HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-07-16, Page 16PAGE 16-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1981 TT TV afar tuait ..,. • Itr '-^err ,-n::,q "., n-$249 - wall Irn•r., • PC:L - ..arpn Aka GR S b�N Aac,f 9& aCt++tivE m+ CO- 421 vies apTni DAIL WE' 3012. ,ran 11 'Av. Alii ..ediafe Qct 961-1200 no" L 1 . Articles for sale SICK ROOM Supplies, patient aids, support garments, convalescent products, etc. See Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.- ltf OSTOMY SUPPLIES 'and appliances. See Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.- Itf 24- 7241-11f MASTECTOMY SERVICES now available, contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy. Shopper's Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-22tf WOOD FOR SALE - Call 482- 3162.-27-32x JOHN DEERE 5' _ h.p. riding mower Al condition $395. Also, 2 h.p. 4 cycle Briggs & Stratton easy spin start push mower $45.482-3231..-28x TE -EM FARM. formerly Reder Produce, RR " 1, Bayfield. Now available - new potatoes, red and white cab= bag e, broccoli, zucchini. cucumbers. Pick your own peas, carrots.cauliflower and radishes. 482-9940.- 28 CHOICE PRIVET ROOTS. Phone 524-7994, 127 Widder St. Goderich. 28 TON TRUCK, Topper Elite fiberglass, good condition, best offer . 482-9954.-28x -, CLEAN CLAY FILL -loan yds. Varna area. Phone 262- 5854.-28,29 ELECTRIC GUITAR in ex- cellent condition complete with hard -backed case. $300. new, asking $235. Phone 482- 7410.-28 STRIPED, 6 ft.. chesterfield and two matching•chairs $200. Large - erib- - with :or without mattress, $25. Large baby walker with play tray $5. All in excellent condition. Phone.524- 9916.-28 GOOD NO. 1 New Potatoes. 10, 20. 50 or 75 Ib. bags "Phone 482- '7578.-28-31 FREEZER COOKBOOK 191 pages. Recipes, instructions and money saving ideas. Send $1.5u plus 50c handling to Freezing Information Bureau, Box 840, Station Q, Toronto M4T 2N7•-28bc URINE -ERASE saves car- pets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A, Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario N5Y 4X8.-28bc PICK YOUR Own Rasp- berries. Open 10 a.m. Monday. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday weather and supply per- mitting. Bring your own quart boxes. Quart boxes can be purchased. Turn left at Kippen off Highway No. 4. 11/4 miles east turn right, third farm on right. Jack Bell, RR 2, Kippen 2;2-587R.-25 TRY C & E USED FUR- NiTURE. new and used. Dial Goderich, 314-7231.- 40tf HUMANE LIVE TRAPS for mice, rats. squirrels, coon. rabbits, etc Also cedar kin- dling and stove wood. Phone 4112-3842.- 25t1 NEW STEEL BUILDINGS Priced for Immediate liquidation. •40 ft. x60 ft. grain, machine storage, '13,500. NEED '6,720. •50 ft. x 1$0 ft. groin, machine storage, '27,873. NEED '17,115. INCLUDES: Doors. Stack grain 7 ft. through 11 ft. against sidewalk. Check LL/WL BRUTE STEEL BUILDING FACTORIES By SW4WORD rARFYIRAT10M For local represen- tative, call 1-800-665-0431 •R 4J4 •r GAr1)i.r1 I rngC cm 411IP 00..,. TN-. OuNrr 1J Y CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads 2222...... Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ....... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. .CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard sole 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R.V.'s for sole 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sole 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out'of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room 8 board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent PHONE 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wonted 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31- Service directory 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sole 39. Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam 47. Card of thanks 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 0:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale SWIVEL ROCKING Chair, also mahogany finished three drawer student's desk. Phone 482-7608,-27,28 FRESH CAULIFLOWER Smiles West of • Exeter on Hwy 83 VISSCHER FARM $6.00 a dozen OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. - 6 p. m. CLOSED SUNDAYS PHONE IN LARGE ORDERS 237=3442 • 28 5. Cars for sale 1976 VW RABBIT auto.. H - Back F -wheel drive, 4 door. 46,000miles, rear defrost. cloth interior. original paint. green w -black trim. excellent con- dition. Gets J7 mpg 3.200 ONO;) 4132X232: -28x 1978 BLACK Olds Delta 88 Royale. best offer. Phone 482- 3022 after 6 p.m.- 28 6. Trucks for sale 1976 FORD VAN, 12 passenger. low mileage. stored in winter Also large bus with vertical siding. Ideal for cottage. 529- 7030. Call after 9 p.m.- 26-29 8. Marine MARINE FASTENINGS - stainless brass, bronie. galvanized. Interlux Marine Finishers. "West" System Products. plywood and lum- ber. fiberglas cloth.. -John -Jeffery & Son Building Sup- plies. Goderich. Phone 524- 8171.- 24- 8171.- Ilieowtf ,r 419•N N 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE: 60' x 12' New Yorker with large add -a -room and verandah- 68 Iroquois. St. 'Meneset Park. Goderich $14,500. P hone 4f32-7066. - 26-28 FOR SALE - three bedrooni mobile home, 12 ft. x 60 ft., refrigerator. stove, drapes, sun -deck and storage shed included. For more in- formation call after 6:00 p.m. 524-6:334.-28 16. For Rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear. Main St-. Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd. 1- t4tfar PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls, wheelbarows, etc. Form ties stacked. Ca11• N.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4954, lltfar 17. Apartments. for rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment. close • to hospital and down- town. Phone 482-7261 after 6 -p.m.- 211tf AMIAAIMOMIKAANAIAMAAIAAAAAA 17. Apartments for tent TWO BEDROOM Apartment, heated, eonditioned. newly decorated, carpeted, last month's rent in advance. Call 482-3533. - 21 tfar TWO BEDROOM Apartment available July 1, in uptown Clinton. Phone 482-9766 or 482- 9417 after 6p.m.-25lfar _- DOWNTOWN Apartment. one large, one small bedroom, newly decorated. Available immediately. Phone 482-3414 or482-7591,- 27,28 TWO BEDROOM Apartment $130. month. close to down town. Phone 481.7 24.- 28 . ONE BEDROOM Apartment in new apt- building, fridge and stove supplied. Available Sept. 1, further information phone 4132.7957.- 28,29 SEMI-DETACHED: 4 bedroom 'units. .Available immediately. Phone after 6 p.m. 482-:3096. - 28 18. Houses for rent HOUSE CLOSE to Post Office in Clinton. Carpeted. fridge, stove. $190 plus utilities. 529- 7949.- 27.28.29 Attenti,n Farmers A. For sale STRAW FOR SALE off the field. Phone 524-41679.- 27,28 410 DIESEL Combine. cutting head. pick-up head. corn head and straw chopper. Phone 482- 9105.- 27,28 • B. Custom Work 12. Real estate for sale CUSTOM SILO FILLING - call Hank Reinink52:3-9202,- 23tfar HULLETT TOWNSH I P CROPS INCLUDED. PRICE SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED for quick sale: 96.9 acres. approximately 85 acres workable. Presently about 45 acres in . Winter , Wheat. balance in barley. Partially systematically tiled. Immediate possession in- cludes '81 harvest. No buildings. CROPS INCLUDED, Price substantially reduced for quick sale: 100 acres, ap- proximately 70 acres workable systematically tiled. No buildings. immediate possession includes '81 har- vest. Dirk M. Coolman Real Estate Broker. Phone Z15-1055 Paul Hohner 235 0302 Exeter.- 24tf GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK 0 0 0 3L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HAL HARTLEY 482-3693 GK REALTY & Insurance Inc. 14 Isaac Street, Clinton CLARE SAGER 524-8995 NEW LISTING - Clinton, 2 bedroom, 1 storey with garage workshop 29• x 13", recreation room 27' x 10•. 1 years gas heat '377. Priced reasonable. 137 Joseph St. NEW LISTING - 4 bedroom 1 ' , storey older brick. central location well maintained, 2 fireplaces, garoge, re -insulated nice grounds 56 Gibbings St. 4 ACRES - '0. mile south of Clinton on Hwy 4 with 2 bedroom brick home Property goes right back to Bayfield River Beautiful location Must be seen NEW LISTING . 