HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-09-02, Page 16PAGE 16-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 , 1981 D,i0 DNI _PPer$ re . 8E 1M�EN� �RNI °OW •a TIM D.a . L *OE 0470, v1n Aa 9•, *chafe Ocr 961-1200 tic - .,,•3243 1 . Own nw GN 5197G nava tP ACC srvEo CO. 421 7sti4 a3,d T Tv SECU CUP en, pfa l�i da 1. Articles for sale SICK ROOM Supplies, patient aids. support garments, convalescent products, etc. See Rieck Pharmacy; 14 Shoppers Square, Goerich, 524-7241.- ltf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. .See Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-1tf MASTECTOMY SERVICES now available, contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shopper's Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-22tf CUCUMBERS for pickling, 5 miles east of Clinton on Hwy. No. 8. Mrs. John Segeren 482- 9217.-35,36 8292170.-35,36 SWEET CORN - Phone 482- 7404.-33-35 FRESH HONEY for sale. Fred Deiehert, 214 Queen St., • Clinton. 482-9283.-33-35x G:E. AUTOMATIC clothes dryer, good condition. Phone 565-5257 a fter 6: 30 p.m. -35 DO YOU WANT A QUALITY, attractively priced, Canadian built organ with guaranteed after Sales service? We also repair all makes of electronic Organs in your area. Contact Don's Organ and Hi-Fi Ser- vice, 724 Queen St. Kincardine - 396-3546 Your Hammond Organ sales and service centre. -I leow. USED SLATE shingles 10 sq. made in 1862. Best offer. Frank Falconer. Phone 482-9128.-35x CHANNEL MASTER 7 foot Super Parascope model 4251A. The best in UHF TV reception. Still in the box $125. Phone evenings 482-9754--35nx •YOU PICK tomatoes $4.00 a bushel, freezer broccoli available, plus full line of vegetables. TE -EM FARM, Bayfield. Phone 482-9940.-35 WOOD FOR SALE - maple and beech, cut your own at $10 per cord; $35. delivered. Phone 4M -9144.-35x' NEW HONEY FOR SALE in your container or ours. Honeymead. Apiaries. Alec Ostrom, 2 miles North of Varna. Phone 482-7287.-35-40 .LIQUIDATION SALE PRICES: Dashwood patio 'doors from 8515.: panelling from $9.75; ceiling tile $13.50- ctn.; aluminum siding $87.95- bdle; colorlok siding $66.95- bdle at Counter Cash & Carry Building Supplies, 24 Princess St. W., Clinton. -35x FrIB:Cr ui„ c ,o.,. Y Clinton News -Record CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 81 DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads .. o ..... - . Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ....... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sole 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room 8 board 21. Cottages for rent -22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent PHONE 4 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 34. Personal 35: Notice to creditors 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam 47. Cord of thanks 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m- to 5 p.m. 1. Articles 'or sale OLD RED CPR Mail Sleigh used behind Skidoo for children or hauling wood. Phone 565 -2558 or 681-8193. -35 TWO CHESTERFIELDS and two chairs to match; rocker recliner; Underwood typewriter. Phone 482- :1733,-35 TRY C & E USED FUR- NITURE. new and used. Dial Goderich; 524-7231.-40tf YARD FENCING 180 ft. x 48 in. of heavy 9 gauge vinyl coated mesh fencing. Gate and hardware included, 2 years old. Phone 482-7493.-34,35 FRESH CAULIFLOWER 3 miles Westof Exeter on Hwy 83 VISSCHER FARM $6.00 a,1ozen 11PEN DAILY 9 a.m -6p.m . CLOSED SUNDAYS PHONE IN LARGE ORDERS 237-3442 2$t SCHOLL'SndABATTOIR Freezer Meats CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING & PROCESSING Monday - Beef •Tuesday - Pork CALL 262-2041 After Hours 262-2732) RETAIL ORDERS: BEEF OR PORK •SIDES •HINDS *LOINS Retail Hours - Wed., Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. MILL ST. HE NSALL9 ONT, 262. 2041 RIPLEY ABATTOIR We Have Bruce County's Finest Home Killed Beef. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS CHOICE BEEF Hinds° ................ 1.75 lb. Fronts , .... 1 25 Ib., Sides 1 49 Ib. Beef Hips 1 69 Ib. Beef Long Loins 2 09 Ib. Gross weight -price Includes cutting, wrapping end 9ei54 freezing Ground Beef...50 Ib. Tots 1 39 Ib. Pure Beef Patties...10 lbs. or over , 1.59 Ib. Frozen Young Beef Livers. . .......... . ... . ..69 Ib. RIPLEY ABATTOIR & MEAT MARKET 395-2905 or 395-2979 evenings 1. Articles for sale FOR YOUR FREEZER - Late Spring lambs, cornfed, tender, delicious; about 80 lbs., will deliver to processing plant. Ph on e1482 -33(17. -35,36 EiGHT FT. counter top; used bricks; Phone 482-3335.