HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-09-09, Page 19(Az/Yee:di 41ioctatei\ UNRESERVED CONSTRUCTION SALE We have been instructed by the proprietor of Swelt- zer Construction, 60 Waterloo Street, Exeter, On- tario to liquidate' by Public Auction all equipment, vehicles, and shop tools, without reserve on Saturday, September 26 at 10:30 a.m. Consisting of 680 Hy Hoe / Euclid 4 wheel drive loader / Case 580 and 680 loader back hoe / Dump trucks / 1973 blazer / 1971 Bronco / -compactors / trailers / 8' lathe / welder / air compressor / wren- ches / tools / grinders. Full listing next week. For more Information contact: Dick Robinson - Sales Manager _ ^ 3,soceczies AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 NA" ST • SEAFORTH. ONTAR)O NOK 1WO 519) 527-1458 r 26. Help wanted 26. Help wanted Wanted Immediately VAN DRIVER for Dederick & District Association for iMentally Retwlled ADULT WORKSHOP (a) truss dally (b) 11/4 hours for each run (c) morning run 7:114 a.m. (d) afternoon run 4:11 p.m. (e) Class "F" license required. Apply In writing to: 0 -0.A -M -R. 105 Keays Street, Goderich, oritarl0 hydro JANITORIAL SERVICE FOR CLINTON AREA OFFICE Ontario Hydro invites contractors to submit tenders to provide janitorial services for the Clinton Area Office. Tenders will be received up to 1 P.M. Friday, September 18, 1901. The janitorial Service is to be for a two year period commencing November 1, 19111 and ending on October 31, 1903. Tendering documents and specifications may be tainted: Front:Ontario Hydro HWY. NO. 4 SOUTH CLINTON, ONT. OR PHONE 482-3483 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be occep- ob- ted. * 4( THE (I�DLEL/c RESTAURANT dikd‘ 4( Se TAVERN 4( * ARE NOW LOOKING * FOR FULL-TIME 4( DINING -ROOM PERSONNEL * Must be mature and * reliable. CALL FOR * AN INTERVIEW. *. * 524-7711 * THE * * CANDLELIGHT* RESTAURANT & TAVERN K \FIELUk1) I (1)FHI 11 * • 524-7711 - COUPLE WiTH DESIRE to live in country. Modern two bedroom house in exchange for working mornings Monday Friday. Phone 482-3191,-35x OFFSET pressman required for commercial plant in northern Ontario. Enjoy clean air, fishing, hunting, sports. Call John By les, B. D. Printing, North Bay (705) 474- 3300.-36bc EXPERIENCED reporter with vehicle prepared to take over as editor of community newspaper. References. Duties include layout, paste- up, make-up with full staff assistance. Also cub reporter to train in all aspects of newspaper. Write Box 1126, Espanola, Ontario POP iC() before September 15, 1981.-36bc PRODUCTION manager for central web newspaper plant. Should have extensive press experience, preferably Gross Community. Darkroom, composing experience an asset. H. Bowes (403) 986-2271, Leduc , A Iber to . -36bc 27. Wanted (general) RESORT wanted: Northern Ontario. Send pictures, layout of property, map of area. Must be on water. Bill Gray, Box 611, Vanderhoof, B.0 . V0.1 3A0. Phone (604) 567- 9094.- 36bc 28. Business opportunity 28. Business opportunity T-SHIRT FOR SALE Selling Stock and Equipment Only T-shirts, transfers, jogging sults, sweat shirts, and transfer machine. Store Is closing - must sell stock and equip- ment. PLEASE CONTACT: 565-2188 5651885 EVENINGS BUSINESS FOR SALE Beauty Salon Located In resort area In Huron County. Excellent year round business. Owner is leaving the area. Interested parties please reply stating name and phone num- ber to: DRAWER NO. 7 c/o CLINTON NEWS -RECORD P.O. BOX 91 CLINTON, ONT. NOM 1L0 FARM end GARDEN CENTRE Good income plus personal satisfaction awaits the neiv owners of this active business In an excellent Goderich location. Ideally suited for fancily involvement and priced to sell, For Retells call: DOUG FRET :IN Royal Trust Corp. LONDON 472-8930 o. 439-6261 ( 28. Business opportunity EARN MONEY! Save Money! Learn Income Tax Preparation at home. For Free brochure, no obligation, write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Rox borough Drive, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1X4.