HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-09-09, Page 20PAGE 18-- CLINTONNNEWS-RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 ,1981 42. Death native COSI BEN NETT At Parkwood Hospital, Veterans Care Centre, on Saturday, September 5, 1.981, Mr Roy Bennett, formerly of 23 West Afton Place, in his 85th year. Husband of the late Margaret (Parker) Bennett (1946). Dear father of Mrs. Burton (Jean) Petrie, London, and Mrs. William (Doreen). De Jag, Brucef-ield. Brother of Jack Bennett, of London. Also- slrrviving are six grand- children and three' great- grandchildren. Visitation in the Needham Memorial Chapel, 520 Dundas Street. Monday- 2-5 and 7-9 p.m., where the funeral service was conducted on Tuesday, Sep- tember 8, at 1:30 p.m. Reverend Evan H. Jones, of Knollwood Park Presbyterian Church, officiated. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery.-36nx DESJARDINS At Chateau Gardens in Parkhill on Wednesday, September 2nd, 1981, Emery DesJardins of Grand Bend. He would have been 90 on Sep- tember 22nd, 1981. Survived by his wife, Edna (Slade) DesJardins of Chateau Gar- dens, Parkhill, and son Murray of Grand Bend. Sister Mrs. Jennie Mason of Exeter and several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by three brothers and three sisters. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood, where the funeral service took place on Saturday, September 5th at 2 p.m. Rev. H. Moore of- ficiating. Interment Grand Bend Cemetery.--36nx KRAMERS Paul A. Passed away in Seaforth Community Hospital, on Monday, September 7, 1981, Paul A. Kramers. Beloved husband of Dorothy Jackson, of Egmondville, in his 47th year: Dear father of Virginia (Mrs. Gary Sisson), of Calgary, Alberta; Elizabeth (Mrs. Ron Campbell), RR 4, Seaforth; Mrs. Patty Watson, of RR . 5 Seaforth; James Oliver, of Clinton; Ronald Oliver, of RR 4, Seaforth; Robert Oliver, of RR 4, Seaforth, Walter Oliver, RR 2, Seaforth; Dwight Kramers, of RR 2,`Seaforth. Also survived by 22y, grandchildren. Sm of Mr*'"siiiiir8`ude- Kramers, of Dublin. Brother of Betty (Mrs. Fred Eckert) of Cambridge, Galt; Norman, of RR 4, Seaforth; Lois, of Dublin and Karl, of Stratford. Rested at the R.S. Box Funeral Home, 47 High Street, Seaforth, until Thursday where funeral service was held at- 2 p.m. Interment Egmondville Cemetery.-36nx 43. Births BRANDON Brian and Dianne of Owen Sound are happy to announce the birth of their son, James Albert, on 5th September, weighing 7 Ib.612 oz., a brother for Christopher. Proud grandparents are Joe and Alice Brandon and Bert and Doris Shelby.-36nx E 43. Births BOS With thanks to God, Clarence and Ingrid are happy to an- nounce the birth of a son, Gregory Paul, born on Sept. 5, 1981.-36nx 44. Engagements YO17NG BLUT - PECK Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Peck of Zurich, Ont. and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Youngblut of Goderich, Ont. are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children, Kathryn Lori and Robert Edward. The wedding will take place at 3 p.m. Saturday Sept. 26, 1981 in Goshen United Church. -36 KAASTRA- HELLINGA Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hellinga are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their youngest daughter, Marianne to Leonard Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ka'astra. The wedding will take place Sept. 18, 1981 at 7 p.m. in the Christian Reformed Church, Blyth. Rev. A. Vandenburg officiating. -36x 46. In memoriam CRICH In memory of my dear husband, father and grand- father, who passed away suddenly one year ago Sept. 13, 1980. Little did we think that day, we would have no time to say goodbye, He was so special and hearts still ache and tears still come as we lovingly remember him. Alwa ys you are in our thoughts each day. Always remembered by wife Vera and family. -36 HOGGART In loving memory of a very dear son and brother, John. Pe Hoggart, who passed away six years ago today, Sept. 12, 1975, as the result of an accident. We cannot have the old days back When we were a u together, But. the love you gave us through the years Is ours to keep forever. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by. brother Ken, sister Barb and mom, He 47.Card of thanks DARRELL My sincere thanks to all my family, friends and neighbours and to the staff at the Huronview for all their kin- dness. A very special thank you to Mum and Dad, my sister and brother-in-law and my brother. God bless everyone. Barb Darrell and children. -36x WEBSTER We wish to thank our family, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews for the gifts; also thanks to our .friends for the cards and to U.0 -W . Varna, for the bountiful meal. All has made our 50th Anniversary a day we will always remember. Wat and Ruby Webster. -36 YOUNG I would like to say thank you to all my relatives, friends, Rev'. Wit tick, Madeleine Lane Auxiliary and Madeleine Lane Girls Group for cards, flowers, visits and treats while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to first floor nurses, Drs. Lambert and 'Harrett. It was all ap- preciated. Beatrice Young. -36x RATH WEL L We would like to express our sincere thanks to all who helped in any way at our recent barn fire. Special thanks to Brucefield, Clinton and Hensall fire departments for their quick action also for all the friends and neighbours for their help in cleaning up. Your help has been very much appreciated. D'arcy, Madeleine Rathwell and family. -36x TAYLOR I wish to express my sincere thanks to everyone that helped my wife and family, sent cards and gifts and visited me while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital and University Hospital, London. Special thanks to the Seaforth Ambulance Service and all the Doctors and Nurses. Your kindness will always be remembered. Ken Taylor. -36 ' DALE We would like to thank everyone for their kindness and sympathy during our recent bereavement. We will miss our brother Ernest very much. Sisters and brother, Myrtle, Jessie, Martha, Ethel ,:. r?