-35x KAWASAKI 100 ENDURO bike, excellent condition, well maintained, 4300 miles. Phone 482-9241 anytime. -35,36 EATING & COOKING AP- PLES. plums in season. Bring containers McClymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna 182-3214. -35 STOVE AND CAMP FIREWOOD FOR SALE Phone 482-3294 482-3509 Cassette Tape Sale! TDK SAC -90 DC -90 SONY FeCr 90 55.80 $3.25 $5.80 PETE'S T.V. 215 Victoria St. Clinton 482-7021 2. Yard Sale YARD SALE 1: mile east of Kinburn. Sat., Sept 5 from 12 noon to 5 p m. Mainly clothes from size 8 up. Phone 527 1885 :35 5. Cars for sale 1976 BROWN CHRYSLER New Yorker, 4 door, loaded. Phone 482-9698 •-35 9174 HONDA CIVIC Rebuilt motor and transmission. 42 miles per gallon. Needs some mrly work $400.00 or best iffer Phone 524.9293.--35tfnx 1975 MERCURY COMET, 2 door, h cylinder, one owner car in excellent condition. Only 31,000 miles. Cer- tified. N. HAMILTON 524-8602 10. Pets for sale FLEAS! Most Pets Have them! WE HAVE THESE FLEA CONTROL PRODUCTS *Flea Collars *Flea Powder *Flea Shampoo *Flea Soap for dogs 8. cats VERBEEK'S FARM 8 GARDEN CENTRE Isaac St., Clinton 482-9333 12. Real estate for sale 3 PLUS ACRES. outskirts of Sea forth, quiet area. 112 storey brick house, 8 rooms. 112 baths. 100 AMP drilled well, barn 20 ft. x 40 ft. Phone 527- 1U66.-34,35 Culligan COUNTRY PROPERTY - Five bedroom, two bathroom, bar, basement entrance, barn, workshop. On two lots near Bayfield, two minutes from Marina. '79.900. HOWARD STREET - BA.YFIELD - Near the lake, lust a short walk to the public beach. Quiet location. Fully decorated, excellent value. '41,900. HEART OF THE VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD- Three bedroom bungalow, fieldstone fireplace, water softener, TV tower, Super value! Was °59.500. '53,900. TRY YOUR OFFER TODAY - Vendor will consider holding mortgage to qualified purchasers, •W.ILLY BUNN Bayfield 565-5055 A. For sale BRED YORK cross Landrace gilts. Due late August and September. Bred Hampshire. Also usual selection, hamp- shire. Yorkshire, Hampshire cross, York Boars. Call Bob Robinson :345-2317.-33,34,35 • INTERNATIONAL 624 TRACTOR. with agra shift, loader. with hydraulic bucket. Very good condition. Best offer. Phone 262-5863 between 4 and6 p.m .-35,36x TWO ROW narrow super picker sheller, New idea. I•H 56 Forage blower, Model 212 Case. harvester and a John Deere, 700 Grinder Mixer 995 Case with No. 65 loader. Phone Bill at Huron Tractor. 523-4244.=35 Registered and Certified SEED WHEAT navy available VERBEEK'S FARM 8 GARDEN CENTRE Isaac St., Clinton 482-9333 After 6 p.m. 482-3827 Mensal) Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton -482.7511 Barry Miller Exeter -236.2717 h Kirton -229-6285 Douglas Carruthers -237.3734 Gregory Hargreaves -262-2619 B. Custom Work ('1'STOM BEAN pulling and windrowing. Also combining available. Phone Auburn 526 7583.- :35,36 CUSTOM BIG round baling; Plowing and also chisel plowing and silo filling. Phone Co Zo ndag 565-5308. -35-40 CUSTOM COMBINING •Direct Cut •Windrows *White beans *Soya beans •Wide and narrow rows of corn AVOID LOSSES Call early to insure good harvesting timing. CALL: BRIAN WILSON 527-1123 C. Wonted WANTED 15 beef heifer calves approximate 400 to 45(1 lbs. ('all 15191 469.3610 or write Ted Mitchell, RR 2, innerkip, Ont. NI!J IMII. :t3,:36 E. Farm service SHIPPING CATTLE -to . Toronto 1'nion Stockyards Every Monday. Campbell McKinley 262 5430. -48tf ATTF':NTI(►N HOG FAR- MERS! Would you like a holiday'' I will do your chores. Have 31 years farming ex- perience Phone •482- 7927 34;35 FARMERS For all your farm buildings BIG OR SMALL Give Ray Lumbers Construction a cal 482®3305 SPECIALIZED MACHINE FOR INSTALLATION OF FARM DRAINAGE INCLUDING LASER AUTOMATIC GRADE CONTROL -BULLDOZING REDUCED PRICES ON 30.000 FT. OR MORE "IT PAYS To DRAiN" 4 8 .2.949y� PHONE `t L 12. Real es -tate for sale '24,900. ONLY IN CLINTON Beautiful Split level home, semi-detached, In nice quiet area. On a large full-sized lot. Three bedrooms, well- planned basement with roughed in fireplace for future family room. Low down payment, easy terms. CONTACT RON: 1-672-0206 AFTER 6 PM ON WEEKENDS JOHN L. DuDDY NEW LISTING. BRUCEFIELD - 11.25 per- cent mortgage. '9,500. down to existing payments of '205/mon- th. 2 bedroom, living room, family room with patio doors to sundeck. 