HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-09-09, Page 22THE ni GLASGOW INN �.� • Vanastra .�atrif' (formerly the Sandpiper Inn) -011V 01't OPEN: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. / Sit`3own dinner and smorgasbord -14 PAGE 20—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER9 ,1981 ti INTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday. 8 p.m. First regular card $1. Six cards for $1. F.tteen regular games. tree share -the -wealth. Early bird game 7:45 p.m. Jackpot $200 must go each week .--30tfa r LADIES' TUESDAY AF- TERNOON bowling, league will begin Tues.. Sept. 15. at t 311 p -m. sharp. Anyone in- terested in joining our league, please phone Joyce Vain Riesalt 482-7 1117 , or Gwen ,lohnsion at 482.9426: Bowling season will begin Tuesday.— :15,36 LONDESBORO LIONS AUCTION end of October. Donations gratefully accepted. For pickup phone Brad Kennedy 523-9414 Thursday evenings between 5:30 and 6:30. Consignments welcome. Proceeds to. Clinton Hospital Building Fund. -34-36 .BHEA'1'1LEEZIE RALLY, Monday. September 21; 7:30 p.m. Multi purpose Room, Perth District Health Unit, Stratford. Speaker • Dr. Thomas Wood, Lung Disease Specialist. St. Joseph's llospital, London. Dr. Wood is president of the London, Middlesex Lung Association and will bring some "marijuana" facts. Come and bring your C'.O,P.D. friends. Physiotherapist Janice Parsons will discuss fall classes. Sponsored by Huron Perth Lung Association,. "A 'Christmas_,. • Seal Ser- ., vice".—:i5; i6ar GODERICH TOWNSHIP Recreation Fall Dance on Saturday. September 19th. • 1981. 9 p m. 1 a.m. Music - "Country C mpanions". 810.00 per couple Tickets' available 524-7004.-3 ,36 I'PCOIVIIN BUS TRIPS: With Blanche peeves - Oct. 7. 'Elmira : Oct. 28, Mystery Trip: Oct. 13-.1.4,; Jack Miner's Sanctuary, Colasa ores.' Nursery, overnight stay in Pt•. Pelee, buffet supper included, l ncle Tom's -Cabin, Dresden. November - Royal Winter Please call 482-3383 for information on these trip- s,— t1tinx THE BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH WOMEN are having a dessert euchre and bake sale m the church hall on Oct. 14 at 1 p.m. Admission $1.50.-36 • BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot 8200.00 must go! Admission is restricted to 16 years and over.-30tfar "The Huron County Health L'nit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes being held in the Seaforth Hospital Board Room commenc ing Wednesday , Sept. 16, 1981 from 7:31-9:30 p.m. These classes will run for six weeks. For pre -registration or further information please call the Health Unit Office in your area at 527.1243.-35.36ar BROWNIES DRIVE-IN THEATRE 160 Beech St., Clinton 412-Tfi31 BOX OFFICE OPENS 1:00 PM __ THIS WEEKEND: SEPTEMBER 11-12-13 • Chevy "awn Chase Neil Simon's SEEivelmOuiTfiviEs ApULT ET AcCONPANINENT El OFFICIAL OPENING, Goderich Township Sports Park. Sunday, Septerhber 13th at 1 p m Will be a ball game and refreshments provided —35,36 -- B1.1741 FESTIVAL SINGERS t.+ill resume rehearsals on Monday. September 14th at 8 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Hall: New mernberswelcome.-36 PARI) SALE six families Saturday, September 12 at 10 a.m. 2:39 James St.; Clinton, Books. toys • and household items. -36 • YARD SALE Sept. 12, 1981 at 111 a.nn 2' . miles west of Clinton Hwy 8. at 'Auto Wreckers Household items, toys, children's clothing and much more. Rain date Sept. • sponsored by the VANASTRA LIONESS CLUB Sat., September 1 2TH AT THE VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE —Music: — "8y Special Appointment" '12. PER COUPLE INCLUDES BUFFET LUNCH Dancing: 9 p.m. to 1.m. Proceeds to community projects. TICKETS FROM MEMBERS AND AT VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET.- - - WEDNESDAY NIGHT MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE will begin Wed . Sept. 9, 1981 at 8:30 p.m. Anyone interested in joining our league please phone 482 7188. -- 36 BRUCEFIELD FIREMEN are sponsoring a pancake breakfast. bake sale and garage sale on Saturday. September 12, 1981 from 7:30 ani to 1 p.m at Brucefield Fire hall. -334 :36x NOTICE: The C'lltoi-c Motor Vehicle License Bureau will be closed from Sept. 14 to Sept. 18, 19111 mein sive.-36 JAPANESE 'CUISINE 'Sunday, Sept. 20. 4.8 p.m. Vanastra Centre. Adults 87.50. children 83.IMI. Proceeds Ivor Town & Country Homemakers. 'rickets available at door or from Mary's Sewing ,Sen tre.-36.37 Festival fingers plan excl. The Blyth Festival Singers will resume their weekly rehearsal schedule on Mon- day, September 14 in Blyth Memorial Hall. Now starting its second season, this mixed choir of 80 voices enjoyed sell-out houses at its three concerts last year and is looking for- ward to. another successful year in 1981-82. The choir, whose members come from a 40 -mile radius of Blyth, is under the professional direc- tion of Lawrie Rowbotham of Listowel. g season Plans for this season in- clude a benefit performance on October 24 in support of the Blyth Memorial Hall Building Fund, a special Only 10 seats left on Legion trip byi Steve Cooke With the fall fast ap- proaching, things are star- ting to pick up at the old branch. Our winter round of activities will soon be in full swing, so keep an eye on this column for the start of these events. The bus trip on Sept. 26 will be here and gone before you know it, so if you want to join in, better sign up now. There are only 10 seats left and everyone is counting on a full bus so we get that $88 donation .to the building fund. Get your name on the list and avoid any major disappointments. Branch 140 is sponsoring our own John Lawson for the Terry Fox Marathon. The sponsor sheet is on the blackboard downstairs at the Legion so come on down and pledge your support for John. Better watch though, he's . a pretty g runner and may just decide to do the course twice. Our Zone C1 convention is coming up on September 27th in Seaforth. It's schedul- ed to start at 1:30 p.m. so mark it on your calendar and don't forget. There is also a drumhead service in Heart Fund tries for more '1'IIE BLYTH -SUMMER -FESTIVAL is pleased to an- nounce an additional per- formance of "He Won't Come in From the Barn" on Sat.. Sept 12 • at 2 p.m.. a final chance to catch this wonderful hit comedy.-311ar The Huron County Health Unit . invites you to attend Early Bird Expectant Parent Classes being held in the Ifuronview Board Room:. Clinton com mencing- Monday. Sept. 21; 1981 from 7::30-9:34) p.m., These classes will be held for two weeks and will follow the regular Prenatal ('lasses . commencing in September - 1981. For pre -registration or further • information, please call the health Unit Office in your area at 4112-:3416.-36.37ar FESTIVAL SINGLES DAN CE. Friday. Sept. 11. Victorian Inn. Stratford. Dancing 9 p.m.' 1 a.m. Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans.— s(i I31.YTII St MMER F'ES'TIVAL "Ile Won't Come in From the - 13arn" held over to Sept. 12• 'Iles. Sat., 8::to p.m. (tush seats at 7 p.m or reserve at 31:1111), 52:1 9225 -- :Mar 'VIII:: TERRY H)X RUN in Clinton. Sunday. September 1.3 Registration 19 a.m. 2 p.m. at the Clinton High School Sponsor sheets can he picked up at the Town Hall. 1'Irnton.—:36nx 1 GODERICH LIONS CLUB CABLE TV BINGO CHANNEL 12 AT 7:30 P.M. MONDAY, SEPT. 14, 1981 -CARDS AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS GODERICH ADAIR'S GROCERY. Huron Road BLACK'S GROCERY, Britannia Rd. BLUEWATER MARKET, Bayfield Road BECKER'S, Hamilton St. BLUE'S GROCERY, The Square TRIANGLE DISCOUNT, The Square FINCHER'S, The Square CUTTS RED & WHITE, Victoria St. HOLMESVILLE HOLMESVICLE GENERAL STORE CLINTON �CUENZIG IGA STORE, Mort ;treat C 8. E HOBBY & VARIETY, Victoria St. February is traditionally Heart Month. During the 1981 campaign,. $18,000 was raised throughout Huron County for the heart fund. Bruce Shaw of Exeter, a member of the London area heart association, says