3 bedroom 1 ' , storey older brick on quiet street Newly renovated family room with fireploce bar laundry room. 165 Isaac St. NEW LISTING: 3 bedroom 1 storey colorlok, new attache -1 20 x 24 garage reinsulated 1980, newly decorated family room Large deck 18 ft pool 292 Townsend St. NEW LISTING: 3 bedroom 1 storey brick built in 1953 area i 000 sq ft neat compact fruit trees garage Priced right 327 Ontario St PRICE REDUCED - 3 bedroom 2 storey well appoin• ted home. Newly decorated new wiring 2 new baths with vanities new carpeting, double goraae near schools 200 Ontario St NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom 1 'storey brick built 1973 area 1018 sq ft 2 baths gas heat, well in- sulated large lot must be seen 47 Walker St VENDOR SAYS SELL - MAKE US AN OFFER - 109 Wintercourt 4 bedroom raised ranch. built 1974. Electric heat paved drive 2 baths family room Reduced to '49,900, LISTINGS WANTED 0 you are thinking of Buying or Soiling your property, contact Q.K. Realty 402-0747 mem- ber Huron Real Estate Board and Multiple Listing Service. GK GK GK GK GIS GIC GK t 0 CUSTOM BIG Round Baling - Co. Zondag. Phone 565- 5308.- 2:3tf CUSTOM WHEAT. Grain and Bean Combining. alsocan haul to elevators. Phone 262- 5708.- 25-211 CUSTOM COMBINING of small grain $14. an acre. Cut bar and trucks available. Phone 482.9851. 28.29 CUSTOM COMBINING, ('all Bill Smith 482-:1149.- 28.29x D. Livestock • REGISTERED Quarter Ilorse Filly Ready to he trained. Phone 4112-31196. - 28 31111 PULLETS ready for laying first week inseptember."Order now call 262 5710.- 28.29 AMER iCis iv i, RiiC BOARS. Hamp-York and York X Landrace for sale 294.11386 after tip.m - 28-30 D. Livestock' Hensall Livestock Sales - SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor INrtlre.rs Clinton -1112-7311 Gerry Miller Ixet v - 23161711 Kid,ton - 220.4213 Deuugl.s Carruth.,' -239-3731 Gregory Hargreaves - 212-2414 E. Form service SHIPPING CATTLE to Toronto Inion Stockyards every Monday. Campbell McKinley 262-34:10.- 48tf CUSTOM SWATHING PHONE AFTER 6 P.M. JIM PRESZCATOR 482-7126 CUSTOM SWATHING Hay or Grain Contact r wr it � Culdw@ill 262-5968 or 262-2605 FARMERS For all your farm buildings RIG OR SMALL Giese Ray Limbers Corlstruction a call 482-3305 GEORGE NESBITT GLINTON, ONT. FARM DRAINAGE leer�//,. 9/ SPECIALIZED MACHINE FOR INSTALLATION :•;F FARM DRAINAGE INCLUDING LASER -AUT' MATIC GRADE CONTROL-IULLooziNQ REDUCED PRICES ON 30,o00 FT. OR MORE "IT PAYS TO DRAIN"; PHONE 4829497 18. Houses for rent SMALL HOME in Country on main highway, 1 miles from Clinton. Newly decorated and clean. Available now. no pets please and references required. Phone4112-3460:- I6tf EXECUTIVE style house, four bedroom, living and dining rooms, 1 , , baths, fireplace, residential, available August 1. Phone 4W-3657,-27,28 20. Room & board BED SITTING ROOM with private bath plus three meals daily for retired people. Van Damme's Holiday Home 482- :0;85.-- 24t fa r 21. Cottages for rent YOUR OWN Campsite. Four locations in Ontario. Tennis, pools. lounges.,,on water - fully serviced. Tots. Park models welcome, Privacy. families only. Wildwood Camp Resorts. ('ail collect (3319+ • 565-2190. Overnight . campers welcome.- 28bc A CFARLAN E REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 53 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-0541 CLINTON 126 GORDON ST. Raised Ranch, 3 bedrooms, large kit- chen, living room, 4 pc. bath, electric heat, full basement. 77 RATTENBURY ST. Frame 2 storey duplex, both units 2 bedrooms, full basement, gas heat. COMMERCIAL Brick 2 storey house zoned commercial, Ideal layout for offices. Two storey 7 unit apar- tment building, corner lot. COMME ICAL 1 store/ construc- tion. onstructtion. Cgh rally located. VANASTRA Two storey semi- detached units, 4 bedrooms, financing available. Two storey semi- detached unit, 3 bedroom full basement. Two storey single family dwelling, 3 bedroom, kitchen, living room, full basement. BOB THOMAS Office 235-0541 Res. 482-3096 11 OG 1]-0 24. Wanted to rent TWO OR THREE bedroom house wanted to rent in Clinton for September 1. Phone 482- 9504.