1/4 acre lot. NEW LISTING - 86.6 acres on No. 4 hwy. north of Clinton. Cash crop land only, no buildings. Level, Harriston loam soil. List price '2,300. per acre. NEW LISTING - No. 200 Ontario St. Clinton. Spacious 3 bedroom 2 storey home. Carpeted family room with energy-saving wood - stove. Main floor laun- dry room and modern kitchen. 2 bathrooms. Price '43,900. Interior must be seen. 108 ACRES - Woodlot and river frontage. Invest- ment property, gravel deposits, large existing 9 percent mortgage. PRICE REDUCED - 1.03 acres between Varna and Bayfield with 1'/2 storey brick farm house. Possible mortgage ter- ms. VANASTRA ARENA - Now offered at '115,000. Low interest existing financing. Many poten- tial uses. We have the key. 85 ACRES - Morris Town- sh • ,yam 4 es w• f7 in- clu:. . pr co '60,000. R.K. 5 Clinton - 5 acres contain' h fing bath or- ple trete and an old house. List price '90,000. FOR SALE OR RENT - 2 houses, one in Vanastra at '200/mo., one in Clin- ton at '175/mo. CALL JOHN DUDDY 482-3652 RUSS ARCHER 527-1871 JOHN THOMPSON527-1903 OFFICE 482-h766 i ch ° :t 1Bi oG LAUCKNER REALTY INC.. B AYFIELD - One of Bayfield's most attrac- tive lots. Handyman's special, Reduced price. BAYFIELD - 2 bedroom summer cottage, drilled well, beautiful treed lot overlooking Bayfield River. B AYFIELD - 2 yr. old ran- ch brick bungalow, com- pletely winterized on 100 ft. lakefront lot. Year round access, water supply and elec- tric heat. ZURICH - One floor bungalow, 3 bedroom, modern kitchen, full basement, electric heat, garage, 66' x 180' lan- dscaped lot, town water and sewer. CALL ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield 565-2813 BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 - Residence: 523-9338 LONDESBORO - 112 storey home - aluminum sided - new kitchen, under $30,000.00 BRICK DUPLEX on James Street, Clinton - recently built, low interest mortgage in ef- fect. ' 2 ACRES - edge of Clinton, paved mad, 112 storey home in nearly new condition with. carport - swimmingpool and many extras. 200 ACRE hog farm in Hullett Twp., 2 sets of buildings. Completely modern capacity for 2,000 hogs. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on corner lot at Orange and Princess Street, Clinton. Presently used as building supply yard. Priced to sell. HIGHWAY RESTAURANT - fully equipped, priced for a quick sale! COTTAGE on Maitland River at Fernhurst Glen - quick possession, owner will con- sider financing. 520 ACRES, cash crop farm, Brucef iel d a nd Holm esvi Ile 4111 ACRES cash crop and beef farm near Seaforth. 10 ACRES farrow -to -finish for 81 sows near Auburn. 5 ACRES near Blyth with brick home and barn for pigs or any purpose. Priced to sell quickly. 28 ACRES near Londesboro, excellent buildings, farrowing opera tion. CLINTON OFFICE - 482-3455 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 AILEEN CRAIG 482-3669 COUNTRY HOME, brick, good condition, barn & shed on 2 acres. 3 OR 4 BEDROOM HOME - only '29,900.". Mortgage con- sidered at 12%. TRY YOUR OFFER - on this 3 bedroom starter home, 3,000 SQ. FT. OF LIVING SPACE, many extras, double lot. BARGAIN - 4 bedroom aluminum clad home. Only '25,000.". 34 WALNUT TREES and a 3 bedroom house on a large lot. Only '32,000.°". OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT in our Seaforth office. 101/2% MORTGAGE, 2 or 4 bedroom, 1 floor home, small down payment. 10% MORTGAGE, '7,500." down, 4 bedroom brick home, excellent condition. 10% MORTGAGE on this well kept 4 bedroom, 1 floor home. Asking '35,000.". - LARGE HEATED WORKSHOP. double lot, 3 bedroom home. INCOME PROPERTY - 5 units, recent renovations, large lot, expansion potential. '/2 ACRE - 3 bedroom 1 floor home, treed lot, close to Clinton. WELL BUILT 3 BEDROOM - ranch "style brick bungalow, close to downtown. 2 STOREY 5 BEDROOM HOME - or duplex on a double lot. Only '41,900." 3 BEDROOM HOME - Close to school. '21,900." WELL BUILT BRICK AND ALUMINUM - Split level home, be the first occupant. 11116, CaII us - we have more listings. 