he believes this area can pro- duce more revenue for heart research. - STAG For BILL HOLLENBECK SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12 He says the group is hop- ing to engage a part-time co- ordinator who would have flexible hours with extra ac- tivity in February, Heart Month. The job would be to establish contacts, organize the annual campaign for funds, act as a resource per- son and be a liaison between th.t'e heart association and OPEN RECEPTION for Mr. 8 Mrs. Eric Scott (nee Nancy Fawcett) FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 1981 in Dungannon I 11 hospitals, industry, etc. Shaw says a'person with a background in volunteer work is preferred, having an aggressive attitude and the need to work independently would be ideal. Bruce Shaw (235-0208) has more information on this position as do personnel at the London office (679-0641). l Kentucky Fried Chicken ,. AND HOCKEY..: TWO CANADIAN TRADITIONS! AND A WINNING TEAM FOR THE CANADA CUP 04 Elgin Ave East GODERICH 227 Mon Stroet EXETER to the Coale 4111 BRUCEFIELD FIREMEN ----- -Pancake Breakfast Bake Sale and Garage Sale Sept. 12, 1981 7:30 am to 1 pm at the Brucefield Fire Hall ADULTS '2.50 CHILDREN '1'.50 Proceeds for New Equipment Brussels on Friday so for more information check the board. And, for sports this week we have' a golf tournament on Suriiday, September 13th. It will take place at Bayview Golf Course and the $15 registration fee includes lunch and lots of prizes. The registration list is posted on the sports board and there isn't much time left. Get down now and leave your money at the bar or with John Scott. You'll be a winner anyway as these tournaments are universally known to be a great time. performance of Christmas music on December 6, and concerts in March and June. These will all take place in Blyth Memorial Hall. The idea for this communi- ty choir grew out of the need for a good choral "outlet" in the area, and the response to it has been tremendous. The Blyth Festival Singers are; part of the parent organiza- tion, the Blyth Centre for the Arts, which also sponsors the Summer Festival, winter theatre, music and children's series, the Art Gallery and various children's art and drama workshops. New members who love to sing in a well -disciplined at- mosphere are welcome to join the choir. A special in- vitation is extended to all tenors and basses in the area. If you would like more in- formation about the Blyth Festival Singers, please call choir president Lynda Lentz at 523-9636. LAST NIGHT THURS.. of Starts FRIDAY! SEPT. 11TH, 1981 SHOWTIMES: PrI. i Sat. 7 & 1 P.M., Sun.-Thurs. E P.M. OPEN RECEPTION for Karen Linda McGregor and Gordon Thomas Yeo SAT. SEPT. 12, 1981 at SALTFORO The Family of ,. MR. & MRS. SAM OESCH wish to Invite relatives & friends and neighbours to an OPEN HOUSE In honour of SAM AND MARY'S 60th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY to be held on SUN. SEPT. 13'h from 2-4 p.m. HENSALL UNITED CHURCH Best Wishes Only . t. SEPT. 11-12-13 1 FRI., SAT., SUN. ^ SSohow.oftlm. k.Oopwh.a.T:3t % 111111111a OKI o� thkriAt6 atA.11.62/44... to plat u.p wok tl�e . aciu ea PARENTAL GUIDANCE COMING ATTRACTIONS "On the Right track" "Eye of .the Needle" "First Monday in October" PARK 0 H • • PHONE 524 7811 AIR CONDITIONED PROGRAM SUBJECT TO CHAN E WITH • UT NOTICE l.EEOOMI..t.It EARTH IS THE HUNTING GROUND MAN IS THE ENDANGERED SPECIES. i l ASO-. Ir rr CAME,.. WITHOUT WARM BONUS FEATURE FRI. & SAT. NIGHT ONLY /ii Murder s a sound of Its own TIE NEMU1 ioimoM MMtIAL MIME RBI MINI HWY. II GNU. CH AT CONCESSION k 1 4 • • PHONE 5249991 GODIRICIe. DRIVE•IN TR8ATRE J re ao tt1 "ft U 413 • • Come and Enjoy Malcolm Mac Donald the Ventriloquist from Orillia Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday SEPTEMBER 16, 17, 18 & 19 from 7 P.M. to S P.N. AND Sunday, September 20 at 11 A.M. AT THE Fellowship Bible Chapel 162 Maple Street, Clinton 10 ® '4 Parents are also welcome!