HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-09-02, Page 20THE 11 GLASGOW INN Vanastra formerly the Sandpiper Inn) 1S0* OVO N1-1--48 OPEN: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sit down dinner and smorgasbord—�. PAGE 20—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 ,1981 a SEAFORTH FALL FAIR Annual Pork B -B Q and dance. Seaforth Arena, Sat , sept 19 13.13-(,16 - 7:30, Dance 9 - 1 a.m Music by "Shannon." 'rickets , $7.5u. Dance only $3. Tickets available at Flurot Expositor,; • Vincents or any directors of ' the Seaforth Agricultural, Society. -34.35 'MINTON LEGION ' BINGO every, •Thursday, 8 p.m, First regiiIar card .$1. Stk cards for $1. • Fifteen regular games,' three share -the -wealth. Early bird. game 7:45 p.m. Jackpot $200 mast go each • week.-3)tfar • BRUCEFIELD FIREMEN are sponsoring a pancake breakfast, bake sale and garage sale on Saturday, September 12. 1981 from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at •Brucefield Fire 11a11. -34.36x 50's DANCE AND .2ND AN- NiVERSARY sponsored by the •Vanastra and District Lioness. Club, Sat., Sept. 12 at the Vanastra Rec Centre. Music "By Special Appointment". $12 per couple includes buffet lunch. Dancing 9 • 1 a.m. Proceeds to community projects. Tickets from members and at Vanastra Factory Outlet. 34,35 BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Centre, RRS Clinton, 8 p.m: First" regular card $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share•the- wealth. Ja>~kpot $200.00 must go! Admission is restricted to 16 years and over.-30tfar BLYTH SUMMER FESTIVAL "He Won't Come in From the Barn" held over to „Sept. 12, Tues. '- Sat., 8:30 p.m.; Mat. Sept. 3. 5, 2 p.m. Rush seats at 7 p.m or reserve at 523-9300, 523.9225.-35ar The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Adult' Health Guidance Centre held at the Municipal Building, Bayfield on . Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1981 from i:30-3::30p.m.for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening :3. Foot Care 4. UrineTesting ' ` 5. Blood Pressure.-35ar "The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the • Expectant Parent Education Classes being held in the Seaforth Hospital Board Room commencing. Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1981 from 7:30-9:30 p.m These classes will run for six weeks. For pre -registration or further information please call the Health Unit Office in your area at 527-1243.-3.5,36ar CODE -RICH TOWNSHIP Recreation Fall Dance on Saturday. September 19th, 1981 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Music - "Country Companions". $10.00 per couple. Tickets available 524-7004. —35.36 OFFICIAL OPENING, Goderich Township • Sports Park. Sunday. September 13th at 1 prn. Will be a ball garne and . refreshments provided. -35.36. ' • • CLINTON-RLYTH Ladies Bowling League starting Sept. 8 at 9 p.m. Alt women 'welcome. Phone 482-9745 or 482-7102.-34.35 YARD SALE Saturday, Sept 5. across from the Bayfield Arena at 10 a.m --35 CAMEO CLASSES where you can learn shading and how to paint on velvet and more. All types of embroidery .paints welcomed. Phone 482-9286 before Sept. 10, ask for Elaine Fraser. --:35 • Huron County Family Plan- ning project invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Public Health Wing, . Huronview, Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided. Counselling on Billings (natural family planning)" available first Thursday of each month. The drop-in centre on Thursday evening will be closed until Sept. 1 u.