- 27tf 25. Wanted to buy WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Phone 482-7922.- 8tfar N AM Tag L.. 0.011 26. Help wanted - EARN EXTRA MONEY-• Show beautiful (1lristtnas ollyds and gifts to friends, neighbours, relatives. It's easy -and profitable. No experience needed. Write today for free, colourful illustrated catalogue and • information- Monarch Cards and Gifts, 217 Cannon, Hamilton 1.8N 3K3 or phone (416) 527-:389I.- 2$bc ADULTS to supervise pre-school children, 2-3 hours per week for 8 weeks in Sep- tember & October on a volunteer basis. Student helpers provided. Central location in Clinton. Training supplies and supervision provided. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PHONE: PEGGY RIVERS FAMILY & CHILDREN SERVICES OF HURON COUNTY 524-7356 Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 182-9371 Residence: 523-9338 150 ACRES E. WAWANOSH - 2 floor brick home - 2 small barns, LONDESBORO - 1 , , storey home - aluminum sided - new kitchen - under $30,00(.00. BRICK DUPLEX on James Street Clinton - recently built. Low interest mortgage in effect. , -- 2 ACRES - Edge of Clinton - paved road - 1' storey home in nearly new condition with carport - swimming pool. and many extras. CLINTON - Ontario St. 1' storey 4 bedroom frame home. CLINTON - Albert Street • 1 floor - 2 bedroom home - could be 3 bedrooms - under $:30010,00. 200 ACRE HOG FARM - in Hullett Twp. 2 sets of buildings. Completely modern - capacity for 200II hogs, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on corner lot at Orange & Princess St.. Clinton, Presently used as building supply yard. Priced to Sell, 1 STOREYSTUCCO HOME - on Albert St. on large wooded lot gas heat - 2 baths - Priced right. VIORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. QUEEN ST. - 3 or 4 bedroom home, full basement, '29,900.00. Mortgage con- sidered. VARNA - Large building lot, priced to sell. CLINTON - 2 bedroom mobile home, '11,000., good condition. ALBERT ST. - Lot 82 x 132, 4 bedroom home, dining room, den, hot water heating, 10% mortgage, '45,000,°°, FULTON ST. - double lot, 3 bedroom home, large workshop, '32,90.00. HURON ST.: 4 apartments and potential space, good returns, TOWNSEND ST. - 3 bedroom, 1 floor home, built in range, oven 8- dish- washer, only '23,500,00 REDUCED TO '29,900.00- for this lovely home, completely remodelled, in Vanastra. KINBURN: 3 bedroom bungalow, on a '1, acre lot, '30,000.00, HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL - Lot in Clin- ton, '29,000.00 HIGH ST. • 2 storey elegant brick home, fireplace, treed lot, paved drive, '45,000,00 DUNLOP ST. - 3 bedrooms, expensively renovated home welt built in pool. STONE HOUSE - on 10 acres near Seaforth, 1'/2 ACRES - house 8 born, '24,900," near Blyth, VARNA - 1. bedr som, 1 floor home, '20,000.00. LAUCKNER REALTY INC. TWO ACRES fronting Maitland River, win- terized home, 2 bedroom, living room with fireplace, oil heating, garage 25' x 24', taxes '290. BAYFIELD - 3 bedroom, winterized home, lovely treed lot, close to stores. BAYFIELD - 2 bedroom semi -cottage beauti- fully treed lot overlooking valley. REDUCED '10,000. '25,000. down with 2 year 12% mortgage. Fieldstone and red brick farm home situated on 4.4 acres surrounded by beautiful maple trees. 3 bedrooms, large living room with stone fireplace. 2 car garage, stone fence, small barn. SNOWDON ACRES - Two year old ranch style bungalow on lake front, winterized, all year round residence, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, 4 pc. bath, full basement electric heat. Sun deck 40' x 14'. One hundred foot lakefront. CALL ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield 565-2813 300', 01,5 itt. 4 W za ^I MM. 11 w'aa®1' 11 1 0001. 