HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-09-09, Page 14During the month of September, Ann Meadows, a community work advisor for Hereford and Worcester Counties, England, will be taking a close look at com- munity involvement in Huron County. It is one of a series of visits she is making to Australia, the Philippines and Canada to review rural development experiences. The focus of her visit will be the Rural Development Outreach Project in Huron County and the involvement of local people in develop- ment programs will be of particular interest to her. She will be in contact with local residents who are in- volved in community con- cerns as well "'as agencies and local councils. With the aid of an Ernest Cook Fellowship, Ann Meadows expects to com- plete a book on rural development experiences abroad as well as those in which she has participated in Weyside Community Pro- ject in England over the past two years. as well. The content of the course includes the history of fur management, humane trap- ping, fur laws and policies, pelt preparation and the biology, management and trapping techniques of various fur -nearing animals. In the Wingham• district which consists of Huron and Perth Counties, . the townships of Huron, Kinloss, • Culross and Carrick in Bruce County and the township of i • PAGE 12—CI SNTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 ,1981 For Huron Federation Ag directors in again BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE LONDESBORO - The Huron•County Federation of Agriculture held its regional meeting Sept. 3, with all of last year's directors remain- ing for another terrn. In Huron Northeast, the provinct`al director is Gerry Fortune, with Brian Jeffray, Mary Beth ,Mann and Jack Stafford as° delegates. The alternate delegatesare Doug Fortune and Bill Mann. In Huron . Northwest, the provincial director is Merle Gunby with Jim Drennan, Walter Elliott and Tony Mc - Quail as delegates. In Huron East central, the provincial director is John Nesbitt with John Van Beers, Ralph DeWeerd and • Doug Garness as delegates. In Huron West central, the provincial director is Jim McIntosh, with Larry Stur- dy, Jack Tebbutt and Stan McIlwain as delegates. The alternate -delegates are Jack MacGregor and Lyle Haney. In Huron South, the pro- vincial director is Andre Durand with delegates Albert Erb, Hugh Rundle and Ralph Geiger. In the out -going provincial directors' reports, Huron OFA members present„ learned of thewor! the group has done in the past year. This work includes discussions with government officials`on the high interest rates on loans, and changes in OFA insurance. Mrs. Fortune praised the work of the committee members for all they have done this past year. Mrs. Fortune told the OFA members that a letter to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, signed by those concerned with agriculture, will be sent. The drafting of the letter came out of a meeting with the provincial directors from both Huron and Bruce counties. Mrs. Fortune added that Well- ington County has expressed an interest to send a letter of its own. The letter states: "They bankruptcies and forced sales that have occurred, and those that will surely follow in the weeks to come, should be a good indication of what, or maybe more portant, who, will grow the food needed for this coun- "Farmers have been endeavoring for 1' years to tell you that there is a serious problem. It is now a major crisis." "Forty per cent of the population is directly or in- directly employed by the agriculture industry. A large portion of - our balance of payments is derived from agriculture," the letter states. The letter also asks if it would be possible for primary food producers to make a living. The letter asks for immediate action to save what is left of the agricultural community. Ontario Hydro wants input BY STEPHANIE LEVESQ .TE most agreeable to all. Officials from Ontario Hydro were on Once government approval is obtained, hand this past week to speak with concerned ander the Environmental Assessment Act, citizensabout the proposed six alternate 1975, Hydro will start further detailed routes for transmission lines. studies which will involve the public. These The information centre in Clinton, one of studies will select actual routes and sites for several Ontario Hydro is sponsoring across the required transmission facilities. This Southwestern Ontario, was the first oppor- will then be brought to the government for tunity for the public to learn about the approval. Ontario Hydro has projected the routes firsthand. Ontario Hydro is seeking facilities will be in service by July 1988. ' response from the public and the informa- Of the six proposed routes, four run tion centres are one of several methods. through Huron County, from Bruce Nuclear There are five working groups throughout Power Development at Douglas Point to Southwestern Ontario which are made up of London. various . organizations, including represen- There were 38 people who went through tatives of the Ontario Federation of the information centre in Clinton, which On - Agriculture, the Association of Major Power tario Hydro considers a "pretty good fur - Consumers, the Ontario historical Society, nout". The questions asked by those in at - and various representatives from . tendande related to Hydros compensation municipalities. Of the five working groups, policy, the need for the transmission lines, four are still meeting, while the Listowel the impact on the environment and alter - group, involving the counties of Huron, Per- native energy sources. th, Wellington and Waterloo has, '\been Bob. Peck of Varna said he realizes people have to have power and while he hopes the postponed thesehtwombet - transmission lines won't go on his land, he Besides methods of involving will have to put up with the lines if they do. the public, Ontario Hydro has compiled television, radio and newspaper adverbs -"I'm here to learn more," said Mr. Peck. Both Peck and Don Lobb of Clinton ' Aro wants to know what the people are said they. had learned from the information thu,xiiig and the public are asking ques- centre and they intend to remain interested tions as the project continues. Mr. Peck said he Most visitors to the information centre could decide which proposed