-35eowar BRT;;ATHEEZIE RALLY, Monday, September 21, 7:30 p.m. Multi-purpose Room,. Perth District Health Unit, Stratford. Speaker - Dr. Thomas Wood, Lung Disease Specialist, St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Dr. Wood is president of the London, Middlesex Lung Association and will bring some • "marijuana" facts. Come and bring your C.O.P.D}. friends. Physiotherapist Janice Parsons will discuss fall. classes. Sponsored by Huron Perth. Lung Association. "A Christmas Seal Ser- vice'.-35,36ar - • LADIES' TUESDAY AF- TERNOON bowling league will begin Tues... Sept. 15 at 1:30 p.m. sharp. Anyone in- terested in joining our league, please phone Joyce Van Riesan 482.7107 or Gwen Johnston at 482-9426. Bowling season will begin Tuesday.—:35,36 BROWN1ES DRIVE-IN THEATRE 169 Beech St., Clinton 482-7030 BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 PM SUNDAY NIGHT BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:30 P.M. NOW PLAYING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 T9 -SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 ADULT ACCOMPANIMENT Brooke Shields e Wove ALAN ALDA CAROL BURNETF Gthf aour eawots ADDED THIRD..FEATURE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 a He's mad. He's bead. RICHARD PRYOR CICELY TYSON yy ADVVl1 YY A,CPtl Oab�tl Yb, PLEASE NOTE: AFTER SUNDA' 'S TRIPLE FEATURE DRIVE-IN OPEN WEEKENDS ONLY PANCAKE BREAKFAST - Sunday, Sept. 6 from 9 a.m. • 1 p.m at the Bayfield Arena. Pancakes with maple syrup, hot sausages, coffee or chocolate milk. Sponsored by Bayfield Lions.-35ar INFORMATION MEETING Attention Home Owners - is your health in danger -from Urea Forma ldetiyde Foam Insulation? Then come to the Lucknow Community Centre Wednesday, September 9 at 8:00 p.m.. and get the facts. Attending will be represen- tatives .from the Huron Bruce County .Health Unit; 1l1urray Cardiff, MP; Dr. Gary Gurbin, MP and Mr. Bill Bermner expert on foam insulation. --35 AUXILIARY to Clidon Public Hospital will meet Tuesday, Sept. 8 in the Board Room at 10 a.m.-35 ESPECIALLI.' FOR CHILDREN - Come and hear Mr. MacDonald, Ventriloquist, from Orillia with his dum- mies! Sept. 16 - 19 from 7 - 8 p.m. at Fellowship Bible Chapel, 162 Maple St., Clinton.: No Collections.-35ar ' HURON COUNTY FAMILY PLANNING , project invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday• from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Public Health Wing, Huronview, Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided. Counselling on Billings (natural family planning) available first ' Thursday of each month. The drop-in Centre on Thurs. evening will be closed until Sept. I0.—E.O.W.AR SEAFORTH FAIR. DEMOLITION DERBY, Saturday, Sept. 26 at 7:30 p.m. Receiving entries now, 527- 0120 or 527-0398.-35ar LONDESBORO LI.ONS AUCTION end of October. Donations gratefully accepted. For pickup phone ,.'Brad Kennedy 523-9414 Thursday evenings between 5:30 and 6:30. Consignments welcome. Proceeds to Clinton hospital Building Fund. -34-36 What are al these people watching? A house auction, Last Thursday evening, seven units of a duplex development went under the hammer on Clinton's Gordon Street. They sold for an average of $19,600 per unit, half their At the Legion replacement cost, in a tough mortgage rates have scared buyers. (James. Fitzgerald pho market, where 20 per cent off many potential home to) Dart season is here again By John Scott Comrade John Deeves warned me, I mean advised me, that our good friend Blanche Deeves had return- ed home from down East where she and Ed have been vacationing for the past cou- ple of weeks. I hope she is still in a good mood when we meet. On August 26, 1981, the Clinton Legion Branch was represented at a zone sub council meeting by 'Com- rades George Campbell, Zone Secretary, Harold Black, Zone Poppy Chair- man, and John Deeves, Zone - Membership Chairman. The meeting was held at Blyth. In Goderich Branch on September 9, a seminar will P OPEN, WEDDING RECEPTION for Mary -Ann Neykoop and John Neutel SEPTEMBER 4 AT 9:00PM in BLYTH HE WON'T COME IN FROM THE BARN "An Agricultural Comedy For Cynical Times" Starring TED JOHNS, two tows, pigs and a rooster! HELD OVER TiLL SEPT '12 Tues. -Sat. 8:30 pm. Added Matinee Sept. 5, 2 p.m. 'TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE, 523-9300, 523-9225 .NOW AT THE WHITE , CARNATIO HOLMESVILLE�' LUNCHEON Weekdays daily until Thanksgiving 12 noon -2 p.m. $3,9 SMORGASBORD Friday & Sunday Evening 5-7:30 p.m. 5 .95 per person Reservations requested for Saturday evening 482-9228 or after hours 524-4133. *ALSO ASK US ABOUT OUR • CATERING SERVICE FOR WEDDINGS, BANQUETS 8+ PRIVATE PARTIES EF6-•1',.aNiirroS��.T �"` � - on., be held on public relations and poppy activities. Anyone interested is invited to at- tend. Further details can be obtained from John Deeves. Ladies Auxiliary Presi- dent, Annie Sallows, would like to remind our lady members that an executive meeting will be held on Mon- day, September 14, at 7 p.m. with the general member- ship meeting following at 8 p.m. Ladies are reminded to bring stubs for raffle tickets to this meeting. The draw is to be held on that night. • Don't forget to sign up for the bus tour of several Legion branches. Dart season is here again, but a meeting of players in-' tereSted in playing Huron County -darts, called for last Monday, was attended by on- ly four and a half people (Stan Smith was working behind the bar). If you wish to play this year, please let me know so that you can be 'contacted for further meeting. The notice is on the sports board for the fall tourna- ment which is to be held at Bayview Golf Club on Sun- day, September 13th. Don't forget to sign up, and the cost is only $15, which in- cludes green fees, lunch and prizes. It's good to see Rosemary Armstrong back at the Legion, and she looks remarkably well after her ordeal at the Huronview Day Care Centre. We would like to wish a speedy recovery to everyone who was injured in the explosion and our thanks to those who helped out and handled an upsetting situa- tion so expertly. This week's joke was told to me by Joyce. The only reason I have included it is to - let you see how good the previous jokes were. I will say to Steve Cooke now that this is only a joke. "Jane was constantly complaining to Tartan about the lack of variety of food he brought home for her to eat. Being human, Tarzan could MITCHELL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 6:30 p.m. Western Horse Show 8:30 p.m. Queen of the Fair Competition & Family Dance & Crowning of 1981 Fair Queen. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 12:30 p.m. Parade led by the Mitchell Legion Band 1:30 p.m. Official opening by Mr. Ron McNeil, MPP Elgin Log Sawing Contest Livestock Judging, Light Horse & Pony Show Amateur Talent Show (in Arena) Machinery old & new 7:00 p.m. Mini Tractor Pull Step Doncing lin Arena) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 1:30 p.m. Tug -O -War 3:00 p.m. Demolition Derby 8:00 p.m. Church Service sponsored by Mitchell Jr. Far- mers, collection for The Crippled Children Fund. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 10:00 a.m. 4-H Competition & Inter Club Shows 12:00 noon Heavy Horse, Roadster & Carriage Classes 4:30-7:30 p.m. Pork Chop BBQ SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Horse Shoe Pitching, Antique Mgchinery Show 8. Demonstration EVERYDAY Exhibit Buildings open, Midway in operation, good food available. FUN FOR ALL AT... "The Biggest Little Fair In Ontario" OPEN r Boa 0441,. 