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Clinton News-Record, 1981-09-09, Page 8
PAGE 8 —CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 ,1981 Hensell news and notes By Bertha MacGregor Miss Sally Chaffe of Mit- chell 'spent a few days holidaying last week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy spent a day recently visiting with Rev. Percy and Mrs. Ferguson at Chesley. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler of Detroit visited last week with their aunt Mrs. Mabel Munn. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jory and family of Sarnia were holi- day visitors with Mrs. Jory's. sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moir and sons. Doug Cudmore of London spent a few holidays with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore. Little Alicia Schroeder who was a patient in South Huron Hospital in Exeter was able to return to her home on Sunday. Mrs. Marjorie McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald and Jenette of Brampton were weekend visitors with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyes at Grand Bend. Ladies' Legion Awdliary Has Zone Commander The Ladies' Legion Aux- iliary re -opened their fall meetings on Tuesday even- ing with - the president Mrs. Alice Neilands presiding. The Zone Commander from Goderich, Mrs. Mona Davis, was present and installed three new members who were welcomed to the Aux- iliary. Several items of business were discussed and a delicious pot -luck luncheon was enjoyed. Church news The Sunday service in Carmel Presbyterian Church was conducted by Rev. Kenneth Knight. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided at the organ. Miss Margaret Kennedy, who has served as a missionary in India for 39 years will be the guest speaker on Sunday, September 13. Labour Day weekend ser- vice was held in Hensall United Church on Sunday, September 6th for Chiselhurst and Hensall con- gregations with Rev. Stanley McDonald conducting the service with Mrs. Joyce Pep, per at the piano. Sunday School will re -open next Sunday, September 13. Ushers for the service were Don Waring, Bill Stebbins, Tim Man and Travers Beavers. Mrs. Linda Tra- quair welcomed at the front door. Amber Rebekah Lodge Opens Amber Rebekah Lodge reopened for the fall season on Wednesday evening with Noble Grand Bertha MacGregor presiding assisted by the Vice Grand Mrs. Gladys Coleman, who gave the report of cards sent to members. The Secretary, Mrs. Ruby Bell, read a letter from the D.D. Secretary Mrs. Irene Harnack of Goderich stating the D.D.P. Mrs. Grace Fuller would visit the Lodge to Install the officers on Wednesday Oc- tober 7th. A 'Thank You'. .card was read from Marg and Ray Consitt and Mrs. Olga Chip - chase gave an interesting report of the sessions at the Rebekah Assembly in Toron- to in June. Mrs. Evelyn McBeath reported for the Ln - augural members attended in June. Two beautiful flags were placed in the Lodge room by Bro. Ernie Chip - chase and Sister Olga Chip - chase, which were very much appreciated by the members and the Noble Grand expressed sincere thanks. At the close of the meeting a social hour was spent and a pot -luck supper enjoyed with the social com- mittee in charge. Chiselhurst U.C.W. Shew Slides On September 1st the U. C. W. of Chiselhurst held their meeting in the Fellowship Hall. The meeting opened wit the President Mrs, D rothy Brin;.nell reading poem. Mrs. Harold PLrke was in charge of the wo hip and gave a very teresting messy 'e1 fitting in with the Turn to ;, ge 9 We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family rrssqquirementsl PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th, 1981 Prepare your car for winter now! o uultWH �„ Super Buy! GET '3.00 BACK ON PRESTONE II 1111104111i: 104* See our store display for details on how you collect your 53 00 manufacturer's refund on purchase of 2 jugs of 'Prestone 1T, 51.50 refund on 1 jug. OFFER EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30. 