HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-09-02, Page 3527-010140 Today and yesterday came together in a harmonious blend in Bayfield over the weekend as the village hosted its annual Fall Fair. over 1,100 people joined in at the fair which celebrated the 125th birthday of the local Agricultural Society. The colorful garden club float was a crowd favorite and Beth Rathwell of Bayfield led the congenial donkey and wagon filled with flowers and fruits along the parade route. (Shelley McPhee photo) hayfield Fair success..... • from page 1 the rides and devored hundreds of hot dogs and sticks of cotton candy. The ladies listened to the Clinton ,Pipe Band and viewed the beautiful flowers and near perfect vegetables in the arena. stuck in the middle !. At 125 years old the Bayfield Agricultural Society is still thriving, and local residents and summer visitors are learning that old and newcan be har- moniously blended together. This is what seems to make the annual Bayfield Fall Fair a repeatedly great success. b shelley y mcphee Some people actually enjoy thunderstorms. A fellow I know.claims that he likes to sit with his nose right up to window, to take in the showing of thunder, lightn- ing and dark, dark skies. Personally I think he's off his rocker. Nobody should like thunderstorms, they're just no fun at all. They're menacing, dangerous, dismal and truly unattractive. I mean what's fun about looking at a dull, dreary sky. Who wants to have their hair do ruined and make-up smeared all over their face by torren- tial rain storms?. Who enjoys being scared out of their wits every time a loud crack of thunder explodes? Who thinks lightning is a barrel of laughs - nobody in their right mind. I hate thunderstorms. They make me cry, they make me nervous, they make nie hide under the pillows and prac- tically suffocate. Now thunderstorms at three in the afternoon I can handle. I peer out the window every sixty seconds just to be sure that things aren't getting any worse out there. but generally I can function as a nearly normal human be- ing during an mid-day cloudbursts. It's the after -midnight tempests that nearly kill rile. The kind that make win- dows shutter and sleeping bodies jump three feet in the air. Weather -type -people say that the worst thunderstorms occur during the late afternoon hours, but I think it's the pitch -back -dead -of -night jobs that real - 1y knock your socks off. About four in the morning they always start. First the wind starts howling through the trees, then conies the ear splitting crashes, and last, but not least, the flashes of lightning that entirely illuminate the room. I shiver under the covers, afraid to look out the windows in case a bolt of lightning hits me right; in the heart. I won't turn on the lights; in case a bolt of lightning knocks me dead. I won't go to the bathroom in case a bolt of lightning comes up through the toilet and zaps me right in the I won't talk on the phone, in case a bolt of lightning goes into my ear arid explodes my brains. Frankly, I just don't like lightning. And so I plan my escape. I sneak into the closet and dress in my warmest, most waterproof clothes. Next I gather up all by beloved worldy possessions, candles, ,matches and Graham Crackers, too keep up my energy. I briefly think about the old bomb, and pray that it's sitting under a tree. With any luck the tree will get hit by lightning, fall down, squash the car, and if I live through this thunderstorm, I'll get some insurance money. As the life or death situtation becomes more and more terrifying 1 prepare for the worst, to go down to the depths of my creepy old basement, where me, the spiders and mice will wait out the storm. And just as a.gather up my candles, crackers and worldy possessions, the rain stops, the thunder dies down and the lightning fades. The storm's over. It's back into the PJs, and the warm bed. I nibble on my crackers, and drift off into dreamland again. Good night! POOL SALE!, August 28 - September 12 POOL KIT INCLUDES •30 mil. vinyl liner •14 gauge galsteel walls •Bullnose coping *Return fittings • Main dram •Sand filter with pump •Vacuum kit •Main tenance kit •6' diving hoard •3 step ladder •Installation includes concrete and pool pad bottom •skimmer 1 ® pool kits and all inven- O /0 tory including patio fur- niture, gams, chemicals and accessories. Beat inflation! Order now for fall installation. -''''' off 234 Main Ste North, Seaforth CI JN'I'ON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 , 1981—PAGE 3 Vern to use wheelchair Terry Fox run hope to