7 NIGHTS A °°1"1 "24 P.M. W ! SHOWTIME RUSK F81.1 SAT.. SEPT. 4TH -STH An action adventure romantic comedy spy story. SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY The True Story of Teen- age Girls in Prison!... PRISON -1- IT'S THE w PtLD SERIES_ OF LAUGHS! BIES LAST NIGHT THURS.. SEPT. 3 he is 17. e she is 15. ndiesslae SEPT. 4 TO 10TH SHOWTIMES: Frl. E. Sao. 9 & 9 P.M., Sun.. Thos. / P.M. Somewhere, Under The Rainbow. way down loam — Chemy Chase, Carrie Fisher and ISO midgets are fighting valiantly to sale our country against 'all Os? than f41 mQ OS FROM WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS ,d They're singing, swinging and everythingingl TECHMICOLORR .j.A +15*. D,1"P1',Ib'1 PS. QJ..CbIn We R.... "LADY CHA TTERLEY" NOTE: DRIVE IN WILL RE OPEN WEEK ENDS ONLY AFTER THIS WEEK. 11111,f 400tIlleIf AT - 6NCtS11011 i40 4, l�llbtll 124.13981. MA14 71011, A0ME4310N PRICES. ter Thews Iwo Wolf bloosy shows mdMlewlon la Apo Sand undo, ORE1, 6 10 17 W. 14 end op '3.“ D t VE•I'' TB A GIANT comedy - don't twit R shoat! COMING SOON STALLONE PAR Cr�)tllItic H PHONE 574 7811 AIR CONDI TIONE take only so much of this constructive criticism (nag- ging) so he went out and managed to bag a couple of birds and monkeys, which he quickly took home to Jane. "She took one look at him and said, 'Not Finch and Chimps again"." Harbouraires begin 34th season The Harbouraires started off their 34th season on Sunday, August 30, with a pork and corn roast at the home of George Parsons in Benmiller. A very enjoyable time was had by all. Highlights of the 1981-82 season will be a trip to Niagara Falls in November to sing in concert with six other male choruses from Western Ontario, ap- proximately 175 vojces; the same six choirs to perform in Goderich in April; and other dates to include Stratford, September 27 and Monkton October 25. Regular practices will start on Sunday, September 13, at 8 p.m. in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich. They are in need of a few more voices ... so if you enjoy singing, combined' with good fellowship, come out to their second practice on Sunday, September 20. Contact Ken Sowerby at 524- 8014; or Harry Mitchell at 482-7584 if you wish further information` __. CAKE DECORATING CHOCOLATE CANDY MAKING 61(11. fin. 71,17, rt, p ' 1 Classes - Equipment - Supplies eaI' ty 1�ico1, inc. • 673-0150 123 Wortley Rd., London Come in and Select from an Exciting Array of Foods, Expertly Prepared just for you. SPECIAL LABOUR DAY Sunday Smorgasbord 5 P.M. -8 P.M. Reservations Appreciated SALAD BAR HOT. SMORGASBORD DESSERT BEVERAGE ADULTS $fl95 $ 50 • CHILDREN • COME IN AS YOU ARE - SERVED IN DINING ROOM —APPEARING THIS WED., THURS., FRI. & SAT. "ANDY S JUDY" candlelight Restaurant & Tavern BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 524-7711 FULLY LICENCED UNDER LLBO Kentucky Fried Chicken Multiple Savings Double up on savings this fall with 7W0 GREAT DEALS on finger lickin' good chicken. The Colonel's secret recipe makes it the best tastingchicken there is. Kentucky fried Ck,kthM -_ _ cm SAVE 510° on a BUCKET. 94 Elgin Ave. East 227 Moira Street GODERICH EXETER Reg. '9.50 Bring this coupon to your nearby.Kentucky Fried Chicken store for a Bucket -with 15 pieces of finger lickin' good chicken. And pay only '8:'50 Offer expires October 4th. Kentucky Fried Ch1ckn," SNACK PACK for ONLY 9 bo lin Ave. East GODERICH 227 Male Street EXETER Reg. '2.10 Rring,this coupon to you( nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken store for a Snack Pack -with 2 pieces of Finger lickin' good chicken and golden french fries. And pay Only 11.60 Offer expires October 4th. C.h S,Mr•, P..,„r €muck fried hiekn t