-36bc BUSY, established Ceramic Shop, ideal for family business located in small town in Alberta. Offers community evening courses. Good in- vestment while owners retire. Call: (40X3) 843-3214 days; evenings call (403) 748-2493. Ask for Louise.-36bc 29. Tenders rsvimmolimme TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH TENDER FOR WINTER SNOWPLOWING Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 noon on Monday. September 14th, 1981 to supply a 1977 or newer 190 Horsepower Grader for winter snowplowing operations 1981-82. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. Tender documents may be obtained from the undersigned. Allan Nicholson, Road Superintendent, Egmondville, Ontario: 527-1838. 30. Employment wanted HANDYMAN WITH TRUCK. Odd jobs. .Clean-ups. Reasonable rates. Phone 482- 7584.-30tfn EXPERIENCED MOTHER willing to babysit full or part time. One block from Public School. Phone 482-9358 or 481- 7022.-35,36 NEED SOMEONE to care for your child? Tuckersmith Day Nursery (Vanastra) will do it for you. We have educational toys, music, crafts, active and quiet play times, indoor and outdoor play areas, hot meal. Children fully supervised. Staff have Early Childhood Education diplomas. Open 6:30 a.m., 2-6 years old. $7.00 per" day. $4.75 half day with lunch, $3.75 half day. Fees are income tax deductible. Phone 482- 7-634.-35,36a r WiLL BABYSIT in my home. Phone 482-3004.-36x - NANNY - Mature and fond of children would like to care for preschoolers in my home. References available. ('lose to playground. Phone 482- 7204,-36-39 31. Service directory .ice BYERS UPHOLSTERY • We offer complete rebuilding. Large selection of quality fabrics. Free pick•up and delivery. 71 Princess St. W. Phone 482.7939.-31 tf LAYING and FINISHING concrete floors for basements, garages, drive sheds etc ('all George 482-3'491. -45tf -- K EN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling. renovations, cupboards. ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows. patio doors, aluminum siding Phone: 482-767B. Ken McNairn_-Rtfar - INSIiLATE NOW ('hip could pays up to 8500.00 of the cost Free estimates. Adamson, Insulation, Lucknow Phone 528-211:3 • 528-2526 Fully in- sured and bond. Clinton Rep. phone 482-9006.-21 tfar LICENSED BRi('K LAYER brick houses: cement blocks laid; chimneys and chimney repair. Also chimney cleaning. Reasonable rates. Jim Bell. Phone 482-3026.-30tf 31. Service directory ADULT GUITAR GROUP - easy, fun, relaxing. Play on the first night. One group sessions per week; one private lesson per month, guitars available. Enroll .now . Phone Henry Pulsifer 5227.0059.-35,36 DOG GROOMING ALL BREEDS BRENDA WHYTE n.11. 2 SE'tF'I1111'Ill 527-0613 31. Service directory JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING *Farm Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE ._ 482-3063 RON 482-9239 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 *LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT *REPAIRS *NEW LAWNMOWERS AND TILLERS IN STOCK Custom slaughtering and Processing kelt iia VXe'-rllte m 8 1✓'V -, DRi'" 4r .� p ASH'WOOD 2374677 Screened Top -Soli Backhoe Work Gravel LY LE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 EVENINGS DRYWALL known for high quality PETER BAKOS DRYWALL hove complete• drywall service Phone 527-1398 5270606 •SEPTIC TANKS •SEWERS •BULLDOZING. •BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL •TOPSOIL For a complete job call: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668. CL I NTWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS *Custom built homes *Additions *Drywall *Roofing *Siding, Soffit & Fascia TIM BYLSMA 482-3873 DOUG BTLSMA 482.7334 JACK GERRITS -CONSTRUCTION LTD. *Form *Commericial *Residential *Buildings *Additions *Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTOM SHEET METAL *Fascia *Soffits *Door and Window Jambs and Sills *Metal covered Doors 482-7290 CALL: HURON PROFESSIONAL CHIMNEY SWEEP FOR: FIRE SAFETY FUEL CONSUMPTION CLEANLINESS 524-7300 give