route is best wanted to learn more about the proposed when he had gathered more information. routes, and what Ontario Hydro terms Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat of R.R.1, "conceptual. planning". Brucefield said they were naturally con - "Conceptual planning", according to cerned about the proposed routes and Steve Rimmer of the Environmental Plann- wanted to know what the alternatives are. ing Department of Ontario is "the highest Besides the meeting in Clinton, Ontario level of transmission planning". The pro- Hydro held information centres in Ailsa posed routes, shown on literature available Craig and Lucknow. Information centres at the information centres, are the broad will also be held in Chatham on Sept. 15, areas where the transmission lines may go. Chatsworth on Sept. 17, Flesherton on Sept. As of June 1 of this year, Ontario Hydro 23, Avening on Sept. 24, and in Paisley on started public involvement in the route Oct. 6. selection. In November, Hydro hopes to sub- The preferred plan to be submitted to the mit an environmental assessment document Ministry of F4nvironment in November of to the provincial government, recommen- this year will he based on economy, environ - ding a preferred system plan, i,e. the route ment and technical aspects, Ontario Hydro The Goderich Township midget team won both the inter - township league championship and the Vanastra. Fair "A" trophy this year. Front row left to right are Gary Cox, Frazer Abbott, Scott Harris, Murray Hoggart, and Ron Blake. Back row are coach Bill Harris, Terry Johnston, Brian Johnston, Scott Bell, Ray Greidanus, and manager Darrell Abbott. (James Fitzgerald photo) news farm news Trapping course offered,by ministry All persons who wish to ob- tain a licence to trap fur - bearing animals, but have not previously held a licence must first successfully com- plete a course of instruction in fur harvest management and conservation given by the Ministry of Natural Resources. Although the course is only mandatory for new trappers, we are encouraging veteran trappers to take the course Huron communities to be studied HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVES Friday, September 11, 1981 At Our Hensall Branch * PORK CHOP BARBECUE 12 NOON • HONOURABLE EUGENE WHELAN MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE FOR CANADA WILL PERFORM THE OPENING CEREMONIES • OTHER DIGNITARIES MP MURRAY CARDIFF MPP JACK RIDDELL On All Hardware And Farm Supply Items In The Hensall Store HENSALL DISTRICT COOP Brucefieki Zurich Hensoll 482-98/3 236-4393 262-3002 • GET IN ON THE ONTARIO SIRE STAKES CLINTON n � KINSMEN 00 RACEWAY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 POST TIME 1:30 P.M. OVER 18,000 IN PURSES See Ontario's finest 3 year old Trotting Colts and top drivers compete In an exciting On- tario Sires Stakes event. It's harness racing at its very best! CLINTON KINSMEN RACEWAY CLINTON FAIR GROUNDS/ POST TIME 1:30 P.M. Sires Stakes "We've got what it takes." Minto in Wellington County, a course will commence on October 7, 1981 at the Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton. The course will con- tinue each Wednesday even- ing for 10 weeks. Any interested people should contact the Winghai district office for further in- formation and application forms. Phone 357-3131 or 1- 800-265.3003. The registration fee of $15 is payable on the first night of the course. As 1 have retired from telling DeKalb seed corn, 1 would like to thank my customers for their patronage over the past 25 years. 1 have enjoyed serving you and trust you will give my successor your continued support. Thomas Sowerby News and notes from Middleton By Blanche Deeves Holy Conununion was celebrated in. St. i James Anglican Church on Sunday morning at 11:15 a.m. Reading the Epistle was Lois Wise. Rev. Geo. Youmatoff ki charge of the service. Ray Wise and Edward Deeves received the offering. St. James' congregation sends their get -well wishes to Mrs. Bennett and to our Rector Rev. _Wm. Bennett who is a patient in University Hospital in London. The ACW will meet Thursday evening Sep- tember 10th 8 p.m, at the home of Mrs. Stewart Middleton. Mrs. Estelle Wise leader in charge. We oust. James would like to say thank you to Audrey Middleton who has kept beautiful flowers on the altar each Sunday all summer. Get -well wishes to Florence De Groof who has been a patient in London hospital. Also to Ray Dupuis who is a patient in Clinton hospital and to John Semple who had a fall at home and was taken to Clinton hospital and transferred to Victoria Hospital in London. A speedy get well to all. The A.C.W. of St James would like to thank everyone. who came on the bus trip to Niagara on the Lake last week to see Rose Mane. The show was enjoyed by, everyone. Most area people were pleased to hear Gordon and Luella Cudmore were not hurt in their recent car accident. Those going on a bus trip to Midland with Blanche Deeves on September 11, please send your money to me or leave at Town Talk store_ +, c;�•aon and meet at the Clinton Legion at 8 a.m. for the trip. There is still room on the bus for passengers. Please call 482- 3383 for information. Up coming bus trips with Blanche Deeves are: October 7, Elmira; October 28th, Mystery Tour; October 13 - 14, Jack Minors Bird Sanctuary, Colasantis Nursery, overnight at Pt. Pelee, Buffet Supper in- cluded and Uncle Tom's Cabin at Dresden; November, Royal Winter Fair. Pleasecall 482-3383 for information. Gramma and Grampa DenBoer of Holland are enjoying a visit with their grandchildren Nicholas and Marleta and son Nick and Carrie DenBoer. Tractors Equipment CLINTON FORD TRACTOR SALES/SERVICE *Ford Tractors and Farm Equipment *Ford Lawn Equipment Riding Mowers, Tillers Snowblowers *Arlen' Lawn and Gar- den Equlment *Pressure Washers *Portable Heaters *Scorpion Snowmobiles HIGHWAY NO. 8 WEST 482-3903 Ship your livestock with ART HEFFRON Blyth Shipper for United Co-operatives of Ontario Livestock Marketing Division Ontario Stockyards, Toronto CALL BLYTH 523-4221 by COO a.m. Monday Stockers and Feeders Also Available J s *See our new Corn Hybrids *Side -by -Side comparisons with competitor hybrids *Demonstration and Research Plots Clinton Vanastra Rd. LACATEO AT Ti TANI* KIM pCEIS$N CUM Field Day Site Hensall SEE YOU THEW