attract many by Shelley McPhee , Although he's confined to a wheelchair, Verne Mero of Seaforth is not going to let his handicap restrict his activities. Mr. Mero of Seaforth, who works at Ex - Cello in Clinton, is preparing to take part in the Terry Fox Run in Clinton on Sunday, September 13th, He hopes to raise over $3,000 in the 10 krn. run. Elaine Townshend of Clinton,who is 'organizing the run in this area sas the 10 km. (six mile) route is planned so people can run, walk, jog, crawl or even complete it ina wheelchair. The Terry Fox run, she stressed, is an event that everyone can take part in, and it is not a race but a fund-raising effort to help the Marathon of Hope cancer project. People all across Canada will be suppor- ting this cause, started by the late Terry Fox, the one -legged runner who raised over $24 million when he attempted his coast to coast run last year. "I wanted to do something in honor of Terry Fox," Miss Townshend explained. "This is one way his memory will live on." In this area, London and Goderich will also be hosting runs on September 13th, and in the Clinton, Seaforth-Exeter area, Miss Townshend hopes that people from throughout Huron County will take part. Sponsor sheets for the Clinton run are Vern Mero of Seaforth, who works at the Clinton Ex -Cell -0 plant is going to go in the Terry Fox Marathon on Sunday September 13, riding his wheelchair. (James Fitzgerald photo) available at 'municipal offices throughout the county. On September 13th, registra- tion will take place from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Central Huron Secondary School on Princess Street in Clinton. It's not •a competitive run," Miss Townshend noted, "People can take all day to complete the run." She also noted that the 10 km. route along the Base Line, north of Clinton, is lin- ed with large shade trees and would make a cool, relaxing spot for a family picnic. People of all ages are invited to take part in the Terry Fox Run, but children under the age of 10 are to be accompanied by an adult. Each participant who finishes the run will receive a personalized certificate. of Terry Fox, thankingthem for their sup- port.. This certificate is a four-colour reproduction of an artist's portrait of Terry, signed by Terry. Organizers of the Terry Fox Run in Clin- ton hope that local businesses and in- dustries will become involved, perhaps by challenging one another. Already the Clin- ton Kinsmen and Kinette members gave put out a challenge to other Kin Clubs in the area. Many service clubs, organizations and private individuals are also lending their support to the Run and Miss Townshend noted, "It's all self-supporting and people are working hard to make this go. They are donating everything, their time, their equipment and monetary support." Across the country, the Run is honoring Terry Fox Day on September 13th and it is hoped that the Run will become an annual event. The national sponsors for the Run are the Canadian Track and Field Association, Four Seasons Hotels, the Canadian Cancer Society and Fitness and Amateur Sport, Canada. 1)(P volt hare an fepiniOst? tile editor, and let even -fine .•lIl let ters are published, prowiding there is sufficient spacearailable, . and they cart authenticated. are allowed 4. the letter is signed elsewhere, but all letters are subject to editing 1,or length for- libel. 1110erryFox Run 9oz tfiE-Ma'zaLI on of cf o/iE SUNDAY,SEPTEMBER 13, 1981 10 a.m. - R p.m. at C.H.S.S. - Clinton (Central Huron Secondary School) Get Involved! PLEDGE FORMS AVAILABLE AT Seaforth Clinton Exeter Town Hall Town Hall Town Hall SPONSORED BY BETA SIGMA PHI We've got these two special deals on right now I ' Phone for your appointment, now offers end Saturday September 5 PERM SPECIALS!. Phone for an appointment now with either Marlene or Bonnie All perm's now August 21 - September 12/81 - PLAIN OR LINED 200 SHEETS REFILLS 1BIN�DER ` 1 59 ,.,..-E � 49 EXERCISE BOOK $19) d BIC ROLLER PEN 156 PAGES TYPEWRITER PAPER S 1 5 1O'OFF • 1111111pU11L ) nu rlln 111• r_1 VIVA TONE COLOURING PENCILS • ," x 1010" 2 ROLLS BY PAPERMATE PRESSBOARD ACCO GS 11 5 8' on your child's hack -to -school WITH THIS haircut col:poro ‘/•,-- 4 4/1111 nu11 a 1n1a1111MIllrallHll iii / iii t11i 1111Ni1111Yfl1111�"`Y�1°'Q, ( 11U/IUUNIIunuulllnqu111111t1r1111H11111g1g1/1111111111UItl/11/111 A. BINDER DIAL A LASH MASCA RA R M S Pleasing you....pleusesu%.l LORI LYN t, ®IY Y 482®7711 \72 ALBERT ST.. CLINTON TRIANGLE H DISCDUMT% R ... .._. MAIN CORNER, SEAFO CLINTON/MAIN V .:. � CORNER, 000ERC 58'rHE SQUARE, T :.� _.,.....