yourself a lift! 31. Service directory HENSALL ROOFING Shingles and Flat Roofing Free Estimates HENSALL 262.2246 OR EXETER 2350911 Lm PRICES START AT $22.95 . Includlnq FREE 100 KM w..ltond & weakly Rats Avallable holiday rent -a -car system 524-8411 STRICKLA RIDS - 234 HURON RD.. eo0IRlCH Electrical Problems? Coll ED'S ELECTRIC Licenced Electrician INDUSTRIAL / COMMERCIAL FARM / RESIDENTIAL 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE ED ROOSEBOOM 482-7441 ALSO...SEE US FOR ELECTRIC FURNACE`. UNDER THE CAN - FOR MORE P and ELECTRIC HEATING IAN OIL SUBSTITUTION OGRAM FORMATION CALL 442-7441 4ecora±ln9 td 33. Huron St.. Clinton Boz 337, Clinton NOM 11.0 482-9542 529-7939 Paints. Stains, Min Wax products. Wall coverings. Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior 11. Exterior Contracting FREE CONSULTING GEO. A. BAIRD BRUCEFIELD BACKHOE SERVICE •EXCAVATING •SEPTIC. BEDS •TRENCHING PHONE: 482-7479 -OR- 482-3390 68P ROOFING 8 SIDING ETC. *Free Estimates *Low Costs CLINTON, ONT. 482-3612 CONCRETE FORMING Walls & Floors Fora complete lob rill SID id*UINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-866:. WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER • & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE:SEAFORTH NEIL; 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 ' 34. Personal PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married or single. free positive con• ftdential support. Help is as close - as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913. :357-1769 or 524-2023.-3-52 35. Notice to creditors CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 ,1 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN ALBERT SHOBBROOK, of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 12th day of June, 1981, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undevigned on or before the 1st day of Oct., 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 1st day of September, 1981. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix -36-38 iN THE ESTATE OF JOHN SAMUEL PLI'MTRFE . late of the Town of Clinton in the. ('ounty of Huron, Carpenter, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 11th day of July, 1981. are required to fill full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the :loth day of September, 1981, after which date the assets will he distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice (DATED at Clinton, Ontario. this 31st day of August. 1981 MENZIES. ROSS Clinton. Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix. -36.37,38 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 _AUCTION CALENDAR SAT., SEPT. 26-10 CM. Trucks, trailers. Insula- tion equipment, alum- inum equipment, ,,car- penter tools. etc., to be held for Stewart Aluminum Ltd Goderich, Ont. AUCTION SALE of property and household effects will be held for Mrs. Florence Doer in the Village of Auburn. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 AT 12 O'CLOCK SHARP Property has 1'/2 storey frame home with hydro village water on large lot, will be offered subject to a reserve bid, if not sold previous. This property is a handyman's special, for Information , phone 526-7774. TERMS ON PROPERTY: 10% down balance In 30 days. TERMS ON CONTENTS: Cash day of sale. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents. GEORGE POWELL BRIAN RINTOUL Clerk Auctioneer iN THE ESTATE OF' MARGARET RiCHARDSON :JACKSON. of the Township of Tuckersmith in the (.'ounty of Huron. Teacher,. deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 27th day of June. 1981, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of October. 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario. this 1st day of September, 1981. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors.- 36-38 GIANT UNRESERVED AUCTION of new and used tractors and equipment at BRINDLEY'S SALE YARD DUNGANNON, ONTARIO Saturday, Sept. 19 10:30 a.m. sharp More Consignments Welcome For more information call: 529-7625 AUCTION MARKET SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 AT 11 A.M. at the Vanastra Auction Market 2 miles south of Clinton CONSISTING OF: Household ef- fects of Walter Snarey of Clinton and the Reverend Peter Mantel of Vanastra, and other con- signments. AUCTION FEATURES: Harvest gold Leonard frost free fridge and electric 30" range, (excellent); McClary automatic washer; RCA dryer; Moffat 19 cu. freezer, Apt. size fridge and stove; console Ill -FI; 5 pc. dinet- te suite; chesterfield & chairs (2); sofa bed; Floc- ttohomo T.V.; coffee table set; end tables; lamps; tri -lite; Antique spool bed; Antique single bed; 5 press backs (matching); 1 press back rocker; wicker chair; fainting couch; carved arm chair, 7 pc. oval gate leg table, chairs, buffet and chino cabinet; 2 gold rugs with underlay; students desk; turn table and speakers; chest of drawers; dresser, bedroom suite; Antique slide projector; high chair; treadle sewing machine; R&D Skil-Sow; hand tools; lawn mower; skis; electrical appliances; fine selection of china and crystal; toys; and many more interesting Hems tb numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash, known cheque, charges LUNCH BOOTH ON PREMISES VIEWING: 9:30 am till sale time Auctioneer: Jake Thaler) Jr. 482-7922 Contact us for good clean consignments, complete households and estates, liquidations, cars and trucks. Not responsible'for accidents day of sale. 1 -PAGE 17 38. Auction sale AUCTION SALE walusable property and household effects. FRIDAY, SEPETEMRER 11 AT 6 P.M. THEATRE twILISING STH AVENUE-VANASTRA Electric stove; 23" T.V.; 9" Y.V.; books; Westinghouse washer spin dryer; sofa bed; wood stove hot plate; kitchen table A 2 chairs; desk; , doors; fluorescent lights; tools; parts; washer; 45 gal. drums; skate sharpening 119; many miscellaneous items. Property - 8.211 sq. ft., 20 ft. clear ceiling. 98' x 156' lot, subject to reserve it not sold earlier, industrialist's dream. Terms on property - '/a cash down, balance 10 days. Terns on contents - cash. VANASTRA 482-3762 AUCTION SALE to be held at the AUC- TION ROOMS, one mile S. of Goderich. Hwy. No. 21 on FRIDAY, SEPT. 11th 7:00 P.M. Sole to consist of: oak buffet; Victorian parlour table; matching maple single beds and chest of drawers; couches & chairs; wringer washing machines; dryers; els+c- trit stoves; upper kit- chen cabinet unit; man- tle clock; barbecues; dressers; beds; spin washer; small tables; children's cribs; bikes; garden tools; book shelf; child's organ; T.V. console stereo; chino cabinet (modern); large crock; hunep-bade trunk; prints & frames; glass S. china (including depression and occupied Japan), eta,' etc. Auctioneer Marie Salm Phone 524-9064 '39. Educational You can become a valuable member of a business, industry or organization through the CLERICAL/ SECRETARIAL system of programs of Conestoga College. Our practical, job- related programs can prepare you for em- ployment in this essen- tial, growing field, and offer you the choice of several program op- tions. You may qualify for sponsorship by Canada Employment or for financial help through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). You con begin classes any Monday, providing space Is available. Give use call, or drop in; we'll give you the details on our CLERICAL/ SECRETARIAL system. Clinton Campus call 482-3458 Conestoga College of Applied Arts and 1echno)ogy t.;'. . Building skills today for the needs of tomorrow. 40 Lost & Found LOST . Male German Shepherd. black and tan vicinity of Rayfield River in Clinton has para) zed tail, answers to "Duke.' Phone 4R2- 3147 - 3)1 1,OST Calico cat, • MI°r10u ', in Bayfield somewhere between Arena and Lakefront If found please call ,565-278:3 46 41 To give away IMT A nine v, eek old bah beagle pUpp. who's looking for a good home with lots of,kids to pla with Tn see me. please phone 524 2980 after 5 p m SF1? a soon .l6tfnx T(1 GIVE to a loving home one male kitten, six weeks old, one female. eight months old Black and white heaut les ('all 4412 9489 .36