Woodstock visited with her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Airie Duizer. Mrs. Glen Carter and daughter Cathy Johnston of London spent Labor Day weekend on a bus tour of Atlanta City, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Carter of Simcoe spent several days this week at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter and children. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNT-.SDW.Y, SEPTEMBER 1E,.. ,I P Rec Centre is ready for fall The Vanastra Recreation Centre is now preparing for its Fall program. With the summer session just over, the Fall brochure should be coming to you through the mail. Look through it carefully and keep Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arts have made %anastra. The couple exchanged wedding vows in July at the Salvation Army Cidatel. their home in it for reference in the future. The Centre is introducing some new programs, as well as the popular ones of the past. John Lawson is back teaching the men's gym class. With Mr. Lawson in charge, a large turnout is expected, so don't be left out as registration is limited. The ladies' popular "Fall Into Shape" will run one afternoon and evening class. Mrs. Drusilla Leitch- Twynham, who will be *acting, has expanded her' knowledge of fitness through various courses and programs. Her program will prove very interesting and enjoyable. Both men's gym and ladies' 'Fall Into Shape' can be accompanied by a sauna and swim. Two new classes are in- troduced: square dancing. and euchre. Square dancing will be under the instruction of Ron Fleming who will lead you through dances and help you become familiar with instructions , and, calls. Euchre will be a social event as well as playing the game to improve your skills. Bring a foursome or a friend. Karen, Cudmore will be back to teach the flexible, relaxing art of yoga. Gymnastics for both boys and girls is returning. Miss Seda Unsal will be teaching the basics, as well as proper use on gym equipment and routines. The special needs programs are directing classes to arthritic or Parkinson Disease suffers. The arthritic class will be held in the pool. The Parkinssons class will be a series of exercises to learn, so you cando them at home. These, as well as syn- chronized swimming, bronze,' adults and recreational swims, will be listed in the Fall brochure, so r, watch for it. For further information, ca11482-3544. H.S. F Overhead Dears Sales & Service * RESIDENTIAL * INDUSTRIAL * COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC OPERATORS PHONE: 524-4198 GODERICH Smile Son: "Dad, what is a weapon?" Father: "Why, son, that's something you fight with." Son: "Is mother your weapon?" +++ Son: "Dad, the Bible says if you don't let me have the car, you hate me." Father: "Where does it say that?" Son: "Proverbs 13:24 - 'He that spartth the rod hateth his son.' " +++ An optimist is a man who thinks he can build a $50,000 house for fifty thousand dollars. c FER \a ©td gentry Store �SONAj.IARIE$T WE'RE' LOCATED ON. HIGHWAY 84 between HENSALL& ZURICH • WE'RE OPEN: MONDAY -SATURDAY 9 o.m. -6 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS 236-4979 WATCH FOR THIS AD FOR DIFFERENT FEATURE SPECIALS. �sHION ED BA4cfs 41�A ®�iis TAVISTOCK CHEESES.A BUTTER' WHEY BUTTER 995 tel. CREAMERY BUTTER. 9991.1. CHEESES MOZZARELLA • �• MONTERAY JACK %GYLAW M(DIUM COLEY r<E BEAR �2 39 $ a2.6O ALL CHEESES 11 O OFF. — Includln cheeses 11 _ 3046k *NO att Noesi\ OeC A V 400�ecEoc the N'o e 5<0 e pc�o t� or ° 5e°�\rg s • �oGo\\P\ce oft � tSt°Cesk°s'r • °J errore thor Micd oktey °' .resy f Nioo Don't miss Spring this Fall. It's planting time for tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, and other bulbs. Imported from Holland. \ OUR BULBS HAVE iir JUST ARRIVED! VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE FHINKING OF CHANGINC FROM OIL TO GAS? gat o Megaaave I is number one in !lv efficiency In Canada today. II lets you cut your fuel bill by up to 63'/ aver conventional oil fired furnaces, and up to V% over conventional gas furnaces. Clare FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL HAROLD WISE LTD. Boyflold Rood, Clinton 402=7062 stir s `c\C°r tod a`ISot \,<\c Fr�da`I e o\ Ij to ord tote SC - hoC d Sd°y • tees Z`d°t .:e •\S-\`01, `r \\\ O eS . �h e St° t6R` ert•�l °v stt ,.1\ 0 Jee t \5; 1:\\- t (0,1 \10 -`' \°Jose° cos0 \e mow_. ..Jr o, ott°cr o0 ® co \0 ge tc S se„, e 74 QUALITY FURNITURE SINCE 191 1 HENSALL 262-2023 Free delivery throughouP Southvaestarn Ontario HOURS Tuesday - Thur4. 9.6 Friday 9-9 Saturday 9-5 CLOSED Mondays 1 I \H(.P.\ •N