1981 PRESTONE ANTI -FREEZE 4 litre plastic container Prestone ANTI-FREEZE/COOLANT TESTER 10W30 GULF1 litre tin MOTOR OIL 9 Air • COME VISIT EFA Owe A&P*■oIII% for Freshness & Savings! Canada No. 1 Grade, Product of Ontario, Large Size, Tender, SWEET CARROTS 9¢� 5 -Ib bag, only 4.99 Chinook Anti -Freeze For 4 Titre pleatic ctnr WINDSHIELD 119 WASHER Product of California, Sweet, Juicy NECTARINES Ib PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, DELICIOUS RAW OR COOKED Fresh Broccoli �99¢ "THE NATURAL SNACK" RED, BLACK OR SEEDLESS Green Grapes 1b99¢ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, LARGE SIZE, VINE RIPE Cantaloupe each 99¢ PRODUCT OF ONTARO, FRESH DAILY, DELICIOUS RAW OR COOKED Mushrooms 161.99 CANADA FANCY, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, NEW CROP, CRISP, JUICY Apples Madntosh 3-16 bag 1.49 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, YELLOW 5 -LB BAG Cooking Onions 1.29 PRODUCT OF SOUTH AMERICA, SWEET, JUICY Oranges ,doz,bag2.69 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, "GREAT IN SALADS" Cucumbers 3f0,895/ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Celery Hearts bunch 69¢ 4 -INCH POT Reiger Begonias 1.59 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, SWEET, JUICY Prune Plums Ib49¢ PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, 'A REAL TREAT' 4 -QT. BASKET Blue Grapes 2.99 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, SNOW-WHITE Cauliflower ' each 89¢ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, "GREAT FOR SNACKS" Red Plums 1b69? CANADA NO 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, "IDEAL FOR STUFFING" Green Peppers 6f0,99? CANADA NO. 1 GRADE PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, PICK OF THE CROP Tomatoes 4 qt basket 1.99 MARTINS HAPPY HOUR 'IT'S SNACK TIME AGAIN' Popping Corn 2499ft BAG LUNCHES It is difficult to make a sandwich without good nutritious bread, rolls or buns. Today bread and bread products are available in your A&P Store in almost limitless varieties to meet the taste requirements of everyone young and old. All Jane Parker Breads are made with 100% vegetable shortening. In an age in which people have never been more aware of sound nutrition, bread is one of the recommended foods t, be consumed every day. Instead of worrying about different fillings for that lunch box sandwich, consider different types of bread; these may add as much variety as changing the filling. The choke is almost endless: whole wheat, cracked wheat, rye pumpernickel also rolls of various shapes and sizes all add welcome relief to basic /Il1110 SAVE 80¢ 111111111 Regular, Fine or Extra Fine Tradition NABOB COFFEE 1 -Ib vac pac bag, SAVE 60` WHITE GRANULATED SUGAR 2 kg. bag (Our Regular Price 3.49) enriched white bread. A simple(h•,t dog bun can change a sandwich into a mini -sub. Try s.s:.me of these fillings: peanut butter mixed with chopped dates moistened with orange juice on raisin bread; or cream cheese, chopped salted pea- nuts, onion salt, moistened with salad dressing on rye or pumpernickel; shredded swiss cheese and carrots with chopped nuts and raisins mixed with mayonnaise on whole wheat or in- side an onion bun. The Bakery Council of Canada have a useful leaflet, "The Portable Lunch". Write to them at P.O. Box 61, Toronto Dominion Centre, Tor.fnto M5K 1GS, for your coy. Ruth Reynolds, A&P Consumer C. nsultent. Instant A&P COFFEE CREAMER 375 g jar 49 Skinless or Golden Fry, Pure Pork MAPLE SAUSAGES LEAF 500 g pkg 99 (Our Regular Price 2,79) SAVE 80¢ (Our Regular Price 1.99) (Our Regular Price 2.69) Glad . SAVE 30e SANDWICH 9 BAGS pkg of 2OO Pork Side, Previously Frozen SPARE RIBS 1b179 (Our Regular Price 2.29 lb) SAVE 50? lb GRADE "A", EVISCERATED 4 to 5 L AVERAGE VAC PAC MARY MILES, SLICED Frozen Ducks lb 1.39 Side Bacon 500 g vac pac 1.89 GRADE "A" CORNISH, FROZEN 22 to 24 -OZ AVERAGE CANADIAN QUEEN, HOT OR SWEET lb 1.79 Sausage Italian Style Ib 1,49 Game Hens SKINLESS & DEVEINED, PREVIOUSLY FROZEN MARY MILES Sliced Beef Liver Ib 99? Bologna Chunks Ad.P BRAND, REGULAR OR THICK SLICED CANADIAN QUEEN, SLICED Side Bacon " 500gpkg 1.99 Cooked Ham 24 oz. loaf Marvel, Sliced WHITE BREAD SAVE 164 (Our Regular Price 65` a Loaf) J Mini, Assorted Varieties VAS PAC lb 1.19 173 Y VAC PA? 1.49. s COR PUDDINGS pkg of 4, 5 -oz tins 29 SAVE 50? (Our Regular Price 1.79) Sealtest, Smooth & Creamy[sAviI (Our Reg. Price 1.59) COTTAGE CHEESE �OB 500g n 99? NICE, DIGESTIVE, SHORTCAKE, ARROWROOT, FRUIT SHORTCAKE RICH TEA, CHIP RING Peek Frean Cookies 4© tatn1.59 JANE PARKER, Raisin Pie 620gpie 1m49 2 CHEESE PIZZA MIX Chef Boy-Ar-Dee28 7/8 oz pkg t 99 d BETTY CROCKER, ASSORTED VARIETIES Mug -O Lunch 85 g pkg 695` SPAGHETTI, ZOODLES OR ALPHA-GETTI, IN TOMATO SAUCE Libby's Pastas 19 -fl -oz tin 69? rn Oil CHEFMASTER SOFT MARGARINE 1 -Ib tub 79� ASSORTED VARIETIES Lancia Pastas 1 kg pkg L19 BRAVO, PLAIN Spaghetti Sauce . - 28 -fl -oz tin 1.19 ORANGE PEKOE (PAPER) Red Rose Tea Bags pkg of 601®89 ARROW Keta Salmon 7.75-ortinl29 DRY ROASTED Beaver Peanuts 325 g pkg 2®19 (Our Regular Price 1.79 ) Colonial, Assorted Varieties Including CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES SAVE 50c 450 g tin tie bag Z..