26. Help wanted ELECTRICIAN: Must have interprovincial certification or be eligible for A.I.B. cer- tification: Millwright Certified Journeyman preferred but will give consideration to holders of machinist, welding or heavy duty mechanics certificate ander those with experience in the trade. Rate $13.08 per hour (certified I . Contact D-14 Krahn. Weldwood of ('anad< Limited, Box 630. Slave Lake: Alberta. TOG 2A0, (4031 849- 4333.- 28bc 1 VI JOHN L DUDDY D IAL ESTATE LTD. ......O NEW, LISTING - Auburn. Red brick church conver- ted to a residence. 3400 sq. ft. of living area, or could be a superb an- tique sales outlet, restaurant or artist's studio. Price '49,900. N EW LISTING - Brick bungalow at Vanastra. Priced at '26.500 or best offer. NEW LISTING - Duplex at 79/81 King St., Clinton. '400 per month Income. 2.06 ACRES - 1% storey home, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen. '49,900. 5 ACRES - Paved rood location on edge of Seaforth. Contains 4 bedroom split level home with farrowing barns. '94,000. MANUFACTURING PLANT Set up for metal fabricating. Concrete building of 13,000 sq. ft. 3 phase hydro service. Welding and paint spraying facilities, also offices. '70,000. 1.03 ACRES - Near Bayfield. Brick house in an attractive setting. Near the Lake; could be a summer home. '32,000. HIGH ON A HILL - Super location near Bayfield marina. Brick raised bungalow "neat as a pin". Now reduced. VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY - Bayfield Main St. Large retail store with gracious, modernized living quar- ters. Income property, many potential uses. GENERAL STORE - Village location. Good summer trade. Large lot with store, living quarters, double garage and private patio. Includes Post Office. Provides good, steady Income LAUNDROMAT - Really neat and tidy operation showing good returns. Information on request. CALL JOHN DUDDY 482-3652 JOHN THOMPSON 527-0238 LEAH KUEHL 482-7304 FICE 482-3766 CLINTON OFFICE - 482-3455 GERRIT WILTS 523-4229 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 AILEEN CRAIG 482-3669 MARY ST. - 3 bedroom 11/7 storey home. '20,000.°°, LAKEVIEW COTTAGE - 3 bedrooms, nicely decorated - South of Bayfield, MARY ST. - 3 or 4 bedroom, 1 floor, nicely renovated home, office space, family room, garage. 10% mtge. 21/2 ACRES - near Clinton, 4 bedroom brick home, excellent condition, barn, shed, nicely treed. ALBERT ST.- 2 bedroom, 1 floor, nicely renovated, asking '24,900.00 ISAAC ST. - Double lot, 3 bedroom home with femily room. ISAAC ST.: Lot 99 x 144, 5 bedroom home, 2 fireplaces, dining room, den, TOWNSEND ST.: Lot 41 x 132, 4 bedrooms, family room, modern kit. then, BRUCEFIEL'D-- 3 bedroom, 1 storey home. '25,000.00. NO. 4 HIGHWAY: Lot 75 x 200, modern commercial building, 12'/. % mtge. MATILDA, ST. - 3 bedroom bungalow, finished basement, carport, plus • '44,900," HENSALL - Restaurant and apartment above. HURON ST. - Attractive home, formal dining room, 3 bedrooms, try your offer, TOWNSEND ST. - executive style home, 4 bedrooms, fireplace. garage, paved drive, mtge, considered, INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOT: 113 x 190, Building has 5,940 sq. ft. only '20,000." ONTARIO ST. - Elegant home featuring large family room, dining' room, '58,000.°°. HOLMESVILLE - 3 bedroom, 1 floor - home on large treed lot, '38,000.00. NORTH ST. S. - 4 bedroom, Aluminum clad home, 121/2% mortgage. '25,000.00. KING ST.: Lot 82 x 132, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, double garage, '34,500,". MATILDA ST.: Lot 97 x 128, 2 bedrooms, dining room, 10'/2 % mortoge ONTARIO ST.: 4 bedroom home, natural woodwork, stained windows, garage, ALBERT ST.: Store and apartment, good condition, '29,900. °O. VODDENS BEACH: Lot 80' x 160', 2 bedroom cottage. TOWNSEND 5T. - Nicely landscaped lot, 4 bedroom attractive home, QUALITY BUILT: Brick g Vinyl side split, 3 bedroom home, family room, garage plus- BLYTH - 3 or 4 bedroom home, large lot, only '25,900,00, APARTMENT BUILDING - 12 unit showing good returns in Goderich. VARNA - 4 bedroom aluminum sided home '30,000.00 01 ACRES . 70 workable, house 8 born • highway 8 near Clinton. HOLMESVILLE 2500 sq. ft. finished in this tri- level on acre-,