° and Allison,, 36x of, Leld.L16x JOHNSTON' In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Eldon Johnston, who passed away Sept. 12, 1980. Time goes on with many changes Joy and sorrow, smiles and tears But your memory never leaves us With the passing of the years. Sadly missed by wife Vera, Leota and John. -36x GREER The family of the late Evelyn Greer wish to express their sincere thanks and ap- preciation to relatives. friends, neighbors, A.M.&G. Hospital nurses and staff, also her roommates for the kindness shown her in the past five weeks, also Doctors MurWn, Hollingworth and Walker and during our recent bereavement. Thanks to those who sent floral' tributes and memorial donations, also cards of sympathy, to the Beattie Funeral Home, Rev. Alun Thomas, pallbearers, flowerbearers, the ladies Who served a lovely lunch and to those who helped in any way. Your kindness will always be remembered .-36n x The call of the wild: The Great Blue Heron, the Canada Jay, sandpipers, sapsuckers, loons, owls, moose and martens. Red -bac keel Salamanders and white- tailed deer, spring peepers, red foxes and black bears ... the wonders never cease in Ontarios splendid provincial parks. Reserve one of our campsites or stay at a nearby resort or private campground. For a thousand ways to get back to nature in Ontario's 131 wide-open provincial parks, mail your ticket to adventure today; Ontario Travel - Parks, Box 33, Queen's Park, Toronto M17A IN 3, orcall us COLLECT NAME CITY 0.418-968-4008 ONTARIO PROVIN(.IAI. PARKS Ministry of Alan Pope Natural Minister Resources Ontario ' ADDRESS POSTAL CODE T7 Holmesville's Enterprising Seniors set for zone rally by Blanche Deeves The first fall meeting of the Enterprising Seniors was held last Thursday evening at 8 p.m. Mrs. Jean Lobb read a poem and opened the meeting by thanking everyone for their co- operation and help through the past year. Mrs. Lobb also thanked the group for the flowers and cards and all get well wishes she received while ill. Mrs. Lobb called on the chairman of the nominating committee, Mrs. Irene Cud - more, to read the slate of of- ficers for the years 1981-82. They are as follows: past president, Mrs. Jean Lobb; president, Everett McI1- wain; first vice-president, Jack Smith; 2nd vice- president, John Semple; secretary, Irene Cudmore; treasurer, Francis Powell; sick and visiting, Blanche Deeves; press reporter, Blanche Deeves; pianist, Charlotte Norman; lunch convener, Iona Blake; trustees, Mervyn Lobb, Hazel McCreath, Frank Yeo; phone committee, Jean Perdue, Hazel Mcllwain, Irene Cudmore; auditors, Bill Norman, Barrie Walter; nominating committee, Francis Powell, Grace Walter, Mervyn Lobb, Mary Stirling. The officers were elected for a one-year term. Mrs. Jean Lobb installed the officers elected. New president, Everett Mcllwain took over the meeting. Secretary, Irene Cudmore read the minutes of the last meeting in June and were approved as read. Fran Powell gave the financial statement. Blanche Deeves gave her report on cards sent through the summer. A discussion on quilts was held with Marion Powell in charge. Mrs. Irene Cudmore read the correspondence. A lunch committee was made for Zone Rally on Oc- tober 14. Grace Walter, Marion Smith and Blanche Deeves. The meeting was adjourned by Alice Porter. Emma Cox was in charge of entertainment and lunch. Some members enjoyed euchre and others played shuffleboard. Charlotte Nor- man and Jean Perdue are in charge of entertainment and' lunch for the next meeting September 17 at 8 p.m. People report May we offer Bonnie and Don Lockwood and Sean all the very best in their new home. The Goderich Township WI will meet September 14 at 8 p.m. Recent visitors with the Kettles were Ann and Dave Paloquin and children from Dayton, Ohio and Bert and Ruth Snell of Snellgrove, On- tario. Murray Perdue spent Sun- day with his sister and parents, Clarence and Jean Perdue. On Monday June Irving of Milverton and daughter visited Jean and Clarence Perdue. June is Jean's sister. During the worship of the United Church last Sunday Jackie Norman sang The Lord is My Shepherd. Rev. James Bechtel talked to the children and reminded them if "Christ is the head of your team you'll win"! The topic of his sermon was "The Word is a Lamp". Brad Forbes and David Lobb received the offering. September 20 or 27 the members of the congrega- tion are invited to a cup of tea at the manse. Paul, Carole, Christopher Margo of Ottawa visited with Grandma Cudmore. Those going on the bus trip to Midland with Blanche Deeves please send your money to me. For