0,9 N 451.1108.21.126..19 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - 12' x 68' mobile home, two bedroom, large kitchen 12' x 20', carpet throughout and drapes in- cluded, trailer unfurnished, large shed included. Phone 41r2-7220.-35 16. For Rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd. )-14tfar PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls, wheelbarows, etc, Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4954.-16tfar 17. Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM Apartment, carpeted with fridge and stove. In Clinton call 482-3631.-35 TWO BEDROOM Apartment, $200. a month, at 103 James St. References required. Available Oct. 1. Phone 833- 9021.-35tf 18. Houses for rent 18. Houses for rent EXECUTIVE style.house, four bedroom, living and dining rooms, 1, 2 baths, fireplace, residential, available Sept. 1st,' Phone 482-3657.-34,35x SMALL HOUSE on James St. • 373, Clinton. Suitable for single i' or couple. Gas heating, available on Oct. 1. Phone 482- 7S26.-35-39 COUPLE WITH DESIRE to live in country. Modern two r bedroom house in exchange for working mornings Mon.- Fri. Phone 482-3191.-35x THREE BEDROOM House for rent on Ontario St., available Oct. 1 phone 48'2-9678-35tf 20: Room & board ,BED SITTING ROOM with private bath plus three meals daily for retired people. Van Damme's Holiday Home 482- 3685.-24tfar ROOM & BOARD for young lady, laundry and lunches included. Phone 482-3136.-35 24. Wanted to rent WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Phone 482-7922.-8tfar TWO BEDROOM Mobile home LARGE WELL BUILT dog for rent. Morgan's Mobile house - preferably insulated Homes. Phone 482-7066.--35tf 527-0101.--35 26. Help wanted 26. Help. wanted HELP WANTED Part time Kitchen help wanted. Apply: WHITE CARNATION Holmesville Ph. 482-9228 The Huron County Board of Education invites applications for membership on THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE fhis Committee consisting of board members and volunteer citizens may make recommendations to the Huron County Board of Education in respect to any mat- ter affecting the establishment and developments of special education programmes and services in respect of exceptional pupils of the board. Volunteers must be nominated by a local association and appointed by the Huron County Board of Education. Local association means an association or organization of parents that operates locally within the area; of lurisdlction of a board and that is affiliated with an association or organization that is not an association or organization of professional educators but that is in- corporated and operates throughout Oratorio to fur- ther the interests and, wellbeing of one or more groups of exceptional children or adults. Secretaries of local associations are requested to for- ward applications to: W.D. Kenwel l Superintendent of Education Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street CLINTON. Ontario NOM 110 on or before Friday, September 11, 1981. , Operator (Waste and Water Project) '346.00 - '367.00 per week The MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT seeks an in- dividual to operate and maintain process control equipment to ensure treatment plants, pumping stations and collection systems are operating in accor- dance with the ministry's standards. Reporting to the superintendent of the plant, you will spend ap- proximately 90% of your time in Blyth and 10% In Brussels; carry out sampling and routine laboratory tests; maintain and repair grounds, buildings and equipment; repair sewers; perform other duties as assigned. Location: Blyth. Qualifications: Several years demonstrated experien- ce in the repair and maintenance of pumps, blowers and diesel engines; ability to trouble shoot high voltage circuits and motors; knowledge of sewage treatment process; proficiency In basic arithmetic; good physical condition; valid driver's licence; ability to successfully complete the ministry's basic sewage Course. Less qualified or experienced individuals may be con- sidered at a lower salary. Note: All applicantt invited for an interview will be required to take a written test. Please submit application quoting file EN -SW -21 by September 11, 1981, to: Manager, Administrative Ser- vices, Ministry of the Environment, 985 Adelaide Street South, London, Ontario, N6E 1V3. Equality of Opportunity for Employment. Ontario Ontario Public Service