those in Goderich going they are to meet at the Post Office at 7:45 and those going from Clinton are to. meet at the Legion 8 a.m. Thele are seats still available. Ball News The pee wee bbl tourna- ment got underway+;' Monday night ;with three games being played, - one on each dia- mond. . Colborne Township won over Goderich. Hullett A won -f over Stanley err). .and / erT� never been a .better time to save! Let the Royal Bank say can do to all your banking needs. Ask our star today which of our savings accounts is best For you. When you succeed a , .we succeed. Original Arg by Glen Loates Goderich Township won over Hullett B. This advanced these three teams to play Wednesday night. The names were drawn out of a hat which put Colborne and Hullett A playing first. Colborne won by a very close score and met Goderich Township for the final and cup for the year. This was started on the new diamond under the lights, as neither team had played under the lights before. This. was a new experience for them. After seven excellent innings of excellent ball Colborne was ahead by two runs and won the trophy for another year. We would like to thank Ray Ducharme and Paul Blair for coaching a well behaved and obedient group of boys. Their record for the season was 12 wins and one loss - a pretty good record for any team. Don't forget our squirt boys ' play at 12 noon on Best Interest *20% YEAR ANNUAL We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange tor the highest interest being offered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. "Subject to change EXETER 2239-2420 Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. CLINTON 482-9747 Saturday at the Agriculture Park diamond in Goderich. Good luck boys. Last Saturday Holrnesville slo-pitch entered a tourna- ment held by Auburn but lost two games in a row and were put out. This Saturday afternoon at 1 p.m. onthe new Hohuesville diamond there is to be an end of season get- together for all coaches, parents, children and others who have worked so hard to make softball such a success in Goderich Township this year. We hope to see you there for some fun softball and a hot dog. Be sure to come to the of- ficial opening of Goderich Township new diamond at l-Iolmesville Sunday, September 13th. A township baseball game begins at 1 p.m. and hot dogs and pop will be available. THINKING FURNACE? sumo am mos R ■•V%� ■ ■ ■ • • m ■ • • m ■ • ■masuu aneav We are an authorised dealer for LENNOX GAS OIL ELECTRIC FURNACES DUAL-AIRE WOOD OIL -WOOD FURNACES PAILEY5' KIPPEN 262-6319 Specialists in Engineered Systems BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY REPAIR Clinton Electric ® White -Westinghouse . Appliances Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALBERT ST. 482-3646 APPilANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 Lloyd Garland FURNITURE REFINISHING AND UPHOLSTERY Corner 5th Avenue and Halifax St.; Vonastrd Phone 482-9576 oeepaae•eab "anneals" TRAVEL TIME COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524.2615 OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 CLOSED SATURDAYS TILL SEPT. 12 FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL INSURANCE GAISER-KNEALE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Insurance -Real Estate Investments Isaac St., Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theedom 482-7994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 C. Buruma 482-3287 JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office: 482-9644 Res.: 482-7263 OPTOMETRY JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00-12:00 noon Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on premises R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 D.R. NISBETT OPTOMETRIST 12 Isaac St. Clinton BY APPOINTMENT. 482-3677 Tired of "Dragon" unused items from closet to closet? BIG RESULTS From ROYALBANK', CLASSIFIED APS 482-3443 ELECTRIC bas9e. 0:0004 t a ecti *ECONOMY *QUALITY •SERVICE "Big lobs or small, we guarantee them all" 482-7374 or 482-9030 CLINTON Penh Electric Clinton HIGHWAY 4 SOUTH CLINTON •Sales -Service *Electric Motors *Generators •Transformers •Rewinding and Repair THE BATTERY MAN BATTERY SALES AND SERVICE TO ALL BATTERIES FULMEN DISTRIBUTORS HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 AM -4:30 PM PHONE: 482-7797 1 ACCOUNTING MacGillivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING AND COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursements ledger, cash receipts ledger, accounts receivable, financial ■tatem.n. ts, time and charges and specialised reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 TRITOWN BOOKKEEPING AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete Business Ser- vice. Sales, Purchase and Disbursement Jour- nals, Accounts Receiv- able, Payable, Payroll. Financial Statements. Also Time shoring and In-house terminals available. Also Farm & Individual Service. LAWRENCEiEAAP 32 Huron St.. L`jjnfoit PHONE 482-3524 MECHANICAL SERVICE EL INJECTION EQUIPMENT' LI IL1 AREA CODE 519 482-7971 BAYFIELD ROAD '°Ss"C'Ar'� ^ cw DIESEL SP CIAUSTS P.O.BOX717 CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM, 110 s Photography togra Clinton 010 years experience , °Weddings, passports *Family portraits In your home 482-9502 or 482-3890 _Jami Fitzgerald � Pho phy 6